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Obituary for William Felix Campbell, Lawrence, Alabama
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This file is copyrighted and contributed by: 

Darlene ( Campbell ) Scott
May 2002

The Florence Times
Afternoon Addition
Date June 17, 1940
News & Obituary
Page 1



William Felix Campbell, aged 61, well known farmer of the Town Creek section, was killed some
time Saturday night or Sunday morning, on the Southern railway tracks near Spangler's Crossing.
His mangled body was found early Sunday morning by passersby, according to reports.

Mr. Campbell last was seen about 6 o'clock Saturday evening in Town in Town Creek. It was
surmised that he either was walking down the tracks or had sat down to rest, when struck by the
train. Railroad officials, it was said, had not learned which train hit him.

Deceased was a native and life long resident of that section, where he had engaged in farming
most of his life. He was a member of the Baptist church at Mt. Zion, and had many friends who
learned with great shock of his sudden death.

Surviving are three sons, H. H., W. F. and Curtis Campbell, Town Creek; six daughters, Mrs. D.
O. Holland and Mrs. Dock Holland, Tuscumbia; Mrs. J. D. Berryman, Russellville; Mrs. John Willis
and Mrs. Walter Clayton, Town Creek, and Mrs. Kirnett Brackin, Blytheville Ark; two brothers,
Henry Camybell, Town Creek, and W. C. Campbell, Olyphant, Ark., and two sisters, Mrs. Mary
Fetlon and Mrs. John Lowery, Leighton.

Funeral services were held this afternoon at the Mt. Zion church, conducted by Rev. Lee Waldrep, 
Burial followed in the adjoining cemetery, Spry's directing.   

Note: If you find any mistakes please contact me. Some mistakes were in the obituary.