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Wills: A. J. Smith, 1933: Russell, Alabama
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                      Last Will and Testament of A. J. Smith


The State of Alabama
Russell County

I, A. J. Smith, of Uchee, in said state and county, do make this my Will and 
testament as follows;

1.  I direct that all my just debts be first paid as soon as convenient after 
my death.

2.  I hereby direct my executor to give in cash the sum of one dollar to each
of my nieces and great nieces, their names being as follows - my nieces, Willie
J. Thigpen, Sarah Torbert, Hattie E. Torbert, Mary Gentry, and Bettie Williamson.
My great nieces, Annie _____ Smith, Lizzie Mae Smith, Vana Kindred, Dona Thigpen,
Margaret Housen and Willie Hendrick Kerr.

3.  I give all my real estate whatsoever, situated, and being in Russell County,
with appurtenances thereto belonging, unto my nephew, Frank L. Persons, Sr. in
fee simple.

4.  I give all my personal property of every kind and description also to my
nephew Frank L. Persons, Sr.

5.  I hereby appoint F. L. Persons, Sr. executor of this my Will, without bond.

6.  I hereby revoke all previous Wills and Codicils hitherto made by me.
In testimony whereof, I have this 19th day of August 1933 hereunto set my hand
and seal.

                                                       A. J. Smith

Signed, published and declared by A. J. Smith as and for his last will in our 
presence, and we in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto
subscribed our names as witnesses on the day and date of said Will.

                                                       S. B. Williams
                                                       William P. Floyd

                                       Proof of Will

The State of Alabama                                         Probate Court
Russell County                                               May 18, 1940

In the matter of the Estate of A. J. Smith, Deceased.

Present here:  C. B. Gullatt, Jr, Judge of Probate
Before me. C. B. Gullatt, Jr. Judge of Probate, in and for said county,
personally appeared in open court S. B. Williams who, having been by me 
first duly sworn and examined, did depose and say on oath, that he is a
subscribing witness to the instrument of writing now shown to him and which
purports to be the last will and testament of A. J . Smith signed and executed
said intsrument on the day the same b__ns date, and declared the same to be his
last will and testament, and that affiant set his signature thereto on the day
the same b__ns as a subscribing witness to the same in the presence of said
A. J. Smith and that such other witnesses subscribes his that said A. J. Smith
was of sound mind and disposing memory, and in the opinion of the deponent fully 
capable of making his will at the time the same was so made as aforesaid
affiant further states that said A. J. Smith was on the day of the said date of 
the full age of twenty-one years and upwards.  
                                                             S. B. Williams  (L.S.)
Sworn to and subscribed before me this May 18, 1940
                                                             C. B Gullatt, Jr.
                                                             Judge of Probate

                                 Certificate of Proof of Will

The State of Alabama
Russell County                                               Probate Court

In the matter of the application of F. L. Persons, Sr. to admit to probate an 
instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of A. J. Smith, Deceased.
I, C. B. Gullatt, Jr. Judge of Probate in and for said county and State, do hereby
certify that the within will has been duly proved and recorded; that the date of 
proof and probate of the said will is the 18 day of May 1940, and that the said
will, together with the proof, is recorded in Book 4, Page 370.  
Dated this the 17 day of July, 1940. 
                                                             C. B. Gullatt, Jr.
                                                             Judge of Probate