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Biography of Monroe Stroup, Franklin Co, AR

Submitted by:
        Date: 16 Aug 1998
Copyright.  All rights reserved.

SOURCE: History of Benton, Washington, Carroll, Madison, Crawford,
Franklin, and Sebastian Counties, Arkansas. Chicago: The Goodspeed
Publishing Co., 1889.

Hon. Monroe Stroup, druggist of Webb City, was born in Gordon County,
Ga., December 15, 1847. His father, Judge Alexander Stroup, was born
in South Carolina, and when a young man left his native county to
settle in Cass County, Ga., afterward, however, removing to Gordon
County. He was a man of fine education, and was a graduate from a
Virginia university. While in Georgia he practiced law several years,
and held many prominent positions in his county. In 1860 he located in
Little Rock, Ark., and shortly after moved to Prairie County, where he
died in 1862. His wife is still living. Our subject received a fair
education during his youth, in his native county, which he has since
greatly improved by study and observation. He accompanied his parents
to this State in 1860, and in August, 1863, enlisted in Col.
Crawford's regiment, and served until the close of the war, being on
detached duty most of the time. He participated in the battles at
Poison Springs, Mark's Mill, Prairie De Hand, Iron Mountain, Pilot
Knob, Jefferson City, Boonville, Lexington and Big Blue. After being
paroled at Little Rock, in May, 1865, he farmed in Lonoke County,
until 1877, and then established himself in the drug business at
Ozark. In 1883 he purchased the Charleston Vindicator, which paper he
edited until February, 1884. He then published the Sun, in Ozark,
until 1887, but in April of that year sold the paper and started his
present drug store in Webb City. He owns a large and complete stock of
drugs, and does a good business. During the trouble designated as the
"Brooks and Baxter War," in 1874, Mr. Stroup commanded a company of
militia, and did active service. In 1888 he was elected representative
of his county.