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Lamar County AlArchives News.....The Vernon Pioneer July 16, 1875
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The Vernon Pioneer July 16, 1875
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The Alabama Department of Archives and History


“Agriculture, Labor, The Mechanic Arts and Literature”

WILLIAM R. SMITH, JR. & Co., Proprietors                                  Two 
dollars per annum.  Payable in Advance

Volume I               Vernon, Sanford Co, Ala.              July 16, 
1875                 No. 25

JNO. D. MCCLUSKY, Attorney-At-Law and Solicitor in Chancery – Vernon, Alabama -
 will practice in Sanford and adjoining counties in the Federal Courts and in 
the Supreme Court of Alabama.

SAMUEL J. SHIELDS, Attorney At Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Vernon, 
Alabama.  Will practice in the counties of Sanford, Fayette, Marion, and the 
Courts of the 3rd Judicial Circuit.  Special attention given to the collection 
of claims.

EARNEST & EARNEST.   W. R. EARNEST     GEO. S. EARNEST, Attorneys-At-Law and 
Solicitors in Chancery.  Birmingham and Vernon, Ala.  Will practice in the 
counties of this Judicial Circuit.

W. H. DEROCHEMOMT Attorney At Law and Solicitor in Chancery.  U. S. 
Commissioner.  Vernon, Ala.  Will practice in the counties of the 3d Judicial 
Circuit and in the Federal Court of Huntsville.

WILLIAM R. SMITH, Attorney At Law.  Tuskaloosa, Ala.  Will give prompt 
attention to all businesses trusted to his care.  Will practice in the Federal 
Courts, at Huntsville, Montgomery, and Mobile.

ELLIOTT P. JONES, Attorney At Law, Fayette C. H., Ala.  Will practice in the 
Courts of Fayette, Sanford, Marion, and Walker counties.

J. H. TERRY, Attorney At Law and Solicitor in Chancery.  Fayette C. H.  Will 
attend promptly to all business entrusted him in the Courts of Sanford County –
 Chancery Circuit and Probate – and will attend the Circuit court promptly.

Pikeville.  Attorneys At Law.  Having formed a co-partnership in the practice 
of law, we will practice in all the courts of Sanford County.

SID. B. SMITH, M. D. Surgeon & Physician.  Vernon, Alabama, offers his 
professional services to the citizens of Vernon and vicinity.  Office – at 
Pioneer office.

Dr. J. D. RUSH.  Vernon, Ala.  Office – One door east of BURNS

DR. T. SPRINGFIELD, Detroit, Alabama.  Offers his professional services to the 
citizens of Detroit and vicinity.  Office one door west of JNO. H. HAMILTON.

DR. J. H. YOUNG, Detroit, Alabama.  Offers his professional services to the 
surrounding community.  Office opposite G. W.  RAY.

JAMES D. SHELL, (Successor to J. D. Shell & Co.).  Aberdeen, Miss.  Wholesale 
and retail druggists and dealers in paints, oils, dye stuffs, and liquors, and 
c.  Would respectfully call the attention of buyers to his full stock of 
everything in his line, and invites customers from a distance to call and 
examine his goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere.  We keep a fine 
stock of whiskeys of all grades, from one dollar and twenty-five cents per 
gallop to five dollars, and also soda, pepper, soaps, and everything usually 
kept in a first class drug store.  All of which, he guarantees to sell at the 
very lowest prices for cash.

Columbus, Miss.  Jan’y 1, 1875.  Mr. W. B. HARRIS, having purchased – in the 
Hardware business of Winston & Co., of Columbus, Miss, the business will be 
conducted in the future under the firm name and style of WINSTON & HARRIS, No. 
58 Market Street.  We are now prepared to do a Wholesale and Retail business 
in the Hardware line having in stock a full assortment of Hardware from the 
lowest to the highest grades.  We pay cash for all goods we buy, and hence can 
afford to sell at much cheaper rates than those who buy on time.  We cordially 
invite merchants and others who desire to buy hardware of any grade at  (torn) 
to call and examine our stock (torn).  We are also prepared (torn) Blinds, 
Sash (torn) and every variety of furnishing material for building purposes in 
wholesale or retail lots, at the lowest cash prices.  Send for our price 
list.  Winston & Harris.  No. 58 Market Street.

W. F. HAMILTON of Sanford County, Alabama with NATHAN BROTHERS, importers and 
wholesale dealers in Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco and Pipes.  82 Main 
Street.  Columbus, Mississippi.

LOWNDES COUNTY GRANGE AGENCY.  73 Main Street, Columbus, Miss.  In Hatch’s 
Building.  Save money by buying for Cash!!  J. H. SHARP

ECLIPSE LIVERY STABLE – No. 100 Main Street.  Columbus, Miss.  The undersigned 
having purchased the entire stock of the Eclipse Stable is now prepared to 
accommodate all who may call on him.  The stable, lots and stalls are in 
splendid order, and kept clean and neat.  Special preparations made for 
drovers.  Also, carriages, buggies, hacks, wagons, and saddles.  Horses kept 
constantly on hand.  Patronage solicited.   R. A. COOK, Proprietor.

PLANTER’S MILL!!  Columbus, Mississippi, having just finished one of the best 
flouring Mills south of the Ohio river we are prepared to pay the highest cash 
price for wheat, or to grind for customers, guaranteeing entire satisfaction 
in the quantity and quality of flour made.  We ask the citizens of Sanford and 
adjoining counties to give us a trial.  J. B. TYLER & CO.

CADY’S HORSE MANSION is the place to hire good teams and hacks and to have 
your horses fed when you go to the city.  Give him a call.  W. CADY  Columbus, 

Dr. D. PERRIN, Surgeon Dentist.  Tuskaloosa, Ala.  Artificial teeth inserted 
from one to a full double set.  Also, fillings, sealing, extracting, etc, done 
in the best style.  All operations warranted to give perfect satisfaction.  
Office, on Main Street one door east of the Atlanta Store.


Little and palid, poor and shy,
With a downcast look in her soft gray eye,
No scornful toss of a queenly head
But a drooping bend of the neck instead.
No ringing laugh, and no dancing feet
No subtle wiles, and abandon sweet;
No jewels costly, and no garments fine – 
She’s nobody’s darling – but mine!

No Dolly Varden coquettish airs;
No high-heeled boots to throw her down stairs;
No yachting jacket and nautical style,
With a sailor’s hat that she calls her “tile”
But “lady” is stamped on her quiet brow;
And she crept in my heart, I can’t tell how:
Not made to dazzle, not born to shine –
Nobody’s – Nobody’s darling – but mine!

No saucy, revishing, girlish grace,
But a settled calm on the sweet, pale face;
No sparkling clatter and repartee;
Very silent and still is she;
White and still is my pearl of pearls
Yet to me she seemeth the queen of girls;
Why I love her I cannot define,
For she’s nobody’s – nobody’s darling but mine.

Were riches hers or beauty rare,
She would lose her charm, become less fair,
Were rings to shine on these fingers small,
They could not add to their grace at all.
She would learn to smile and to speak by rule,
In the foolish book of Dame Fashion’s school,
And the world to spoil her would soon combine:
Now she’s nobody’s darling – but mine!

Vicksburg Herald:
. . . After Hill had proceeded for sometime against JOHN HILL, a white 
renegade from the eastern portion of the State, who has been a hanger on or 
about the Sheriff’s office for some considerable time, came out of GILMER’s 
private room where CARDOZA was and forced himself into unpleasant proximity to 
several white gentlemen in the black audience, including Mr. HARVEY ANDREWS.  
Mr. Andrews requested Hill to get out of the way and not provoke a jam.  Hill 
did not heed, but continued to press forward, using insolent language.  Mr. 
Andrews – struck Hill over the head with --- which forced him forward, but 
still belligerent, when Mr. Andrews fired, the ball entering Hill’s left 
should and ranging down the flesh about two inches where it lodged.  Hill made 
his escape back to Gilmer’s room.  At this moment the notorious Ben Allen 
mounted a bench and drew his pistol, when he was knocked down and badly 
injured about the face.  Then there was a rush down stairs, out of the windows 
and over balconies such as was never seen.  The Negroes ran, and jumped and 
tumbled over the second story balconies like so many acrobats.
When the shot was fired WILLIE GREEN was down stairs, and attempted to make 
his way up, but W. W. EDWARDS, colored, caught him by the coat skirt and 
pulled him back.  A conflict ensued, resulting in Edwards getting bruised, and 
his resuming insolence in the sheriff’s office, causing Mr. Green to cut him 
in the face with his pistol.  Edwards and Hill were taken so (sic) their 
houses, and we hoped all trouble over when a Negro driving along Cherry street 
in a carriage, discharged a weapon in the direction of the white crowd 
gathered on the Court House square.  This called forth a return fire and 
resulted in killing one Negro at the jail corner opposite MR. MULLER’S, and 
wounding another in the recant church next to Wild Goose Exchange.  MAYOR 
O’LEARY appeared upon the scene and soon secured order, though a number of 
Negroes were, for a time excited and turbulent; special police were detailed, 
and at five o’clock everything was quiet.  A large crowd remained about the 
Court House during the entire afternoon.  GEN GEO. C. MCKEE declared, in 
advance, that he would not be a party to a discussion with Cardoza, and when 
the firing occurred he bear a hasty retreat.  Gilmer was down stairs and did 
not go up again.  Jim Hill abandoned the rostrum and hid behind it – he found 
a safe retreat, and left ---(large paragraph torn).
JUDGE GEO. F. BROWN and others followed his example.  A little after dark, 
CARDOZA was given safe conduct out of the Cart-house, and is, this morning in 
some relative in the city, no one – or make him afraid.  ALLEN ROSS, the first 
Negro, killed, remains in the jail yard and will be buried today.  One of the 
other wounded was doing well at 9 o’clock, last night, with a third in the 
agonies of dissolution.

The War Department has at present under consideration two subjects of more 
than ordinary importance in the use of the small army that is left at its 
disposal.  The first is the prospect of trouble with the Sioux Indians, and 
the second and most important is the Texas border outrage question.  It is a 
recognized fact that the recent outrages that have been committed on the Rio 
Grande are not defiances of the authority of this Government and for this very 
reason the authorities have made up their minds that a stop must be put to 
them.  for upwards of 14 years these outrages have been continued at irregular 
intervals until neither the life nor the property of American citizens upon 
the Rio Grande have been safe.  Cortina in 1860 was as much a terror as he is 
now.  He then crossed the river and plundered and murdered as he has done of 
late.  The Mexican Government disclaims him, but does not have the power nor 
the will to capture or punish him.  Cortina, as far back as 1860, is described 
as follows by Major S. P. Heintzelman, Feb 18th.  ---- War Department on the 
Mexican border outrages of that day:
Cortina has been an outlaw and fugitive from justice for the last fifteen 
years.  Some politicians found that he could influence a large vote among his 
countrymen, and he was counted in.  Thus there was never an effort made to 
bring him to justice.  His mother owns ten league of land in a body near 
Brownsville, much of it covered with dense chaparral.  A few miles back from 
his ho8se, near the river, he built a rancho, called San Jose, which is 
arranged for a secure retreat, where it would be difficult to surprise any 
one.  This was an asylum for horse and cattle thieves, robbers, and murderers, 
for those whose enemies would not allow them to live on the Mexican side of 
the river, or who dated not show themselves in the thickly settled parts of 
the State.

In conclusion of a long article as-----“Breecher’s temporary escape by --- the 
New York Sun says:
Mr. Breecher mounts the pulpit after this, distrusted by a majority of his 
country men, not having been able after his best efforts during a long 
investigation and with the aid of able coun__--- attorneys, and vast money --- 
to clear his character from reproach.  In fact, the doubts which encompassed 
him are much stronger than they were before the trial began.  His light 
behavior under legal scrutiny awakened disgust.  His proved cowardice and 
deceit long ago pulled him down from his lofty pillar of influence.  His 
method of meeting the assault of Tilton by personal abuse of his accuser, or 
unprecedented virulence, shocked the Christian sense of the community.  Yet he 
essays to preach to men about manliness, charity, truth, honesty, spotless 
Christianity and as exalted morality!
If he had been a man of sensitiveness we should have been spared his flippancy 
during the trial, both in the court room and in Plymouth Church.  That – the 
effrontery to show himself in –pulpit after the revelations of last --, shows 
that he has the die of the --.  Whatever he does, however, he is a ruined man, 
and very – we say it, he deserves his fate.

ARTICLE –     “WITH HUGH LEE IN BOSTON” (note this article is badly torn)
The following is the speech made by Gen. Fitz Hugh Lee, at the reception of 
the Southern soldiers at the Levee of the Mayor of Boston.  After being 
introduced to the vast audience by the Mayor, Gen. Lee said:
Mr. Mayor, Ladies, and Gentlemen:
	I thank you for this most cordial welcome which you have extended to 
my comrades and myself.  I came here with the Norfolk Light Artillery Blues, a 
Confederate organization, whose guns have roared upon many a hard fought 
field.  As we arrived before your – this afternoon, and mere esteeming ---- 
your beautiful harbor, the first – that reached me from on board – board sent 
to meet us, were of ---- old tune called “Auld Lange Syne” ---I felt that I 
was not going to ---- but that I was returning again ----common country and a 
common ---- age (Applause).  I should ----that my poor presence here --- have 
passed unnoticed, or that --- have been permitted to remain --- visitor in 
Boston.  When I pon__ --- this is the first time I have ever --- upon the soil 
of Massachusetts, It --- feel some embarrassment a----- dressing such a 
splendid audience --- before me; but when I reflect that I --- an  American 
citizen, and that I too --- a descendant of those men, who fought on Bunker 
Hill, I feel that I, too, have a right to be here to celebrate their splendid 
deeds. (Great Applause).  We come here, fellow-citizens, to show that we 
appreciate those achievements of those patriot fore-fathers of ours; those men 
who planted seeds from which our nation has sprung.  --- fully in sympathy 
with the movement which found expression on recent decoration days, when 
loving hands entwined beautiful flowers about the graves of soldiers of both 
armies without distinction.  (Great applause).  I recall that right here in 
Boston, one hundred years ago, a particular divine spoke in substance as 
follows:  “We pray, Lord if our enemies are desirous to fight to five them 
gifting enough, and if there are more on their way across the sea, we pray 
thee, O Lord, to sink them to the bottom of it.” (Laughter and applause)
	Now, when I see this magnificent demonstration, when my eyes look on 
yours beaming with kindness and heartfelt good will toward me and mine, I feel 
that hereafter if foreign or domestic foes threaten our common county, 
Massachusetts and Virginia, California and Florida, would shout with one 
voice: If they desire to fight let them have enough!” (Great applause).  I may 
be pardoned if I recall to you minds that in those days of darkness, when 
clouds of was enveloped your Commonwealth, my State of Virginia sent right 
here into your midst him who, in the language of my grandfather, was “first in 
peace, first in war, and first in the hearts of his countrymen” – him, in the 
language of Andrew Jackson, whose character can not be too profoundly studied 
and his example too closely followed.  Washington appeared here in your midst, 
and brought order out of confusion and saved our county.  I thank you, ladies 
and gentlemen, most cordially for the manner in which you have received me.  

ARTICLE –  PAUL BOYNTON – Crosses the English Channel”
Paul Boynton has finally succeeded in crossing the English Channel in his life 
saving apparatus.  The time occupied in making the passage was twenty-three 
hours and thirty-eight minutes.  The trip, it seems, was made under rather 
unfavorable circumstances.  A part of the time, there was a stormy wind which 
made the sear rough and hard to navigate, while, during another part of the 
time, a heavy sea fog prevailed.  He landed in very good condition, on the 
coast about a mile and a half east of Dover.

ARTICLE – “COST OF A CONVENTION” – (Note:  This article is torn)
The cost of holding a Convention is a mere bagatelle compare to the saving 
which will result to the people at once and for every year hereafter.  The 
Montgomery Advertiser says:
Figures will no be out of place.  Admitting for the sake of argument, that 
every voter in Alabama should register, the cost would be over $20,000.  …… 
(rest is missing)

An Irishman leaning against a lamp post as a funeral procession was passing 
bay, was asked who was ---.   Can’t exactly say, sir but I promise it is the 
gentleman in the coffin.

Forty-six of the swords worn by General Warren at the battle of Bunker Hill, 
together with ten of Col. Prescott’s hats, and sixteen of the enemies battle 
flags, were on exhibition in Boston on Thursday.  It was a great day for 

A tipsy fellow who mistook a globe lame, with letters on it, for the queen of 
night, exclaimed:  “Well, I’ll be (hic) blest, if somebody (hic) hain’t stuck 
an advertisement on the (hic) moon.”

There was a ludicrously sudden descent from the sublime to the ridiculous 
where a clergyman preaching on the “Ministry of Angels” suddenly observed, “I 
hear a whisper.”  The change of tone startled one of the deacons, who sat 
below, from a drowsy mood, and springing to his feet he exclaimed “it’s the 
boys in the gallery.”

A few days ago a farmer was telling in our hearing that he had planted an acre 
and a half of potatoes and he feared that they would destroyed by the potato-
bugs.  “Are the plants up yet?” asked a bystander.  “No,” replied the 
farmer, “ but the darned bugs are sitting on every hill waiting for them.”

A California story tells of a man who resolved to give up drinking, and went 
to a notary to get him to draw up an affidavit to that effect.  The document 
was drawn, read and proved.  The party held up his hand and murmured the 
usual --.  The paper was then properly sealed and delivered.  “What’s de pay?’ 
asked the pledge maker.  “To pay – to pay? exclaimed the notary, “nothing, of 
course – this is a labor of love.”  “Nothing to pay!” restated the grateful 
but forgetful pledge maker.  ‘You are a brick – let’s take a drink!!” 


THE PIONEER, Vernon, Alabama.  Published weekly.  
WM. R. SMITH, JR. & Co. Proprietors.              SID. B. SMITH, M. D. – Editor
Friday, July 16, 1875

For the Constitutional Convention for the 9th Senatorial District – E. A. 

ARTICLE –     “THE SAME OLD GAME” (Note:  This article is torn)
Last year, when the Republican State Convention met to nominate a State ticket 
and to adopt a platform under which they proposed to carry the State for their 
party, one COON and immediate supporters wanted an equal showing for the Negro 
in the division of offices, and the Civil Rights plank in their platform.
But, by and with the influence of ---(large paragraph missing)---voting for 
and passing the Civil Rights Bill:
This was playing with two strings to their bow.  The one, to be operated by 
White, Sheets and Spencer to suit white men or North Alabama, the ---- by 
Coon, Harrison, and others to suit the black men of South Alabama.
And now, another campaign is before the people.  White, Sheets, and Spencer 
again come to Alabama and arrange their plans – what are they?  White & Co., 
as the Republican State Executive Committee issue a set of resolutions, 
accompanied by a long rehearsal of outrages to be perpetrated by Democrats – 
such as “to reduce present exemptions, to authorize imprisonment for debt, to 
abolish and ignore any system of public school” – to the Republican of the 
Sate advising them to register and to vote against Convention.  Not to make 
any party nominations, but to SUPPORT independent candidates.
This done, White and his crowd make tracks for North Alabama, and are now 
skulking through the hills and mountains, endeavoring to scare the whites into 
voting against a Convention, and is supporting independent candidates.  On the 
other hand, Coon comes and issues an address – purporting to come from the 
Republican members of the Alabama Legislature – in which Republicans are 
advised t make Party Nominations and to vote against Convention!
That we again find this great and beneficent (so-called) party playing with 
two strings to its bow.
Tie one, to be operated by White & Co. to suit the whites of north Alabama.  
To scare them into voting against Convention and for ----candidates with the – 
of reducing ---, imprisonment.  For debt, abolishment of the public --, etc.
The other, to be operated by Coon and his followers to suit the black --- of 
South Alabama.  That is to say to make party nominations where they have the 
Both -------They are working for the same end.  This is – to defeat, if 
possible, the Constitutional Convention, and if they can’t do this, to do the 
next best thing – to elect straight Republican Negroes from South Alabama, and 
independents or Hybrids from North Alabama; and between the two policies 
hoping to get a majority of delegates.
This is the game now being played by the Radical party.  By these means they 
hope to divide our people.  By these means they hope to deceive many good and 
well meaning men and thus achieve a triumph over the interest of Alabama – and 
deprive our people of the fruits of their last year’s victory.
What are we to think of such men?  Will Alabamians blindly follow the lead and 
cry of the men who, no longer than last fall, lied so emphatically to them?  
What do such men as White, Sheet, Spencer, Coon, and others of like ill care 
for Alabama or Alabamians, but for the spoils of office?  Who has brought the 
great debt of the State and --- of an onerous taxation on you but the 
Republican Party under the leadership of such men?  Will you trust these men, 
or will you not – place the destiny of your State –the hands of that array of 
talent and patriotism placed before you by the Democratic and Conservative 
Party of Alabama?

Force Bill White, in his address to the people (Republication) of Alabama, 
would have our people believe that the Democrats will take things into their 
own hands – “to force a Constitution upon you without submitting it to you for 
ratification” – “to abolish all present offices and officers and to order a 
new election” – “to imprison you for debt” -----
Require a man to have so much over and above exemptions before he can serve as 
a juror – “to reduce exemptions” – “to take the elcetio9n of judges justices, 
and other offices from the people and have them appointed by the Governor or 
elected by the Legislature, etc.   To relate such false insinuations and 
unmitigated slander we publish Sec 9 of the Act calling a Constitutional 
Convention.  It is clear and unmistakable in its language:
Sec 9:  That, if such convention be called, it shall not be authorized to make 
any ordinance, rule, or law which shall be binding upon the people of this 
state, or any part of them, nor to deprive any person in office of his right 
to said office, as now held by him under the constitution and laws of this 
state, nor to place any property or educational qualification upon the right 
to vote in this state, nor to do any act but to frame and recommend for 
adoption a constitution now in operation in the state.  In the Constitution so 
framed shall be the duty of the convention to provide for a system of common 
schools, as liberally as the means of the state will permit, and to enlarge as 
those means shall increase. Said convention may, in its wisdom, present 
portions or parts of the constitution for consideration distinct and apart 
from other portions or parts, and may present portions or parts of such 
constitution to be considered and decided upon in the alternative so that 
plans of amendment which may be proposed may be approved or rejected upon 
their own merits, without interfering with other parts of the amended 
condition and the best practical scheme of government secured for the good of 
the people of this state.

The Cincinnati Enquirer says the Republicans in Ohio are being organized 
throughout the State into a secret society, known as the Patriotic Sons of 
American.  Its cardinal principles are exclusion from office of all foreign 
born citizens and all who are Catholics in religion.  Negroes are eligible 
under its Constitution, but White European Protestants and native American 
Catholics are put under the tan of exclusion.  What do the foreigners in 
Alabama think of this program of the Ohio Radicals?     

Sixty-six loyal revenue officers have been discharged for complicity in the 
whiskey frauds.

The Executive Committee of Grangers have agreed to move headquarters to 
Louisville.  The vote was three to six.  Also moved to hold next National 
Grange at Louisville on third Wednesday in November.  Headquarters will be 
removed to Louisville within a month or six weeks.

The Collector of Customs has information that nineteen Mexicans crossed 400 
cattle into Mexico, nine miles below Rio Grande City.

The Plymouth Church pew holders have advanced Breecher’s salary from $20,000 
to $100,000 a year.

Fourteen thousand emigrants reached New York in June, against twenty thousand 
for the same time last year.

Beecher’s paper, the “Ch-----Union” has lost 41,000 subscribers during the 
past year.

The total ------which the Freedman’s bank stole from the darkies is at last 
determined at $2,879,031.

The Democratic Convention of Hale County, Ala. has nominated Augustus Benners, 
Esq. and Prof. Henry Tutwiler for the Constitutional Convention.

The trial of ex-Treasurer Parker, of South Carolina, charged with fraud 
against the State has commenced.

Montimer Thompson, better known as “Q. Philander Doesticks” died in New York 
City on the 26th ult. aged 45 years.

It is stated as among the enthusiastic probabilities of the centennial, that 
the costumes of 100 years ago will be adopted by the fashionables next year.  
Wigs, knee breechaloons, silk stocking, shoe buckles and Noah’s Ark bonnets.

The object of the new registration law is to prevent fraud and riot.  Every 
one should cheerfully comply with its requirements.

Gov. Houston and the State Treasurer cremated $353,000 of Patton money the 
other day in presence of several sorrowing witnesses.

Gen. Frank P. Blair died on the 9th inst.  He has been in a precarious state 
for several months, but under blood transfusing treatment had begun to grow 
stronger and was generally supposed to be steadily improving.  During the past 
few days he has taken frequent tides--------death walk, down stairs.  His 
death came suddenly, and will be a painful surprise to his many friends who 
had confident hopes of his recovery.

Prominent medical and other officers of the Navy, who have at various times 
been in localities affected with yellow fever and paid some attention to its 
cause and treatment express the opinion that it would be wise, as a timely 
precaution, for all Southern cities of the Atlantic coast to make and enforce 
stringent sanitary rules, as the early appearances of the fever at Key West is 
an indication that it may extend along the coast this summer.

A dispatch from Brownsville says a force of fifty cavalry and twenty custom 
house guards under command of Col. Barral, escorted Cortina and prisoners to 
Baghdad.  They shot and hung Maurice Partigne, who had threatened to shoot an 
officer of the 9th cavalry near Matamoras.  The gunboat Jaurez with the 
prisoners has sailed for Vera Cruz.  She had on board arms and ammunitions.  
Permission was granted to discharge her at Brazos Santiago and bring them 
through Brownsville.  The Mexican papers claim that the removal of Cortina 
will permit the authorities of Matamoras to execute the law.

The 4th was celebrated at Augusta, Geo., by the white military for the first 
time since the war.  Six Augusta companies and one from Columbia were in 
line.  It was the most imposing display seen there since 1860.  The United 
States flag was carried in the column.  Six hundred men were in line.  Georgia 
re-echoes the Bunker Hill centennial.

The London Times of the 7th is a leading editorial article summonsing on the 
military and political situation in Spain gives a gloomy account of the 
Alfonsist cause.  It says the recent minor successes of Jovellar have been 
outweighed by reverses elsewhere.  The Carlists seem about to begin a forward 
march, and all the bright hopes that Alfonso brought to Spain have vanished 
and his best generals are less active than heretofore.  They have met defeat 
instead of victory and the King has not been more successful in Madrid.  He 
has failed to satisfy the Church, and has enrages the Liberals – hence the 
Ministry seems ready to try the effect of as much religious toleration as will 
permit Protestants to worship in the back streets.  But such -----will disgust 
the clericals and will not satisfy the Alfonist political supporters.  Neither 
has the King made ---between the warring factions. ----press is muzzled to 
prevent it from ---disloyal, and there are no fun---pay the army or navy.

Several important decisions were rendered by the Supreme Court on the 3rd Inst.
	In the case of KELLY vs THE STATE, from the Circuit Court of Dallas, 
the Court reverses the decisions of their immediate predecessors, and return 
to the old ruling that decisions upon granting a change of venue are not 
revisable, and affirmed the judgement of the Court below sentencing the 
defendant to be hung.
	Ex-parte CHAMPION, is a very interesting decision as to the practice 
to be pursued in “habeas corpus” cases, after the party has been examined and 
committed by a magistrate.  Heretofore parties have often waited until the 
witnesses are out of the way, and been turned loose on “habeas corpus” for 
want of sufficient proof on the part of the State.  Under this decision this 
cannot be done hereafter.  These opinions were delivered by Mr. Justice 
	In the case of SHORT vs BATTLE a very important decision was rendered 
as to the separate estate of married women, and some of the former decisions 
on this point overruled.  Under the old decisions, almost every conveyance to 
a married woman was held to constitute a statutory separate estate, which most 
of our readers know cannot be mortgaged for the payment of the husbands debt, 
&c. Under the present decision a conveyance to the wife which clearly shows 
that it was intended to exclude the marital rights of the husband is held to 
create a common law, or contract  separate estate, as it is sometimes called.  
This kind of an estate the wife can change in chancery by going on a note, or 
by other contracts.  This is but a return to the decisions that the wife 
cannot mortgage her statutory separate estate for payment of husband’s debts.  
The opinion in this latter case was rendered by Chief Justice BRICKWELL.
	These decisions are very highly complimented by the bar, and will 
doubtless give great satisfaction not only to the profession, but to business 
men and litigants at  large.

ARTICLE – from Mobile Register
Under the present burdensome school system Mobile pays to the educational fund 
more than $100,000 annually, and she gets back for her public schools less 
than $30,000 annually.  Will the poor people of Mobile continue to support 
such an unjust constitutional provision.

ARTICLE – from St. Louis Times
It appears from an item of evidence of the Spencer Investigation that along 
with others, one Carson, of Lowndes county received $75 and one Jones, of the 
same county, $200 for giving the Senator their votes while January Maull, a 
colored member also of Lowndes, only got $25.  There might have been no 
discrimination against age, color or previous condition of servitude in 
electing the legislature of Alabama, but when it came to the election of a 
United States Senator, the case seems to have been different.  Poor January’s 
vote was worth as much to Spencer as any other man’s and he ought to have had 
at least the average price.

There is to be a Cotton Congress held at Raleigh, N. C. on the 15th of July.  
It is to be composed of men representing the cotton growing portions of the 
United States.  All agricultural societies in the south, and all state and 
local Grangers are expected to send delegates, and the proceeding cannot fail 
to be highly interesting.

For Sale! I offer for sale the following property, located in the town of 
Vernon:  My Residence – containing 4 rooms, kitchen, out-houses, etc., with 
garden spot and two acres of land attached.  Location convenient to business.  
Also – One Business House and Lot, next door to Pioneer Office. Also – 8 
vacant lots located in the business part of town. Terms easy.  Try me. JOHN R. 

State of Alabama, Sanford County.  Sheriff’s Sale
	By virtue of an execution to me directed and issued by J. R. MCMULLEN, 
Clerk of the Circuit Court of Sanford county and state of Alabama, against S. 
P. GOODWIN, and in favor of L. BREWER & CO., of Mobile, Ala for the sum of two 
hundred and ninety-five Dollars and ten cents, principal, together with $18.20 
cost I will sell on Saturday, the 7th day of August, to the highest bidder for 
cash the north half of lot No. 22 and lot No. 29, situated in the town of 
Vernon, Sanford county, Alabama, to satisfy said judgment and all costs.  
	This the 5th day of July, 1875
			S. P. KEMP, Sheriff.

(Note:  Many of these names have been scratched out.  It looks like this was 
the list someone was using to make sure everyone paid.  I will include the 
names I can read.  Can’t read most of the land descriptions.)
NOTICE! NOTICE!  The following described lands, assessed to the following 
named parties will be sold on the 1st Monday (the 2nd day) in August, at the 
Court House door of Sanford Co, Ala, for the non-payment of taxes for the year 
1874.   JOHN R. KING, TC   	
Names listed are:  ADALINE CRAWFORD,   T. R. TUCKER,   D. R. ROBERTSON,  J. M. 

Letters of Executorship on the estate of M. D. LOFTIS, Deceased, were granted 
the undersigned on the 25th day of June, 1875.  This is to notify all persons 
holding claims against said Estate, to present the same to me for payment 
within the time prescribed by law, or they will be batted.  Those indebted to 
said Estate are required to make payment to me.
	This the 3rd day of July, 1876.
	W. G. RICHARDS, Executor

DETROIT SALOON!  W. G. RAY, Proprietor.  Retail dealer in wines, liquors, &c.  
Also keeps on hand a few Confectioneries.  

New York (huge torn piece) hardware, paints, oils, glass, blinds, sash, iron, 
wagon materials.


 Terms of Subscription
One copy one year                                  $2.00
One copy six months                                1.25
All subscriptions payable in advance

Rates of Advertising
One inch, one insertion                           $1.00
One inch, each subsequent insertions         .50
One inch, twelve months                         10.00
One inch, six months                                 7.00
One inch, three months                              5.00
Two inches, twelve months                      15.00
Two inches, six months                            10.00
Two inches, three months                          5.00
Quarter Column 12 months                      35.00
Half Column, 12 months                          60.00
One column, 12 months                         100.00
One column, 3 months                              33.00
One column, 6 months                              60.00
Professional Cards         $10.00
Special advertisements in local columns will be charged double rates.
Advertisements collectable after first insertion
Local notices, 20 cents per line.
Obituaries, tributes of respect, etc. making over ten line, charged 
advertising rates.

County Court meets on the 1st Monday in each month.
Probate Court meets on 2nd Monday in each month.
Commissioner’s Court Meets on the 2nd Monday in February, May, August, and 

(For Sanford and Fayette) J. C. KIRKLAND
(For Sanford and Marion) JAMES F. HAMILTON

ALEXANDER COBB – Judge of Probate
GEO. S. EARNEST, Solicitor
S. P. KEMP, Sheriff
J. R. MCMULLEN, Circuit Clerk
JAMES M. MORTON, Register in Chancery
JAMES W. WILSON, Treasurer
J. R. PENNINGTON, Tax Assessor
G. W. WOODS, Tax Collector
W. T. MARLER, Coroner

R. H. SANDERS           M. W. LLOYD
H. R. GOREY                S. H. HANKINS

Masonic:  Vernon Lodge, No. 389, meets on the 2nd Saturday of each month, at 
10 a.m.
I.O.O.F.:  Moscow Lodge, No. 45, meets on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each 
month, at night.
I.O.G.T:  Vernon Lodge, No. 96, meets on Wednesday night of each week, at 
seven o’clock.


Probate, County and Commissioners courts meet same as in Sanford.

B. H. WILLIAMS – Judge of Probate
J. H. SANFORD, Solicitor
A.  A. WALDON, Sheriff
M. M. BULL, Circuit Clerk
W. A. EDWARDS, Tax Collector
A. F. BULL, Tax Assessor




Probate Court and Commissioner’s courts meet same as in Sanford.

J. D. TERRELL, Judge of Probate
Sheriff, ex officio Tax Collector, J. P. HUGHES
Solicitor, THOS. R. NESMITH
ALVIN M. JONES, Treasurer

ISAAC SANDER’S Mill three miles South of Vernon, is constantly turning out the 
ver best quality of meal and flour.  Meal & flour always on hand at the lowest 
market price.  Also promptest attention given to all orders for lumber, and a 
good supply is kept on hand for sale.  Give us a trial.

Merchants please take notice, that the largest, best selected and cheapest 
stock of ready made Fall and Winter Clothing ever brought to Mobile is now 
ready for inspection at the Mammoth Clothing house of M. P. LEVY & CO. No. 16, 
18 and 20 North Water street, Mobile, Ala.

Smith’s Alabama Justice and Officers Guide – a good form book – a few copies 
may be had at this Office at the low price of $2.

T. MAXWELL, the “Old King Bee” and the oldest Granger in the State, is at work 
again on his own hook and on first principles.  Go to his Hive and get a good 
axe at $1.00.  Nails at retail 16 pounds to the dollar’ per keg, $5.50.  Iron, 
5 cents – Salt, $1.75; Meat and other Groceries at about cost.  Tuskaloosa, 
March 17

Decidedly the best place in the city to get a round, square meal at W. V. 
FUTRELL’S. Aberdeen, Mississippi.

If you want to gather honey,
Go to MAXWELL’s with your money,
He’s the Granger’s “Old King Bee”
Who, while he sets your Greenbacks free,
Will do it on the Material plan
----- far right – twist man and man.
(rest is torn)

A nice rain on Tuesday, last subsequent scorching ---leave us still suffering 
for moisture.

Reports from the country, however, continue good.  We hear of general and 
thorough seasons everywhere.

Chancery Court in session today, Hon. A. DILLARD presiding.  In addition the 
local bar Messrs. R. P. JONES, J. H. TERRY, and JOHN B. SANFORD of Fayette C. 
H. in attendance.

Elegant nights these for moonlight promenades.  Vernonians, however, awaiting 
the advent of the Nicolson pavement.  Roll on, silver moon.

We were please to meet on our streets today the handsome and courteous editor 
of the Fayette Watchman, Mr. JNO. B. SANFORD.  Success to the Watchman.

Considerable excitement and a good crowd in town on Wednesday.  Speeches by 
Hon. E. A. POWELL, Of Tuskaloosa, and Messrs., BANKHEAD and DAVIS of Sanford.  
Col. POWELL is the Democratic nominee for Convention from the district – the 
other gentlemen opposing candidates to represent the county.  Did not hear 
their speeches.

As will be seen in another column the Hon. B. B. LEWIS, Congressman elect from 
the State at Large, and the Hon. J. M. MARTIN, State Senator, will speak here 
on the 28th inst.  Remember the day and turn out.

The difference between having a tooth properly extracted by a competent 
dentist and having it knocked out by a fall upon the pavement is very slight – 
the one in dental and the other acci-dental. –J. R.

While in Columbus last week we had occasion to visit the Nathan Bros.  A local 
column of the Pioneer would fail to detail accurately the variety and 
excellence of their Liquors, Tobaccos and Cigars.

Mr. J. R. MURF, Of Temperance Hill, Monroe Co., Miss., in town today with a 
fine load of melons.  With one or two more rains, he says, Monroe will sell 
corn at 40 cents a bushel the coming season.  Mr. M like a sensible man, 
decided to become a reader of the Pioneer.

Setting type in the open air beneath the luxurious shade of our old oak tree 
we welcome with decidedly more zest the refreshing presence of cooling zephyrs 
that the close proximity of effervescent, talkative visitors.

Capt. I. H. SANDERS informs us that he threshed upwards of 4,000 bushels of 
wheat this season – his machine still moving.

WATSON BROWN, of Beaverton called on us Saturday.  Fresh he looked as a 
blooming sunflower.  Into business again at Columbus soon he goes and his 
friends may then expect to hear from him through the Pioneer.

The Vernon Public school opened on Monday, after two week’s vacation, with 56 
scholars – G. W. RUSH, principal.  Mr. Rush is a correct, high-toned young 
gentleman, and possesses the confidence and esteem of this people.

Hon. M. L. DAVIS, of Detroit, has announced himself a candidate to represent 
Sanford in the Convention.

Capt. M. W. LLOYD gave a view of his lively self, Monday.  He reports crops to 
be superfine about Pine Springs.

No matter what license his appearance or habits may give to hilarity the most 
disgusting of all little things is the conduct of the youth who amuses himself 
by playing practical jokes or “poking fun” at an old man.  The first reader 
has a story which should be indelibly impressed upon the minds of all young 
men.  It tells of an adventurous uncle who, after roaming about for many 
years, returned to his native village an old man and a wealthy one.  Anxious 
to surprise his only brother he bought him in disguise.  On the streets he met 
two nicely dressed young men, one of whom, highly amused at the grotesque 
appearance of the way-farer, began to jeer at the venerable and apparently 
weary stranger.  The other, blushing for shame at the thoughtless and 
irreverent conduct of his companion, rebuked him severely, and extended every 
courtesy – answering the old gentleman’s inquiries promptly and respectfully.  
The young men were brothers. Imagine the consternation of the one and the 
gratification of the other when they discovered that the old man was their 
uncle – their father’s brother!  Young men, are you given to making game of 
the aged or unfortunate?  If so, remember that the world views your conduct 
with exactly the same eye that both father and uncle cast upon the 
disrespectful boy.

We called upon the Lowndes County Grange Agency and found GENERAL SHARP with 
his sleeves rolled up in a style suggested the old Jordan song, feasting, 
ranting, swearing, tearing, etc. in a genuine Lodoric rage.  When his eye 
rested upon us we thought our time had come and at once turned down our 
collars.  Aye here you are sir!  I stuck a card in your everlasting paper, 
sir! and here I am sir!  Bothered to death, sir! With your Alabama friends, 
sir! Who want to buy, sir!  Faster than I can sell, sir!  Continue my 
advertisement, sir ad infinium!

For Groceries, staple dry goods, and general merchandise, at low prices, to W. 
V. FUTRELL’s cheap cash store.  D. J. and F. W. CRIBBS, of Alabama will always 
be pleased to see their friends.  Give them a call when you go to Aberdeen.

Dealers in drugs can do well and save money by laying in their stock of drugs, 
liquors, tobacco, stationery, fancy goods, etc., at J. W. ECKFORD & BRO’S.  

J. W. ECKFORD & BRO, of Aberdeen, Miss. are wholesale and retail drugs, gifts, 
and earnestly solicit the patronage of Sanford, Fayette, Marion, and Pickens, 
Alabama and Lowndes County, Miss.

	The Sunday School Convention for Vernon Circuit M. E. Church South 
will be held at Lebanon Church on Friday, August 18, 1875.  	The Convention 
will come to order at 8 1-2 a.m. Introductory Address by the pastor.  Reports 
from the Superintendent will then be called.  An address will then follow 
on “Sunday school literature, its nature and its design”  At 11 o’clock, 
sermon on “Sunday schools as authorized by the Bible”  	At 12:20 picnic 
dinner.  	At 2 o’clock address on Religious training of children and 
youths.  The remainder of the day will be spent in receiving and discussing 
propositions.  One proposition will be to organize a missionary society.
			E. F. S. ROBERTS, Pastor.

Our country friends who desire to subscribe to the Pioneer and pay for the 
same in Country produce of any kind have now an opportunity of doing so.

One year’s subscription to the Pioneer is offered for the largest Watermelon 
delivered at this office during the season.

Whereas we recognize the Mercantile Agency of J. H. SHARP, at Columbus, all 
the advantages of a Cooperative Grange store, and as a purchasing agency and 
exchange depot for country produce a most efficient and valuable aid to the 
farming community.
Be it resolved, that we recommend and urge upon all patrons the policy of 
giving his enterprise an earnest and cordial support, to more fully develop 
this powerful auxiliary in the interests of agriculturists.
		JAS. C. NEILSON, Master.
		H. D. FOOT, Secretary Pro Tem

Hons. B. R. LEWIS and JNO. M MARTIN, will address their fellow citizens on the 
issue in the convass for a constitutional convention, as follows:
	Fayette C. H.	July 27th
	Vernon   	July 28th
	Pikeville	July 29th
	A. J. INGLE’S	July 30th
	Houston	July 31st
The Public generally and the ladies especially are invited to attend at these 

The REV. M. R. ROBERTS has handed us the following for publication:
The Board of Trustees for Vernon High School (for Tuskaloosa Dist M. E. Church 
South) are requested to meet in session in Vernon, Ala. on Thursday, August 
26th, 1875, at 10 a.m. the meeting ordered by the Board of Trust.  The members 
of the Board are as follows:
 E. F. S. ROBERTS – President
 A. SUMMERS – Secretary

When you visit Aberdeen, Miss., be sure and call on J. W. ECKFORD & Bro., 
whether you wish to buy anything or not.  They will treat you clever and 
always be glad to see you.

Patent Medicines of all kinds can be bought at very reduced prices at J. W. 
ECKFORD & Bro., Aberdeen, Miss.

Capt. JOHN B. BANKHEAD, candidate for the Constitutional Convention for 
Sanford county will address the people at the following places and times:
Sizemore’s, beat Blooming Grove       	“ 10th
Strickland’s, Griffin Trull’s		“ 15th
Stean’s, Kennedy’s Store		“ 17th
Millport				“ 20th
Trails’, at Wilson’s Store			“ 22nd
Young’s Store				“ 27th
Moscow				“ 29th
Vernon					“ 31st

George S. Houston has politically redeemed Alabama.  T. MAXWELL (at the Old 
Bee Hive) is redeeming the trade of Tuskaloosa, by selling for less than 
Granger prices.  Buy nothing elsewhere, until you go there and see.

Merchants, planters, and the public generally should by all means, when they 
go to Mobile, not fail to call and examine, before purchasing, the Mammoth 
Stock of M. P. LEVY & CO. Nos. 16, 18 and 20 North Water Street.

I have received 50 of the Excelsior Premium Plows, at very low prices.  The 
best and cheapest known.  THOS. MAXWELL.  Tuskaloosa.

THOMAS R. NESMITH, ESQ.  At the Democratic and Conservative Convention, for 
the Senatorial District composed of the counties of Morgan, Blount, Winston, 
and Marion, which recently assembled at Daneville, Morgan County, THOS. B. 
NESMITH, was nominated to represent the District in the Constitutional 

Crops are fine all along the Creek, especially on the plantation of Mr. T. L. 
CREWS.  He has a splendid crop and is doing well besides.  He has a good set 
of mills, which are paying him well, and has in connection with these a 
threshing machine, on which he has threshed 1,600 bushels and is not through 
yet.  So much for energy.
I had the pleasure of hearing CAPT. BANKHEAD make a speech on the 8th. inst., 
which did that clever gentleman great credit.  His speech was satisfactory to 
all present, and I think the Captain is the man to represent us in the 
A few days ago I had the pleasure of eating a watermelon that grew on the 
place of Mr. WM. BROWN.  That gentleman will have a good crop of them this 
year.  Yours,    REX.

Be sure to call on J. W. ECKFORD & BRO. Aberdeen, Miss for everything that is 
kept in a first class drug store.  Their prices are lower than any other house 
in the place.

ARTICLE – Communicated
Bedford, PO., July 14th, 1875.   
Mr. Editor:
Out our way things are so dry that something is required to stir up a breeze.  
The roads and fields are dry and the beautiful streams look thirsty. The 
farmers on Cutbank and their Mississippi neighbors are getting along finely.  
The present week will end their incessant labors for a while.  The present 
crop is second to none they have raised in five years past.  Our wheat fields 
have been denuded and the yield is five per cent greater than supposed.  
On last Saturday night, Mr. J. W. was awakened by the fiendish screams of a 
panther.  Mr. J. W. gathered an axe and his young bride a torch and they 
started for the paternal roof.  The panther in the meantime had retired 
without doing any material damage.  The miscreant is still at large and there 
are many persons here who could hear of its being killed without a single pang 
of regret.         						   – REPORTER

I have made the following appointments for Assistant Registers in the several 
	Vernon		J. R. MCMULLEN
	Vails		B. A. BIGBY
	Millport	W. W. WELCH
	Millville	W. F. HAMILTON
	Pinespring	M. W. LOYD
	Moscow	J. A. BROWN
	Henson		P. W. METCALF
	Lawrence	S. H. HANKINS
	Wilson’s 	J. S. WILSON
	Trell’s	 	J. M. WILSON
	Betts		A. L. HARRISON
	Browns		R OB’T BOWLIN
	Strickland’s 	GRIFFIN TRULL	
Assistant Registrars are requested to come forward immediately and file their 
oath of office with Judge of Probate draw their books and stationery and ---- 
- J. D. MCCLUSKEY, County Registrar.

Call at W. V. FUTRELL’s Hotel and Restaurant if you would receive the best 
accommodations and politest attention.

 GREENWOOD SPRINGS.  The MESSRS. PERKINS will open the Hotel at Greenwood 
Springs today, for the season, and we are very sure that we could not make a 
more acceptably announcement to the many sufferers from Dyspepsia, Asthma, 
etc. who have in the past found but little relief save that obtained from 
these wonderful waters.  We have no hesitation is saying to our distant 
readers that the waters of Greenwood Springs afford cure or relief for almost 
every physical affliction, to say nothing of the rustic summer retreat offered 
by the Hotel to all whose sent from the labors and anxieties incident to busy 
life.      	- Aberdeen Examiner

Go to MAXWELL’s and get the best and safest Kerosene Oil in use.  Tuskalossa, 

ANDREW MUNROE, (picture of a boot) maker.  Vernon, Sanford Co., Ala.  Will be 
always on hand to fill orders for boots or shoes.  Repairing done in good 
style on short notice.  Terms – Strictly CASH on delivery of work.  Works on 
no other terms.  Also keeps on hand a fine supply of saddles and bridles, 
which – very low for Cash.

Over the Bridge to the “Old Bee Hive!” T. MAXWELL is at the Old Corner – ready 
at all times to serve his friends and patrons.  Every variety of Staple Goods 
may be found in his line.  Dry goods and groceries of the best quality and at 
the lowest Cash prices!  Tuskaloosa, Ala.

S. P. GOODWIN, Confectioner, Vernon, Ala.  Keeps his establishment well 
supplied with the best selection of candies, jellies, cakes, fruits, raisins, 
almonds, oysters, sardines and all kinds of canned goods.  Also the best 
cigars and tobacco.

Variety.  A. MUNROE. Takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Vernon 
and Sanford county, that he has opened, in connection with his saddlery and 
boot and shoe establishment, a Book and Variety Store, where he invited the 
public to call and examine his stock of School books, paper, pens, ink, etc.  
Blank books, enitial (sic) paper, and a full line of stationery.  An endless 
variety of children’s toys and fancy article.  Games of amusement, croquet 
sets, and every article that pleases and fascinates that can be found in 
similar establishments.  Tobacco, snuff and pipes of the finest brands.  Give 
me a call and see for yourself.  hides wanted.  Country produce taken in 
exchange for goods and work.     – A. Munroe.  April 21, 1875.

A book for the people!!  Lyman’s Historical Chart.  Presenting the world’s 
history by centuries, and containing all the Promised Events of the Civil, 
Religious and Literary history of the World, from the earliest times to the 
Present Day.  By Azel S. Lyman.  This work is embraced in a set of admirable 
colored plated, all carefully and beautifully colored by hand; together with 
much valuable chronological and statistical information.  The whole elegantly 
and substantial bound; and is accompanied by a “Key” in book form.  The work 
will be furnished to subscribers at the following prices payable on delivery:  
In English Cloth, Gold Stamp - $2.50.  In Half Turkey Morocco Binding, Cloth 
Sides, Gold Center Stamp   $4.50.  For further information apply to GEO. W. 
RUSH, Agent.  Vernon, Sanford Co, Ala.

MORTON’S certified Bone and Nerve Liniment.  Useful in Rheumatism, neuralgia, 
painful diseases of the joints, and all pains that can be cured by any other 
liniment.  We guarantee that this liniment will give general satisfaction in 
such cases.  Apply to parts diseased night and morning by thorough rubbing.  
Prepared by Drs. W. L. MORTON & BRO. Vernon, Ala.

G. C. BURNS – Vernon, Ala. is replenishing his Fall and Winter stock of staple 
dry goods, and all kinds of Family Groceries.  He will keep his supplies for 
up to the demands of the market.  Here the ladies may always have a variety of 
dress goods.  Silks, calicoes, domestic bonnets, ribbons, shoes.  Here the 
gentlemen may find furnishing goods in patterns or ready made of the best 
material.  Hats, boots, and shoe.  Here the farmer may supply himself with the 
implements of farming, iron, nails, axes, hoes, spades, chains, bagging, 
hatchets, hammers, ties and plows.  He invites customers and promises---
articles, good bargains and---- Good pay!! Call and examine before purchasing 

ADVERTISEMENT – (Ad is torn VERY badly)
DR. W. L. MORTON & BRO.  W. L. MORTON   M. W. MORTON.  Physicians & surgeons.  
Vernon, Sanford Co, Ala.  Tender their professional services to the citizens 
of Sanford and adjacent counties. …Thankful for patrons go heretofore 
extending--- hope to merit a respectable share in ---.  Drug Store.----
Medicines.  Chemical---which they will--- as cheap for --- can be purchased--- 
any retail --- north or south ---will guarantee---purity of the --- as 
represented--- They also keep--- (rest torn)



ARTICLE – “– The Crops”
All our exchanges agree that the present prospects for crops for the year 
exceed any ever before known, not only in the immediate section and State, but 
from the entire country.  Wheat has already been harvested and reports from 
all quarters indictate a more general and a much large yield than last year, 
which was considered an average year.  We have even better prospects for a 
corn crop, and from present indications, the yield will be very large indeed, 
and every farmer who has shone the diligence to his business, will make an 
abundance for home consumption and to spare.  The cotton prospect is as good 
or better than could be expected, considering the late and unprecipitous 
spring.  It is however, only from three to six days behind that of last year 
growing well and promising an abundant yield.

HON. W. H. CHAMBERS, Master of the State Grange will deliver an address at 
Clinton, Greene County on Tuesday, the 20th of July.

The Tennessee papers report the wheat crop as the largest ever gathered in 
that state and the acres in corn as much greater than it was last year.  Cheap 
bread is certain for twelve months to come.

The grasshopper howl was a grand fraud.  Dispatches from Kansas say the wheat 
crop is the largest ever made and there is difficulty in procuring help enough 
to harvest it.  The price of biscuit will not advance.

The Houston Telegraph says that Texas will export, besides the wheat, ---he 
consumes 4,000,000 bushels this season.  The Telegraph predicts that in five 
years the annual crop of the State will be from 30,000,000 to 50,000,000 

An old and experienced farmer writing to the Texas New Yorker says:  “I am an 
old man upwards of three score years, during two score of which I have been a 
tiller of the soil.  I can not say that I am rich.  I have all I need, do not 
owe a dollar, have given my children a good education and when I am called 
away, will leave them enough to keep the wolf from the door.  My experience 
has taught me that:  1.  One acre of land well prepared and manured, and well 
cultivated produced more than two acres which received only the same amount of 
manure and labor expended on one.  2.  One cow, horse, mule, sheep, or hog, 
well fed is more profitable than two kept on the amount of food necessary----
wel..(rest is torn)

In accordance with the recent Act of the Legislature authorizing an election 
for a Constitutional Convention, the Registration books are now open and will 
be closed fifteen days before the election which will take place on the 3rd 
day of August, 1875.  All voters of the Vernon Beat will therefore come 
forward promptly and Register, if they wish to take part in this election.
		J. R. MCMULLEN, Register

In accordance with an Act of the General Assembly and Proclamation of the 
Governor of the State of Alabama, an election will be hold in several 
precincts in the county of Sanford, State of Alabama, on Tuesday after the 
first Monday in August 1875.  The said election is for the purpose of 
voting “for Convention” or “against Convention” and also for choosing 
delegates to said convention – one to represent Sanford County and one to 
represent the Senatorial District composed of the counties of Sanford, Fayette 
and Tuskaloosa.
The following is a list of the Inspectors and Returning Officers appointed for 
the precincts to hold said election:
			GEO. W. RUSH, Returning Officer
S. A. HANKINS, Returning Officer.
No. 3 – SIZEMORE’S.  BILLY BROWN, J. A. COLLINS and R. G. NOLEN, Inspectors.
			F. F. SIZEMORE, Returning Officer.
No. 4 – BROWN’S.  R. E. BRADLEY, S. H. GANN, and NATHANIEL MILLER, Inspectors.
			R. A W. BROWN, Returning Officer.
No. 5 – HENSON’S.  J. H. REAL, I. N. HENSON and JAMES CRUMP, Inspectors.
			W. S. METCALF, Returning Officer
No. 6 – MILLVILLE.  JAMES M. RAY, M. L. DAVIS, and S. H. BROWN, Inspectors.
			J. H. HAMILTON, Returning Officer.
			J. B. PRITCHARD, Returning Officer.
No. 8 – MOSCOW – T. L. CREWS, JAMES A. ARMSTRONG, and T. C. HOLLIS, Inspectors.
			GREEN BANKHEAD, Returning Officer.
No. 9 – BETTS – E. B. ALSAP, M. W. DENMAN, and W. W. JORDAN, Inspectors.
A. P. YOUNG, Returning Officer.
No. 10 – TRULL’S.  P. G. BREWER,  B. L. FALKNER, and P. A. LOFTIS, Inspectors.
			THOMAS MILLFORD, Returning officer.
No.11 – WILSON’S.  J. E. BLACKWELL, FRANK OGDEN, and P. M. MCGEE, Inspectors.
			J. S. WILSON, Returning Officer.
			T. J. TRULL, Returning Officer.
No. 13 – STEANS.  G. B. COBB, SAMUEL ESTIS, W. H. SMOTHERS, Inspectors.
			J. B. HARTON, Returning Officer.
No. 14 – MILLPORT.  W. B. ADKINS, S. L. MACADAMS, and J. N. PROPST, Inspectors.
			M. J. COLEMAN, Returning Officer.
No.15 – VAILS.  T. J. GENTRY, J. C. TRAPP,  and M. A. TAGGART, Inspectors.
			HIRAM VAILS, Returning Officer.
ALEXANDER COBB  - Judge of Probate.
J. R. MCMULLEN, Circuit Clerk

State of Alabama, Sanford County 
In Chancery at Vernon, Ala.  It being the 9th District of the Western Chancery 
CHARLOTTE MILLER, et. al. by her next friend, JOHN MILLER,
	In this cause it is made to appear to the Registrar by the affidavit 
of the Complainant that the said Gabriel Shirley is a man; resident of this 
State, and that his particular place of residence is in Lowndes Co. in the 
State of Mississippi.  And further it is the belief of said affiant that the 
Defendant is over twenty-one years of age.
	It is therefore ordered by the Registrar that publication be made in 
the “Vernon Pioneer”, a newspaper published in the town of Vernon, Sanford 
County, Ala. for four successive weeks, requiring him the said Gabriel Shirley 
to plead, answer or demur to the Bill of Complaint in this cause by the 20th 
day of July, 1875, or in thirty days thereafter a decree pro confesso may be 
taken against him.
	Done at this office this 14th day of June 1875.
	JAMES M. MORTON, Registrar.
	SHIELDS, DEROCEMOMT and MCCLUSKY, attorneys for Complainant.

I have made the following appointments for Assistant Registrars in the several 
Vernon		J. R. MCMULLEN
Vails		B. A. BIGBY
Millport	W. W. WELCH
Millville	W. F. HAMILTON
Pinespring	M. W. LOYD
Moscow	J. A. BROWN
Henson		P. W. METCALF
Lawrence	S. H. HANKINS
Wilson’s 	J. S. WILSON
Trull’s		J. M. WILSON
Strickland’s	GRIFFIN TRULL
Assistant Registrars are requested to come forward immediately and file their 
oath of office with Judge of Probate draw their books and stationary and 
receive instructions.
- J. D. MCCLUSKEY, County Registrar

New York Hardware Store.  J. SNOW & CO. Tuskaloosa, Ala. dealers in Hardware, 
paints, oils, glass, blinds, sash, iron, wagon materials.

Domestic Sewing Machines.  Domestic Paper Fashions.  “Domestic” Monthly.  
Domestic Building, New York.

Drug Store. W. K. KIRK     J. D. RUSH.  Dr. Kirk & Rush.  Vernon, Ala.  Have 
just received a fine assortment of fresh drugs, medicines, chemicals, etc.  A 
full line of Domestic medicines, patent pills in variety, - a full line of 
toilette soaps, perfumeries of all descriptions, Brushes for the hair, teeth, 
shaving, &c.  Stationery, fancy articles, choice chewing and smoking tobacco, 
cigars, pipes, &c., &c.  All of which we will sell at small profits – only for 
Cash.  Asafetida, Alum Allspice, Bluestone, Coperas, Cream tartar, camphor, 
gum, Epsom salts, dye-stuffs, inks, laudanum, paregoric, No 6 pepper, oil – of 
fish, spike, sassafras, tarpentine – soda, sulphur, &c.  Cheap for the cash.  
Call in.  Kirk & Rush

P. T. BRADY – Call at the Old Stand.  Tuskaloosa.  Groceries.  Family 
Supplies, table delicacies, jellies, sauces and spices, fruits, oysters, fish 
&c., &c, &c  His Wines, liquors, and cordials are of a superior quality.  
Coffees and sugars of different varieties to suit the tastes of Purchasers.  
His stock is large and will be constantly replenished all of which he will 
sell at the lowest cash prices at The Old Stand.

Call on J. B. SELLICK (next door to DR. GUILD’S office) when you go to 
Tuskaloosa if you want your watches and jewelry repaired in the very vest 
manner.  Money refunded if satisfaction is no given.

ALEXANDER COBB, Vernon, Ala. deals in staple dry goods and family supplies; 
His stock is carefully selected and consists of all such substantial articles 
as the market demands, ladies dress goods of every variety.  Cloths and ready 
made clothing for gentlemen.  Boots, shoes, hats, bonnets, gloves, stockings, 
laces, ribbons, axes, hatchets, hammers, nails, carpenters’ tools, horse-
shoes, iron, &c.  Crockery & glassware all of which he offers to sell very low 
for cash and CASH ONLY!

A. A.  SUMMERS, Vernon, Ala. dealer in dry goods and groceries, hardware, 
cutlery, crockery, saddlery.  Boots & shoes, hats & bonnets, clothing, &c.  He 
keeps always on hand a great variety of Ladies’ dress goods – silks, alpacas, 
calicoes, domestics.  He spares no pains to satisfy and gratify his customers 
with the very best articles at the lowest cash prices!

THE VERNON PIONEER.  A weekly paper published at Vernon, Sanford Co., Ala. by 
W. R. Smith, Jr. & Co. SID R. SMITH, MD. Editor offers great inducements to 
city merchants for advertising, &c. This paper is dedicated to the 
Agricultural, Mechanical, Mercantile, and moral interests of the country at 
large, and to the local interests of Sanford County in particular.  Terms - 
$2.00 per Annum, payable invariably in advance.

Ayer’s Sarsaparilla for purifying the blood.  The reputation this excellent 
medicine enjoys is derived from its cures, many of which are truly marvelous.
…. Prepared by DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass.  Practical and Analytical 
Chemists.  Sold by all druggists everywhere.

North Port Ware House North Port, Ala.  WM. R. DODSON, Sole Proprietor.  The 
public is hereby advised that this ware house is entirely new and has been 
built out of the most substantial materials, with a view to safety as well as 
capacity.  The whole being surrounded with a substantial enclosure.  This 
House is situated on the bluff of the Warrior River Steamboat Landing, and 
presents the best facilities for shipping cotton.  The Proprietor will attend 
to the shipping of cotton free of charge!  All sorts of merchandise will be 
received on storage, and prompt attention given.  The wharf is in first rate 
condition.  Insurance may be effected on cotton, in this Ware House as cheap 
as at any other in Tuskaloosa.  Come on, you will find me at my post.    W. R. 

TOMMIE CLEMENTS, North Port, Ala. Confectioner and dealer in all kinds of 
Candies, Plain and Fancy, cakes, nuts, vegetables, fruits, &c. Oysters, 
sardines, lobsters and every variety of canned goods.  The best cigars, 
smoking and chewing tobacco.  Highest CASH price paid for butter, eggs and 
other country produce. 

P. C. COMBS, Vernon, Ala.  Undertaker.  Cabinet maker, and dealer of 
furniture, bureaus, bedsteads, etc.  sash & blinds, made to order.  We be 
always on hand to accommodate customers on good terms and solicits patronage.

ANDREW MUNROE, (picture of a boot) maker.  Vernon, Sanford Co., Ala.  Will be 
always on hand to fill orders for boots or shoes.  Repairing done in good 
style on short notice.  Terms – Strictly CASH on delivery of work.  Works on 
no other terms.  Also keeps on hand a fine supply of saddles and bridles, 
which – very low for Cash.

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