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Biography of George W Thompson, Newton Co, AR

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Submitted by: John Levi Kent
Email address: <jkent @ oztech . com>
February 2000

From Goodspead Brothers, Publishers - 1894.


Dr. George W. Thompson is a successful follower of Esculapius at Cave
Creek, Ark., and through ability and well-merited success has built up a
practice that is eminently satisfactory. He is a product of Caldwell
County, Ky., born in 1836, and the son of William R. Thompson who was
born in Claiborne County, Tenn., in 1807. The father was liberally
educated in his native State and was there married to Miss Elizabeth
Wells, also of Tennessee, and a lady of more than ordinary intelligence.
She was born in Knox County in 1808. About 1834 the parents removed to
Caldwell County, Ky., and in 1854 came by wagon to Monroe County, Ark.,
but after remaining there a short time removed to Lawrence County, where
Mr. Thompson died in 1855. Four years later the mother received her
final summons and both are interred in that county. She was a worthy
member of the Baptist Church. Mr. Thompson followed the occupation of a
blacksmith and wagonmaker and was an industrious, hardworking citizen.
Our subject's grandfather, Ephraim Thompson, was probably born in the
highlands of Scotland, and when but a boy came to America, locating in
east Tennessee. He was a soldier in the War of 1812, and an officer. His
death occurred in Mobile, Ala., and his wife passed away in Knox County,
Tenn. James Wells, the maternal grandfather, died in Knox County, Tenn.
He was of German origin and was a farmer and overseer. Of the thirteen
children born to his parents our subject was fourth in order of birth.
The others were named as follows: Louisa, who was the wife of Atmond
Knighten, died in Fulton County, Ark.; Lucinda, who was married to
William Norris, died in Sharp County; Minerva Jane, deceased, was the
wife of John Norris; Catherine, deceased, was the wife of William
Johnson; Margaret, deceased, was the wife of James Boyd; William, a
single man, died at Petersburg during the war in which he served as a
Confederate soldier; Angeline, single, died in Lawrence County; Mahala,
single, died in Fulton County; the next two died unnamed; James died
young and Nora died young. Our subject is the only one now living of the
above mentioned children. He was reared to farm work and also assisted
his father in the shop, in the meantime receiving a fair education. When
about eighteen years of age he determined to fathom the theory and
practice of medicine and succeeded. He first began studying with Dr.
James Parker, in Lawrence County, practiced some, and in 1858-9 attended
Louisville Medical College. After that, for two years, he practiced in
Lawrence County, and in June, 1861, enlisted in Company D, Seventh
Arkansas Infantry, State troops, serving for a few months., There was
then a call for Confederate troops for three years, and he enlisted in
the Tenth Missouri Light Artilery as assistant surgeon and served twelve
months in Tennessee, Kentucky and Missouri. Returning home on a furlong
he was obliged to remain there, for the Federals had taken possession of
the river. Later he enlisted in the Second Arkansas Cavalry as assistant
surgeon and operated in Arkansas and Missouri until the close. He was on
Gen. Price's raid in Missouri and Kansas, and was captured in Prairie
County, Ark., just before the surrender. He was held four days and then
released on account of his being a surgeon, was sent to Little Rock with
city limits, where he remained until the final surrender. Following the
war he located in Fulton County, for four years, and afterward spent the
same length of time at Calico Rock, after which he located in Baxter
County, where he remained six years. From there he removed to Boone
County and four years later came to Newton County, where he resided near
Mount Hersey for some time. From there he moved to Cave Creek and is one
of the oldest and most prominent physicians in this section, having
practiced for about thirty-five years. He has also been engaged in the
drug and grocery business nearly all the time and at present is carrying
on that business at Cave Creek. In the year 1865 he was married in
Lawrence County to Miss Mary E. Goforth, a native of Giles County,
Tenn., and the daughter of Hazel and Sabree Caroline Goforth, who moved
from Tennessee to Lawrence County about 1850 and died there after the
war. To Dr. and Mrs. Thompson have been born eight children: Samuel H.,
died in infancy; James C., died when two years of age; Minerva Jane,
died when fourteen years of age; Marcus B.; Ada Ann, wife of J. M. May;
C. W.; William R., died when six years of age; and Ida Belle, died in
infancy. In politics the Doctor has ever been a Democrat, and his first
presidential vote was cast for J. Buchanan in 1856. He and wife have
been members of the Christian Church for a number of years, and he is a
Royal Arch Mason, a member of Evening Shade Lodge No. 143, and Chapter
at Batesville No. 10.