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Obituary of Uriah Cole, 1910, Jackson Co., AR

Submitted by: Lynna Morris <>

Copyright. All rights reserved.
Newport Independent, Newport, AR, November 12, 1910


Oldest Settler in Jackson County Arkansas Answers the final Summons

"Uncle" Uriah Cole, as he was known all over Jackson County, our oldest pioneer 
settler, died Friday evening about dusk at his home near Elgin where he located 
63 years ago, having passed his 85th birthday last March 28th.

The aged man had been very feeble for several years and while out one morning 
recently, contracted a severe cold that brought on his death.

The deceased leaves but one son, William Jason Cole, a highly respected farmer in 
that area, who has the sympathy of friends in his (?). Burial Sunday morning at 
10 o'clock at the family graveyard near Elgin.

The deceased was a native of Tennessee coming to Arkansas in 1847 and locating on 
his present farm. He was a great bear hunter in the early days and his delight in 
old age was to narrate the experiences of vigorous young manhood on the frontier.
While not a member of any church, the deceased was generous and big-hearted and 
made a good citizen.

All that knew him was his friends and the news of his death will be heard with 
regret over the entire county.  

[The above obit is as it appeared in the NEWPORT paper on 11-12-1910. For 
genealogy research purposes the following is information I have recovered in my 
research of my great-grandfather, Uriah Cole:

Uriah Cole was the son of James and Martha (York) Cole. His siblings included: 
Jason, William, Felix G., Mary Jane, Parthenia, Matilda and Andrew Jackson.
His wife was Martha Wann and these are their children: Amanda J., William Jason, 
Mary Elizabeth, Uriah A. Robinson, Harriet and Henry (twins)

Amanda J. was married to James F. Gibson and my father Tilliman C. Gibson was one 
of two of their children who lived to become an adult. The other one was Edna Gibson 
Duncan. If anyone wants any further information email me at]