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Deed of Keziah Berryman to William J. Berryman - Lawrence County 

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Contributed By "Mickey Fournier" <>

Deed of Keziah Berryman to William J. Berryman - Lawrence County 

Mildred Wright "Mickey" Fournier
PO Box 1967,
Lake City, FL 32056

Williamson County Deed Book P, pp 412&413

 This indenture made on the 25th day of March A.D. 1839 between Keziah 
Berryman of the County of Lawrence in the State of Alabama of one part and 
William J. Berryman of the County of Williamson in the State of Tennessee 
of the other part  Witnesseth that the said Keziah Berryman for and in 
consideration of the sum of two hundred dollars to her in hand paid by him 
the said William J. Berryman the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged 
hath bargained sold conveyed and doth by these presents grant bargain sell 
and convey unto the said William J. Berryman his heirs and assigns forever 
a certain tract or parcel of land, situate in the county of Williamson on 
Big Harpeth River (being part of a tract of land in which Keziah Wooldridge 
had a life estate and which was sold by execution in favor of Benjamin S. 
Tappan and purchased by said Tappan and afterwards sold by him to Keziah 
Berryman and others) bounded as follows, that is to say Beginning at a 
white oak in the South east corner of the original tract running thence 
west one hundred twenty two poles to a stake at corner of John H. Neely's 
twenty acre tract, then north fifty poles passing Neely's corner to a stake 
thence east eighty one and a half poles to Guthrie's corner I the center of 
Big Harpeth River, thence [illegible] 17 degrees north thirty one and one 
third poles to said Guthrie's corner in the center of Big Harpeth river, 
thence south twenty nine poles to the beginning, containing thirty seven 
acres be the same more or less.  To have and to hold to the same to the 
said William J. Berryman his heirs and assigns forever, [illegible] the 
said Keziah Berryman doth hereby covenant with the said William J. Berryman 
that she is lawfully seized of said land, has a good right to convey it and 
that the same is unencumbered.  The said Keziah Berryman doth further 
covenant and bind hereself her heirs representatives to warrant and forever 
defend the title to the said land and everypart thereof to the said William 
J. Berryman his heirs and assigns against the lawful claims of all persons 
whatever.  In testimony whereof the said Keziah Berryman hath hereunto  set 
her hand affixed her seal, the day and year above written.
	                                Keziah Berryman (seal) 
Executed in our presense this
25th day of March 1839
Test: Alexander Berryman
Absalom Little

The State of Alabama
Lawrence County L.S.
Personally before me Joseph E. Martin an acting Justice of the Peace in and 
for the said County came Keziah Berryman whos e name is signed to the 
foregoing deed who acknowledged that she signed, sealed and delivered the 
said deed on the day of the date and for the purposes therein expressed.  
In testimony whereof I have set my hand and seal the 25th day of March 1839.
			Joseph E. Martin, J. P. (seal)

The State of Alabama
Lawrence County L.S.
I Wiley Galloway clerk of the County court of said County certify that 
Joseph E. Martin whose names is signed to the foregoing certificate of 
acknowlegement now is and was at the day of the date thereof an acting 
Justice of the Peace in and for the county of Lawrence aforesaid duly 
commissioned and qualified and that the signature purporting to be his is 
genuine.  In testimony whereof I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of 
the said County court at office at Moulton the 26th day of March 1839 and 
of American independence the 63rd year.
                                      Wiley Galloway Clerk

The State of Alabama
Lawrence County
Circuit Court March Term 1840 being the 19th of March 1840  This day William 
J. Berryman produced in open court a deed for land made by Keziah Berryman 
to him and moved the court to have said deed proven and certified.  
Whereupon Alexander Berryman and Absalom Little the subscribing witnesses 
thereto appeared in open court who after being duly sworn deposes and say 
that they saw the said Keziah Berryman sign seal and deliver the said deed 
on the day of its date that she signed the same in their presence and that 
they attested it in her presence and in the presence of each other.  It is 
therefore considered by the court that said deed is fully proven and that 
the same be so certified.  I John M. Jackson Clerk of the Circuit Court for 
Lawrence County aforesaid certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the 
order of said court admitting the forgoing deed to record among the minutes 
of said court.  In testimony whereof I hereto set my hand and affix the 
seal of office the 19th day of March 1840 and of American Independence the 
64th year.
                                         Teste John M. Jackson, Ck.

The State of Alabama
I Daniel Coleman Judge of the Circuit Court of Lawrence County in the State 
aforesaid certify that John M. Jackson whose name is affixed to the 
foregoing certificate was to the day of date thereof clerk of the circuit 
court of said County and that full faith and credit are dut to his acts as 
such and that said certificate is in due form of law.  Given under my hand 
and seal the 20th day of March 1840.
                                          Daniel Coleman (seal)