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Bio of William E. NICHOLS - Pike/Coffee/Covington Co.'s AL

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Contributed By Mary Ann Nichols <>
JAN 1999

Bio of William E. NICHOLS - Pike/Coffee/Covington Co.'s AL

  William E. NICHOLS was born in 1810 in South Carolina.  He died about 
1865 in ?Covington Co.Al.  According to family historians in the John 
Nichols (son of William E.) line, William and Elizabeth lived in the Boggy 
Byo, Florida area, which was near Niceville, Florida.  This would have been 
prior to 1840.

In 1831, Elizabeth Nichols tells in her letters that she was baptized at 
Oakey Streak Methodist Church in Butler County, AL.  Her parents and three 
daughters (none her age) are in the 1830 Butler Co, AL census.  

 1840 Pike County, AL:
William E. Nicholds  30-40
1 female  20-30
2 females under 5
1 male under 5

1850 Coffee County, AL:
William Nichols  40 m farmer  South Carolina
Elizabeth  36 f  North Carolina
Robert 16 m AL
Mahala  14 f AL
Elijah  11 m AL
Henry  9 m  AL
John  7 m AL
Margarete   5 f  AL
Joel   3 m AL
Thomas 1 m AL

1860 Covington Co p 4 #24
William E. Nichols  m  50 farmer $1300  SC
  listed as not being able to read and write
Elizabeth f 45  domestic  NC
Layoltla ? f 21  AL
John A.  m 17 farm laborer  AL
Wm H. H.  m 19  farm laborer  AL
Joel L.  m 13  AL
Thomas C.  m 11  AL
Charlotte S.  f 9  AL
Sarah A. M.  f  5 AL

James Wiggins  m 23 farmer  AL
Margaret D.  f 15  AL
James M.   m 7/12 (June)  FL

William E. Nichols' military record: mustered into Capt. Geo. W. Kierce's 
Co. A., County Reserves of Covington County, organized August 27, 1864. He 
is listed as being age 59, but it pobably was miscopied; as he should be 
54. He is listed as having no gun, as were many others.

This account of William E. Nichols' death was passed down through John's 
grandson, Reubin Nichols of Wing, AL.  William Nichols died around 1865 of 
small pox.  Smallpox was supposed to have been brought back from the war by 
his son-in-law.  William may have been buried in the Hog Foot Cemetery near 
Andalusia. This cemetery is believed to have been destroyed since then.

William is known to have brothers Kinchen Ellis Nichols of Pike County, and 
a cousin Joel Nichols of Crenshaw (whose father is unknown).  Their reported
father is a Conrad Gunrod Nichols.  However, no written records of this 
name have been located to date.  Reportedly he died fairly young near Old 96
District SC and fought in Indian Wars.

Elizabeth HANCHEY Nichols, (daughter of Daniel HANCHEY and Sarah RICE) was 
born on 14 Oct 1814 in North Carolina.  She died after 1884 in ? Florida.   
Elizabeth moved to FLorida after William's death and lived with some of her 
children.  According to old letters saved by John Asberry Nichols' 
descendants, they lived in LaFayette County Florida sometime prior to 1873. 
She lived in Waldo, Florida in 1973, where she ran a boarding house near a 
mill.  By 1879, Elizabeth had moved to Palatka, Florida and lived with 

1880 Putnam Cl, FL census  family #14
Elizabeth Nichols  w f 65 mother widow at home (health:  weak systom) 
disabled.  Indicates she born in NC; father b in Ireland, and mother b in 
SC Sharlot age 29, divorced, midwife, b AL; Olive 6, Francis (f) 4; and 
Ennis 7/12 (Nov) are listed with her.

1885 Florida State Census:
#1933  Elizabeth Nichols   71  NC
            Charlotte Nichols    34 AL
            Olive Nichols          11 FL
            Ennis Nichols           5 FL
            Ada Nichols              3 FL
            Lizzette Nichols       born April  FL

Letters of Elizabeth Hanchey Nichols written to John A. Nichols, Covington 
Co, AL, her son:
Palatka, Fla  Jully the 27th, 1879

Kind Son & Daughter with pleasure I will try to answer your
welcom letter of the 29th of June I received it t he 25th of
this inst  I cannot describe how much pleasure it gave me to
hear from you & to hear that you & family was all well &
doing so well  I am so glad that you had got Mr. hard times
by the tail & are abot to dis--- him before you  I hope that
you will forever be able to keep him at a proper distance you
have gaind power over him (in one respect by takeing a little
of my advice (that was to stay at one place & if you will
still continue to stay thare you will soon be able to drive
that greate enemy of yours quite out of sight,  I am glad to
hear you speak so highly of your ---------------------glad
that you have found out that she deserves praise  I have
known that she was one of the best of women ever s ince I
first got acquainted with her & oftain time I have said that
she was the best woman that ever was conected to the Nichols
family  I do hope that she will live long & see many happy
days & that I may meet her in Heaven after we are done with
this world of troubles.  I will say that we are all tolerable
well at p resent but evry now and then some of us have the
fever for we have had the chills & fevers more or less for
over 12 months but I hop that it is about to leave us we have
had a strugle to get along with so much sickness but still we
keep u p tolerable well with our grub for this is a vary good
country for geting work to do  we get as  much as we can do &
thereby keep a plenty to eat & something to wear  we have a
rite to thank God that he has proviced so well for us  I
believe that we live about as well as any of our neighbors &
better than some that has a man to work for them, we l ive 6
miles below Palatka & have to go all the way by water but I
can go or send evry week I will now tell you about the prises
of provision  pearly grits is used more here in this country
than anything else in the way of bred stuff  it is 2 1/2 cts
per lb corn meal the same  flour from 20 to 25 lbs to the
dollar  bacon from 6 to 8 cts per  lard 10 cts   coffee f rom
18 to 25  cts per lb  shugar from 8 to 10 cts  cirup 50 cts
per galon  tobacco from 70 to 75 cts p er lb  dry goods is
vary cheap  white domestic from 6 to 10 cts per yd  calico
from 6 to 8 cts striped or checked domestic from 10 to 12 cts
per yd & evrything else in propotion
John you spoke something about hearing an old man preach by
the name of Cears  please let me hear a little more about him
for when I was a young girl about 17 if I mistake not it was
in the year of 1831 a young man by the name of Wm Cears a
Methodis preacher preacht in Oakey Streek Butler Co ALA & I
was a menber of that church at that time  prehaps he is the
same man  if so let him hear from me (if not no harm done)
John you will remember John Barns that that levd at Smut Eye
in Coffee Co  he & some of his sons was down in the neighbor
whare your sister Margaret lives and she saw & converst with
them  they told her that your Brother Wesley was at Troy in
Pike Co when they left thare which has bin about 2 years ago
The Barnses & Busbees ware all unietarians when I knew them
in Coffee Co but he told Margaret to tell me that he was now
a Methodist  he said that Wesley went down into Coffee to
hunt for us but finding that we had moved clear away & could
not learn whare we had gone he returned back to Troy  prehaps
by your makeing inquiry in that direction you may hear
something about him  I have writen a letter to Trooy but has
got no anaswer as yet   John you requested me to send you a
copy of a Prayer  I will try to do so when I have more paper
for this is the last  sheet that I have but I hope to get
some more before long & then I will try to comply with your
request hoping it will be of some benefit to you or some one
else for my dayly prayr & harts desire is that God would
bring a bout a ginuine reformation in the Hearts & lives of
all my children & set them all to opraying in good earnest
with faith for themselves & evrybody else)  Imust say to you
that I red your letter to Laura she told me to give you and
her Aunt & the children her love & best respects  her & her
Husband is boath vary well & harty & is geting along vary
well  he is a greate hunter  he kiled a deer yesterday & came
by & gave me a piece
Fredona & her Husband lives in Palatka & is boath vary well &
geting along finely  he is good & kind to her  he makes a
good deal of money  he is a workman & gets good wages  he is
an engineer & a mecanic  I hope that they will al do well  I
shal have to close for this time & leave the rest until
another time  write soon  my love to you Amanda and all the
children  I remain your mother until death  fairwell
                  Elizabeth Nichols
Palatka, Fla  Sept the 7th  1879

Mr. J A Nichols & Mrs L A Nichols

Kind sona & Daughter I with pleasure will try to answer your
much welcome letter of the 11th of August  it came to hand
the 28th but I have not had the opertunity of answering it
until now we are all tolerable well at lpresent & is geting
along tolerable well considering our chance money is vary
hard to get after we earn it we have a greate deal of trouble
to colect it & that causes us some times to run short but up
to this time we allways havve bin able to make some shift to
get & keep some thing to eat but I fear that the time will
soon come when we will habe to suffer for I am failing of
strength & am so large & fleshy that it is with greate
difficulty & pain t hat I get about to do the little that I
am compeled to but I still trust in the Lord & do all I can
his mercies has bin extended towards me all through my past
life & shurely I can trust him for the few day that is to
come he provides means for my suport & gives me grace to p
upo rt my Soul & keeps it from sinking under the power of so
I pray that the Lord of Heaven & ear th may have mercy on my
children & bring them by his grace to a timely repentance
before sin proves th eir Eternal ruin Oh that he would show t
hem the exceeding sinfulness of sin & impress uppon their
minds the awful idea of going to jugment unprepared, Oh may
he draw them by his gr ace & by his loveing kindness to love
him suprely & serve him sincearly for the sake of Christ who
shed his precious blood on the cross not for our sins only
but for the sins of the whole world  I pray for all for whom
he died  Oh that the power of the spirit of God may rest on
all his ministers & may their word be attended with the power
of the Holy Gost sent down from the throne of Heaven & may it
have the desired a ffect upon all that hear it & may the Lord
grant to bestow his mercies upon the Churches & add to them
daily such as shal be saved  Oh that he may pity the poor
back sliders & by his grace reclaim them & I pray that God
may by the power of his  grace & stir up the luke warm &
cause them t o save him with a fervent spirit & a contrite
heart  Oh that he may give us all grace to love & serve him
withh a full purpos of Heart determmined to love & die in his
service  Oh that the Lord of Heaven & earth would have mercy
upon the whole creation of mankind & bring about a
reformation in their Hearts in their lives & turn them from
all their sinful ways
I pray that God may  bless all the erulers of our Churches &
the rules of our states & nation & give true grace to
discharge their duty towards those under their charge with an
eye sinnnngle to the glory of him who rules over all in
Heaven and on earth  may God bless our l and & nation with
peace & quietness & grant that we may all learn to love &
serve him with a full purpose of heaert that we may all die
in his favor haingfaut the good fite of faith & be received
into his presence & be able to give all the glory of our
salvation to the father & the Son & the Holy Gost forever &
ever in a happy world without end Amen,
Dear son you may bear it in mind if you choose to do so, that
on the 22nd of July 1829 I promised the world that I was
going to try to live a cristian & I also promised my God that
if he would only give me suporting grace & strengthen my
faith as I had need  that I would live & die in his service
 50 years & over has past since then & still I find his grace
is sufficient for me  I still hold the same resultion b ound
by the grace of God to live & die in the a rmy of the Lord
would the Lord g rant that I could meet all my children on
that happpy shore
John you must excuse me for being so long wriing this letter
you will see that I wrote the foregoing pasrt of it the 7th
of Sept & today is 11 of October I have bin called away from
home twice & had to stay 1 & 2 weeks & when at home I was so
crowded with business that I could not get time to write but
I hope that you will not be so long answering this & I hope
I will do better next time  N B if you wish to write to your
Sister Margaret you will Direct to Mrs M D Wiggins  Sumter C
Yallho Po Fla  I know she would be proud to hear from yoou  I
have not had a letter from them in some time  I think it has
bin about 3 months  I have not writen to T F C nor Sally yet
but I t hink I will before long  all is well today only C S
has the Colic but not so vary bad & I stuck a old rusty
hairpin in my foot over 2 weks since & it is vary sore yet.
Fredonia & her husband is well & geting along splendid  he is
clerking in a store in Palatka  Laura & hers is well & d o
ing well so I must close  I remain your Loving mother until
death                Elizabeth Nichols

NOTE:  letter to John A. & Leca Amanda Nichols, Covington Co,
C S is Charlotta S., her daughter
Mrs. M D Wiggins, her daughter, Margaret, married to James
Leonard Wiggins
T F C, her son Thomas Francis Cicero in Hamilton Co., Texas
Sally, her daughter married to John Sparkman, in
Hamilton, Texas
The relationship of Fredonia and Laura are believed to be
Palatka, Fla     July 29th, 1883
Mr J. A. Nichols   Kind Son

I will now try to answer your much welcom letter of the first
inst  I was glad to hear from you & family & hear that all
was well  I am shure that health is one of the greatest of
all earthly blessings but I have not enjoyed much of it
lately  I was taken sick the 11th of May about 5 weeks I lay
with but little hope of recovering & when I did begin to mend
it was vary slow  I was so vary weak & about the time I got
able to get up & down the door steps the Earecypelous taken
me on boath my legs  it got so bad I could not walk  for a
while  it has got better but is not well yet I have not felt
one minets ease since it first taken me  when I  stir a
little or set up much my feet and legs swells to a site this
is the reason why I have not answered your letter before now
for I have had it 2 weeks  the rest of my family is all
tolerable well at this time  it is not comon for us all to be
well at one time
I will say to you that I am makeing my arangements to start
next Tuesday to go down South to see your Sister Margaret  I
have not seen her in going on 10 years  I purpose going to
Palatka Tuesday stay thare until Thursday evening then take
the steam boat up St John, 75 miles then take a train across
to lake haris  then take a steamboat to near whare she lives
the place whare I will land at is called Helenia  I purpose
staying with her some 4 or 5 weeks after which time I hope to
return home again & receive an answer to this & then if you
will send me about $15 or 20 I will try to go & spend the
winter & prehaps the remainder of my life with you &  the
rest of the family  it is vary hard for me to think of
leaveing home but I do want to see you all so bad.  you said
that you had a letter from T F C  the next time that you
write to me please give me the name of his post office & if I
live to get it I will write to him & let him know thtat I am
not dead yet
John prehaps you have heard of the death of you Brother Henry
if you have not I will say to you that I got a letter from
his wife that said he died the  30th of Apriel he was taken
down for death of friday & died the next monday week she said
that he had joined the Methodist church the August before &
seamed to be trying to do rite    a few days before his death
he was  visited by 2 Preachers they talked to him concerning
his future hopes  he told then that he did not fear death
that all was well only he hatted to leeave his wife &
children  he was speachless 2 days before he died.  after he
was dead the Doctors cut him open to see what was the mater
with him, an abcess had opened on his liver & had bursted
inside of him & that he did not have more than one half pound
of liver left,  she said that he was decently buried & she
had gone with her 3 children to live with her mother &
Brother.  I have answered her letter  Nety is married to a
Mr. Brown & I supose is doing vary well.   so I must rest a
little & write again
I will tell you something about how we get along since we
moved to this place  it is 3 1/2 miles to town  before I got
sick I went myself since that C S goes hunts up work sewing
such as makeing garments peaceing up or quilting bedquilts
sometimes we sell a quilt top for we generaly keep a suply on
hand  we have lately sold 3 tops & since has quilted one of
them the whole amount $12..50 cts so you see how we make our
suport  it comes by the littles but we have bin able so far
to keep something to eat & a little to wear  we could get
along here vary well if we only could have health but we are
oftain thrown back by sickness  my love and good wishes send
to Ammanda & all the children  tell Julia that my prear for
her is that she may hold out faithful until death & adorn her
profession by a pious walk & godly conversation  let her
motto be never to look back.  I will close for my paper is
full & my pen is worn out  I remain your mother as ever
                             Elizabeth Nichols

Note:  Written to John A. Nichols in Covington Co., AL and
wife Amanda
Henry is her son Wm Henry H Nichols (our ancestor)
C S is her daughter Charlotta S. Nichols
Margaret S. is her daughter, Margaret Wiggins, wife of James
Leonard Wiggins
Julia is granddaughter (daughter of John & Amanda)
T F C is son, Thomas Francis Cicero, who lived in Hamilton
Co, Texas.
Nety is granddaughter (daughter of Henry by his first wife)

 Palatka Fla  November the 2nd, 1884
Kind Son to you & family I wish to send my respects & best wishes by 
writing you a few lines in answer to your much welcom letter of the 17th of 
Oct  I got it the 28th.  I was glad to hear that you & family was all well 
& doing so well this leaves me & family all in tolerable good health as for 
myself I have but little rite to complain when I have lived long enought on 
this earth until I have seen enough Sundays to make 10 years & yet I am able
to do as much work as I think it is my duty to do (&that is not much) I can 
say that we are geting along vary well  we get as much work as we are able 
to do     C S washes & irons & sews on her mashene & I pease up & quilt &
sell bed quilts we keep a plenty to eat & wear but we lack a house & home of
our own & we are trying as hard as we can to reach that  CS has bout 1 aker 
of ground near on the RR 4 miles west of Palatka 1/2 mile from a station 
they call Frances Station but now we want lumber & money to opay a carpenter
to build a house but we hope that our luch will be to get it between this & 
mext Spring & then I will talk about comeing to see you after the cold 
wether abates for I don't think that it would do well for me to go thare in 
cold wether It is my wish to go & see you all one time more before I Die
give me love & good wished to Elanorah, husband  I was a little suprised to 
hear of their marage for they ware both so young  it is a little strang to 
me to know that I have 2 grandchildren that has married in the Gaitwood 
family prehaps that here is some more of them that will do the same  I
hope they will all do well
so in the close of my I will say that if you wish me to come to see you you 
will save up your money by the middle of march next & if I am living then I 
will be ready to take a plesant wide to Ala but I hope to hear from you 
several times between now & then so I remain you mother as ever 
Elizabeth Nichols
  William E. NICHOLS and Elizabeth HANCHEY had the following children:

     2    i.   Daniel NICHOLS was born about 1829.
     3    ii.  Wesley NICHOLS was born about 1833.   He is mentioned in his 
mother's letter of July 27, 1879.  According to this letter, he had lost 
ontact with the family, and had tried to locate them in Coffee County, but 
they had moved and he could not learn where. Wesley returned to Pike County,
AL according to the letter.  No record has been found there of Wesley.
     4    iii. Robert NICHOLS was born in 1834.
     5    iv.  Sarah Elizabeth NICHOLS was born in 1835.   believe to have 
died young
     +6   v.   Mahala Marganna NICHOLS.
     7    vi.  Elijah NICHOLS was born in 1839.
     +8   vii. William Henry Harrison NICHOLS.
     +9   viii.     John Asberry NICHOLS.
     +10  ix.  Margaret D. NICHOLS.
     11   x.   Joel L. NICHOLS was born in 1847.
     +12  xi.  Thomas Francis Cisero NICHOLS.
     +13  xii. Charlotta S. NICHOLS.
     +14  xiii.     Sarah A. M. NICHOLS.


6.  Mahala Marganna NICHOLS was born on 18 Jun 1837 in Coffee Co., AL.  She 
died on 22 Dec 1914 in Moss Point, Jackson Co., MS.   Buried in Marion 
Cemetery, Moss Point, MS. 
Death certificate listed as cause of death organic deart disease, with a 
contributing factor listed as over eating.

She was married to Jacob Henry YOUNG about 1854.  Jacob Henry YOUNG died in 
1861.   died in Civil War  Mahala Marganna NICHOLS and Jacob Henry YOUNG had
the following children:

     15   i.   William Riley YOUNG was born on 1 Jul 1854.
     +16  ii.  Daniel Castillian YOUNG.
     17   iii. John Henry Harrison YOUNG was born on 24 Oct 1861.

She was married to Job MANNING in Jan 1863.  Mahala Marganna NICHOLS and Job
MANNING had the following children:

     18   i.   Elizabeth MANNING was born on 28 Sep 1864.
     19   ii.  Ica Dora MANNING was born on 15 Oct 1869.  She died on 30 Nov
     20   iii. Margaret MANNING was born on 15 Oct 1869.  She died on 15 Oct
     21   iv.  Mahala Marganna MANNING was born on 25 Nov 1871.

John and Mahala Manning are found in the 1870 LaFayette Co, FL census at 
P.O. New Troy,
#186: Job Manning age 66, b GA, Mahala Manning, age 33, born GA, with her 
Young children:William, age 15, Daniel, age 11, John, age 9, and Elizabeth,
age 6.  Isdua Manning, age 9/12 and Sarah Nichols, age 15, who is described 
as "maimed, deaf & dumb, blind, insane, or idiotic by a check in colum #18.  
I think she had a cripple foot.  All of the above children listed as born 
in Florida.

8.  William Henry Harrison NICHOLS was born on 8 Mar 1841 in Alabama.  He 
died on 30 Apr 1883 in Troy, Pike, Alabama.   Henry enlisted on A pril 25, 
1861 in Co. E. of the 4th AL Infantry, under Dapt Pinck D. Bowles.  
Engagements in which Henry participated included: Etham's Landing, Seven 
Pines, Fredericksburg, Fort Hugger, Suffolk, Spottsyvania, Crutchfield Farm,
Hanover Junction, Mechanicsville Road, Charles City Road, Cold Harbor, 
Howlet House,Petersburg, Deep Bottom, Frizzles Mill, Fort Harrison, Fort 
Gilmer, Darbytown Road, Williamsburg Road.  Among his duties were two months
of recruiting service for Brig Gen Whiting; and several months as a wagon 
driver.  He was hosopitalized in Wincheseter, Virginia at the early part of 
the was.  He is listed as deserting on January 25, 1865 in Richmond, VA (as 
did his brother John on the same date).

He was married to Mary Elizabeth STERN on 8 Nov 1863.  Mary Elizabeth STERN 
was born on 13 Mar 1846.  She died on 8 Jan 1867.  William Henry Harrison 
NICHOLS and Mary Elizabeth STERN had the following children:

     +22  i.   Netie Ann NICHOLS.
     23   ii.  Alonzo P. NICHOLS was born on 22 Dec 1866.  He died on 16
 Mar 1867.

He was married to Sarah Eugenia BASTON (daughter of John William BASTON and 
Martha A. DOWNS) on 4 Jul 1867 in Georgia.  Sarah Eugenia BASTON was born 
on 24 Mar 1851 in Leon Co., FL.1  She died on 30 Oct 1895 in Pike, Alabama. 
William Henry Harrison NICHOLS and Sarah Eugenia BASTON had the following 

     24   i.   William H. NICHOLS was born on 25 Jul 1870.  He died on 16 
Aug 1870.
     25   ii.  Mamie Malissis NICHOLS was born in May 1875.
     +26  iii. Henritor Eugenia (Genie) NICHOLS.
     +27  iv.  Walter Baston NICHOLS.

9.  John Asberry NICHOLS was born on 3 Apr 1842 in Pike Co., AL.  He died 
on 24 Nov 1919 in Covington Co., AL.   Served in CSA; enlisted April 30, 
1853 in Campbellton, FL in the 11th Florida Infantry.  In July and August 
1863, he was stationed at Thunderbot, GA.  On September 4, 1864, he 
transferred to Co. E, 4th Alabama Infantry, the same unit in which his 
brother Henry served.  While with the 4th Alabama he fought in the following 
battle:  Fort Harrison, Fort Gilmer, Darbytown, Darbytown Road, and 
Williamsburg Road.  John (and Henry) are listed as deserting on January 25, 
1865.  Conditions were very bad for the south at that time.

John is buried at Wing Cemetary, Coving County, AL

He was married to Leca Amanda ADKINSON (daughter of John E. ADKINSON and 
Letty HELMS) on 28 Dec 1865.  Leca Amanda ADKINSON was born on 10 Apr 1839. 
John Asberry NICHOLS and Leca Amanda ADKINSON had the following children:

     28   i.   Julia Amanda NICHOLS was born on 27 Oct 1866.
     29   ii.  Ellen Nora Elizabeth NICHOLS was born on 20 Feb 1869.
     30   iii. John William Ingram NICHOLS was born on 20 Jul 1870.
     31   iv.  Joel Thomas Jefferson NICHOLS was born on 10 May 1874.

10.  Margaret D. NICHOLS was born in 1840 in Alabama.  She died after 1916 
in Florida.   Most of what is known about Margaret comes from the letters 
from her to her brother, John.  Margaret was a hard worker.  She said she 
supported the family when her husband was quite sickly, by washing clothes 
six days a week (May 1891 letter).  She and her family lived at various 
places in Florida (Ocala in 1891; Gainsville in 1906; Okahumpka in 1918, 
Lake County in 1920).  In the 1916 letter she mentions that there are only
three Nichols living -- Thomas, John and herself.

She was married to James Leonard WIGGINS on 23 May 1858 in Milton, Santa 
Rosa Co., FL.3 James Leonard WIGGINS was born about 1838 in Alabama.  He 
died on 15 Mar 1889 in Orlando, Florida.   Company F, 1st Florida Regiment

1870 Aluchua Co, FL page 263
James Wiggins  age 32  Machinist $500 AL
Margaret                    30  Keeps House    AL
James                          8 School
Arkansas                      6 School
Sarah                           4
Nicey                           1  
Margaret D. NICHOLS and James Leonard WIGGINS had the following children:

     +32  i.   James W. WIGGINS.
     +33  ii.  Akansas M. WIGGINS.
     +34  iii. Sarah E. WIGGINS.
     35   iv.  Nicie Elonorah WIGGINS was born about 1868.
     +36  v.   Mollie WIGGINS.
     37   vi.  Louis Elisha WIGGINS was born on 26 Mar 1874 in Florida.   
in 1916 lived in El Paso, Texas and was a printer

12.  Thomas Francis Cisero NICHOLS was born in 1849.  He died on 6 Mar 1921 
in Gomex, Texas.   Thomas was single when he went west to Hamilton County, 
Texas in the mid-1870;s.  According to old letters, Thomas was a Missionary 
Baptist and a Democrat.  Thomas sold his farm in 1917 and moved to live with
a daughter, Mandy Carol and her family in Gomaz, Texas.

1880 Hamilton County, Texas (74 District, Nov 5 fam)
T. F. Nichols age 31 b AL, father b SC mother b NC
Sallie  20 b TX, father b AL mother b LA
Claud Le.  7/12  January b TX

1900  Hamilton County, Texas, Prec 7, sheet 9)
Thomas Nichols--head of household --widow, born March 1849; b AL father b 
SC; mother b NC; farmer, owned home
Pearl M. -- daughter  b March 1882; age 18; single
Carl M.  daughter; b Sept 1884; age 15 single
Emma J.  daughter b Jan 1887 or 9; age 13  school
Jessie V.  - daughter b July 1888; school
Lenard H.  son b June 1895 age 4
Barvie? D. daughter b April 1899? age unclear

He was married to Sarah Ellender GOGGINS before 1879 in Texas.  Thomas 
Francis Cisero NICHOLS and Sarah Ellender GOGGINS had the following 

     +38  i.   Claud Lenox NICHOLS.
     +39  ii.  Minnie Pearl NICHOLS.
     +40  iii. Mandy Carl NICHOLS.
     41   iv.  Emma Jewel NICHOLS was born on 15 Jan 1888 in Pottsville, TX.  
She died on 24 Jun 1961.
     +42  v.   Bonney Dora NICHOLS.
     +43  vi.  Jessie Virginia NICHOLS.
     44   vii. Lenard Hubard NICHOLS.  
     45   viii.     Barmie D. NICHOLS was born in Apr 1899.

13.  Charlotta S. NICHOLS was born in 1851.   1900 Putnam Co., FL precinct 
25, ED 151, sheet 5
Orange Street; Palatka, FL
Charlotte S. Nichols  head white female b May 1851 age 49 widowed, mother 
of 5, 4 living; born FL; father b. SC mother b NC; seamstress, can read, can
write, can speak, rents house Eneys Nichols - son, white, male, b. Nov. 
1878, age 21, b FL, father b FL, mother b FL Ada Nichols - daughter, black 
female b Dec 1882; age 17; b FL; father b FL; mother b FL Serena Nichiols 
daughter, age 15, b Nov 1884; b FL, father b FL, mother b FL Charles Nichols
 - son - black, male b April 18878, age 2, born FLm mother b FL, father b 

It is actually unknown if these are actually her children.  A picture sent 
by Mahala's descendants shows Charlotta and her children:  Ennis, Rena, and 
Olive.  All are white.  According to a sheet sent by Mrs. Bettie Lee 
Follett of Utah, Charlotta married a Mr. Cartrite, the father of her 
children.  However, no record is found, and they are going by the Nichols 
names in 1900.  In a 1900 letter, Charlotte signs her name "C. S. Nichols."

Charlotta S. NICHOLS had the following children:

     46   i.   Olive NICHOLS.  
     47   ii.  Ennis R. NICHOLS was born in Nov 1878.
     48   iii. Serena NICHOLS was born in Nov 1884.

14.  Sarah A. M. NICHOLS was born about 1855.

She was married to John L. , Jr. SPARKMAN (son of John L. , Sr. SPARKMAN 
and Hetty P. A. PREVATT) about 1875.  Sarah A. M. NICHOLS and John L. , Jr. 
SPARKMAN had the following children:

     49   i.   John SPARKMAN was born in 1876 in Hamilton Co., Texas.4
     50   ii.  Maude M. SPARKMAN was born in 1877 in Hamilton Co., Texas.  
She died on 12 Jul 1884 in McLennan Co., TX.
     51   iii. Daisy D. SPARKMAN was born in 1879.
     52   iv.  Mary E. SPARKMAN was born in Jan, 1880


16.  Daniel Castillian YOUNG was born on 1 Nov 1859 in Florida.  He died on 
25 Aug 1922.

He was married to Martha Ellen THOMAS in 1880 in Covington Co., AL.  Martha 
Ellen THOMAS was born in 1861 in AL.  Daniel Castillian YOUNG and Martha 
Ellen THOMAS had the following children:

     +53  i.   Laura YOUNG.
     +54  ii.  Sophronia YOUNG.
     +55  iii. Henry Franklin YOUNG.
     +56  iv.  Riley M. YOUNG.
     +57  v.   John W. YOUNG.
     58   vi.  Ica Dell YOUNG was born on 2 Aug 1894.
     +59  vii. May Bell YOUNG.
     +60  viii.     Daniel D. YOUNG.
     +61  ix.  Noah L. YOUNG.

22.  Netie Ann NICHOLS was born on 9 Oct 1864.

26.  Henritor Eugenia (Genie) NICHOLS was born on 13 Aug 1879.  She died on 
29 Dec 1964 in Fairhope, Baldwin, Alabama.

She was married to Isreal YOHN on 17 Aug 1894 in Spring Hill, Pike, Alabama.
Isreal YOHN was born in Jun 1867 in Alabama.  Henritor Eugenia (Genie) 
NICHOLS and Isreal YOHN had the following children:

     62   i.   Ralph YOHN.  
     +63  ii.  Ernest Merrell YOHN.
     64   iii. Max Solley YOHN was born on 10 May 1900.  He died in 1902.
     +65  iv.  Reelus Columbus YOHN.

27.  Walter Baston NICHOLS was born on 24 Apr 1882.  He died on 11 May 1934 
in Troy, Pike, Alabama.

Claudia Lee WILSON (daughter of Joseph William Perry WILSON and Sara Jane 
TEW) was born on 27 Jul 1888.  She died on 13 Sep 1961 in Fort Sill, 
Oklahoma.  Walter Baston NICHOLS and Claudia Lee WILSON had the following 

     +66  i.   Willie Mae NICHOLS.
     +67  ii.  Shelley Lamar NICHOLS.
     +68  iii. Elma Eugenia NICHOLS.
     +69  iv.  Wilson Ray NICHOLS.
     +70  v.   Walter Wallace NICHOLS.
     +71  vi.  Sara Lee NICHOLS.

32.  James W. WIGGINS was born about 1859 in Florida.   Homestead patent 
#7414 appl. 11700, 119.38 acres in Sec 34; T. 24; R 24 on June 5, 1890 in 
Lake Co, FL bk 1, pag  84
in 1916 he lived in Miami and was a pastor
in 1892 he lived in Tampa and was a carpenter
in 1892 he had three living children, 2 had died
He was married to Emma A. J. POWELL on 10 Aug 1882 in Florida.

33.  Akansas M. WIGGINS was born about 1864.   1916 Plant City, Florida

34.  Sarah E. WIGGINS was born on 17 Sep 1866.  She died on 3 Feb 1917 in 
Oklahumpka,Florida.  Sarah E. WIGGINS and Joseph S. THOMAS had the 
following children:

     72   i.   Mac T. THOMAS was born in 1895.   only child listed on 1910 
Lake Co with his parents

36.  Mollie WIGGINS was born about 1870.   in 1916 lived in Denver, 

38.  Claud Lenox NICHOLS was born on 24 Oct 1879.  He died on 14 Oct 1941.

39.  Minnie Pearl NICHOLS was born on 12 Mar 1882 in TX.  She died on 5 May 

40.  Mandy Carl NICHOLS was born on 25 Sep 1884 in Pottsville, TX.  She 
died on 26 Sep 1947.

  Mandy Carl NICHOLS and Bennett A. MCCLENDON had the following children:

     73   i.   Erma Eeugeniea MCCLENDON was born on 21 Aug 1910.
     74   ii.  Sarah Naomi MCCLENDON was born on 11 Feb 1915.
     75   iii. Bradford Anson MCCLENDON was born on 20 Aug 1918.
     76   iv.  Gerald Benentt MCCLENDON was born on 17 Feb 1922.

42.  Bonney Dora NICHOLS was born on 10 Apr 1890 in Pottsville, TX.  She 
died about 1936.

  Bonney Dora NICHOLS and Frank P. MOSIER had the following children:

     77   i.   Leath A. MOSIER was born on 15 Apr 1907.
     78   ii.  Ralph MOSIER.  
     79   iii. Verman MOSIER.  

43.  Jessie Virginia NICHOLS died on 23 May 1931.

Prepared by:
Walter & Mary Ann Nichols
1188 Lee County Road 331
Smiths, AL   36877


1.  Federal & State Census Records
2.  Old family letters
3.  CSA Pension Application.