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Marion Co AR   Newspaper Abstract
Marion County, Arkansas - Mountain Echo Newspaper
May 1890

Submitted by: Gladys Horn Brown


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Gladys Horn Brown
For all to freely enjoy, I gladly share these, and future issues,
in memory of my grandmother, Ora Noe Wootton (1877-1951), the 
daughter of Andrew Jackson Noe and Emeline Patterson, Yellville,
Marion County, Arkansas.  <see Copyright Notice Above>

Mtn. Echo, May 2, 1890

ANNOUNCEMENTS [Abstracts & subject to the action of the 
Democratic Party.]

B. B. Hudgins, of Boone county, for Circuit Judge of the 
14th Judicial District of Arkansas.

J. C. Floyd for Prosecuting Attorney of the 14th Judicial 

J. W. Coker for Representative.

For Sheriff: G. P. Lawson, C. C. Poynter, E. T. Record, J. 
J. Keeter and J. P. Sims.

A. W. Wickersham for Clerk.

A. S. Callahan for County Treasurer.

J. J. Horner for County Treasurer.

J. B. Taylor for Assessor.

J. S. Owens for County Judge.

J. W. Brady for Surveyor.

T. L. Kelley for Surveyor.

Gov. Eagle has been very sick for several days, but is 
better now.

Benton and Faulkner counties have instructed for Morrow for 
State Treasurer.

Seven patients in Massachusetts Insane Asylum received 
health and reason after an attack of "La Grippe."

Hon. Jacob Frolich, candidate for State Treasurer, has been 
at the point of death.

LATER -- Mr. Frolich is dead.

Miss Winnie Davis is said to be engaged to a young northern 
man whose people were among the most prominent 
Abolitionists in the country.

We received notice last week from Mr. T. M. Seawell, 
Corresponding Secretary of the Henry W. Grady Literary 
Society of the Yellville Institute, that we had been 
elected an honorary member of that society.  We duly 
appreciate the honor and herewith return our thanks to 
members for the distinction thus conferred.  May the 
influence of this society for good and for the future of 
the community of Yellville be proportionate to that 
influence exercised and wielded by its illustrious and 
immortal namesake upon the future of this country. -- 
Baxter County Citizen.

Look out for mad dogs.

Leonard Weast is improving his residence.

Seven boxes of good pills at Patterson's for $1.

St. Louis Roller Mill flour at J. S. Cowdrey's.

Call at the post office for the new boom envelope.

For tobacco, cigars and cigarettes, go to Patterson's.

Please don't expect us to make affidavit to legal work 
done, without first paying us for it.

Newcomers at John Bawcom's and Matt Owens.' Both are boys 
and Democrats.  So says Dr. Noe.

John Cowdrey carries a full line of the celebrated Tennent 
Stribling & Ely Boots and Shoes.  Buy no other.

If you go to Patterson's for drugs you will be sure to get 
what you want, properly and carefully labeled.

Under the new process, Mr. Tibbs can take pictures as well 
on a cloudy day as any other.  Give him a call.

J. S. Cowdrey wants all the candidates to come in and 
electioneer with him to buy a suit of Clothes, a Hat and a 
pair of Boots or Shoes.

If you want a history of Arkansas, call on G. R. Patterson.  
He has the agency for this county.  Everybody should have 
this splendid history. 

The Yellville Echo deserves praise for great improvements 
recently in all its departments.  It is one of the best 
papers of North Arkansas now. -- Harrison Times.

J. S. Cowdrey buys his boots and shoes of the celebrated 
new cash house of Tennent Stribling & Ely Shoe company, 
therefore, he can sell you boots and shoes cheaper than the 

Now that the Central Committee has decided how the ticket 
shall be nominated, every man who intends to make the race 
should announce at once, so that the people can begin to 
make up their minds whom they will support.

Editor Echo:  You will please direct my Echo to Prescott, 
A. T., care of J. F. Wilson.  I left Alton, Mo., Thursday 
with papa and I am now on the train sailing through 
Colorado.  I have seen many snow-capped mountains and have 
just passed some Mexican villages.  I also saw three 
cowboys today.  Give my regards to Mrs. Jones.  Irene 
The patrons who accepted the invitation to visit the school 
last Friday evening enjoyed themselves highly.  The 
entertainment given by the young people showed that they 
are beginning to study some of the knotty problems with 
which they will soon have to deal.  These impromptu 
entertainment will be given every two weeks on Friday 
evenings.  Let everybody attend the next one.

We take pleasure in calling the attention of our readers to 
the announcement of Hon. T. H. Flippin as a candidate for 
Representative. Mr. Flippin was born and raised in Marion 
county, and is certainly familiar with the wants and needs 
of our people.  He has most of his life, been engaged in 
farming, but has a fair education and is well posted on the 
political issues of the day, both local and national.  He 
is a thorough Democrat, a fluent speaker and has done a 
great deal of work for the party.  He was elected by the 
Democratic Party to represent this county in the State 
Legislature in '84.  His record as a public man is before 
the people, and he is willing to be judged by it.

The new town council has started off like it means 
business.  J. H. Berry has been appointed Treasurer and J. 
A. Young Marshall and Street Commissioner.  The Marshall 
will be given a salary and his service will belong to the 
town.  We think the action of the council a wise one.  We 
can't expect any man to spend his time in keeping peace and 
working the streets without paying him for it.  Now we 
predict we will have better behavior at public gatherings 
and better streets.  Let the Marshall be given every 

Hon. S. W. Peel and Senator Berry have sent several 
valuable maps, books, etc., to our school, for which the 
school and all our citizens are grateful.  These gentlemen 
never forget their duty or their constituency.  

A dog, supposed to be mad, created considerable excitement 
north of town last week.  It bit a horse, two calves and 
two dogs belonging to Frank Taylor, a cow for Thomas 
Roberson, and it is supposed that the other stock in that 
vicinity was bitten.  The dog was finally killed by Nat 
Estes.  It was a large black one, wearing a collar and a 
piece of trace chain.  Look out for mad dogs.

LATER -- This dog was unquestionably mad.  It was down in 
Rea Valley last Sunday week and bit a dog for Caleb 
Williams, one for Doc Blythe and a hog for J. E. 
Montgomery.  It also bit a great deal of other stock down 
there, and tried to bite one of Eb. Newton's children.  The 
same dog was biting things on Rush creek and out about the 
Flippin Barrens.  Let everybody be on the lookout.

MARRIAGES: The following parties have been licensed to 
marry since we last published the list in March:

Moses Thomas, Franklin, 22 - Mary Campbell, Franklin, 19.
Charles Burns, Water Creek, 19 - Ella Roper, Water Creek, 
James H. Whitson, Prairie, 30 - Mary E. Daniels, Prairie, 
S. N. Beaird, North Fork, 43 - Mrs. Mary Loftis, North 
Fork, 28.
Frank Wadley, Union, 32 - Mrs. Nancy Henderson, Union, 34.

OBITUARY: We received the following clipping from 
Independence county, which we were requested to publish:

Died. - One the 28th of March 1890 in the town of Sulphur 
Rock, Ark. Mrs. Martha A. Mentor, wife of D. W. C. Mentor, 
in the 25th year of her age. Mountain Echo please copy.  T.

Mrs. Mentor was a daughter of "Uncle" Henry Dosier, was 
born and raised in Marion county and had many warm friends 
here.  She was a consistent member of the Methodist church 
and was willing and ready to die.  Her husband, parents and 
friends have the sympathy of our people.


Notice is hereby given that there will be an annual meeting 
of the miners of the Buffalo Mining District, held in the 
town of Yellville on Saturday the third day of May 1890, at 
the hour of 1 o'clock P.M., for the purpose of electing all 
officers, and to transact any and all business that may 
come before the miners for the protection and development 
of the mineral interests of the Buffalo Mining District. 
All the miners are hereby urged to be present and take part 
in the proceedings.  Come one, come all.  Respectfully, J. 
M. Coker, President, Attest. B. F. Fee, Recorder.

Mtn. Echo, May 16, 1890

Wood E. Thompson has withdrawn from the race for Supt. of 
Public Instruction of this State.  Shinn will doubtless 
receive the nomination.

Blaine requests that our Ministers abroad be given the 
title of "Ambassadors."  What will the Republican Party 
suggest next in favor of changing the laws and customs that 
have been honored for a century.

The clerk's office at Eureka Springs was burglarized one 
night last week and the record of indictments and all the 
indictments against ex-Treasurer Field and others were 
stolen.  Gip Taylor, Deputy Clerk, offers a reward of $250 
for the arrest and conviction of the thief and the return 
of the papers.  Ex-Treasurer Field offers an additional 
reward of $100. Boone Banner.


We forgot to state last week that the company that had 
taken on operation on Ad. Hampton's farm, and had paid $100 
down, came back at the end of the time and renewed the 
option paying another $100.  This insures the sale of the 
property, as no sensible man or company would be paying out 
$100 every 30 days for nothing.

John T. Dysart, Jr. has become sole agent for the Hamilton 
& Dysart Marion County Arkansas Mineral map, by whom all 
orders will be promptly filled at the Wilson House, 
Yellville, Marion county, Arkansas.

W. Q. Seawel last Saturday brought up some of the finest 
carbonate of zinc from his mines on Rush creek that we have 
ever seen.  It will pay any of our citizens to call at Mr. 
Seawel's store and take a look at these specimens.

J. T. Dysart has struck a fine thing on Lost Jack, three 
miles east of town.  His men are now working a vein of 
mineral bearing zinc with a five foot face.  The rock is 
full of the very finest jack.  In fact, there is two or 
three times as much zinc as there is rock.  This will call 
for a crusher out there.

M. F. Ellis, an expert from Atchison, Kan., who has made 
two or three trips into this county to examine our mineral 
for large capitalists, arrived in town Wednesday night and 
will be here about a month.  A Mr. Solimon and a Mr. Bowman 
accompanied him.  Mr. Solimon is quite an old gentleman and 
very wealthy.  He put up the first crusher that was built 
in Colorado in 1859.  Mr. Ellis is very enthusiastic over 
our county and says a man can find a zinc mine most 
anywhere here.  It occurs to us that our mines are on a 

Joe Lemen(sic) was out at the mine on the bluff fork of 
James creek last Saturday.  He says Mr. Beattie has taken 
out between 75 and 100 tons of zinc and that he has 46 tons 
of machinery about ready to be shipped here.  The machinery 
consists of a crusher and other fixtures.  The crusher is 
to have a capacity of 50 tons and will be furnished with 
steam jigs and rollers.  Mr. Lemen(sic) thinks that this 
mine will be one of the richest in the county.  We 
understand from another source that Mr. Beattie is getting 
ready to build a tramway from his mine to White river.


John Pierce left last Saturday on a visit to his old home 
in Illinois.

The new school desks are at McBee's Landing.

Mrs. E. L. Berry is training a class of children for an 
entertainment in the near future.

[Local Echoings is black and badly torn on the left of the 
column, and blackened streaks running across it.]

"Bob" King and wife passed through town on a visit to 
Mountain Home last Friday.

__ D. McBride and J. B. Wood ____ W. A. Blalock will build 
the ___ school house at Harrison.

Let everybody come out to the school election next 
Saturday.  Come out and let your preferences and sentiments 
be known.

A. B. Allen is visiting old friends in Yellville this week.  
He formerly lived here and says it seems like home to him.

Dr. J. C. Higgs was not satisfied with his location at Peel 
and has removed to Bennets, Baxter Co., where he expects to 
locate permanently.  

It is not often that a newspaper man can get a good print 
when he first puts a new dress on his paper.  If the print 
should be a little bad this week please excuse us.  We 
sincerely hope that we can conduct The Echo in the future 
with less severity than we have used in the past, but we 
intend to hew to the line let the chips fall where they 

"Uncle Billy" Reynolds, of Flippin, made our office a 
pleasant call last Thursday and complimented The Echo very 
highly.  Mr. Reynolds is one of our best citizens and his 
encouraging words were thankfully received.

Mrs. Olive Carter is going to raise silk worms this year.  
She received quite a good lot of eggs from Washington and 
will try to start the silk industry here.  This is a fine 
climate for the mulberry, and we hope the experiment will 
be a paying one.

The courthouse at Salem, Fulton county, was burned one 
night last week.  A great many records were lost, and the 
"Fulton Banner" which was in the courthouse, was also 
burned. It is the work of an incendiary.  We hope that the 
"Banner" will soon get in shape to make its regular visits 
to us.

The two Literary societies last Friday night held 
interesting sessions.  The question for debate was the 
Yellville Literary society "Resolved that a high protective 
tariff is a blessing to the country.  Affirmative speakers, 
Stell Davis and John Hathcock.  Negative speakers, G. R. 
Patterson and John O'Neal.  The question was able discussed 
and decided in favor of the negative.  Dr. Bryan gave a 
short but interesting lecture on anatomy and physiology at 
the close of the session.  It was listened to by both 
societies. There will be a contest between the two 
societies Friday night, May 23rd. An interesting programme 
has been made out. Let everybody come out. Dr. Bryan and 
Dr. Coker are each expected to deliver a lecture on hygiene 
in the near future.

The Echo modestly comes to its readers this week in a bran 
new dress, considerably enlarged and improved.  There is no 
greater proof of the rapid improvement of our county than 
in the prosperity of The Echo.  No newspaper can be 
prosperous in a slow and unprosperous community, and no 
community can afford to do without a wide-awake and 
progressive local paper -- one that is ever ready to defend 
the interests of the community, and to be in the van in 
every progress.  Since The Echo came under its present 
management, we can truthfully say it has done its best to 
help build up the town and county and to promote the best 
interests of the people.  We have acted in every instance 
on what we though was right and our readers knowing this 
have always generously forgiven our mistakes.  It is true 
that in contending for a better society we have met with 
considerable opposition, and in some instances personal 
feelings have been engendered, but no newspaperman is worth 
a cent to his community that has not the courage of his 
convictions.  We have been nobly backed by those who 
believe in law, order, progress, and the suppression of 
evil.  We thank our friends for the support given, and 
thank our enemies for the part they have taken to bringing 
about the prosperity of The Echo. [cut off.]

The Harrison Times thinks that if we would investigate we 
would find the one that needs "scorching" in the Meriott 
and Lovelady case is nearer home than Harrison.  We are 
satisfied that a commitment should have been given to the 
jailer in Harrison by our authorities, and we are also sure 
that the jailer should have demanded a commitment before 
receiving the prisoners.  Besides it occurs to us that 
undue haste and secrecy was used in the haebas corpus.


Health is good this week, with the exception of J. E. 
Montgomery who is still suffering with cancer on his side.

Jack Wheat's cow, which was bitten by the mad dog that was 
killed by Nat Estes a few days ago, went mad and had to be 

John Hataway(sic), who lived on the Hull farm near White 
river, has moved over into Baxter county.  It is believed 
that he took enough provisions out of R. E. Montgomery's 
house to last him on his journey.

DELINQUENT TAX LIST. [Only the names are transcribed. They 
are turned surname first in order to alphabetize.  Some 
names are listed multiple times, but transcribed only once 

The lands and lots and parts of lots returned delinquent in 
Marion County, Arkansas for the year 1889, together with 
the taxes and penalty charge thereon, agreeable to law, are 
contained and described in the following list, viz:

Abee, James
Adams, E. E.
Allen, C. C.
Amos, C. P.
Austin, John A.
Barkhimmer, W.
Barnett, E. A.
Bartlet, J. M.
Briggs, Andrew
Burlison, Wm. H.
Burlison, Wm. W.
Burns, W. H.
Campbell, J. W.
Chapman, W. Albert
Coker, J. M., Sr.
Dudley, Calvin
Dury & Thompson
Eoff, I. T.
Gear, Martha A.
Haggard, Sam'l. J.
Hall, Geo.
Harris, J. W.
Hinds, O. E. & Co.
Holt, G. L.?
Holt, Richard S.
Hopper, Wm. B.
James, A. B.
Kendell, W. W. & Co.
Kirby, D. W., heirs of
Lambertson, M. C.
Layton, A. S.
May, H.
McBee, J. H.
McCracken, J. N.
McIntosh, J. A.
Meshew, Thomas
Milum, J. B.
Montgomery, W.
Noe, C. W.
Pershall, James
Place, D. C.
Raby, J. D.
Rea, J. C.
Richmond, Nathaniel
Robard, S.J.G.
Roberts, N. E.
Self, Louis
Simmons, G. W.
Smith, Angus
Smith, Jacob
Smith, T. J.
Stinnett, Benj.
Stonecipher, Ben.
Stonecipher, J. H.
Stonecipher, S. C.
Taylor, W. F.
Terry, Jno. F.
Thornton, W. G.
Toney, L. D.(2 yrs)
Trimble, Allen
Trimble, John
Trimble, John N.
Vance, M. D.
White, Z. T.
Williams, _____
Williams, J. F.
Wood, F. M.
Wood, J. B.
Yocham, G. W.

Mtn. Echo, May 23, 1890

Hot Springs had a $40,000 fire last week.

The Louisiana Lottery is offering the state $1,000,000 per 
annum for a renewal of its charter. It is to be seen 
whether or not the honor of Louisiana is for sale.

Mammoth Springs had a regular water spout one day last 
week.  The fish dam was washed away and all the fish 
escaped.  No one was injured as everybody happened to be in 

Jake Kilrain is doing some good training now.  He is 
carrying off lumber for a saw mill in Miss.  His three 
months will soon be up, after which he will be ready for 
another bout with some pugilist.

At Jackson, Tennessee last week, a Frenchman insulted the 
little nine year old daughter of a respectable citizen, and 
her father had him arrested and tied up, after which he 
gave him 900(?) lashes with a horse whip. He was then 
released and [cut off]

Dave Morris, a constable of Sharpe County, last week killed 
N. J. Adams.  He claimed to have a warrant for the arrest 
of Adams and that Adams resisted.  Morris is the man who 
killed Thos. Yates, Adams' son-in-law, last winter.  Sharpe 
county had best take his "pops" from him.

John B. Lizenby, of Washington county, was recently 
assassinated, and it is supposed, by Zack Mason.  It seems 
that Lizenby had accused Mason of criminal intimacy with 
his own (Mason's) sister, and tried to have him indicted 
for incest by the grand jury.  Mason is the son of Rev. 
Clark Mason, who is well known all over Northwest Arkansas.  
Mason can not be found.

J. T. Montgomery, of Onset, was in town last Monday and 
left three subscriptions that he had obtained for us in his 
neighborhood.  We hope all our friends will now begin to 
work for us.

Joe Lemon has made a rich find of lead on one of his 
private claims, the Esperanza.  He also took out about five 
tons of lead and zinc last week from the Cincinnati, one of 
the Shoney company's mines.

Mr. Fristo, a wealthy mining capitalist, of Kansas City, 
arrived here last Wednesday.  He, Mr. Hughes, W. Q. Seawel 
and J. T. Dysart are out examining the country.  A great 
deal depends on how Mr. Fristo and Mr. Hughes likes the 
mineral outlook here.

T. C. Hopkins, who is here making the marble survey for the 
State Geologist, went up to Dodd city last Monday. He has 
carefully examined the marble everywhere he has gone, and 
his report will be a big thing for Northwest Arkansas.  He 
told us Wednesday that it is possible that our marble will 
be more valuable than our mines.

S. H. Emanuel and S. Weil left last Sunday for New York, 
after ordering The Echo sent to all the offices of the new 
N. Y. Lead & Zinc Company.  Mr. Weil, who is President of 
the company, was highly pleased with the property, and will 
have active work to begin at once.  This company has plenty 
of money and it proposes to work its property in the most 
modern, improved and scientific manner.  The property 
belonging to this company is on James creek.

Judge Fulkerson, of Virginia, is still in this county, and 
has been for several days the guest of Eld. W. B. Flippin.  
Mr. Flippin says that the judge wants to lease all the land 
embraced by White river, from the head of James creek to 
McBee's Landing.  This would surely be the largest mining 
camp in the country, and mineral can be found almost all 
over it.  Of course it will be impossible for the judge to 
get all this territory, but he will probably get enough of 
it to make it one of the richest mining sections in our 


[The left side of Local Echoings is black, torn and 
streaked. What can be read is attempted.]

Everybody is pleased with the seven column Echo.  

We forgot to mention last week that Isam Cantrell has 
removed to Sebastian county.

Dr. Coker has fully decided that he will not make the race 
for Representative.

__. D. Powell believes in the Power of the press.  He 
called in last Friday and left us 10 cash subscribers, most 
of whom are St. Louis capitalists.  Many thanks.

The new lock boxes for the post office have arrived and as 
soon as the office is removed will be put in.  Yellville is 
putting on more and more city airs all the time.

D. M. Halliburton, the jolly Life Insurance agent who 
stopped here several days last summer, is a candidate for 
the Legislature in Yell county.

Squire Pierce, of Blythe township, requested us to say in 
our last issue that he would not be a candidate for any 
office.  We forgot the __ last week but call attention to 
it now.

___ H. Young, of Ravenden Springs is visiting his brother 
J. A. ___ of this place.  Mr. Young is a former citizen of 
our town and appears to be a nice young gentleman.

"Aunt" Phamy Vanzandt, wife of "Uncle Sam" Vanzandt, died 
at her home last Tuesday.  She was a noble woman and was 
loved by all.  A suitable obituary will appear next week.

W. C. McBee and family, and Miss Norberry, his children's 
governess, are visiting friends in Springfield this week.  
It is reported on reliable authority that Mr. McBee and 
Miss Norberry will be married at Springfield. 
[GHB Note: Wm. C. McBee to Winnie M. Norburg 7 Aug. 1890 
Greene Co, MO]

An entertainment will be given by the children next Sunday 
night.  The programme is very interesting and everybody 
should attend.  Mrs. J. H. Berry and Mrs. E. L. Berry have 
the management of the entertainment, which insures its 
perfect success.

S. W. Woods, of Izard county, arrived in our town with his 
family last Monday, and will become a permanent citizen 
here.  Mr. Woods is a brilliant young attorney, a staunch 
Democrat and a thorough gentleman, and we cordially welcome 
him to our thriving town.  He will occupy a part of the old 
Layton Hotel for the present.

The school election last Saturday was well attended and 
very harmonious.  G. W. McDowell was elected school 
director, a tax of 3-1/2 mills was voted, and it was 
decided to have a 5 months free school, under the 
supervision of Profs. Harris and Watson.  This will give 
all the children in the district the advantages that those 
who are attending the Institute are receiving, which beyond 
all question gives them better facilities than they have 
ever before had.  The free school opens August 1st.

We take pleasure in calling the attention of our readers to 
the professional card of S. W. Woods, who has located with 
us for the practice of law.  Mr. Woods graduated in the law 
school at Louisville, Ky., in 1882 and immediately came 
back to Melbourne and entered the practice.  He has been 
engaged in the practice of law ever since, and has built up 
quite an enviable reputation.  In '86 he was admitted to 
practice before the Supreme Court of the State. These 
qualifications certainly ought to give him a favorable 
introduction to our people.

The attention of our readers is called to the announcement 
of J. W. Smith, of Sugar Loaf township, as a candidate for 
Assessor. Mr. Smith is a young man of much promise.  He has 
taught school for six years and holds a first grade 
certificate, and is, therefore, certainly well qualified 
for the position he seeks.  He is an active young man, with 
excellent habits, and has never voted anything but the 
straight Democratic ticket.  He also says that he will 
gracefully submit to the action of his party.  If he is 
elected, we feel sure that he will be an active, fair and 
competent Assessor.

We take pleasure in calling the attention of our readers to 
the announcement of G. W. McDowell as candidate for County 
Treasurer.  Mr. McDowell is too well and favorably known to 
need any recommendation on our part. He has never sought 
office in his life and only consents to make this race at 
the earnest solicitation of his many friends. He is 
conceded to be the best bookkeeper in the county, and that 
he is thoroughly honest and reliable no one will deny. His 
business is such that he cannot enter actively into the 
canvass, but he says if he is elected he will be the 
Treasurer, and that he will attend to all the business 


Bob and Omer Rea visited home Sunday.

T. L. Gilley is out of school this week on account of poor 

J. B. Clark was called home on account of the sickness of 
his mother.


At the school meeting last Saturday in District No. 27, the 
following was unanimously adopted.  Whereas Dr. Dodd has 
made a very liberal donation in the way of lumber to 
rebuild our school house that was destroyed by fire, and 
whereas J. S. Cowdrey has also made a very liberal donation 
in the way of nails, therefore be it resolved that we 
tender these gentlemen our sincere thanks for their 
kindness and generosity.  And be it further resolved that 
THE MOUNTAIN ECHO be requested to publish the above 


Crops are looking very well considering the backward 

J. E. Montgomery is no better.

We had an interesting school meeting last Saturday and 
voted a 2-1/2 mil tax.  This will run us a good summer 
school year next year.

We are informed that one of Nin Wood's steers is laying out 
in the mountains two miles Southwest of here, with a bullet 
hole in its forehead.  


Crops are about all planted in this neck of the woods. Most 
of the cotton is up but the cool nights are making it look 
like some of us candidates will look after the convention.

The river is in good boating stage yet, and has been for 
the last six months.  Don't say we have no river. Mr. 
Editor:  Let's take stock in the White and Black River 
Transportation company and let Gould and Gen. Clayton have 
the railroad. 

The steamer Ralph will perhaps make one more trip this 

The seats for the church and school at Yellville have not 
arrived at our Wharf yet.

Our school meeting in District No. 1 went off all okay, and 
the school has been entrusted to Miss Minnie Clendenen of 
Baxter County.

Mr. Editor:  Come down and let's go a fishing before it 
gets too hot.  Guess we can catch you a grinnel.

May The Echo live long and prosper.  A. G. Cravens.

Mtn. Echo, May 30, 1890

Sam T. Chambers of Washington County killed I. N. Brown 
last week.

On March 4th, a ship was wrecked on one of the New Hebrides 
islands and the passengers and crew, 51 in number, were 
tomahawked and eaten by the natives.

Miss Florence McKeogh, a young lady living near Hot 
Springs, was shot and perhaps fatally wounded last week 
while out riding.  The assassin is unknown.

A young man by the name of Kirby who was supposed to have 
murdered an old man named Rogers, in Stone county, Mo. last 
December, has been captured.  He confessed his guilt.

The Mountain Echo, published at Yellville, comes to us this 
week in a bran new dress; greatly improved in appearance 
and general makeup. -- Shake Bro. Jones. -- Green Forest 


William H. Reed, writing for the Gazette, says that he 
knows of over fifty cases of hydrophobia that have been 
cured by the following remedy, which can be taken at any 
time after the bite, but the sooner the better, although he 
has known of some cases that were cured when the rabies 
were present:

Take one and a half ounces of elecampane root, grind it 
fine (a coffee mill will do), put the ground root in a pint 
of new milk, boil down to a half pint, take it at one dose 
in the morning, and fast till 4:00 P.M. on the same day.  
Repeat this every other day for three days, making three 
doses in all.  The last two doses may consist of two ounces 
of the root to the pint of milk.  It is important that it 
be taken on an empty stomach, also that nothing should be 
eaten till from 8 to 10 hours after taking.


The Census Enumerators will begin their work in this 
county, and everywhere else, next Monday.  The following 
questions will be asked you, and you should be ready to 
answer at once. 
1 - Christian name in full and initial of middle name, 
2 - Whether a soldier, sailor or marine during the Civil 
War, (United States or Confederacy) or widow of such 
3 - Relationship to head of family.
4 - Whether white, black, mulatto, quadroon, octoroon, 
Chinese, Japanese or Indian. 
5 - Sex.
6 - Age at nearest birthday. If under 1 year, give age in 
7 - Whether single, married, widowed or divorced.
8 - Whether married during the census year (June 1, 1889-
May 31, 1890)
9 - Mother of how many children, and number of these 
children living.
10 - Place of birth.
11 - Place of birth of father.
12 - Place of birth of mother.
13 - Number of years in the United States.
14 - Whether naturalized.
15 - Whether naturalization papers have been taken out.
16 - Profession, trade or occupation.
17 - Months employed during the census year(June 1, 1889-
May 31, 1890)
18 - Attendance at school (in months) during the census 
     (June 1, 1889 - May 31, 1890
19 - Able to read.
20 - Able to write.
21 - Able to speak English. If not, the language or dialect 
22 - Whether suffering from acute or chronic diseases, with 
name of
     disease and length of time afflicted.
23 - Whether defective in mind, sight, hearing, speech, or 
     crippled, maimed or deformed with name of defect.
24 - Whether a prisoner, convict, homeless child or pauper.
25 - Supplemental schedule and page.


[This part of the page is really bad.]

J. S. Cowdrey has put up a new sign in front of his store.

__ Carter's silk worms ___

Dr. Bryan has had his office repainted this week.

Henry McCabe is fitting up R. F. Patterson's drug store in 
first class shape this week.

J. T. McCracken, and Eld. W. B. Flippin gave The Echo a 
friendly call last Tuesday.

James Milum and his sister, Miss Myra, of Lead Hill, was 
visiting friends and relatives here last Saturday and 

Dr. Joe Simpson, of Mountain Home, an old school mate of 
ours, came over with Dr. Brewer last Saturday and paid us a 
pleasant visit.  

Jimmy, the little eight year old son of "Uncle Joe" 
Burlison, got one of his toes cut of Thursday morning.  We 
did not learn the particulars.

Dr. ___ Adams and Miss Permelin Newton were married last 
Sunday.  Rev. __ C. Ross officiated.  The happy couple have 
the best wishes of The Echo.  [There is a black streak 
through this but the marriage record is J. G. Adams, 24, 
Hampton to Permelia M. Newton, 18, White River.  Marriage 
on 25 May 1890.]

John B. Milum informs us that he expects to build a house 
in Yellville, move here and send his children to school.  
We think William Sims will do likewise.

We would be glad to have all our candidate friends pay up. 
We wish to make some investments that we can not make 
without the cash. Please pay up at the mass meeting June 

The re-election of the entire faculty of the Institute 
without a dissenting voice was quite a compliment to the 
teachers who have worked earnestly and faithfully for the 
success of the school.

Work on the courthouse is progressing this week.  Two or 
three rooms have been plastered.  A nice balustrade is put 
on top which improves the looks wonderfully.  The roof is 
also being painted.

Dr. Coker and Garrett Patterson went up to Harrison to the 
Soldier's Decoration, which takes place today (Friday).  
The grave of every Union soldier in the land is every year 
covered with flowers on the 30th of May.

W. C. Bradford who lives north of town had a little child 
to fall off his porch a few days ago, and get seriously 
hurt.  It was thought for over an hour that the child was 
dead.  It is better now but is badly bruised up.

The entertainment given by the Earnest Workers last Sunday 
night was a success.  The children all acquitted themselves 
well and created a very favorable impression on the large 
crowd present.  Mrs. J. H. Berry and Mrs. E. L. Berry 
deserve much praise for the interest they took in making 
the entertainment a success.

We take pleasure in calling the attention of our readers to 
the announcement of Hon. S. W. Peel as a candidate for 
Congress.  Col. Peel is too well and favorable known to 
need any recommendation on our part.  He has served the 
people of this District for many years, and has never 
failed to do his duty on any occasion.  He is a great and 
tireless worker, and on account of his standing among the 
members of the House he has succeeded in getting through 
Congress several bills of great importance to the people of 
this District.  His greatest work this session will be in 
getting appropriation for the improvement of White river.  
He has succeeded in getting $30,000 recommended by the 
Committee on Rivers and Harbors, and the bill will 
doubtless pass.  If Col. Peel is again chosen as our 
standard bearer in this District, we shall win easily and 
have a good and faithful Representative.

DeWit, son of Prof. Harris, who has been in Texas for some 
time, came home last week.  He will enter school here this 
Our school now has a museum. It is intended to collect 
every kind of curiosity, every kind of rock, mineral or 
anything else that will be of interest, and place them in 
the Library room of the school.  This will be an important 
feature in our school and everybody is invited to 
contribute.  If you have any war or Indian relics, or 
anything else of curious or interesting character, please 
contribute it to our museum.

The Educational Committee of the District High school held 
interesting sessions her last Sat. and Sat. night.  The 
following members were present: Rev. S. F. Dykes, P. E., 
Dr. Brewer, Dan McCurry and Rev. D. C. Ross.  J. W. Black 
was elected to fill the vacancy caused by the removal of G. 
C. Rhodes.  It was decided to have ten months of school 
next year, beginning the last Monday of September this 
year.  Prof. Harris and Watson were elected co-Principals, 
Mrs. W. R. Jones was elected Principal of the Primary 
Department, Mrs. T. W. Harris was elected Principal of the 
Music Department, and Ella Seawall(sic) was elected 
Librarian.  Fifteen hundred circulars were ordered printed 
and the Financial Agent instructed to spare no pains or 
expense to have the advantages of the school set forth to 
those who desire an education. Every traveling and local 
preacher in the Harrison Dist. is earnestly solicited to 
become actively interested in the success of the school.  
They are further urged to bring as many good books as they 
can collect, for our Library, to the Dist. Conference, or 
to send them at once to Rev. L. L. Seawel, Librarian.

The contest between the two Literary Societies last Friday 
night received considerable attention.  People began to 
pour into town from the country long before night, and when 
the contest opened the large lower room of the Institute 
building was densely packed with an intelligent and 
attentive audience.  The contest opened with a beautiful 
song by the Henry W. Grady Society, after which the 
audience stood up and listened to the Earnest prayer 
delivered by the Chaplain of the Yellville Society, Rev. 
John Hathcock.

After prayer, the Yellville Society treated the crowd to a 
song.  Prof. Watson then entertained everybody with a 
description of an imaginary man large enough to talk loud 
enough to be heard to the sun. 

Quimby Seawal(sic), of the Y. S., then delivered an eulogy 
on Patrick Henry.  He had a grand theme, and delivered it 
well making a visible impression on the large audience.  He 
was followed by Oscar Davis, of the Henry W. Grady society.  
His declamation was an eulogy on Daniel Webster, and he did 
his part well, and like Mr. Seawell(sic), made a good 

Miss Jennie Hudson, of the Y. S., read a charming essay - 
Subject, "Home" and was followed by Miss Annie Cowdrey of 
the H. W. G. S. whose subject was "My trip around the 
world."  Both essays showed careful preparation, and much 
skill, but were read too low for some of the audience to 

The question for debate was next on programme.  It was 
"Resolved that foreign emigration should be allowed."  The 
Y. S. represented by the Rev. John Hathcock and C. N. 
Wilson, affirmed, and H. W. G. S., represented by Roney 
Davis and Henry Hand, denied.  The speakers acquitted 
themselves well.  A dicision was given to the negative.  

While the judges were out consulting, Miss Ada Layton 
treated the audience to a song - "Gambling on a Sabbath 
Day."  This song is always received well and Miss Ada did 
it full justice.

"The Chronicle" was then read by its editor, Dr. J. M. 

"The Chronicle" is the official organ of the Y.S., and 
contained many good things, and a great deal of fun.  "The 
Student's Enterprise" was then read by its editress, Miss 
Dora Wilson.  This journal is the organ of H. W. G. S. and 
contained a vast amount of fun, and many good thoughts.

Mrs. E. L. Berry then led in that beautiful and sublime 
song - "God be with you till we meet again." After which 
the benediction was pronounced by Rev. S. F. Dykes, and the 
large good natured crowd went away well pleased with the 
entertainment, and more than ever in sympathy with our 
excellent school.


Mr. Editor: If you will kindly allow me the space I will 
say that although I have been urged to make the race for 
County and Probate Judge, I will not be a candidate for any 
office, but will cast my vote in the election, as I always 
have in the past, for the Democratic Ticket.  Respectfully, 
T. J. Smith.


Following are the Census Enumerators for this county: 
Union, H. W. Hudson; White River and Bearden, J. P. Wood; 
Hampton and Prairie, Dr. G. W. Jobe; Sugar Loaf and James 
Creek, Kenneth Hudson; Blythe, R. S. Lundy; Franklin and 
Crockett, J. C. Keene; North Fork, A. H. McVey; Buffalo and 
DeSoto, S. C. Hathaway; Water Creek and Tomahawk, G. W. 

OBITUARY [This obituary is too faded to read, but since it 
is an obituary, an attempt was made. Anyone researching 
this person should review the newspaper film. The dates are 
my best translation.]

Amy Uphamy Vanzandt, nee Callahan was born in Rutherford 
county, N.C. in 1835(?faded) was married in 1854(?faded) to 
Samuel Vanzandt.  Eight children blessed the union.  She 
was converted at a (?faded) meeting about four miles from 
Harrison in 1855(?faded).  She joined the M. E. Church, 
South, at that time but afterward connected herself with 
the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and still later on 
reunified herself with the M. E. Church, South, and 
remained a consistent member in it till her death, her 
membership being for many years at Pleasant Ridge of the 
Yellville Circuit.

After almost (?) months ago she had a severe attack of La 
Grippe.  Other diseases set in and her system was broken 
down.  On May 20th the weary and well worn wheels of life 
stood still.

Her life was one of great usefulness, her death a great 
triumph. As the writer stood at the foot of her bed and 
read the 23rd Psalm, she exclaimed, "The Lord is my 
shepherd. He is my shield and my high tower."  She talked 
calmly about dying.  "Aunt Phamy" as she was familiarly 
called lived so pure a life that she wrote her epitaph on 
the hearts of her family and neighbors, and surely no one 
could have witnessed her triumphant death without being 
drawn nearer to the Cross.  

The bereaved husband, children and relatives share largely 
the condolence of their neighbors whose lives have been so 
benefited by being associated with so pure a character as 
was hers.  D. C. Ross.