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Biography of Jesse M. Milton, Franklin Co, AR

Submitted by:
        Date: 16 Aug 1998
Copyright.  All rights reserved.

SOURCE: History of Benton, Washington, Carroll, Madison, Crawford,
Franklin, and Sebastian Counties, Arkansas. Chicago: The Goodspeed
Publishing Co., 1889.

Jesse M. Milton was born in Franklin County, Ark., February 10, 1846,
his parents being Samuel and Lucinda (Smith), natives of Alabama and
Tennessee, respectively. About 1836 the parents immigrated to Franklin
County, Ark., where they purchased raw land and farmed. The father
died in 1863, but the mother still survives. They reared their family
of nine children here, of whom but two sons and two daughters survive.
They reside in this county. Jesse M. Milton attained the greater part
of his education after reaching manhood, and September 12, 1867, was
united in marriage to Jane Barham, who was born in Newton County, and
is a daughter of John Barham. After his marriage he rented land a few
years, and in 1873 located upon his present farm, which he homesteaded
in 1880. He has 160 acres of land, forty of which he keeps under
cultivation, and upon which he has erected good buildings. His orchard
contains 200 trees of different kinds of fruit. Mr. and Mrs. Milton
are members of the Primitive Baptist Church. To them six children have
been born: Mary Catherine, wife of Hulett Anderson; Martha E., Sarah
L., Alice J., Jessie E. and Harriet. William Jasper Milton, also a son
of Samuel and Lucinda Milton, now lives upon the old homestead, where
he passed his youthful days. In August, 1861, he enlisted in the State
service, and in 1862 joined the regular Southern army. He served under
Col. Brooks, and fought at Oak Hill, Prairie Grove, Saline River and
Helena. After the army was disbanded he resumed his farming, and March
7, 1869, was united in marriage to Mary Anderson, who was born in
Mississippi, but reared in this county, and is a daughter of William
Anderson, deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Milton have four children: Baxter,
Flora A., Robert M. and Martha E. Mr. M. is a successful farmer, his
home place consisting of 120 acres of Mulberry bottom land, fifty
acres of which are cleared and cultivated.