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Biographies - G-L, Vol 3 - Greene Co, AR

Submitted by: George W Rowland
        Date: 17 Apr 1999
Copyright.  All rights reserved.

FATHERS OF THE RIDGE, Vol. III, Genealogical Sketches of Greene and Clay
Counties, Arkansas by George W. Rowland, M.S., Ed.D. Copyright 1980 by
George W. Rowland, P. O. Box 702, Paragould, Arkansas 72450. Printed by
Crowley's Ridge College Bookstore and Press. [Excerpted here with permission
of author.]



William Gage was born in Tennessee in 1828. His wife, Mariah, was born in the
same state in 1835. In 1850 this family was living in Gibson County,
Tennessee and at this time they had no children.

By 1860 William and Mariah had moved to Greene County and settled in Chalk
Bluff Township. By this latter date they had one child, W.T., born in
Tennessee in 1853.

Several other Gage families lived in Gibson County, Tennessee in 1850.  The
reader may locate these families by referring to pages 360 and 361 of the
1850 census record for Gibson County.


John A Gardner was born in Tennessee in 1859. H is wife, Gertrude, was
born in the same state in 1861. I n 1880 this family was living in Weakley
County, Tennessee and they had one child at this time: Mary, born in 1880.

By 1900 the Gardner family had moved to Greene County and settled in Union
Township. By this time six more children had been added to the household:
Elsie, 1883; Marion C., 1885; Annie L., 1887; Rasmus A, 1889; Rosie, 1892;
and Grizzard, 1898. The th ree older children were born in Tennessee and
the three younger ones, in Arkansas.

John A Gardner and his wife, Gertrude (Ella G.), are buried at the Linwood
Cemetery in Paragould. The marker for John shows dates of April 23,1858
and Jan. 3, 904. The marker for Ella G. bears dates of Sept. 29,1860 and
March 30, 1911.


Levi H. Gatlin was born in Tennessee in 1810. His wife, Adeline, was born in
the same state in 1820. In 1850 the family was living in DeSoto County,
Mississippi and their children still at home were: William, 1839;
Claiborn, 1841; Thomas H., 1843; Henry, 1846; and Zachary, 1849. William
and Claiborn were born in Tennessee, but the younger children were born in

In about 1855 the Gatlin family moved to what is now Craighead County,
Arkansas (then Greene County) and settled in Powell Township. By 1860
three more children had been added to the household: Orlena 1853; Mary J.,
1856; and Edward, 1860. Susan Gatl in, born in Tennessee in 1843, was also
a member of the household. Susan's relation to Levi H. Gatlin is not

In 1870 the Gatlin family was still living in Powell Township and bythis time
two more children had been born: Marion E., 1862; and John, 1866.

In 1850 another Gatlin family was living next to Levi H. Gatlin in DeSoto
County, Mississippi. This was the family of Stephen and Chelly Gatlin,
born in Tennessee and North Carolina in 1812 and 1804 respectively. They
had one son at this time: James W., born in Tennessee in t 842. It is
suspected that Stephen Gatlin was the brother of Levi H. Gatlin.

In 1870 Stephen Gatlin and his family were living next to Levi Gatlin in
Powell Township of Craighead County. Apparently Stephen's first wife had
died and he had married a woman named Martha C., born in Alabama in 1843.
Their children at home at this time were: John L., t 863; Mary J., 1866;
and Stephen M., 1868. All the children were born in Mississippi.

In 1880 Claiborn Gatlin, son of Levi H., was living in Salem Township of
Greene County, Arkansas. He had married a woman named Margaret, born in
Tennessee in 1842. Their children at this time were: Sarah, 1863; Martha
1865; Lemuel, 1874; and Josephin e, 1877.

Zachary (Zachary Taylor Gatlin married Claudia McNeil in Greene County on
Nov. 1, 1884), Claudia was twenty-seven years of age atthe time. She was
the daughter of L.B. and Frances McNeil, born in Tennessee and Georgia in
1820 and 1828 respectively. I n 1880 the McNeil family was living in
Poland Township.  The marriage record shows that Z achary Gatlin was a
resident of Craighead County.

Edward (Levi Edward) Gatlin married Texanna Cupp in Greene County on Nov.
26, 1880. Texanna was sixteen years of age at the time. She was the
daughter of William and Jane Cupp, born in Georgia and Arkansas in 1827
and 1834 respectively. The Cupp fami ly were residents of Salem

Some of the members of the Gatlin families are buried at the Pleasant Hill
Cemetery in western Greene County. Rev. Stephen Monroe Gatlin, son of
Stephen M. Gatlin Sr., is buried at the Linwood Cemetery in Paragould and
his marker shows dates of 1868 and 1934. John A. Gatlin (born 1868) is
buried at the Center Hill Cemetery.


Pleasant Gibbs was born in Tennessee in 1816. His wife, Lucinda, was born in
the same state in 1815. In 1850 the family was living in Henderson
County, Tennessee and their children were: James, 1836; Joshua, 1837; Anna
1838; Morgan, 1839; William, 18 42; Jessee, 1843; John W., John; 1847; and
Pleasant, 1849. All these children were born in Tennessee.

Pleasant Gibbs Sr. apparently died sometime during the 1850's. I n 1860
Lucinda was the head of her own household and was living in Concord Townsh
ip in G reene Cou nty, Arkan c as By this latt er date one more child,
Richard, had been added to the family. Richard was born in Tennessee in


C.G. Giles was born inTennessee in 1841. Hiswife, Mazy M., was born in
thesamestate in 1850. In 1880 the family was living in Carroll County,
Tennessee and their children were: Willie I., 1869; Jefferson T., 1871;
Arthur H., 1874; and Cora M., 1876.

Arthur H. Giles moved to Greene County and settled in Paragould, but the
exact date is not known. In 1916 Arthur H. and his wife, Van, were living
at 605 Bradburn in the City. Chester H., Hobert L., Grace L., and Esther
Giles were living at the same address.

A personal item appearing in the June 22,1921 issue of the Paragould
Soliphone indicated that C. G. Giles of McLemore ( McLemoresvilie?),
Tennessee had recently paid a visit to his son, A H. Giles. Arthur was
living at 721 North Pruett in Paragould at the time.

In 1939 Arthur H. Giles and his wife, Van, were living at 717 North Pruett in
Paragould. Chester Giles was living at the same address. At this time
Arthur Giles was employed by the Wrape Stave Company.

Van Dora Giles, wife of Arthur H., is buried at the Linwood Cemetery.  Her
marker bears dates of 1872 and 1961.


Hiram A Gilliam was born in Georgia in 1843. Hiswife, Maggie, was born
inTennesseein 1838. In 1880 this family was living in Dyer County,
Tennessee and their children were: Alfred, 1862; Martin, 1864; Sarah,1867;
Samuel,1870; Emma,1872; Henry C.,1874 ; and Hiram,1879. Alfred, Martin,
and Samuel were born in Georgia All the other children were born in
Tennessee. Apparently the family moved from Georgia to Tennessee, back to
Georgia and back the second time to Tennessee.

By t900 the Gilliam (Gillean) family had moved to Greene County and
established their residence in Jones Township. By this time one more child
had been added to the household: Lena R., born in Tennessee in 1881.

Some persons bearing the Gilliam (Gillean) name are buried at the Jones Ridge
Cemetery east of Delaplaine.


J.G. Glasgow (Glasco) was born in North Carolina in 1819. His wife, Mary, was
born in the same state in 1821. In 1850 this family was living in
Weakley County, Tennessee and their children were: William, 1844; and
Mary, 1847. M. Sturd, born in North Carolina in 1785, was also a member of
the household.

By 1860 the Glasgow family had moved to Greene County and settled in Chalk
Bluff Township. There were no children in the household. J.G. Glasgow's
occupation is listed, in the census record, as "surveyor".


John Gleyhorn (Gleghorn) was born in South Carolina in 1810. H is wife,
Sissila, (Sisly), was born in the same state in 1815. In 1850 the family
was living in the White River Township of Independence County, Arkansas
and their children were: R Coda, 1834; David, 1835; Stephen C.,1836;
Lucretia M. 1838; Mal issa 1840; John M. .1842; Sarah E.,1844; William
B.,1846; and James K P.' 1848. The f our younger children were born in
Arkansas, but all of the older ones were born in Tennessee.

By 1860 the Gleyhorn family had moved to Greene County and settled in
Union Township. By this latter date four more children had been added to
the household: Hardy C., 1851; Louis C., 1856; and Mary A, 1860. D. W.
Carroll, born in Arkansas in 1858, w as also a member of the household.

John Gleyhorn died sometime during the 1860's. In 1870 Sissila was the
head of her own household in Friendship Township and James, Hardy, Louis,
and Mary were living with her.

During the 1860's Stephen C. Gleyhorn married a woman named Nancy J., born in
Arkansas in 1847. In 1870 theywere living in Friendship Township and
they had one child, Mary C., born in Arkansas in 1867.

During the 1860's John M. Gleyhorn married a woman named Mary M., born in
Tennessee in 1846. In 1870 the familywas living in Friendship Township and
they had one child, Mary J., born in Arkansas in 1868. AJ. Ward, born in
Arkansas in 1861, was also a member of the household.

In about 1870 James Gleyhorn married a woman named Caroline, born in Arkansas
in 1846. In 1880 they were living in Salem Township and their children were:
Etta, 1872; Nancy, 1875; Ellen, 1877; and John, born in March of 1880.

In 1850 there were several Gleghorn (Gleyhorn) families living in Lincoln
County, Tennessee. The interested reader may wish to make a further study
of the records of that county.


Levi W. Gogue was born in Illinois in 1855. H is wife, Melissa, was born
in Kentucky in 1856. In 1880 this family was living in Brushy Precinct in
Saline County, Illinois and their children at this time were: William V.,
1877; E.J. (a daughter), 1878 ; and Louisa G., 1880. The Keasler family of
Greene County, Arkansas also came from Saline County, Illinois. (See

By 1900 the Gogue family had moved to Greene County and settled in Hurricane
Township. By this time seven more children had been added to the household:
Monroe J., 1883; George I., 1885; Clara, 1887; Polly, 1890; John R., 1891;
Ellie, 1892; an d Rosa, 1897. Rosa was born in Arkansas, but all the older
children were born in Illinois.

Levi Gogue is buried at the Pleasant Grove Cemetery in northeastern Greene
County and his marker shows dates of 1855 and 1908. George I. Gogue is
buried at the same place. Some of the Gogue descendants have taken up
residence in nearby Clay County, Arkansas. Some persons bearing the name
of Gogue still live in Rector in Clay County today.


George W. Goldman was born in Indiana in 1850. His first wife, Maryl, was
born in Ohio in 1849. In 1880 thisfamilywas living in Johnson Township in
Crawford County Indiana and their children were: Moses, 1870; Rachel P.,
1874; Apalona (a daughter), 1 876; and Anna M., 1878. All of the children
were born in Indiana. Allen Goldman, George's brother born in 1866, was also
a member of the household.

In 1900 the Goldman familywas living in St. FrancisTownship in Greene County.
MaryJ Goldman had apparently died and George'ssecond wife was named Nancy E.,
born in Indiana in 1854. Their children still at home at thistime were:
Albert l, 1881; Ida B.  , 1884; Hen ry L., 1888; and FrankA, 1894. Albert l
was born in Indiana, but all of the younger children were born in


John Gordon was born in North Carol ina in 1799. H iswife, Elizabeth, wasborn
in Tennessee in 1806. In 1850 thisfamilywasliving in Carroll County,
Tennessee and their children still at homewere: Jacob, 1830 Martha, 1832;
John W., 1835; Maryl, 1836; J elina, 1842; and Ervin T., 1845.

John W. Gordon married a woman named Sarah A while still in Tennessee.  Sarah
was born in Tennessee in 1834. By 1860 the family had moved to Greene County
and settled in Concord Township. Their children at this time were: Mary,
1856; and Cordelia, 18 59. Both were born in Tennessee.  Sarah A Gordon
apparently died during the 1860's  By 1870 John W. had married a woman named
Mary R., born in Tenneessee in 1855. Bythis latter date two more children had
been added to the household: John W.M., 1861; an d Sarah F., 1865. John
Gordon Sr., father of John W., was also a member of the household.

Jacob F. Gordon married a woman named Mary Adaline, born in Tennessee in
1832.  By 1860 this family had moved to Greene County and settled in Concord
Township They had one child at this time Martha E., born in Tennessee in
1856. By 1870 the family was living in Bradshaw Township and four more
children had been added to the household: Beizora F., 1861; John R., 1863;
Rubin C., 1864; and James A, 1869.

Ervin T. Gordon, son of John Gordon Sr., married a woman named Mary A, born
in Mississippi in 1844. In 1870 this family was living in Bradshaw Township
in Greene County and their children at this time were: Ervin T., 1863; James
W., 1866; and Pleasant F., 1869.

The Gordon family apparently became residents of Clay County, Arkansas when
it was formed in 1873.


Thomas Gray was born in Kentucky in 1847. His wife, Maryl, was born in
Indiana in 1855. In 1880 this family was living in Vigo Township in Knox
County, Indiana. Their children at this time were: Elizha P. ( a daughter),
1875; and Mertie M. (a daughter), 1879.

In 1900 the Gray family was living in Cache Township in Greene County Bythis
time five more children had been added to the household: Grancille L., 1882;
Charles E., 1883; Mattie M, 1887; Odie I. (a daughter), 1891; and Louis R.,


Jeremiah (Jerry) M. Guin was born in Alabama in 1855. His wife, Permelia.
was born in the same state in 1858. In 1880 the family was living in Lamar
County, Alabama ( Beat 11 ) and they had one son, two months old, who had
not as yet been named.

By 1900 the Guin family had moved to Greene County and settled in Main
ShoreTownship. By this time one more child, Loula V., born in 1883, had
been added to the household. Jessie, an adopted son Jorn in 1897 in
Arkansas, was also present.


Harlin Haggard was born in Tennessee in 1817. H is wif e, Rachel, was born in
1822. The state of her birth is not known with certainty since some
records show that it was Tennessee while others indicate at it was North
Carolina. ln 1850, the family was living in Bradley County, Tennessee
and their children vere: Susan, 1838; Sarah, 1840; Catherine, 1844;
Hannah, 1848; and William, 1850.

By 1860 the Haggard family had moved to Greene County and settled in
Chalk Bluff Township. By his latter date four more children had been added to
the household: John, 1853; Joseph, 1854; Henry, 1854; and Ellison,

In 1850 Lucy Haggard was living next to the Harlin and Rachel Haggard family
in Bradley County, Tennessee Lucy was born in Tennessee in 1780 It seems
possible that she was the mother of Harlin Haggard. Martin Haggard, born in
Tennessee in 1822, was a lso a member of Lucy's household at this time.


John W. Hammitt (Hammette) was born in Tennessee in 1839. His wife,
Martha J., was born in the same state in 1841. In 1880 the family was
living in Carroll County, Tennessee and their children were: Lafayette A..
1863; John F . 1865; Alcy. 1868; Sar ah J, 1870; Eliza E A . 1873; James
W., 1875; and Scar N.. 1878.

The John W. Hammitt f am i Iy moved to Greene Cou nty an d settled in
Friendsh ip Township sometime during the 1880's. John W. died in 1889 and
was buried at the New Friendship Cemetery north of Paragould. His marker
shows that he was a Confederate soldier and a member of the Seventh
Tennessee Cavalry. The marker for his wife, Martha, shows dates of 1840
and 1915.


Benjamin Harden was born in Tennessee in 1810. His wife, Nancy, was born
in the same state in 820.1 n 1850 t his f am ily was living in Bradley Cou
nty, Tennessee and their children were: Mary, 1835; Levi 1838: Monroe,
1840; Emily, 1843; Rebeoca, 1845; Eliza 1847: and Elizabeth,1849.  Elizabeth
Harden, born in Tennessee in 1780, was also a member of the household. It
seems possible that she vas the mother of Benjamin Harden.

By 1860 the Harden family had moved to Greene County and settled in Chalk
Bluff Township. By his latter date two more children had been added to the
household: Sarah, 1850; and Benjamin. 1854.

In 1870 Benjamin Harden and a number of his descendants were living in Chalk
Bluff Township in Greene County. Apparently most of the members of the Harden
families became residents of Clay county. Arkansas when it was formed in


Lafayette Harden was born in Tennessee in 1854. His wif e, Rhoda E., was born
in Arkansas in 1858. n 1880 this family was living in Campbell Township in
Lawrence County, Arkansas and they had only ne child, M.C ( a daughter). born
in 1879. John and S arah Harden, parents of Lafayette, were members of the
household. John and Sarah were born in Tennessee in 1817 and 1816
respectively. Lafayette's sister, N.J., was also present; she was born in
Tennessee in 1841.

By 1900 the Harden family had moved to Greene County and settled in Cache
Township. By this time five more children had been added to the household:
Girtie, 1887; Birdie, 1887; Johnnie (a daughter), 1891: Josie 1.,1893: and
Gracie. 1890.  All the children were born in Arkansas. Girtie and rdie
were twins, born in August of 1887.


Blackman (Blackburn) Hardin was born in Tennessee in 1826. His wife, Nancy,
was born in the same state in 1824. In 1850 this family was living in McNairy
County, Tennessee. At this time they had only we child, Sally, born in

During the late 1860's, the Hardin family moved to Greene County and
settled in Bradshaw Township.   By 1870, several more children had been
to the household:  Mary E. 1852; John N. 1853; James J. 1856; William A.
1858; Alfred 1860; Julia 1862; and Rufus 1863.  All these children were
in Tennessee.

Apparently, the Hardin family became residents of Clay County, Arkansas when
it was formed in 1873.


Jessee Harkey was born in North Carolina in 1822 . His wife, Eliza, was born
in the same slate in 1840. In 1880 this family was living in Graves County,
Kentucky in or near the town of Symsonis. Their children at this time were:
Laura, 1861; Carie, 1863; Thomas, 1871; and Rosa, 1873. Laura and Carrie were
born in North Carolina, but Thomas and Rosa were born in Kentucky.

By 1900 the Harkey family had moved to Green County and settled in Clark
Township. By this time one more child, Bettie, had been added to the family.
Bettie was born in Kentucky in 1881. Jessee's married daughter, Carrie James,
and grand-son, Verner James, were also members of the household. Verner was
born in Arkansas in 1894. The census record for 1900 indicates that Carrie
James was a widow at this time.

In 1916 Verner James, grandson of Jessee Harkey, was living at 608 North
Second in Paragould. Verner was a derk for the John C Crowell Grooery at 125
West Court at this time.

Jessee and Eliza Harkey are buried at the Linwood Cemetery. The marker for
Jessee shows dates of 1822 and 1901. The marker for Eliza bears dates of 1840
and 1901.


Jasper Harman (Harmon) was born in Alabama in 1832. His wife, Barbara
(Barbary) was born in Tennessee in 1826. In 1850 this family was living in
Henderson County, Tennessee and at this time they had only one child, Louisa
J., born in Tennessee in 1849.  Nancy E. Leslie, born in Tennessee in 1844,
was also a member of the household.

By 1860 the Harman family had moved to Greene County and settled in Concord
Township. By this date three more children had been added to the fam ily
Susan E., 1853; Tilman, 1856; and Malinda, 1859. Malinda was born in
Arkansas, but the older children were born in Tennessee.

In 1870 Jasper and Barbara Harman and several of their children were living
in JohnsonTownship in Greene County. Apparently the Harman people became
residents of Clay County, Arkansas when it was formed in 1873.


Reddick Harmon ( Harman) was born in North Carolina in 1813.  His wife,
Catherine, was born in Tennessee in 1819. In 1850 this family was living in
Randolph County, Arkansas and their children were: Arminta, 1838; John, 1841;
Martha A., 1846; Mary L., 1849; and James, 1850.

By 1860 the Harmon family had moved to Greene County and settled in Concord
Township. By this latter date three more children had been added to the
household: Amey, 1851: Eliza, 1854; and Malinda, 1858.

It should be indicated that Arminta and John Harmon were born in Tennessee.
All of the other children were born in Arkansas.


J.P. Harris was born in North Carolina in 1812. H is wife, Mary J., was born
in Tennessee in 1817. The county of birth of J.P. Harris is not known.
However, he was one of the very early settlers of Greene County, Arkansas,
having arrived sometime prior to 1840.

In 1860 the Harris family was living in Salem Township and their children at
home were: Jincy C, 1840; Letha A.,1842; Zilla E.,1844; Amanda J.,1846;
Thomas P.,1851; and James P.,1859.

Apparently J. P. Harris died sometime during the 1860's. In 1870 Mary J.
Harris was the head of her own household in Salem Township.

In 1860 Jincy Harris, born in North Carolina in 1790, was living near the S.
P. Harris family in Salem Township. It is suspected that she may have been
the mother of J. P. Harris.

Thomas P. Harris, son of J.P., married Sallie (Sarah) M. Pevehouse in Greene
County on Jan. 18, 1879.  Sallie was twenty-three years of age at the time.
In 1880 Thomas and Sallie were living in Cache Township and they had one
child, Cintha, born in November of 1879.


Archibald Hodge was born in South Carolina in 1802. His wife, Mahala, was
born in Tennessee in 1806.

In l850 this family was living in Texas Township in St.Francis County,
Arkansas and their children at home at this time were: Ruth,1836; Sally
A.,1839; Frands M.,1841; Archibald,1846; and Eli,1850. Archibald and Eli were
born in Arkansas, but all the other children were born in lilinois. John
Hodge, born in Illinois in 1830, was also a member of the household.

By 1860 the Hodge family had moved to Greene County and settled in Union
Township. No new children had been added to the household during the decade
of the 1850's. Francis, Archibald Jr., and Eli were still living with their

In 1870 the Hodge family was still living in Union Township. Archibald Jr.
and Eli were also members of the household.


Jessee Hodges was born in Kentucky in 1853. His wife, Margaret A, was born in
Tennessee in 1856. In 1880 this family was living in Stewart County,
Tennessee and their children were: John A., 1875; William H.,1877; and
Levi O., 1880.

By 1900 the Hodges family had moved to Greene County and settled in Salem
Township. By this time four more children had been added to the household:
Ada M.,1882; Ade F. (a daughter), 1884; Hettie L.,1887; and Martha J.,1888.
All the children were born in Tennessee.

William H. Hodges is buried at the Old Bethel Cemetery in western Greene
County. His marker shows dates of March 14,1877 and Feb.21,1941. Three of his
infant children are also buried at this cemetery.


Henry J.Hollis was born in Tennessee in 1812. His wife, Eliza, was born in
1817. Her state of birth is not known with certainty since some records show
that it was Kentucky while others indicate that it was Tennessee. In 1850
the Hollis family was living in Wayne County, Tennesee and their children
were: Missienary, 1834; Elizabeth,1836; James,1838; Wesily,1840; Martha,1842;
Wiley,1845; Artamisy, 1846; and Sarah,1850. It should be noted that this
surname is spelled " Hallis" in the 1850 Census Index for Tennessee.

By 1860 the Hollis family had moved to Greene County and settled in Chalk
Bluff Township.

Apparently Henry J. Hollis had died sometime during the 1850's. In 1860 Eliza
was the head of her own household. By 1860 two more children had been added
to the Holiis family: Tennessee,1852; and Columbus,1857.

In 1850 another Hollis family was living very near Henry J. and Eliza Hollis
in Wayne County, Tennessee. This was the family of John and Elizabeth Hollis,
born in Tennessee in 1807 and 1809 respectively. This family appears on the
same page of the census record with the family of Henry J. and Eliza Hollis.


Morgan Hopper was born in Tennessee in 1856. His wife, Amanda, was born in
the same state in 1859.  In 1880 this family was living in Obion County,
Tennessee and they had one child, Edward, born in 1878.

By 1900 the Hopper family had moved to Greene County and settled in Hurricane
Township. By this time four more children had been added to the household:
Robert C.,1882; Dovie,1885; Charles, 1889; and Jessie ( a son),1895.

Some persons bearing the name of Hopper are buried at the Purcell Cemetery in
Clay County, Arkansas.  This cemetery is located just outside the northern
boundary of Hurricane Township in (;reene County.


B. F. Houston was born in Kentucky in 1801. His wife, Necesera, was born in
Tennessee in 1813. In 1850 the family was living in Marshall County,
Tennessee and their children were: Alfred M.,1832; Peter L.,1836; Lovely
A.,1839; Patience O.,1841; Parses D.,1843; Dewitt C.,1845; Josephine,1848;
and Mary C., 1850. Patience Houston, born in 1780, and Lovely Usery, born in
1770, were also members of the household.

Dewitt C. Houston married a woman named Sarah and in 1916 they were living in
the Crawford addition of Paragould. Dewitt followed the blacksmith trade at
this time. Dewitt and Sarah are buried at the Linwood Cemetery. The marker
for Dewitt shows dates of 1844 and 1924. The stone for Sarah (Sallie F.)
bears dates of 1848 and 1927.


Andrew Howell was born in Tennessee in 1800. His wife, Catherine, was born in
the same state in 1801.  In 1850 this family was living in Lumpkin County,
Georgiaandtheirchildrenstillathomewere: Daniel,1827; Rufus, 1830; William,
1835; Jackson, 1837; James, 1842; and Eliza,1845.  Daniel and Rufus were born
in Tennessee, but all the younger children were born in Georgia.

Catherine Howell apparently died sometime during the 1850's. By 1860 Andrew
and his children were biving in St. Francis Township in Greene County.

The 1850 census record for Lumpkin County, Georgia indicates that the
occupation of Andrew Howell was that of "miner". The record also shows that
mining was the occupation of many other residents of th area

The reader is referred to the Phillip Howell sketch in Volume II of this book
it will be noted that Phillip Howell also lived in Lumpkin County, Georgiain
1850 and that his occupation was that of mining. Both Phillip and Andrew
Howell came to Greene County during the 1850's and settled in St. Francis
Township. For these reasons, it is speculated that Andrew may have been the
oldest son of Phillip Howell.


George Huffman was born in Indiana in 1837. His wife, Martha, was born in the
same state in 1840. In 1880 this family was living in Greene County, Indiana
and their children were: William,1862; Mary, 1864; Clara,1867; Rhoda,1870;
Winfred,1871; Alonzo,1877; and Ollie,1878.

In 1900 the Huffman family was living in Cache Township of Greene CountY,
Arkansas. Evidently Martha Huffman had died by this time. As of 1900 George
had no wife. His step-children, Effie, Bertha, and Franklin Steel, were
living with him. These children were born in Indiana in 1887,1889, and 1891
respectively. Alonzo Huffman was still living with his father in 1900.


The reader is referred to the Hyde sketch in Volume l of this book. Since
that sketch was written, some new information regarding this family has been
discovered. As indicated in the original sketch this family lived in Alabama
for a brief period. It is now known that they were residents of Cherokee
County, Alabama when the 1850 census was taken. The 1850 census for this
county (family number 571) shows James and Sarah along with their children
Charles,1845; and C;reenbury,1847. Other members of the James and Sarah Hyde
household in 1850 were: Martha Higgins,1790; Rebecca Higgins,1833; Mary
Higgins,1835; Washington Higgins,1839; and David Higgins,1831. Also present
were: Louisa Doyle,1820; and Lovey Doyle,1847. All the members of the James
and Sarah Hyde household were born in South Carolina.

In 1850 another Hyde family was living next to the James and Sarah Hyde
family in Cherokee County, Alabama. This was the family of Isaiah and HesterA
Hyde, born in South Carolina in 1798 and 1799 respectively. Charles Hyde,
born in south Carolina in 1842, was living with Isaiah and Hester at this

It should be noted that, in 1860, the James and Sarah Hyde family were living
very near Isaiah and Hester A. Hyde in St. Francis Township in Greene County.
This appears to be further evidence that Isaiah and Hester may have been the
parents of James M. Hyde.

In 1850 the family of Thomas and Nancy Hyde, born in South Carolina in 1824
and 1827 respectively, was also living in Cherokee County, Alabama However
Thomas and Nancy were not close neighbors of James and Sarah Hyde and the
relationship between the two families, if any, is not known. The children of
Thomas and Nancy in 1850 were: Jane,1846; James,1848; and Elizabeth,1850.
Jane and James were born in Georgia, but Elizabeth was born in Alabama.

Since the original Hyde sketch was writtin in 1978, still another bit of
information regarding this family has been uncovered.  West of the Pine Knott
Church and Cemetery, in a remote wooded area on the property of George A.
Woods, there is located a relatively small burying ground know as the "Old
Pine Knott Cemetery".  Rev James M. and Sarah Hyde are buried at this
cemetery.   The marker for James shows dates of Nov 11, 1822 and May 23,
1882.   The marker for Sarah bears dates of aug 20, 1822 and July 19, 1905.
An iron fence surrounds the graves of this couple.   Charles F. Hyde and his
wife Elizabeth, are also buried here.   The marker for Charles shows dates of
Dec 9, 1845 and June ?, 1908.  Elizabeth's marker bears a birth date of Dec
1, 1845, but the date of death is not readable.   Serveral markers for
infants and small children bearing the name of Hyde are also at this


John Kelley was born in Tennessee in 1847.  His wife, Sarah, was born in the same state in 1851.  In 
1880 this family was living in Graves County, Kentucky in or near the town of Mayfield.  Their children at 
this time were: William, 1875; and Rufus M., 1877.  John's father, John W. Kelley, was also a member of the 
household. John W. Kelley was born in North Carolina in 1802.
By 1900 John and Sarah Kelley had moved to Greene County and settled in Spring Grove Township.  By 
this time one more child, Elvis E. had been added to the household.  Elvis E. was born in Kentucky in 1889.


Thomas Kent was born in South Carolina in 1809.  His wife, Mary A. was born in the same state in 1812.  
In 1850 this family was living in Washington County, Illinois and their children were: David J., 1836; 
William H., 1839; Abner, 1843; Eliza J., 1846; and Martha, 1848.  David J. was born in Tennessee, but all the 
other children were born in Illinois.
By 1860 the Kent family had moved to Greene County and settled in Union Township.  By this latter date 
two more children had been added to the household: Ellen, 1853; and Ruth, 1857.


James P. King was born in North Carolina in 1811.  His wife, Sarah, was born in the same state in the 
same year.  In 1850 this family was living in Henry County, Tennessee and their children at home were: 
William, 1832; Newton, 1834; Sarah F., 1840; James M., 1842; Rebecca E., 1845; and Thomas J., 1848.  
Eliza S. King, born in 1843, was also a member of the household.
Sarah F. King, daughter of James, married George W. Gibson (see GIBSON, Vol. 11).  In 1916 Sarah 
and George were living at 621 North Third in Paragould.  Sarah died in 1921 and her obituary appeared in the 
Dec. 21, 1921 issue of the Paragould Soliphone.  This obituary indicated that Sarah was born near Paris, 
Tennessee and that she and her husband moved to Paragould in about 1890.  Her son, James M. Gibson, was 
living in Fort Worth, Texas at the time of her death.  She was also survived by a brother, Newton King, and a 
sister, Ella Adams, both of Paris, Tennessee.  George W. and Sarah King Gibson are buried at the Linwood 
Cemetery in Paragould.


The reader is referred to the King sketch in Volume I of this book As indicated in the original sketch, the 
King family once lived in North Carolina.  The R. (Reubin) King family may be found in the 1850 census 
record for North Carolina by referring to microfilm page ninety-eight and family number788 for Rockingham 


John W. Knight was born in Georgia in about 1820.  His wife, Nancy K., was born in Tennessee in 1821.  
In 1850 this family was living in Giles County, Tennessee and their children were: William, 1844; Martha 
Ann, 1845; Mary, 1846; John C., 1848; and Rosanna, 1850.  Robert Eliot, born in Tennessee in 1829, was also 
a member of the household.  The census record indicates that both John W. Knight and Robert Eliot followed 
the blacksmith trade.
In 1850 Kindred C. and Rebecca Knight were living very near the John W. Knight family in Giles 
County, Tennessee.  Kindred and Rebecca were born in Virginia in 1785 and 1795 respectively.  It is believed 
that they may have been the parents of John W. Knight.
By 1860 John W. and Nancy K. Knight had moved to Greene County and settled in St Francis Township 
By this latter date three more children had been added to the household: Candis, 1851; Louisa N., 1854; and 
Louis B., 1857.  Candis and Louisa were born in Alabama, but Louis was born in Tennessee.
In 1860 Kindred C. Knight was living next to John W. Knight in St. Francis Township in Greene County.  
Rebecca had apparently died during the 1850's and Kindred was the only member of his household at this 


Andrew J. Knox was born in Tennessee in 1826.  His wife, Tabitha G., was born in the same state in 
1833.  Andrew J. Knox and Tabitha G. Brevard were married in Obion County, Tennessee on Oct.15, 1852.  
In 1880 the family was living in Obion County and their children were: Clara B., 1858; Alfred A, 1860; 
Virginia, 1865; Venola (Nola), 1869; Emma,1871; Pollyana, 1876; and Tabby, 1879.  All of the children were 
born in Tennessee.  Andrew's married daughter, Susan, and son-in-law, Samuel H. Lytton, were also members 
of the household.  Susan was born in 1862 and Samuel in 1853.  Both were born in Tennessee.
Tabitha G. Brevard was the daughter of Alfred A and Mary Brevard, born in North Carolina and 
Tennessee in 1796 and 1805 respectively.  In 1850 the Brevard family was living in Smith County, Tennessee 
and their children still at home were: Tabitha, 1833; Clarissa, 1834; Cynthia, 1836; Richard,1838; Polixoney, 
1840; Alfred, 1842; John, 1844; Cyrus, 1848; and Archibald, 1850.
By 1900 the Knox family had moved to Greene County and settled in Clark Township.  In 1916 they 
lived at417 West Main in Paragould.  Misses Jennie (Virginia), Nola, and Tabitha Knox lived at the same 
address.  Tabitha was Secretary-Treasurer of the Paragould Cooperative Creamery.  Alfred was a member of 
the firm of Ford, Kitchens, and Knox and President of the Paragould Building and Loan Association.  J. C. 
Ford and T. B. Kitchens were the partners of Alfred Knox in a general insurance firm.  This company was 
located at 110 West Emerson.
Andrew J. Knox died in 1921 and his obituary appeared in the Feb.14, 1921 issue of the Paragould 
Soliphone.  The obituary indicated that he had come to Greene County from Obion County, Tennessee in 
1888.  He had lost a leg in an accident and had operated a drug and book store in Paragould.
Emma Knox married Edward D. Woodburn.  Edward was President of the Paragould Cooperative 
Creamery and, as of 1916, the couple made their home with the Knox family at 417 West Main.  A number of 
members of the Knox families are buried at the Linwood Cemetery Andrew l, (1825 1918); Tabitha G., (1832-
1913); Nola, (1868-1941); Jennie, (1864-1956); Alfred A,  (1859-1932); Maggie (first wife of Alfred A), 
(1860 - 1909); and Hattie (second wife of Alfred A), (1879-1952).  Edward I. Davis Woodburn and his wife, 
Emma Knox Woodburn, are also buried at Linwood.  Edward's marker shows dates of 1873 and 1947.  
Emma's marker bears dates of 1870 and 1949.
One daughter of Andrew I Knox was still living in Obion County, Tennessee at the time of her father's 
death.  She was Mrs. Mollie (Mary Polly) Rice.


R A. Knox was born in Tennessee in 1811.  His wife, Jane, was born in the same state in 1814.  In 1850 
this family was living in Gibson County, Tennessee and their children were: Mary,1834; John, 1836; James, 
1839; Elanor,1840; Martin,1844; Terissa, 1846; and Martha, 1850.  Zilphia S. Knox, born in 1816, was also a 
member of the household.
By 1860 the Knox family had moved to Greene County and settled in Chalk Bluff Township.  By this date 
one more child, Joseph, had been added to the household.  Joseph was born in Tennessee in 1852.


B. Ladyman was barn in Maryland in 1800.  His wife, Mary, was born in North Carolina in 1805.  In 
1850 this family was living in Weakley County, Tennessee and their children still at home were: Sarah, 1826; 
Joshua, 1832; Casia (Kissa), 1835; Caroll (Carrel), 1838; and Hardy, 1840.
B. Ladyman apparently died during the 1850's.  By 1860 Mary Ladyman was the head of her own 
household in Chalk Bluff Township in Greene County, Arkansas.  Sarah, Casia, Caroll, and Hardy were 
members of the household at this time.
Joshua Ladyman, son of B. Ladyman, married a woman named Elizabeth, born in Tennessee in 1830.  In 
1860 this family was living very near Mary Ladyman in Chalk Bluff Township and their children were: James, 
1855; M. D. C. (a daughter), 1857; B. F. (a son), 1859; and William, 1859.  All these children were born in 

In 1850 two other Ladyman families were living next to the B. Ladyman family in Weakley County, 
Tennessee.  One of these families was that of G. L. and Caroline (Carline) Ladyman, born in Tennessee and 
South Carolina in 1827 and 1830 respectively.  There were no children in their household.  By 1860 G. L. and 
Caroline were living near Mary Ladyman in Chalk Bluff Township in Greene County.  The second of these 
families was that of Webb and Martha Ladyman, born in Tennessee and Kentucky in 1820 and 1829 
respectively.  In 1850 they had one child, John, born in 1846.  Jane Ladyman, born in 1775, was also a 
member of the household.
By 1860 Webb and Martha Ladyman had moved to Greene County and settled in Chalk Bluff Township 
near Mary Ladyman.  Their children at this time were: William, 1850; Joshua, 1853; Thomas, 1856; and 
Mary, 1859.  William was born in Tennessee, but all the younger children were born in Arkansas.
At least one other Ladyman family was living in Weakley County, Tennessee in 1850.  However, this 
family did not live in the same neighborhood with the families previously mentioned.  It may be of some 
interest to note that all the Ladyman families living in Tennessee in 1850 were residents of Weakley County.
Some persons bearing the name of Ladyman are buried at the Purcell Cemetery.  This cemetery is located 
in the extreme southern part of Clay County, Arkansas.


Robert Langford was born in Tennessee in 1816.  His wife, Martha, was born in the same state in 1819.  
In 1850 this family was living in Fulton County, Kentucky and their children were: James, 1838; Robert, 
1842; and William, 1845.
By 1860 the Langford family had moved to Greene County and settled in Union Township.  By this latter 
date one more child, E A (a son), had been added to the household.  E. A was born in Kentucky in 1852.  
Martha l Duffel, born in Missouri in 1851, was also a member of the household at this time.
James L. Langford, son of Robert, married a woman named Mary E. sometime during the 1850's.  Mary 
E. was born in Kentucky in 1834.  In 1860 James and Mary were living in Union Township next to Robert 
Langford.  James and Mary had no children at this time.  G. W. Duffel, born in Missouri in 1849, was a 
member of their household
In 1850 another Langford family was living next to Robert and Martha Langford in Fulton County, 
Kentucky.  This was the family of Francis and Elizabeth Langford, born in 1828 in Tennessee and Virginia 
respectively.  It seems likely that Robert and Francis were brothers.


John W. Langley was born in Tennessee in 1835.  In 1880 John was living in Benton County, Tennessee 
and the other members of the household were: Mary 1,1845; Martha A, 1867; Louisa L., 1869; Henry, 1872; 
John L, 1877; and Mary A, 1880.  The census record indicates that Mary l was not related to John Langley, 
however this may have been an error on the part of the census enumerator.
By 1900 John W. Langley was living in St. Francis Township in Greene County and the other members 
of his household were Mary 1 and Mary A Langley.


William S. Latta was born in North Carolina in 1822.  His wife, Bennetta, was born in Tennessee in 
1826.  In 1850 this family was living in Union County, Illinois and their children were: John, 1842;
Susannah, 1844; and Joseph, 1848.  John and Susannah were born in Tennessee, but Joseph was born in 
By 1860 the Latta family had moved to Greene County and settle in Bradshaw Township.  By this latter 
date five more children had been added to the household: A. E. (a daughter), 1850; W. l (a son), 1852; Mary 
E., 1854; Thomas, 1857; and Sarah, 1859.  A E. was born in Illinois and W. l, in Tennessee.  The three 
younger children were born in Arkansas.
In 1870 William S. Latta and his wife, Olive C., were still living in Bradshaw Township and by this date 
three more children had been added to the household: Martha B. 1861; Audey L., 1864; and Eller Jane, 1869.
William S. Latta is buried at the New Hope Cemetery in Clay County, Arkansas.  His marker shows dates 
of 1821 and 1911.
In 1850 the Spencer Laws family was living in the same neighborhood with the Latta family in Union 
County, Illinois (see LAWS, Vol. III).


Spencer Laws was born in North Carolina in 1811.  His wife, Mary, was born in Tennessee in the same 
year.  In 1850 this family was living in Union County, Illinois and their children were: David, 1834; John, 
1840; and James, 1846.  All the children were born in Illinois.  Mary Powell, born in North Carolina in 1788, 
was also a member of the household at this time.
By 1860 the Laws family had moved to Greene County and settled in Bradshaw Township.  James Laws, 
son of Spencer, was still living at home at this time.  Vercilla Forrest, born in Tennessee in 1854, was also a 
member of the household.
David Laws married a woman named Alpha, born in Kentucky in 1839.  In 1860 David and Alpha were 
living next to David's parents in Bradshaw Township.  Their children at this time were: H. E., (a daughter), 
1856; and E. P. (a daughter), 1858.  H. E. was born in Illinois and E. P., in Arkansas.
It should be noted that, in 1850, the Laws family lived in the same neighborhood with the William S.  
Latta family in Union County, Illinois.  The Latta family also moved to Bradshaw Township in Greene County 
during the 1850's. (see LATTA, Vol.111)


Henry B. Lewis (Louis) was born in Tennessee in 1823.  H is wife, Mary, was born in the same state in 
about 1829.  In 1850 this family was living in Benton County, Tennessee and their children were: James, 
1847; and William, 1849.
By 1860 the Lewis family had moved to Greene County and settled in Concord Township.  By this date 
four more children had been added to the household: Martha, 1852; Deborah, 1854; H. F. (a son), 1857; and 
E. T. (a daughter), 1859.  Deborah was born in Tennessee and H. F., in Kentucky.  T. was born after the 
family arrived in Arkansas.


Samuel W. Liddell was born in Alabama in 1833.  His wife, Margaret, was born in the same state In 
1855.  In 1880 this family was living in Poinsett County, Arkansas in or near the town of Greenfield.  Their 
children at this time were: W. E. (a son), 1872; and Samuel C., 1877.
By 1900 the Liddell family had moved to Greene County and settled in Bryan township.  By this date four 
more children had been added to the household: Ellis,1886; Joseph E,1891; Maud,1891; and Emmer E., 1894.  
Joe and Maud were twins, born in October of 1891.  Sam's daughter-in-law, Mary Liddell, was also a member 
of the household.  Mary was born in Arkansas in 1887.
Samuel W. and Margaret J. Liddell are buried at the Pleasant Hill Cemetery in western Greene County.  
Samue P's marker shows dates of 1834 and 1900.  The marker for Margaret J. bears dates of 1855 and 1921.


William Liddle (Liddell) was born in Kentucky in 1815.  His wife, Louisa, was born in Virginia in 1813.  In 
1850 this family was living in Weakley County, Tennessee and their children were: Elizabeth, 1837; 
James,1841; William, 1843; Carolina, 1845; and Robert, 1850.
By 1860 the Liddle family had moved to Greene County and settled in Chalk Bluff Township.  By this 
latter date one more child, Susan, had been added to the household.  Susan was born in Tennessee in 1851.
Some persons bearing the name of Liddle are buried at the Woodland Heights Cemetery at Rector in Clay 
County, Arkansas.


H. D. Lightfoot was born in Tennessee in 1826.  His wife, Rebecca, was born in the same state in about 
1829.  In 1850 this family was living in Dyer County, Tennessee and at this time they had only one child, J. H. 
(John), born in 1849.
By 1860 the Lightfoot family had moved to Greene County and settled in Union Township.  By This latter 
date three more children had been added to the household: Benjamin G., 1851; Melton A, 1853; and Martha, 
1859.  All the children were born in Tennessee.


John Lovelady was born in Tennessee in 1787.  His wife, Mary, was born in the same state in 1789.  In 
1850 this family was living in Hamilton County, Tennessee and the other members of their household were: 
Molinda, 1826; Elbert,1831; Ephraim, 1833; and John, 1836.
There is no evidence that John and Mary Lovelady ever came to Greene County, however it is known that 
their sons, Elbert and John, came to this area during the 1850's.  By 1860 John and Elbert were living in 
Union Township in Greene County.
Elbert Lovelady married a woman named Isabella, born in Alabama in 1836.  In 1860 their children 
were: Joshua,1855; and John D., 1859.  Both children were born in Arkansas.
John Lovelady married a woman named Eliza, born in North Carolina in 1842.  In 1860 their children 
were: Sarah E., 1857; and Henry L., 1860.  Both children were born in Arkansas.  Amanda Taylor, born in 
1851, was also a member of the household.


Joseph Lovelady was born in Tennessee in 1818.  His wife, Deborah, was born in Virginia in 1822.  In 
1850 this family was living in Hamilton County, Tennessee and their children were: John H., 1843; 
Robert,1845; and Manah, 1847.  Elbridge and Mariah Lovelady, born in 1827 and 1829, were also members of 
the household.
By 1860 the Lovelady family had moved to Greene County and settled in Union Township.  By this date 
two more children had been added to the household: Joseph, 1854; and Sevier, 1857.  These two children were 
born in Arkansas.
Some persons bearing the name of Lovelady are buried at the Epsaba and Beech Grove Cemeteries.


Enoch Lowder was born in Tennessee in about 1822.  His wife, Elizabeth, was born in the same state in 
about 1820.  In 1850 this family was living in Carroll County, Tennessee and their children were: William, 
1842; Analiza, 1845; and Samuel, 1850.  Elizabeth Huey, born in 1765 was also a member of the household.
By 1860 the Lowder family had moved to Greene County and settled in Concord Township.  By this latter 
date three more children had been added to the household: M. T. G. (a daughter), 1854; Elizabeth, 1858; and 
Agnes, 1860.


James Lynch was born in South Carolina in 1815.  His wife, Rosanna, was born in the same state in the 
same year.  In 1850 the family was living in Marion County, l Illinois and their children were: Elizabeth, 
1835; John,1841; Martha,1843; William, 1844; and Sarah, 1849.  Elizabeth was born in Tennessee, but all the 
other children were born in Illinois.  John Lynch, born in 1805, was living with the family at this time.
The Feb.22, 1922 issue of the Paragould Soliphone carried the obituary of William S. Lynch.  He was 
born in Marion County, Illinois in 1845.  He was married to a woman named Mary in 1866.  After the death of 
his first wife, he married Mary Cozard in 1871.  William came to Greene County in 1898.  He was buried at 
the Reddick Cemetery.