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Alice (York) Stephens Obituary, Jackson County, AR

Submitted by: Larry . Stegall<>
              - ggggrandson
        Date: 3-31-2005
Copyright.  All rights reserved.

Alice (York) Stephens 2-17-1938 Newport Daily Independent

Stephens, Alice H. (York)
(1858)TN Madison - (1938)AR Jackson
The following was taken from the Feb. 17, 1938 issue (front page) of 
the Newport Daily Independent stored on microfilm and available for 
viewing at the Arkansas History Commission in Little Rock.
Mrs. Alice H  (York) Stephens
It was with sincere regret that Newport residents learned this morning 
of the death of Mrs. Alice York Stephens which occurred at her home on
Laurel Street at 7:30 o'clock last night. Mrs. Stephens had fallen at
her home about a week ago and sustained a broken hip and a fractured 
From the time the accident occurred grave apprehension was felt about 
her and when a few days later she suffered a paralytic stroke those who
watched so lovingly at her bedside knew that the end was not far 
Mrs. Stephens was born in Jackson, Tenn., on Sept. 6, 1858. She was
brought to Jackson county when a child by her parents and lived at
Jacksonport before coming to Newport to reside. She married to Geo. K.
Stephens, a member of a prominent pioneer family in this section, in
1877. Mr. Stephens was a Confederate veteran and preceded his wife in
death by many years. He passed away in 1894.
Mrs. Stephens was the mother of five children, all of whom have been 
dead for many years. She had no blood relations, excepting grandchildren. 
The grandchildren are: Guy, Miss Floryne, Mart, T. S., and Elizabeth
Stephens, Mrs. Eddie Glass of Walnut Ridge, and Burrell Umstead of New
Orleans. Four great-grandchildren also survive.
Of a most gentle and kindly nature Mrs. Stephens was beloved by all who
knew her. She was affectionately known as  Granny  to many of the 
younger generation and her passing has brought sorrow to those who loved 
She was a member of the First Methodist Church but because of infirmities
had not been able to attend services for a number of years.
Funeral services were held at the family home on Laurel Street this
afternoon at 3 oclock by Rev. H. Mellen Fikes, pastor of First church,
and many saddened friends and loved ones attended the last rites. Rev.
Fikes spoke in eulogy of the fine life Mrs. Stephens had led and how 
she had borne her troubles and afflictions with Christian fortitude.
The Choir of the church sang hymns Mrs. Stephens had loved, "Jesus,
Lover of My Soul" and "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere", and Mrs. L. C. Scott
sang "The Old Rugged Cross" as a solo. The many beautiful floral 
offerings were mute testimonials of the love and respect felt for Mrs. Stephens.
Honorary pallbearers were Ira Best, Gustave Jones, R. C. Harder, Joe
Younger, Jack Montgomery, and H. E. Sullivan. Active: Gus Jowers Sr., 
S. L. Burkett, Charles Taylor, M. A. Umstead, Latimer Hartsfield, and 
Lucian Daugherty.
The Newport Funeral Home had charge of arrangements for the funeral and
interment was made in Walnut Grove cemetery.