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1880 Mortality Schedule for Jackson County, Arkansas

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Jackson County Mortality Schedule
Persons who Died during the Year ending May 31, 1880
(June 1, 1879 – May 31, 1880)

Name, age, sex, color, marital status, state born, state father born, state mother born, 
Occupation, month of death, cause of death*, how long a resident of this county
If place of death is not where disease was contracted, state place


Alexander, Perry        Age 4 months, male, white, March, Brain Fever
Church, Silas           Age 26, male, white, single, VA, VA, VA, Epilepsy, 1 year 6 months
Clevland, Jos. T.       Age 4 months, male, white, AR, AR, KY, July, Hydrocephalus
Dow, Julius C.          Age 1, male, white, AR, TN, Unk, October, Scrofula, 1 year
Gibbs, Aman             Age 16, female, white, single, IL, AR, KY, April, Whooping Cough, 14 years
Heffington, Elija A     Age 1 month, male, white, AR, AR, KY, April, Whooping Cough
Hooper, Lo. Lo.         Age 2, female, white, AR, TN, TN, April, Whooping Cough
McDougle, Moses         Age 1 month, male, white, AR, AL, AR, August, Debility
Ransom, Horace Y.       Age 1 day, male, white, AR, AR, AR, March
Scott, Cordie           Age 1, female, white, Unk, KY, Unk, Fever
Simson, Lue E.          Age 7, male, white, AR, Unk, Unk, Cause Unknown, 7 years
Swick, Sarah E.         Age 10, female, white, KY, VA, KY, July, Inflammation, 10 years
Woods, Jullian H.       Age 12, male, white, TX, TN, MS, Aug, Paralysis of the Bowels, 2 years


Algee, Terry            Age 3 months, female, white, AR, SC, TN, December, Disease Not Known
Blakeley, Ben J.        Age 41, male, white, married, Laborer, October, Malarial Fever
Campbell, Mally         Age 20 or 40, female, black, married, Field Hand, July, Metroperitonitis
Carter, Morda May       Age 7 months, female, white, AR, KY, KY, September, Brian Fever
Clark, Mike             Age 40, male, white, married, Rail R. Hand, December, Pneumonia
Crump, Infant           Age 5 months, male, black, AR, AL, AR, May, Don’t Know
Eliet, Stephen          Age 40, male, white married, Farmer, August, Erysipelas
Faukner, William        Age 35, male, white, married, Farmer, June, Malarial Fever
Gibson, Drucila         Age 59, female, black, married, Field Hand, April, Heart Disease
Glass, Elisha R.        Age 19, male, white, single, AR, IL, TN, At School, December, Consumption
Gray, Elmire            Age 6, male, white, MO, Unk, TN, March, Typhoid Fever
Harrison, Euranious     Age 3, female, white, AR, AR, TN, March, Meningitis, 3 years
Henson, Mary            Age 24, female, white, married, TN, Unk, Unk, Housekeeping, February, Brain Fever, 20 
Hill, James C.          Age 1, male, white, TX, MS, AR, October, Remittent Fever
Hobson, Not Given       Age 33, male, white, married, Laborer, February, Poisoning
Holford, Martha         Age 54, female, white, NC, Unk, Unk, Housekeeping, March, Typhoid Fever
Infant Eliza Nunn             Age 0, female, white, AR, Unk, TN, August, Spasm
Infant of D.&J. Webster       Age 0, male, black, AR, Al, AR, June, Still Born
Infant of Jack & L. Robinson  Age 1 month, female, black, AR, TN, AR, February, Hives
Infant of JK &  C. Greenham   Age 11 days, male, white, AR, AR, AR, January, Supposed to be Hives
Johnson, Not Given      Age 4 days, male, white, AR, Unk, Unk, December, Convulsions
Johnson, Ritta          Age 1, female, white, AR, AR, AR, March, Bilious Fever
Jones, Elizabeth        Age 14, female, white, AR, TN, AR, March, Meningitis
Lemones, Margaret       Age 11, female, white, AR, AR, AR, December, Pneumonia
Lemones, Silas F.       Age 18, male, white, AR, TN, TN, Farmer, January, Congestion of the Brain
Lewis, Fannie           Age 10 months, female, white, AR, OH, VA, October, Not Known
McDonald, Joshua        Age 54, male, white, NC, NC, NC, Farmer, November, Pneumonia, 14 years
Minga, Kate             No information given
Murray, Dolly           Age 7, female, white, AR, GA, GA, June, Scarlet Fever, 7 years
Nance, Sarah            Age 28, female, white, married, TN, NC, NC, Keeping House, October, Consumption
Plant, Susan            Age 22, female, white, married, MS, MS, MS, Keeping House, April, Child Bed Fever
Rawson, Matty           Age 5 months, female white, AR, Unk, Unk, July, Malarial Fever
Ridley, Drucilla        Age 27, female, black, married, AR, Unk, Unk, Housekeeping, February, Meningitis
Robinson, Sandy         Age 53, male, black, Field Hand, October, Frac. Skull
Smith, Not Given        Age 6 months, male, white, AR, Unk, Unk, December, Convulsions
Spencer, Amelia         Age 30, female, white, married, Housewife, March, Inflammation of the Brain
Sprigg, Not Given       Age 1 hour, male, white, AR, Unk, Unk, December, Still Birth
Stanfill, James E.      Age 63, male, white, TN, Unk, Unk, Farmer, March, Pneumonia, 20 years
West, Not Given         Age 40, male, white, married, Farmer, January, Pneumonia
Whaley, Lewis           Age 3 months, male, white, MO, Tn, IL, November, Spinal Meningitis
Wilkerson, Mrs.         Age 23, female, white, married, Housekeeper, December, Pneumonia
Williams, Nancy         Age 28, female, black, married, laborer, June, ??? Exposure
Young, Emily            Age 45, female, black, married, Housewife, May, Spinal Meningitis


Bradford, Partheny      Age 25, female, black, married, AL, AL, AL, Keeping House, April, Consumption, 10 
Burton, Ben             Age 1, male, black, AR, VA, AR, Dropsy, 1 year
Cook, John              Age 13, male, white, AR Unk, Unk, October, Pneumonia
Hall, Not Given         Age not given, male, white, AR, AR, AL, February, Born Dead
Harris, Not Given       Age 0, female, black, AR, GA, AR, April, Born Dead
Harris, Not Given       Age 14 days, female, black, AR, GA, AR, June, Didn’t know, 14 days
Harris, Not Given       Age 14 days, male, black, AR, GA, AR, June, Didn’t know, 14 days
  (The above three Harris children were enumerated from the same household)
Jones, Bint             Age 77, male, white, farmer, April, Epilepsy
Jones, William R.       Age 55, male, white, married, TN, Unk, TN, Farmer, August, Erysipelas, 29 years
Lemyers, Leua L.        Age 3 months, female, white, AR, Al, AL, April, Pneumonia, 3 months
Nance, Escar            Age 1, male, black, AR, AR, AL, July, Fits, 1 year
S(L?)aterfield, Unk     Age 14 days, male, white, AR, TN, MS, August, Didn’t Know, 14 days
Simmons, Jamie          Age 21, male, white, single, AR, TN, AL, Farmer, April, Fits, 21 years
Tapp, Malinda           Age 24, female, white, GA, Unk, Unk, Keeping House, Child Birth, 8 years
Taylor, Demallis        Age 11, male, white, AR, MO, AR, Working on Farm, August, Horse Kick, 11 years


Binnet, Likely          Age 65, female, white, widowed, NC, NC, NC, At Home, June, Congestion of Stomach, 12 
Bray, Nancy E.          Age 20, female, white, married, KY, KY, KY, Keeping House, March, Peritonitis, 2 years
Bray, Thomas A.         Age 1 year, male, white, AR, OH, KY, October, Fever, 1 year
Burton, Emma            Age 6 months, female, black, AR, MS, TN, April, Intermittent fever, 6 months
Burton, Lethe           Age 23, female, black, married, TN, Unk, TN, Keeping House, May, Consumption, 16 years
Cooper, Catherine       Age 35, female, black, married, KY, KY, KY, Keeping House, February, Pneumonia, 3 
Cooper, Samuel          Age 1 month, male, white, AR, KY, MS, January, Hives
Griffins, Not Given     Age 1 month, female, white, AR, SC, AL, November, Inflammation of the Bowels, 1 month
Haney, Elizabeth        Age 25, female, white, married, AR, AR, AR, Keeping House, March, Dropsy, 25 years
Horton, Sarah C.        Age 21, female, white, married, TN, TN, TN, Keeping House, May, Consumption, 8 years
Howard, Jackson         Age 33, male, white, married, OH, OH, TN, Farmer, Pneumonia, 23 years
Hughs, Not Given        Age Not Given, male, white, AR, KY, KY, May, Still Born (Enumerated in the household 
                          of Hughs, Rebecca)
Hughs, Rebecca J.       Age 22, female, white, married, KY, KY, KY, Keeping House, May, Peritonitis, 10 years
Narimore, Nancy         Age 22, female, white, widowed, AR, Al, KY, At Home, April, Epilepsy, 22 years
Pippinger, John H.      Age 7, male, white, IN, OH, IN, November, measles, 7 years
Rogers, Jane D.         Age 60, female, white, widowed, AL, Ireland, VA, At Home, May, Chronic Rheumatism, 3 
Simmons, Elizabeth      Age 28, female, black, married, AL, AL, AL, Keeping House, June, Apoplexy, 9 years
Smith, Sarah A.         Age 24, female, white, married, AR, AR, AR, Keeping House, May Peritonitis, 24 years
Thomas, John            Age 1, male, black, AR, GA, AR, January, Dropsy, 1 year
Turner, Edward          Age 78, male, black, widowed, VA, VA, VA, Farming, October, Bilious Fever, 45 years
Wilkins, Mary           Age 67, female, white, widowed, VA, VA, VA, At Home, April, Congestion of the Stomach, 
                          14 years

Beede, Baby             Age 5 months, male, white, AR, NY, AR
Breckenridge, ?         Age 37, female, white, married, MO, Unk, Unk, House Keeping, August, Bilous Pneumonia, 
                          25 years
Brown, John A.          Age 49, male, white, married, IN, Unk, Unk, November, Meningitis (Written next to his 
                          name – 4th Missouri E.D. 52)
Cook, John              Age 1 month, male, white
Copeland, Malissa       Age 1, female, white, AR, Unk, Unk
Dennis, Catherine       Age 60, female, white, KY, Unk, Unk, Consumption, 30 years
Ford, Margret           Age 32 or 22, female, white, married, TN, Unk, Unk, 11 years
Frazier, Baby           Age 1 month, male, white, AR, Unk, Unk
Garland, M.C.           Age 3, female, white, AR, Unk, Unk, August, Dropsy
Hammons, M.K.           Age 14, female, white, MS, Unk, Unk, Pneumonia, 8 years
Howard, Silas           Age 41, male, white, married, TN, Unk, Unk, Pneumonia, 30 years
Love, Barney            Age 8 months, male, black, AR, KY, Unk, Cause Unknown
Nance, Alexander        Age 3 months, male, black, AR, AR, SC, April, Worm Fever, 1 year
Not Given, ??           Age 27, female, white, married, AR, KY, Unk
Not Given, Eddie        Age 2, male, white, AR, KY(?), MS, 2 years
Not Given, Irene        Age 11, female, white, AR, Unk, Unk
Not Given, Thadius      Age 1, male, white, AR, MO, MO, August, Infantile Pneumonia
Olds, Edwin             Age 23, male, white, single, Wis, Unk, Unk, June, Killed by B. Bears (Written next to 
                          his name – 3rd TX E.D. 175)
Ritzel, Adam            Age 35, male, white, married, IN, May, Accidental Drowning (Written next to his name – 
                          1st Indiana E.D. 106)
Skates, J. B.           Age 29, male, white, farmer, February
Smith, E. J.            Age 28, male, white, single, farmer
Smith, E. L.            Age 29, female, white, married, AR, GA, GA, Housekeeper, Dropsy of the heart, 13 
Smith, Eliza J.         Age 34, female, white, married, housewife, December, Heart Disease
Teague, Florence        Age 10 months, female, white, AR, Unk, Unk, February, Pneumonia
Toddy, Baby             Age 1 month, female, white, AR
Wilson, Nancy           Age 14, female, white, Georgia, Unk, Unk, February, Congestion of Lungs
Wingt, Sterling         Age 1, male, white, AR, Unk, Unk, November, Diarrhea (Acute) (Written next to his 
                          name – 2nd Arkansas ED. 190)


Cary, J. N.             Age 10, male, black, AR, MS, AR, October, Pneumonia, 10 years
Corbit, W. F.           Age 25, male, white, AR, AR, AR, Farmer, March, Cebero Spinal Fluid, 3 months
Davis, John             Age 27, male, white, single, MO, Unk, Unk, Farmer, July, Drowned, 3 years
Davis, M. C.            Age 56, male, white, married, TN, TN,TN, Farmer, February, Affection of the Kidneys
Henly, W. E.            Age 3 months, male, white, AR, TN, AL, Hives Bold, 3 years
Roberson, L.            Age 1, female, white, AR, TN, KY, September, Don’t Know
Shelley, T.E.           Age 48, female, white, married, KY, KY, KY, Keeping House, April, Pneumonia, 18 years
Stuart, C.              Age 1 month, male, black, AR, TN, AR, September, Don’t Know
Stuart, G.R.            Age 1 month, female, black, AR, TN, AR, October, Don’t Know
Stuart, Not Given       Age 0, female, AR, AR, AR, Still Born
Turman, James           Age 10, male, white, Working on Farm, December, Congestion of Brain, 10 years
Weatherford, L.R.       Age 5, male, white, single, AR, KY, Unk, October, Unknown Causes, 5 years
Wells, J. E.            Age 8 months, male, white, AR, GA, AR, August, Not known
Wood, Charles           Age 10, male, white, IL, Unk, Unk, January, Pneumonia, 5 years


Adams, William L.       Age 15, male, black, AR, AR, Unk, March, Dropsy, 12 years
Grant, Mary E.          Age 52, female, white, widowed, IN, IN, IN, November, Flux, 18 years
Hai??th???, Sallie      Age 18, female, black, married, AR, TN, TN, February, Child Birth, 18 years
Lamb, Charles           Age 19, male, white, single, AR, KY, TN, April, Heart Disease, 19 years
Lindsay, John           Age 2 months, male, white, AR, MO, GA, August, Unknown Causes, 2 months
Mansell, Mary           Age 6 months, female, white, AR, August
Not Given, Julia        Age 13 days, female, black, AR, AR, AR, Unknown Causes
								  (Enumerated from the same household as Robinson, ????)
Richardson, Anna        Age 5 months, female, white, AR, TN, KY, August, Teething, 5 months
								  (Enumerated from the same household as Grant, Mary)
Robinson, Bessie        Age 3 months, female, black, AR, AR, MO, December, Temperature, 3 months
								  (Enumerated from the same household as Grant, Mary)
Robinson, Emeline       Age 28, female, black, AR, Unk, Unk, Mar, Pneumonia, 20 years
Shaw, Frank             Age 21, male, black, AR, MO, VA, February, Consumption, 21 years
Wainwright, M.E.        Age 46, female, white, widowed, AL, VA, KY, November, Flux, 26 years
								  (Enumerated from the same household as Lindsay, John)
Walker, William B.      Age 3, male, white, AR, KY, KY, August, Unknown Causes, 3 years
Wilson, Fannie          Age 17, female, white, TN, PA, TN, August, Scarlet Fever, 10 years


Anderson, Missouri      Age 28, female, white, married, TN, TN, TN, November, Congestion, 3 years
Brownwell, Vanburen     Age 3, male, white, MO, PA, PA, July, Malarial Fever
Bryant, Mary B.         Age 6, female, white, AR, AR, AR, July, Scarlet Fever, 6 years
Carr, William N.        Age 48, male, white, married, TN, TN, TN, Farmer, February, Congestion
Cartney, Francis        Age 35, female, white, married, AR, AR, AR, July, Dropsy, 35 years
Dean, Lizzie            Age 10, female, white, TN, TN, NC, September, Pneumonia
Everman, Jane           Age 74, female, white, widowed, KY, VA, VA, July, Flux
Gibson, Ann             Age 44, female, black, married, VA, VA, VA, April, Dropsy, 1 month
Hall, Ella              Age 8 months, female, wthie, AR, KY, AR, August, Congestion, 8 months
Harvey, Henry           Age 5 months, male, black, AR, AR, AR, February, Spasms, 5 months
Hogan, James            Age 34, male, white, married, Farmer, June, Consumption
Jones, Cornelius        Age 1, male, black, AR, TN, AR, October, Unknown, Debility, 1 year
Jones, Martha A.        Age 31, female, white, widowed, VA, VA, VA, November, Pneumonia, 21 years
Julian, Mary F.         Age 1, female, white, IN, IN, IN, August, Unknown Causes
Mathany, Nancy          Age 38, female, white, widowed, NC, NC, NC, April, Bilious Fever, 6 months
McConnell, Mary         Age 2 days, female, white, AR, GA, AR, December, Unknown Causes, 2 days
McDonald, Eliza         Age 24, female, black, married, AR, AR, AR, May, Unknown Causes, 24 years
McDonald, Not Given     Age 4 days, male, black, AR, AR, AR, August, Unknown Causes, 4 days
Murphy, Matthew         Age 15 days, male, white, AR, MO, MO, July, Unknown Causes, 15 days
Not Given, Annie        Age 10 months, female, white, AR, GA, AR, December, Unknown Causes
Not Given, Mollie P.    Age 4, male, white, AR, AR, AR, February, Penumonia, 2 years
Patterson, Dora         Age 6 months, female, black, AR, TN, TN, July, Malarial Fever, 6 months
Richardson, Susan       Age 50, female, black, married, NC, NC, NC, August, Consumption, 16 years
Smith, Not Given        Age 1 day, female, white, AR, TN, TN, September, Unknown Causes
Stallings, Arthur L.    Age 1, male, white, AR, TN, NC, September, Inflammation of the Bowels
Thompson, Lee           Age 38, female, white, married, TN, NC, NC, Keeping House, January, Pneumonia, 26 years
Williams, Bertha        Age 6 months, female, white, AR, Al, AR, November, Bold Hives
Wood, Auth??            Age 16, female, white, AR, AL, AL, February, Child Birth, 16 years


Allen, John W.          Age 7, male, white, AR, father John Allen, Mother ??? Allen, February, Brain Fever
Attenbury, Arminta      Age 29, female, white, AR, MS, MO, January, Congestion of the Brain
Barton, Milly           Age 9 months, female, white, AR, Unk, Unk, July, Cholera Infantum
Barton, Willie          Age 1 month, male, white, AR, Unk, Unk, April, Convulsions
Blackburn, B.F.         Age 22, male, white, married, Farmer, June, Phthiriasis Pulmonitis
Blackburn, Selphia      Age 68, female, white, married, Farmer, June, ??? fever
Bowen, Elmer            Age 2, male, white, IN, IN, IN, March, Pneumonia
Brook, Martha H.        Age 2, female, white, NC, England, England, May, Congestion of Lungs
Brown, Ella             Age 1, female, black, AR, TN, AR, November, Pneumonia
Brown, Mrs. M.          Age 39, female, white, married, Housewife, May, Enteritis
Buckalew, Ira           Age 7, male, white, AR, SC, NC, April, Struck by Lightening
Bufford, Lend           Age 23, female, white, AR, TN, TN, October, Gastric Enteritis
Bufford, Stella         Age 7 months, female, white, AR, MO, MO, April, Inflammation of the Bowels
Buford, Mark            Age 3 months, male, white, AR, MO, AR, December, Inflammation of the Bowels
Diffy, William          Age 80, male, white, widowed, Farmer, April, Dropsy
Drummond, Mary          Age 2 months, female, white, AR, AR, AR, June, Hives
Gibbs, Martha           Age 32, female, black, married, Washer Woman, November, Injury to Head
Griffin, Wesley         Age 20, male, white, single, Laborer, August, Enteritis
Grimes, May H.          Age 2, female, white, AR, Unk, Unk, August, Malarial Fever
Heathcoat, May E.       Age 32, female, white, single, AL, TN, SC, September, Typhoid Pneumonia
Hewye, Mrs. Bettie      Age 24, female, white, married, Housewife, March, ?????themia
Hunt, Not Given         Age 5, female, white, AR, Unk, Unk, Warm Fever
King, Cord              Age 2, female, white, AR, MS, MS, August, Scarlet Fever
Lassiter, Elizer June   Age 20, female, white, married, TN, TN, TN, May, Malarial Fever
Norwood, Not Given      Age 10 days, female, black, AR, Unk, Unk, September, Malformation
Parrish, Ida            Age 2, female, white, AR, Unk, Unk, August, Convulsions
Patterson, Not Given    Age 65, white, male, married, Cancer Doctor, November, R. R. Accident
Robinson, Mary          Age 36, female, white, single, Prostitute, June, Pneumonia
Stout, Samuel           Age 34, male, white, married, Laborer, April, Erysipelas
Welch, Martha           Age 23, female, white, married, Housewife, March, Consumption


Arnold, Mary            Age 14, female, white, AR, AL, GA, August, Scarlet Fever, 14 years
Blalock, Jane           Age 24, female, black, widowed, AR, AR, AR, Hiree, February, Pneumonia, 24 years
Blaylock, M. J.         Age 23, female, white, single, Farm Hand, February, Pneumonia
Bodkin, Mrs.            Age 31, female, white, married, Housewife, February, Colic
Bodkins, Martha         Age 22, female, white, married, MS, AL, AL, Housekeeping, January, Child Birth, 19 
Bond, Mrs. Nancy        Age 40, female, white, married, Housewife, December, Child Birth
Bond, Not Given         Age 15 days, female, white, AR, Unk, Unk, December, Unknown Causes
Carter, Alice           Age 9, female, white, AR, AR, NC, October, Scarlet Fever
Darden, William         Age 12, male, white, TN, TN, TN, Farming, November, Pneumonia, 5 years
Duff, John              Age 49, male, white, married, farmer, May, Dropsy
French, W. C.           Age 28, male, white, single, Farm Hand, February, Pneumonia
Hale, Sarry J.          Age 22, female, white, married, AR, AL, TN, Housekeeping, February, Pneumonia, 22 
Lutz, William           Age 1, male, white, AR, Unk, Unk, April Pneumonia
McColaniel, James       Age 52, male, white, married, farmer, October, Pnumonia, 10 years
McGee, John             Age 1, male, white, AR, Unk, Unk, September, Malarial Fever
Melville, Annie         Age 39, female, white, married, AR, Unk, Unk, Housekeeping, January, Pneumonia, 1 
Melville, David         Age 61, male, white, widowed, Ireland, Ireland, Ireland, Farmer, May, Shot, 1 day
Melville, Samuel        Age 6 months, male, white, AR, Ireland, AR, March, Yellow Thrash
Morman, Francis         Age 26, female, black, married, TN, VA, VA, Housekeeping, April, Consumption, 26 years
No Name                 Age 0, female, white, AR, AL, NC, February, Still Born
No Name                 Age 5 months, female, white, AR, KY, AR, December, Still Birth
								  (Enumerated in same household as Russell, Elizabeth)
Not Given, Nancy        Age 5 months, female, black, AR, Unk, Unk, April, Pneumonia
Robertson, N.           Age 2 months, female, white, AR, Unk, Unk, February, Pneumonia
Robison, Julian         Age 1, female, black, AR, AR, AR, February, Not Known
Russell, Elizabeth      Age 34, female, white, married, TN, TN, TN, Housekeeping, August, Spinal Disease, 
                          20 years
Sampkins, Tennessee     Age 27, female, white, married, AR, AR, AR, Housekeeping, February, Child Birth, 10 
Sutz, Sarah A.          Age 10 months, female, white, AR, VA, VA, September, Pneumonia, 10 months
Twin, Not Named         Age 1 day, female, white, AR, TN, AR, November, Not Known
Twin, Not Named         Age 1 day, female, white, AR, TN, AR, November, Not known

Apoplexy:  Stroke of the brain, most often due to intracerebral hemorrhage.
Bilious Fever:  Relapsing fever form Typhoid or Malaria.
Cholera Infantum:  Disease of infants with vomiting, watery diarrhea, fever, and collapse.
Colic:  Spamodic pains of the abdomen often associated with crying and irritability.
Consumption:  Tuberculosis which results in wasting of the tissues of the body.
Convulsions:  Violent jerking of the face, trunk or extremities.
Debility:  Weakness, lack of movement or staying in bed.
Dropsy:  Edema (swelling) often caused by Kidney or heart disease.
Enteritis:  Inflammation of the intestine, especially of the small intestine.
Epilepsy:  Convulsions with impaired consciousness.
Erysipelas:  Acute skin disease with hot, red, swollen skin lesions and severe weight loss
Fits:  Sudden appearance of some symptom such as coughing or convulsions.
Flux:  Discharge of a large amount of fluid from a cavity (diarrhea).
Hemorrhage of the Bowels:  An escape of blood through vessel walls.
Hives:  Eruption of wheals due to an allergic reaction.
Hydrocephalus:  Excessive fluid on the brain which may result in an enlarged head and atrophy of the brain.
Malarial Fever:  Usually transmitted by the bite of infected mosquito leading to chills, high fever, and 
                 can be fatal.
Meningitis:  Inflammation of the membranes of the brain or spinal cord.
Metroperitonitis:  Inflammation of the uterus involving the peritoneal cover.
Peritonitis:  Inflammation of the sac that lines the abdominal cavity.
Phthiriasis Pulmonitis:  Lice infestation causing an inflammation of the lungs
Rheumatism:  Obselete term for rheumatic fever or a term applied to pan of the musculoskeletal system.
Scarlet Fever:  Marked by fever and an eruption of red color of the face and membranes of the mouth.
Scrofula:  Tuberculosis of the neck glands, slow progression, abscess and puss develops.
Teathing (Teething): Infections of the teeth.
Typhoid Fever:  An acute infectious disease with continuous fever, skin eruptions, and diarrhea.
Whooping Cough:  An acute infection of the throat with severe coughing which ends with a noisy inspiratory 