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Lawrence County AlArchives Court.....MARTIN, M. B. December 2, 1865
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Sandra Davis March 26, 2009, 2:12 pm

Source: Probate Court Inventories Book 1863-66
Written: December 2, 1865

Probate Court Dec Term 1865
On the application of J.C. Livingston Admin of the Estate of M.B. MARTIN decd. 
It is ordered by the Court, that the report of appraisment of the land belongs 
to said Estate as returned and sworn to by the appraisers be secured and 
admitted to record which is in the words and figures, to wit, the Inventory of 
Real Estate of M.B. MARTIN deceased we the Commissioners of said Estate W.W. 
Stephenson, J.E. Steenson, O.A. Lackey, W.A. Steenson (to wit) the following 
discribed tract of land (to wit) the NW 1/4 of NE 1/2 sect 33 the SW 1/2 of SE 
1/4 of sect 28 the E 1/2 of NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of theNE 1/4 of E 1/2 of NW 
1/4 of the SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 of sect 33 all in Township of Range 9 West valued 
at the sum of $750.00
The State of Alabama) before me J.C. Livingston
Lawrence County     ) a Justice of the Peace in and
for the said county personally appeared W.W. Stephenson, J.E. Steenson, O.A. 
Lackey, W.A. Steenson, and made oath in due form of true and the af___ said in 
a just  & true valuation.
Sworn to before me on the) O.A. Lackey
2nd day of December 1865 ) W.W. Stephenson
J.C. Livingston          ) J.E. Steenson
                           W.A. Steenson

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