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             Sharon B. Myatt, Ouachita County, AR

SOURCE: Chicago: The Goodspeed Publishing Co., 1889.
Contributed by Carol Smith.

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Ouachita County, Arkansas - from Goodspeed's History of Arkansas

Sharon B. Myatt, a prominent farmer of Bridge Creek Township, was born April 5, 1847, in this county, a son of Alfred B. and Jane F. (Elliott)
Myatt, natives of North and South Carolina, respectively. Alfred B. Myatt was born in 1811, in Wake County, North Carolina of English
descent. He was a farmer by occupation and was reared principally in Alabama, to which State he had removed when he was eleven years of
age. At the age of twenty he went to Columbus, Miss., where he went into business, in 1841 he came to this State and located in this county,
settling on Government land. He died in 1889, being on e of the oldest settlers in this county at the time of his death. The mother was born in
1823, a daughter of Robert Elliott, also an old settler of this county. Mrs. Myatt is still living and resides with her son, the subject of this sketch.
She is a member of the Protestant Methodist Church. She was the mother of six children: five of whom are still living, viz: Rufus (deceased),
Melissa (now Mrs. Kennedy, who was born in 1844), Sharon R., Florence Isabella (now Mrs. Hughes, of Washington Township), Ophelia F.
(unmarried and living at home), and Vernon D. (a farmer of this township). Mr. Myatt commenced working for himself at the age of nineteen
years, being employed in a saw mill. In 1877 he purchased his present farm, and in 1889 was married to Miss Minne Smith, born in Union County
in 1872, a daughter of William Smith of the same county. This union has been blessed with one child - a boy - named Alfred B. In 1864, Mr.
Myatt enlisted in the Home Guards, in which he served until the close of the war. He owns 300 acres of land, with nearly 200 acres under
cultivation. Both he and wife are members of the Protestant Methodist Church, and he is also a member of the County Wheel. In his political
view he affiliates with the Democratic party, and is actively interested in all laudable public enterprises.