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Lamar County AlArchives News.....The Vernon Clipper August 29, 1879
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The Vernon Clipper August 29, 1879
Microfilm Ref Call #373  Microfilm Order #M1992.4466  from
The Alabama Department of Archives and History



	At the close of the war a young man named Crouch hired out to her sheep 
at $12 a month in Frio County, Texas.  He now owns 150,000 acres of fenced 
land, 4,000 cattle and 7,000 sheep.
	Commissioner Le Duc’s report is out, and we learn that watermelons are 
frequently ruined by shaking them off the tree instead of carefully picking 
them – Chicago Tribune
	Joaquin Miller says:  “If you were to take a newspaper in your hand and 
crumple it up, and then spread it out again, the creases in it might fairly 
represent the streets of London, so angular, so awkward and irregular is this, 
the greatest of all cities of the earth.”
	The hand car for passengers in the Paris sewers are ready made and 
furnished with cane seats.  The line rolls directly over the sewers.  The air 
is described as “averaging a good strong smell.”  Male excursionists smoke, and 
feminine snuff perfumed handkerchiefs.
	The Corliss engine of the French Exhibition of 1878 consumed only one 
kilogramme (2.2 lbs) of coal per horse-power per hour.  A similar engine of 700 
horse-power, constructed by M. Farcot, for the drainage at Asnierest, consumes 
only six-tenths as much.
	The best paid military post in the world is that of the British 
Commander-in-Chief in India, the salary being $60,000 per year, besides 
servants and various other perquisites  Sir Frederick Haines will have 
completed five years of service in that position.
	It is said that among the merchants spending the summer at Nahant, 
Mass., wholesalers never associate with retailers, and this unwritten law is 
carried so far that a certain retail merchant and his family are not welcomed 
into the circle in which his son, a wholesaler, moves, notwithstanding the 
father furnishes the money with which the son carries on business.
	Sometimes the prizes at an agricultural exhibition are rather strangely 
arranged, says the Detroit Free Press.  For instance, at the State Agricultural 
Fair which is to be held in Illinois this fall, the highest premium for horses 
is $25, while for rabbits it is $25.  The best wheat shown will get $10, while 
the finest collection of fossils will receive $50.  Reconstruction is necessary 
	Attention has just been drawn in England to Miss Dick of Ventmoor, who 
has voluntarily stayed abed for 20 years.  She was prevented by her parents 
from marrying the man she loved, whereupon she went to bed, declaring that she 
would never get up again, and has kept her word.  She is now said to have been 
the original Miss Harisham in Dicken’s ‘Great Expectations.’
	The daughter of the Treasurer of Greenfield County, Ohio, stole $800 of 
public money, and her father was likely to soon discover the crime.  Seeing two 
strangers in the village, she threw the account books on the floor in the 
office, tore up some papers, scratched her face, and screamed.  To those who 
responded to the alarm she said that two men had overpowered her and taken the 
money.  The strangers were arrested, and she pretended to identify them as the 
robbers; but her story did not bear close scrutiny, and at last she confessed.
	The sisters of Sarah, a negro religious society at Amherst, Va., 
engaged the Rev. Mr. Hall to preach the funeral sermon of a deceased member, 
and the relatives of the dead chose the Rev. Mr. Pratt for the same service.  
The two clergymen met angrily in the church, and each insisted upon preaching.  
A compromise, on the basis of having two sermons, fell through, because the 
question of precedence could not be settled.  A fierce fight ensued between the 
factions, and the relatives finally drove the Sisters of Sarah out of the 
	At Hamburg, in Germany, the longest day has 17 hours and the shortest 
7.  At Stockholm, the longest has 18 ½ hours and the shortest 5 ½.  At St. 
Petersburg, the longest has 19 and the shortest 5 hours.  At Finland, the 
longest has 21 ½ hours.  At Wondorbus, in Norway, the day lasts from the 21st 
of May to the 2d of July, the sun not getting below the horizon during the 
whole time, but skimming along very close to it in the north.  At Spitzbergen, 
the longest day lasts three months and a half.
	If a musket ball be fired into the water, it will not only rebound, but 
be flattened, if fired through a pane of glass, it will make a hole the size of 
the ball without cracking the glass; if suspended by a thread it will make no 
difference, and the thread will not even vibrate.  Cork, if sunk 200 feet in 
the ocean, will  not rise, on account of the pressure of water.  In the Arctic 
regions, when the thermometer is below zero, persons can converse more than a 
mile distant.  Dr, Jamison asserts that he heard every word of a sermon at the 
distance of two miles.
	A servant writes tot he London Standard to explain why meat is high in 
England.  He says that as a rule, in wealthy families, eight or ten times more 
food is put on the dinner table than can possibly be eaten in the dining room 
or in the kitchen, and as a consequence a great deal turns bad and has to be 
thrown away, though it might be though that there were always beggars enough at 
the gate to prevent it being utterly wasted.  It is one of the national habits 
to load a dining table until it groans beneath the weight, and even when people 
begin to retrench on account of bad times, they rarely do so in the matter of 
food until necessity compels.  What with the waste entailed by English methods 
of cooking, and the waste of food after it has been wastefully cooked, prices 
rule high.
	It is difficult in the present day to realize the fact that wheat was 
at one time unknown in America; yet prior to the discovery of this continent by 
Columbus there was no cereal approaching in nature to the wheat plant.  It was 
not, observes the American Miller, until 1530 that wheat found its way into 
Mexico, and then only by chance.  A slave of Cortez found a few grains of wheat 
in a parcel of rice and showed them to his master, who ordered them to be 
planted. The result showed that wheat would thrive well on Mexican soil; and 
today one of the finest wheat valleys in the world is near the Mexican 
capital.  From Mexico the cereal found its way to Peru.  Marie D’Escobar, a 
wife of Don Diego de Chauves, carried a few grains to Lima, which were planted, 
the entire product being used for seed for several successive crops.  At Quit, 
Ecuador, a monk of the order of St. Francis, by the name of Fray Jodosi Kixi, 
introduced a new cereal; and it is said that the jar which contained the seeds 
is till preserved by the monks of Quito.  Wheat was introduced into the present 
limits of the United States contemporaneously with the settlement of  the 
country by the English and Dutch.

	While people paid thirty cents a pound for bull beef of uncertain age 
and derivation a few years ago, these vast legions of slaughtered animals lost 
their juiciness and flavor by rotting under the action of the scorching sun- 
hundreds of thousands of them scattered over scores of miles on the parched 
prairies, victims of "vacations,” “desires for relaxation,” and the like.  Two 
or three years ago, the Kansas pacific train, while making its way over the 
prairies from Kansas City to Denver, was frequently compelled to make stops of 
several hours duration, in order to allow the enormous herds of buffalo to 
cross its track.  Sometimes 5,000 passed in one herd.  Now the passengers not 
once in six months behold a buffalo from the train during a prairie journey of 
between 600 and 700 miles.  They are greeted, however, every few miles with the 
sight of great piles of bleached bones – buffalo bones, gathered by bone 
hunters, who make a very good living out of their collections.  These fellows 
have pretty well cleared up the plains, although one still sees the occasional 
skeleton bleaching alone in its entirety.  I can not give much of an idea of 
the immense slaughter of larger game.  A good deal has been said about it 
already, and I have to much to talk about to take up second-hand matter.  But 
one instance I must give as characteristic of the great destruction.  On the 
Kansas prairies there was, a few years ago, a man who shot buffaloes enough to 
keep nine men steadily employed in skinning them.  Imagine what slaughter this 
single hunter accomplished; and all he wanted were the buffalo skins, which 
command a fine price, and used to afford a profitable business.  The buffaloes 
are at present banished from the great plains.  A few are occasionally found in 
Southern New Mexico, but most of them have gone north tot he British 

Dr. Winnecke, of Strasburg, has discovered a record of observation made in 
1560, or at least 30 years before the invention of the telescope, in which the 
places of 11 stars of the Pleiades are given.  Compared with modern 
observations, it appears their places were recorded almost correctly, hence it 
would appear that these stars were seen with the naked eye.  

The following advertisement appeared in the Rochdale (England) Observer of June 
26:  “On sale, a set of teeth, the owner having no use for them, having nothing 
to chew on account of hard times.  Apply 7 Burgess Street, Freehold 917.

Love is a sentiment – Marriage is business.

SHORT STORY – “SOCKERY” SETTING A HEN – from Poultry Bulletin
Meester Ettitur:  I see dot mosd effer poty wrides something for de shicken 
bapers nowadays I can do dot too, so wride all about yot dook blace mit me 
lasht summer; you know – oder uf you dond know, den I dells you – dot Katrina 
(dot is mine vow) und me, ve keep some shickens for a long dime ago, und von 
tay she sait to me “Sockery” (dot is mein name), “vy dond you put some uf de 
aigs under dot olt plue hen shikens.  I dinks she vants to sate.” “Vell,” I 
sait,”meppe I guess I vill,” so I bicked out some uf de best aigs und dook un 
oud do de parn fere de olt her make hen nesht in de side uf de hay-mow, pound 
fife six feet up; now you see I nefer was ferry big up and down, but I vos 
booty pig all de vay around in de mittle, so I koodn’t reach up dill I vent und 
got a parrel do stant on; vell I klimet me on dis parrel, und ven my hed rise 
up py de nesht, dot olt hen she gif me such a bick dot my nose runs all ofter 
my face mit blood, and ven I todge pack dot plasted olt parrel het preak, und I 
vent town kershlam, py cholly, I din’t tink I kood go insite a parrel pefore, 
put dere I vos, und I fit so dite dot I koodn’t git me oud efferway, mu fest 
(vest) vas bushed vay up, unter my arem-holes; ven I found I vos dite shtuck, I 
holler “Katrina! Katrina!” und ven she koom and see mee shtuck in de parrel up 
to arm-holes, mit my face all plood and agis, py cholly, she chust lait town on 
de hay und laft und laft, till I got so mat I sait, “Vot you lay dere und laf 
like a olt vool, eh?  Vy dond you knoom bull me oud?”  Und she set up and 
sait, “Oh, vipe off your chin, und bull your fest town: “ den she lait back und 
laft like she vood shplit herself more as ever.  Mat as I vas I tought to 
myself, Katrina, she sheak English booty goot, but I only sai, mit my greatest 
dignitude;  “Katrina, vill you bull me oud dis parrel?”  und she see dot I look 
booty red, so she sait, “of course I vill,Socery,” den she lait me and de 
parrel town on our site, und I dook holt de door-sill, und Katrina she bull on 
de pattel, but de first bull she mate I tellet, “donner und blitzen, shtop dat, 
by golly; dere is nails in de parrel!” You see de nails bent town ven I vent 
in, but ven I koom oud dey schticks in me all de vay rount;  vell, to make a 
short shtory long, I told Katrina to go und dell naypor Hansman to pring a saw 
und saw me dis pattel off;  vell, he koom und he like to shblit himslef mit 
laf, too, but he roll me ofer and saw de parrel dll de vay around off, und I 
git up mit half a parrel around my vaist, den Katrina she say, “Sockery, vait a 
little till I get a battern of do new oferskirt you haf on,” byut I din’t sait 
a vort, I shust jot a knife ond und vittle hoops off und shling do confoundt 
old parrel in de voot pile.
	Pimeby ven I koom in de house, Katrina she said, so soft 
like, “Sockery, dond you go in to byt some aigs under dot old plue hen?” den I 
sait, in my deepst voice, “Katrina, uff you effer say dot to me again I’ll git 
a pill from you, help me chiminy craciots,” und I dell you, she didn’t say dot 
any more.  Vell, Mr. Verris, ven I stop on a parrel now, I dond step on it, I 
git a pox.  Very drooly yours.
- Sockery Kadahcut
ARTICLE – A LIFE ON THE OCEAN WAVE – St. Louis Commercial Gazette
	Our Western boys who are all aflame with eagerness to enlist in the 
Navy, will very possibly not be steeped in such bliss a year or two hence, as 
that they imagine themselves to be in this happy and hot August day.  Life in 
the Navy is not precisely an existence upon a bed of roses, and all that sort 
of desirable thing.  The roses which bloom in the region of the recruiting 
office soon wither before the blasts which prowl around and rush into the 
school ship of instruction.  The tender limbs quick weary of the tedious drill 
and monotonous routine of practical seamanship, and the ruddy youth, who leaves 
his parents; from the stoop, with an impatient farewell glance at the various 
objects he has known but a dozen or more of years, will recall that parting 
view, when far away from the loved ones at home.  The romance of a life on the 
ocean wave, a home on the rolling deep, will have changed to a very peculiarly 
stern reality, and he will wish that he had never learned the mysteries and 
miseries of a naval experience.  What to him then will be of pleasure in 
knowing how to choke a luff, or snake the back-stays; how to fleet a purchase, 
or crown a crotch rope; how to make a grommet or an artificial eye; how to make 
a Spanish fox or a Turk’s head; and the meaning of a with, a gammoning, a cat’s 
paw, a sheep-shank, an Irish splice, the shickers, the jumpers, a cock’s comb, 
a gasket, a trip-saw, a camel,  Flemish hare, and a ring tail?  What is his 
education does include the whole catalogue of hitches, bends, clinches, 
hawswers, and splices – the clove hitch, the timber hitch, the Blackwall hitch, 
the rolling hitch, and two half hitches; the sheet bend and the curricle bend; 
the inside clinch and the outside clinch; the carrick bend, the maritime 
hitch,  and the backling and so forth, and so forth , (now, ad nausam?  He 
would give a good round sum to be back on the old home place, where the hitches 
are simplified by scarcity, the cat’s paw and sheep-shanks are not vegetable in 
their nature, back-stays are never snaked, buffs never choked, and carrick 
bends and hacklings are unheard of things.  He cares not that glory may 
possibly await him; disgust has already arrived, and he sorrows that he was not 
content with the bucolic life his ancestors led and enjoyed and prospered in.  
A life on the ocean wave is sophisticated with much that is not pleasant, and 
he will discover the fact.

	A few days ago, John L. Campbell, William Whiteman, J. A. McNerney of 
Lock Haven, Pa., and a gentleman named Brown, who were camping on Mosquito 
Creek, in Clearfield County, left camp to go to Clifford Run, four miles 
distant, to fish for trout.  Each, in addition to fishing tackle, carried a 
rifle, in the hope o getting a shot at a pack of wolves that have their lair in 
a wild gorge at the head of Clifford Run.  When about three miles away from 
camp while passing through the woods, McNerney separated from the rest of the 
party, and soon afterward was startled by a noise in the brush a short distance 
to his right.  Looking in that direction he was a small bear cub.  He gave 
chase and captured it.  So elated was he with his success that he failed to 
notice the approach of the maternal bruin until she was within a few feet of 
him.  Being unable to get to his rifle, which he had laid aside when he pursued 
the cub, he clasped the young bear under his arm and darted down the mountain 
side.  The enraged dame followed, and before the hunter was aware of it he was 
in the animal’s rude embrace.  He tried to free himself, but in vain, and he 
began to cry for help.  Campbell and Whiteman heard him and arrived not a 
moment too soon.  They found McNerney in bruin’s embrace, his clothes literally 
torn in shreds, and his body so badly lacerated from the teeth and claws of the 
animal that he was helpless.  Whiteman and Campbell advanced to within a few 
feet of their comrade, and taking deliberate aim fired at the bear.  Although 
both charges took effect the contest was not ended.  With a savage growl the 
infuriated animal sprang upon Whiteman, bearing him to the ground, the shock 
rendering him insensible.  At this juncture Brown arrived and sent a bullet 
through the bran of the beast, killing it instantly.  The wounded men were then 
carried back to camp and their wounds dressed.  Bears are numerous in the 
mountains of Clearfield County, and berry pickers are frequently driven home by 

	This glowing archway across the skies, seen so frequently at this time 
of the year shortly after sunset, writes a correspondent of the Providence 
Journal, is one of the astronomical puzzles that men of science are zealously 
trying to pull to pieces.  Thus far their efforts have been unsuccessful, and 
the unpracticed observer who looks with simple wonder and admiration upon the 
elliptical glow in the evening sky knows almost as much of its constitution and 
mission in the divine economy as the wisest astronomer in the land.  Various 
are the theories that have been advanced to account for the presence of this 
intruder on terrestrial domain.  some observers consider it a ring of matter 
revolving round the earth; others look upon it as a collection of minute 
particles of meteoric or cometic matter traveling around the sun in very 
eccentric orbits.  More recent and more searching examination gives a far 
grander explanation of its origin, naming the zodiacal light a continuation of 
the corona, and thus indicating a lendticular-shaped atmosphere of 
inconceivable rarity surrounding the sun and extending out near the plane of 
the ecliptic beyond the orbit of the earth.  Our most thoughtful scientists do 
not accept this view, but suggest another even more sublime and awe-inspiring.  
It is that the whole space between the earth and sun is filled with immense 
clouds of meteoroids, and that the sunlight reflected on these cosmical atoms 
of floating stardust is the cause of the soft celestial glow that now lingers 
evening after evening in our Western sky.

To make raspberry jam – put twenty—five quarts of the berries in your coattail 
pocket and sit on them.

ARTICLE 0 DEATH FROM HYDROPHOBIA – from The Chicago Times, Aug. 11
	Benjamin W. Hawkins, 9 years old, residing with his parents at No. 957 
Wabash Avenue, died at 7:40 last night of hydrophobia.  On Tuesday he was 
approached by a large dog, and his hand came in contact with the animal’s 
mouth.  The day previous he had cut his finger, and it is supposed that he 
contracted the disease from the saliva getting in the wound.  He was taken sick 
Saturday evening, and attended by Dr. G. A. Hall, of No. 572 State Street.  The 
dog belonged to a man named Knott, who resides at No. 996 State Street.
	A Times reporter called at the residence of Mr. Hawkins last evening, 
and learned from the stricken parents the details of the sad affair.  They 
stated that little Benny was playing in the yard with some other boys on 
Thursday, between 11 and 12 o’clock in the forenoon.  The area gate was open, 
and a big black Newfoundland dog came dashing in.  It circled about, and 
finally, coming up to Benny, put is paws on his shoulder and with its mouth 
tore his clothes.  He reached back with the cut hand to push the animal off, 
and chanced to strike it in the mouth.  He then went into the house covered 
with foam, and his mother washed and cleaned him up.  That same day in the 
afternoon he was sent out for some water, and came crying “Mamma, I can’t get 
the water.  I can’t see it.  It hurts me.”  He complained of the earache, and 
said he was tired and sick.  Thereupon he was put in bed, where he remained in 
an extremely nervous state.  On Saturday he began to bark, and told his gather 
and mother to go away form him, saying that he was afraid he would bit them.  
The least sound threw him into a paroxysm, and he would get up and run about 
the room, crying out that that awful dog was after him.  “Water hurts me.” he 
moaned continually.  Dr. Hall was called, and after his first visit he brought 
in consultation five other physicians, but their united skill was of no avail.  
Yesterday evening the poor little lad asked his father to come to his 
side.  “Sit down, papa” he said.  “I’m going to die pretty soon and I shan’t 
ever see the big bright sun, or the green grass, or play with the other boys 
any more.  I know I’ve been a naughty boy, sometimes, papa, but please forgive 
Benny, won’t you, and pray to the dear Jesus to take care of your little son.”  
As the heart-broken father knelt by the bedside, the tiny hands folded in 
supplication, the tired, worn features took on the expression that angels wear, 
and Benny passed the portal of suffering.
	A bright scholar, a loving lad, dutiful, intelligent, and honorable, 
his untimely death comes like a wave of darkness to the stricken parents.

	While vegetable paleontology (the science which treats of fossil 
plants) has made great progress in recent years, the chemistry of our fossil 
fuels remains in much obscurity.  Little is known of those influences under 
which the organization of plants has been destroyed so as to produce that dark 
bituminous mass which constitutes coal.  A French servant, M. Fremy, has 
recently tried to elucidate this subject.  In a series of careful researches he 
has sought to know exactly the elements which form the tissues of plants, then 
the chemical characters by which wood, peat, liguites, coal and anthracite can 
be distinguished from each other.  Next he attempted, and with success, to 
imitate the natural coaly transformation, employing the agencies of hear and 
pressure.  Various interesting facts are brought to light in these researches, 
which have been described to the Paris Academy.  M. Fremy’s conclusions are, 
briefly, as follows:  (1) Coal is not an organize substance.  (2) The plant 
impressions it presents so well studied by Bronghart and his successors have 
been produced in it as in schists or Any other mineral substance: the coal was 
a bituminous and plastic matter, on which the exterior parts of vegetables 
readily left their form.  (3).  When a piece of coal shows such prints, the 
subjacent parts may not be the result of alteration of tissues which were 
covered by the external membranes, the form of which has been preserved.  (4) 
The principal substances found in plant cells, acted on by heat and pressure, 
give products which have a great likeness to coal.  (5) It is the same with 
ulmic acids which exist in peat and those prepared artificially.  (6) The 
coloring, resinous and fatty matters which can be extracted from leaves are 
changed by action of heat and pressure into bodies similar to bitumens.  (7) It 
may be inferred from the experiments that the plants which have become coal 
have first undergone a peaty fermentation, which has destroyed all vegetable 
organization, and that it is by a secondary action – viz: by heat and pressure, 
the coal has been formed at expense of the peat.

NINE WEEKS IN A TRANCE – St. Louis Globe Democrat Special
Norfolk, Va., August 13.  Great excitement has been created in this city by the 
discovery that Miss Estelle Caverzell, a beautiful and popular young lady of 
Norfolk, has been lying in a trance for nine weeks.  About nine weeks ago the 
young lady, who had been previously very ill, fell into a deep sleep from which 
it was impossible to arouse her, and which lasted without intermission for four 
weeks.  During that time she had been sustained wholly by fluid food introduced 
into her mouth, and which at first she unconsciously swallowed.  In a short 
time, however, she appeared to have lost the power to do so, and the food 
placed in her mouth slowly filtered or percolated through or down her throat 
and into the stomach.  Still later and even that method failed, the passage 
appearing to close so completely that nothing whatever would pass the 
esophagus, and fluids placed in the mouth would, after being retained therein 
for half an hour or more, be slowly ejected.  Other means had to be resorted 
to, and that of administering food by absorption was adopted to preserve her 
life.  During all this time the young lady has been, to all outward 
appearances, in a placid, sweet slumber, her lips red as in health, and her 
breathing easy and regular.  It was noticeable, however, that is whatever 
position her hands or arms were placed, even the most uncomfortable, as, for 
instance, extended above her head, they would remain for hours unmovable.  At 
the end of the fourth week her sleep was disturbed, and she seemed restless and 
uneasy; her face was contorted, and her hands at times gesticulated widely or 
worked convulsively, apparently reaching for or attempting to clutch 
something.  Her eyes were also wide open and starring, but devoid of all 
expression or intelligence, and betraying no indication of consciousness on the 
part of the young lady.

HOLES IN HARD STEEL – A simple method of making a hole in steel is to cover the 
plate with wax, and, when cold, make a hole in the wax of the same size as the 
required hole in the plate; then pour on strong nitric acid, remove and replace 
until the plate is perforated.

The French army exists only on paper; that is to say, the number of men 
actually under the flag has been reduced to the lowest possible figure, and 
companies which in time of war were 250 strong only mustered 15 files at a 
recent review.


ALEXANDER COBB, Editor and Proprietor
ALEX A WALL, Publisher
$1.50 per annum
Friday August 29, 1879

Times go by turns.  It is not so very long ago since the commercial and 
industrial news in the daily papers was but a common story of failures and the 
closing of factories of various kinds.  Now one can hardly open a paper without 
seeing an account of good crops, the resumption of works in woolen, iron mills, 
the revival of industries and trades of nearly every class, and the prospect of 
good times once more – based, too, on a solid foundation.

A gypsy woman went to a store in a Wisconsin town and bought a quantity of lace 
at thirty cents a yard.  Then she visited the houses in the place and retailed 
the lace to the ladies she called on.  Among others visited was the wife of the 
merchant who sold the lace to the gypsy.  Several yards of the same lace were 
sold for three dollars per yard to the merchant’s wife.

A new photographic counterfeit one dollar bill, on the National Eagle Bank of 
Boston, Mass., was discovered at the Treasury in Washington last week.  This is 
the first imitation of that denomination of the National Currency that has ever 
appeared.  The bill, it is said, is well calculated to deceive even experts, as 
there is no especially distinctive differences from the genuine.  It is darker 
in color than the good note, and the numbering is coarser.  The vignette is of 
a dingy, brown color, and the seal rather a lightish brown than red, as in the 
genuine note.  It will be well to examine all bills corresponding to the above 
description, as it is easy to change the names of the banks, and the 
denominations also.

A West India captain says that on approaching Havana in fever times he always 
serves out to every one in his vessel a teaspoonful of pulverized charcoal in a 
wineglass of water three times a day, and that none of his men were ever 
affected, even when yellow fever was epidemic all around them.  Rev. Dr. 
Marshal of Vicksburg, who has had much experience with yellow fever, last year 
recommended the same thing and said in times of epidemic he always gave it to 
his family.

It seems that after all the body of A. T. Stewart, the defunct millionaire, 
which was stolen from its resting place in the cemetery in New York, has not as 
yet been recovered.  It is still in the hands of the robbers, who are trying to 
bring about a negotiation with a view to its return for the trifling sum of two 
hundred and fifty thousand dollars.  They have secretly employed a lawyer to 
whom they have sent some of the silver mounting of the coffin as proof that 
they have the body.  Judge Hilton, who has charge of the Stewart estate, says 
he will not be bribed by the robbers.  He knows who they are and he says that 
he intends to prosecute them at the right time.

They have a high-toned forger in the New York State prison.  He is an educated 
man, and previous to his conviction moved in the best circles.  Recently a 
petition for his pardon was sent to the Governor endorsed by Hon. Horatio 
Seymour.  The forger heard of it, and wrote the Governor a letter in which he 
said that while he was anxious for a pardon, that he might look tot he welfare 
of his wife and children, still he believed that “domestic and social interests 
out to be sacrificed tot he higher interests of the State.” The Governor 
declined to interfere.

W. H. VANDERBILT has given $100,000 to the Vanderbilt University for the 
purpose of building a gymnasium and making other improvements.

The Salt Lake Tribune furnishes the following remarkable statement which must 
be accepted as a fact, until disapproved.  It says “the scene of the Mountain 
Meadow Massacre is now the very picture of desolation.  Before the Mormons 
murdered one hundred and thirty-one innocent men, women and children there in 
1857, the meadows were known far and wide as a paradise in the desert, with 
abundance of grass, crystal streams, and ever flowing springs.  Today the grass 
is gone, the water courses dried up, and nothing but a dreary waste marks the 
once beautiful spot.  It is said that the earth is also sinking, and the bones 
which were collected after the massacre, though thrice buried, continue to 
reappear, while settlers in the vicinity shun the spot as haunted, and say that 
the winds from the meadows bring piercing cries for help to their ears.”

All families are not supplied with scales and weights, and therefore, the 
measures given below will be found convenient:
	About 60 drops of any thin liquid will fill a common-sized teaspoon.
	Four teaspoonfuls of half a gill, will fill a common-sized wine-glass.
	Four wine-glasses will fill a half-pint measure, a common tumbler, or a 
large coffee-cup.
	Ten eggs usually weigh one pound before they are broken.  Eight large 
ones will weigh a pound.
	A teaspoonful of salt will weigh about one ounce.
	One pint of water or milk will weigh one pound.
One pint of molasses will weigh one and one quarter pounds.
Three tablespoonfuls of baking powder should weigh one ounce.
One quart of flour weighs one pound.
One quart of Indian meal weighs one and a quarter pounds.

	A system of washing clothes, which is a matter of interest to every 
family, has lately been introduced in some French towns, and which is worthy of 
special mention.  Its economy is so great as greatly to reduce cost.  This is 
the process:  Two pounds of soap is reduced with a little water to a pulp, 
which having been slightly warmed, is cooled in ten gallons of water, to which 
is added one spoonful of turpentine oil and two spoonful of ammonia; then the 
mixture is agitated.  The water is kept at a temperature which may be borne by 
the hand.  In this solution the white clothes are put and left there for two 
hours before washing them with soap, taking care, in the meantime, to cover the 
tub.  The solution may be warmed again and used once more, but it will be 
necessary to add half a spoonful of turpentine and another spoonful of 
ammonia.  Once washed with soap the clothes are put in hot water, and the blue 
is applied.  This process, it is obvious, saves much time, much labor and fuel, 
while it gives to the clothes a whiteness much superior to that obtained by any 
other process, and the destructive use of the washboard is not necessary to 
clean the clothes from the impurities which they contain.

The law of the United States requires that every man who bales cotton must put 
side pieces to each bale, and the absence of them entails upon the planter, 
upon the carrier, and upon the receiver, a penalty of not less than $5 each 
bale.  As the cotton season is approaching the Picayune reminds the planters 
that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.  No matter what any 
one tells you, and no matter what your opinion may be, this is the law of the 
country; a Government and not alone a State law.

	Twenty-five years ago a Missouri boy left his home and started to 
become the president of the United States.  He got as far as Cincinnati.  The 
boy is now a man and is one of the very best shoemakers in the Ohio 

	Years ago, into a wholesale grocery store in Boston walked a tall, 
muscular looking man, evidently a fresh comer from a backwoods town in Maine or 
New Hampshire.  Accosting the first person he met, who happened to be the 
merchant himself, he said:
	“You don’t want to hire a man in your store, do you?”
	“Well,” said the merchant, “I don’t know; what can you do?”
	“Do?” said the man; “rather guess I can turn my hand to most anything – 
what do you want done?”
	“Well, if I was to hire a man it would be one that could lift well, a 
strong, wiry fellow, one for instance, that could shoulder a sack of coffee 
like that yonder, and carry it across the floor and never lay it down.”
	“There, now, Capting,” said the countryman,” that’s just me.  I can 
lift anything I hitch to; you can’t suit me better.  What will you give a man 
that will suit you?”
	“I’ll tell you,” said the merchant:  “if you will shoulder that sack of 
coffee and carry it across the store twice and never lay it down.  I will hire 
you a year at $100 dollars per month.”
	“Done,” said the stranger, and by this time every clerk in the store 
had gathered around and were waiting to join the laugh against the man, who 
walking up to the sack threw it across his shoulder with perfect ease, although 
extremely heavy, and walking with it twice across the store, went quietly to a 
large hook which was fastened tot he wall, and hanging it up, turned tot he 
merchant and said:
	“There, no, it may hang there till doomsday; I shall never lay it 
down.  What shall I go about, mister?  Just give me plenty to do and $100 a 
month and it’s all right.”
	The clerks broke into a laugh, and the merchant, discomfited, yet 
satisfied, kept his agreement, and today the green countryman is the senior 
partner in the firm, and is worth a million dollars. – [Utica Observer.

Kaufman (Texas) Times
	There is in this place a little negro girl, about five years old, 
bearing in many respects a striking resemblance to a loggerhead turtle.  The 
nose is hardly more than an idea, while the eyes have that peculiar and 
unintelligible stare as if looking everywhere and seeing nothing.  From the 
back of the neck downward an impression is easily distinguishable resembling 
the breast bone of a turtle.  All the limbs are deformed, ending in web-footed 
claws, as if drawn up by an application of hot water.  This monstrosity, 
strange as it may seem, possesses the power of speech, and shows a degree of 
intelligence entirely at variance with all heretofore preconceived ideas of an 
intelligent countenance.  With an appetite which is insatiable in its demands, 
and a fondness for raw meat, especially fish; a courage, or rather an utter 
incapacity to appreciate danger; a love for aquatic sports, and a wild joy in 
the water, renders this negro girl, if such she may be called, a phenomenon 
unequalled in this or any other country.

	Stories of ludicrous typographical blunders are legion in number.  Here 
are a couple of good ones.  By the dropping out of a single letter, the Book of 
Common Prayer once went to press with the sentence, “We shall all be changed in 
the twinkling of an eye,” transformed into “We shall all be hanged in the 
twinkling of an eye.”  A poet who once wrote “See pale martyr in a sheet of 
fire,” was startled to see the line changed into “See the pale martyr with his 
shirt on fire..”  Here is another funny mistake in punctuation.  A minister was 
asked to read the following notice:  “A man having gone to sea, his wife 
desires the prayers of the church,” and by the misplacing of a comma in reading 
it, gravely told the congregation that “A man having gone to see his wife, 
desired the prayers of the church.”

U. S. Commissioner BELL, Deputy Collector MCENTIRE and Deputy Marshal GREEN 
have been in this section during the week looking after Revenue matters.  We 
have heard of no arrests made by them, although they have made several vigorous 
attempts.  Last Saturday, the fired several shots at JONES BOYETT who was 
fleeing from them, but he succeeded in making good his escape.
There are twenty-four civil and thirty-six criminal cases on the Circuit Court 
docket that stand for trial at the next tem of court.
instituted suit against MARTIN RITTER for $25,000 for false imprisonment.  
These parties were arrested, and NELSON and HANSON lodged in jail for a week, 
charged with the murder of THOMAS ADAMS, who afterwards came up alive and well.
The corn crop in Marion County is said to be better this season than it has 
been since the war.
It is now generally conceded that the court house at the election to be held on 
the first Saturday in September.  Nobody seems to be taking any interest in the 
REV. A. M. JONES of the M. E. Church South, will preach at Pikeville on the 
second Sunday in Sept.; at Hall’s Mill on Wednesday the 17; at Center on the 3d 
Sunday; at Friendship on the 24, and at Zion on the 4th Sunday in Sept.

JUDGE JAS. JACKSON was killed near Florence on the 14th.  He was returning from 
a visit tot he Shoals with a party of ladies and gentlemen, when the team 
behind him ran into the Judge’s buggy, throwing him out, breaking his neck, and 
his daughter’s arm.  He lost an arm in the late war, and was covered all over 
with wounds.  One month previous to this sad accident, MR. BILL HOUGH on the 
same road and almost on the same spot, was killed by being thrown from a wagon.

We hear it reported that a negro and white man got into a difficulty in Pickens 
county a few days ago, in which each fired on the other at the same instant, 
and both fell killed or mortally wounded.  No juries, jails, judges and jurists 
in that case – only coroner and undertaker needed.

The authorities of Princeton College have notified the parents or guardians of 
every member of the Sophomore class, that any student found guilty of “hazing” 
will be at once and irrevocably expelled.  A wise step.

An eccentric individual of Meridian, sleeps in the graveyard because he has 
more confidence in the dead than the living.

A Georgia negro has been entirely successful in an exodus experiment.  He got 
religion and got it very bad.  He felt good and happy all over, indeed, he felt 
like he wanted to fly.  Whereupon he greased himself, climbed upon a housetop, 
flew off and broke his neck.

A man in New Orleans was agreeably surprised to find a plump turkey served up 
for his dinner, and inquired of the servant how it was obtained.  “Why sir,” 
replied Sambo “dat Turkey has been roosting on our fence tree nights.  So this 
morning I seize him for de rent of de fence.”

A gentleman traveling on a train of cars recently said to the 
conductor:  “Suppose the brakes should give way, where would we go to?” The 
conductor remarked that it wa simpossible for them to give way.  But the 
gentleman again asked the question, when the conductor replied:  “It all 
depends on what your past life has been.”

It is easier for a rich man to go through a needless sign than to sign a 
subscription paper for a new church.

There are forty lawyers and only three printers in Auburn prison.

BURRIS & BRO.  No. 49 Main Street Columbus, Miss.  We have now in store a full 
stock of general merchandise which we offer for sale very low, for the cash.  
Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to us, we hope by 
selling our goods much lower than in the past to be able to add largely to our 
already numerous list of patrons.  Call and see our mammoth stock.

SHELL & BURDINE, Wholesale and retail druggist’s,  Aberdeen, Mississippi. Are 
daily receiving at their Drug Store a very large stock of fresh goods of all 
kinds usually kept in a first class drug house, and will sell at bottom prices, 
for cash.  All we ask is to give us a trial and we guarantee you will not go 
away dissatisfied for we are determined to sell goods so low that it will 
astonish you.

JOHN D. MORGAN.  Wholesale and retail dealer in dry goods, staple and fancy 
groceries, hardware, wooden ware, willow ware, crockery ware, and tin ware.  
Boots and shoes, hats and caps.  Plantation supplies, etc. would announce to 
his friends and patrons of Lamar and Fayette Counties, that he has in store, 
and is daily receiving one of the largest and best selected stocks of goods in 
the city, and invites everybody to call before buying elsewhere and examine his 
immense stock.  It is no trouble to show goods, and when you look, you will be 
sure to buy for he keeps none but first class goods, and will not be under sold 
by any home in the city.  Columbus, Miss.  July 11th, 1879.  J. S. ROBERTSON is 
with the above house, and would be pleased to serve his many friends at anytime.

DR. J. D. RUSH, with ERVIN AND BILLUPS, successors to M. W. HATCH; dealers in 
drugs, medicines, whiskey, tobacco, cigars, &c.  Corner Main and Market 
Street.  Columbus, Mississippi.

NATHAN BROTHERS dealers in whiskies, brandies, wines, cigars, tobaccos and 
pipes.  Our Motto:  Quick Sales and Small Profits.  Columbus, Mississippi.

The Vernon Clipper.  A brand new paper.  Published in Lamar County, Ala.  For 
$1.50 per annum.



Our efficient and accommodating Circuit Clerk informs us that there are 
eighteen civil and forty-seven State cases on docket for the ensuing fall court.

MRS. GEORGE EARNEST has our thanks for a large musk-melon.  It was real nice, 
and highly appreciated.

Some improvements were made on the streets last Wednesday by the town force.

Parker’s Santoine Worm Lozenges – the best, purest, and safest worm medicine in 
the world, at W. L. MORTON & BRO.  Buy none but Parker’s lozenges.  Children 
love them and cry for them.

It is proposed by the Sabbath School attendants to have an exhibition, 
consisting of charades, tableaux, etc., for the purpose of raising money to 
purchase the necessary literature required in the school.

We are under renewed obligation to MR. EDDIE MORTON, for playing the d--l  for 
us on last Friday.  Eddie is a noble young man and an expert with the roller.

MR. JAMES STEVENS, a clever young man from Miss. is spending a few days in 
town.  “O, that water melon.”

We are pleased to see that the order at Sabbath School is so much improved, for 
the last Sabbath or two.  Hope good deportment will continue, if so the school 
is sure of success.

The popular house of LOUIS ROY of Aberdeen, having bought an immense stock of 
dry goods before the rise in prices, is offering to his numerous friends and 
customers, goods ten percent cheaper than any house in Aberdeen.

The Fort Payne Journal says:  Mr. and Mrs. WILL CARROLL, who live near Lebanon, 
are the happy parents of triplets – two girls and one boy – which were born to 
them a few nights ago.  The children weigh respectfully, four, five, and six 
and a half pounds.

PROF. REED and family are visiting relatives and friends in and around town.

MRS. BURROW, wife of our fellow townsman MR. JOHN T. BURROW, has been quite 
sick for the past week, but is improving today.

Court convenes the 3rd Monday in September.

Remember when you visit Aberdeen, to go to the house of LOUIS ROY and examine 
his stock.  That popular house has a great name for integrity and honesty, and 
never uses humbug.  Every article of dry goods shoes and boots, clothing, hats 
and fancy goods is fresh and warranted to give satisfaction.


I dreamed I saw a little child at play,
That gathered flowers which grew along its way:
I dreamed I saw a youth in manhood’s pride
Beside a maiden fair he called his bride;
I dreamed I saw a brow o’er cast with care,
And a group of youthful forms around him there;
I dreamed I saw a man whose locks were gray’
I dreamed again, and he had passed away.

We are glad to learn the sick at MR. MART LAWRENCE’S is rapidly recovering 
usual health.

We presume the farmers are saving a large lot of fodder this nice weather.

MR. R. W. COBB has our thanks for past favors.  A more genial and whole-soul 
gentleman is not to be found in the city.

Parties visiting Aberdeen would do well to call and examine the goods of R. A. 
HONEA & Son, Shell & Burdine, and Louis Roy.  The above named firms are 
reliable, and we have no hesitancy in recommending them to the public.

The yellow fever at Memphis is about as reported last week.  We see no account 
of it in other cities.

U. S. Revenue men have been in and around town within the last week.  We learn 
they made several arrests for alleged illicit business.

	From a gentleman residing in an out township.  Henry County, Ind., some 
23 miles distant from Kingston, in a German settlement, are learned the 
particulars of the following most extraordinary case:
	There is at present a young woman, some 21 years of age, daughter of 
CASPER SCHMIDT, of the above neighborhood, who is to all appearance quite dead, 
having been in that state for nearly twelve months past.  She awakens, however, 
once every 24 hours, precisely at 10 o’clock at night, and will converse with 
the family and others for about 20 minutes, when she will again relapse into 
the comatose state and remain so until 10 o’clock the following night, at which 
hour she revives to the minute, throwing out her arms and folding her hands 
together, and raising upon her shoulder until the spectator imagines that her 
bones are cracking.  She remains in that laborious state for the space of 10 
minutes, when she comes to a possession of her faculties.
	A singular feature of the case is the young lady recollects well if 
promised have been made her the previous night, and will be fretful for a time 
if the same are not fulfilled; but, singular to say, if the things are brought 
her she makes use of none of them, as she ears and drinks little, or in fact, 
nothing at all.   She could never by persuaded to attempt to eat any food but 
three times during thirty-two days, and then put the three together, she did 
not eat any more than a child a year old would take.  After conversing a few 
minutes this remarkable yung lady will suddenly clasp her hands together, throw 
her arms into the same manner as when awakening, and will return into the same 
somnolent state as before, until 10 o’clock the following night.

A Yale senior tried to chastise a sophomore editor of the college paper, but 
got so badly whipped that he had to go to bed.  It won’t do to “tackle” an 

By virtue of an order of the Probate Court of Lamar County, Alabama, I will 
offer for sale, on a credit until the 1st day f January 1880, at the late 
residence of JOHN SPROUSE, deceased, on the 6th day of September next, the 
following lands to wit:  46 2/3 acres in N E ¼ of N W. ¼ and N W ¼ of N E ¼ 
Sec. 23, and 53 1/3 acres in S ½ of S W ¼ and W ½ of W ½ of S E ¼ Sec. 14, T 
16, R 16, as belonging to the estate of said JOHN SPROUSE deceased.  The 
purchaser will be required to give note and good security for the purchase 
- GEORGE S. EARNEST, Admr. of estate of said JOHN SPROUSE, dec.

By virtue of an order of the Probate Court of Lamar County, Alabama, I will 
sell at Detroit, Ala., on the 11th day of September, 1879, for one fourth cash 
and the balance on 12 months credit, the following lands belonging to the 
Estate of JAMES HARRIS, deceased, to wit:  S ½ of SW ¼ Sec 1, and SE ¼ of SE ¼ 
Sec 2 and E ¼ of NW ¼ Sec 12 T 12 R 16.
- GEORGE S. EARNEST, Admr. of Estate of JAS. HARRIS, dec. 

ALONZO HILL, A. M. President
This Institution offers first-class facilities for the education of young 
ladies.  Professional teachers in every department.  Terms moderate.  
Correspondence solicited.  For catalogues apply to the President at Tuskaloosa, 

Go to W. L. MORTON & BRO. for Cuban Chill Tonic, the Great West Indies Fever 
and Ague Remedy, a great remedy from Cuba, guaranteed to cure Chills and 
Fevers, Biliousness and Liver Complaint, every time.  Try it.  Cheap and safe – 
the best Medicine in the world.

LOUIS ROY is selling more goods than any house in Aberdeen, he can on the 
account sell ten percent cheaper than any other house in the place.

Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his 
intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry 
thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this notice, viz:  
JESSE M. STANFORD for the E ½ SW ¼ and NW ¼ SE ½ Sec 25 T 13 R 15 W, and names 
the following as his witnesses, viz:  JOHN B. TAYLOR, of Lamar county, and JOHN 
T. NOLEN of Lamar County.
			JOHN M. CROSS, Register.

By virtue of an order of sale issued by W. G. MIDDLETON, Clerk of Circuit Court 
of Lamar County, Ala., to me directed, which execution is in favor of LEVI 
NORTHINGTON, and against J. M. RAY and others.  I will offer for sale for cash 
at the Court House door of said county on the first Monday in September next, 
it being the first day of said month, the following real estate to wit:  S ½ of 
N E ¼ & N E ¼ of NE ¼ Sec 35, and W ½ of SW ¼ Sec 36, T 12 R 16, levied on as 
the property of G. J. NICHOLS, also the W ½  of SW ¼ Sec 13 NE ¼  of NE ¼ Sec 
13, and E ½ of SE ¼ Sec 21, NE ½ of NE ¼ Sec 28, T13 R 16, levied on as the 
property of W. T. EVANS, and will be sold to satisfy said execution in my 
hands.  Sale within the usual hours.  This the 1st day of August, 1879.
- D. J. LACY, Sheriff

The Columbus Mail by way of Caledonia arrives Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdays 
at 11 o’clock a.m.  Leave same days at 1 p.m.
Arrived on Wednesday and Saturday at 12 p.m. and leaves same days at 1 p.m.
Leaves Wednesday at 7 a.m. arrives Thursday at 2 p.m.
Arrives Fridays at 6 p.m., leaves Saturdays at 6 a.m.
Train leaves		6:30 am
Train arrives		9:30 am
Train leaves		3:20 pm
Train arrives		6:30 pm
Train goes through to Starkville on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays.
Leaves Aberdeen going South at 4 o’clock p.m., returns at 8 p.m.
Leaves Aberdeen going North at 7 o’clock a.m., return at 11 o’clock a.m.

R. A. HONEA & SON, Wholesale and retail dealers in staple and fancy groceries, 
Aberdeen, Miss.  We would respectfully inform our friends, and the public 
generally, that we are at our old Stand next door to J. W. ECKFORD & Bro. (Old 
Presbyterian Block) and have in store and will keep constantly on hand a large 
and well selected stock of staple and fancy groceries.  Bagging and ties, corn, 
oats, wheat bran, &c., which we will sell at rock bottom figures for cash.  R. 
F. RAY, of Detroit, Ala. is salesman.

Monroe County, Miss. (nine miles west of Moscow, Ala.)  The first session of 
this Institution will open on the 3rd Monday in June 1879, and continue 4 
scholastic months.  Board, including washing, lights, etc. from $1.50 to $5 per 
month.  Tuition $1.50 to $2.00, $2.50 and $2.75 per month of 20 days.  For 
particulars address the Principal.  B. H. WILDERSON.  Moscow, Lamar Co., Ala.

The American Centennial Cement.  One of the most perfect and absolutely the 
best cement ever offered the public, is now being manufactured by A. A. SUMMERS 
and W. T. MARLER of this place, and for sale in every store in town.  The 
Greatest Invention of the Age.  No carpenter, farmer, blacksmith, printer, 
merchant, or other person who does anything at all, or has it done, can afford 
to do without this wonderful invention; it is convenient for its utility in 
every walk of life.  Nothing will compare with it in mending broken Glass ware, 
crockery, china, wood, leather, ivory, shells, bone, and in fact every thing 
coming in contact with it, is firmly and imperceptibly sealed inseparably.  We 
desire to place a bottle in the house of every family in the country.  Will 
sell as wholesale or retail rates.  For terms apply to A. A. SUMMERS, W. T. 
MARLER, Vernon, Alabama.

Use This Brand.  Church % Co.’s Soda.   Trade mark Registered February 12, 
1878.  Arm with Hammer Brand.  Chemically Pure.  Full Weight, Full Strength, 
Purest, and Best.  Best in the world and better than any salarafus.  One 
teaspoonful of this soda used with sour milk equals four teaspoons of the best 
baking powder, saving twenty times its cost.  See package for valuable 
information.  If the teaspoonful is too large and does not produce good results 
at first, use less afterwards.  

One copy one year		$1.50
One copy six months	$1.00
Rates of Advertising
One inch, one insertion		$1.00
One inch, each subsequent insertion	    .50
One inch, twelve months		10.00
One inch, six months		  7.00
One inch, three months		  5.00
Two inches, twelve months		15.00
Two inches, six months		10.00
Two inches, three months		  7.00
Quarter Column 12 months		35.00
Half Column 12 months		60.00
One Column, 12 months		100.00
One Column, 3 months		35.00
One Column, 6 months		60.00
Professional Cards $10.00
Special advertisements in local columns will be charged double rates.  
Advertisements collectable after first insertion.  Local notices 10 cents per 
line.  Obituaries, tributes of respect, etc. making over ten lines, charged 
advertising rates.

County Court – Meets on the 1st Monday in each month.
Probate Court  - Meets on 2nd Monday in each month.
Commissioner’s Court – Meets on the 2nd Monday in February, April, July, and 


ALEXANDER COBB – Judge of Probate
D. J. LACY, Sheriff and Tax Collector
W. G. MIDDLETON, Circuit Clerk
JAMES M. MORTON, Register in Chancery
D. V. LAWRENCE, Treasurer
J. E. PENNINGTON, Tax Assessor
W. T. MARLER, Coroner


Masonic:  Vernon, Lodge No. 389, meets on the 1st Saturday of each month, at 7 

FRANCIS JUSTICE, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Pikeville, Marion 
Co., Alabama Will practice in all the Courts of the 3rd Judicial District.

SAMUEL J. SHIELDS, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Vernon, Ala., 
Will practice in the counties of Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 
3rd Judicial District.

JNO. D. MCCLUSKY, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Vernon, Ala.  Will 
practice in the counties of Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd 
Judicial Circuit.  Special attention given to the collection of claims, and 
matters of administration.

GEORGE A RAMSEY, Attorney at Law, Vernon, Ala.  Will practice in the various 
courts of the 3rd Judicial Circuit.  Special attention given to Supreme Court 
and U. S. District Court’s business.

EARNEST & EARNEST.  W. S. EARNEST    GEO. S. EARNEST.  Attorneys at Law and 
Solicitors in Chancery, Birmingham & Vernon, Ala.  Will practice in the 
Counties of this Judicial Circuit.

H.  Attorneys at Law.  Partners in the Civil practice in the counties of 
Fayette and Lamar.  Will practice separately in the adjoining counties.  THOS. 
B. NESMITH.  Solicitor for the 3rd Judicial Circuit.  Vernon, Lamar Co., Ala.

DR. W. L. MORTON & BRO., M. W. MORTON, W. L. MORTON  Physicians and Surgeons.  
Vernon, Lamar Co., Ala.  Tender their professional services to the citizens of 
Lamar and adjacent county.  Thankful for patronage heretofore extended, we hope 
to merit a respectable share in the future.  Drug Store.

DR. G. C. BURNS.  Vernon, Ala., Offers his Professional Services to the 
citizens of Vernon and vicinity.

Subscribe for the CLIPPER.

ALEXANDER COBB & SON, Dealers in ready made clothing, dress goods, jeans, 
domestics, calicoes, silks, satins, millinery, embroidery, notice, &c.  Hats, 
caps, boots, shoes, saddles, bridles, leather, &c.  Tin, wooden, Hard and glass 
wares, crockery, &c.  Salt, flour, meal, bacon, lard, soda, coffee, molasses, 
&c.  Snuff and tobacco.  Irish potatoes.  Parties owing us will please come 
forward and settle up their accounts.  Any of our friends who have traded with 
us liberally in the past can get any of the above mentioned goods at LOW prices 
for cash.  We return thanks to our friends for the liberal patronage they have 
given us and hope they will continue the same.

W. H. NEWLON.  COLUMBUS MARBLE WORKS.  Tombstones, monuments, cenotaphs, etc.  
Made to order of fine marble or stone and in the best style of art.  Orders for 
all kinds of stone work respectfully solicited.  Prices reasonable and 
satisfaction given.  Prompt attention to orders from a distance.

Bring your job printing to the CLIPPER.  We print all kinds of blanks, deeds, 
mortgages, law briefs, cards, tags, circulars, bill heads, letter heads, note 
heads, statements, poster work.  We propose to do all kinds of job printing as 
neat and as cheap as any city, either North or South, and our work is equal to 
any.  When you want any kind of job printing done, please don’t fail to examine 
our specimens before going elsewhere.  Blank Waive Notes for sale at this 


To corespondents.  All communications for this paper should be accompanied by 
the name of the author; not necessarily for publication, but as an evidence of 
good faith on the part of the writer.  Write only on one side of the paper.  Be 
particularly careful in giving names and dates to have the letter and figures 
plain and distinct.  Proper names are often difficult to decipher, because of 
the careless manner in which they are written.

POEM – THE FOUR VOICES – from Temple Bar.

By sober Brwon Beard, whom men guess to have seen
Of winters and summers some thrity and seven,
Tripped lightly Gold tresses of sweet seventeen,
The bonniest creature on this side of heaven.

“How pleasant the evening sighs that stir
The rusltling leaves of the woods so dim.”
Such aimless words spake his lips to her,
But his heart was muttering low to him:

“Oh, that the summer of life were spring!
Oh, to have found her long summers ago!
Is it yet too late?  Would this bright young thing
give the hope of her youth to – ah, no, no, no, no!”

“yes, pleasant it is when the woods grow dim,
To hear the sound of the leaves that stir.”
Such trivial words said her lips to him.
But her heart was whispering low to her:

“is there ever a man like the man I see?
A man like the Bayard of ages ago!
he thinks me childish and foolish, ah me!
Could he really care for – ah, no, no, no!”

Quoth his lips, “Good night, you are now at home.”
Prayed his heart:  “God love her, whosever she be!”
Said her lips:  “Good night, you were kind to come.”
Sighed her heart:  “No, he never, could never love me.”

SHORT STORY – BEARDOM OR BOREDOM? – from Springfield (Mass) Republican
	On the Bordeaux road, at Pau in the French Pyrenees, there is a quaint, 
old-fashioned house standing a little back from the street, with a large garden 
attached, divided into terraces on the slope of the hill and filled with sweet 
smelling flowers such as our grandmothers loved.  In this delightful abode 
lived my dear old friend, Mme Du-Chesne, with whom I passed a portion of every 
	She had lived there seven and twenty years, and was called in Pau 
the “good little fairy,” for every servant that went into her household either 
left her to be married or was helped by her to “better” herself in whatever 
trade she preferred.
	The last time that I paid her a visit she had in her household two very 
pretty Basque maids, cousins, named Marie and Louise; as unlike in character as 
they were in looks.  Marie was more graceful than pretty, with hazel eyes and 
chestnut hair, and a trick of holding her head back like a deer which was 
especially taking, and added to all the rest a very pretty figure.  She was 
very neat, as honest as days light and as true as steel, but a more 
superstitious creature never breathed than Marie Borthery.  She believed in 
every thing supernatural, from were wolves to flying men and women.  Louise was 
really handsome and picturesque with her soft, dark eyes and peach-bloom 
complexion.  She was absolutely unscrupulous and much addicted to story-
telling.  Mare was worth forty of Louise, but most people were at first 
attracted more by her cousin.  There was one person, however, who truly 
appreciated Marie, viz:  Jean Bantaa, Mme. Du-Chesne’s coachman.  He paid 
devoted court to her, and it was soon understood in the household that they 
were engaged.
	Now Jean’s father was a mighty hunter, and in one of his expeditions to 
the mountains he had found and brought home a wee cub bear whose mother was 
dead.  The little creature was brought up like a puppy in their household, 
learned to open the door, to hold plates, and became quite an accomplished bear.
	Jean always brought Bruno to the house when he came in the evenings to 
see Marie, but she eyed him with great suspicion.  She tried to make herself 
like him because he was such a pet of Jean’s, but she could not get the idea 
out of her mind that Bruno was something supernatural changed into a bear, and 
as Bruno grew larger and stronger, she became absolutely afraid of him.
	The bear seemed to divine that she hated him and tried his best to 
lessen her fear of him by dancing and doing his tricks for her, and sometimes 
would poke his rough head between them when they were busy talking, which used 
to frighten Marie horribly.
	One evening after Bruno had been particularly lavish with his 
affectionate manners, Marie could bear it no longer, and burst into tears, to 
Jean’s amazement.
	“Have I said anything to hurt you?” he inquired, anxiously.  “What is 
the matter, Marie?  I can’t imagine what I did to frighten you, but I did not 
mean it.”
	“Oh! It was not you, Jean,” answered Marie between her sobs.  “It was 
that nasty Bruno.  I am sure he is the Evil One, he looks so wicked.”
	Jean laughed long and loud.  “How can you be so silly, ma belle?”  he 
said, when he could get his breath.  “Poor Bruno, you don’t look like Satan.”  
And again he shouted with merriment, in which Louise joined.  She was not a bit 
afraid of Bruno, but petted him and flirted with his master and enjoyed herself 
very much.
	“I am not so silly as you think me,” retorted Marie:  “Don’t you 
remember the twin that was turned into a dog?  If a man can do that, what’s to 
prevent the devil from becoming anything he fancies?”
	Jean argued the matter with her, but in vain.  She could not be 
convinced, and for the time the matter dropped.  At last the time came for 
fixing the wedding day.  Marie wheedled and coaxed Jean to put Bruno into some 
menagerie, and at last she went so far as to make it the condition of her 
marrying him at all.
	Jean appealed to Mme. Du-Chesne, who argued with her.  It did no good 
whatever.  Then the cure was persuaded to speak to the girl, but the only 
answer he got was “I could not live under the same roof with the devil, Mde 
Cure:  I could do nothing right there:’ and nothing could make her change her 
	Jean at last got angry at her obstinacy, and after some very sharp 
words the engagement was broken off entirely.
	I appeared upon the scene at this time for my usual summer visit, and 
of course was put “an courant” of the household trouble by Mme. Du-Chesne.
	At Bigorre during the summer, Jean ignored Marie entirely and flirted 
with Louise, to whom a flirtation never came amiss.  It soon became very 
evident that she was trying to eclipse her cousin, and Marie was 
proportionately miserable.
	“Do you know, my child,” the old lady said at last to her, ”that you 
are wrecking Jean’s happiness by your absurd fancies, and that if you are not 
careful, Louise will be Mme.  Jean?”
	“Oh, I know it, I know it,” cried poor Marie, wringing her hands, “but 
I can not help it, madame.”
	At last, however, the climax came.  The Franco-Prussian war was at its 
height, and, among others, Jean was drafted and sent to others.  But before 
leaving Bigorre he was engaged, if her returned from the war, to marry Louise.
	Marie fretted herself sick over the dangers to which Jean was exposed, 
but Louise never seemed to give him a thought, and amused herself as well as 
she could in his absence.  When the war was ended at last, she went to Paris 
with Jean’s family and we heard no more about them.
	Marie could not bear, after their departure, to remain in the old 
place, seeing the same faces and living the same life that she had when Jean 
was by her side.  So Mme. Du-Chesne proposed that, as I was going to America----
---a maid, I should take Marie------capacity, which I did.
	We had been in New York------years when, as I was crossing Times 
Square, I was attracted by -----brown bear, which had -------and had wound his 
chain-------branches in such a way that ------neither work up or down.  A -----
black bear held the other end of the chain and poked the bear with a long stick 
as an encouragement to descend.
	I became so interested in the performance that I stopped to see the 
end.  Gradually I got pushed by the crowd to the curbstone, and heard the man 
speaking Bearnais to the bear.  The face looked strangely familiar.  I 
murmured “Jean-“
	In an instant down went the stick and the chain, while throwing his 
arms in the air, he cried:
	“Mon Dieu, if it is not madame.”
	The crowd of course took a lively interest in the discovery that this 
waif had found a friend.
	Presently Jean said: “Madame remembers her old friend Bruno.  Advance, 
my son, and five the paw to madame.”
	And to the joy of the populace and my discomfort, Bruno came forward 
and offered me an enormous black paw.
	I gave Jean my address, and the next day he appeared, bear and all, and 
told a sad tale.  He had married Louise, had taken up the wine business, had 
been cheated out of his money: Louise had died and he was alone in the world.
	Marie, who had listened to Jean’s recital, observed grimly, “No wonder, 
for Bruno was always there.”  They retired to the garden to talk over the 
matters and old days, the bears lying in the corner of the room, as good as 
	In a short time the couple reappeared and Marie said:
	“Madame will not be sorry to hear that bear or no bear, I will marry 
Jean now.  I prefer beardom to boredom, and perhaps I may learn to like Bruno 
	But Jean was not to be outdone in generosity.  “Be tranquil, madame, I 
will dispose of the animals.  He peace of mind shall not be disturbed.”
	He was as good as his word and one bright summer morning I assisted at 
their wedding.  After which they sailed for France.
	Not very long ago I received the following:
	Dear Madame: We are very comfortable in a little house Rue de Seine, 
where we let apartments to students.  Since Bruno left us, our good fortune has 
returned.  Did I not always say he was Satan?  Jean thinks so too.  I am dear 
madame’s faithful.
P.S. – (from Jean) I can not believe that my ill luck came from that poor dear 
beast Bruno, but perhaps my good fortune came from having such an excellent 

A tobacconist of experience says the public have no idea how many women are 
buying prepared snuff wherewith to rub their teeth and gums, and the practice 
is increasing.  This is known as “dipping” at the South, where it was supposed 
to be confined.

Rhode Island still supports 128 Indians, the remnant of the Narragansett tribe, 
on a reservation at Charlestown.

	Among the novel applications of glass is the invention of HAMILTON L. 
BUCKNILL of England, who has recently patented in this country a railway 
sleeper made of east glass.
	MUSHROOMS – The cultivation of the common mushroom is carried on under 
ground in Paris to an enormous extent.  The present daily production is 
estimated at 66,000 pounds, valued at $6,000 or $2,400,000 per annum.  One 
cultivator has 21 miles of mushrooms-beds in a quarry at Mery.
	ADULTERATION OF DRUGS – A recent case is quoted showing that quinine is 
not given pure by druggists.  A physician prescribed a stong dose of quinine 
for a patient suffering from a violent attack of fever.  The second attack was 
worse than the first, and the doctor, doubting the druggist, made an analysis, 
and found the suspected quinine was much adulterated with salicine.
	SUSPENDED ANIMATION – Nitrate of amyl is a most powerful agent for 
quickening the action of the heart, and a few drops of this drug has an 
immediate and powerful influence in restoring the functions of the heart in 
cases of drowning, handing or fainting.  It should therefore be always used 
(but with great caution) whenever an attempt is being made to restore life in 
am individual apparently dead, or when it is desirable to settle the question 
whether a person is really dead or not.  The discovery of some means of 
preventing persons being buried alive is a boon to mankind.  A second test may 
be used with the nitrate of amyl.  Tie a cord around the finger.  If the 
circulation has entirely stopped the part beyond the ligature never becomes any 
thicker, but if circulation continues, however slowly, the finger tips beyond 
the ligature will sooner or later begin to swell.
	THE LIGHT OF VENSUS AND MERCURY. – A singular and most unexpected 
discovery was made at the near approach of these two planets in September last 
by Mr. James Nasmyth, an English astronomer.  It remains to be seen whether 
photography or spectrum analysis will some day give us the key to the enigma.  
The fact was then first----(large chunk cut out)---embodied to compare the 
brilliancy of Venus to polished silver, and that of Mercury to lead or zinc.  
The reason of this difference, which is theoretically exactly contrary to what 
we should expect, is at present unexplainable.
	SOLIDIFIED HYDROGEN – By the success which has been obtained in 
liquefying the gasses thus far supposed to be permanent, it appears certain 
that not only liquefaction, but also solidification has been achieved.  Pictet, 
in a very recent experiment with hydrogen compressed at 650 atmospheres, found, 
on opening the stop-cock, that the gas issued with a noise life that of a hot 
iron bar under water, and it had a steel-blue color.  The jet suddenly became 
intermittent, and then there followed a sort of hail of the sold particles of 
hydrogen, which fell with violence on the ground and produced a cracking 
noise.  Afterward the stop-cock was closed, and there was evidence that a 
crystallization of hydrogen took place within the tube; but when the 
temperature was again raised, the gas issued as a liquid.  M. Dumas, the 
President of the French Academy of Sciences, accepts these facts as full of 
confirmation of the theory long ago advanced that hydrogen is a gaseous metal.  
As water is an oxide of hydrogen, it follows from this that when a person 
drinks a glass of water he imbibes a metallic oxide.  Nature, in mentioning 
these performances, coupled with them another, which it regards as yet more 
remarkable from a scientific point of view.  M. Pictet has been able to 
measure, with a very close approach to accuracy, the volume occupied by a given 
weight of oxygen in the liquid state.  This was found to agree with the volume 
calculated for the sold or liquid gas on, theoretic considerations by M. 
Dumas.  By means of two Nico prisms, M. Pictet observed the jet of liquid 
oxygen in polarized light, and found strong evidence of the presence of solid 
particles.  As in the chemical nomenclature the final ending “um” has been 
adopted for all metals, it is proper to call this metallic hydrogen, “Hydrium,” 
a name which has already been used by the latest authors or German text-books 
or chemistry, even before hydrogen has been liquefied or solidified.

Between 1860 and 1870 our farmers increased 18 percent on the numbers of 1860.  
In that decade artificial flower makers increased 100 percent; billiard and 
bowling saloon keepers increased 400 percent; showmen increased 400 percent.  
Manufacturing establishments increased in this same decade 80 percent.

The New Haven Register sees one advantage in warm weather.  At no other season 
of the year can you spread the butter on the children’s bread so evenly and so 

	In communicating to Nature an account of a goose which had learned to 
eat flesh, the Duke of Argyll remarks upon the circumstance as being extremely 
curios, but at the same time notes the fact that cows are largely fed on fish 
offal in Scandinavia.  This carnivorous goose is in the possession of Mr. W. 
Pike, of the island of Achill, Ireland, and was hatched in 1877 by a tame 
eagle.  The eagle having laid three eggs, Mr. Pike took then away, substituting 
for them two goose eggs, upon which the eagle sat, and in due time hatched two 
goslings.  One of these died, and was torn up by the eagle to feed the 
survivor, who, to the great surprise of its foster-parent, refused to touch it 
or any other flesh-meat offered by the eagle.  In course of time, however, the 
goose learned to eat flesh, and now the eagle always calls it by a sharp bark 
whenever there is any fresh meat in the cage.  On hearing the call the goose 
hastens to the cage, and greedily swallows all the flesh and offal which the 
eagle gives it.

At what time in a horse’s life may be said to be in “his prime?”  Ninety-nine 
percent of our horses are destroyed by abuse, overwork or neglect, mostly 
before they arrive at maturity.  I know by experience that a 10-year old horse 
will do his work better, and more of it, than a horse 5 years old.  I knew a 
small, well bred butcher’s horse in England, which was 39 years old, and he had 
been at that business many years, and butchers did not then drive slow by any 
means.  I knew a horse broken at 14 years old, which for the next 14 years 
could endure excessive driving without getting off his feed, or showing injury 
or fatigue.

OATMEAL PUDDING. – To a quart of milk allow four tablespoonfuls of Irish oat-
meal, four tablespoonfuls of flour, and a little salt.  Bring the milk to a 
boil – using a farina-kettle or a tin-pail set into a kettle of boiling water – 
and stir in the meal and flour made smooth in cold milk.  Stir constantly for 
fifteen or twenty minutes, then set back for fifteen minutes before turning 
out.  Eat with cream and sugar.

LEMON TEA.  Green tea, cool, and with half a lemon squeezed  into it.  Makes an 
excellent drink.

An important Geological Fact.  Geology has shown us that Nature accomplishes 
her greatest revolution in the earth’s surface conformation slowly.  Every year 
the river makes its channel Geeper, the glacier wears a deeper gorge in the 
Alpine rock and the ocean tide deposits the sand it has crumbled from the rocks 
upon which it breaks.  We note the earthquake and the devastating hurricane; 
but these changes are so gradual man seldom observes them until the channel ahs 
become overhanging cliffs, or a mountain has disappeared before the icy stream, 
or the ocean has given us a Florida.  Thus it is in disease.  Our attention is 
attracted by acute diseases, as fevers, cholera, etc. while chronic diseases 
(often the most dangerous in result) being slow in their development, are 
seldom noticed until they have made an almost ineffaceable impression upon the 
system.  Persons believing themselves comparatively healthful are oft times the 
victims of these disease, and lonely become aware of their presence when relief 
is almost impossible.  Diseases of the liver and stomach are the commonest of 
these chronic affections.  Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery and Pleasant 
Purgative Pellets are never-failing remedies for these diseases.  They produce 
a healthful secretion of the bile, prevent indigestion by regulating the bowls, 
and impart a vigorous tone to the whole system.

The cordial reception that Dr. F. Wilhoft’s Anti-Periodic or Fever and Ague 
Tonic has received at the hands of the medical profession in Louisana certainly 
proves that it is an excellent remedy, and that the compositon of it, as 
published by its proprietors, Wheelock, Finlay, & Co., of New Orleans, is 
indorsed by them.  Against Chills and Fever, Dumb chills and enlarge spleen 
ehter is not better remedy in the world.  For sale by all druggists.

What everybody says must be true, and eveydoy does say that Natioanl Yeast  is 
the best.  All grocers sell it.

Chew Jackson’s Best Sweet Navy Tobacco.

Big wages summer and winter.  Samples free.  National copying Co.  800 W. 
Madison St., Ind.

Popham’s Asthma specific.  Instant relief.  Sold by druggists.  Trial free.  
Address T. Popham & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.

$2000 a year easy made in each county.  Good business men and agents.  Add’s J. 
B. Chapman, 69 West St., Madison, Ind.

Hair.  Wholesale and retail.  Send for ----list.  Goods send COD.  Wigs made 
by ---E. Burnham, 292 W. Madison, Ind.

$350 a month – Agents wanted – 36 best selling articles in the world, one 
sample free.  Address Jay Bronson, Detroit, Mich.

Write to Miller’s Great Business College, Keckuk, Iowa

Young men wanted to learn telegraphing.  Salary $40 to $70 per month when 
qualified.  Western Tel. Institute, Sedalla, Mo.

That little paint store.  No. 10 S. Fourth Street, St. Louis, Mo., will sell 
you lower than anybody, all kinds of brushes, paints, varnishes, wax, paper, 
flower and artists material.  Please write us.

Agents read this.  We will pay agents a salary of $100 per month and expenses, 
or allow a large commission, to sell our new and wonderful inventions.  We mean 
what we say.  Samples free.  Address Sherman & Co., Marshall, Mich.

Dykes Bear Elixir---(too small, can’t read)

Ridge’s Food for Infants and Invalids.  Experience is an excellent teacher.  
Those who have used Rhodes Food will us it again, and those who have not are 
respectfully requested to do so.

Needles, parts and findings for all sewing machines.  Largest house in the 
west.  Orders solicited.  new price list just out mailed free to the trade.  
Send card with address.  W. M. Blelock, 604 N. 14th Street, St. Louis, Mo.

$25 every day can be easily made with out well augers and drills.  One man and 
one horse required.  We are the only makers of the Tiffin Wellboring and rock-
drilling machine.  Warranted the best on earth!  Many of our customers make 
from $50 to $40 a day, book and circulars free.  Address, Loomis & Nyman, 
Tiffin, Ohio.
Best Press Extant.  For Horse, hand or power.  Three years in use.  Universal 
success.  price complete for power, except wood work, only $43.00.  Southern 
Standard Press Co., Meridian, Miss.

The only 25 cent Ague Remedy in the world.  Thermaline.  A safe and reliable 
substitute for quinine.  The best known remedy for all diseases, caused by 
malarial poisoning, being a preventive as well as a certain cure for fever and 
ague, chills & fever, dumb ague, ague cake, remittent, intermittent fevers, 
kidney disease, liver and bowel complaints, dyspepsia, and general debility; 
the best general tonic for debilitated systems.  Price, 25 cents per box.  Sold 
by all druggists in this town.  Mailed on receipt of price by Dundas Dick & 
Co., 35 Wooster Street, New York.  Explanatory book mailed free on application.

A Table Book and Introductory Arithmetic!  By Lydia Nash.  Price. 15 cents.  
Free by mail.  Apply to the author 88 Broad St. Elizabeth, N. J.

Graefenberg Vegetable Pills.  Mildest ever known, cure malarial diseases, 
headaches, biliousness, indigestion and fevers.  These pills tone up the system 
and restore health to those suffering from general debility and nervousness.  
Sold by all druggists.  25 cents per box.

Occidentalis.  No aloes!  No Quinine! No poisonous drugs!  A never-failing cure 
for fever and ague.  Does not affect the head, nauseate the stomach or gripe 
the bowels.  A pleasant, speedy and reliable remedy for Female Diseases. Its 
use prevents Malarial poison from accumulating in t the system.  It keeps the 
stomach in a healthy condition, Preventing Diarrhea and Dysentery.  Cures 
constipation and piles.  Quiets nervous excitement.  Induces refreshing sleep 
and exerts a salutary influence upon all the functions of the body.  Is an 
invaluable household remedy.  Sold wholesale by R. H. McDonald & Co, N. Y.; Van 
Schaack, Stevenson & Co, Chicago; Richardson & Co., St. Louis.  A. & V. C. 
Miller, Proprietors, 722 Washington Avenue, St. Louis.

When writing to advertisers, please say you saw the advertisement in this 
paper.  Advertisers like to know when and where their advertisements are paying 

DR. CLARK JOHNSON’S INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP.  Cures dyspepsia.  Cures liver 
disease.  Laboratory, 77 W. 3d. St., New York City.  Late of Jersey City.  
Cures fever and ague.  Cures scrofula and skin disease.  Cures biliousness.  
Cures heart disease.  Cures rheumatism and dropsy.  Cures nervous debility.  
Trademark (picture of an Indian).  The best remedy known to man!  Dr. Clark 
Johnson having associated himself with Mr. Edwin Eastman, an escaped convict, 
long a slave to Wakametkla, the medicine man of the Commanches, is now prepared 
to lend his aid in the introduction of the wonderful remedy of that tribe.  The 
experience of Mr. Eastman being similar to that of Mrs. Chas. Jones and son, of 
Washington County, Iowa, an account of whose sufferings were thrillingly 
narrated in the New York Herald of Dec 15, 1878, the facts of which are so 
widely known, and so nearly parallel, that but little mention of Mr. Eastman’s 
experiences will be given here.  They are, however, published in a neat volume 
of 300 pages, entitled “Seven and Nine Years Among the Commanches and Apaches: 
of which mention will be made hereafter.  Suffice it to say that for several 
years Mr. Eastman, while a captive, was compelled to gather the roots, gums, 
barks, herbs, and berries of which Wakemetkla’s medicine was made, and is still 
prepared to provide the same materials for the successful introduction of the 
medicine to the world; and assures the public that the remedy is the same now 
as when Wakametkla compelled him to make it.  (Picture of another Indian)  
Wakametkla, the Medicine Man.  Cures female diseases.  Cures dyspepsia.  Cures 
constipation.  Cures humors in the blood.  Cures coughs and colds.  Cures 
indigestion.  Nothing has been added to the medicine and nothing has been taken 
away.  It is without doubt the best purifier of the blood and renewer of the 
system ever known to man.  This syrup possesses varied properties.  It acts 
upon the liver.  It acts upon the kidneys.  It regulates the Bowels.  It 
purifies the Blood.  It quiets the Nervous system.  It promotes digestion.  It 
nourishes, strengthens and invigorates.  It carries off the old blood and makes 
new.  It opens the pores of the skin, and induces healthy perspiration.  It 
neutralizes the hereditary taint or poison in the blood, which generates 
Scrofula, Erysipelas and all manner of skin diseases and internal humors.  
There are no spirits employed in its manufacture, and it can be taken by the 
most delicate babe, or by the aged and feeble, care only being required in 
attention to directions.  (Picture of another Indian)  Edwin Eastman in Indian 
Costume.  A correct likeness of Mr. Edwin Eastman after being branded by the 
Indians in 1860.  Seven and Nine Years among the Commanches and Apaches.  A 
neat volume of 300 pages being a simple statement of the horrible facts 
connected with the sad massacre of a helpless family and the captivity, 
tortures and ultimate escape of its two surviving members.  For sale by our-----
---Price. $1.00.  The incidents of the massacre, briefly------distributed by 
agents, free of charge ----.  Mr. Eastman, being almost -----engaged in 
gathering and curing-----the medicine is composed, the -----ment devolves upon 
Dr. John------been called, and is known as ------Dr. Clark Johnson’s Indian 
Blood Syrup.  Price of Large Bottles----- Price of small bottles------ Read the 
voluntary testimonials of those who have been cured by the use of -----Blood 
Syrup in you own ------.  Testimonials of Cures.  DYSPEPSIA AND INDIGESTION.  
Greensburg, St. Helena County, Ia.  Dear Sir:  This is to certify that after 
trying various kinds of medicine in vain for dyspepsia and indigestion, I got 
some of you wonderful Indian Blood Syrup, which I took according to directions 
and was greatly benefited thereby.  It is an excellent remedy.  Chas. A. 
Dyson.  A WONDERFUL CURE.  Fisherville, Merrimack Co., N. H. May 11, 1879.  
Dear Sir: - This is to certify that after trying your Indian Blood Syrup for 
rheumatism, neuralgia and liver complaint, and have never been troubled since.  
I never knew a well day before I took your medicine.  Mrs. H. Knowlton.  LIVER 
COMPLAINT.  Brookhaven, Lincoln County, Miss.  Dear Sir – This is to certify 
that I have used some of the Indian Blood Syrup for disease of the liver and 
have been very much benefited thereby.  I can recommend it to all similarly 
affected.  A. O. Cox, Sheriff.  FOR BRONCHITIS.   Lentzville, Limestone County, 
Ala. Feb 15, 1879.  Dear Sir – My wife has been afflicted for several years 
with chronic bronchitis, and, after trying all other remedies and finding no 
relief, I purchased some of your very excellent Indian Blood Syrup, which she 
used, and, after a fair trial, I have no hesitation in recommending it to the 
afflicted.  Rev. Jesse James.  CURES DYSPEPSIA.  Piney Grover, Alleghany Co., 
Md. Jan 24, 1879.  Dear Sir:  I have been afflicted with dyspepsia for several 
years, and have tried every kind of medicine, but to no effect.  I was induced 
to try your Indian Blood Syrup and purchased four one-dollar bottles, which 
entirely cured me.  C. Craword.  CURES AGUE.  Caddo, Choctaw Nation, Ind. Terr, 
Feb 28, 1879.  Dear Sir:  This is to certify that your Indian Blood Syrup has 
cured me of chills, which had been annoying me for a long time.  I can 
cheerfully recommend it to all sufferers with chills and fever.  It is the best 
medicine I ever used, and would not be without it.  Mrs. John Blue.  CURES 
RHEUMATISM.  Mannington, Marion Co., W. Va., March 4, 1879.  Dear Sir: I have 
been bothered for several years with rheumatism, and was unable to find 
anything to relieve me, I got some of your Indian Blood Syrup, which relived me 

Additional Comments:
A hard copy of THE VERNON CLIPPER may be bought after June 2005.  Contact 
Veneta McKinney for ordering details.  Also anyone wishing to have a photocopy 
of any original article in THE VERNON PIONEER, THE VERNON CLIPPER, or THE LAMAR 
NEWS contact Veneta for ordering details as well 

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