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1840 Jackson Co., AR  Federal Census                    Part 1 of 2

This Census was transcribed by Charlotte C. Smith <>
and proofread by Linda Smith Scroggs for the USGenWeb Archives Census Project,

Copyright (c)1999 by Charlotte C. Smith

Transcribed and checked for accuracy, but of course may have errors. 
Always check original if any questions arise.

USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any
format for profit or presentation by other organization or persons.
Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain
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of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof
of this consent.  The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb 
Archives to store the file permanently for free access.
Thanks to S-K Publications for providing the census page photocopies from
which this transcription was made.  The complete original, handwritten
census of this county is available in book form (including a typed index)
from S-K Publications, PO Box 8173, Wichita KS 67208
Census_Year    1840
Microfilm #    M704-18
State          AR
County         Jackson
District       None mentioned
Enumerator     W.D.Ward

---------------------Begin Actual Transcription----------------------------------
Pg# Ln# Last Name       First Name  Filename
224 3   Allen           Jonathan B  pg00218
224 1   Allen           Samuel Jr   pg00218
224 2   Allen           Samuel Sr.  pg00218
224 6   Bailey          Thomas      pg00218
224 7   Barnes          James       pg00218
224 19  Barnes          Nathan      pg00218
224 9   Barnes          William     pg00218
224 17  Barnet          Wm C        pg00218
224 5   Barnett         Jos S (OR L)pg00218
224 13  Beck            Michjah     pg00218
224 14  Bernett         W.H.        pg00218
224 21  Billings        Elizaberth  pg00218
224 18  Billings        NP          pg00218
224 20  Bingham         George W    pg00218
224 8   Blanset         Elisha      pg00218
224 15  Brady           John        pg00218
224 10  Bridgman        Joseph      pg00218
224 11  Bridgman        Sarah       pg00218
224 12  Briggam         Robert S.   pg00218
224 4   Brown           William     pg00218
224 16  Brumley         Anderson    pg00218
224 24  Cagle`          William     pg00218
224 26  Carpenter       Ada M.      pg00218
224 30  Cartwright      B  Jr.      pg00218
222 1   Chadwick        Thomas      pg00218
222 2   Cheek           John        pg00218
222 3   Churchman       L.J.        pg00218
222 4   Clark           Nicholas    pg00218
224 28  Coghrane        A H         pg00218
224 22  Condry          Byrd        pg00218
222 5   Conolly         Greif G.    pg00218
224 23  Cornet          John        pg00218
224 25  Craiglow        Nathan      pg00218
224 29  Cromwell        Geoge W     pg00218
224 27  Crump           Rpbert      pg00218
222 6   Davis           K.F.        pg00218
222 13  Day             Richard     pg00218
222 14  Dennis          John        pg00218
222 7   Doherty         David       pg00218
222 10  Doherty         Sarah       pg00218
222 12  Donnelson       Thomas      pg00218
222 11  Duncan          Jacksoon    pg00218
222 9   Dye             Thomas      pg00218
222 17  Earls           Daniel      pg00218
222 16  Edes            George      pg00218
222 15  Edwards         Nathaniel   pg00218
222 21  Elkins          Floriet?    pg00218
222 20  Erwin           John        pg00218
222 18  Eskew           James       pg00218
222 19  Eskew           William     pg00218
222 23  Flannery        J.J.        pg00218
222 22  Flannery        John        pg00218
222 25  Forbush         James       pg00218
222 24  Fortenberry     Henry       pg00218
222 26  Gaffy           James       pg00218
221 10  Garner          Issac       pg00218
221 9   Garner          Samuel      pg00218
221 2   Garret          Elisha      pg00218
222 29  Garretson       James       pg00218
222 31  Gibbs           Braseal     pg00218
222 30  Gibbs           John        pg00218
221 4   Glass           Dudley      pg00218
221 3   Glass           Resin       pg00218
221 7   Gray            Daniel      pg00218
221 1   Gray            Issac       pg00218
221 6   Gray            Jesse       pg00218
222 27  Grayham         Peter       pg00218
221 8   Greenhaw        A.I         pg00218
221 5   Gregory         Erastus     pg00218
222 28  Gutherie        William     pg00218
221 15  Haggard         Nathan      pg00218
221 16  Haggard         Williama    pg00218
221 11  Haggerton       Charles     pg00218
221 17  Harden          Abraham     pg00218
221 23  Harris          Catherine   pg00218
221 13  Harris          Polly       pg00218
221 24  Hash            David       pg00218
221 27  Hash            Martha      pg00218
221 25  Hatch           George J.   pg00218
221 28  Haynes          Johnson     pg00218
221 14  Haynes          Thomas      pg00218
221 32  Haynes          Thomas      pg00218
221 21  Heffington      Davis       pg00218
221 20  Heffington      John        pg00218
221 22  Heffington      Patsy       pg00218
221 30  Henby           James       pg00218
221 26  Hill            Joel        pg00218
221 19  Hinkle          Jessee      pg00218
221 31  Hollingshead    David       pg00218
221 12  Holly           Samuel      pg00218
221 29  Hughes          Jane        pg00218
221 18  Hynson          Thomas      pg00218
220 6   Johnson         Hiram       pg00218
220 2   Johnson         James       pg00218
220 5   Johnson         Ransom      pg00218
220 3   Johnson         William     pg00218
220 4   Johnson         Mrs Nancy   pg00218
220 8   Jones           James       pg00218
220 7   Jones           John D      pg00218
220 1   Jones           Nicholas    pg00218
220 10  Landers         Cooper      pg00218
220 12  Lively          Amos        pg00218
220 9   Logan           James       pg00218
220 11  London          Thomas      pg00218
220 13  Loveall         Elizabeth   pg00218
220 23  Magness         Robert      pg00218
220 24  Marsh           Noah        pg00218
220 21  Martin          John        pg00218
220 28  Matthews        Samuel      pg00218
220 14  McGuire         Frederick   pg00218
220 29  McKenny         Charles     pg00218
220 19  McManners       Denson      pg00218
220 18  Meeks           Eliphas     pg00218
220 17  Meeks           Israel      pg00218
220 22  Meeks           John        pg00218
220 27  Melton          William     pg00218
220 15  Michaels        Jacob       pg00218
220 26  Miller          Henry       pg00218
220 16  Mills           Samuel      pg00218
220 25  Mitchell        C.          pg00218
220 20  Morgan          James       pg00218
223 1   Nall            Mrs Polly   pg00218
220 30  Nate            John        pg00218
220 31  Null or Nall    Issac       pg00218
223 3   Oliver          H.N.        pg00218
223 2   Oliver          Robert      pg00218
223 10  Pennywitt       Tavner      pg00218
223 12  Phillips        David       pg00218
223 13  Phillips        George W    pg00218
223 9   Phillips        Mary Ann    pg00218
223 5   Pistole         Charles     pg00218
223 6   Prince          Edward      pg00218
223 11  Prior           Allen       pg00218
223 4   Privett         L.C         pg00218
223 8   Pugh            John C      pg00218
223 7   Pureen          John        pg00218
223 18  Raines          William     pg00218
223 19  Reid            Samuel      pg00218
223 15  Robertson       Ann         pg00218
223 28  Robertson       Lewis       pg00218
223 29  Robertson       Michael     pg00218
223 14  Robertson       William T   pg00218
223 17  Robinson        Alexander   pg00218
223 20  Robinson        James       pg00218
223 24  Robinson        John        pg00218
223 22  Robinson        Samuel      pg00218
223 21  Robinson        William     pg00218
223 26  Roddy           Elias B     pg00218
223 27  Roddy           John        pg00218
223 16  Ross            Peter C     pg00218
223 23  Ruddell         Frances     pg00218
223 25  Runnels         George W    pg00218
219 17  Saffold         John        pg00218
219 20  Saffold         Luke        pg00218
223 30  Saylors         John B      pg00218
219 6   Scott           Thomas      pg00218
219 21  Seawood         Elizabeth   pg00218
219 12  Sehorn          John        pg00218
219 15  Sehorn          Joseph      pg00218
219 18  Sharbino        Jerman      pg00218
219 4   Shephards       Fredrick    pg00218
219 9   Shepherd        John        pg00218
219 5   Slayden         Coleman     pg00218
219 16  Smalley         James       pg00218
219 1   Smith           .D.D.       pg00218
219 2   Smyth           Lewis       pg00218
219 25  Sneyder         Cornelius   pg00218
219 23  Sprague         A.C.        pg00218
219 7   Steen           James       pg00218
219 8   Stein           Williams    pg00218
219 3   Stephens        Samuel      pg00218
219 10  Stephenson      O.M.        pg00218
219 13  Stewart         John        pg00218
219 14  Stokes          Holloway    pg00218
219 11  Stokes          Irwin       pg00218
219 22  Stokes          Redding     pg00218
219 24  Stone           Rufus       pg00218
219 19  Sutherland      Thomas      pg00218
219 28  Taylor          Levi        pg00218
218 3   Taylor          Samuel      pg00218
218 7   Teague          Redding     pg00218
218 4   Tidwell         Garrit      pg00218
218 5   Tidwell         Peter       pg00218
219 27  Tidwell         Sanders     pg00218
218 6   Toney           John        pg00218
219 29  Tubbs           John        pg00218
219 26  Tucker          Sleth       pg00218
219 30  Tuggle          Joel        pg00218
218 1   Tully,          Lewis B     pg00218
218 2   Turner          Samuel      pg00218
219 31  Turner          Whitney     pg00218
218 22  Underwood       J J         pg00218
218 21  Underwood       Thomas      pg00218
218 9   Vance           Eli         pg00218
218 10  Vaughan         Samuel      pg00218
218 8   Vest            Reuben B    pg00218
218 23  Waddel          James J     pg00218
218 29  Waters          D C         pg00218
218 15  Webb            Jeremiah    pg00218
218 11  West            John        pg00218
218 27  Whyte           Thomas      pg00218
218 14  Wideman         Thomas      pg00218
218 13  Wilkinson       Elijah      pg00218
218 12  Williams        John        pg00218
218 26  Williams        William     pg00218
218 18  Williamson      Cynthia     pg00218
218 24  Willis          James       pg00218
218 25  Wood            J. D.       pg00218
218 20  Wood            William     pg00218
218 16  Wood            Young       pg00218
218 17  Wooten          B D         pg00218
218 19  Wright          Rody        pg00218
218 28  York            John        pg00218