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Benton Co., AR - Biographies - Dr. A. R. Bills

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        Date: 20 Jun 1998
Copyright.  All rights reserved.

SOURCE: History of Benton, Washington, Carroll, Madison, Crawford,
Franklin, and Sebastian Counties, Arkansas. Chicago: The Goodspeed 
Publishing Co., 1889.

Dr. A. R. Bills, son of Pascal W. and Drusilla (Barlow) Bills, was born June 12, 1850, in Bourbon
County, Ky. The father was born in the same county, and there grew to manhood. He was well
educated, having attended Millersburgh Academy of Kentucky, but never completed his course. While
in that State he taught school for a number of years, and afterward graduated at Bryant &
Stratton's Commercial College. He then kept books for Waide. Extine & Co., wholesale druggists of
Cincinnati. for two years, after which he went to New Orleans and kept books in that city for
some time. He had traveled quite extensively, going through Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi and
Tennessee as collecting agent. Mr. Bills then returned to Kentucky, and was married to Miss
Drusilla Barlow August 23, 1849. To them were born seven children, six now living: Alvin R., Mrs.
Ann Eliza Rheinhordt, John H., Mrs. Mary L. Burney, Mrs. Lillie O. Bird, Laura and Mary
(deceased). After marriage Mr. Bills taught school, and in connection carried on farming in
Bourbon County, Ky., until 1854, when he removed to Cass County, Mo., settled about three miles
from [p.809] Lone Jack, and there he has since lived. His wife was also born and reared in
Bourbon County, Ky., and like her husband received a good education, being educated at North
Middleton. Alvin W. Bills, grandfather of Dr. A. R. Bills, was born in North Carolina in 1806,
but immigrated to Tennessee with his parents when but a lad. He was there educated, and was a
classmate of James K. Polk. After graduation he began the study of medicine at Lexington, Ky.,
graduated from the Transylvanian College, and then followed his profession in that State until
his death, which occurred in 1848. His wife, the grandmother of Dr. A. R. Bills, Mary N. (Simms)
Bills, was born in Culpeper County, Va., and when about twelve or fourteen years of age removed
to Kentucky, and was there afterward married. The maternal grandparents, Alvin W. and Mary
(Fisher) Barlow, were both natives of Kentucky, and the grandfather was a soldier in the War of
1812. Dr. A. R. Bills remained at home until ten years of age, and was then placed in school,
where he remained until the breaking out of the war. During that eventful period he remained at
home and made himself generally useful around the farm, carrying provisions to the army. After
the close of hostilities he returned to his books and entered the school at Lone Jack, Mo., where
he remained from 1866 to 1867. He then began teaching, and this continued for eight years in the
public schools of Jackson, Cass, Lafayette and Johnson Counties, Mo., teaching ten months out of
each year, and in three years had taught thirty-three months. During that time Dr. Bills began
the study of medicine, teaching himself, but under the preceptorship of Dr. Andrew O'Conner. He
took one course of lectures at the College of Physicians and Surgeons in Kansas, and then took
one course at the Medical Department of the University of Kansas City, graduating in March, 1882.
Dr. Bills then removed to Maysville, Ark., and began the practice of his profession. Here he has
since lived, and has built up a large and successful practice. He became a member of the County
and State Medical Societies shortly after removing to Maysville, and has since retained his
membership. November 7, 1871, he married Miss Johanna Jones, a native of Scott County, Ky., and
the daughter of Joseph and Rachel A. Jones. To this marriage were born three children: Ethelyne,
John Warren and Beulah. The doctor is a stanch Democrat in politics, is a member of the Masonic
fraternity, and he and wife are members of the Christian Church.