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1830 Jackson Co., AR  Federal Census                    Part 1 of 2

This Census was transcribed by Charlotte C. Smith <>
and proofread by Linda Smith Scroggs for the USGenWeb Archives Census Project,

Copyright (c)1999 by Charlotte C. Smith

Transcribed and checked for accuracy, but of course may have errors. 
Always check original if any questions arise.

USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any
format for profit or presentation by other organization or persons.
Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain
the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative
of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof
of this consent.  The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb 
Archives to store the file permanently for free access.
Thanks to S-K Publications for providing the census page photocopies from
which this transcription was made.  The complete original, handwritten
census of this county is available in book form (including a typed index)
from S-K Publications, PO Box 8173, Wichita KS 67208
Census_Year    1830
Microfilm #    M19-5
State          AR
County         Jackson
District       Litchfield
Enumerator     Gideon Pearce

---------------------Begin Actual Transcription----------------------------------
Pg# Ln# Last Name     First NameFile name
95  22  Adams         James     pg00095
96  20  Armnian??     Barney    pg00095
96  2   Bartley       Elijah    pg00095
96  16  Bennett       James     pg00095
95  15  Bridgeman     Joseph    pg00095
95  12  Bridgeman     Martin    pg00095
95  20  Burnes        James     pg00095
96  19  Campbell      Ephriam   pg00095
96  23  Campbell      Garritt   pg00095
96  18  Campbell      William   pg00095
95  9   Carr          William   pg00095
95  2   Condry        Bird      pg00095
95  8   Copeland      Martin    pg00095
95  5   Copeland      Nicholas  pg00095
95  17  Cornwell      Dexter    pg00095
95  10  Davis         Alfred    pg00095
96  27  Drisco        James     pg00095
95  28  Flannory      Isaac     pg00095
95  24  Flannory      Jacob     pg00095
95  6   Flannory      John      pg00095
96  1   Glass         Dudley    pg00095
96  4   Glass         Silas     pg00095
96  14  Gray          Daneil    pg00095
96  10  Gray          Issac     pg00095
96  11  Gray          Jesse     pg00095
96  8   Gray          John      pg00095
96  9   Gray          Rolly     pg00095
95  7   Hagerton      Charles   pg00095
96  5   Hagerton      Jacob     pg00095
96  3   Hagerton      Joseph    pg00095
96  6   Hagerton      Richard   pg00095
96  24  Hammonds      William   pg00095
96  21  Haynes        Thomas    pg00095
96  22  Hudson        John      pg00095
95  13  James         John      pg00095
96  26  Jerrell       James     pg00095
95  11  Jones         Peggy     pg00095
95  21  Kinnon        Simeon    pg00095
95  3   Milton        William   pg00095
96  15  Minyard       John      pg00095
96  12  Nichelson     William   pg00095
95  18  Robins        Daniel    pg00095
96  25  Ross          William   pg00095
95  23  Seets         William   pg00095
95  25  Stokes        Hollowell pg00095
95  27  Stokes        Redding   pg00095
95  4   Stokes        Samuel    pg00095
95  26  Teague        John      pg00095
95  14  Tidwell       Rowland   pg00095
96  7   Trimble       Joseph    pg00095
95  19  Underwood     Thomas    pg00095
95  16  Whitney       Jane      pg00095
95  1   Wideman       Thomas    pg00095
96  13  Woods         James     pg00095
96  17  Young         John      pg00095