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African-American Deaths Abstracted from the Newport Independent,
Newport, Jackson County, Arkansas for years 1910-1913

Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Mark Williamson 

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archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission
to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access.

Microfilm of the Newport Daily Independent and Newport Weekly
Independent is available at the Arkansas History Commission, One 
Capitol Mall, Little Rock, AR 72201, and at the Billingsley Library, 213
Walnut St., Newport, AR 72112, phone 870-523-2952.

During this time period, the Newport Daily Independent was published
Monday through Saturday, except for major holidays, and the Newport
Weekly Independent was published Fridays.  The Newport Weekly
Independent published almost all of the same news articles and notes
as those found in the preceding week's Daily Independents.

Death abstracts were taken from the Newport Daily Independent whenever
possible.  Issues of the Daily Independent from early March 1911 through
mid-August 1911 and from early January 1912 through March 1913 were
apparently destroyed before they could be microfilmed, but microfilm of
the Weekly Independent exists from those periods.  In addition, death 
entries were checked against the names published by James Logan Morgan
in his book "Deaths as Found in the Newport Weekly Independent

Only deaths occurring in Arkansas or with Arkansas connections are 
presented in this file.  Multiple entries of the same death have been
identified when additional or conflicting information is given in
subsequent entries.

Three issues of the Newport Weekly Independent were identified as
published but apparently destroyed before they could be microfilmed.
These issues were dated:  9-Aug-12, 27-Dec-12, and 21-Mar-13.  That
means that there exists no Jackson County newspaper microfilm at all of
those weeks.  In addition, three other Weekly Independent issues appear
to be incompletely microfilmed; these issues are dated:  27-Sep-12, 
28-Mar-13, and 4-Apr-13.

Abbreviations and Explanations of Headings:
Type (if not a "formal" obituary):
     w - this entry was taken from the microfilm of the Newport Weekly
         Independent of the stated issue date
     B - this death is entered in James Logan Morgan's book "Deaths
         as Found in the Newport Weekly Independent 1901-1917," but I
         was unable to find the mention of the death in the Weekly
     N - death mentioned in community notes (aka "local gossip") column
     S - death mentioned in story (usually a fatal accident or a murder)
     C - "Card of Thanks", no other mention of death found
     M - "In memory of", no other mention of death found
     AF - story of death of active member of Armed Forces
     * - date on (daily) paper was incorrectly published - the actual
         paper date is identified here
Given Name:  may include (maiden name) or (person's title or rank) or 
             (person's sex if unclear) or [previous married name]

Died On:  when a death is mentioned in community notes, the date of 
          death is often my best guess.  Depending on when the
          community notes were submitted to the newspaper, the actual
          death may have occurred a week (or more) before or after.

Residence:  residence if different from place of death

Rel / Rel Name:
     Sp - surviving spouse
     P - surviving parent(s) (if no surviving spouse)
     Wd - name of deceased spouse as given in obituary
(Only the first name of relative is given when the surname is the 
same as of the deceased.)

Funeral Homes:  No funeral homes 'per se' existed and no undertaker
records are known to exist from this time period.  Drummond's was the
principal undertaker in the town of Newport.  Occasionally a Masonic
order or other group was mentioned as being in charge of the funeral,
and these are identified as given.


Paper Date Type Last Name    Given Name                Age  Died On       Place of Death       Residence          Rel Rel Name                Buried At                   Funeral Home
---------- ---- ------------ ------------------------- ---- ------------- -------------------- ------------------ --- ----------------------- --------------------------- ---------------------
18-Oct-10   S   Adams        Earl                           18-Oct-10     near Campbell        Poplar Bluff, MO                                                                                
04-Oct-12   wS  Alexander    Fanny                     45   30-Sep-12     Brinkley                                                                                                             
03-Jan-13   wS  Aubrey       Ode                            28-Dec-12     Hope                                                                                                                 
27-May-10   S   Austen       (m)                            25-May-10     Wesson                                                                                                               
19-Mar-10   S   Austin       Bob                            18-Mar-10     Marion                                                                                                               
08-Sep-13   S   Barnes       Billy                          07-Sep-13     near Auvergne                           Sp  Mollie                                                                   
22-Mar-12   wS  Bateman      Sherwood                       17-Mar-12     Newport                                                                                                              
06-Jun-10   S   Benson       Jim                            05-Jun-10     Newport                                                                                                              
19-Jan-12   wS  Boston       Jim                            15-Jan-12     Cow Lake Twp.                                                                                                        
12-May-13   N   Brooks       'Uncle'                        11-May-13     Newport                                                                                                              
13-Dec-12   wS  Brown        Dave                           05-Dec-12     Newport                                                                                                              
26-Jul-12   wS  Brown        J. B.                                        Little Rock                                                                                                          
20-Aug-13   S   Conley       Mrs.                           19-Aug-13     Littleton comm.                         Sp  Ed                                                                       
21-Aug-13   S   Conley       Mrs. China                     19-Aug-13     Village Twp.                            Sp  Henry                                                                    
22-Aug-13   N   Daniels      Emaline                        22-Aug-13     Newport                                                                                                              
11-Sep-11   S   Dean         Arthur                    22   09-Sep-11     Augusta                                                                                                              
19-Aug-11   S   Dillingham   Nolan                          18-Aug-11     near Newark                                                                                                          
06-Dec-12   wS  Dodson       Will                      ~23  28-Nov-12     N of Newport         near Newport                                   Shiloh                                           
01-Apr-10   S   Dove         Charles                                      Hope                                                                                                                 
03-Oct-10   S   Eatton       Charles                                      Sweet Home                                                                                                           
16-Feb-12   wS  Evants       Cleave                         09-Feb-12     Newport                                                                                                              
07-Jul-11   wS  Garrett      boy                            03-Jul-11     Jefferson Twp.                          Sp  Mr.                                                                      
02-Jun-11   wS  Gould        George                         26-May-11     Diaz                                                                                                                 
04-Nov-13   S   Hall         boy                       2    04-Nov-13     Newport                                 P   Mr. & Mrs. John                                                          
14-Nov-13   wN  Harrison     (m)                       18   09-Nov-13     near Johnstown                          P   Mr. Henry                                                                
23-Mar-10   S   Haten        Buck                           21-Mar-10     Cotton Plant                                                                                                         
12-Dec-13   N   Hawthorne    'Aunt' Josie                   09-Dec-13     Diaz                                                                                                                 
14-Oct-13   S   Head         Jim                            11-Oct-13     Newport              Diaz                                           at Diaz                                          
01-Jul-10   S   Hixon        Simon                     ~12  30-Jun-10     near Newport                                                                                                         
25-Oct-12   wS  Johnson      Bird                           21-Oct-12     near Modoc                                                                                                           
08-Apr-10   wN  Jones        Alex                                         Jacksonport                                                                                                          
05-Jan-12   wS  Jones        Anthony                   ~60  31-Dec-11     East Newport                                                                                                         
23-Aug-12   wS  Jones        Dee                            17-Aug-12     Jacksonport                                                                                                          
07-Mar-13   wS  Jones        Frank                          03-Mar-13     near Newport                                                                                                         
01-Jul-13   N   Jones        Jesse                          01-Jul-13     Newport                                                                                                              
26-Mar-10   S   Jones        'Judge'                   26   25-Mar-10     Pine Bluff                                                                                                           
04-Sep-13   N   Lax          Adam                           03-Sep-13     E of Newport                                                                                                         
06-Sep-13   N   Lax          Robert                         06-Sep-13     near Newport                                                                                                         
04-Jun-10   S   Lyttle       Pleas                     16   01-Jun-10     Walnut Ridge                                                                                                         
17-Nov-10   S   McClure      Lizzie                         16-Nov-10     Newport                                                                                                              
14-Feb-13   wS  Neely        Vernie                         10-Feb-13     Newport              Austin                                                                                          
25-Oct-10   S   Nelson       Ed                             19-Sep-10                                                                                                                          
11-Aug-11   wS  Overton      Lee                            05-Aug-11     near Higginson       Lee Co.                                                                                         
27-Sep-12   w   Owens        Bailey                         25-Sep-12     Newport                                                                                                              
02-Sep-10   S   Poe          Harry                          02-Sep-10     Hot Springs                                                                                                          
08-Jul-10   S   Powell       Sam                            06-Jul-10     Huttig                                                                                                               
19-Mar-10   S   Richardson   Charles                        18-Mar-10     Marion                                                                                                               
23-Feb-12   wS  Richardson   Nannie                    13   17-Feb-12     Hickory Grove comm.                                                                                                  
21-May-10   N   Scott        Richard                        20-May-10     near Remmel                                                                                                          
11-Oct-12   wS  Sheppard     James                          05-Oct-12     Little Rock                                                                                                          
24-Nov-13   S   Sink         Solomon                   107  07-Nov-13     Grubbs Twp.                                                                                                          
07-Nov-10   S   Smith        Mr.                            06-Nov-10     Newport                                                             'by county'                                      
04-Oct-12   wS  Spinks       Amos                      55   27-Sep-12     Little Rock                             Wd                                                                           
12-Sep-13   N   Stuart       'Aunt' Maria                   06-Sep-13     near Oakland                                                                                                         
20-Feb-11   S   Thomas       Paul                           19-Feb-11     near Des Arc                                                                                                         
21-Feb-13   wS  Vance        Albert                         16-Feb-13     Newport                                                                                                              
11-Apr-10   S   Watson       Chet                           10-Apr-10     near Jacksonport     Jacksonport                                                                                     
21-Feb-13   wS  Wilks        Charley                        19-Feb-13     Newport                                                                                                              
20-Feb-11   S   Williams     Brakeman                       11-Feb-11     Carlisle                                                                                                             
18-Jul-10   S   Wilson       Henry                     22   17-Jul-10     Batesville                                                                                                           
28-Jul-11   wS  Wooley       Oscar 'Bud'                                  Poplar Bluff, MO                                                                                                     

Paper Date Type Description of Person                  Age  Died On       Place of Death       Residence          Rel Rel Name                Buried At                   Funeral Home
---------- ---- ---------------------------------      ---- ------------  -------------------- ------------------ --- ----------------------- --------------------------- ---------------------
25-Jan-10   N   'old negro'                            121  21-Jan-10     Island comm.
07-May-10   S   unid Negro man                              fnr 06-May-10 Newport              Little Rock                                    'by county'
28-Jul-11   wN  unid Negro man                              20-Jul-11     Des Arc
26-Jul-12   wS  5 Negroes drown                             20-Jul-12     near Elmo