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Biographies - D-F, Vol 2 - Greene Co, AR

Submitted by: George W Rowland
        Date: 17 Apr 1999
Copyright.  All rights reserved.

This information is copyrighted by George Rowland of Paragould, Arkansas.
This information may not be sold, put into a database, or used in any part
of a commerce or non-commercial adventure without Mr. Rowland expressed

Frank M. Dalton was born in Missouri in 1832. He came to Greene County
during the 1870's. Early in the history of Paragould, he established the
city's first newspaper which is today known as the Daily Press. It is
believed that he had earlier worked for a newspaper in Gainesville in
conjunction with Richard Bull (see GENTRY , Vol. I).
Frank Dalton had been married priorto coming to Greene County but this
first wife died. His second wife was named Elizabeth, born in Pennsylvania
in 1845. As of 1880 Frank and Elizabeth Dalton lived in Union Township and
their children were: Daniel, 1867; William, 1870; and Charles, 1873. Daniel
and William were born in Indiana and Charles was born in Ohio. Elizabeth
Pool, born in Arkansas in 1865, was living in the household at this time.
Frank M. Dalton died in 1912 and was buried at the Gainesville Cemetery.
His wife, Elizabeth, preceded him in death in 1904 and was also buried at
Gainesville. Charles Dalton, son of Frank, died in 1938 and was buried at
Linwood Cemetery in Paragould . Marguerite Mae, wife of Charles, died in
1946 and was buried at the same place.

Ephraim Daniels was born in North Carolina in 1801 . His wife, Penny, was
born in the same state in 1803. In 1850 the family was living in Tippah
County, Mississippi and their children at this time were: Rufus, 1832;
Missouri, 1834; Robert T., 1836; Mary A., 1838; and Elizabeth ,1842. All
these children were born in Tennessee. Ephraim's occupation in 1850 was
that of farming.
Uuring the 1850's the Daniels family moved to Greene County and settled in
St. Francis Township. As of 1860, Robert T. was the only child still living
in his parents' household.
Robert T. Daniels married a woman named Elizabeth, born in 1839. In 1870
the family was living in Clark Township and their children were: James R.,
1864; and Eliza J., 1866. Marshall Palmer, born in Tennessee in 1842, was
also a member of the househo ld.
In 1870 Ephraim and Penny Daniels were living in CIarkTownship. Nancy J.
Cox, born in Arkansas in 1863, was living with them at this time.
Rufus Daniels married a woman named Emily, born in Tennessee in 1839. In
1880 the family was living in Union Township and their children were:
Banona (a daughter),1861 ; Mary, 1865; Rebecca, 1866; and Wiley, 1871.
Ephraim (Hiram) Daniels is buried at the Center Hill Cemetery and his
marker shows dates of 1801 and 1888. It is believed that he is oldest
person buried at the Cemetery. Robert T. Daniels is also buried at Center
Hill and his stone bears dates of 18 37 and 1905. Sarah Daniels is buried
nearby and her marker shows dates of 1873 and 1905.

Atlas J. Danley was born in North Carolina in 1830. His wife, Lucinda, was
 born in Georgia in 1835. In 1850 this family was living in Walker County,
 Georgia in an area known as East Armuchee. They lived in the same
 neighborhood with the Treadaway and Bowlin families (see TREADAWAY and
 BOWLIN, Volume I).
By 1860 the Danley family had moved to Greene County and settled in Cache
Township. Their children at this time were: Benjamin, 1854; Alvarene, 1856;
and Rollis, 1859. Benjamin and Alvarene were born in Gegrgia and Rollis was
born in Arkansas. By 187 0 five more children had been added to the family:
Eliza J., 1864; Rebecca, 1866; Sarah F., 1867; Cordelia F., 1868; and Lunda
V., 1869. All these children were born in Arkansas.
Benjamin Danley married Martha S. Martin in Greene County on Sept. 13,
1877. Martha was the daughter of G.W. and Elizabeth Martin, born in South
Carolina and Georgia in 1825 and 1834 respectively. The Martins were also
residents of Cache Township.  Needham Alvarine Danley married Sarah A.
Pillow in Greene County on Feb. 1 4, 1878. Sarah was eighteen years of age
at the time. As of 1880 Needham A. and Sarah were living in Poland Township
and at this time they had one daughter, Virgie, born in 18 79. Sarah's
mother, Elizabeth Pillow, was living with the family.
As of 1916 Needham A. Danley and his wife, Sarah, were living at 711 South
Sixth Street in Paragould. Miss Laura Danley lived in the same household.

Robert Dennis was born in Tennessee in 1818. Hiswife, Elanor, was born in
 Arkansas in about 1826. Robert Dennis was one of the early settlers of
 Greene County, having arrived in about 1840. It is said that Robert Dennis
 was one of the charter members of Mt. Zion Church.

In 1850 Robert and Elanor Denniswere residents of Powell Township and
theirchildren at this time were: Henry, 1841; Lawrence J., 1843; Margaret
A., 1844; Synthia, 1847; and William T., 1850.
In 1860 Robert and Elanor Dennis were living in Salem Township and by this
time three more children had been added to the household: Wyley, 1852;
Mary, 1854; and Anderson, 1858. Lawrence J. Dennis married Nancy Ann
Newsom, daughter of Sterling and Na ncy H. Newsom,
natives of North Carolina and Tennessee respectively. Nancy was born in
Mississippi in 1845. Nancy died in 1874 and was buried at Mt. Zion
Cemetery. Lawrence later married a woman named ,~ane, born in South
Carolina in 1854. In 1880 they lived in Cac he Township and their children
were: William, 1870; Mary, 1872; Lawrence Jr., 1876; James, 1878; and
Walter, 1879.
Wyley Dennis married a woman named Nancy, born in Arkansas in 1848. As of
1880 their children were: Robert, 1877; and Henry, 1879.
Robert Dennis died in 1867 and was buried at the Mt. Zion Cemetery. In 1880
Elanor Dennis was a widow and lived in Salem Township. Some of herown
children as well as children of relatives were living in the household at
this time. Their nearest neigh bors were the families of Easter Clements (a
black family), Minerva Rousseau, John Guest, and Lewis Diggs.
At least twenty-three persons bearing the name of Dennis either by birth or
marriage, are buried at the Mt. Zion Cemetery.

Abraham H. Dettery was born in Pennsylvania in about 1815. His wife,
Mathusia, was born in Tennessee in 1826. In 1850 Abraham Detterywas a
resident of MassacCounty, Illinois. In about 1854 the family moved to
Greene County, Arkansas and settled in Ca che Township. As of 1860 their
children were: L.A. (a son), 1845; John, 1845; Hesten, 1849; Martha E.,
1850; Trussel, 1853; Edward, 1853; Willoughby, 1855; and Sarah, 1857. The
three olderchildren were born in Kentucky. The next two were born in Illi
nois and the younger three were born in Arkansas
Massac County, Illinois is located just across the Ohio River from
McCracken County, Kentucky (Paducah area). Since three of the Dettery
children were born in Kentucky, it seems possible that the family had lived
in McCracken or one of the adjacent c ounties.
Edward Dettery married awoman named Mary, born in Missouri in 1860. In 1880
 theywere living in Jones Township and had one child, Sarah, born in1877.
 This child died in 1881 . Others living in the same household were
 Mathusia Dettery, Edward's mother, and John Dettery, Edward's older
 brother. Two orphaned children, Nancy and William Cobb, were also in the
 household. Nancy and William were born in Arkansas in 1867 and 1870
Sarah Dettery (1877 -1881 ) is buried at what is said to be the Dettery
Cemetery. This cemetery is located in the south-central part of section 2,
Township 17 North, Range 4 East in Greene County, approximately three miles
south of Beech Grove. This cemetery is grown up with pine seedlings at the
present time. It is believed that other members of the Detteryfamily may be
buried here forwhom there are no markers.
The name, Dettery, has also been spelled as "Dettar" and "Detree" in
various records and on tombstones. The correct spelling remains in

J.E. Dickinson was born in South Carolina in 181 2. His wife, Susan, was
born in North Carolina in 181 1 . In 1850 thefamilywas living in Gibson
County, Tennessee and theirchildren were: James, 1839; Martha, 1840;
William, 1842; Paschal, 1843; France s, 1846; Zachariah Taylor, 1848; and
John, 1849.
J.E. Dickinson died sometime between 1850 and 1870. By 1870 Susan N.
Dickinson had moved to Greene County and settled in Friendship Township.
Her children (Zach T., John H., and Sarah A.) were living with her at his
time. Sarah was born in Tennessee in 1853.
In 1880 Zach T. Dickinson and his wife, Sheba C., were living in Friendship
Township and their were: William, 1874; John R., 1877; and James
G., 1879. Sheba C. was the daughter of William G. and Sarah Nutt, born in
Alabama and Missouri in 1 827 and 1826 respectively.
John H. Dickinson and his wife, George Annie, were also living in
Friendship Township in 1880 and they had only one child at this time,
Marion F. (a son), born in 1879.
John Howard Dickinson is buried at the New Friendship Cemetery north of
Paragould and his full name is indicated on his marker. His stone shows
dates of 1849 and 1887. His wife's full name is shown on her marker as "G.
Annie Nutt Dickinson."

The history of the Dickson family begins with Michael and Isabella Dickson,
born in North Carolina and Tennessee in 1809 and 181 1 respectively. In
1850 this family was living in Bedford County, Tennessee. At this time
theirchildren were: Joshua, 183 7; William J., 1839; Graham B., 1842; James
A., 1845; Sarah J., 1848; and Isabella T., 1850. Graham B. Sharp, born in
1822, was living with the family. Evidently Graham B. Dickson was named for
this man. Graham B. Sharp's occupation is listed, in the
 census, as "teacher."   Sometime during the 1850's the Michael Dickson
family moved to Craighead County, Arkansas and settled in Powell Township.
By 1860 four more children had been added to the household: Thomas M., Mary
A., Donald C., and R.S.  The history of most of the Dickson family belongs
to Craighead County Arkansas. The reader may wish to search the records at
the county seat in Jonesboro for further information on this family. James
A. Dickson is said to have operated a store in Pow ell Township at one
time. At a later date he
moved with his family to Greene County and established a general store in
Paragould. His son, Aaron Graham Dickson, became a physican and at a later
time founded the first hospital in Paragould. This hospital was located in
a frame house on West Cour t between Second and Third Streets. The Dickson
Memorial Hospital, long a landmark in Paragould, was later constructed near
the original building. The hospital building is now used as the City Hall.
The history of this hospital is outlined in some de tail in an article
entitled "Evolution of a Hospital" written by Frances Albright. This
article appeared in Volume Five, Number One of the Greene County Historical
Graham B. Dickson died in 1921 and his obituary appeared in the Nov. 28,
1921 issue of the Paragould Soliphone. At the time of his death he was a
resident of Brookland in Craighead County. He had been Superintendent of
the Sunday School at the New Ha ven Methodist Church for forty years. He
was survived by his sons: Jewel, Edward, and W.W. Dickson of Brookland. He
was buried at the Shiloh Cemetery in Craighead County.
It should be pointed out that James A. Dickson's wife was Mary E. Gambill,
daughter of Aaron and Nancy Gambill. In 1860 this family was living in
Powell Township of Craighead County and the other children in the household
were: James R.,William F., C hristopherC., John M., Margaret A., and Aaron
Jr. Margaret Gambill married Henry Trice (see TRICE, Vol. I). The Gambill
and Trice families may also be traced to Bedford County, Tennessee.
James A. Dickson died in 1892 and was buried at Linwood Cemetery. His
marker indicates that he was born in Shelbyville, Tennessee. As of 1916,
Mary E. Dickson was living at 209 West Court in Paragould. She died in 1932
and was buried next to her husb and at Linwood.

Riley Diggs was born in North Carolina in about 1824. His wife, Sarah, was
born in the same state in 1830. There is reason to believe that Riley Diggs
was a resident of Anson County, North Carolina in 1850.
During the 1870's the Diggs family moved to Greene County and settled in
St. Francis Township. In 1880 their children at home were: JameS R., 1860;
Benjamin, 1861; John, 1864; Josephine, 1865; Murta, 1867; Harriet, 1869;
Sarah, 1874; Charles, 1875; a nd William, 1878. Riley's occupation is
listed in the 1880 census as"ministergospel."
Riley and Sarah A. Diggs are buried at the Woods Chapel Cemetery. Riley's
marker shows dates of 1823 and 1890. The marker for Sarah shows dates of
1836 and 1899.

James D. Dollins was born in Tennessee in 1828. Lincoln County (Tennessee)
Bible Records (written by Tucker and Waller) show that 1828 was his year of
birth and his tombstone at the New Friendship Cemetery confirms the year
and gives Jan. 31 as the e xact date. The Bible Records show that his full
name was James Dunchridge Dollins.
In 1850 James Dollins and his wife, Sarah, were living in Lincoln County,
Tennessee and, at this time, they had only one child, William born in 1849.
In 1880 James D. Dollins was living in Friendship Township in Greene
County. Arkansas. Apparently he was a widowerat this time. His children
still at home were: James D., 1868; Nancy E., 1871 ; and Dara B., 1876. All
these children were born in Tenne ssee. Also present in the household were:
M.M. Johnson, 1861 (daughter of James); Mary F. Johnson, 1879 (grand-
daughter of James); J.W.C. Walls, 1851 (son-in-law of James); and Sarah
Walls, 1877 (grand-daughter of James).

James D. Dollins married Percinda Frances Rowland in Greene County on March
2, 1881 . Percinda was the widow of Henry C. Rowland. She was born in
Tennessee in 1851 . Herchildren by her marriage to Henry Rowland were Ezra,
1871; Hardy, 1873; and Willi am, 1879. Henry and Percinda had once owned
land in section 6, Township 17 North, Range 6 East. This property was
located about one mile south of New Friendship Church on Locust Creek. The
land was sold to Samuel Burton in 1871.
In 191 6 Percinda F. ("Aunt Frankie") Dollins was living at 617 Bradburn in
Paragould. James D. Dollins died in 1902 and Percinda, in 1921 . Both are
buried at the New Friendship Cemetery.

A.A. (Andrew Alexander) Dollins was born in Tennessee in 1825. He was
married to Sarah J. Armstrong in Lincoln County, Tennessee on Dec. 18,
There is some reason to believe that A.A. Dollins may have been the brother
of James D. Dollins, the subject of another sketch.
A.A. Dollins arrived in Greene County in about 1875 and settled in
 FriendshipTownship nearJames D. Dollins. Apparently Sarah J. Dollins had
 died by this time. By 1880 A.A. had married Annie M. Harbison, born in
 Tennessee in 1840. In 1880 the children of A.A. and Annie M. were: James
 F., 1861 ; Sarah A., 1864; John, 1867; Ida M., 1873; and William, 1876.
 Four other persons were also living in the same household at this time:
 Mary A. Harbison, 181 0 (mother-in-law of A.A.); Julia A. Johnson, 1858
(daughter of A.A.); William A. Johnson, 1878 (son of Julia); and James V.
Johnson, 1880 (son of Julia). Mary A. Harbison was born in South Carolina.
Julia A. Johnson was born in Tennessee. Julia's two children were born in
Arkansas. Julia A. was the wife of James M. Johnson.
A photograph of five generations of the Dollins familieswas featured in the
Aug. 1 , 1921 issue of the Paragould Soliphone. Annie M. (Malindy) Harbison
Dollins represented the oldest of these five generations.

Wellington Donaldson was born in England in 1813. His wife, Elizabeth, was
born in Kentucky in 181 5. In 1850 this family was living in Obion County,
Tennessee and their children were: Lochland, 1844; Merriwether, 1846;
Rivers, 1846; and Norman, 1849 .
Norman Donaldson moved to Greene County sometime after 1880 but the exact
date is not known. Norman had married a woman named Mattie and in 191 6
they were living at 403 West Main in Paragould. Norman and Mattie Donaldson
are buried at Linwood Cemete ry in Paragould. Norman's marker
shows dates of 1849 and 191 6. Mattie's marker shows a birth date of 1857;
her death date appears to be 1949 but it is not clearly readable. Elizabeth
Donaldson is also buried at Linwood and her marker shows dates of 1814 and

Bailey A. Dover was born in North Carolina in 1817. His wife, Martha, was
born in Georgia in 1821 . In 1850 the family was living in Coosa County,
Alabama and their children at this time were: Caroline, 1842; Elizabeth,
1844; Andrew, 1846; and Martha , 1850. It is believed that the Dover family
came to Greene County during the early 1870's.
Andrew Dover married Tennessee Yates in Greene County on Aug. 2, 1876.
Tennessee was born in the state of Tennessee in 1859. She was the daughter
of Henderson Yates who was born in Tennessee in1822.
In1880AndrewandTennesseewerelivinginUnionTownshipan dtheirchildrenwere:
William W., 1879; and Arthur B., 1880.
James M. Dover, younger brother of Andrew, married Cordelia Anderson in
 Greene County on Sept. 19, 1877. Cordelia was born in Tennessee in 1856.
 She was the daughter of Joseph C. and Mary Anderson who were born in
 Tennessee and North Carolina in 1826 and 1827 respectively. In 1880 James
 M. and Cordelia were living in Union Township and at this time they had
 only one child, Algenon, born in 1879.
William Franklin Dover, younger brother of James M. Dover, married Martha
 E. Howell in Greene County on Oct. 29, 1879. In 1880 the family was living
 in St. Francis Township and they had no children of their own. Martha's
 child by a previous marriage, Edgar Howell (born in 1878), was living with
 the family.
In 1880 Andrew and James M. Dover were living next to each other in Union
Township. Their nearest neighbors were the families of Thomas Howard and
William R. Grady.

In 1880 Bailey and Martha Dover were living in Union Township and their
 children still at home were Marcus J., 1862; and George A., 1864. Marcus
 was born in Georgia and George was born in Alabama. Ben C. Olsen, born in
 Arkansas in 1860, was a servant in the household. Bailey Dover's
 occupation is listed, in the census record, as "tanner."
Clarence G. Dover, son of Andrew, was a clerk for the St. Louis and
Southwestern Railway Company in 191 6. Gresham C. Dover(son of Andrew) and
his wife, Goldie, lived at 620 North Fifth in Paragould at this time.
Gresham was also an employee of the S t. Louis and Southwestern Railway
William W. Dover, son of Andrew, is buried at the Center Hill Cemetery and
his marker shows dates of 1877 and 1929. Andrew Dover is buried at the
Pruitt's Chapel Cemetery south of Paragould and his marker shows dates of
1847 and 1896.
William Franklin and Martha Ellen Dover are buried at the Linwood Cemetery
in Paragould. William's marker shows dates of 1858 and 1930. Martha Ellen's
marker bears dates of 1857 and 1948. Goldie Irene Dover is buried nearby.
In 1939 Clarence G.Dover and his wife, Minnie, were living at 1 224 West
Court in Paragould. Gresham C. and Goldie Dover were living at 1 221 West
Court at this time.

William Drummond (Dummonds) was born in Virginia in 1805. The name of his
wife is not known. In 1850 the family was living in Bedford County,
Tennessee and other members of the family were: Mary 1832; Martha, 1835;
Louellen, 1837; Jane, 1839; Elizabe th, 1840; and Ann, 1842.
By 1860 Louellen and Ann M. Drummond were residents of Greene County. At
this time they were living in the household of Alexander and Martha Arnold.
There is some reason to believe that Martha Arnold was the sister of
Louellen and Ann.
By 1870 William Drummond had moved to Greene County and settled in Salem
Township. Jane and Elizabeth Drummond were also members of his household.
Some of the Drummond people are buried at the Rock Springs Cemetery. This
cemetery is located in southwest Clay County, Arkansas.

Jessee Dunnigan was born in Kentucky in 1857. His wife, Mary, was born in
the same state in 1864. In 1880 this family was living in Union County,
Kentucky and their children at this time were: Hattie L
., 1879; and an unnamed child born in 1880. The 1880 census indicates that
neither of these children was related to Jessee Dunnigan; therefore, it
seems likely that they were his step-children.
In about 1881 Jessee Dunnigan and his family moved to Indiana, but their
place of residence in that state is not known. In about 1895 the family
moved to Greene County and settled in Clark Township. Their children at
this time were: Jessee, 1880; Cor a J., 1882; Maggie, 1887; Loula, 1889;
John H., 1890; Norma, 1893; and William, 1898. Jessee, the oldest child,
was born in Kentucky. William, the youngest child, was born in Arkansas.
All the other children were born in Indiana.

Jonas Eaker was born in North Carolina in 1813. His wife, Nancy, was born
in Tennessee in the same year. By 1840 the Eaker family had moved to
Stoddard County, Missouri and settled in Castor Township in or near the
town of Bloomfield. As of 1850 the children in the Eaker family were:
Louisa J., 1838; Sarah F., 1840; Margaret, 1848; and Araminta, 1850. Nancy
J. Tate, born in Mississippi in 1836, was also a member of the household at
this time.
In 1860 the Eaker family still lived in Stoddard County, Missouri. Margaret
was the only child living with her parents at this time. Cate (Kate) and
Mariah Ann McElwrath, born in Tennessee in 1843 and 1846 respectively, were
also members of the house hold. Charles Baldridge (a carpenter) and Henry
M. Henly, born in Tennessee and North Carolina in 1826 and 1832
respectively, were also present.
During the early 1860's Jonas Eaker moved to Greene County, Arkansas and
settled in Union Township. Jonas' first wife apparently died by 1870 and he
had married a woman named Charity J. In 1880 the Eaker family was still
living in Union Township and at that time their children still at home
were: Arnold Lee, 1865; Elenora K., 1867; Virginia C., 1871 ; Jonah C.,
1875; Tilden J., 1877; and Minnie A., 1879.
Jonas and Charity Eaker are buried at the Eaker Cemetery which is located
about three-fourths mile northwest of Camp Ground Church. The writer
visited this cemetery in 1979 and found it to be well-kept
but accessible only on foot. The property on which the cemetery is located
is presently owned by Mrs. Jimmy T. White. Jonas Eaker's marker shows dates
of 181 3 and 1893. The marker for Charity J. bears dates of 1838 and 1908.
A number of other member s of the Eaker family are also buried at this
In 1840 there were two other Eakerfamilies living nearJonas and Nancy Eaker
 in Stoddard County, Missouri. These were the families of John and James
 Eaker. Little is known abut the John Eakerfamily. However, James Eaker and
 his wife, Sarah, were still living in Stoddard County, Missouri in 1850.
 James was born in Missouri in 1820 and Sarah was born in Tennessee in 1821
 . Theirchildren, in 1850, were: Mary, 1843; Margaret, 1846; and Rilla (a
 daughter), 1848.
Benjamin Crowley's History of Greene County (printed in the 1906 issues of
the Paragould Soliphone) indicates that Jonas Eaker was a county and
probate judge in Stoddard County, Missouri. This History also points out
that Jonas was justice of the pea ce for Union Township and a probate judge
in Greene County, Arkansas. Other comments made by Benjamin Crowley, in his
History, show that Judge Eaker died at his home near Camp Ground.

John M. England was born in Tennessee in 1826. Hisfirstwife, Rebecca, was
born in the same state in 1829. In 1850 the family was living in Henderson
County, Tennessee and their children were: Martha, 1847; John H., 1848; and
James, 1850.
In 1860 the England family was still living in Henderson County and by this
time several more children had been added to the household: M.C. (a
daughter), 1852; A.A., (a son), 1854; A.M. (a son), 1856; R.E. (a
daughter), 1858; and R.S. (a son), 1860.  In about 1870 the England family
moved to Greene County and settled in Hurricane Township. In 1880 John
England's wife was listed in the census as "Annie C." born in Tennessee in
1857. The children in the household at this time were: Melvina E., 1867 ;
William, 1869; Flavius, 1872; John M., 1874; and Martha E., 1878. The
younger children were born in Arkansas, but the two older ones were born in
John M. England and his wife, Hannah , are buried at the Cudd Cemetery
north of Marmaduke. John's marker indicates that his date of death was Jan.
23, 1897. The markerfor Hannah shows dates of 1839 and 1880.
In 1850 there were three other England families living near John M. and
Rebecca England in Henderson County, Tennessee. These were (1) A.R. and
Martha England. born in North Carolina and South Carolina in 1794 and 1801
respectively, (2) George and Ly dia England, born in Tennessee in 1828 and
1832 respectively, and (3) W.J. and Adaline England, born in Tennessee and
Alabama in 1819 and 1825 respectively.

John L. Fielder was born in North Carolina in 1797. His wife's name is not
known with certainty. !n 1850 John Fielder was living in Hardin County,
Tennessee. At this time his children at home
were: Mary Ann A., 1829; Franklin L., 1831 ; Ruth B., 1835; Andrew E.,
1837; and Samuel B., 1843. All these children were born in Alabama.
By 1860 John L. Fielder had moved to Greene County and settled in Salem
Township. By this time two more children had been added to the family:
Louisa A.C., 1851 ; and L.K. (a daughter), 1854. Louisa was born in
Tennessee and L.K. was born in Missouri .
Franklin, son of John L., married while still in Tennessee. Hiswife, Sarah,
was born in Illinois in 1836. In 1860 their children were: J.W. (a son),
1852; S.T. (a son), 1854; James G., 1856: and Martha A., 1858. Martha was
born in Illinois but all th e older children were born in Tennessee. This
family was living in Cache Township in 1860.
Sam Fielder, son ofJohn L., and hiswife, LucyAnn, were living in Salem
Townshipof GreeneCounty in 1880. Lucy Ann was born in Arkansas in 1845.
Their chilren at this time were: John, 1863; William, 1864; Joseph, 1867;
Wylie, 1869; Nancy, 1871; Samuel Jr., 1874; and David,l878. Their nearest
neighbors at this time were the families of Lucy Gardner, Mary Blackwood,
John B. Going, and John Tyner.
Joseph and David Fielder are buried at the Mt. Zion Cemetery. Joseph's
stone shows dates of Feb. 1 7, 1867 and June 21 , 1940. The stone for David
shows dates of Oct. 2, 1878 and Feb. 22, 1902. It is believed that John L.
Fielder is also buried at Mt . Zion but no marker for him has been found.
but accessible only on foot. The property on which the cemetery is located
is presently owned by Mrs. Jimmy T. White. Jonas Eaker's marker shows dates
of 1 81 3 and 1 893. The marker for Charity J. bears dates of 1838 and
1908. A number of other memb ers of the Eaker family are also buried at
this cemetery.
In 1 840 there were two other Eakerfamilies living nearJonas and Nancy
Eaker in Stoddard County, Missouri. These were the families of John and
James Eaker. Little is known abut the John Eakerfamily. However, James
Eaker and his wife, Sarah, were stil l living in Stoddard County, Missouri
in 1850. James was born in Missouri in 1 820 and Sarah was born in
Tennessee in 1821 . Theirchildren, in 1 850, were: Mary, 1843; Margaret,
1846; and Rilla (a daughter), 1848.
Benjamin Crowley's History of Greene County (printed in the 1906 issues of
the Paragould Soliphone) indicates that Jonas Eaker was a county and
probate judge in Stoddard County, Missouri. This History also points out
that Jonas was justice of the pea ce for Union Township and a probate judge
in Greene County, Arkansas. Other comments made by Benjamin Crowley, in his
History, show that Judge Eaker died at his home near Camp Ground.
Other members of the more recent generations of the Fielder families are
also buried at Mt. Zion. Still others are buried at the Pleasant Hill
Cemetery north of Lorado.

Clanton Fitzgerald was born in South Carolina in 1 808. His wife, Jemima,
was born in Tennessee in 1814. In 1 850 the family was living in District
13 in Panola County, Mississippi. Their children at this time were: Mary
E., 1 836; Martha M., 1 835; Sarah L., 1 839; Margaret J., 1 839; Elwood
(Illwood), 1 843; and Frances, 1 849. Clanton and Jemima remained in Panola
County, Mississippi and by 1 860 two more children had been added to the
family: David, 1 852; and Frank, 1 854. Mary E. was born in Tennessee but
all the other children were born in Mississippi.
Elwood Fitzgerald married Mary Ann Faulkner, born in North Carolina in
1844. She was the daughter of John and Sarah Faulkner(see FAULKNER, Vol.
I). Elwood and Mary Ann moved to Greene County sometime during the 1 870's
and settled in Union Township.  As of 1 880 their children at home were:
John Walter, 1867; Henry W., 1869; and Jessie F., (a son) ,1871 . These
children were born in Mississippi.
Walter Fitzgerald (John Walter) married a woman named Emma, born in
Arkansas in 1 868. As of 1 900 they lived in Spring Grove Township and
their children were: Artemus W., 1 892; Amos, 1 894; Thomas, 1896; James,
1898; and Edward, 1899.
Elwood and Mary Fitzgerald are buried at the Fairview Cemetery in western
Greene County. Elwood's marker shows dates of 1843 and 1906. Marys marker
bears dates of 1844 and 1930. Henry Warren Fitzgerald, son of Elwood, is
also buried at Fairview and h is marker shows dates of 1 869 and 1940.
Edward Fitzgerald, son of Walter, died in about 1937 and is buried at the
Center Hill Cemetery. His widow, Callie Edrington Fitzgerald Schwamb, still
lives in the Finch Community. Callie is the daugher of Edwa rd and Eliza
Cravens Edrington (see CRAVENS Volume II).

James S. Ford was born in Tennessee in 1 81 0. His wife, Martha, was born
in Alabama in 1 81 1 . In 1 850 this family was living in Giles County,
Tennessee and their children at this time were: Lucy 1 834; Thomas, 1 836;
William, 1 838; Coleman, 1 84 0; Isaac, 1 842; and Franklin, 1 847. A Nancy
Ford, born in 1770,was living in the household at this time.
During the 1 850's the Ford family moved to Greene County and settled in
Union Township. By 1 860 one more child had been added to the family:
Margaret, born in 1851.
James and Martha Ford are buried at the Gainesville Cemetery. James died in
1 879 but the exact date of Martha's death is not known. Benjamin (Benjamin
Franklin) Ford died in 1 91 2 and is also buried at Gainesville.

The history of the Forsythe family begins with Redman and Elizabeth
Forsythe, born in North Carolina in 1800 and 1803 respectively. In 1 850
this family was living in Madison County, Tennessee and their children at
home were: Sarah E.,1 836; Silas F.  , 1 837; Mary J., 1 839; Charles F., 1
840; Lucretia, 1842; Edmor~d 1843~ Rachel, 1845; Samuel P., 1847; and
Susan, 1848.
In 1880 Charles F. Forsythe and his wife, Harriet E., were living in
Friendship Township in Greene County, Arkansas. Their children at this time
were Marietta A., 1 862; Emily A., 1 864; Elizabeth J., 1 867; Harvey,
1869; Sibba, 1871; Ella M., 1874; Minnie M., 1876; and Charles P., 1 880.
The 1880 census record indicates that Marietta A. was born in Arkansas and
Emily A. was born in Missouri; the next three children were born in
Tennessee. The younger children were born in Arkansas. In 1880 the nearest
neighbors of Charles and Harriet Forsythe were the families of Jesee D.
Menser and John Shane.
Charles F. and Harriet E. Forsythe are buried at the New Friendship
Cemetery north of Paragould in Greene County. The marker for Charles shows
dates of 1 839 and 1 923. The marker for Harriet bears dates of 1842 and
Samuel P. Forsythe is buried at the Warrens Chapel Cemetery in western
Greene County. His marker shows dates of 1847 and 1 91 0.

Isaac Franklin was born in North Carolina in about 1808. His wife, Nancy,
was born in the same state in the same year. In 1 850 the family was living
in Burke County, North Carolina and their children at this time were: Eli,
1 834; Eliza, 1 836; Mart ha, 1 837; Liguen (a son), 1839; Isom, 1 841 ;
Ezra, 1 842; Rufus, 1844; and Lenon, 1845.
Lenon Franklin married a woman named Sarah, born in Tennessee in 1851 . In
1 880 Lenon and Sarah were living in Hurricane Township of Greene County
and their children were: William,l867;Mary A., 1 869; John W., 1 871 ;
Julia C., 1 874; Pinkney J., 1 876; and Mar tha J., 1 879.  Lenon's
parents, Isaac and Nancy A. Franklin, were also members of the household.
William Franklin was born in North Carolina. Mary and John were born in
Tennessee. The three younger children were born in Arkansas.

Thomas A. French was born in Tennessee in 1 817. His wife, Cynthia, was
born in the same state in 1 823. Thomas A. French and Cynthia Bowman were
married in Henry County, Tennessee on May 24, 1 841 . In 1 850 this family
was still living in Henry Cou nty and theirchildren were: K. Jane, 1 842;
Lovey, 1844; John, 1846; and Gideon, 1848.
Gideon C. French, son of Thomas, married a woman named Malinda Jane, born
in Tennessee in 1 852. In about 1 890 this family moved to Greene County,
Arkansas and settled in Hurricane Township. Their children in 1900 were:
Reuben, 1868; William W. (Wil liam Wright), 1880; Herbert, 1885; and
Mertie, 1894. Mertie was born in Arkansas, but all the older children were
born in Tennessee.
William Wright French married Cora Belle Moss during the early 1900's. Cora
Belle was the daughter of Ben F. and Rebecca Sheffield Hamilton Moss. She
was born in Kentucky in 1 887. In 1 900 Rebecca and her children (Florida,
Cora, Charles, Benjamin, and Warren) were living in the Columbus area of
Hickman County, Kentucky.
A number of the members of the French families are buried at the Pleasant
Grove Cemetery in northern Greene County. Rebecca Moss and her sons,
Charles and Benjamin, are also buried at this cemetery.
In 1 850 four other French families were living nearThomas A. and Cynthia
French m Henry County, Tennessee. These were the families of (1 ) Susanna
French, born in South Carolina in 1 795, (2) Gideon French, born in Georgia
in 1781 , (3) Allison Fren ch, born in Tennessee in 1 81 0, and (4) William
Carroll French, born in Tennessee in 1815.

Sevier Fryar was born in Tennessee in 1 822. H is wife, Amanda, was born in
the same state in 1 825. In 1850 the family was living in Hamilton County,
Tennessee and their children were: Evaline, 1 843; Engaboe, 1845; and
William, 1848. Calvin and Mar garet Fryar, born in 1836 and 1840
respectively, were also members of the household. Their relationship to
Sevier Fryar is not known.
By 1 860 the Fryar family had moved to Greene County and settled in Union
 Township. By this time three more children had been added tothefamily:
 John, 1851 ; SevierJr., 1 854; and Rebecca, 1858., All three children were
 born in Arkansas. Margaret and Evaline were still members of the household
 at this time.
In 1 870 the Sevier Fryarfamily was still living in Union Township and by
this time two more children had been added to the household: Joseph, 1862;
and Pleasant, 1868.
Sevier FryarJr. married a woman named Emery, born in Tennessee in 1 852. In
1 880 thefamily lived in Cache Township and they had one child: William,
born in 1876.
In 1850 several other Fryar families were living in Hamilton County,
Tennessee. One such family was that of Pleasant and Jane Fryar, born in
Tennessee in 1823 and 1 824 respectively. In 1 860 this family was living
next to Sevier and Amanda Fryar in Union Township in Greene County. Because
of their proximity, it seems possible that Sevier and Pleasant Fryar were