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Lawrence County AlArchives Court.....Moody, Francis (Estate) 1837
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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
Virginia Crilley April 17, 2014, 12:12 pm

Source: Deed Book F  Pg 257-
Written: 1837

Lawrence County Archives, Moulton. Alabama.
Copied from Microfilm

Deed Book F  pg 257-

The State of Alabama. Lawrence County

Whereas John Dukemanier has this day bought at public sale a certain negro man
named Dick sold by the Sheriff of Lawrence County as Administrator for Seven
hundred dollars belonging to the Estate of Francis Moody dec'd for which the
said John Dukemanier has executed his note for the same with Thomas H. Booth and
Jesse Dukemanier as Securities and to indemnify the said Securities as surety
for them. I have agreed to put in Trust for M.B. Hampton the following property
to secure the payment of said Note for Seven Hundred Dollars for the said
Hampton to sell the said property at ten days notice for cash if he the said
John Dukemanier does not discharge the Note due the 1st of January 1835 to wit
one  Negro man named Dick, three head of horses, one yoke of oxen, one cow, one
ox cart, hose hold and kitchen furniture and when the said John Dukemanier has
discharged said note the above property to be released otherwise this shall be
in full force and effect.  As witness my hand and seal this 24 day of April 1834.
John Dukemanier
Test: W. A. Booth, Wm S. McDaniel

State of Alabama. Lawrence County.
Be it remembered that on this day being the 14th day of June 1834  personally
came before me John Gregg clerk of the county Court of said county William S.
McDaniel one of the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing deed who after being
duly swore deposed and saith that he saw John Dukemanier  sign, seal & deliver
said deed to Manoah B. Hampton on the day and date thereof for the purposes
therein expressed.

In testimony thereof, I have henceforth set my name & affixed my seal of office
this 14th day of June 1834.   Mr. Gregg ?

I, John Gregg Clerk of the county court of Lawrence Cty in the state of Alabama
do hereby certify that the foregoing deed was deposited in my office for
registration the 14th day of June 1834 & was recorded accordingly on the 16th
day of June month in Deed book page 257.  In Testimony whereof I have hereunto
set my seal at office the 16th day of June 1834.  John Gregg, Clerk

=======Will Book C 1834
State of Alabama
County of Lawrence

County Court in vacation return day July 23rd 1834. Present the Honorable James
B. Wallace, Esqr Judge of said court

Ordered that the account of sale of the personal property of Francis Moody late
of said County deceased do returned and sworn to by the Administrator of said
estate be ? and recorded.

A list of property sold at the house of John Dukeminier on the 24th day of April
1834 belonging to the estate of Frances Moody deceased late of Lawrence County
State of Alabama, to wit:

One Feather bed to John Dukeminier		$5.00
One  "    "     "   "   "			 5.00
One Negro man named Dick to John Dukeminier	700.00
One bedstead to John Dukeminier			   .25

============Deed Book F page 353

State of Alabama
County of Lawrence

Know all men by these present that I, John Dukeminier of said County do herby
deliver and put into the hands of Manoah B. Hampton as Trustee for myself and
others one Negro man Dick , four head of horses, one hundred and twenty acres of
Land where I now live do indemnify Ann Harvey and Jesse Dukeminier as my
securities for my as Guardian for John M. Moody, Mary A. Moody, William Moody
and Frances M. Moody.

It is to be distinctly understood that as said children become of age they are
to have their equal share of this Estate to be paid by me the said John
Dukeminier and in case the said John Dukeinier does not pay to the said children
as they become of age the  said Hampton as Trustee to have full power to cause
to be sold the above named property for cash by giving Twenty days notice on so
much property thereof as will pay each Legatee as they respectfully become of
age it is further to be understood that should any of the above named children
leave the county and not call on the said John Dukeminier for a settlement as
they do become of age, then the sale of the property not to be forced to pay
each legatee on by as they shall call on the above Guardian.

Witness our hands and seals this 11th day of Nov 1834.

John Dukeminier
Jesse Dukeminier
Ann Harvey

Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of
W.R. Hurst
Isham M. Booth

Personally came before me, John Gregg Clerk of the county court aforesaid county
, Isham M. Booth who made oath that he saw the parties to the foregoing deed,
sign, seal & deliver the same on the day of the date thereof for the purpose
therein mentioned.  In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my name & affixed 
my seal at office the 24th day of November 1834.  John Gregg, Clerk

============= Orphans Court April Term 1837
Minutes Book E p. 173-4

John Dukeminier, Guardian of the heirs of Frances M. Moody dec'd presents the
following as settlement of his said Guardianship to wit:

Guardian stands charged thus.

As Guardian of Mary E. Moody
To amt in hands of Guard on last settlement	56.22 3/4
 Interest on same 16 months			 5.62
To amt of cash rec'd from C.S. Tarpley Atto	31.62
  Interest on same 1 year			 2.53
						96.10 1/4

Paid Tuition for 1831				10.00
	Interest on same 5 yrs 3mo		 4.20
Paid Board for 1836				20.00
" Expenses in coming to Moulton			   .50
: Judges Fees					1.00
"Clerk's Fees					 .50

Leaving in the hands of the guardian as balance of fifty nine dollars ninety
cents $59.90 1/4
which ordered to be rec'd as a Settlement of John Dukeminier Guardian of Mary E.
Moody up to this 22nd day of April 1837.

John Dukeminier, Guardian of William F. Moody stands charged thus.

To amt in hands of Guard on last settlement	56.22 3/4
 Interest on same 16 months			 5.62
To amt of cash rec'd from C.S. Tarpley Atto	31.62
  Interest on same 1 year			 2.53
						96.10 1/4

Guardian is entitled to these credits.

Paid Tuition for 1831				10.00
	Interest on same 5 yrs 3mo		 4.20
Tuition for 1836				10.00
Paid Board for 1836				20.00
" Expenses in coming to Moulton			   .50
" Judges Fees					1.00
" Clerk's Fees					 .50

Leaving in the hands of the guardian as balance of fifty four dollars forty &
1/4 cents $54.40 1/4
which ordered to be rec'd as a Settlement of John Dukeminier Guardian of William
F. Moody up to this 22nd day of April 1837.

John Dukeminier, Guardian of Frances M. Moody stands charged thus.

To amt in hands of Guard on last settlement	56.97
 Interest on same 16 months			 5.69
To amt of cash rec'd from C.S. Tarpley Atto	31.62 1/2
  Interest on same 1 year			 2.53
						96.81 1/2

Guardian is entitled to these credits.

Paid cash Tuition for 1836			5.50
	Interest on same 5 yrs 3mo		 4.20
Paid Board for 1836				20.00
" Expenses in coming to Moulton			   .50
" Judges Fees					1.00
" Clerk's Fees					 .50

Leaving in the hands of the guardian as balance of sixty nine dollars thirty one
 & 1/2 cents $69.31 1/2
which ordered to be rec'd as a Settlement of John Dukeminier Guardian of Frances
M. Moody up to this 22nd day of April 1837.

Wiley Gallaway Clerk

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