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Submitted by:  H. Shannon Phillips, Sr.  (

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MAson PHILLIPS was not the first Governor of Arkansas or such but was one of the
hundreds of early settlers who endured hardships and are among the countless 
unsung heroes who won the West. He was born in SC on 8 May 1800.  It is likely 
he was among the early PHILLIPS families who left SC and were in Giles and 
Lawrence Co. County, TN by 1816 or earlier awaiting the removal of the Indians.  
On 13 Feb. 1825 Mason was in Lauderdale Co., AL where he married Deborah 
KENDRICKS.  Mason was on the Benton Co., AR Tax List in 1830.  Mason 
apparently went west, probably with the KENDRICK family, and then returned 
for his family after he secured a place for them.  In 1833 Mason, wife, and four 
children (John C., Mary E., Bransom, and Benjamin W.) were in Benton Co. when 
their fifth child William C. PHILLIPS was born.  Mason was in the 1840 and the 
1850 Census of Benton Co., AR which listed additional children Mason, Rebecca,
Deborah, Robert, Amanda, Seborn and Susan.  The Mason PHILLIPS family was 
documented in a Benton County History, "Cornerstone Families" along with the 
James LYNCH, GRAHAM, and KENDRICK families.  Mason died 27 August 1877 
and Deborah died 3 September 1863 and both were buried in the PHILLIPS 
Cemetery near Lowell, AR.  