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Randolph County, Alabama, Sixty-Two Years Ago  
The Red Man's Home, The White Man's Eden      1894-1896

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         Archives by:  Joe Dickson
From Thu Mar  9 10:35:12 2000
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2000 15:17:58 -0500
From: Joe Dickson <>
To: David W. Morgan <>
Subject: Re: [RC] Some History of Randolph county, Alabama

David -  Be my guest - I'm not sure if there is a copywright on this or
not, but after all, my great grandfather  J. M. K. Guinn (by the way, if
you want to see his picture, and want to extract it and include it you
can get it off my website at: - see
page for James Miles Killian Guinn) wrote it, and I'm sure I would have
his permission - besides, what are they going to do, put a 70 year old
man in jail?

Joe Dickson, Burlington, Massachusetts

                                J.M.K. Guinn
                         Birmingham Public Library
                               Transcribed by
                            Library Project 3529
                       Works Progress Administration
             Under Sponsorship of the Birmingham Library Board
                            Birmingham, Alabama
       This history of Randolph County, Alabama ran serially in the
       Wedowee "Randolph Toiler" from December 6, 1894 to March 13, 1896.
       The author, J.M.K. Guinn and his brother were editors of the
       Toiler. This is a transcript of a copy lent the Birmingham Public
       Library by the State Department of Archives and History, Mont-
       gomery. The work was done by Library Project 3529, Works Progress
       Administra- tion under the sponsorship of the Birming- ham Library
                            SIXTY-TWO YEARS AGO
                          THE RED MAN’S HOME
                         THE WHITE MAN’S EDEN
                                J.M.K .GUINN
   Written for the Toiler
   Alabama was admitted to the Union, December 14, 1819, and South
   western, West, North and North eastern sectional territory, where
   accessible to navigable water courses, was rapidly settled. Thirteen
   years afterwards (March 2, 1832), A treaty was formulated with the
   Creek Indians through Chief McIntosh, which shortly after cost his
   life. On December 18, 1832, all this territory was organized into new
   counties, Randolph being one of them; and almost the entire eastern
   part of Alabama was the home of the Red Man-a perfect Eden-in length
   North and South more than 200 miles, width averaged 75 miles. North
   rugged and mountainous gradually descends toward the South into
   rolling formation of valleys and flat, low stretches to the
   Chattahoochee river. Northeast rich deposits of gold, copper, iron and
   mica; clear bold springs, branches, creeks and rivers; fine timbers,
   fertile soil, mild climate, pure air and good health.
   In Randolph county sixty-two years ago the river, creek and branch
   bottoms and their hillsides were covered with reed, cane and
   cane-brakes, in valleys and hills with grass and vegetation two and
   three feet high, the high flat ridges and hills with pine, oak,
   hickory, chestnut and chinquapin promiscuously; hickorynuts scorns,
   chestnuts and chinquapins could be found plentiful after the woods
   were burned in March and April. We have raked up a hat full within
   yard’s space.
   The chinquapin grew in forests sometimes for miles in length and thick
   as a plum orchard, but not so high with limbs, bent into umbrella
   shape loaded down with fruit, and when ripened, the grandest and most
   interesting sight the eye ever beheld.
   Grapes (summer) grew sun rich hollows and on hillsides, and baskets
   full have been gathered in December and January.
   Walnuts, hazelnuts, red and black haw were plentiful.
   Whortle and gooseberries, when not burned over in the fall and winter,
   were never failing crops, on which men, beast and bird lived
   New ground (land cultivated the first year) made fine corn, wheat,
   oats, potatoes, pumpkins, and watermelons grew to perfection, cotton
   but little planted.
   Horses needed no feed unless worked. Cattle wintered well, their
   owners drove great herds to market and kept the people supplied with
   money. Hogs kept fat in the woods and the supply of meat was
   Game was plentiful; sometimes as many as 15 or 20 deer could be seen
   herded together; a large drove of wild turkeys was a common thing;
   squirrels (gray and fox), opossums and rabbits were numerous; wild
   ducks, pigeons and black birds came in flocks and wintered here.
   Fish of all kinds, sizes and qualities filled the creeks and rivers,
   and could be seen 8 and 10 feet deep swimming and darting about; and
   last, the little bee, with its rich deposits stored away in mountain
   oak and pine, though plentiful, hard to find.
   With all these good things to eat and enjoy, the pioneers had the
   wolf, cat, fox, opossum, mink, owl, hawk, as well as the cruel
   revengeful Indians and dishonest treacherous white men to watch.
   What thought can interest you more than that to read about the Red
   man’s home and the White man’s Eden, and as it comes from
   the hand of God?
                             County Established
                                 Number Two
   Written for the Toiler
   The General Assembly, in 1832 passed an act establishing Randolph
   County, as follows, to wit: That all that tract of county bound as
   follows, to wit: Beginning at a point where the line dividing
   Townships 16 and 17 crosses the line dividing Ranges 8 and 9 East of
   the Meridian of Huntsville; thence along said boundary down to the
   line dividing Coffee’s and Freeman’s Survey; thence due
   West along said line to the aforesaid line dividing Ranges 8 and 9;
   thence along said line due North to the beginning; shall constitute
   one separate and distinct county to be called and known by the name of
   Randolph. Approved December 18, 1932.
   Randolph County at that time embraced Townships 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and
   North fractional part of 22, and Ranges 9, 10, 11,12, 13 and 14. The
   latter two being fractional on account of the Georgia State line of
   the East. This made the county about 31½ miles North and South, 24¼ on
   North end and 30 1/3 on the South end; an average of 27 3/8 miles
   wide, with an area of 862 5/16 square miles or 551,880 square acres.
   Randolph County is situated on the Coosa Land District, which is all
   that tract of country east of the Meridian of Huntsville, with
   township line running East and West and numbered from North to South
   from 1 to 22; and range lines running North and South and numbered
   from West to East, from 1 to 14.
   The line dividing Randolph and Chambers counties is the line dividing
   Coffee's and Freeman's Survey and makes Township 22 fractional.
   A township is six miles square, bound on North and South by township
   lines and on the East and West by range lines, and with 36 sections
   each one mile square; containing 640 acres divided into 16 quarter
   sections or 80 acre lots.
   Sections in a township are designated by numbers commencing at the
   northeast corner and run from 1 to 36 consecutively; sections are
   divided into quarter sections, thus NE¼ NW¼ SW¼ and SE¼ .
   Range one is a true meridian line east from Huntsville and runs north
   and south; all range lines or sub-division lines running north and
   south are parallel, and with the same variations. Surveyors generally
   corner at Section 36 and run north: this was supposed to give them the
   correct variations of that section and range line. It is said, by old
   surveyors, the variations change every fifty years from east to west
   and vice versa.
   The Coffee and Freeman line dividing Randolph and Chambers counties is
   neither township nor a sectional but a made line, and that gives
   fractional townships, fractional quarter sections which are designated
   by letters A, B. C, etc. The line dividing Alabama and Georgia is
   another made line with a variation of about 1/5 of a mile to the
   section west of north running north, this also gives fractional
   townships, sections and quarter sections. Little and big Tallapoosa
   rivers gives fractional quarter sections; so it happens these
   fractions are some times larger than quarter sections, but generally
   smaller. T. 21,. 13, Sec 1, contains only 0.17 of an acre; T,. 21, R.
   14, Sec. 3, contains only 2.97 acres. Robert W . Higgins entered Sec.
   1, T. 21, R. 13, and Benjamin Zachary entered S. 3, T. 21, R. 14.
   In 1868 the General Assembly in establishing new counties cut of
   Township 17 on the north to Cleburne and Range 9 on the west to Clay.
   Now the county from north to south is 25½ miles in length and an
   average of 21 3/8 miles wide with an acre of 545 1/16 square miles or
   348,,840 acres.
   There was a treaty made March 2, 1832, with the Creek Indians which
   gave to each Indian a half Section 320 acres to be selected and
   located by him; with this the United States reserved the 16th sections
   for school purposes and the rest was subject to entry.
                                Number Three
   Written for the Toiler.
   The time of the County's advent into existence and organic sisterhood,
   is one of the most important historical characteristics of her future.
   It is conceded where there is an existence there was a beginning.
   Therefore, in order to be as accurate as the facts will justify, in
   the absence of recorded evidence, it will be necessary to use
   circumstantial evidence when it will throw light on the point desired
   to be established, especially as to time of organization.
   The first official and authentic evidence we find is the act of the
   legislature establishing the County's boundary, and approved December
   18, 1832.
   The second is a power of attorney given by John Camp, of Randolph
   County, Alabama to Neil Furgerson of Carroll County, Georgia and dated
   January 9th, 1833. Attested: Archibald Sawyer, J.C.C.
   These two recorded official acts we think, will establish the time of
   the county's organization, and her legal and official executive
   control and jurisdiction. The law provided that the legislature should
   elect these judges, but in case of vacancy the governor appointed
   them. Just when Judge Sawyer was sworn into office is mere matter of
   conjecture; however it must have been between December 18, 1832, and
   January 9, 1833, an interval of 22 days. The legislature having the
   power to elect these judges, being then in session, and having passed
   an act designating; the boundary, and names given to Benton,
   Talladega, Randolph, Chambers, Coosa, Tallapoosa, Russell, Macon,
   Barbour and Sumpter counties, it suggests itself as reasonable to
   suppose the candidates for County Court Judges were present then, or
   had on file an application asking the election and were notified and
   went immediately to Tuscaloosa, the State Capital, and were sworn in.
   There was no railroad in Alabama then, nor is it reasonable to suppose
   any post office in this wild unsettled territory; besides it would
   take a person by private conveyance (horseback) three to four days,
   and perhaps longer, as there was only one wagon or any other kind of
   road, and that was the McIntosh Trail, in this section of country. To
   go from Tuscaloosa at that time would have been on an Indian or cow
   trail route.
   There was no member from any one of these counties in the legislature,
   for they were not organized then; but there may have been, and no
   doubt were representative petitioners sent from each and Judge Sawyer
   may have been, and more than likely was one of them. Otherwise, these
   representative commissioners may have returned bringing the Judge's
   commission or notified him and he went immediately to Tuscaloosa and
   was sworn in. But, still, we are not justified in saying whether Judge
   Sawyer was sworn in, in December, 1832, or January, 1833. There was,
   so far as we know, no one authorized by law officially, to administer
   an oath of qualify Judge Sawyer here at that time and the Judge had to
   go somewhere else to be qualified. We suppose December, 1832, and at
                              THE COUNTY SEAT
                                Number Four
   Written for the Toiler.
   This subject was elicited no little discussion as to the identical
   place where the first court was held, and it had been questioned as to
   who was wrong.
   It takes facts to make history-traditions and suppositions are not
   always facts; but our readers must indulge us if we should have to use
   some traditions as facts, to get a seat for the county, or else leave
   her standing first on one foot and then on the other until 1835. It is
   not reasonable to suppose though, young, active and frolicsome she did
   not sit down somewhere, whether under a tree, on the grass or a rock;
   for either would have been commodious, while her other and special
   wards domiciled in hollow trees and under wagon beds for safe keeping
   and quick delivery.
   The first County Seat was at or near Hedgeman Triplett's ferry on the
   Big Tallapoosa river, the present Blake's ferry ten miles west of
   Commissioners Court, April Term,, 1834 : "It is ordered (by the court)
   the Hedgeman Triplett gets the establishment of a ferry boat on the
   Tallapoosa river at or near the County seat in Randolph County."
   Attested: George McKaskle, Willis Wood, Archibald Sawyer, J.C.C,
   William Vardeman, Clerk.
   While the above is official evidence of a County seat somewhere "at or
   near" , it does not locate definitely and we introduce tradition,
   which says, "The first court was held on the bank of the river at
   Triplett's ferry under a large oak tree; that Judge Sawyer set on a
   log and leaned against the tree while presiding, and that tree is of
   course the first county seat."
   Another tradition is handed down to us and says: "The first court was
   held under a large mulberry tree near Triplett's house, which was more
   than one hundred yards southwest of the ferry; that Triplett furnished
   the court with seats and grub, and that was the county seat."
   A third tradition says: "The first court was held on the flat rock a
   mile west of Triplett's ferry and this was the county seat."
   Now, let us see if the minutes of the April term of the Commissioner's
   court, 1834, when carefully read in connection with the traditions
   won't reconcile as to time and place and establish the first court and
   county seat. There were three courts, viz. County, Commissioner's and
   Circuit; the first County Court was held February, 1834, and the first
   Circuit Court was held April 15, 1834. An act of the legislature,
   1832-3 says: "The County Courts shall be on the 3rd Mondays in June
   and November each and every year; courts of roads and revenue
   February, May and September and
   December; Circuit Court shall commence on the fourth Mondays after
   third Mondays in March and
   September." Now, if there was a Circuit Court held in 1833, it would
   have been held on the 14th day of October, only four days after the
   first Circuit Clerk and Sheriff had entered on duty, and no jury drawn
   nor papers served, and it is not reasonable to suppose a Circuit Court
   was held under these circumstances in 1833. There had been no County
   nor Commissioners Court held prior to that time, no Jurors drawn nor
   no one to do so until October 190th four days prior to the time
   designated by law to hold a Circuit Court. These facts justify us in
   saying there was no Circuit Court held in 1833.
                              THE COUNTY SEAT
                                Number Five
   Written for the Toiler.
   The law made provision for two commissioners to locate the County
   Seat; in the absence of any act of theirs we take the minutes of the
   Commissioners Court. There was no point designated in these minutes
   other than indefinitely "at or near" Triplett's ferry.
   The County Court was the first court held, and that was November,
   1833, and under the oak tree that stood on the west bank of Big
   Tallapoose river at Triplett's ferry; and why? The character and
   habits of the Judge and Sheriff of that court could not have desired
   or needed more or better accommodations that the shade and shelter of
   a large tree, for whatever held, it was in the open air and outside of
   any building. Under all circumstances, it is reasonable to believe
   Hedgeman Triplett, the County Surveyor and owner of the ferry, had the
   only house in miles of there, and furnished the Court with what
   accommodations he had.
   There were only two cases docketed for trial at this court: Ibba
   Taylor vs James B. Jones, and Ibba Taylor vs Silas Taylor; both suits
   were dismissed at defendant's cost. John W Rutton was security for
   cost; with Archibald Sawyer, an old bachelor as Judge, William
   Hightower, Sheriff, A.O. Nix and ___Freeman, Attorney. A Philadelphia
   lawyer couldn't make believe that court went a mile to set on a rock
   instead of the grass at the ferry. No, not ten steps further than the
   fulfillment of the requirements of the law did that honorable court
   go. The law said "at or near", and here sit and sat the first court of
   Randolph County.
   The tradition that claimed the first court held under the mulberry
   tree was doubtless the first Commissioners Court held, and that was
   February 1834. But it would be very plausible and reasonable to
   believe the first Circuit Court Judge would select the flat rock as a
   more suitable place to hold his court, and we are persuaded to believe
   that this was done, and that court was held April 15, 1834. The
   minutes of the Commissioners Court says, "at or near", This left it
   discretionary with the court which designated no one certain place
   anywhere near the ferry. With these facts, the supposition
   corroborates the tradition, viz. The first court was County Court, and
   was held November 1833, under a large oak on the west bank of Big
   Tallapoosa river at Hedgeman Triplett's ferry. The first
   Commissioners, but second court, was held February, 1834 under a large
   mulberry tree at or near Hedgeman Triplett's dwelling house, south
   about 100 yards from the ferry. The first Circuit, but third court,
   was held on the flat rock one mile west of the ferry in April 1834.
   The character of the courts, the probable attendance, the time of year
   held and the conditions of the weather had much to do with the place
   located. The records show as facts one, if not two, terms of the
   County Court, November 1833 and June 1834, and one term of the Circuit
   Court, April, 1834, at or near Triplett's ferry; but does that fact
   ;within itself establish a county Court or oak tree county seat, a
   Commissioners Court or Mulberry tree County District, a Circuit Court
   of Flat Rock County Seat. We have failed up to the present to find any
   name for the county seat; it is rather suggested, however, to call it
   "Tripplett's". We find there was an act for the organization of
   certain counties, approved January 12th, 1833, which made it the duty
   of the citizens of such counties as shall not have had commissioners
   appointed by the legislature, to locate the seat of justice in their
   respective counties, to elect said commissioners. Section 8 of said
   act is as follows: "And be if further enacted, that the Commissioners
   for the counties aforesaid, shall locate the county center of said
   counties, if practicable, if not., at the most eligible point, not
   exceeding six mile from the center of said counties". Triplett's ferry
   was more than six miles from the center. There were no Commissioners
   appointed by the legislature for Randolph County, neither was there an
   election held as provided, on the first Monday of March, 1833. There
   may have been an election for these Commissioners in August, at the
   time the first County officers were elected in 1833, as we find the
   Clerk of County and Circuit Courts and Sheriff were elected then.
   We are inclined to think there was only one Circuit Court held at the
   flat rocks, and the county seat was moved to Wedowee some time during
   the summer of 1834. Our reasons for believing so are these: The law
   required the county seat within 6 miles of the center. Tripplett's
   ferry was more than that, while Wedowee was within one and a half
   miles of the center. No one had the right to locate or remove it but
   the Commissioners. There was but one house at or near the ferry while
   there was an Indian town and several white: Joseph Benton, Asa Hern
   and others at Wedowee.
          First Court at Wedowee Held in an Indian Chief's Wigwam
                                 Number Six
   Written for the Toiler.
   Some time in the fall of 1834 or spring of 1835 the county seat of
   Randolph County was moved to Wedowee.
   Tradition says: The first court held at Wedowee was held in Wedowee's
   wigwam; a chief at the time, lived in the Indian village half mile
   northeast of the present town of Wedowee. We suppose from what
   tradition says, his name originally was Wah-wah-nee or swift runner,
   Wah-hah-tah-nee or the fast runner, Wah-key-bah-nah or the hard runner
   and Wah-wah-shee or the quick runner. Tradition, however, gives the
   following interpretations to the name Wedowee: First, rain or falling
   water, second; rolling or swift water; third, swift running water. We
   find it was written by some Wa-daw-wee; others Wid-o-wee. Wah-wah-nee,
   swift runner, a chief from which the creek took its name, and the
   towns from the creek, it seems to be conceded. Wah-wah-nee, swift
   runner, a chief from which the creek took its name, and the town from
   the creek, it seems to be conceded Wah-wah-nee, or swift runner,
   would, in our opinion, characterize the name of a chief Indian, and at
   the same time describe the creek clearly and exactly, for it is a
   swift runner. Rain or falling water does not describe the character of
   the creek, other than clear and pure. Rolling or swift water would do
   very well as a description of the creek but not so well for the name
   of man.
   We found, seven years after Wedowee had been located and named, race
   tracks near the town said to have been used by the Indians. These race
   tracks were on the lower bottom field of Mr. William Traylor's, the
   east and lower end of these race tracks were not far from the spring
   and ran within a few paces of the present cotton house on the creek,
   and the ;west or upper end stopped near where a walnut tree now
   stands. These race tracks suggest another good reason for the name
   "swift runners." To the South of these race tracks on a ridge, and
   opposite and north of the 'ten foot hole," there was about 100 feet
   square, smooth and hard as a floor apparently, where it is said, the
   Indians had their brand dance.
   At the time tradition says the first court was held, the Indians were
   friendly with the whites. As you know there had been a treaty made
   with the Creeks on January 24, 1826, and a part of them had gone west.
   On March 2, 1832, the other Creeks in Alabama and the Muskogees of
   Georgia made their last treaty with the United States Rolly and Chilly
   McIntosh signed this last treaty. In the treaty of March 24, 1832, it
   was provided the creeks should be paid for their lands, except half
   sections which were set apart for each head of family, to be selected
   by themselves on which they were to reside until their final departure
   west, the reserve then to be subject to sale by the United States and
   the proceeds to be paid to them the same as the other lands. The
   treaty provided protection in person and property. Under these
   considerations it would be very reasonable to suppose a court was held
   in Wah-wah-nee's wigwam. J.W. Bradshaw, who lives near Wedowee said to
   us a few days since: "I was at the first and last Circuit Court ever
   held in the Courthouse at Wedowee." Knowing he came to Wedowee in
   1836, and there had been Circuit Courts held at Triplett and Wedowee,
   as the records show, we were about to question his recollection, for
   his word is unimpeachable, when we happened to think it was a sell, of
   which he delights in, and sure enough it was, for he qualified the
   "first" and "last" court with the phrase "in the Courthouses." There
   was no Courthouse in Wedowee until after March 14, 1836. The town was
   surveyed and plotted by Hedgeman Triplett, December 1st 1835 and the
   first sale of town lots was March 14, 1836. The first lot sold was 13,
   on which Dr. J. Hood's dwelling now stands. It was bid off by W.H.
   Cunningham, Circuit Court Clerk, William Hightower, then Sheriff, bid
   off at the same sale lot 108 and during 1836 a log Courthouse was
   built on this lot, near where R.T. West's store stands at present. So,
   J.W. Bradshaw was no doubt correct when he said: "I was at the first
   Circuit Courts ever held in the courthouse at Wedowee. We quote J.W.
   Bradshaw again; he says: "The minutes of the court were kept on bark,"
   At first , we thought he was talking through his hat, but when we
   began to think about how few white families there were here, no post
   office in the county and the nearest trading point perhaps, at
   Wetumpka, then in Montgomery County, how strict the United States laws
   were over trade agents who were under $5,000 bonds and the little use
   they had for writing papers, we decided to believe him. Imagine, if
   you please, how far from anywhere but home these people were and how
   many other things more needful than paper and you will believe him
   too. This accounts for the missing official records in the Clerk's
   Written for the Toiler.
   Under the treaty of March 24, 1832, Che-wasti-hadjo held the north
   half section 3, township 20, range 11, on which the Indian village was
   situated. Judge Archibald Sawyer entered the east ½ Southwest, and
   west ½ southwest ¼ southeast ¼ section 3, township 20, range 11,
   October 5, 1836, on which the town of Wedowee was then located. The
   legislature in December, 1832, in the act establishing the boundaries
   of the new counties, you should remember, made provision for two
   commissioners to locate the county seats. We have no official
   information as to whom or when these commissioners were elected yet it
   is reasonable to suppose such were elected at the August election in
   1833; and temporarily located Triplett's ferry as the county seat,
   afterwards finding it was not near enough (within six miles)s to the
   center of the county, and after the April term of the Circuit Court
   held near Triplett on the Flat rock, selected Wedowee. The supposition
   is that the court held in Wah-wah-nee's wigwam-not only with the red
   man but white pioneers. It was an honor, no doubt, Chief Wah-wah-nee
   and his people appreciated and certainly an act of kindness and
   liberality to the honorable court. We can't tell where the courts were
   held in 1835; if not held in Wah-wah-nee's wigwam or some other wigwam
   or white man's house, most likely out under a tree in the open air.
   For while the commissioners had selected the present location, the
   town was not plotted until December 1, 1835, nor lots sold until March
   16, 1836. The spring term of the Circuit Court held afterwards was in
   April, and no doubt in the new court house. Sheriff Hightower's duty
   was to secure a place for the court and as he owned the lot on which
   the house was built, and in the absence of any record or other
   evidence or information, the county paid for it. It must have been a
   private investment without dimensions or accommodations specified more
   fully than, "it was for the use of the court." With dirt floor, three
   holes cut for windows and one for a door, without a shutter to either,
   no seat for the clerk or seats for the jury. Another and higher step
   or object lesson of civilization from an Indian wigwam to a pioneer's
   cabins. What need for door shutters, seat for jurors or table for
   clerk with a bachelor judge, clerk and Sheriff and the proceedings of
   the court kept on hickory and poplar bark with lead pencils and the
   prisoners jailed in a hollow tree or wagon bed turned bottom
   up--Sheriff Hightower bossing the job? We find the following order of
   the Commissioners Court:
                            February Term, 1837
   It is ordered by the court that the Sheriff (Willis Wood) be
   instructed and required to have such repairs made to the court house
   as seems most necessary, viz; A Judge's seat, clerk's table and seats
   for the accommodation of the jury and with good and substantial door
   shutter, and that said work be completed by the Circuit Court next
   ensuing and that he present his account to the next term of this court
   for allowance.
   William McKnight ]
   William Mullaley ] Comm,
   Thomas Blake ]
   Hundreds of the Toiler's readers may imagine the pioneer fathers were
   old fogies when they read about a dirt floor, court house without
   shutters to door or seats to sit on. We don't think anything strange
   if they do, for there are but few of them who know anything about
   pioneer life and inconveniences. "Maybe so" when we tell you, you'd
   think so." There was no saw nor grist mill nearer than Dickson's, the
   old Jacob Eichelberger, and now James McCosh mill in the extreme south
   east corner of the county. We don't know whether Dickson sawed lumber
   then or not. The business and dwelling houses were built out of logs
   or slate 6 or 8 feet long, split timber fashion and wattle in. Whip
   saws that two good hands would cut 300 feet of plank per day, with
   broad axes in the hands of skilled laborers were a great help toward
   building until saw mills run by water were introduced. Jacob Peeler
   put in a mill one mile east and at the present W.W. Dodson mill place,
   and sawed lumber and ground corn and wheat and new farm houses went up
   all about.
   Congress passed an act, approved July 2nd, 1836, locating and
   establishing the following mail routes: From Franklin, Heard county,
   Georgia to Wedowee, to Talladega; from Jacksonville via White Plains
   and Boiling Sprints, to Wedowee, from LaFayette, via White Plains, to
   An act approved July 7, 1838s, the following route were established:
   From Montreal, via Wedowee, to Carrollton, Georgia: from Hickory
   Level, via Adrian's ferry to Arbacooche Gold Mines, and
   Canal Gold Mines, to Franklin, Ga.
   At the September term, 1837, of the Commissioners Court an order was
   passed to advertise town lots for sale on October 30th. This notice
   was ordered published in "The Southern Register," at the same term a
   contract was let to build a new jail. (Hightower's hollow poplar tree
   jail was too small to facilitate the dispatch of business and comfort
   of its inmates we suppose). Leonard W
   Young bid off the contract at $1,000. Jeff Faulkner and Jeptha V.
   Smith, County Building Commissioners, reported the completion and
   acceptance of the jail December 14, 1839. At the August term 1839, a
   contract for building a court house let. Hightower's court house, like
   his jail, couldn't accommodate the court and facilitate business.
   Isaac Baker bid it off at $2,000, to be completed by August, 1840. It
   was received September 5th, 1840. At the May term, 1839, there was an
   order to advertise another sale of town lots in the Jacksonville
   Republican; that grand and true patriot, James F Gran, was it's
   On January 1st, 1840, that true and tried, first and most faithful of
   all county judges, Archibald Sawyer, retired to private life after
   serving from January 1st, 1833 to January 1st, 1840 seven long,
   honest, faithful years, and so far as we know or the official records
   show, honored, loved and respected in public and private life. With
   his retirement, a name associated with him from the first to the last
   official act ceased to be officially recognized as the county seat--it
   was Wedowee.
   Andy Burnham, county judge and McDonald, county seat January 1st,
                           RANDOLPH'S COUNTY SEAT
                           FIRST COUNTY OFFICIALS
       And some leading citizens receive our attention in this issue.
                                Number eight
   Written for the Toiler.
   We told you in number seven series that Wedowee had been changed to
   McDonald on January 1st, 1840. Now we tell you by whom and why it was
   There was a keen, shrewd, well-educated young man who had a great deal
   of curiosity, ambition and adventure in his make-up with plenty of
   energy and sport which he never allowed to like dormant. This young
   man's name was Francis M. Perryman. He held a position which brought
   him in contact with all classes, and of course his inventive genius
   led him to play on the credulity of the curious. His first step was to
   change High Pine to then Chulafinne, and being successful, he
   petitioned the Post Master General to change Wedowee to McDonald. Of
   course the citizens were wrathy, but ignorant of the course of relief.
   They were not up to the ways of petitioning, nor did they know why the
   names of these post offices had been changed. The joke is too good to
   keep. Finally letters to their congressman began to visit Washington
   and in one was a request to have McDonald changed back to Wedowee.
   This of course lead to the exposure which brought before the people a
   petition with a large number of names asking and praying for the
   change. Every man, woman, boy and Negro that was known to young Frank
   was on that petition. He had every post office in the county named to
   suit his own fancy. His first petition was an experiment more through
   curiosity than anything else. Finding a key to unlock Uncle Sam's post
   office officials he utilized it; so you now know why the change in the
   name of your county seat was made.
   We find when Jeff Faulkner entered the office of Judge of County
   Court, his first official act recognized Wedowee as the name of the
   county seat, and from that time since it still goes as Wedowee. It was
   just fours years, and during Judge Andrew Burnham and John D. Bowen's
   judgeship McDonald was the name. We drop Wedowee and her courts for a
   few weeks in order to introduce to you the men who filled the various
   county officers from her earliest days down to the present.
   Judge of the County or Orphan's Court, Archibald Sawyer, an old
   bachelor who lived at Sawyer's ferry, Oakfuskee, was elected Judge by
   the General Assembly December 18th, 1832, qualified and entered on
   duty about January 1st, 1833. He was a man of rough frontier or
   pioneer habits, had a good common business education, honest and
   upright in his dealings and stood favorable with his people. He was
   one of the first settlers and had been a soldier in the Indian wars.
   He was afterwards a Colonel in the State Militia and took pride in
   battalion muster. He was generous to a fault, and made donations to
   the Masonic Lodge which bears his name today. His grave can be seen at
   the Masonic cemetery and was the first interred in honor of its
   donator. His brother, Joe, a bachelor also, lived several years
   afterwards and to his death with J. W.. Guinn, and died at Homer,
   Angelina county, Texas. Being only a boy when the judge died we know
   but little of his many good deeds and traits of character and will try
   to get some one more and better acquainted and qualified to furnish us
   with a fuller publication.
   His last official connection with the county judgeship ended December
   31st, 1839.
                         RANDOLPH'S COUNTY OFFICER
                             From 1833 to 1892
                                Number Nine
   Written for the Toiler.
                     Judge of County or Orphans Court:
   Archibald Sawyer, January 1st, 1833, Andrew Burnhan succeeded him
   January 1, 1840.
   John D Bowen, January 1st, 1843.
   Jefferson Falkner, January 17, 1844.
   John Reaves, August 18, 1845.
   James W. Guinn, January 1, 1846; and held until May 23, 1850.
   By an act of the legislature this court was abolished and Courts of
   Probate were substituted.
                          Judges of Probate Court
   Joseph Benton, elected May 23, 1850.
   Joseph Curry, May 20, 1856.
   T.L. Pittman, May 13, 1862.
   R. W. Heflin, August 5, 1862.
   W. W. Dodson, February 20, 1868.
   D. L. Davis, November 7, 1874.
   S. E. A. Reaves, August 20, 1880.
   T. J. Thomason, August 26, 1886.
   A. J. Weathers, November 4, 1892.
   From here
                            County Court Clerks
        William Vardeman, January 1st, 1833. (He was removed by the
            County Court April 14, 1834).
   W. H. Cunningham, April 14, 1834
   Jefferson Falkner, October 26, 1835.
   W. H. Cunningham, deputy, January 20, 1839.
   W. M. Buchanan, January 14, 1839.
   C. W. Slatham, October 2, 1843; he held unti May 23,
   1850, when the office was abolished.
                            CIRCUIT COURT CLERKS
   Johnathan Camp, elected August and qualified October
   8, 1833, to succeed himself.
   W. H. Cunningham, October 31, 1834.
   John L. C. Donner, January 23, 1849
   R. T. Smith, February 22, 1852.
   John Reaves, September 6, 1853.
   H. H. Wise, August 12, 1864.
   W. E. Connelly, August 27, 1865.
   H. H. Wise, November 13, 1865.
   J. H. Davis, Jr., March 14, 1867,
   R. H. Bolt, February 12, 1868.
   Johyn T. Owens, December 11, 1876.
   O. H. Perryman, August 13, 1880.
   J. W. Stewart, August 20, 1886.
   B. J. Ford, August 12, 1892.
   Wm. Hightower, October 8, 1853.
   Willis Wood, October 11, 1836.
   Sylvanus Walker, October 26, 1839.
   Robert Caskey, was elected on 1st Monday in August,
   1842, but by some hokus-pokus he did not qualify until
   Samuel Carpenter, October, 1842.
   R. Coskey, March 18, 1844. He was allowed ex-officio
   From October, 1842, for his full term.
   W. F. Mewell, September 14, 1845.
   Almond P. Hunter, September 7, 1848.
   Joel T. Morrison, February 22, 1850.
   Wilson Falkner, April 28, 1853.
   J. M. Hearn, September 23, 1853.
         A. W. Denman, August 14, 1854.
            Wilson Falkner, August 10, 1856.
            John V. McKee, August 14, 1860.
            Larkin Breed, August 11, 1863.
            Linsey McKee, August 3, 1865.
            S. E. Jordan, June 22, 1867.
            Jenkens Bennett, November 15, 1871.
            Robert Merrill, November 7, 1874.
            W. C. S. Robertson, August 15, 1877.
            M. V. Mullins, August 14, 1880.
            Wilson L. Ayers, August 25, 1884.
            R. H. Ford, August 16, 1888.
            Robert Willoughby, August 9, 1892.
                                 Number Ten
                               TAX ASSESSORS
   The taxes were assessed and collected by the same person who were
   appointed by the commissioner’s court until 1841.
   Richard Jones, May, 1834.
   Wm Hightower, Sheriff, Jmune, 1835
   Willis Wood, Sheriff, May, 1837.
   Sylvanus Walker, Sheriff, May, 1838
   P. Hunter, 1839.
   Hugh Harris, elected, August, 1841.
   George C. Powell, assistant, 1842.
   The law was changed and assessor appointed in battalion districts in
   John Hanna, district 1; Hugh Montgomery, 2; Thos. Gilland, 3; r. W.
   Caskey, 5; James F. White, 6; Samuel Carpenter, 7: James M. Pittman,
   8: Samuel T. Owens, 9: James M. Hornsby, 10; James Duke, 11:
   Micajah Goodwin, W. G. Falkner, J. H. Allen, Andrew Burnham. The law
   was changed and office made elective in 1845.
   Elijah Humphries elected April. 1845. The law was changed in 1848 and
   district assesor appointed.
   W. F. Caldwell, July 1848.
   Harrison Crow, January, 1848.
   W. A. Striplin, July, 1848.
   Harrison Crow, January, 1849.
   R. L. Robertson, January, 1849.
   Joseph Savage, January, 1849.
   W. F. Caldwell, February, 1849.
   Law changed again.
   W. H. Spruce, April 1850.
   E. M Burgess, February, 1851.
   D. A. Perryman, August, 1853.
   W. T. Wood, August 1854.
   J. C. Burson, August, 1855.
   Wm. Ingram, Agust, 1857.
   W. A. C. Busbee, August, 1863.
   R. L. Robertson, November, 1865.
   W. H. Cofield, November
   C.W. Eichelberger, November, 1874.
   John Y. Irvin, Aaugust, 1877.
   Rufus Forester, August, 1884.
   J. H. Radney, assistant Commissioner of taxes, 1884.
   M. P. Pittman, elected August, 1888.
   M. P. Stewart, elected Augst, 1892.
                               TAX COLLECTORS
   Richard Jones, May, 1834.
   Wm Hightower, sheriff, June, 1835.
   Willis Wood, sheriff, My, 1837.
   Sylvanus Walker, sheriffr, May, 1838.
   Hugh Harris, elected 1841.
   To here
   George C. Powell, vice, Hugh Harris resigned in 1842.
   W. B campbell, 1843
   Elijah Humphries, March, 1844
   William Johns, March, 1852
   Peter Powsell, August, 1855
   W. W. Weathers, August, 1857
   W. A. J. Swann, August, 1863
   Warren Armstrong, March, 1865
   John Coston, January, 1867.
   W. Wood, August, 1868.
   C. B. Nichols, November, 1871.
   J. H. Davis, February, 1873
   T. J. East, November, 1874.
   J. H. Radney, August, 1877.
   A. J. Cheeves, March, 1891.
   W. A. Radney, August, 1891.
   J. M. Kitchens, August, 1892.
                               NUMBER ELEVEN
   Written for the Toiler.
                             COUNTY TREASURERS
   W. H. Cunningham, appointed, 1834
   W. G. Faulkner, December, 1835.
   J. W. Stallings, August, 1838
   Joseph Benton, August, 1841.
   Isaac Baker, May, 1850.
   C. W. Statbane, February, 1853.
   W. J. Taylor, August, 1854.
   B. J. Hand, August, 1857.
   Henry Walls, August, 1863.
   B. J. Hand, appointed, November, 1863.
   H. H. Huckeba, August, 1865.
   F. F. Adrian, November, 1865.
   William Colwell, February, 1868.
   F. Ricke, November, 1874.
   S. E. A. Reaves, August, 1877.
   John T. Owens, August, 1880.
   M. V. Mullins, August, 1884.
   J. M. Bell, August, 1888.
   J. H. Barsh, August, 1892.
                              COUNTY SURVEYORS
   Hedgeman Triplett, 1834-8.
   Martin H. Wordsworth, 1839-45.
   John McPherson, 1840-48.
   James McPherson, 1844,
   Joseph Curry, January, 1849-54.
   F. M. McMurray, December, 1849-57.
   R. D. Kennedy, January, 1852-54.
   N. N. Ligon, August, 1856.
   C. M. Amos, August, 1857-69.
   John D Barron, August, 1858.
   John M Hendricks, August, 1859-60.
   W. H. Cofield, August, 1862.
   W. M. Perryman, August, 1863.
   W. W. Wilson, February, 1868.
   Joseph Swint, November, 1874-89-92.
   G. H. Perryman, February, 1878.
   W. W. Kidd, February, 1881.
   W. H. Cofield, December, 1883.
   James Walker, August, 1892.
                           COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS
                                OF EDUCATION
   W. H. Spruce, June, 1856.
   W. E. Connelly, May, 1860.
   W. H. Spruce, May 1862.
   W. A. Striplin, November, 1856.
   J. W. Addington, November, 1867.
   C. C. Enloe, November, 1868
   J. M. K. Guinn, March, 1871.
   C. C. Pittman, October, 1879.
   W. D. Lovvorn, Aaugust, 1888.
   G. O. Hill, August, 1892.
                           REGISTERS IN CHANCERY
   Bryon L. Nicks, May, 1844.
   W. H. Cunningham, February, 1845.
   John Reaves, January, 1849.
   W. H. Smith, August, 1851.
   R. L. McGonigal, September, 1855.
   F. M. Perryman, December, 1858.
   Joe Day Barron, August, 1859.
   A. S. Reaves, February, 1861.
   John Reaves, April, 1866.
   J. W. Oliver, October, 1887.
   R. A. Parker, January, 1892
   J. W. Stewart, 1893.
   1834--George McKaskle, Willis Wood and James Hanson
   1835--William Clemens, James Prothro, James Hathorn and Thomas Blake.
   1836--Thomas Blake, William McKnight, Hugh W Harris and William
   1837--Thomas Blake, James Hathorn, William Clemens and James Prothro.
   James Hathorn and Thomas Blake resigned. Isaac Baker and Hugh
   Montgomery appointed.
   1838--Richard Young, Andrew T. Ray, B. H. Bazemore and J. T. Wafer, W.
   G. Falkner,
   1840--Richard Young, , W. G. Falkner and B. H. Bazemore.
   1842--B. A. Flinn, W. F. Pritchett, David E. Grisham, Sysgmore Moore
   and John Murphy; vice W. J. Pritchett, Resigned.
   1844--John Murphy, E. Ingram, Thomas F Lundie, and D. E. Grisham.
   1846--John Murphy, E. Ingram, T. F. Lundie and James W. Clemmens; vice
   D. E. Grisham, Resigned.
   1847--John Murphy, William Owens, J. M. Clemmens, Gideon Riddle and
   Samuel Carpenter; vice John Murphy, Died.
   1848--James M. Clemens, Gideon Riddle, William Owens and Freeman
   1850--W.S. Barber, T. L. Thomason, T.L. Lundie and David V Crider.
   1853--John M Hendricks, B. J. Hand, W. H. Miller and Harris Stephens.
   1854--W. H. Miller, B. J. Hand, William Camp and William Ingram.
   1855--Hiram Barron, Charles Foster, Wilson Falkner, and J. F. White.
   1857-Hiram Barron, J. F. White, Jerimiah Stephens, and P. G. Trent.
   1858-J. F. white, P. G. Trent, J. Stephens and Joh F. McKey.
   1862-J. F. White, W. H. Grogan, Samuel Y. Carlie and J. Day Barron.
   1864-D. D. Mitchell, Z. M. Hutchens, J. H. Bell and R. S. M Hunter.
   1866-J. H. Bell, W. C. Robertson, John W. Noles and John D. Windsor.
   1868-J. M. Kitchens, J. B. Cooly, A. Bowen and Samuel McDonald.
   1872-W. H. Culpepper, W. H. Osborne, W. D. Lovvorn, T. N. Brown, D. A.
   vice W. D. Lovvorn resigned, C. A. Prescott appointed; vice T. N.
   Brown resigned.
   1875-W. P. Jackson, W. S. Mayfield, J. N. Lovvorn, and Enoch Carter.
   1877-J. C. Wright, I. T. Weathers, R. A. Arnett, and Charles Davis.
   1880-T. T. Hollyt, J. N. Lipham, W. W. Stitt and J. M. Gay.
   1884-J. M. Gay, A. J. Green, W. D. Taylor and H. D. Landers.
   1888-H. M. Mickle, J. H. Leftwich, W. G. Preston, and W. M. Moon.
   1892-W. J. Barrett, G. W. French, W. J. Cofield and W. R. Sherman.
                             From, 1837 to 1894
                               Number Twelve
                           Chambers and Randolph
   George Reese, 1840-4.
   Jefferson Falkner, 1845-6.
                          Tallapoosa and Randolph
   Henry M. Gay, 1853 to 1856.
   R. S. Heflin, 1857 to 1862.
   W. T. Wood, 1863-4.
   Middleton R. Bell, 1865-6.
                           Cleburne and Randolph
   H. H. Wise, 1867 to 1871.
                           Chambers and Randolph
   J. J. Robinson, 1872 to 1879.
   R. S. Pate, 1880-3.
   N. D. Denson, 18884-7.
   W. A. Handley, 1888 to 1891.
                           Chambers and Randolph
   H. M. Williamson, 1892-5.
   Thomas Blake, 1837.
   Wm. McKnight, 1838
   F. F. Adrian, 1839.
   Wyatt Heflin, 1840-1
   Jerry Murphy, 1842
   Wyatt Heflin, 1843.
   James Allen, 1844.
   Wyatt Heflin and Samuel T. Owens, 1845-6.
   Wm. Wood and C. J. Ussery, 1847-8.
   C.D. Hudson, and R. S. Heflin, 1849-50
   John Reaves and R. C. Pool, 1861-2.
   John Goodwin and w. P. Newell, 1853-4
   W. H. Smith and R. J. Wood 1855-6
   W. H. Smith and A. w. Denman and Isaac Weaver, 1857-8
   F. M. Ferrell, F. a. McMurray and Joshua Hightower, 1859-60.
   C. J. Ussery, A. W. Denman and James Aiken, 1861-2.
   Henry W. Armstrong, M. D. Barron and
   West, 1866. Capt. West did not take his seat. Milton D. Barron died
   during this term and D. A. Perryman was elected to fill the vacancy;
   he too refused to take his seat.
   J. L. Williams, W. W. Dodson and W. E. Connelly, 1865-6.
   W. E. Connelly and J. L. Williams, 1867-8.
                              Number Thirteen
   Written for the Toiler.
   In a former letter you were given a short sketch of Judge Archibald
   Sawyer's characteristics. And now it will be in order to tell you
   about the others.
                            JUDGE ANDREW BURNHAM
   Being a very small boy I remember but little about his political or
   official acts. I remember him as small in statue, crippled in one leg
   and a practicing physician. He lived on Bear creek, having moved there
   shortly after his retirement from office. He was very pronounced in
   his opinions and stood with the people. I remember he once visited my
   father's to examine what was thought to be poison found in the horse
   trough mixed with parched meal, and which Dr. Burnham after analyzing
   pronounced poison. That was about May, 1845, and the second day after
   James Peeler's dwelling was burned. Father had been employed as
   counsel for Peeler and had won the suit, and was the only motive that
   suggested a cause for the burning and poisoning. I recollect Dr. B.,
   was pronounced in that opinion. Sometime after this he was sent for
   but on account of his leg he was unable to make the trip, and grew
   worse. Finally it was thought advisable to amputate the leg, and
   mother assisted in the operation and did the stitching. He never
   recovered the operation, but gradually lingered until death. J.W.
   Bradshaw made his coffin; and his remains were tenderly laid in the
   present City cemetery; and in sleep, awaits the resurrection morning.
                            JUDGE JOHN D. BOWEN
   Judge Bowen was examined and licensed to practice law by Circuit
   Judges Shorter and Martin in 1842. He was medium in height, spare made
   and had a red face. He was father-in-law to A.J. Hamilton, commonly
   called Jack Hamilton, who after moving to Texas attained the
   reputation of being one of the finest legal lights in that State, and
   was appointed provisional Governor during the reconstruction days.
                          JUDGE JEFFERSON FALKNER
   Judge Falkner was a lawyer by profession, a Baptist preacher by
   practice and office-holder by occupation. He represented Randolph and
   Chambers; in the State Senate, was clerk of the County Court for
   years; and if I remember correctly, represented Elmore in the
   Constitutional Convention in 1875. Notwithstanding his limited
   education he made rapid strides to efficiency at the bar and in the
   pulpit, and stood in the front ranks with his competitors. He was
   Captain of a cavalry company in the Confederate army, and finding his
   health failing rapidly he resigned, and on his return home organized a
   company of Home Guards, and them a battalion, to which he was elected
   Captain and Colonel. He moved to LaFayette and thence to Montgomery,
   Elmore and now lives in Montgomery.
   There used to be a good joke told on the Judge. It went about this
   way: There had been a disputed question raised by the summer waggery
   as to which was the laziest, Jefferson Falkner, Steve Reaves or Hugh
   Montgomery. They were all legal legs of law. Although the question had
   been debated and points scored for and against each the question had
   not been fully determined. One evening in July there sat 8 or 10
   summer loafers in the shade of the mulberry trees in front of Walker's
   Hotel on the northeast corner of the square, and one of the party
   noticed a dark cloud gathering over the courthouse when he remarked:
   "Boys do you see that cloud overhead?" "Well, that cloud will, if I am
   not disappointed, decide the dispute as to who is the laziest of that
   trio asleep on the bench". The three were laying on a work bench in
   the evening's shade of the court-house flat on their backs fast
   asleep. They all gave heed and consented to the test. In a few minutes
   big drops of rain began to fall, where upon Judge Falkner got up and
   went in the courthouse, Steve Reaves turned over on his stomach, but
   Hugh Montgomery lay and took it all, and was given the verdict.
                            HER COUNTY OFFICIALS
                              Number Fourteen
   Written for the Toiler.
                             Judge John Reaves
   Judge Reaves was a lawyer by profession. He was elected a Democrat to
   represent Randolph County in the General Assembly 1851-2; was Clerk of
   the Circuit Court or Master in Chancery almost continuously from 1847
   to his death. He as a member of Wedowee Baptist Church and Clerk of
   the same from 1847 to his death in 1887. He was one of those
   Christians who never seemed to doubt the word of God, nor forgot in
   his public and private acts and dealings with men to be a gentleman
   and Christian. He was faithful, just and liberal, conservative and
   reliable; while he was slow to anger, he was quick to resent a wrong,
   and when a principle was involved he was immovable. Having been raised
   in a new county, like Nimrod of old, he "was a mighty hunter" . Many a
   day has the writer spent with him in the sport of hunting and fishing.
   He moved from Chambers county to Randolph some time about 1843-4, if
   we remember correctly; and no man ever lived in the county who held
   and maintained a public trust with more fidelity or integrity than
   Judge John Reaves.
                            Judge James W. Guinn
     Judge Guinn was born June 11, 1804 in Green County, Tenn. He was
     the son of John and Rachel Guinn. He studied law and was admitted
     to practice at the bar in 1828 at Franklin, Macon county, N.C. He
     married Miss Catharine A Dobson in 1829. He was elected Solicitor
     in 1832. He moved to Fish Head Valley, near Chulafinnee, in
     Randolph County , Alabama, November 19, 1841, and to Wedowee in the
     fall of 1843. Elected Judge, January 1st, 1846 then moved to
     Cherokee County, Texas, December 11th 1858 and to Angelina County,
     January 29th, 1859. He was elected State Senator from Angelina and
     Nachodochees Counties in 1866. He was a member of the; M.E. Church,
     loved an respected by all. He was a Douglas Democrat, and opposed
     secession; had five sons in the Confederate army, all lived to
     return, but one lost an arm, another captured twice and imprisoned
     once; the eldest two of whom have since died. While in the Senate
     at Austin, the State capital of Texas, he was taken sick and died
     in a few days thereafter, on the 27th day of August 1866.
                            Judge Joseph Benton
   Judge Benton was a lawyer, moral and conventionally temperate, honest,
   upright and fair in his dealings, and for many years before his demise
   a true, faithful and consistent Christian and member of Wedowee
   Baptist Church. He was one of the oldest or first pioneers in the
   county and to settle in Wedowee -- a bachelor; he hunted and traded
   with the Indians. He was County Treasurer for many years, and was
   elected in 1874 County Solicitor. He was a Whig, and was elected the
   first Probate Judge in May, 1850. The official records during his
   official term are, perhaps, the neatest fullest and most reliable of
   any to be found on file in that office. He was a Bell man and voted
   against secession. He built the dwelling the writer now lives in on
   log 75 when the town was first settled and lived there until his death
   in August, 1876. The Circuit Court, being in session at the time, was
   adjourned in honor of his memory.
                             Judge Joseph Curry
   Judge Curry was a farmer, County Surveyor and a bachelor. He was
   temperate and moral, but did not belong to any Christian denomination.
   He was a Democrat, stood well and made a good official. He married
   shortly after his term expired and lived near the northern boundary
   county line for or five miles southeast from Oakfuskee, where he died.
                            Judge T. L. Pittman
   Judge Pittman was a politician and had served as Clerk in the Probate
   office with Judge Curry. He was a Democrat and secessionist, extreme
   and partisan, although capable, prompt, neat and efficient in the
   discharge of business. It was during war times, and he had many trying
   difficulties to meet, and necessarily made many enemies personal and
   political, and the strife engendered during the war forced him to
   vacate his office and seek a place elsewhere for protection. He moved
   to Cedartown, Ga. Where he lived until a few years since., He joined
   the Baptist Church, and it is said lived a Christian life for many
   years before his death.
                             Judge R. S. Heflin
   Judge Heflin, an Indian soldier, lawyer, politician, Representative,
   State Senator and ex-congressman, the most noted and popular man, at
   one time, the county has ever had. A Douglas Democrat, opposed to
   secession, and later on a Republican in the strictest sense. He was
   wild and rattling in his younger days, but like Judge Benton and
   Pittman, reformed and joined the Baptist Church and is now living near
   Louina in dotage and retirement, where we trust, he will find peace,
   comforts and companionships to make his latter days his happiest on
                             Judge W. W. Dodson
   Judge Dodson was a farmer; represented this county in the Lower House
   of the General Assembly in 1865-6 and was Justice of the Peace in
   Wedowee Beat for many years. He was a Douglas Democrat, opposed to
   secession and after the war a Republican. He was a pious, orderly and
   a devoted Christian and belonged to the M.E. Church. He moved from
   Macon County, N.C. in 1842; to the place where he has since lived 3
   1/2 miles South of Wedowee until his death in 1894.
                             Judge D. L. Davis
   Judge Davis was known and called "Lem" Davis, and was a young man when
   elected in 1874, full of life, energy, acumen, and a Democrat. He was
   a man of fine sense and good business qualifications such as are
   necessary in the make up of a good official, except intemperance and
   immoral habits. He was kind, sympathetic and generous. Though like
   most men he had faults; yet you could not help but like Lem. Peace to
   his many noble deeds, to his big hearted and kind acts. Although his
   body is dead and his remains lie in another State, Lem still lives in
   the memory of this people.
                           Judge S. E. A. Reaves
   Judge Reaves, known and called in boyhood days "Gus" Reaves, is a
   farmer and mechanic. He was elected County Treasurer in 1877 by the
   largest majority ever given in the county. He is our present
   representative. Honest, frank, open and manly in private or public
   life and dealings, an ex-Confederate Captain, a good and brave
   soldier, honored and loved by his men. He is a member of the M.E.
   Church, South and is known and loved for his many Christian virtues
   and charitable deeds. He was elected Representative in 1894 by the
   Populist, and is eligible for future honors.
                            Judge T. J. Thomason
   Judge Thomason was a merchant, a member of the rock Mills Baptist
   Church, temperate and moral. He was a Democrat, but not a bitter
   partisan. We know but little of his official capabilities. He owns and
   runs a good farm in northeast corner of the county and has recently
   moved his family to Auburn, Ala. He is young and may live to fill some
   other official position. He is a good, clever man and neighbor and we
   believe stands very well with his party.
                            Judge A. J. Weathers
   Judge Weathers is a farmer and has made it a success. Moral and
   temperate, honest, reliable, and everybody likes "Jack." He is a man
   of good horse sense and fine judgment, but doesn’t seem to have
   any taste for official life and business. He is a Populist and
   Allianceman, and of course honorable, honest and clever.
                               Number Fifteen
   Written for the Toiler
                             William Hightower
   Sheriff Hightower, tradition says, was a bachelor when he came to the
   county. He was here when the county was first organized and had been
   for some time previously. He was elected in August, 1833, to the
   Sheriff’s office. He was rough, wild and mischievous, playing
   tricks on the credulous. Uncle Bill was perhaps as good material as
   the county had at that time for Sheriff. Tradition further said, he
   was the original owner of the present site of Wedowee. When we first
   got acquainted with him he was married and lived on the old McIntosh
   road about two miles west of Gold Ridge, and with the exception of two
   or three he lived in Wedowee in 1857-8, his home was at the old home
   place until his death in 1889 or about that time. He was forty three
   or four years of age when he came to the county, and in 1880 he was
   92; this made him near 100 when he died. When he lived here in Wedowee
   in 1857, and kept a hotel, we got well acquainted with Aunt Liza, his
   wife. They had no children. They lived where Sheriff Willoughby now
   lives. Ira Culbreath had the house built and Uncle John Spence hewed
   the sills and logs.
   Uncle Bill was a terror to evil doers. He had the first Court House
   built. It was a log cabin, on log 108 near R. T. West’s present
   store house. He had a jail too, but the hand of man did not fashion
   it, except the door. This jail may have been as long in construction
   as Noah’s Ark, being an old and very hollow poplar tree, and
   from the best information known by the writer was on lot number 116,
   near the foot of the hill east of the present jail and on the bank of
   Frog Level branch.
   While sheriff, Uncle Bill had to carry a prisoner to another county.
   He had one guard in a two horse wagon, went into camp on their grip
   and after supper, the guard wanted to know which one would guard the
   prisoner in the forepart of the night. Uncle Bill said I’ll fix
   that when bed time comes. The time came after a while and Uncle Bill
   took the wagon bed off, turned it bottom side up, put the prisoner
   under it, his and the guard’s beds on top -- the prisoner was on
   hand next morning.
   Uncle Bill was a good yarn teller. "One time." He said, "I was going
   to Wetumpka, and as I passed along there was a man clearing up a new
   ground. It was a pine orchard and the newly made log heaps were
   general. I said to the man: ‘Hello there, what are you going to
   do with these pine logs?’ "Well, stranger," said the man, "I
   thought I’d have to burn them to get ‘em out of the way."
   "Well", said Uncle Bill, "what are you going to do with the ashes?"
   "Nothing," replied the man, "Tut, tut", said Uncle Bill, "pine ashes
   up in my county are worth a dollar per bushel, and if you will save
   them, I’ll give you 50 cents per bushel and take all you have.
   I’ll be back in a few days and will pay you for them. What do
   you say?" "Well, I guess" said the man, "I’ll have you 500
   bushels ready at that price." "All right," said Uncle Bill and drove
   on. The ash burner soon had one hundred logheaps fired, but not all
   burned when Uncle Bill got back. "I reckon," said Uncle Bill, "a
   cyclone had passed through the log heaps, for not a handful of pine
   ashes were to be seen." The wind, of course, blew them away as fast as
   burned and Uncle Bill knew it would.
   We have told you this, Uncle Bill Hightower yarn, in order for you to
   get the manner of the man.
                                 Willa Wood
   Sheriff Wood was one of the first county Commissioners, elected
   August, 1833. His family was, probably one of the first to settle in
   the county. Daniel Phillips entered 80 acres near the old Broughton
   Church and homesteaded in 1831, but we don’t know when he moved
   his family there. Willis Wood’s family was the first we have any
   information of that settled in South Randolph. It is said, and we are
   inclined to believe it, Mrs. Fletcher Haynes nee Wood, was the first
   native born whit child in the county. She is 63 ears of age. She was
   the daughter of Willis and Elizabeth Wood. She is not only the first
   native white, but the oldest citizen inhabitant living in the county.
   Sheriff Wood lived near the Pate old place when he died. W. R. McGill
   had a pair of hand cuffs sold at the administrator’s dale; we
   suppose they were bought while Mr. Wood was Sheriff. Sheriff Wood
   raised a large and respectable family.
                               Number Sixteen
                              Sylvanus Walker
   Sylvanus Walker was elected Sheriff in 1839, and was one of the first
   settlers. We know but little about him personally..
                               Robert Caskey
   Robert Caskey was elected sheriff in 1842, but by some means, probably
   a contest, he did not act until March 1844. Big Sam Carpenter,
   sometimes called "Pointer" Sam was appointed previously as coroner and
   acted as Sheriff until Sheriff-elect Caskey qualified. Sheriff Caskey
   was an early settler and built several houses. The dwelling now
   occupied by Judge Weathers is his old homestead and he was living
   there when sheriff. He seems to have had opposition but from what
   cause it does not appear. He went West about the time Joe Henry, A.Q.
   Nix, Jack Hamilton, Walker, Judge Bowen, J. H. Allen and others did.
                                W. P. Newell
   W.P. Newell was elected Sheriff in 1845. He was a farmer and a nice,
   clever, sober and honorable man and made an excellent and efficient
   sheriff. He lived 9 or 10 miles north of Wedowee and there is a post
   office named Newell near his old settlement. He died many years ago,
   and one of his daughters married ex-sheriff, John V. McKee, and her
   daughter and his grand-daughter married our present sheriff, Robert
                              Alman P. Hunter
   Alman P; Hunter, was elected sheriff in 1848. He made a good and
   efficient officer; he was Tax Assessor previously and deputy sheriff
   subsequently. He was one of those men that made opportunities and
   obstacles get out of his way if moveable when a friend was involved.
   He was the father of Bob, Virgil and Bill Hunter. He moved to Beat 8
   and died there, after the war, was prudent, cautions, kind and
   fearless and retained the confidence, love and respect of his friends
   until his demise.
                              Joel T. Morrison
   Joel T. Morrison was the second son of Rev. William Morrison, a
   Primitive Baptist preacher and one among the first white families to
   settle in the northern portion of this county. Joel was a Whig, we
   believe, and was a deputy sheriff and coroner before elected sheriff
   in 1850. Joel was a live big hearted, open handed and all-round good
   fellow. He had but one fault, that is he was very fond of "tea" and
   sometimes it got the better of him. He was removed in April, 1852.
   Wilson Falkkner, coroner, acted a short time, when he was restored.
   Joel was very popular with the masses and his home people stuck closer
   than a brother by him. He was subsequently Justice of the Peace and
   township trustee until his physical powers gave way. He died in July,
   1884, being in his 74th year.
                                J. M. Hearn
   J. M. Hearn, called "Mouse" Hearn, was elected in August 1853. He had
   been coroner and deputy sheriff previously. His father, Asa Hern, was
   doubtless the first white man, and family to settle in Wedowee.
   "Mouse" went to Texas, and died in the war.
                                A. W. Denham
   A. W. Denham was elected sheriff in 1854, as a Democrat. He was a
   farmer and lived near Arbacoochee. Made an excellent sheriff. He made
   up a company and was elected its captain and went into the Confederate
   Army, Tennessee division. Is now a citizen of Claiborne county,
   honored, loved and respected for his many Christian acts and
   charitable deeds. Is a Baptist and his light shines brightly. As an
   officer, soldier, neighbor and Christian, he stands well.
                                John V McKee
   John V. McKee was elected in 1860 as a Democrat. Was raised as a
   farmer. He built the present business house on north east corner
   public square now occupied by Guinn Bros., publishers of The Toiler.
   Was active, energetic and aggressive, honest, honorable and capable,
   and made a most excellent sheriff. Married ex-sheriff W. P.
   Newell’s daughter. Organized a company and went out as it head
   as captain. Died during the war.
                                Larkin Breed
   Larkin Breed was elected in 1863 as an anti-war or Union man. Was a
   farmer, good, easy, clever kind of a man, who was highly respected by
   his neighbors, but didn’t have backbone, manhood and
   self-reliance and confidence like his predecessor McKee. This weakness
   got him mixed up badly and generally, and the poor fellow was in the
   middle of a bad fix. His former friends became his bitterest enemies
   and his enemies his friends. The fact is, he wanted to stay at home
   and keep out of war, and with all the political power and machinery in
   the hands of the war party, he had to cater to that power or go
   instantly. Party, honor, and profits were not the consideration nor
   the inducements to hold office--it was to keep out of the army and out
   of the range of Yankee lead. A man had to have an office and hurrah
   for Jeff Davis or dig a hole or cross the dead line. Sheriff Breed
   preferred the former and wisely too.
                               Lindsey McKee
   Lindsay McKee was elected in 1865, as a Union-man. A brother of John
   V. McKee and lived in Beat 4. He was clever, liberal and a better
   neighbor did not live in that section of country. Everybody liked
   Lindsey personally, but being oppressed, stigmatized and persecuted
   for his political opinions, he became rather partisan and when the
   surrender came, the other fellows who had had a Divers time woke up in
   trouble. They didn’t ask for mercy, but sought other climes with
   peaceful surroundings, and got Lindsey decided to do so too, and
   shortly after the war moved to Minnesota where he still lives.
                                S. E. Jordan
   S. E. Jordan, a Georgian who had been here a few years, was elected
   sheriff as a Republican. He meant well, but lacked the most essential
   prerequisite necessary in man to make a successful sheriff. He would
   have made a better commissioner of tax collector. A successful farmer
   with taste and judgment and the best of neighbors. He died, sometime
   in 187-, near his home 12 miles north of Wedowee.
                              Jenkins Bennett
   Jenkins Bennett was elected in 1871 as a Republican; J. B. Amos
   contested his election, but the contest was not tried during his term.
   He was a citizen of Wedowee and a good workman. He now lives within a
   mile or two of Wedowee and is in his 65th year; he has the promise,
   from appearance, of a long lease on life. Made a good and efficient
   officer. Takes no interest in politics now.
                               Robert Merrill
   Robert Merrill was elected sheriff as a Democrat in 1874. But after
   qualifying held office only about a month and a half. Bob had every
   prerequisite nature could give to make an efficient officer, but it
   did not suit a miller; grinding corn for toll was more congenial to
   him than serving papers and arresting persons. He lives in Carroll
   County, Ga. Having lived to see a large family grown, married and
   settled to themselves.
                                 J. B. Amos
   J. B. Amos, vice Robert Merrill, resigned, filled the unexpired term.
   Amos was appointed because it was claimed he was elected in 1871, and
   that he contested for the office and kept out by a partisan judge. He
   made a very good officer at first. By the latter part of the term, he
   got mixed and went off on the "Polly Ann" administration and was badly
   beaten in 1877. Jim was a big hearted fellow and as clever as he could
   be. He moved to Claiborne county about 1878. And was accidentally
   killed while hauling logs to a saw mill.
                             W. C. S. Robertson
   W. C. S. Robertson was elected sheriff in 1877 on an independent
   peoples ticket, anti "Polly Ann." He was a Union man and served in the
   U. S. Army; voted the Democratic ticket for Seymour for president. Is
   49 years of age, lives in one mile of Wedowee, appointed and held the
   post office under Harrison’s administration, made a good and
   efficient officer. Now a miller, and is eligible to the Populist
   promotion, in 1896. A member of the Alliance and M. E. Church, South.
                               M. V. Mullins
   M.V. Mullins was elected sheriff in 1880 as a Democrat. Was a
   Confederate soldier, 57 years of age, Baptist, open, frank and
   approachable. Made a good and efficient officer. Honest and clever,
   said to be a partisan in politics. He was also County Treasurer and is
   now Best Register of voters. Stands well in his church and party, with
   his people and neighbors, and is a citizen of Wedowee.
                                Wilson Ayers
   Wilson Ayers was elected in 1884, sheriff as a Democrat, and in 1890
   elected Representative as an Allianceman. Has also been elected
   Justice of the Peace. Wilson is clever, fair and open, a Baptist and a
   good farmer, 62 years of age and stands well with his neighbors. He
   made a good, safe and credible sheriff. He lived in Beat 2.
                                 R. H. Ford
   R. H. Ford was elected sheriff in 1888 as a Democrat. A member of the
   Alliance and the M. E. Church, South. He is 39 years of age, active,
   progressive and aggressive, made an excellent officer, is a Pop and
   eligible for future political honors. Lives in Wedowee and has a farm.
                             Robert Willoughby
   Robert Willougby was elected sheriff in 1892 as a Pop, was a
   Confederate soldier, a good farmer and makes a splendid sheriff. He
   married ex-sheriff John V. McKee’s daughter, is a Baptist, 50
   years of age and lives in Wedowee.
                              Number Seventeen
   Written for the Toiler.
                          CLERKS OF COUNTY COURTS
   William Vaardeman was the first County Clerk. He was appointed about
   January 1st, 1833 and removed April, 1834. He may have been a very
   clever man, but the records are not very creditable as to his
   efficiency as an officer. Was succeeded by W. H. Cunningham in 1834,
   and Cunningham by Jefferson Falkner in 1835.
                                  - - - -
   W. M. Buchanan succeeded Falkner in 1839. The records during his term
   are creditable and legible.
                                  - - - -
   Charles W. Statham was elected in 1843. Was a Democrat and a bachelor.
   Married a Miss Martha Keller, of Calhoun County, in 1844-5. He and his
   wife, J. W. Guinn and the writer spent the spring and summer at
   Chamber’s Springs in Talladega county. He held the Clerk’s
   office until May 1850. The legislature abolished the county clerk and
   the court of Orphanage by substituting Probate Judge. He ran as an
   independent, as a Democrat by J. W. Guinn, and Joseph Benton as a
   Whig. He came down on the day of the election in favor of Benton which
   elected, and of course was Benton’s clerk during his six years.
   Was appointed County Treasurer by the Commissioners Court in 1853, and
   held about one year. Made a good officer. He was honest and sober. His
   wife was the Rev. Christer Kelley’s daughter: everybody knew
   father Kelley. Statham and family moved to Angelina County, Texas near
   Homer, the county seat in 1859, and was elected County Clerk of
   Angelina County a few years afterwards. He must be in his eightieth
   year. Mr. And Mrs. Statham live in Lufkin, Texas, feeble and infirm;
   cared and provided for by their children.
                               CIRCUIT CLERKS
   Jonathan Camp was elected August, 1833, as the first Circuit Clerk. He
   was an early settler, and lived west of the Big Tallapoosa river, in
   Fishhead Valley. There are no records in the office to show any of his
   official acts. He held only about one year.
   W. H. Cunningham succeeded Camp in 1834, and held the position until
   1848. The records during his occupancy have been mostly destroyed. He
   bid off the first ten lot sold in Wedowee - lot number 120- and built
   a double log dwelling on it. He afterwards built a hotel on lot 133,
   subsequently rebuilt by William Owens, and now occupied by L. C.
   Huckeba. Was a small man and very sensitive. Moved away in 1849. He
   was a deputy county Clerk of Jefferson Falkner, also County Treasurer
   a short while. Had a wife when we knew him; stood very well generally,
   but judging from the records was only ordinarily efficient.
                                  - - - -
   W. H. Wood, or "Brister" Wood, as he was generally called was Clerk
   from December 6th, 1949 to January 23rd, 1849. He was the son of
   William Wood, and a brother to Dick, Alfred, Jack and Winston. Mrs.
   Martha Smith, Mrs. Sarah Knight and Mrs. Mary Pate. "Brister" was a
   fine man and merchandised for years before the war. He married Miss
   Josephine L. P. Guinn May 4th 1851. Moved to Angelina county, Texas,
   in January, 1860. Mrs. Wood died May 15th 1863, and was buried at Home
   cemetery. After the war "Brister" came back and remained until death
   in 1879 or 1880.
                                  - - - -
   John L. C. Danner was appointed and held until 1852. He was a lawyer,
   well educated, had a firm mind and a business tact. He was of Dutch
   descent and married Miss Mary Ann Kitchens, sister of our present Tax
   Collector, J. M. Kitchens. He was a Democrat and through Congressman
   Dowdle got an appointment in the U. S. Treasury Department at
   Washington, and when the Jeff Davis government was set up at
   Montgomery, he resigned and took a position in it, and went with it to
   Richmond. Some time during the latter part of the war, if we remember
   correctly, he went North and afterwards returned to Montgomery, and
   was State Senator, and Supreme Court reporter. He died in 1872.
                                  - - - -
   Robert T. Smith was elected in 1852 and held until 1853. He was a man
   of fine business quality and a Democrat, with a Douglas prefix. He
   named his eldest son Stephen A. Douglas. A Union man during the war
   and after was a Republican. Bob was in politics like every other thing
   he undertook--at head or in front. He was called a partisan, but not a
   tyrant. While he was quick to resent a wrong, he was easily approached
   and prompt to forgive. Bob never wrongfully oppressed an enemy, nor
   would he let others do so if he could prevent it. We have known him to
   rescue an enemy from his friends and protect him from harm. Was wild
   and rattling when a boy and full of sport. Married Miss Martha Wood
   and after the war was elected State Auditor, He was appointed U. S.
   Custom House officer at the port of Mobile, moved to Texas and lived
   for several years. Sometime in ‘80 he moved back to districts.
   John Hannah I -- Everybody knew Hannah, and tradition says: Hannah was
   so elated over the honors conferred he filled up on corn juice and
   went home to celebrate. A big dinner was prepared and his neighbors
   invited, but Hannah was too sick to eat, and when he failed to appear
   the question was asked, "What ails Hannah?"
   Hugh Montgomery, I, -- Hugh was a lawyer and it was said "He was the
   best common law lawyer practicing at Wedowee’s bar." He was a
   good easy kind of fellow, had no ambition nor pride and was too
   indolent to succeed in anything, through a man of fine mind and good
   Thomas Gilland, 3. -- He was a good and safe man - a farmer.
   R. W. Caskey, 5. -- We remember but little about him.
   James F. White, 5. -- Was a Democrat, a farmer and afterwards county
   commissioner. He lived in the northeast corner of the county.
   Samuel Carpenter, 7. -- We don’t know which one of the Sams we
   had big or painted Sam and little or tanner Sam. But we are inclined
   to believe it was big Sam as he was handy and ready for anything in
   that line.
   James M. Pittman, 8. -- He was a Democrat and farmer; he lived and
   died in High shoals Beat; was one of our best citizens and raised a
   large and interesting family. He was the father of C. C. Pittman,
   County Superintendent of Education. His brother, Alfonso is still
   living. I. L. Probate Judge and brother is dead. He was 31 years of
   age when appointed tax assessor. He was a partisan politically, but a
   cleverer man could scarcely be found.
   Samuel T. Owens, 9; -- Was a Democrat; was elected in 1845, with Wyatt
   Heflin to the Legislature.
   J. M. Hornsby, 10.
   James Duke, 11.
   In 1844 Macajah Goodwins, W. G. Falkner, J. H. Allen and Dr. Andrew
   Burnham were appointed.
   Elijah Humphries was elected April, 1895, was 39 years of age, farmer,
   Democrat, and lived near Newell post office. He stood well and was
   popular with the people.
   In 1847 the law was changed, and Harrison Crow, nicknamed "Jude" was
   elected. He was about 43, full of life, energy and sport, generous,
   free and open, intemperate, vulgar and profane, dealer in liquors, an
   incessant smoker and occasionally shuffled cards, ring leader in sham
   fights and catamounts’ devastation of Todd’s negroes and
   calves, which we will tell our readers about in the future
                               Number Twenty
   Written for the Toiler.
                               Tax Assessors
   W.F. Caldwell, a resident of Fish Head Valley, was about 25 years of
   age then and had the confidence and endorsement of his people. He was
   the father of John R. Caldwell, Deputy U.S. Collector, who now resides
   at Anniston.
                                   - - -
   W.A. Striplin lived in Fish Head Valley when appointed, and was the
   son of Rev. Ben Striplin, Uncle Ben, as he was usually called, was an
   indispensable necessity at camp meetings. Father lived at Chulafinnee
   in 1842, and I remember as if it were yesterday, mother took me with
   her to camp meetings the stand had been burned down and a new one
   raised on the same spot, but by some oversight the charcoal and ashes
   had not been properly cleaned off before services began. It was on
   Friday when mother and I got there. We took dinner at Dr. John Wesley
   Hudson's tent, and at the afternoon services we were in attendance.
   Services had, however, been going on for a day or two previously and
   were seemingly cold and discouraging; notwithstanding the warm zeal
   and earnest pleas of the preacher it would have passed for a Quaker
   meeting. The ministers and tenters could be seen gathered in groups
   earnestly engaged in conversation. There were all kings of surmising
   as to the cause and as many theories for resuscitating Methodist zeal
   and activity. Mother was one of those persons who believed that "where
   there is a will there is generally a way," and as she used to say: :"I
   never cross a bridge until I get too it"> I heard her laughingly say
   to Dr. Hudson: "Just put Uncle Ben Stripling up this evening, and you
   will see your trouble removed and Methodists go to work" Uncle Ben was
   put up, took his text and in a few minutes warmed up, and with a voice
   that echoed from hill to hill, said: "What, a thousand souls going to
   hell for the want of a little straw, brethren"? Suffice it to say,,
   that evening before sun-down, which was Friday, wagons with great
   loads of straw rolled in, and that night the altar was filled with
   shouting Methodists and converts, and such clapping of hands,
   shouting, singing, praying hallelujah, with tears trickling down the
   cheeks of Uncle Ben as he stood in the pulpit looking down in the
   altar, the writer hopes never to forget.
                                  - - - -
   Randolph. L. Robertson was a mechanic and physician when we first knew
   him; he was afterwards an M. E. Minister of the gospel. He was then in
   his 45th year, heavily built, square shouldered, active as a cat and
   fearless as a lion. He married Miss Susan A Dodson in 1844, and had
   born to them Harriet, Mr. Dr. E. Camp, who died a few years since at
   Gadsden; John D. Who lives not at the homestead one and a half miles
   of Wedowee; Alice, the wife of Joe Cooper, both of whom are dear; and
   James F. who lives in Nebraska. Dr. Robertson was a man of fine mind
   and a successful physician. He made a capable and efficient officer.
   He was a "Know-nothing" in 1855-6, s strong Union man during the war,
   and a Republican in 1868, when he was again elected Tax assessor and
   held for two or three terms. He was in his 75th year when he died
   October 1880, and was buried in the Masonic cemetery.
                                  - - - -
   Joseph Savage, of Beat 3, Rockdale, was appointed in 1848-9. He was a
   school teacher, 44 years of age, was honest, sober and moral and well
   qualified for his duties. He had three sons, Jeff, Shelt and Jesse in
   Co. K 13th Alabama Regiment. Jesse was undoubtedly the best drilled
   soldier in Gen. Colquitt's brigade. General Colquitt, when he took
   command of his brigade at Yorktown Va., sent an order to the Captains
   in each regiment in his brigade to send him the best drilled soldier
   in their companies. The writer was in command of Co. K., 13th Alabama
   Regiment and sent Jesse Savage. Those sent were placed in line and a
   trial inspection made. On the first all but four were dismissed; on
   the second two more, on the third trial Jesse stood alone, and
   received the honor of being the best drilled soldier in the brigade.
   General Colquitt had him detailed as a sentinel in front of his
   headquarters. Jesse did not like the idea of being away from his two
   brothers and neighbor boys, and asked the General to let him go back
   to his company, which was granted. This characteristic of Jesse was
   strongly developed in his brothers, which was inherited from their
                                 Number 21
   Written for the Toiler.
                               Tax Assessors
        Elias M. Burgess was elected in 1851. He was 39 years of age
            then, a Democrat, school teacher, farmer and Justice of the
            Peace., living near Lamar when war was declared. He made up a
            company of about forth (the writer being one of the number)
            on July 4th 1861, at Lamar. There was a big dinner given that
            day and Miss Cynthia Tomlinson made a nice little speech. E.
            B. Smith of Brockville, was present with about forty
            volunteers on his list; and the two, Burgess and Smith,
            agreed to unite into one company., They agreed to elect the
            officers alternately by ballot. Smith was elected Captain,
            E.M. Burgess 2nd Junior Lieutenant, and on July 12th. 1861,
            this company left Brockville for Montgomery, where it was
            mustered into service July 28. Lieutenant Burgess took a
            great deal of pride in drill and other duties, and at the
            Seven Pines battle distinguished himself for bravery, courage
            and leadership. While the regiment was supporting those
            engaged, Lieutenant Colonel H. R.. Dawson ordered a retreat
            and was leading the way. Lt. Burgess saw Col. Dawson's
            blunder and snatched the regiment colors and rallied all but
            Dawson back on the breast works. Col. Dawson resigned in
            short order and nothing but a Junior rank of a second
            Lieutenancy kept Lieut. Burgess from regimental promotion. On
            the morning of June 27, 1862, and the second day of the Seven
            Days fight just as the dawn of twilight cast off the shades
            of darkness, a brisk breeze kissed the silken folds of the
            13th Alabama Regimental colors and she spread her wings in
            majesty and grandeur in recognition of the will and wishes of
            the strong arm and brave heart of Co. Sergeant J. W.
            Stallings, who held her aloft, which chanced to challenge the
            eye of the Federal sentinel, who in turn sent greeting and
            salutations on the wings of canister and grape with malice
            and intent of forethought of her destruction and capture. But
            there stood four breastworks made of flesh and blood to keep
            her afloat and defend her liberty; they were the bravest of
            the brave, Capt. John T. Smith; Lieut. E. M Burgess; Sergeant
            J.L. Savage, Co. "K", and Private J. W. Brown, Co. "D". There
            Capt. Clark, Co. "A", Lieut. Burgess, Co."K" and Private Thad
            Pool, Co. "I" crossed the Jordan of life. The writer heard
            Lieut. Burgess's last farewell to man, saw the spirit of life
            leaving him before returning to the God who gave it; and as
            have had promised, saw his body laid to rest within a few
            feet of where its spirit had left it. He was killed in the
            road and buried just out and opposite on the bank. God took
            him as he had expressed a desire to the writer and others he
            wanted him to do. One Sunday morning in Capt. E. B. Smith's
            log tent--it was in April, 1862, just before the siege at
            Yorktown, where we were then in camp--thirteen in number
            besides Mrs. Lieut. Guinn, the following named persons we
            remember as a part of those present, Capt. E. B. Smith,
            Lieut. J.M.K. Guinn , Lieut. A. T. Reaves, Lieut. E. M
            Burgess, Corporal Shelt Savage, Rev. Lewis J.. Black, Private
            J.. Meachum and Thompson Reaves--in number, the other five we
            have forgotten--were passing the time talking about our
            chances in getting home alive, when the subject came up as to
            where we had rather be wounded. Thompson Reaves, as well as
            we remember, started the subject by saying, "I had rather be
            wounded by having my index finger on my right shot off," Then
            said he, "I would get a discharge and stay at home." John J..
            Meachum said, "Thomps, I'll take my big toe and that would
            give me a furlough, and I'll stay if I once get there."
            (Meaning home). Shelt Savage said, "I believe I'd take my
            left side." Capt. Smith said, "Shelt, I am like you. I want;
            both hands and feet and I'd take my right side." Lieut.
            Reaves said: "Boys, I'll take my foot. Polly is good company
            and I had rather be with her than anywhere else." Lieut.
            Guinn said, "I'll take my left arm between the wrist and
            elbow; I could come and go when I pleased." Lieut. Burgess
            said, (suiting the occasion by placing his finger in the
            center of his forehead). I want to be hit right here and
            where killed be buried." Rev. Lewis J.. Black said, "I don't
            care where I am hit, I only pray God, if I am to be wounded
            seriously to cause my death, I may be killed so dead that not
            a muscle of my face, arm, leg or body will move. I pray to
            God that this may be made so as a token and evidence; that
            you all, my wife, father, mother, brother, the members of my
            church and everybody else, may know that I am a Christian and
            that I will meet them in heaven." The scriptures say: "The
            last shall be first." Lewis Black was the first; while laying
            behind the breastworks, at the battle of Seven Pines, he was
            struck by a ball sin the head. Old soldiers know when a ball
            hits them, it sounds like a marble hitting a board, this was
            the case with the one hitting Lewis. Every eye near him was
            instantly turned toward him/ for they all knew and most of
            them had heard him pray to God that it might be thus--we
            inquired diligently and critically for we had promised him
            too, to see if his prayer was answered, and they all
            testified that not a feature of his person moved that they
            saw. Lieut. Burgess being next to last selecting, was the
            next to first killed. On the morning of June 27th, near a
            cowtrail coming obliquely into the road cutting the space of
            three or more feet wide through the bank three or four feet
            high to the level of the road bed, while standing cautioning
            the boys of the danger in passing it, as the Yankees had one
            or two pieces of artillery planted to cover it, which had
            killed Captain Clark and Thad Pool, he was struck with a
            minnie ball in the forehead just where he had selected and
            was buried as near the spot as was thought prudent. The last
            but two and the first but two, Lieut. J.M.K. Guinn was the
            next. A piece of shell struck his left arm between the wrist
            and elbow just where he too had selected that fatal Sunday
            morning. The next was Lieut. A. T. Reaves, shot through the
            foot as he had selected. Lieuts. Burgess, Guinn and Reaves
            were shot on the same day--June 27th-- the second day of the
            Seven Day's battle. The next two were Thompson Reaves and
            John J. Meachum. Reaves had his finger shot off and Meachum
            his big toe--just as they had selected. The writer was at
            home on furlough when they came home, when Mrs. Guinn related
            the circumstances, calling the names of the entire thirteen
            and with special attention to the six at that time, wounded
            as desired and selected. In the spring following Capt. Smith
            and Sergeant Shelt Savage were wounded each in the side, as
            they had selected. The other five we have forgotten their
            names. If we knew where Thompson Reaves and Shelt Savage
            were, for they were alive when last heard from, we would
            write them; perhaps they would remember the others.
                            Number Twenty Three
   Written for the Toiler.
                               Tax Assessors
   August 1853, David A. Perryman, then 27 years of age, and a mail
   contractor, was elected Tax Assessor. In politics he was ever loyal,
   open and pronounced in his fidelity to the national nominee; but local
   and state elections he usually voted for the lesser of two evils. He
   opposed secession, had no ambition or disposition to shoot or be shot
   at by the "Yanks" and out-general Hero in keeping out of the war and
   staying at home, which he certainly did. He voted the Cooperation
   ticket in 1866, and for Horatio Seymore in 1868; was a Grant man in
   1872, and since that time voted the Republican ticket. In state,
   county and local elections he voted for the man generally. He is one
   of the most active, industrious, persevering and energetic men in the
   country; but the same time, he has never been rightly or justly
   accused so far as we have heard, of manual hard labor. In fact, he
   said; "When a boy, I was not able to labor until I was twenty-five;
   since then I have managed so as not to have to do it." In other words
   when a boy he was physically incapacitated to labor, and since a man
   morally indisposed to do so. He has managed to inform himself with the
   practical workings and requirements of the postal and pension laws and
   rulings and forms of these department, from which he had made a good
   living and educated his children. "All I lack of being a wise man.
   said he, "is learning it. For I never forget anything I ever learned."
   This is no doubt theoretically true, for he has a remarkable memory
   and a never-failing fountain of wit, humor and tenor of sarcasm. He is
   the encyclopedia of Randolph County and her public men. Judge John T.
   Heflin who bore the sobriquet "law-library", was another as equally as
   remarkable for memory. Esq. Perryman came to this county in 1843. He
   carried the mail for years, and was associated as principal or deputy
   census taker in 1860, '70, '80, and '90.
   He has been Notary Public, Justice of the Peace, County Commissioner
   of Roads and Revenue, and was elected to the Legislature--vice Milton
   D. Barron, deceased--in 1863, but refused to take his seat because he
   feared to trust 200 pounds of Union loyalty to fill a Confederate
   loyalty seat. He used to be an active Mason. He is now a member of the
   Primitive (Hardshell) Baptist, and quotes scripture like a theologian
   student. On one occasion he met Rev. Moses Park, a Christian divine,
   whose daily theme was the revelation of God's word. And as the
   reverend and learned divine began to reveal the mysteries and wonders
   of the treasures of the goodness, mercy and love of God, by quoting
   text after text to support his church creed, Esq. Perryman as the
   opportunity and occasion demanded, dropped in a Primitive text. This
   at first stimulated Rev. Mose, and he became enthused over the love
   and mercies of God. Esq. P. Quickly quoted one of his Primitive
   predestination's from before ;the foundation text. Rev. P. Raised his
   head and looked him in the eye and asked: "Are you a preacher?" "No,"
   answered Esq. P. "Are you not a member of a church?" "Yes," replied
   Esq. P., "but I am like the Negro that had the small pox. It has never
   marked me."
   Esq., Perryman in one of Randolph 's best citizens; he is liberal,
   charitable and neighborly. He is now in his 60th year and is
   remarkable active and stout for a man of his age. He lives in Rockdale
   Beat No. 3, where he had made his home for many years.
                                  - - - -
   W. T. Wood was elected in 1854, and was at the time 24 years of age.
   He lived near Chulafinnee, was a Democrat, and made a creditable
   record. He raised a company, was elected Captain, and left for the war
   March 19, 1862. He was elected to the State Senate in 1863 by the
   Union or anti-war contingent.
   J. C. Burson, of Burson's beat, formerly Cherokee, but now High
   Shoals, was elected in 1865. He was one of the leading men in his beat
   and took a great deal of pride in the discharge of his official
   duties. He was Justice of the Peace for several years, and stood well
   with his party and people.
                                  - - - -
   William Ingrham of Delta beat, was elected in 1857. He was a bachelor,
   34 years of age and is now 72 and living in the same community, which
   is a portion of Clay County. He made a most excellent official, and
   the Democrat Party, to which he belonged, re-elected him until his
   political opponents became hysterical and chronic in the extreme. In
   1863 when the hardships of the was and men being conscripted and
   forced out, the sentiments of voters were indifferent as to officers,
   and turned to partisan and political aspirations and promotions. Mr.
   Ingram being a secessionist and a war man and that element having been
   in power and control, was charged with all the cruelties and hardships
   of the war and the sufferings of poor widows and orphan children. He
   was defeated by a good majority contrary to his or his opponents
   expectations. He represented Clay County in the legislature a few
   years since as an Organize Democrat. He taught school in Wedowee in
   1852 or s'53. The writer remembers when his father came home one night
   and said; "Boys, school will open Monday week. We have employed Mr.
   William Ingram; he is a good teacher, comes well recommended and can
   teach English grammar to the tenth rule until the winter session of
   1836-7 did the subject come properly before; the Legislature, when it
   was referred to a select committee to investigate and report on the
   constitutionally of county representation. From some cause, the
   committee failed to report and the Legislature adjourned without
   action. However, Governor Clay called a special session in June 1837,
   in order to make provision for State troops, which had been called on
   to protect the settlers from the Indians, who were hostile and making
   preparations for war at this special session, this committee reported
   each county entitled to one representative, etc.
   Having no mail facilities, the people depended largely on "grape-vine"
   dispatches, which often traveled at the rate of 50 to 75 miles a day,
   but were not always credited by the people. So you see the people had
   heard the news, and in order to be in shape to receive its benefits,
   elected Thomas Blake, their first representative. And, like our Old
   Side Baptists usually put it "In case of failure," a Commissioner.
   Uncle Tom was, I believe, one of that faith and practice; and, you
   know they are the best people in the world, relying entirely on God's
   love and mercy, and not on educated tongues, pride, riches and vain
   Blake and Hawthorn resigned. Isaac Baker and Hugh Montgomery were
   appointed. (See serials on County Treasurer and Tax Assessor)
   1838--Richard Young, Andrew T. Ray, Blount H. Bazemore and J.T. Wafer
   were elected.
   Richard Young owned and lived at that time at Tripplett's (Blake's)
   Ferry. Tripplett sold out after the county seat was moved to Wedowee.
   Richard Young was a good clever man and citizen, and was a brother of
   Ike Young. The legislature changed the term of office from an annual
   to a bi-annual. He was re-elected in 1840 and died in the latter part
   in 1844. Thomas Blake was appointed administrator and at the sale
   bought the homestead and ferry. His son, John Blake, owned it until
   his death.
   Andrew T. Ray was an early settler and entered land on Section 36,
   Township 17, Range 10 in 1835s. It was in Blake's beat, afterwards
   Dunston's No. 3. Mr, John Randolph. Ray of Oxford, Alabama is his son.
   I don't remember to have seen him, unless he was the Ray who visited
   my father's in Chulfinne in 1842.
   ` Blount H. Bazemore was about 33 years of age. He lived in Wehadkee,
   beat , now High Shoals. He was re-elected in 1840. His name gave him a
   noted personality, and he was known all over the county for levity,
   sport and liberality.
   J. T. Wafer was a son-in-law of William Clemens, and established
   Wafer's now Malone's ferry. He resigned and afterwards moved west. W.
   Georgia. Falkner was appointed to fill the vacancy. (For Falkner see
   serial on County Treasury.)
   1840--Richard Young,
   B. H. Bazemore, W.G. Falkner and Ephriam Carpenter.
   Ephriam Carpenter was Dutch and came from Germany when a boy. He was a
   brother of Samuel Carpenter whose family of children still live here
   -- Bud, Sarah, Frank, Mally, Mary, Ida, Sug and Berta. Eph Carpenter
   married a Clemens, was a tanner by trade and lived in the house now
   occupied by Mr. John T. Owen. He moved to Louisiana thence to Texas.
   It is said, he is now living in Sherman, Texas, in feeble health. He
   had a beautiful little girl, with black curly hair, named Mattie. She
   claimed the writer as her sweetheart, and would sing:
   "Old Dan Tucker he got drunk,
   and fell in the fire and kicked up a chunk;
   A red hot coal got in his shoe,
   Lord a massa how the ashes flew.
   Clear the track for Old Dan Tucker,
   You come to late to get your supper."
                            Number Twenty Eight
   Written for the Toiler. by J.M.K. Guinn
                      County Commissioners--Continued
   A little explanation just here becomes necessary to a better
   understanding of the divisions of the county at this time:
   In 1842 Randolph County was divided into two militia regiments, and
   those into beats, as follows: Seventy first Regiment; Beats -- Able's,
   1: Blake's 2; Arbacoochee, 3; Casper's, 4; Lovvorn, 5; Duke's, 6;
   Owen's, 7; Fish-head, 8; Ninety-first Regiment: Beats - Wesabulga, 1:
   Roanoke, 2: Bacon Level, 3: Wehadkee, 4; Big River, 5; Wedowee, 6;
   Flat Rock 7; Rock Mills, 8.
   1842-- Benjamin A. Flinn, Wiley J. Pritchett, Davis E. Grisham and
   Sygmore Moore.
   B. A. Flinn lived in Able's beat. He was a Whig and made a dutiful,
   efficient officer, prompt in attendance, reasonable and just in his
   opinion and acts. He was a personal friend of father's and shared his
   confidence. I don't remember having seen him after his term of office
   Wiley J. Pritchett was 30 years of age, was a Democrat. He lived in
   Wehadkee beat, and probably afterwards in Roanoke. He was tax assessor
   and Justice of the Peace. He moved to what is snow known as Clay
   County and was living when last hear from.
   Davis E. Grisham was 38 years of age, and a "Coon" Whig. He lived on
   the hill north of Wedowee and owned the Che-wasti-haadgo N 1-2, S 3,
   20, Randolph 11 reserved under Creek Treaty of 1832. He sold out to J.
   W. Guinn in 1843 and moved to Roanoke beat near his old home, located
   in 1835 on Grave's creek, probably the Bob Birdsong place. He was
   elected in 1844. He made a good Commissioner and was highly respected.
   Eventually, he went west. Sygmon Moore was 48 years of age and lived
   in Lovvorn's beat. When I first got acquainted with him I thought he
   and Seymore, Bazemore, Latimore, McLemore, Elmore, Fillmore, Gilmore,
   and Guy Moore, Israel Moore and Lypson Moore were all brothers. It
   happened however, that Guy Moore got in court about a wild hog, and
   during the trial, I leaned which was which.
   Sygmore Moore, if I remember correctly, was a Charles W. Statham man
   in the election for Probate Judge in May 1840. Since then I have lost
   sight of him.
   1844-Davis E. Grisham and Wiley J. Pritchett, were elected. Thomas F.
   Lundie and Edmond Ingram, John Murphy appointed vice W. J. Pritchett
   J. H. Leftwich hailed from Fox Creek, an imported school teacher, said
   to be very well informed, good moral character and well thought of by
   his neighbors.
   W. Georgia. Preston of Halpin's beat, an aged and highly respected
   farmer, an old citizen and Democrat, honored and loved, sociable and
   neighborly, conservative and liberal.
   W. H. Moon, of Lamar beat, school teacher, well informed, moral and
   temperate habits. Crippled and uses crutches and stick. Still living
   and well respected.
   1892--W. J. Barrett, George French, W. J. Cofield and W. Randolph.
   William J. Barrett, of Rock Mills beat, a farmer and Populist; a good
   and clever man, makes a good and efficient Commissioner; liberal and
   conservative, manifests zeal and earnestness in the county's welfare,
   generally acts wisely and judicially. Under special act of the
   legislature, first term expired in August 1894 and he was re-elected
   and now serving his second term of two years
   W. J. Cofield, of Halpins beat, is a merchant, farmer and Populist, a
   man of good appearance, good morals, good financier, and stands well
   at home; liberal conservative, reserved and pleasant. His present term
   as Commissioner expires in August 1896.
   William R. Sharman of Bacon Level beat, is a Baptist, Populist and
   farmer; a good clever, upright man, with good judgment, pleasant
   unassuming manners, liberal, free and neighbor; hones, industrious and
   economical and acts from judgment rather then impulse. He is not, and
   has been during the greater portion of 1895 in
   This creates a vacancy and can only be filled by appointment of the
                         RANDOLPH'S STATE SENATORS
                             Number Thirty Five
   Written for the Toiler., by Capt. J.M.K. Guinn
   1840--Up to this time, Randolph County had no representative in the
   State Senate, but in 1839, the General Assembly made a reapportionment
   of Senators and Representatives, and Chambers and Randolph counties
   were mad e Senatorial District.
   George Reese, of Chambers county was elected. It is not remembered now
   whether he was a Whig or Democrat. His acts, as a member, seems to
   indicate he was an honest fearless Independent. He voted to allow the
   Whigs to illuminate the Capitol in honor of William Henry Harrison's
   election to the Presidency of the United States, but it was laid on
   the table, the Democrats having the majority voted with the Whigs to
   take from the table but it was defeated. He offered a resolution
   proposing the Whig party of the Senate have the use of the Senate
   Chamber. Voted for W. R. King a Democrat for U.S. Senator. Voted
   against Peyton King's preamble and resolution to unpurge any member
   who voted other than for his part. In other words, no Representative
   or Senator is authorized to exercise discretionary power, but is bound
   to vote for that individual whose political opinion may accord with
   those of a majority of his constituents. He seems to have stood alone
   and independently of party when the public good demanded it. His
   people, at home, endorsed and re-elected him as his own successor.
   Alabama's Populist U.S., Senator must be a chip from the same stump.
   1845-6. Jefferson Falkner, of Wedowee, Randolph County, was elected.
   He died in July, 1895, at the home of his youngest son, Hon. Jeff
   Falkner, Jr. In the city of Montgomery. (See serials on County Judge
   and Clerk).
   1847-50 Seaborn Gray, of Tallapoosa county was elected Senator from
   Tallapoosa and Randolph Counties as a Democrat. The re-apportionment
   in 1845 gave Chambers county, which had rapidly grown to be the
   largest county in population in the State, one Senator and four
   Representatives. This accounts for Randolph and Tallapoosa being a
   Senatorial district. In 1850, Randolph had grown in population and
   became a senatorial district and with two Representatives in the
   1851-2 John T. Heflin, of Wedowee, was elected. He was a son of Wyatt
   Heflin, brother of Hon. S. And Dr. W. L. Heflin, Mrs. W.P. Poole, Mrs.
   John Blake and Mrs. H.R. Gay. His father moved from Georgia to
   Randolph County in 1834 or 1835 and settled on High Pine creek near
   the present Concord church and cemetery and in Louina beat. Judge
   Heflin was a boy of fourteen, well advanced in his studies at school
   when his father moved in the midst of the Indians, and his acute and
   incentive nature to learn was greatly assisted; for here was a race
   with life, habits and language that was new and interesting, and his
   active energetic and inquiring mind feasted on Indian dialect. Judge
   Heflin was 31 years of age; a bright and promising young lawyer and a
   zealous Democrat when elected, who never voted other than for the
   nominee of his party. This he would do though he refused to speak to
   him. Was a rabid secessionist and a minute war man. But he, like many
   others of that sort, some how or other did not go, and those that did,
   got out some how or other. When they could, they substituted office
   for war, and served their country like patriots. Grover Cleveland
   like. In 1836 Judge Heflin, Judge Bob Doughtery and Judge Jefferson
   Falkner were candidates for Circuit Judge, and again in 1863 , Judge
   Heflin was a candidate for Circuit Judge in 1875 was in the State
   Constitutional Convention from Talladega County; in 1878, I believe it
   was, his name was placed before the Democratic State Convention for
   Supreme Court Judge, but he refused to allow it pressed and it was
   withdrawn. In 1885 his name was highly commended for United States
   Supreme Court Judge. No man, not even his political and personal
   enemies, challenged his ability, but unlike him they refused to rise
   above personality. Judge Heflin was a strict disciplinarian and
   dispatched business rapidly when on the bench.
   Judge Heflin had an extraordinary memory. Often quoting book, page,
   chapter, section and word for word of Supreme Court decision. He was
   called in Talladega, "The Walking Library." Lawyers, rather than
   trouble themselves with hunting up decisions and rulings on cases,
   when in his presence, invariably referred to him. He knew what the
   initials stood for in nearly every name of any notoriety in the
   county. He as a linguist of Indian names, folklore and tradition. As a
   general thing, men don't realize the value and usefulness of noble men
   and women in their associations while living, but when they move away
   or die, and no one to supply their place, they realize and regret
   their indifference, though lessens and loss. Judge Heflin's
   attainments as a lawyer, scholar, historian and biographer with him
   many traits of honesty, fidelity, integrity and liberality, were
   perhaps , not equaled by any other man in the State. He was irritable,
   quick to resent an insult or insinuation, so much so, he made enemies
   unnecessarily and unintentionally. So far as the writer knows, he
   never sought or made any pretensions to Christianity though he
   believed and accepted the Bible as the Word of God given by
   inspiration. He often read it and quoted from it precepts of love,
   mercy, truth and wisdom. He honored the Christian church, its members
   and ministers. Believed Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God; Savior
   of souls; and when approached by a person living a consistent
   Christian life on the subject of religion, he reasoned wisely from a
   wordy standpoint. The writer remembers hearing him say, "I am a
   Hard-shell Baptist in belief." His mother did, and I believe, his
   father, too held to the teachings and doctrines of the Primitive
   faith. In manners he was austere, haughty, arrogant and petulant, in
   conversation jovial, loquacious and entertaining; in passion
   aggressive, merciless, profane, tyrannical and vindictive, as a friend
   to the manor born; egotistical in ridicule and criticism
   characterizing everybody by occupation, habits from, accident or
   incident just like the Indian did. He had a redundant command and flow
   of language, but his delivery was obtuse without effulgency, magnetism
   or animation. His voice was husky, harsh and acrid. Like Moses, poor
   in speech, but learned and wise in law and equity; a close tireless
   student; prodigious thinker; wise counselor and righteous judge; an
   invective opponent and invariable democrat; no deception, hypocrisy
   nor servility about him. His whole life seems to have been wrapped up
   in his profession. An exile to society and sociability. Moved from
   Wedowee to Jacksonville about 1857 and from there to Talladega in
   1878-9. There he met, wood won and married Mrs. Frank Bowden, one of
   the most amiable and esteemed ladies in the State. They had no
   children, but he educated and associated his step-son, Frank Bowden,
   Jr., in the practice of law. After Mrs. Heflin's death, he located at
   Birmingham. In December 1888 his voice was stilled in death--life's
   work ended; faults forgiven, virtues treasured and now his body lies
   solomnly beneath a beautiful monument in old Concord's cemetery, where
   nearby lies father and mother in sleep until the resurrection of the
   dead, "Jure divino".
                             Number Thirty Six
   Written for the Toiler., by Capt. J.M.K. Guinn
   1853-4-- Henry M. Gay, of Louina beat, was 41 hears of age, a farmer
   and a stock raiser. When a young man in his twenty-first year, he and
   Isham T. (Uncle Tom) Weathers, migrated from Fayette county, Georgia
   to Randolph; kept bachelor's hall, ran a black-smithing business, sold
   good and traded with the settlers and Indians. A few years after they
   both married, and Gay settled what is now known as the "Old Gay
   Homestead" on the Wedowee and Malone (Wafer) ferry-road.
   When the County Democratic Convention met there were several
   candidates before it for Senator, and after several ballots and
   withdrawals had been made, a two-thirds vote being necessary to a
   choice, there was but little hopes and no indications of a break so
   long as the present candidates were in the race. The convention
   adjourned for dinner, and Mrs. Elijah Humphries' friends made a
   proposition to Mrs. Gay's friends. That they would support Mr. Gay for
   Senator, if they, Gay's friends, would support Humphries for
   Representative. The proposition was accepted and Gay nominated. Mrs.
   Gay when charged afterwards with the trade, denied all knowledge of it
   on his part. But it evidently handicapped him and came very near
   defeating his election; and did defeat Humphries. The writer, a boy of
   17, took in the canvass, and remembers the State and County tickets:
                                For Governor
                             John A. Winston, D
                               A. Q. Nicks, W
                                For Congress
                             James F Dowdle, D
                            Thomas F Garrett, W
                             For State Senator
                              Henry M. Gay, D
                             For Representative
                              W. P. Newell, D
                            Elijah Humphries, D
                              John Goodwin, W
                              R. R. Roberts, W
                                For Sheriff
                             Wilson Falkner, D
                                J. M. Hearn
                              Hardy Strickland
   The canvass was hotly contested and the result in doubt until the last
   vote was counted and returns all in, and, then, neither party would
   concede the election nor his defeat. Charges and counter charges were
   made, and a general fight came very near being precipitated. The law
   required the coroner to recount the votes within ten days after the
   election. M. J. Hearn, candidate for sheriff, was coroner, and the
   Democrats were in a straight. They wanted Goodwin defeated, and it was
   believed in Hearn counted the vote it would be impossible. They
   kicked, snorted, cowed and cajoled, but all to no purpose, while the
   Whigs crackled, teased and ridiculed them. Coroner Hearn relieved
   their fears by allowing each party to have a representative present.
   When the ballots were counted. Gay's majority 34 and Goodwins's 11.
   The Democrats elected the rest of their ticket. Gay succeeded himself
   in 1855. In 1861, he was elected on Co-operation ticket to ordinance
   Secession convention.
   1857-8--R.R. Heflen, an ex-soldier of the Indian wars of 1836, and a
   promising practicing lawyer, 42 years of age and a citizen of Wedowee,
   was nominated and elected by the Democrats. Bob previously represented
   the county in the lower House of the General Assembly in 1849 and 50.
   He as a fine speaker, and perhaps, the most popular man Randolph
   County ever had before or since. In 1859-60, 61 and 62, he was his own
   successor. Was a Stephen A. Douglas Democrat and opposed the war and
   secession. Gay, the Smiths and Woods, all went with him, but Judge
   John T. Heflin and other prominent Democrats supported John C.
   Breckinridge and secession. In 1864 he was arrested for treason to the
   Confederate States., he and ex-Gov. W.H. Smith having made an alleged
   treason speech at a public meeting in the Court House a few days
   previously. He took advantage of a parole and went across the line to
   the enemy where he remained until Lee's surrender. In August, 1865, he
   was appointed Probate Judge and held until Judge W. W. Dobson's
   election in 1868, and in 1869 was elected to Congress as a Republican.
   He was defeated in 1880 for Probate Judge by T. J. Thomason. Was a
   candidate in 1884, for representative but defeated by Dr. W. B Taylor.
   In 1886 he was nominated by the Republican State Convention for
   Attorney General although defeated, ran ahead of the ticket. Now, in
   his 81st year, with mental force abated and eyes dim, providence hath
   provided him a pension as an Indian soldier of 1836. Twenty two years
   ago, his wife died leaving a house full of little children, and he
   married Miss Mentoria Reaves, daughter of Judge John Reaves, of
   Wedowee. Mentoria, though a little girl when her mother died, was the
   stay and dependence of the family; and in the place of a mother,
   helped to raise and provide for three sets of children of her father,
   and two sets for Bob, her husband. A woman among women; gentle and
   kind; motherly and affectionate; domestic and provident; thoughtful
   and careful; modes and pleasant; hopeful and dutiful and by her humble
   patient Christian walk and conversation, a few years ago, had the
   sweet consolation to see her husband, a profane and ungodly man,
   Baptized into the fellowship of Mt. Pleasant Missionary Baptist
   Church, the "called and Elect" of God. And now, in his old age and
   declining days, after a long, honored and eventful life, in the
   plenitude of love, mercy and goodness of God, in giving him a
   benevolent Christian companion to cherish and nurture him in peace and
   love, awaits the summons ere the silver cord be loosed or the golden
   bowl be broken or the pitcher or the wheel at the cistern to bid her
   who has been getting to point out the way of righteousness, peace on
   earth, and life eternal, in the world to come. He who ere long will be
   the course of nature have this earthly tabernacle dissolved and fall
   asleep in Jesus, to await the sound of Gabriel's trumped in the
   morning of the resurrection. "It doth not yet appear what we shall be,
   but we know we shall be like him ("The Sons of Man") in the
   resurrection of the dead."
                            Number Thirty Seven
   Written for the Toiler, by Capt. J.M.K. Guinn
   1863--- Capt. W. T. Wood, of Chulafinee beat, was elected.
   See serial on Tax Assessor.
   1865---Middleton R. Bell, of Chulatinne beat, was elected.
   He was a brother of County Commissioner J. H. Bell, 40 years of age
   and well-to-do farmer; an active, energetic and leading citizen; with
   union sentiments predominating during the war; since a Republican. He
   is now living at or near Bell’s mills, in Cleburne County.
   1867---Hicks H. Wise, of Cleburne County, was elected. See serial on
   Circuit Clerks.
   1872---James J. Robinson, of Chambers County, was elected and was the
   first Democrat to represent Randolph County in the senate since
   ante-bellum days. He had a hard struggle in getting the nomination,
   but finally pulled through. In 1876, the Democrats were in full
   possession of the State and every other man wanted office. It was
   indirectly conceded at the last Senatorial Convention that Randolph
   should have the nomination. The bosses and place hunters began to form
   in clicks and rings and sparring began in earnest as to who should be
   who. Senator Robinson was a putative candidate, so, also, Col. J.J.
   Denson of Lafayette. Randolph had hers, too. When the Convention met
   at Roanoke, Randolph’s delegates would not, or at least did not
   harmonize on any one man. Chambers county had the majority of the
   delegation, but they too refused to harmonize. There were 38
   delegates; 26 were necessary to make the nomination. Chambers had 25,
   Randolph 13. On the first ballot Robinson 19, Denson 9, Heflin 10.
   After seven ballots, Heflin’s name was withdrawn and Ricke,
   Ussery and others substituted with a slight variation of the vote. The
   convention adjourned for dinner and several of the delegates from
   Chambers expressed themselves perfectly willing to take a good man
   from Randolph if her delegates would unite. So an agreement was made
   to vote for all the men whose names had been before the convention
   seriatim, the man receiving the highest vote should be the candidate
   and was to be supported without variation-uno animon until next
   election. One delegation to the fact that there were only 13 votes
   from Randolph county. A new ballot showed Dr. W. L. Heflin to be the
   strongest man from Randolph, but when placed before the Senatorial
   Convention as Randolph’s choice, two of her delegates voted for
   Denson. After a few ballots without change, Randolph’s
   delegation withdrew to consult. It was agreed to cast one more vote
   for Heflin, and if no change to withdraw his name and vote for whom
   they pleased. The vote stood: Robinson 19, Heflin 11, and Denson 8;
   Heflin’s name withdrawn, Robin 26 and Denson 12. The writer and
   six others from Randolph voted for Robinson, Judge Davis and five
   others voted for Denson. Robinson was nominated and re-elected. In
   1886 he was a candidate for Probate Judge of Chambers county, but was
   defeated by Rev. W. D. Bledsoe in the County Convention for the
   nomination. "Barkis" like, being willing, he became an independent
   candidate and his solidarity assumed a dark companionship by the
   change of venue; however, he defeated the Democratic nomination at the
   election. In 1894 he was nominated by the "Tom Jones Organized" for
   the legislature and badly beaten by C. H. Cole and J. H. Harris
   Populists. He is now living and practicing law at Lafayette.
   1880---Robert S. Pate, of Randolph, was nominated at Milltown by the
   Democratic Convention and elected. He was a bright and promising young
   lawyer in his 38th year and a native born Randolphian. His father,
   James Pate, moved to the county in the fall of 1834, or spring of
   1835, and settled near where Dick Green now lives, south of old High
   Pine Baptist Church. Bob is a brother of G. G. (Bird) and Thomas F
   Pate and Mrs. Dick Green, who are all well-known and highly respected.
   He married Miss Sue Scales, sister to Mr. Mollie Burton and daughter
   of James Scales. Mrs. Pate is sociable , pleasant and amiable; and, of
   course, has associated with her a whole-soul big hearted clever
   husband, ever standing with open arms and friendly greeting his host
   of friends. Bob is as honest as the days are long, as free as the
   water that runs. He is not one of the covetous kind, doesn’t
   want nor wouldn’t have more than a living. He is said to be "The
   best criminal lawyer at Wedowee’s bar." Being born, bred and
   rocked in the cradle of Jeffersonian Democracy, he stands with the
   honest laboring yeomanry of his country; ready at any and all times to
   battle for their rights, interest and wants. He, like hundreds and
   thousands of other true and tried men, was forced to break ranks and
   leave the Tom Cleveland and Grover Jones Democracy. Self respect,
   consistency, decency, honesty and respectability; ought, certainly, to
   justify his course with the people. He stands, today, in the front
   ranks of Populist simplicity and consistency; and, will, if the vox
   populi have the good will to say, head and lead them to victory in
   1896. Bob was a brave and gallant Confederate soldier; standing at the
   head of his company led his men and drove back the invading enemy. Bob
   works well in the lead. Try him.
   1884---N. D. Denson, of Lafayette, a very prominent young lawyer and a
   true and faithful member of Lafayette Baptist Church, succeeded Pate.
   His moral and temperate habits; Christian character and deportment;
   acts and walk, won the confidence and secured of the Fifth Judicial
   Circuit. He will however have a hard road to travel should he again
   offer in 1896. It is said "He is building his fences for another term,
   using Populist timbers." On the other hand his friends say: "He will
   not offer, owing to his delicate health, but retire and recruit up."
   Whether this be true or not, it is evidently the only prudent and
   conversative course for his future; for no man can command the support
   of confidence of intelligent voters, whose political escutcheon trails
   in the associations and councils of deception, treachery, extravagance
   and debauchery at the expense of the dependent poor, suffering and
   famishing humanity that Clevelandism has seasoned with gall.
                            Number Thirty-Eight
   1888. - Hon. William A. Handley, of Roanoke, was nominated by the
   Democratic Senatorial convention. He was 53 years of age and a retired
   merchant. Captain Handley was the son of Mr. John R. Handley and
   brother of Captain, Frank M.; Major James M.; Dr. John R.; Bowden A.
   Handley and two unmarried sisters. His father was an early settler of
   the county. The writer remembers seeing him when a small boy. Uncle
   Jack as he was sometimes called, invariably attended Circuit Court,
   County Conventions, Public speaking and other public occasions at
   Wedowee, and was an enthusiastic democrat; always on hand as a
   delegate from Esobulga beat. Whether or no he got his choice at the
   convention he endorsed the nominee; and, as for that, everything else
   said or done by the convention and his party. It is not remembered now
   whether Uncle Jack ever ran for any office or not. Yet there is an
   indistinct impression on my mind that he was once nominated or before
   the convention as a candidate for the legislature; however, if so
   there was no incident connecting it of notoriety, or the writer would
   have doubtless remembered it. Mrs. John R. Handley, captain’s
   mother, the writer never saw to know, but from her general character
   she was modest, pleasant, charitable, motherly, domestic, amiable and
   lovely. There is one incident associated with her name I’ll
   relate which is like a diamond in the sky ever so high shines and
   portrays a noble Christian spirit of humanity living in her heart. It
   is this: A few years ago, there was a Negro boy and white man
   sentenced and started on the way to the chain gang under the care and
   control of a callous hearted and cruel wretch who stopped over night
   at Uncle Jack’s on his way with his prisoners. The night was
   dark and cold, and wind strong and biting: ground frozen hard and next
   morning covered with snow. On one side of the house there was a
   verandah and shed at the end in which the guard slept, the other part
   of the verandah was open and to one of its posts the two prisoners
   were chained and there to remain until morning, tired, wet with
   sweat’s (for they had been forced to travel at the rate of six
   miles an hour chained to the axle-tree of the guard’s buggy) and
   hungry without anything to eat or sleep upon except the cold hard
   floor. Mrs. Handley protested and importuned the wretch until he
   shirked for his own safety and comfort. She gave the prisoners a good
   and warm supper and some quilts to keep them from suffering and
   freezing. At 1 o’clock A. M. An Angel touched them and said:
   "Arise, make haste, get thee up northward; thou are free." They arose,
   the chain parted in the middle and they were not, as though they had
   wings and flown away. My readers have doubtless heard Capt. Handley
   tell about his serrated trials in boyhood days which would be
   redundancy to relate them here. There is, however, a very remarkable
   character of versatility vested in his life from juvenility to
   senility. It has followed him like a manes in every pursuit and
   occupation of life. His sinuated disposition seems to have aided him
   in his political and financial advancement, upon which, he has
   established a reputation for popularity and liberality; for no one can
   truthfully say he is parsimonious, ‘though his whole life and
   aim have been to accumulate money and his success redundantly
   ambidextrous. His enthusiasm and zeal, if anything, exceeded his
   father’s He headed his beat delegation and took an active part
   in the Democratic County Convention before his majority. He would
   estuate, cogitate, then collate and wheedle with the delegates to
   carry his point; if he failed, like Josh Billings, when the cow kicked
   over the bucket and spilled the milk, he grabbed the bucket and went
   for another cow. In 1872, the old war horses were all disfranchised;
   that is, those who had took up arms or sympathized with the
   Confederacy. This eliminated all the office seeking element in the
   Democratic party. Only here and there, could a man be found eligible.
   Dr. W. L. Heflin, of Louina, now Roanoke was tendered the nomination
   of Congressman from this the third district, but as his brother, Hon.
   R. S. Heflin was then serving his first term as a Republican and a
   punitive candidate for reelection, Dr. Heflin declined. And without
   explanation or solicitation the Democratic convention nominated
   Captain Bill Handley for Congress, and unexpectedly, elected him by a
   good majority. By hard work and while smirking he succeeded in getting
   some good legislation passed which was credited to his energy and
   tact. In 1874m the Democratic congressional Convention met at Opelika
   where there were several aspirants for the nomination, among them
   Capt. Handley. The writer was a delegate and scotched on taut pulls.
   Being editor of "The Randolph Enterprise" published at Wedowee, he
   published the acts passed and work done in Congress by Captain Handley
   and distributed it at the Convention. This aided materially in
   securing his nomination. But unfortunately a disappointed and defeated
   aspirant through malign treachery and manipulation of ballots in
   Russell county, defeated Captain Handley at the election, Charles A
   Pelham, a Republican, securing the certificate of election. In 1888 he
   was elected Senator from Randolph and Chambers counties. In 1894, Dr.
   Jameson like, he failed to see the Amajuba Hill or pass Laing’s
   Neck, for Judge S. E. As. Reaves, Populist, captured his pickets and
   spiked his artillery earl in the fight. September 8, 1861, he made up
   a Company, elected captain and went to Mobile where his command stayed
   until July 1862. While at Mobile his health became delicate and he
   came home on furlough unable to do service. When his command was
   ordered to Tennessee, he went with it, but did not remain longer than
   the last day of July or first of August before he got a certificate of
   "heart affection." And a discharge from service. The writer got home
   from Virginia with an empty sleeve, July 29th 1862. And a few days
   after Captain Handley was reported at home. Captain Handley, like
   other poor boys, had but few advantages educationally. Poor boys had
   only two or three months to go to school. Spelling, reading, writing
   and ciphering was all that most school teachers could or professed to
   teach. "Webster’s blue book" was used for spelling and reading.
   Smiley’s arithmetic, goose quills, and red oak ball ink
   completed his panoply as an advance student. I could read and spell
   "by heart" hair that was in those old blue backs before allowed to see
   inside of any other book. None but young men and ladies were allowed
   to "cipher." A teacher that could make a goose Quill pen, rule paper
   with his finger nails, repeat the multiplication table and teach
   Smith’s Grammar to the ten rule-- "Prepositions govern the
   objective case"--was a prodigy. A boy’s highest aspirations in
   those days was to be a clerk in a store or grocery. This, Bill coveted
   and secured, and, from that time since, has been more or less in the
   mercantile business, while his versatile turn and tact shows he had
   hit his talent. He has had many promising outlooks which his
   adventurous speculation have caused to be downfalls. Perhaps his past
   experiences will sustain him in his present prosperity; at least it is
   to be hoped so.
   Captain Handley has many good, genial and neighborly traits of
   hospitality, liberality, sociability, chivalry and companionship. He
   has a kind, tender, affectionate and penitent heart, but like the rich
   young ruler, he loves money.
   1892-- H. M. Williams, of Chambers county, was elected to represent
   Chambers and Randolph. He is a farmer and Populist and a good and true
   man. So far as the writer knows, he has given general satisfaction and
   showed up on the fight side, salt or no salt. His present term as
   Senator ends in 1896s, and his successor is to be elected in August
                             Number Thirty-Nine
   1837 -- Thomas Blake was the first elected representative Randolph
   ever had in the State legislature. (See serial nos. 26 and 27 on
   county commissioners.) But as a matter of information, gathered from a
   recent publication I learn the acts of the general assembly of 1837,
   which had been thought lost or destroyed during the war, have been
   found and recovered to the archives of the State secretary’s
   office. These acts with other important and valuable papers were found
   and filed away in a Masonic lodge, where it is supposed they were
   carried during the war, for protection and preservation, and since
   forgotten. (In these serials the writer has had to rely to a great
   extent on tradition from 1832 to 1838 and for the want of official
   records and acts passed much valuable and interesting facts in the
   early days of Randolph county and her officials have escaped notice
   doubtless.) Uncle Tom died in 1880 in his eightieth year, and Aunt
   Delilah in 1895 in her eighty first year.
   1838. -- William McKnight (see serial no 27, county commissioners.)
   1839. -- F. F. Adrine (see serial on county treasurers.)
   1840. -- Wyatt Heflin of Big River, now Louina beat, was a farmer, 51
   years of age and a Democrat. He moved to Randolph county from Fayette
   county, Georgia, about 1835 or ‘36. He was well to-do
   financially and said to be the largest and best farmer on High Pine
   creek. He had a fair English education, fine intellectuality and good
   judgment. He succeeded himself in 1841, but in 1842 Jerry Murphy,
   Whig, succeeded him in the legislature, and in 1843 he succeeded Jerry
   Murphy. In 1844 James H Allen, Whig succeeded him. In 1845-6 he and
   Samuel T. Owens were elected. This was his last term in the
   legislature. During his latter days he moved to Louina, near his son,
   Dr. W. L. Heflin and there he died. The writer knew but little about
   his private personality. His general character was good and he and
   wife were said to be Primitive (Hardshell) Baptist. Was the father of
   Hon. Robert S., Judge John T. And Dr. W. L. Heflin; Mrs. William P.
   Pool, Mrs. John Blake and Mrs. H. R. Gay who lived in this county and
   State. James Heflin lived in the State of Georgia until 1856, and the
   moved to Texas. The writer visited his grave at Concord cemetery in
   1894. So far as the writer knows and remembers no other father and
   sons have been honored by the voters of Randolph County as has this
   1842. -- Jerry Murphy, a Whig and farmer 26 years of age, was elected
   and succeeded Wyatt Heflin, Democrat. Jerry was a hustler, active and
   energetic, genial and wily. The first time the writer remembers seeing
   Jerry was during the Polk and Clay campaign in 1844. His defeat in
   1843 by Wyatt Heflin and the selection of James H. Allen as the Whig
   candidate, didn’t set well on Jerry’s ambitions
   aspirations to make laws. He was on a "tar" and had a big crowd around
   to help him drink Murphy tips, with Clay mint and Allen sugar, at Jude
   Crow’s fountain of pure homespun corn liquors. It was a public
   day, an election year and big crown in town. In those days, men from
   all over the county came to town. The Democrats had Tom Pollard, a
   little boy, patting and singing:
                             "Sheep shell corn
                         By the rattle of the horn,
                         We’ll shear old Clay
                        When the weather gets warm."
   If the writer remembers correctly Jerry and Allen were defeated in
   1845, by Wyatt Heflin and Samuel T. Owens. It is not remembered what
   became of Jerry Murphy.
   1843. -- Wyatt Heflin turned the tables on Jerry and went back to the
   1844. -- James H. Allen, a Whig and school teacher, defeated Wyatt
   Heflin, Democrat. Allen, when the writer knew him, lived in Wedowee on
   lot No. 52, east of Mrs. Martha Smith’s present home. He taught
   a ten months school afterwards in the old academy, where Prof. Richey
   is now teaching. The writer was a pupil and remembers the boys
   repaired the stick and clay chimney. The boys and girls "ciphering"
   were allowed to take their chairs and sit outside. While at dinner,
   some one put a coat of mud on one of the seats, and in retaliation, he
   put it on the others, and before Prof. Allen got back from dinner the
   ciphering contingent had daubed one another. Three or four boys
   holding and the girls painted. Finally a fight ensued and nineteen
   young men and ladies were arraigned before the teacher, with the only
   alternative said the rules, "take a whipping or be expelled from
   school." They all nno animo plead guilty and agreed to abide by the
   rules. The boys sawed wood and waited their time. It was a custom for
   the pupils to ask a holiday and the teacher had to give it, treat, or
   be ducked in a mud hole. This, the teachers would not do if there was
   any way to evade it. Ducking was the last act of his life; however,
   occasionally it had to be done to dignify the profession, for when
   once baptized in a mudhole, he invariably perseveres in gifts and
   holidays. The time grew on apace nigh and the plan and specifications
   were made ready and the little boys posted. On Tuesday, by chance one
   of the little boys learned the school would be out on Thursday instead
   of Friday. This information was communicated and Wednesday morning
   bright and early every little boy and a few large ones were at the
   school room and barricaded the door and stood inside to keep Prof.
   Allen out. He wasn’t expecting it until Thursday or Friday. He
   went and unlocked the door, but couldn’t open it. The boys had
   left open a window on purpose and through it got in and barricaded the
   door with benches. Prof. Allen tried for some time to get the boys to
   open the door, but they knew their rights and kept him out until
   "after books" the time to take in, then the door was opened and the
   professor and the boys had a race; and now had come the opportunity
   for which the young men had waited since the alternative "take a
   whipping or be expelled." Whether law or custom, a teacher had to
   teach his full time to get his pay, and when he was in the school room
   we dared not to molest him, but if we could barricade the door and
   keep him out without injury or personal harm, we had a perfect right
   too so to get a holiday, make him tread or duck. Charlie Gibbs and one
   or two others were pert on foot and the professor didn’t get far
   before he was in the arms of as many boys as could get to him and on
   the broad road that leads the unrepenting and rebellious teacher to
   the confines of hogdom. He threatened, kicked and pleaded, but it was
   no use, and he went with the sweet, consoling and inspiring words --
   "From God all Blessings flow" -- choristers, "the daub maids." He was
   prepared for the ordinance one holding his head, two held each hand,
   and foot and one standing on top to prevent him from floating. Then
   the ceremony commenced -- "We duck you thou favored child of
   misfortune, on the confession of thy confutation in a dishonorable and
   ill assumed liberality as a tutor in the name of custom, tradition and
   practice as--Before the __ was finished, "I’ll treat, I’ll
   treat let me up." And he was as good as his work. We had as much
   candy, raisins, apples and nuts as we could all eat, and that day was
   given us as a holiday. That was a big and happy time as a boy has ever
   had. I wish I could be a boy again and live the day over. In 1859, I
   met Prof. Allen in Homer, Texas for the last time.
   1844. -- Was a presidential election year. Father lived on the hill
   north of town in the Davis E. Grisham house. Pa was a Polk man and
   brother Lee and I were Polk boys and on the day before the speaking
   and raising of the Polk flag, and liberty pole, we dyed us a dozen or
   more flags with poke berries and painted the flagstaff with them too,
   and had the front yard fence decorated. Whenever a Polk man came along
   and saw our flags he would raise a yell, wave his hat and hollow
   "hurrah for Polk and Dallas." The Polk men had their horses decked
   with poke berries while the Clay men wore coon skin caps with coon
   tails hanging down their backs. Whichever party raised a flag first
   the other side would raise one higher, mattered not the cost. The
   Whigs put up a flag pole near the present Southwest corner of the
   courthouse, and these Democrats caught a coon, killed and buried it
   under their pole. They had a big time burying that coon. The Whigs
   then buried an opossum and a poke stalk at the foot of their pole. By
   1 or 2 o’clock everybody got hilarious and began gathering in
   great crowds and ere long you might begin to look for fun, for it was
   certainly to come. A few of us boys used to watch and wait for the
   fighting to open and when we saw it was propitious, we’d climb
   up into some old china tree that stood in front of DR Gibbs and
   Colwell’s drugstore and grocery. Men didn’t use pistols,
   knives nor rocks in those days, and we felt perfectly safe with five
   or six fights going on and two or three hundred men gathered around.
   If there was a Morrow, Henson or Higginbotham present, and they
   generally were, you might safely bet your last dollar one or all of
   them would be in that fight.
   1845. -- Randolph had two members in the House and one in the Senate.
   Wyatt Heflin and Samuel T. Owens, Democrats were elected, Samuel T.
   Owens in serial on Tax Assessors.
                      RANDOLPH’S REPRESENTATIVES
                                Number Forty
   Written for the Toiler, by Capt. J. M. K. Guinn
   1847 - 8--- William Wood and Calvin J. Ussery
   William Wood was an early settler coming to the county probably in
   1833-4, and settled on Corn House creek near its mouth. He owned and
   settled the place where Mr. James A. Knight now lives on the old Wafer
   ferry road. He was a farmer and stock raiser, a plain old fashioned
   homespun round about jeans coat, wool hat Democrat; with temperate
   habits, an honest and upright life; unimpeachable veracity; good sense
   and sound judgment. It was said; He wore a round home made coat, jeans
   or homespun pants, wool hat, home tanned and made shoes to the
   Legislature. He owned and cultivated a large farm and had good
   property both real and personal besides a large herd stock of cattle.
   If he was a member of any church I never heard of it. He was the
   father of R. J., W.H., A.C., Jack and Winston Wood; Mrs. Mary, wife of
   C. G. Pate; Mrs. Sarah, wife of J. A Knight; and Mrs. Martha, wife of
   R. T. Smith. His daughters are all living, but his sons are all dead.
   Taking the family as a whole just as they each arrived to manhood and
   womanhood, perhaps not another could be found with more or brighter
   promise for their future. Their paternal tutelage was faultless, with
   perhaps, one exception. Christianity.
   Calvin J. Ussery, of Bacon Level, a potter, 32 years of age, Baptist
   and Whig was elected. He was said to be the best still hunting
   campaigner in the country. His education was very poor and limited
   although he was extraordinarily successful in his business and
   creditable as an energetic hard worker and a successful legislator. He
   had plenty of nature’s wit and mother’s will. He could not
   make a stump speech but was a good reasoner, good talker and a good
   judge of human nature, which made him a successful "campaign logger."
   A log campaign meant to visit every house and see every voter in the
   county. This Calvin J. Ussery did and assured his success. Was
   sociable, clever, honest and fearless; extreme, fanatical and
   incorrigible. He was, however, defeated in 1855 for County
   Commissioner. The Democrats ran J. F. White. Hiram Barron, Wilson
   Falkner and Charles Foster, the Whigs ran C. J. Ussery, D. V. Crider
   and John McCollough, the Know Nothings ran Dr. R. Robertson, E. B.
   Smith and James Cole, and Independent Z. Darden. Ussery’s defeat
   was about one hundred majority. He was a strong secessionist in 1861,
   and was elected to the Legislature with Col. James Aiken and
   ex-sheriff A. W. Denman. After the war he voted with the Democrats,
   and in 1876, was again elected to the Legislature. He had indomitable
   energy and self-reliance and carried on a good mercantile, grist and
   saw mill and wool carding at High Shoals which accumulated to him a
   good property. He was a zealous Missionary Baptist and his official
   acts were pure, clean and untarnished. He died leaving an honorable
   and cherished character, good works and noble deeds to live after him.
               1849-50 - - - C. D. Hudson and R. S. Heflins.
   Cicero D. Hudson lived in Bacon Level beat. A potter and afterwards
   studied and practiced laws, a Democrat and Deacon in a Baptist church.
   During the latter part of the war, he openly avowed his sympathies
   with the Union cause and aligned himself with the Republicans. When
   Col. Hudson first began the practice of law he was the butt of the
   Bar, but that only stimulated him to more efficiency, for he soon
   stood head and shoulders above some of his critics. He was a close
   student, hard worker and faithful and wise counselor. He was full of
   tricks and you had to watch and be careful or he would catch you
   napping, especially if he had a bad cause to defend. For all that, he
   was reasonable and liberal and easily approached. If he professed
   friendship you could depend on him, for he would not go back on you.
   He was noble, generous, tactable and when you once sounded him, you
   could but love and admire his fidelity and fealty. Unfortunately, with
   a heart full of Christian charity, mercy and liberality, his
   intemperate habits gathered in clouds of dissipation and hid his good
   qualities from those that need light and cheer. "If out of the
   abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh," certainly out of a
   Christian heart noble, generous and charitable deeds abound. I am
   persuaded these many Christian traits - with a confession of faith and
   burial in Baptism were none other than a foundation no other man can
   lay that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Though it may not seem to
   have been gold, silver or precious stones, it may have been wood, hay
   or stubble and burn up and his works suffered loss, but he himself
   shall be saved; yet as by fire." "By grace through faith you are
   saved, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God." God is able
   to save. It is through his goodness, mercy and love we are saved. Who
   knoweth the will and depth of God’s love, mercy and power? If
   man can forgive wrongs, and who is it that doesn’t, why not a
   loving, merciful God? His transgressions were moral disobedience.
   Christ had redeemed him from a spiritual death.
   R. S. Heflin, see serial No. 36.
                              Number Forty One
   Written for the Toiler, by Capt. J. M. K. Guinn
   1851-2 --- John Reaves and R. C. Pool.
   Judge John Reaves. (See serials on Clerk and County Judge.)
   Robert C. Pool lived on High Pine Creek, south of Concord Church, in
   Roanoke beat, or near the line. He came to Randolph County when there
   were only a few families anywhere near. It must have been in 1831 or
   32, from the best information gathered. He was 53 years of age when
   elected, a farmer, a stock raiser and a Democrat. He was a brother of
   the late William P. Pool, who lived on the Roanoke and Louina public
   road. Pole, Thad and Polk were three of his sons. Napoleon and Polk
   are living in Texas. Thasseus was a member of Capt. John F.
   Smith’s company "I" 14th Alabama Volunteers and was killed June
   27th, 1862 at Mechanicsville, Va. Just about good daylight. The writer
   saw him sitting, leaning his back against the bank of the road. It was
   said: "He was shot through the thigh and bled to death." Uncle Bob was
   one of the Trustees of Roanoke Academy incorporated by the Legislature
   in 1844. He made plenty of everything and lived well; was a plain
   old-time farmer, full of life and activity. He died many years ago.
   1853-4 --- William P. Newell and John Goodin
   William P Newell. (See serial on Sheriff.)
   John Goodin was a Whig, farmer, land speculator and Negro trader. He
   was 47 years of age when elected. He had no education; could neither
   read nor write, except his name, yet his callidity (?) seemed
   boundless. With ready wit, tireless tongue and an inexhaustible fund
   of anecdotes, which he told in a fluent flexible and humorous style,
   without any rapidness; he haggled them out by the wholesale on all
   public occasions.
   1849 --- The Democrats defeated him for the legislature, and again in
   1851, but the last time by a small majority vote. When the full
   returns were in and the result known, on the night following the
   election, I heard Goodin tell father he was a "Standing candidate,"
   and would run again in 1853. "And" said he, "in every election
   thereafter until I am elected." In 1852, the Whigs ran Thomas F.
   Lundie, for the State Senate, John Goodin and R. R. Roberts for the
   Legislature. Neither Lundie nor Goodin could make a stump speech, bur
   Uncle Roberts, the bell maker and Methodist class leader, could talk
   and reason very well. Neither could Gay, Democratic candidate for
   Senator, nor Newell nor Humphries, candidates for the Legislature,
   make a speech; but the Democrats had Bob Heflin, whose voice was
   fluent, flexible and stentorious, with fascinating spontaneity;
   Ex-Governor W. H. Smith and Judge John T. Heflin, who were all in the
   vigor of manhood. John Goodin dreaded Bob Heflin, for he was a fanatic
   on smutty yarns and anecdotes. S He told one on Goodin in the campaign
   of 1851 that Goodin, with all his ready wit and chicanery,
   couldn’t appease. It was like Banquo’s ghost--it
   wouldn’t go down.
   Goodin had dark skin, black hair and eyes, and was one of the first
   pioneers of the county, being here before and at the time of the Creek
   treaty in March, 1832. Land speculators, stock owners and herders, old
   bachelors and young sports, many absconding criminals and horse
   thieves, were the advance guard. Pony Clubs were organized, justifying
   their acts under the claim of protecting property owners; but, like
   all outlaw organizations which are ruled by self-interest, self-will
   and conquest, many wrongs were chargeable to its door, and it became
   so tyrannical, aggressive and unbearable, another organization was
   formed and Christened into existence, styling themselves "regulators."
   It, too, was a hotch potch of cow-thieves and land grabbers, whose
   main object and purpose was to keep honest bona fide settlers from
   coming in and taking up the choice reservation and other tracts of
   land. The above explanation will enable my readers to understand why
   Bob’s anecdote trenched and touched so closely on Goodin’s
   past life and at the same time, made it impossible to be treated with
   silence or rebutted by answering. (It is not wished to convey the idea
   that Goodin was a bad man, or worse than others.) Bob Heflin said:
   "One day as Goodin was riding along two Indians met him in the road,
   and one of them recognized him as one of the Pony Club, who had
   recently shipped one of their clan, and they said to him, "Light, you
   are one of the Pony Club that whipped one of our clan, and we are
   a-going to whip you." Goodin protested his innocence and denied being
   in any way connected or sympathizing with the Club." "But", said the
   Indian, "A-itsee -hatkee," (all white men whip Indians.) Goodin
   realizing that a charge so broad as to embrace "all white men", left
   him only one plea that could touch the sympathy of an Indian’s
   heart. He thought quick and fast. It was his only alternative. It
   seemed feasible and he took courage and said; "K’ ok shi (good)
   dakoe (friends or comrades) ma (why) luk I a (this) te-k win-te (is
   unexpected) hom (to me) yat-ton-ne (today) Hom (my) tsita (mother) ton
   (is thy) an (own) shi-i-nan (flesh) kiah-kwin (and blood). Ha (I)
   tanka (am) hatkee tsau na (the little man or son of) seme-hechee (hide
   it away) waukau t sauna (little woman or daughter of) tuston nogee
   (brave warrior) harno-o-na-wi-la-po-na (holder of the paths) ton (of
   thy) na dowe si (enemy) wompi (white) hatkee (man)". "U-u-g-h", said
   the Indians, and at the same time ran his hand down Goodin’s
   back and, pulling it out said "No Indian here -- Negro, by
   This was a stunner and Goodin felt it keenly, but he was the last man
   to succumb or be driven from his ambitious desire to go to the
   Legislature. His acute cunning and ready wit soon decided him that
   strategy was the better part of valor, and he made his preparations
   for the campaign of 1853. The campaign opened at Chulafinne; the
   writer was present. The Democrats had build a brush arbor in the grove
   west from the town, and preparations were made for a big crowd. Goodin
   had a big crown around listening to his anecdotes an hour before
   speaking was to commence. When the time came the announcement was made
   as Judge John T. Heflin took the stand to speak, Goodin called on in a
   loud voice. "All who want Goodin whiskey follow me." And about
   nine-tenths of the crowd followed Goodin more than a hundred yards
   away to a wagon with a keg of good corn whiskey. They were all placed
   in line and the whiskey dealt out in a small tin cup. He managed to
   keep them, too. I don’t think more than thirty or forty heard
   the speaking. He had arrangements made for each beat.
   Sometimes it would be a barrel of cider or a wagon load of ginger
   cakes. He played his hand well and spiked the enemy’s big guns.
   He was elected, defeating Elijah Humphries eleven votes. I heard T. L.
   Pittman saying: "We were confident of Humphries’ election on
   Saturday before. That six votes by the Stephens at Delta, who were
   Goodin men, had been as they (Democrats) though, assured for
   Humphries. "But" said he, "John Goodin had heard or suspicions we had
   been working on them, and I have learned, went Sunday night to see
   them and secured their support; for he knew as well as we did if he
   lost those six votes he was defeated."
   Goodin was happy and so also his friends on learning he was elected.
   He was a red-hot secessionist during the war. After Bell’s
   defeat for President the Whig party died.
   He went to Texas after the war and bought him a home and while moving
   his family he took sick and died on the road.
                              Number Forty Two
   Written for the Toiler, by Capt. J. M. K. Guinn
   1855 -- W. H. Smith and R. J. Wood
   Ex-Gov. William H. Smith was a lawyer, about 30 years of age; a
   Democrat, and lived at Wedowee. He was re-elected in 1857. In 1856 he
   was Judge of the Circuit Court. In 1868 he was elected Governor of
   Alabama. In 1870 he was a candidate for re-election as Governor and
   was defeated by Robert Lindsay, Democrat. Before the war, he was a
   Douglas Democrat, and I believe, an elector on the Douglas ticket for
   President. When the election was held for secession or co-operation,
   he voted for the latter. In the winter of 1862 he and Hon. R. S.
   Heflin made speeches in the court house at Wedowee criticizing the
   Confederate States administration at Richmond, Va., which were said to
   be treasonable by Judge T. L. Pittman and others, who, it is supposed,
   so notified the authorities at Montgomery; for in a few days
   thereafter, Major Vandiver, of Montgomery, with a company of cavalry,
   came to Wedowee, and learned his arrest had been ordered and a company
   of soldiers were at Wedowee. Fortunately for him he was not at Wedowee
   when Major Vandiver arrived. When the State and Confederate
   Governments ordered free speech suppressed at the insistence of a
   cowardly political partisan, the cause for which brave men had taken
   up arms to protect and defend, was lost; and from that day hence,
   officers resigned and privates deserted the flat. This was the
   beginning of the end of liberty, and free speech in Alabama, and from
   that day on justice was outraged, liberty strangled and no mercy
   shown, and the Confederacy’s cause of repelling subjugation and
   defense of person and property was doomed.
   He, of course, without any ceremony or delay, made haste to cross the
   "dead line." He remained there during the war as a private citizen,
   though his elder brother, David, was a Captain, and his younger
   brother, Dallas, a Lieutenant in the First Alabama regiment U.S. Army
   which was composed almost entirely of his own neighbors, friends and
   county men. Since that time, he has affiliated with the Republican
   Gov. Smith, was a son of Jeptha V. Smith, and brother of David D.,
   Robert T., Charles
   A., John O.D., James M., Andrew J., and Dallas Smith. Mrs. Dr. Daniel
   C. Harris, and Mrs. Ayers. His father moved to the Talbert May Mills,
   afterwards owned by Green Harper, Brown and McPherson, and now known
   as the Rock Mills. He stayed there a year and then moved to Wedowee in
   1836 or ‘37 and lived in a house not far from w. N.
   Clifton’s present home place, west. He was appointed in 1837 or
   ‘38, as well as I now remember, one of the county "Building
   Commission" to locate and direct the public buildings. About 1844 or
   ‘45 he moved to Rockdale and built a mill on Finey Woods creek,
   near Jeptha Post Office, which takes his name. His father was so
   pronounced a "Unionist" he had to leave home during the war to save
   his life and died during his exile in Mississippi.
   The Smiths like the Heflins and Woods, have been prominently connected
   with the political and public administration of Randolph County almost
   since its organization to within a few years back. These three
   families usually directed and dictated the policy and conventions of
   the Democratic party, to which they all belonged up to 1860. They have
   been divided, somewhat, ever since until now there are but two of
   their leading men living, and in their senility their "shibboleth"
   hath departed. Ex-Gov. Smith was in his ninth or tenth year when his
   father moved there. Like other boys in his day and surroundings, who
   were in a new and wild county, did not have the advantage of a
   collegiate education. He is self made, and stands today as one of the
   safest barristers and most forcible and magnetic pleaders at the bar
   and before the jury in the State of Alabama. He has had three sons.
   All lawyers. His eldest, David D., who, in life, stood on the highest
   and last round of the ladder of professional fame, was stricken down
   in death; and perhaps, the most promising young lawyer the State of
   Alabama has ever had the honor to claim. The writer knew him from
   infancy to manhood and though unlike any other boy, did not recognize
   the hidden jewel of professional fame until its bright and effulgent
   rays were treasured in the vault of endless time. His father knowing
   by experience the value of good practical education took care to see
   his son had the advantages of an English education. He sent him to
   Chattanooga, Tenn. One or two years and then secured him a position in
   the Supreme Court contingent at Montgomery, where he remained,
   perhaps, for two years and in the meantime, had him under his own
   tutelage. From boyhood to manhood, the write can’t now call to
   mind or locate one instance in which David ever engaged in a game of
   marbles or ball, or took part in a dance or social. I don’t say
   he did not, but if he did, I can’t call it to memory. Yet he was
   pleasant, jovial and hilarious at all times. This may seem incredible,
   nevertheless, it is true. Sit tibi terra levis. John Anthony Winston
   is the second son of Governor Smith. He did not get the advantages nor
   preparation of a first-class school tutelage his brother David did,
   nor the benefit of the Supreme Court hearings sin-qua-non-an
   indispensable addition to a professional young man. However, he had
   the best a country teacher could give and he has forged to the front
   until he has few superiors in formulating and preparation which
   secures almost invariable success in complicated suits. He is
   associated with his father at Birmingham. William H., Jr., is destined
   to make his mark of a high calling. He has every indication associated
   which mature years will develop into ripeness and perfection.
   Governor Smith is now about 70 years old, with mental and physical
   force still active. Neither he, nor any of his father’s family,
   so far as I know, have ever made any pretension religiously. His
   habits and morals have always been temperate and conservative. He is
   sociable and pleasant in companionship; upright and honorable in
   dealings; egotistical and self-reliant in opinions; faithful and true
   in friendship; aggressive and forcible in argument; inflexible,
   magnetic, magnificent and versatile in debate. There is no vanity or
   aristocratic show about him. He is plain, pleasant and easily
   approached by common country folk, of whom he has always shared their
   confidence and support and defended their rights. Mrs. Smith was of
   poor, but honest and virtuous parentage. She was a Wortham, and a
   native born citizen of Randolph. She is one of the most pleasant, and
   amiable lady neighbors I have ever lived by, and a true and devoted
   Christian. They moved to Birmingham 12 or 15 years ago.
   Richard J. Wood was a farmer, in his 31st year of age, a Democrat and
   lived in Louina Beat. He was one of those plain honest temperate,
   country raised, country educated and country trained boys, raised in
   old farmer style of economy, who were usually bountifully fed and
   worked hard. Nature endowed him with several of her most rare and
   choice gifts and he husbanded them carefully all through life. Had
   fine thought, business tact, equanimity, energy, acumen and avidity.
   Perhaps, there never has been a man living in the county that had his
   peculiarities. His mind, thought, foresight, judgment, reason,
   comparison, designation, discernment and perception, with force,
   effort, energy efficiency, and tenacity were associated in all his
   undertakings, which made success phenomena. He established a tannery
   one mile north of Wedowee and ran on a process by which leather could
   be tanned in 30 days. He made shoes and mail bags for the Confederate
   Government, and bought during the time near one hundred bales of
   cotton and stored it in different localities. For the want of
   protection, a large part of this cotton was burned by robbers and
   cut-throats, but he sold what was left at 40 or 50 cents per pound at
   the close of the war. He then located and opened the wood Copper
   Mines., for which, it was said, he was offered fifty thousand dollars.
   For the want of means to develop it, he sold four out of ten shares at
   $5,000 each and invested in machinery, after which he was forced into
   litigation and lost all.
   Being brought up and taught to believe all men claiming respectability
   were honorable, honest and truthful and should be treated as such, in
   dealings, politics and other associations, he entered public life with
   a conscience innocent and void of offense, integrity as pure as
   rectified gold and honor as spotless as snow. Deception had never
   entered his heart, wrong had never disturbed his sweet repose in
   sleep, believing, confiding and trusting implicitly in the integrity
   of man as the noblest handiwork of an all-wise God. Although thrice
   seduced by subtlety as were Adam and Eve, his faith was predicated and
   rooted in paternal tutelage, that only through honesty and industry
   could success in life be attained. It is the innocent that is wronged,
   the honest that is swindled, the believer that is deceived. With these
   characteristics, I have traced Dick Wood (for that is what everybody
   called him) from youth to manhood, senility and death. Bearing these
   in mind, it can easily be seen why his success in business was like
   the incoming and outgoing tide. He believed honesty, honor, integrity,
   fidelity, liberality, industry and peace were the beneficiaries of
   perfection and a reward of righteousness in death. Whatever his
   sacrifice, trials, troubles and suffering cost him to maintain them,
   no one can know. What reward God shall grant him, none can know now
   for the Word sayeth: What lacketh I yet?" By this question it seems he
   recognized something else was needed. While the writer has known of
   Dick Wood for fifty years, the last fifteen or twenty years he was not
   intimately associated with him and I don’t know whether he ever
   made any profession, religiously, or not, but he does know and can
   testify that Dick had every attribute of a child of God in his
   life’s walk and dealings with men.
   In 1861, he was one of the delegates elected to the convention that
   passed the ordinance of secession. Henry M. Gay, Richard J. Wood and
   George Forester were elected on the co-operation ticket. They stood
   almost alone in the convention and were finally prevailed on to vote
   for the ordinance. This, though he had voted for Douglass and opposed
   secession, destroyed his political promotion ever afterwards. After
   the war, he affiliated with the Republican party. He was appointed
   post-master at Heflin during Harrison’s administration. He
   married a lady near Franklin, Ga., and during her lifetime he lived
   happy, content and prosperous life. But after his second marriage,
   peace contentment and prosperity took wings and soared on the chilly
   winds of adversity, hardship and discontent. His last days spent on
   earth were with his first wife’s relatives and friends, where
   his happiest hours were once enjoyed. And let us home these latter
   days were happy and pleasant in simplicity, loneliness of thought and
   remembrances of a dutiful, affectionate and lovely companion, who
   then, solemnly awaited his coming. His noble, generous, manly
   personality so pleasantly associated with us in earthly ties of
   humanity, bade adieu, fare thee well, fare the well forever., July
   25th, 1895, and now rest by the side of one he loved and cherished in
   life, mourned in absence and sleeps by in death.
                             Number Forty Three
   Written for the Toiler, by Capt. J. M. K. Guinn
   1857 -- 8 W, H., Smith, A. W. Denman and Isaac Weaver
   Hon. Abner W. Denman (See serial on Sheriff.)
   Rev. Isaac Weaver was a Missionary Baptist Minister of the Gospel,
   aged 26, and lived in Louina beat. He was a zealous Democrat and
   highly respected by his neighbors and loved by his church. His private
   and public life was spotless so far as the writer knew. He had three
   sons, Rev. G. F., O.B., and Henry Weaver, all of whom were good
   citizens and clever men. Rev. Isaac Weaver died during the war.
   1859 -60-- F. M. Ferrell, F. A. McMurray and Joshua Hightower.
   Hon. F. M. Ferrell lived near Lineville now Clay county. He was a very
   prominent man and highly respected by his community. After the
   election of John Goodin (Whig), the Democrats locally selected their
   candidates in order to strengthen their ranks, and as a matter of
   course nominated and elected some men they were ashamed of afterwards,
   but it had become traditional with the party and its success, and
   every beat had a good man it wanted honored. It was stimulating and
   exhilarating to the cross-road ambitions Statesman. The writer was
   living in Texas at this time and knows nothing derogatory to the
   official acts of the three representatives; he remembers no criticism.
   Hon. Franklin A. McMurray lived near Louina, was a farmer 50 years of
   age, and a Democrat. He came to Randolph county just before or after
   the Indian war in 1836, in which he served as a soldier, and now draws
   a pension from the United States. He is a brother of F. M. McMurray,
   County Surveyor from 1849 to 1857. Uncle Frank is the father of F. M.
   McMurray, who married a Gay and grandfather of W. H. McMurray,
   merchant at Wedowee. He has always been an active, energetic farmer
   and had accumulated a good property. He was appointed by the
   Confederate Government as war Tax Assessor. He is a man of good sense,
   sound judgment and well informed; kind, generous and charitable;
   pleasant sociable and entertaining. He is still living at the old
   homestead, and is now in his 87th year, with remarkable tenacity,
   energy and agility, honored and respected by all, and votes the
   Populist ticket.
   Joshua Hightower was a farmer, an extreme Democrat, an old settler, 45
   years of age, and lived in Jenkins beat. He was a brother of William
   Hightower, Randolph’s first Sheriff. Mrs. Hightower was said to
   be an exceptionally good lady, and their son, William M., was a good,
   clever boy and a member of Co. K. 13th Alabama regiment, and still
   living. Hon. Joshua Hightower was a Breckenridge Democrat and voted
   for secession., He made up a company of Home Guards and was its
   Captain. He was arrogant, selfish and egotistical, and said to be
   tyrannical and oppressive during the latter part of the war,
   persecuting men and women who differed with him politically, or n
   anyway showed or expressed their sympathy for the Union cause. It was
   said, and from personal knowledge, it is believed that Captain
   Hightower was in command of the squad of men who were detailed by
   Captain Robinson, commander of the post at Wedowee, to carry Bone
   Trent and Dock King to Talladega conscript camps, which they never
   reached nor were seen alive afterwards, but were said to have been
   found by Capt. E. B. Smith sometime afterwards in a pit several feet
   deep, partially filled with water; at Gold Ridge gold mines., The next
   day following Captain Smith’s find, the whole community turned
   out to recover their bodies; but on reaching the pit, they found it
   had been filled during the previous night with logs and brush, which
   had evidently been done by the parties committing the crime. This,
   with other circumstances connected, intimidated those who were
   gathered there and they went home without any further effort,
   believing their own lives would be in jeopardy. It has been said also
   that he was one of the men who shot and killed Capt. E. B. Smith at
   his home in 1865. The writer was in Texas at the time, but was told
   this by a man unimpeachable, though dead now. It was also told the
   writer, but by whom it is not now remembered, that three of these men
   went to the Indian Territory, and the Indian’s split ";s tongue,
   cut off L’s ears and jobbed out His eyes. Whether guilty or not
   as charged the writer does not know personally, but the circumstances
   point very strongly against him. In the first place, he left Wedowee
   with Trent and King as prisoners. Secondly, the pit was accessible for
   him to reach that night. Thirdly, Captain Smith’s testimony
   would have been very strong against him. Fourthly, he left the county
   as soon as there appeared to be a probability of investigation.
   Fifthly, if guilty, he would naturally do something justifying the
   punishment said to have been inflicted by the Indians.
   This was the last Democratic member elected to the Legislature from
   Randolph county until 1874.
   1861 -2 -- Alabama had passed the ordinance of secession and seceded
   from the Union. C.J. Ussery, Q. W. Denman and Capt. James Aiken were
   elected. All secessionists.
   Captain Aiken was a lawyer, 31 years of age, but previously a
   pedagogue. He was associated with ex-Gov. W. H. Smith at Wedowee, in
   the practice of law, and when the war broke out he raised a company
   and was elected Captain. Dr. H. W. Ghent, Dr. Wiley M. Kemp, and
   Algernon Sidney Reaves were respectively elected lieutenants. (They
   are all living today.) Captains Aiken, E. B. Smith and M. D. Robinson
   and companies left on July 12, 1861. Capt. John T. Smith left July
   4th, and all belonged to the 13th Alabama regiment. Captain Aiken was
   promoted Colonel in the Spring of 1863, and went through the war,
   surrendering as commander of his regiment with Gen. R. E. Lee, April
   9th 1865. He was a brave and faithful soldier; an upright and
   honorable man; an humble, faithful and trusting Christian whose
   integrity, character and virtue were unimpeachable; modest, plain and
   every day the same pleasant, kind and courteous commander, without
   vanity, pride or self-conceit. And, although he votes the "organized"
   ticket, those who know him have a higher estimate placed on his past
   life than to believe he would sacrifice it to accept an election by
   the Tom Jones process-- the orthodox of "organized Democracy. Colonel
   Aiken is in no sense an office-seeker or hunter, although one of the
   brightest legal lights at the Alabama Bar. He has held but one
   official position since the war -- that of
   Circuit Judge of his district. Why it is that men of his known legal,
   mental and moral qualities are relegated to private life, and less
   meritorious one promoted, can only be reconciled by the emergencies
   and necessities for party proscription, venality and corruption. Since
   the war, he married a most amiable and charming domestic lady who
   lived at Lineville. They have an interesting and promising family of
   children and live at Gadsden.
                             Number Forty Four
   Written for the Toiler, by Capt. J. M. K. Guinn
   1863 00 Henry W. Armstrong, Milton D. Barron, Augustus A. West and
   David A. Perryman.
   Henry w. Armstrong lived at Chuilafinne beat. He was a farmer 44 years
   of age, anti-war Democrat but after the war a Republican. He was a
   good, substantial, well-to-do farmer, with fine mental and moral
   attributes; an active, energetic, progressive and aggressive
   politician. He was largely and well-connected by men with influence
   and means. He is still living and resides in Clay county, not far from
   Delta, honored and loved and respected by his neighbors.
   M. D. Barron lived below Louina, on Big Tallapoosa river. He was a
   farmer, 45 years of age, anti-war Democrat and a son of Rev. Hiram
   Barron. The writer had only a slight acquaintance with him. He died
   during his term as a member of the Legislature.
   Capt. A. A. West was at the time of his election a Captain in the 31st
   regiment; 27 years of age and a farmer. He made up a company and went
   out March 41, 1862. He had been a Douglass Democrat and opposed
   secession. After the conscription act and the political persecution
   began, his sympathies grew stronger for the Union, and after his
   election to the Legislature he resigned and came home, but from some
   cause failed to take his seat as a member. His brother, Eph, was a
   Captain in the United States army and his entire family sympathized
   with the Union cause. He was a plain, honest and hard-working farmer
   before the war; had no ambition or aspiration to seek or hold office.
   He moved to Kansas probably in 1871, where he has since lived, with
   the exception of five or six months spent at Wedowee with his son, R.
   T. West, during the spring of 1895. He married a Miss Bornby, daughter
   of Mrs. Isaac Baker. Now Mrs. Griffin, who still is living and went
   west with her son-in-law.
   Gus was a neighbor boy, and had pride and ambition enough to let no
   one do more or better work at log-rolling, house raising and
   corn-shucking. Everybody liked him for his many noble qualities and
   when he visited his old home and old friends last year, it was one of
   the most pleasant greetings common to men of mature age. That happy
   boyhood friendship, confidence and attachment that grows stronger and
   closer, as has manhood grown older and wiser, took new life, new
   energy and full possession of its once undisputed territory, and the
   memory of blissful boyish congenial love permeated the sympathy and
   cemented the ties that had lain solemnly, through not dead, set aside
   though not discarded, supplanted though not disinherited, separated
   through not divorced for twenty-odd years. While we cannot be boys and
   playmates again, thank god we can enjoy in meditation ant thoughts of
   remembrance those once happy and pleasant days over again. How good
   and pleasant it is to be permitted to banish trouble, trials and
   affliction with an hour of sweet meditation of those past happy
   moments. Oh, God, how merciful, kind and thoughtful Tho hast been to
   allow a day, a year or a life-time to be lived in one short hour time
   of meditation, that we might forget sorrow and sadness. Is not this a
   taste of heavenly life? Is it not a reward of Christian charity and
   hope promised in the suffering, crucified, and resurrection Savior?
   "God is love" and those attachments associated in childhood and
   boyhood are attributes of God. Separation, old age, poverty,
   affliction, persecution, trials, troubles, height nor depth can
   separate, annul, set aside, overcome nor supplant these sweet
   remembrances of the past. O were it possible that we could live as in
   childhood our latter days. For of such is the Kingdom of Heaven and
   redemption of the lost.
   David A. Perryman was elected to fill the vacancy of West or Baron, I
   don’t remember which, but he too refused to qualify or take his
   seat. (See serial on Tax Assessor.)
   1865 - 6 -- W. W. Dodson, J. OL. Williams and W. E. Connelly.
   Judge Wallace Washington Dodson. (See serial on Probate Judge.)
   Judge James. L. Williams formerly lived at Louina but when elected
   lived at Lineville. He was a Douglas Democrat and anti-war Union man.
   He merchandised at Lineville for several years subsequently and was
   elected Probate Judge of Clay county. He was of fine appearance and
   had the reputation of being very popular with the masses. His official
   acts were said to be highly creditable. He died several years ago.
   W. E. Connelly. (See serial on Circuit Court Clerk.)
   The Legislature reduced Randolph’s representation from three to
   two, and called a Constitutional Convention for 1867.
   1867 -- W. E. Connelly and JH. L. Williams were elected.
   1869-70 -- The Legislature in 1`867-8, cut off township 17 to
   Claiborne county, and range 9 to Clay., This reduced Randolph’s
   members from 2 to 1, under the new Constitution.
   Jack Wood was a farmer, in his 39th year, and lived in Louina beat. He
   was a Douglass Democrat and opposed secession and the war. He was the
   son of William Wood and married Miss Ann Anderson, daughter of Lewis
   Anderson. Ann’s mother was a Glover, and sister to Mrs. Emily
   Hunter. I used to think, when we went to school together, Ann was the
   prettiest girl I ever saw. There were others who thought so, too, if
   one is to judge by the beaux she had. Bob Smith, Jack Wood and others
   were smitten and besieged her hand and heart, but Jack proved to be
   the winner. He moved to Kansas about 1871 and is said to have died
   there several years since.
   1871 -- Dr. Joseph H. Davis, of Roanoke, was elected as a Democrat.
   George Forester, of Louina beat, a Republican was his opponent and
   given the certificate of election. Davis contested and was seated.
   Forrester held the certificate on a technicality and only took his
   seat at the urgent, solicitation of his party. He, however, like an
   honorable man, such as he is and always was, made no fight and the
   contest on his part went by default.
   Dr. Davis was elected to the Constitutional Convention of 1867, as a
   Republican. He was exempted during the war, as a practicing physician,
   but was so pronounced a Unionist he had to leave "the home of the
   brave and the land of the free" of Dixie in 1864. In 1868 he was a
   Seymore Democrat. He was a skillful physician, well informed, keen,
   shrewd and a cunning politician. He was high tempered, self-willed and
   egotistical, yet at the same time, kind, liberal and true to his
   friends. He was a close and warm friend; a biter and aggressive
   enemy., He was a member of the M. E. Church, South. He was
   superstitious and would not go close by a graveyard after night. He
   had a heart disease, and told the writer he expected to drop off
   suddenly which he did, August 25, 1878. While he differed with many of
   his neighbors politically and some times personally, yet they all
   honored and respected him and turned out en masse to pay their last
   earthly respects to his remains. His second wife was a Miss Mary
   Gillespie, a modest, pleasant and refined lady; a dutiful wife and
   affectionate mother. Mrs. Davis now lives a LaFayette, Ala., where the
   writer recently visited her at home and was delighted to find she
   retained a remarkable degree of he many former charms of beauty and
   vivacity. She showed the writer a life-size picture of Dr. J. H.
   Davis. It is a perfect life likeness, so much so you are almost
   constrained to greet it as if living.
                             Number Forty Five
   Written for the Toiler, by Capt. J. M. K. Guinn
   1872 - 3 Hon. W. H. Lovvorn. (See serial No. 31)
   1874-5 -- Hon. William D. Heaton lived in Saxon’s beat. He was a
   farmer, Democrat, Mason and Baptist. Several years previous he and
   brother merchandised at gold Ridge. He was a very clever man and stood
   well in Shiloh Baptist Church, of which he was a member. His education
   was limited, but his energy, good judgment and business tact secured
   to him a good property. He was passionate, excitable and easily
   deceived and led astray, but when cool and deliberate would correct
   mistakes and right wrongs. His selection as a candidate was on account
   of locality, the writer making the suggestion. He married a daughter
   of S. W. Hearn, known as Whit Hearn, who was at that time, said to be
   the wealthiest man in Randolph county. He visited Texas several years
   afterwards and on his return home was taken sick and died shortly
   after. Mrs. Heaton still lives on the old homestead.
   1876-7 -- Hon. C. J. Ussery., (See serial No. 40)
   1878-9 -- Hon. Jason J. Hearn lived at Rock Mills beat, a farmer,
   Polly Ann Democrat and a member of the Primitive Baptist Church. He
   was said to be a very clever neighbor, a good citizen and a worthy
   member of his church. He was scarcely know outside of his beat until
   defeated in the Polly Ann convention by A. C. Saxon, in 1877 for Tax
   Assessor. He is still living.
   1880-1 -- Hon. Thomas E Head lived in High Shoals beat. Was a farmer,
   Democrat and about 50 years of age. Tom was a first rate, good and
   clever citizen and neighbor. His death was very sudden and thought to
   have even voluntarily and of his own free will. Was an old citizen and
   universally loved and respected for his quiet, peaceable and
   neighborly traits. It is one of those unaccountable mysteries which
   probably will never be know by the public.
   1882-3 -- Hon. F. P. Randall, a citizen of Rock Mills, and at the time
   superintendent of the Wehadkee Mfg. Company, was elected. Capt.
   Randall’s business qualities, keen perception, fine
   intelligence, Christian character, temperate habits and good morals
   demanded his selection and election as a necessity for relief from
   railroad bond indebtedness. Many of his personal and political
   opponents voted for him on account of his availability and confidence
   in his integrity and interest in the public good. He was know to be a
   conservative, energetic and zealous in his private business, and
   though he had time and again refused to accept a nomination, backed by
   strong solicitation, he was prevailed on to run and was elected, but
   he failed to appreciate the confidence universally bestowed and
   reposed and left his post and official duties to attend his private
   matters at home. This showed, on his part, he had no aspirations or
   ambition for office or official duties, while on the part of the
   people was disappointment and loss of confidence. While Captain
   Randall is a zealous partisan politically, office is repugnant to his
   sensibilities and he seems to loathe the thought of its charm and
   honors. Shy I don’t know, for he is public spirited and strong
   advocate for good government and wholesome laws. He came from Kentucky
   to this county since the war and for many years has been the
   Superintendent or President of the Wehadkee Cotton Mills at rock
   Mills. He has been recognized as the most zealous and active leading
   democrat in Rock Mills beat for years; and, today, is the most
   prominent Administration Democrat in the county. I have been told that
   he is a Clark man. If there is in existence today such a thing as an
   organized democratic party, to be consistent, it must be that part
   which recognized the present State and National
   Administration. The Johnson man may hold to the traditional Democratic
   principles of free coinage of gold and sliver, but they are not in the
   true sense of party parlance Democrats, but secedes. And like the
   Jeffersonians and Populists will patch up a compromise and vote once
   more together and then organize a new party. They have two precedents.
   (And a Democrat will see his soul for precedent) the Douglas and
   Breckenridge, Kolb and Jones. The writer is not a prophet nor the son
   of a prophet, but mark his prediction -- If Johnson is nominated, A.
   T. Goodwyn will be the next governor of Alabama, if Clark is
   nominated, whether elected or not, he will be the governor of Alabama,
   for he will certainly get the certificate and there is no law by which
   his seat can be contested. A wayfaring man though a fool need not err
   therein. It is as plain as open and shut that 90 percent of the
   administration Democrats will never vote for a free silverite. Turn
   you eye to the National Administration at Washington and then the
   administration Democrats in the Kentucky General Assembly. That ought
   to convince any sane mind the silverites are looked upon as Populists;
   the only difference is as to whether the vote shall be first class or
   1884 -5 -- Hon. C. B. Taylor, of rock Mills, was a Democrat, Primitive
   Baptist minister and a practicing physician. He was egotistical, or
   self-willed and pharisaic. Was said to be neighborly, friendly and
   sociable. A prominent minister and a fluent speaker, but being a Mason
   his usefulness in the pastorate was not extensively sought or desired
   by the brotherhood. He died years ago.
   1886-7 Hon Enoch Carter (See serial on County Commissioners)
   1888-9 -- Hon. Samuel Henderson of Roanoke, was a young lawyer, member
   of Roanoke Baptist Church and a Democrat. He came from Talladega
   several years ago, and was the son of Rev. Samuel Henderson, who was
   known and prominently associated with the leading Baptist ministers
   throughout the South. Judge John Henderson honored by Randolphans as
   Circuit Judge, was his uncle. Sam is a fine lawyer and a fluent
   speaker. Unfortunately for Sam, whose physical, mental and Christian
   sensibilities are fully developed, there is a serious and questionable
   characteristic connected with his daily life that degrades and
   demoralizes his would-be championship; i.e., he is an old "bach." The
   fact is he is an arrant coward through fear and intimidation of a
   broomstick in the hands of laughing, sparkling eyes, chubby cherry
   cheeks, coquettish smiling face, birnanous caressing arms of maiden,
   mine or portly buxom widowhood. Let me implore you, Sammy, ere 1896
   shall chronicle the golden moments and fleeting days of leap year and
   pass into endless time, to shave off that buttermilk strainer, iron
   out those crab apple wrinkle, rope that state breath and imprison your
   bachelor timidity in the heart affectionate of wifedom.
   1890-1 -- hon. Wilson L. Ayers. (See serial on Sheriffs)
   1892-3 -- Hon. H. H. Whitten, lived in Roanoke beat, is a farmer,
   Populist and allianceman, good morals and temperate habits, and
   active, energetic worker and a successful farmer. He came the county
   then or fifteen yeas ago and the writer only knows of him since the
   election. He supported and maintained the principals of the Populist
   party which was in the minority and unable to pass any acts of reform
   or repeal class or unjust laws, as were desired by the masses of the
   1894-5 -- Hon. S. E. A. Reaves. (See serial on Probate Judges)
                              Number Forty Six
   Written for the Toiler, by Capt. J. J. K. Guinn
                      RANDOLPH’S REPRESENTATIVES
                         STATE SECESSION CONVENTION
   1861 -- H. M. Gay, r. J. Wood and G. Forester
   Hon. Henry M. Gay. (See serial No. 36)
   Hon Richard J. Wood (See serial No. 42)
   Hon George Forester lived north of Louina on Big Tallapoose river. He
   was a farmer, 41 years of age, and a Co-operationist, previously a
   Douglass Democrat. Rev. Charles P. Cission, of Jenkin’s beat,
   and Dr. W. E. White, of Roanoke, were Forester’s and
   Wood’s competitors. Gay’s opponent has slipped me. However
   a young lawyer, of Wedowee, by the name of J. J. Hill, canvassed the
   county for secession, and John O.D. Smith, now of Opelika, but then a
   tender bud of law at Wedowee, canvassed for co-operation. The campaign
   was opened by Hill at Dunston’s court ground. John Goodin,
   Dunston and some others swore Smith should not speak, but when assured
   fee speech would be had if it took a secession vote to get it, they
   changed their tactics. The crown seemed to be almost unanimously with
   them up to this time, but Smith, which his comrade by his side, soon
   won the friendship of two-thirds of the crown. Hill and Goodin looked
   disappointed and mortified, and, no doubt, felt it. They tried to play
   the intimidating act at Chulafinne, but it was no go. Smith told them
   if they did not want to cooperate the next best thing they could do
   was to practice what they preached, and "secede." They boys caught on
   and gave Smith a rousing boost, but Hill and company cold comfort.
   George Forester was then and is now one of Randolph’s best and
   purest men. He loved his State and people and for them he was willing
   to sacrifice personal and private opinions for their public good. When
   he, Wood and Gay took their seats in the Convention at Montgomery,
   they were greeted as brothers not only by former Democratic comrades
   but by Whigs also. Party lines were obliterated; State rights,
   Southern valor and self-government called on their patriotism and for
   unity. Division In vote would be like cowardice of soldiers in front
   of the enemy. It would be like cowardice of soldiers in front of the
   enemy. It would be treason to desert the State and give support and
   encouragement to the enemy. Cooperation must come through State
   sisterhood and unity of interest. This was impossible of probable with
   out unity, power and respectability. Both Whigs and Democrats had
   united their strength at the ballot box and sent almost a solid
   delegation in favor of seceding. A few cooperationists could
   accomplish nothing good for their cause, but bring division and
   ridicule on themselves, and destroy the confidence and unity of the
   Body. These and many other stronger and pointed reasons were brought
   to bear on them to vote for the ordinance of secession which they
   finally did. He was the Republican candidate for the Legislature in
   1871, and was given the certificate of election, but believing Dr. J.
   H. Davis, had been fairly elected and the certificate given him
   through a technicality caused by throwing out Burson’s beat, the
   returns not being properly certified too, he refused to take his
   certificate or seat until persuaded to do so by his personal friends,
   when Davis contested, he did not defend it, but let it go by default.
   He has always stood well with the people and but few public men have
   had a stronger hold on the confidence of their neighbors than he. He
   is not in his 76th year of age enjoying life, quiet and happiness
   surrounded by relatives and friends.
                         CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION
   1865 -- R. T. Smith, see serial on Circuit Court Clerk
   1867 -- Dr.. J. H. Davis, See serial No 45
   1875 -- Capt. Benjamin F. Weathers, Roanoke was nominated May 28, 1875
   by the Democrats of Randolph and elected in August following. He was
   37 years of age and had been raised on a farm though at the time
   engaged in merchandising. He was the oldest son of I. T. And Sarah
   Weathers and brother of our present Probate Judge, A. J. Weathers. He
   was a candidate for Probate Judge in 1877, and defeated in the
   convention by James C. Sherman, he bolted and announced himself an
   independent candidate, but before the election withdrew and supported
   Judge s. E. A. Reaves and accepted a clerkship. In 1894 he took sides
   with the wet ticket in Roanoke’s city election which it is
   claimed, makes his promotion questionable and improbably in the near
   future. Captain Weathers volunteered in Capt. Boss White’s
   company and was promoted from Lieutenant to a Captain and was a brave
   and gallant soldier in the field. He is one of that class of men known
   by their open-handed liberality who makes his visitors pleasant while
   showing his hospitality and companionship. He is now cashier of
   Roanoke Bank and holds the confidence of those with whom he is
   associated. He married a Miss Jennie Mickle, daughter of William and
   Mary Mickle, among the first and best people of the county. Jennie was
   one of the most bewitching, fascinating and charming young ladies in
   all lower Randolph and is a munificent and charitable as the Captain,
   full of life, energy and vivacity, a zealous member of the M.E.
   Church, South, a pleasant and sociable companion and a most excellent
   and kind neighbor.
   This closes the historical sketches of the county officers of Randolph
   County from January 1, 1833 to January 1, 1896. There are some
   typographical and other corrections which I wish to make, but
   can’t do so until I have the opportunity to visit Wedowee.
   It is more than probable someone in person or through a friend feels
   an unjust or an unjust construction has been placed upon them would,
   if afforded an opportunity, furnish the proper correction. The writer
   would take as a favor, as he intends sometime in the future to publish
   it in book form.
   It is the purpose of the writer to resume these serials in August or
   September, the subject of which will be the Captains and other
   Confederate Soldiers; Editors and Publishers of Randolph’s
   Newspapers; the most noted characters of the County before the war:
   J.W. Bradshaw, Benjamin Bolt, Eph. Higginbotham, the Hensons, Marrows,
   Aggie Rose, Merchants and Lawyers; Cattamounts and Todd’s
   negroes; the Talladega mad boy and his conviction; Jim Snively shoal
   diving; a sack of salt; A.B.C. Guason, the Toiler; Domino (Jesse
   Haywood) and negro dogs; Tom Hearn and old Nipper; the Hotel keep and
   wild hog, etc. Etc. It might be possible you know, that my host of
   friends might take up the idea to run and elect me to some office, and
   in order to remove all encumbrances and have an open way before me to
   accept. I have canceled all contracts until after the election and am
   now engaged in fishing for luck.
   Joe Dickson