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Lamar County AlArchives News.....The Vernon Clipper August 15, 1879
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The Vernon Clipper August 15, 1879
Microfilm Ref Call #373  Microfilm Order #M1992.4466  from
The Alabama Department of Archives and History



	At a meeting of the Society to Encourage Studies at Home, held recently 
in Boston, Dr. Holmes made some remarks “On reading,” speaking as follows:
	Life for a man is a serious sentence of capital punishment, with a 
respite of a few scores of years.  For a woman it is the same, with 
imprisonment during a large part of the period of respite.  As daughter, 
sister, wife, mother, aunt, grandmother, her work is, in most cases, to a great 
extent, indoor work.  There are no bars or bolts to her prison, but she cannot 
escape from it, as the inmates of our Concord State Prison do, when tired of 
the place.
	All prisoners find something to do, or they will feed upon their own 
souls and bodies.  You may remember the story of the black pin, which the lady 
wore as a brooch – but it will bear repeating.  Her husband had been confined 
in prison for some political offense.  he was left alone with his thoughts to 
torture him.  No voice, no book, no implement – silence, darkness, misery, 
sleepless self-torment; and soon it must be madness.  All at once he thought of 
something to occupy these terrible unsleeping faculties.  He took a pin from 
his neckcloth and threw it upon the floor.  Then he groped for it.  It was a 
little object, and the search was a long and laborious one.  The eye of the 
Almighty, says the eastern story-teller, can see the smallest emmet in the 
darkest night, on the blackest stone.  But the prisoner had not the eye of the 
Omniscient, and it took him a great while to find the little objet he was in 
search of.  At last he found it, and felt a certain sense of satisfaction in 
difficulty overcome.  But he had found a great deal more than the pin – he had 
found an occupation, and every day he would fling it from him and lose it, and 
hunt for it and at last find it, and so he saved himself from going mad, and 
you will not wonder when he was set free and gave the little object to which he 
owed his reason, and perhaps, his life, to his wife, she had it set round with 
pearls, and wore it next her heart.
	I was never in jail as a prisoner myself, but I have been quite as 
badly off as if I had been shut up on a short sentence – confined in quarantine 
at Marseilles.  What can be worse that that – shut up as an infected person, 
supposed to carry about with him, not the comparatively harmless implements of 
a robber or a burglar, not the jimmy and revolver, but the seeds of a 
pestilence which will decimate cities and devastate whole countries, which 
makes one the enemy of his race, who may be shot but must not be touched, whom 
one -----windward of before speaking,---and from whom a beggar----take a dollar 
unless it had----ated.  Well, I found myself----with four bare walls.
	----the book with me; you know-----book out to have been, but ---that.  
It was an old Latin----nous Latin it was written---of some two or three hundred-
--medical cases, by Nicholas ---whose portrait some of you---a famous picture 
of Rem---well known engraving from ---read that one book!  I -----enties then, 
but I remember----those cases as I do not any-----read at that period of my ----
if any living man knows them as well as I do.  So much for being shut up and 
having but one book to read….
	A woman in captivity to her duties is not reduced to such extremities 
as those of the unfortunates I have mentioned.  Her household labors, whether 
of work or of superintendence, are varied in most cases to avoid unendurable 
	-------has her needle in any ---, or had, for I have been told, but 
hope it is not true, that some young women of the present day are entirely 
unschooled in its use.  For the lesser troubles of life, when a man takes to 
his pipe or his cigar, if not to some more potent and dangerous anesthetic, a 
woman takes to her sewing or knitting.  The needle-points are to her nervous 
irritability what the lightning rod is to the electricity of the storm cloud.
	But, the work of hemming handkerchiefs and towels, of knitting mittens 
and even afghans – this and those other household labors from which few are 
wholly exempted, are not enough to take up all the mental energy of the busiest 
young woman.  What did they do before the days of printed books?  They carried 
the songs of their tribe, of their nation – the songs which were the best part 
of their literature – in their memory.  Now the rivulet which the press poured 
out four centuries ago has widened with every succeeding generation------within 
reviews, magazines, newspapers come in upon us life a flood, and the landmarks 
of our old literature are lost sight of if they are not swept away.  There 
never was a time when young readers were in such need of guidance.
	Let me touch very slightly three questions suggested by this state of 
1.  Shall we read – that is, shall we make a serious business of reading?  This 
seems a strange question to ask, but let me give some meaning to it.  It was at 
the hospitable board of this very house that I heard of the late Edward Everett 
tell a story of Lord Palmerston, which I have never forgotten and often 
repeated.  Some one asked him, “Have you read a certain book?” naming it.  “I 
never read printed books,” was Lord Palmerston’s answer.  Mr. Everett did not 
explain or account for this answer, so far as I remember, but I suppose he 
meant that he had enough to do with reading written documents, newspapers, the 
faces and characters of men, and listening to their conversation to find out 
what they meant – perhaps quite as often what they did not mean.
	Some persons need reading much more than others.  One of the best 
preachers I have known read comparatively little.  But he talked and listened, 
and kept his mind sufficiently nourished, without overburdening it.  On the 
other hand, one of the most brilliant men I have known was always reading.  He 
read more than his mind could fairly digest, and brilliant as he was, his 
conversation had too much the character of those patch work quilts one sees at 
country cattle shows, so variegated was it with all sorts of quotations.
2 What shall we read?  I am very thankful that it does not fall to my lot to 
answer this question.  I do honestly assure you I had rather ask this question 
of the ladies and gentlemen who have undertaken to direct the home studies of 
those who are fortunate enough to be under their guidance, than to answer it.  
What infinite waste of labor might not such guidance have saved me, could I 
have had it, and have had wisdom and good sense to profit by it, at a certain 
period of my life.  I congratulate you most sincerely and deeply that the 
thoroughly cultivated scholars who surround me has been made tributary to your 
advancement in sound knowledge and wholesale training.  It is a task of great 
difficulty to point out the proper course for so many minds of different 
natural aptitudes and different stages of education.  In this inundation of 
literature, I have spoken of most young minds will be overpowered by some flood 
or other.
	The daughter of Danaus are not all dead yet; on the contrary, their 
number is legion.  All those young women who pass their days and nights in 
reading endless story-books – novels, so called, doubtless from their want of 
novelty – what are they doing but pouring water into buckets whose bottoms are 
as full of holes as a colander, and which would have nothing to show if Niagara 
had been emptied into them?
3. How shall we read?  I must answer this question very briefly.  I believe in 
reading, in a large proportion, by subjects rather than by authors.
	Some books must be read, tasting, as it were, every word.  Tennyson 
will bear that, as Milton would, as Gray would – for they tasted every word 
themselves, as Ude or Careme would taste a potage meant for a king or a queen.  
But once become familiar with a subject and you can read a page as a flash of 
lightning reads it.  Learn a lesson from Houdin and his son’s practice of 
looking in at a shop window and remembering all they saw.  Learn to read a page 
in the shortest possible time, and to stand a thorough examination on its 
One of the best known sects in Russia is that of the “Khiysti,” among whom men 
and women alike take upon themselves the calling of teachers and prophets, lead 
an ascetic life, and reach abhorrence of marriage.  Under the excitement caused 
by their supposed holiness or inspiration they commit many extravagances.  It 
has been said by one who was initiated into the mysteries of the “Khiysti” that 
when several of these teachers come together they dispute with each other in a 
vain, boasting way which of them possess most grace and power, and that in this 
rivalry they sometimes give each other lusty blows on the ear, and that he who 
bears the blows most patiently, turning the other cheek to the assailant, 
acquires the reputation of having most holiness.

Protestant missionaries in Turkey say that young Turks who are sent to America 
to be educated, in order that they may return and labor for Christianity among 
their countrymen, aim to obtain a medical rather than a religious education, so 
as to practice medicine profitably when they get home.

Contemporary Review.
	There is a fact of singular interest in relation to intoxicants and 
which should be carefully noticed.  The fact is this: That when the agents 
produce a definite effect upon a living body, whether it be a human body or the 
body of an animal that possesses desires and likings, there is caused in that 
body, after a number of times of practice, a craving or desire for the agent 
that produced the effect.  In man this is so marked that the most repugnant and 
painful lessons connected with the first subjection to the agent are soon 
forgotten in the acquired aftersence of craving or desire.  It really matters 
little which of the intoxicants it is that is learned to be craved for, the 
craving for it will continue when it has struck an abiding impression.  We know 
this fact well from the wide experience that has been gained of it in the cases 
of alcohol, tobacco, opium, chloral, hasheesh, absinthe, and arsenic.  More 
incongruous things could scarcely be; incongruous to the senses, to the 
sensibilities, to the methods of taking, to the result of them; yet the craving 
for any one of them as it is may be established.  The devotee to one will laugh 
at the devotee to another; each one will consider the other almost insane, and 
yet each will follow his own course.
	Still more curious is that the substances craved for, which lie quite 
outside the natural wants of healthy life, may be extended to any number.  
There is in truth hardly a substance to which the craving may not cling.  The 
distinguished Dr. Huxham had under his observation a man, who, after a little 
practice in the habit of taking it, had a craving for the salt now called 
bicarbonate of ammonia.  The man chewed this salt and swallowed it in the same 
way as he might have swallowed peppermint lozenges.  The effect of the salt was 
to produce extreme fluidity of the blood of the man, so that he became 
scorbutle, and to cause loosening of his teeth.  It also produced his strength, 
and even placed his life in jeopardy; and yet his craving for the ammonia 
remained unappeased until his danger was so great that the noxious thing had to 
be withheld altogether.  The great Sir Humphrey Davy gives another, and it may 
be still more remarkable experience in relation to himself.  When he was making 
his wonderful researches with nitrous-oxide gas, he commenced, at first for the 
mere sake of experiment, to inhale the gas in free quantities.  By this process 
of inhalation, he obtained the most delicious of visions.  Space seemed to him 
illimitable, and time extended infinitely, so that coming out of one of these 
trances he exclaimed: “Nothing exists by thoughts; the universe is composed of 
impressions, ideas, pleasures, and pains!”  In course of time Davy, by frequent 
repetition of the process of inhalation, became so infatuated that he could not 
look at a gas  holder, could not look at a person breathing – I am using his 
own description - without experiencing the urgent sense of desire to once more 
imbibe his favorite gaseous nectar, and revel in his induced and artificial 
dreams.    How closely this confession runs, even from the pen of a 
philosopher, to similar confessions made by many who are not chemical 
intoxicant which is more generally known than Sir Humphrey’s gas, I need not 
stay to explain.
	An experience, closely allied to the above, occurred to a scientific 
friend of mine in relation to another intoxicant – namely, chloroform.  This 
gentleman, commencing like Sir Humphrey with the inhalation of chloroform for 
purposes of experiment, at last began daily to inhale a certain measured 
quantity.  In a few days he increased the quantity, and at last discovered, 
from the intervals of time which elapsed after he commenced each inhalation, 
that he must have gone off into deep sleep and so have forgotten to note the 
passage of time.  At first the sense of desire to repeat the inhalation alarmed 
him greatly, but soon the desire overcame all sense of fear, and at last he 
became a complete devotee to the practice.  A break down in his health led him 
to communicate his position to his friends, and be the earnest advice and 
warning of one of them he did at last resolve to abstain altogether.  It was a 
very difficult fight, the odor of the vapor whenever he was near to it 
recalling most keenly the old desire, and even four years elapsed before he 
felt himself emancipated from the dangerous habit. 
	The craving attaches itself to other substances than I have hitherto 
named.  I have known it connected with that most nauseous of all medicines, 
asafetida; I have known it strongly attached itself to another medicine, 
valerian’ and once I knew it attach itself to turpentine.  My learned and very 
good friend the late Dr. Willis of Barnes had a patient who acquired the 
craving for common wood or methylated spirit; and there are many who have 
acquired a liking for spirit that is flavored or more than flavored with fusel-
	The readiness with which mankind will attach themselves to varied 
cravings is shown again and on a comparatively large scale in the north of 
Ireland.  In a district there, of which Draper’s Town is the center, the 
eminent Father Matthew labored in his lifetime with such magical effect that he 
practically converted the whole district to sobriety.  A little after his time, 
and when the influence of his work was fading away, a person came into the 
district and introduced a new beverage or drink which was not whisky, which was 
not strong drink, and which, it was said, would do not harm.  The bait took, 
and for over 30 years there has existed in the place I have named a generation 
or two of ether-drinkers.  I have visited the place recently and found the 
habit still in progress.  The ether-drinker tosses off his two or three ounces 
of ether, as another man tosses off gin or whisky.  He passes rapidly into a 
state of quick excitement and intoxication, is often senseless for a brief 
period, and then rapidly regains the sober state.  He suffers less from this 
process in the way of organic disease than he would from a similar number of 
intoxications from alcohol; but he gains, as he would from alcohol, the same 
intense craving, and the craving presents a similar automatic and periodical 
rule as has been observed in relation to the habitual employment of other 
active and enticing poisonous compounds.

	The true reason of the present outbreak of yellow fever, says the 
Memphis Avalanche, lies not so much in the filthy streets and alleys of the 
city, but to the cupidity of some of our people who would not give their 
consent to destroy even the bedclothes upon which patients died of the fever.  
It has never been demonstrated that the yellowfever germ can be preserved 
through the frosts and freezes of winter in the foul air of a privy-vault, but 
it has been shown time and again that woolen goods, especially blankets, that 
have become saturated with the yellow fever poison, will retain it for a very 
long period even in cold weather.  It is well known that many persons in 
Memphis did not hesitate to preserve and even to sleep upon beds and bed-
clothing that had been poisoned by the infected air of a sick room, or by 
direct contact with the yellow fever patient.  These articles have been kept, 
or course, in bedrooms where the heat of the fire during the day and the warmth 
of the sleeper’s body at night prevented the germ from being frozen out.  In 
many instances woolen clothing that had been hanging in the sick room, where 
the air was reeking with the fould fumes of the fever, was packed away in 
trunks, or, with the poorer class, in wooden boxes.  Here it remained during 
the winter.  The warmth generated by the fabric was amply sufficient to 
preserve the germ in all its former vigor, and there it lay, like a deadly 
serpent, only waiting for the heat of summer to warm it into life.  
Mulbrandon’s coat, which, like the shirt of Nessus, carried death in every 
fold, is now a matter of history.  Another is that mentioned in the Avalanche 
of yesterday morning of a South Memphis woman who has kept in a wooden box all 
the clothing of her husband, who perished by the fever last year, and even the 
bed-clothes on which he died, stained all over with black vomit.  One of the 
ablest physicians in Memphis said not long ago that there was not a house in 
the city, whether occupied during the fever of not, that had not been 
thoroughly infected by the yellow fever poison.  It should be remembered also 
that even those who fled from the city when the fever broke out left behind 
them carpets, bedding, and winter clothes, to receive in trust for them the 
insidious poison which they were trying to escape.  This reasoning may not be 
founded upon the principles of medical science, but it is certainly justified 
by common sense, and be getting up all the evidence to be had in regard to the 
matter the medical fraternity may be able to throw some light upon the origin 
of the present outbreak of yellow fever in our city.

	A freak of a tornado at Reno, Nev., as thus described by the 
Gazetter:  “Moorman Cutter started out with a half gallon of whisky to take to 
his sick mother.  He was found some hours afterward lying behind a fence on the 
hill.  He says that he stepped around a corner to fix a cork in the jug, and 
while he was taking the measure of the orifice of the jug a tremendous wind 
came down on him.  It sucked the liquor clean out of the jug, blew it down his 
throat, and turned the jug inside out.  He could remember nothing more.”

ARTICLE – THE MAN WITH A BEAR – from Detroit Free Press
	Among the baggage coming down on a Flint and Pere Marquette train the 
other day, was a full-grown black bear.  Bruin had been in captivity for two or 
three years, and was on his way East for a zoological garden.  His owner was 
allowed to ride with him in the baggage car, and he seemed to think his bear 
was the greatest animal on earth.  He was ready to bet that bruin could out hug 
and out bite anything humban, and was rather disappointed when the railroad men 
refused to dispute this point with him.  He was indulging in his brag when an 
old man came into the car to see about his trunk.  He saw the bear, of course, 
but the glance of contempt he bestowed on the animal instantly kindled the 
indignation of the owner, who called out:
	“Mebbe you think I’m toting an old hyenna around the country!”
	“I guess it’s a bear,” slowly replied the other, “but I see nothing 
remarkable about him.” 
	“You don’t, eh?  Well, I do!  Mebbe you’d like to see him hug that 
trunk of yours?  What he can’t sliver when he gets his paws around it has got 
to have roots forty feet under ground.”
	“I’ve got a son back in the car –“ reflectively observed the old man, 
and then he stopped and looked at the bear.
	“Your son?” Egad!  Will you match your son agin my bear?” chuckled the 
owner as he danced with delight.
	“I guess so.”
	“You do?  Bring him in! Trot him out!  I’ll give him all the show he 
wants and bet five to one on the bear!”
	The old man slowly took in a chew of tobacco, left the car, and when he 
returned he had his son Martin with him.  Martin seemed to be about 27 years of 
age and a little taller than a hitching post.  He was built on the ground, with 
a back like a writing desk and arms which seemed to have been sawed from 
railroad ties.
	“Martin, the ‘ere man wants to bet five to one that his bear can outhug 
you,” quietly explained the father as the son sat down on a trunk.
	“Yes, that’s it – that’s just it!” cackled the owner, “I’ll muzzle him 
so he can’t bite, and I’ll bet five to one he’ll make you holler in two 
	“Muzzle your b’ar!” was all that Martin said as he pulled out a five 
dollar bill and handed it to the baggageman.  The bear-man put $25 with it, 
grinning like a boy in a cherry tree, and in a minute he had the bear ready.  
Martin removed his coat and paper collar and carelessly inquired: 
	“Is this to be a square hug, with no gouging?”
	“Jess so – jess!” replied the bear-man.  “You hug the bear and he will 
hug you, and the one who squeals first loses his cash.  Now, then, all ready.”
	As Martin approached, the bear rose up with a sinful glare in his eye, 
and the two embrace.  It was a sort of backhold, with no sell out on the crowd.
	“Go for him Hunyado!”  yelled the bear-man as they closed, and the bear 
responded.  Once could see by the set of his eyes that he meant to make jelly 
of that young man in a York minute, but he failed to do it.  Some little 
trifles stood in his way.  For instance it wasn’t ten seconds before he 
realized that two could play at hugging.  Martin’s hand sank down in the bear’s 
coat, the soulder muscles were called on for duty, and at the first hug the 
bear rolled his eyes in astonishment.
	“Go in Hunyado – go in – go in!” screamed the bear-man, and bruin laid 
himself our as if he meant to pull a railroad water-tank down.
	“You might squeeze a little bit harder, my son,: carelessly suggested 
the father, as he spit from the open door, and Martin called out his reserve 
	Each has his best grip.  There was no tumbling around to waste breath, 
but it was a stand-up, stand-still hugging match.  Little by little the bear’s 
eyes began to bulge and his mouth to open, and Martin’s face slowly grew up to 
the color of red paint.
	“Hang to him, Hunyado – I’ve got my last dollar on your head!” shrieked 
the bear-man, as he saw a further bulge to his pet’s eyes. 
	But it was no use.  All of a sudden the bear began to yell and cough 
and strangle.  He was a goner.  Martin knew it, but he wanted no dispute, and 
so he gave Hunyado a lift from the floor, a hug which rolled his eyes around 
like a pin-wheel, and then dropped him in a heap on the floor.
	“Well, may I be shot!” gasped the bear-man, as he stood over the half-
life-less heap of hair and claws.
	“Martin,” said the father, as he handed him the thirty dollars, “you’d 
better go back thar and watch our satchels!”
	“Yes, I guess so,” replied the son, as he shoved the bills in his vest 
pocket, and he retired without another word or a look at the bear.
	That was the bear they were feeding gruel in a saloon on Randolph 
Street two evenings ago – one man was feeding him gruel and another feeling 
along his spine to find the fracture.

	One of the most remarkable women of the day is the Princess DORA 
D’ISTRIA.  This is her pen name, her real one being PRINCESS HELENA GHIKA.  She 
is a native of Wallachia, but now resides on the banks of the Arno, at 
Florence, Italy.  She is a linguist, botantist, and writer, all of the first 
rank.  Her native home was in the heart of the agitation on the Eastern 
question.  She has made an especial study of the peoples of the Western races 
who still continue under Turkish Government.  No person living understands the 
condition and needs of these people better.  This knowledge prompted her, at 
the beginning of the Russo-Turkish hostilities, to write a series of vigorous 
and eloquent protests against the war, and appeals for arbitration instead of 
arms in settling international difficulties.  For a number of years she has 
devoted herself to the study of Oriental poetry.  She spent much time in 
researches, especially into the poetry of the Turkish Nations.  The results of 
her labors have been given to the literary world in four papers.  Her aim was 
to give a picture of the life and ways of these hidden Eastern Nations through 
collections of their poetry.  The first was published in 1875, and treated of 
the poetry of the Oriental Turks.  The second paper was devoted to the “Poetry 
of the Ottoman” and covered the time when the great Turkish Empire was in its 
most flourishing estate.  “The Persian Empire (L’ Empire Persanne) appeared in 
the Penn Monthly, in this country, and describes the Empire in the days of its 
decadence, when it is sunk in indolence and sensuality.  The last paper, which 
closes the series, is “La Poesie des Persans sous les Khadjars,” a picture of 
the manners and customs of the Aryan element of the Persian Nation under the 
reign of the three last Kings of Iran.
	Dora d’Istria has lately been elected member of honor of the Free 
German Institute.  Her writings furnish contributions to the department of 
Oriental literature, which will have a great and permanent value.  Although so 
busy with her Oriental studies, this gifted lady ahs given much attention to 
acclimatizing foreign trees and plants at her Italian home.  It was she, 
mainly, who introduced the Eucaluptus globulus into Italy.  She caused one of 
these trees to be planted at the Plazza San Marco a few years ago.  It grew so 
rapidly that in a few years it looked like a tree 40 years old.  The eucalyptus 
takes up the moisture from the soil, and for this reason Dora d’Istria is 
making strenuous efforts to have it planted in hot and swampy places, 
especially on the barren shores of the Mediterranean.  When one thinks about 
the matter, this would seem to be the tree to set along the edges of the bayou 
at Memphis.  It has the valuable property of growing enormously in a short 
time.  A paper on the culture of this tree was printed in the Revue de Bologna 
for last January.  Here is an extract:
	“The best season for this tree, according to the Princess Dora 
d’Istria, is undoubtedly the winter, and it is a beautiful sight to see it in 
this rigorous season, as then these gigantic myrtles are covered with white 
flowers.  Although dampness is favorable to these exotics, they bear drought 
perfectly.  It is said that the Eucalyptus globulus, much more delicate than 
the kind that grows on the Australian mountains, could not endure the cold of 
Tuscany, but the Princess declares:  “Here it bears the climate very well up to 
this time.”
	The Princess cultivates magnificent gardens at her own home, on the 
banks of the Arno.

An eccentric lady of high social position in Springfield, Mass, changes the 
coffins of her departed friends nearly as often as the undertaker’s fashions 
vary.  She is able to gratify this costly whim, and periodically the family 
tomb undergoes a transformation, and dry bones are taken from their resting 
places and placed in the choicest receptacles of the undertaker’s art.  In this 
way the lady is said to have disturbed the remains of one of her children at 
least a dozen times in the past thirty years.  Little remains of this child’s 
body, but that little was transferred the other day from a coffin several years 
ago to a satin-lined casket of polished rosewood.  Another peculiar woman of 
that city, when her son announced that he should soon get married, visited the 
cemetery lot of his intended’s family, to judge from the tombstones whether he 
was marrying below his station.  The inspection was unsatisfactory, and a 
family quarrel was the result.


Published Weekly
ALEXANDER COBB, Editor & Proprietor.
$1.50 per annum.

Friday, August 15, 1879

It is said that half a pint of whisky will cure the colic in a horse.  From the 
way some men tackle it, the must think they are a whole four mule team with the 
colic in every joint.

Mrs. Dorsey, ignoring brothers and sisters, willed a quarter of a million of 
property to ex-President Davis.  The will is to be contested if an attempt is 
made to sustain it; and the friends of Mr. Davis equally with those who honor 
the memory of the dead woman are interested in avoiding litigation, the mere 
suggestion of which is a suggestion of scandal.  Without this bequest, Mr. 
Davis is not a poor man; and the best and wisest thing he could do would be to 
aid in setting aside the will in his favor. – [Argus

The pernicious practice of killing one’s self for the reason that we fail to 
gain the special favor of the fair sex, or some particular one of them, cannot 
be condemned too emphatically.  The sentimental young men inclined to shuffle 
off the mortal coil for such a cause will find solace in the study of the last 
census, and discover how many females there are in the country. [Chicago Tribune

A temperance reformer of prominence makes the yellow fever scourge a basis for 
temperance argument.  He finds that the total deaths from yellow fever in the 
United States for the past ten years is only 21,000, 14,000 of whom died last 
year.  In the same time, according to a careful and probably reasonable 
computation, 650,000 men have died from intemperance, or at the rate of 65,000 
annually.  This gentleman proposes a quarantine against whisky as more 
destructive than yellow jack.

ARTICLE – A WONDERFUL GEORGIA WOMAN – [from the Albany, Ga. News]
The following particulars we get from Mr. George C. Watson, living near the 
home of the subject sketch:  A lady of the seventh district of Worth county has 
become insane on the subject of religion.  Her dementation was first noticed 
about a month ago, soon after the close of a protracted meeting at union 
Baptist Church, near her home.  She attended the different services very 
regularly, and seemed deeply impressed and troubled from the first 
commencement.  A short while before the meeting closed she joined the church.  
Going back home her incoherent, maddened and rambling conduct was noticed by 
her husband and children, and they became terribly excited and wrought up about 
it.  She went raving about the house and yard with a bucket of water, baptising 
everything in her pathway.  She baptised her husband and each one of her 
children, and while doing this sang the most beautiful songs – songs that she 
had heard but once or twice.  Although an unlettered woman (her husband will 
swear this), she reads any chapter in the Bible readily, pronouncing correctly 
and distinctly, paying attention to punctuation points, &c.  She preaches 
nearly all the while, and our informant says, uses her choicest words and 
displays great wisdom and knowledge in the handling of different subjects.  
Although not a Mason, she knows all the mysteries of that mysterious craft, by 
heart.  Dozens of Masons have gone to see her and they all come away 
dumbfounded.  Her husband has come to the conclusion that she is a witch.  She 
has attempted acts of violence, but as yet has done no harm.  He, with outside 
assistance, tried at one time to incarcerate her in one of the rooms of the 
house but the doors became unmanageable and would not stay locked.  She hasn’t 
slept in eighteen days and nights, and during that time has taken but few 
morsels of food.  This is one of the strangest cases we have ever heard of.  
Large crowds are flocking to see the frenzied woman.

ARTICLE – DROUTH (sic)  AND DELUGE – from Mont. Adv.  Aug 1
	A Louisiana exchange thinks the late drouth in this country is probably 
the most extensive that has ever afflicted it.  It has prevailed everywhere – 
on the Pacific slope, on the lakes, on the Gulf, and on the Atlantic.  In 
Louisiana, and indeed, throughout the South, in Alabama, Mississippi and 
Georgia, the corn crop in some localities was completely burned up; in Florida 
the orange crop is a complete failure for lack of rain; in West Texas, corn and 
cotton are alike ruined and the cattle are suffering for water; New Jersey 
reports a similar condition, but in Virginia exists by far the worse state of 
affairs.  The drouth in that state is the greatest since 1845.  The corn crop 
is totally destroyed, the tobacco is almost ruined, grass is lifeless, the very 
trees are dying, streams are drying up, cattle are dying of thirst and mills 
are stopped for want of water.  In Petersburg prayers are offered every Sunday 
in the churches for rain, and last Thursday was observed in several churches as 
a day of fasting and prayer.
	A Petersburg, Va., correspondent, writing to the Richmond Dispatch, 
says that the majority of the planters in that section have given up all hope 
of making a tobacco crop.  They will be satisfied if they make bread enough to 
carry them through the year.
	It is stated that in some instances the farmers are put to such straits 
to get their meal that they are compelled to grind their corn in their coffee 
mills.  Very few of the mills in the country are grinding, and those that are 
are running on short time, and many people have to send long distances to have 
their grain ground.
	This section of Alabama has not suffered so severely as some other 
parts of the country.  Indeed our planters for the most part have the promise 
of grain enough and to spare.  The abundant rains of late, however, are 
beginning to damage the cotton – especially in the low-lands.  The rains and 
the indications of worms are keeping our planters just at this time in a state 
of uneasiness.  But in any event there will be “bread for the eater and seed 
for the sower.”  That certainly is a blessing which should make glad the hearts 
of the husbandmen.  It spreads a broad and beautiful margin upon which to erect 
the altars of gratitude to the Giver of all good.
	In England the weather is cold and winter-like, and so great is the 
amount of rain that has fallen that thousands of acres in the midland and 
northern counties are afloat, destroying the hay and potatoes, and greatly 
damaging the wheat crop.  In Germany and France the harvest prospects are also 
bad, and the prospects are that Russia and America will have no difficulty in 
disposing of all their surplus grain at excellent rates.

	A citizen on his way home late the other night, saw a boy sitting in 
front of a house on Union Street.
	“What are you doing her, bub!” he inquired, in surprise.
	“Sh! Keep still!” hissed the boy, in a whisper.  “I live here.”
	“Well, why don’t you go into the house?” asked the citizen.
	“Waitin’ for the fun,” replied the boy.  “Father just gone in. – he 
told me to wait till he told her he’d been to the lodge, and then I could come 
in an’ say I couldn’t find him, and not mention his bein’ in the billiard hall; 
but I know mother, an’ if you’ll wait a minit you’ll hear something kinder bang 
against the side of the room like.”
	And just at that instant a muffled sound issued from the room, where a 
light was visible.
	“That’s him – that’s father!” exclaimed they boy, in great glee – “Bime 
by you’ll hear a lamp smash, and then I’m goin’ to rush in an’ look our for 
	The citizen passed on and left the boy sitting on the gate, with the 
liveliest interest depicted on his countenance. [ Adv.

ARTICLE – SHE DIED A MARTYR- Memphis July 27, 1879
Editor’s Appeal:
It has happened more than once in the recent history of our unfortunate city 
that opportunity to do heroic work, and out of it to pass to the martyr’s grave 
has been seized by many an obscure man or unknown woman of whom there is no 
earthly record beyond the mere name in the long death-list.  True in 1873, it 
became more notably true in 1878 that the names of many of our best and truest 
are known to few, or it may be to none save God only.  Of course, they are none 
the worse for this, but it is the misfortune of the living to be left without 
knowledge of any inspiring example.
	It is with this feeling I wish to put on record a little note of such 
life and death.  When the Tobin family, on Bradford Street, were seized with 
the fever, there was of course no provision for hired nurses, since no one 
looked for the fever so early in the season.  Opposite to this family, on the 
same street, lived a young girl, about seventeen years old, named EVELYN 
WIDRICK, her father and little brother FREDDY being the only other members of 
the household.  EVELYN had not had the fever, but she went to her neighbors in 
their distress and remained with them from the beginning to the fatal ending.  
Immediately after the last of the TOBINs were buried, the infection spread to 
the family of GODSEY, living next door to the WIDRICKs.  Without having rested, 
Evelyn began duty there and nursed these young ladies with a skill far beyound 
her years.  It was there last Sunday morning I first saw this dear child.  I 
sent her relief and begged her to go to rest.  Returning in the afternoon, I 
found the tireless girl still on duty and sharing the labor with the relief 
nurse.  The same night the fever laid her prostate.  Last night in her father’s 
room he begged me to tell him how his dear child was. I could say no more than 
that she is resting – a truer word than he thought I meant, but tonight they 
both are resting in Elmnwood, where side by side we laid them today.

She is not dead but sleepeth.  The lovely daughter of R. D. BOLIN and NANCY E. 
BOLIN, MANILAH JANE HUGHES, the wife of THOMAS HUGHES, departed this life at 11 
o’clock Monday July 28th, 1879, age 30 years.  A dutiful daughter, kind wife 
and tender mother of 5 children.  She was sick 9 days.  She professed religion 
in 1867, and lived a strict member of the M. E. Church until her death.  She 
often said during her illness she would never get well, and prayed often to be 
spared to raise her little babes, if it was the will of the Lord, if not his 
will be done.  On Sunday morning being very low, she often asked her nurse, 
friends, and neighbors to let her talk to them, they first refused her, she 
said if she was going to get well it would not hurt her, if she was going to 
die it would do her good to talk; O let me talk, ma, will you meet in Heaven?  
I will sweet child; that is sweet news to me.  She ten called her husband.  
Will you meet me in Heaven?  I will.  She then sang some four songs of Zion, 
gave a sweet smile and went home.
	Her funeral, with her little daughter’s will be preached by REV. E. F. 
S. ROBERTS, at Bethel Church, on the 4th Sabbath in August.  R. D. B. – July 
30th, 1879

The editor of the Macon, Ga. Telegraph and Messenger says”  “In Havana yellow 
fever prevails to such an alarming extent that over one hundred deaths occur 
weekly.  Yet not a breath of this appears in the papers.  The truth is, that a 
crowded, tropical city, whose streets are little more than slits through the 
impacted mass of rock and mortar, is seldom free from yellow fever and 
cholera.  During a visit there, even in the month of January, we were credibly 
informed that both of these fatal diseases existed in the city.”

POEM – THE BIBLE – by  S. H. J. 

This is a precious book indeed,
Happy the child who loves to read,
‘Tis God’s own word which He has given
To show our souls the way to Heaven.

It tells us how the world was made
And how good men the Lord obeyed,
There His commands are written too
To teach us what we ought to do.

It bids us all from sin to fly
Because our souls can never die,
It points to Heaven where angels dwell,
And warns us to escape from hell.

But what is more than all beside
The Bible tells us Jesus died;
This is its best, it chief intent
To lead poor sinners to repent.

Be thankful children that you may
Read this good Bible every day,
“Tis God’s own word which he has given
To show our souls the way to Heaven.


Life is like the rolling year,
With its green leaf and its sear;
The spring of youth and wintry age – 
On we pass from stage to stage.
First the smiling spring we greet,
With its birds and flowerets sweet;
Dancing rills and zephyrs soft,
That bear our buoyant hearts aloft.
How joyous is the time of youth,
When spent in purity and truth!
Youth and childhood are as one,
Ere our manhood hath begun.

Just beyond, (not far away)
Those pleasant fields of youth so gay,
We feel the chilly winds that waive
O’er our childhood’s sunken grave – 
Where the yellow autumn-leaf
Of manhood’s pride so transient, brief,
Trembles on the blighted bough,
Then pass away we know not how.
Manhood is the time of life
When our hearts should all be rife
With the fruits of other days,
Ripened ‘neath our summer’s rays,
Pleasant to the taste of age,
As we end our pilgrimage.

“UNCLE” ANDY MOTES, thinking that last Monday was election day, came to town, 
but was surprised to find that he was a month ahead of time.  He intends to 
vote for Pikeville,

A singing convention was held at Oak Grove Church on Luxapalila, on the first 
Sunday, which, we are informed, was the most interesting musical event that has 
ever occurred in that section.  The singing classes of PROF. MARTIN SHIRAY,   
PROF. STEPHEN CAUDLE, and PROF. YERBY, were present, and, with their respective 
teachers, gave an exhibition of their proficiency in vocal music.  All 
acquitted themselves most creditably, but the verdict of the crowd seemed to be 
that PROF. YERBY’S class bore off the palmn (sic) of victory. DR. OSBORNE, of 
Columbus, was present, and gave a lecture on Music and the best method of 
teaching it.

The Barnesville Justice’s Court had three felony cases before it, last 
Saturday, the offense charged being perjury.  All the accused parties were 
promptly discharged and the prosecutors taxed with the costs.  SQUIRE JOHN 
HAMILTON, with whom was associated “Squire Bishop” of Bexar, presided.

PIKEVILLE, ALA.  August 2nd, 1879
	The teacher’s Institute was called to order by the President, Mr. E. 
VICKERY at 11:30 a.m., after which business was dispensed with as follows:
1st – The subject of Discipline was discussed by Mr. E. VICKERY who gave a few 
very appropriate remarks to the satisfaction of all who were present.
2nd. – On motion it was agreed that we have no further lecturing today, owing 
to the small number of teachers present.
3rd – On motion by L. J. CLARK, FRANCIS JUSTICE was appointed to lecture on the 
best method of teaching English Grammar at the next meeting.
4th – E. VICKERY was appointed to lecture on the best method of teaching 
5th – DR. M. H. KEY was appointed to lecture on Discipline.
6th – L. J. CLARK was appointed to give a lecture on the sound of letters.
7th – On motion, the Institute adjourned to meet on the 5th Saturday in August, 
at Pikeville.
- E. VICKERY, Pres.
- L. J. CLARK, Sec.

BURRIS & BRO.  No. 49 Main Street Columbus, Miss.  We have now in store a full 
stock of general merchandise which we offer for sale very low, for the cash.  
Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to us, we hope by 
selling our goods much lower than in the past to be able to add largely to our 
already numerous list of patrons.  Call and see our mammoth stock.

SHELL & BURDINE, Wholesale and retail druggist’s,  Aberdeen, Mississippi. Are 
daily receiving at their Drug Store a very large stock of fresh goods of all 
kinds usually kept in a first class drug house, and will sell at bottom prices, 
for cash.  All we ask is to give us a trial and we guarantee you will not go 
away dissatisfied for we are determined to sell goods so low that it will 
astonish you.

JOHN D. MORGAN.  Wholesale and retail dealer in dry goods, staple and fancy 
groceries, hardware, wooden ware, willow ware, crockery ware, and tin ware.  
Boots and shoes, hats and caps.  Plantation supplies, etc. would announce to 
his friends and patrons of Lamar and Fayette Counties, that he has in store, 
and is daily receiving one of the largest and best selected stocks of goods in 
the city, and invites everybody to call before buying elsewhere and examine his 
immense stock.  It is no trouble to show goods, and when you look, you will be 
sure to buy for he keeps none but first class goods, and will not be under sold 
by any home in the city.  Columbus, Miss.  July 11th, 1879.  J. S. ROBERTSON is 
with the above house, and would be pleased to serve his many friends at anytime.

DR. J. D. RUSH, with ERVIN AND BILLUPS, successors to M. W. HATCH; dealers in 
drugs, medicines, whiskey, tobacco, cigars, &c.  Corner Main and Market 
Street.  Columbus, Mississippi.

NATHAN BROTHERS dealers in whiskies, brandies, wines, cigars, tobaccos and 
pipes.  Our Motto:  Quick Sales and Small Profits.  Columbus, Mississippi.

The Vernon Clipper.  A brand new paper.  Published in Lamar County, Ala.  For 
$1.50 per annum.



MR. W. T. COOPER, of Aberdeen, is authorized to receive and receipt for 
subscriptions, and to make contracts for advertising for the CLIPPER.

The conviction of BUFORD, for the murder of JUDGE ELLIOTT, has been a surprise 
to many, who predicted that he would be acquitted, on the plea of insanity.  
While many persons believe he should be hung, in our opinion imprisonment for 
life is a punishment more unbearable for a man of his feeling and temperament 
than death would be.  At all events, he is placed beyond the power of doing 
further harm. [ Adv.

It is said that on Tuesday, the day of the yellow fever panic at Memphis, 
$8,000 worth of tickets were sold by the Memphis & Charleston Railroad to 
people leaving the city.

NOTICE – August 2nd, 1879
We the undersigned securities of J. M. I. GUYTON, County Superintendent of 
Education of Lamar County, hereby certify that we have this day examined his 
books and papers, and find them all right, and that he has not used one cent of 
the school money except for the advantage of teachers.
- W. K. KIRK
The above was handed us for publication last week, but unintentionally left 
out.  – Pub]

Remember when you visit Aberdeen, to go to the house of LOUIS ROY and examine 
his stock.  That popular house has a great name for integrity and honesty, and 
never uses humbug.  Every article of dry goods, shoes and boots, clothing, 
hats, and fancy goods is fresh and warranted to give satisfaction.

The officers of Moscow Lodge Number 200 will be installed at the picnic, Aug 
20th, by Grand Master H. CLAY ARMSTRONG

Hurray, hurrah, and make ready for next Wednesday!  Its picnic day.

Everybody and their sweetheart will be at the picnic near Moscow.

When you start to the picnic have your “purps” at home.  There has been a 
vigorous dog com’ee appointed to be armed with long range rifles, shot guns, 
pistols, stick, whips, bowie-knives, &c.

Died, at Cleveland, Ohio, at a quarter past noon on Sunday, July 27, 1879, of 
bilious fever, HON. JONATHAN BLISS, of Gainsville, Ala.

Died, in this county, August 8th at his home 10 miles South of Vernon, HIRAM 
JHNSON.  He was an old and respected citizen.

The Mountain Eagle says:  The negro POTTS, who cut DR. GRIFFIN, was safely 
lodged in jail here Sunday evening.  He was captured on the headwaters of Lost 
Creek on Saturday.

The popular house of LOUIS ROY of Aberdeen, having bought an immense stock of 
dry goods before the rise in prices, is offering to his numerous friends and 
customers good ten percent cheaper than any house in Aberdeen.

It is strange that it worries a man’s legs so much less to stand in front of a 
bar than it does to stand by a work bench.

The Tuskaloosa Gazette says:  We learn from the Times that two more papers are 
to be started in Tuskaloosa this fall! “Bring in another h-o-o-r-s-e!  If you 
can’t bring horse, fetch a mu-e-l.”(sic)

The first bale of new cotton was shipped to Mobile August 4, from Wilcox 
County, this state.

The East window of our sanctum is embellished with a box of flowers which we 
received on our trip to Pickens County.  We shall tend and cherish them in 
sweet memory of the fair donor, MISS ELLOW DORROH.

Parker’s Santonine Worm Lozenges – the Best, Purest, and safest Worm medicine 
in the word, at W. L. MORTON & BRO.  Buy none but Parker’s Lozenges.  Children 
love them, and cry for them.

A negro jumped from the train near Blount Springs, the other day and was 
instantly killed.

ROBT. W. JOHNSON, representative from Arkansas from 1847 to 1853, and Senator 
in Congress from that time to 1861 died at 11:30 last night at his residence in 
this city, after an illness of two weeks.  Prior to the war he was a man of 
unparalleled popularity in Arkansas.  Through his personal influence a grant of 
lands in aid of building the Cairo and Fulton, and Memphis and Little Rock, and 
Fort Smith Railroads, was passed in Congress.

W. M. PATTERSON shot and killed FOSTER SKRUGGS at Elkton, recently.

The Confederate monument to be erected in Tuskaloosa will be 25 feet high.

The State and Grange Fair will be held in Montgomery on the 10th of Nov. 

Walker County has only one drinking saloon.  They use it by the wholesale up 

PROF. H. S. WHITFIELD will take charge of the Carrollton Male and Female 

	By virtue of an order of the Probate Court of Lamar County, Alabama, I 
will offer for sale, on a credit until the 1st day f January 1880, at the late 
residence of JOHN SPROUSE, deceased, on the 6th day of September next, the 
following lands to wit:  46 2/3 acres in N E ¼ of N W. ¼ and N W ¼ of N E ¼ 
Sec. 23, and 53 1/3 acres in S ½ of S W ¼ and W ½ of W ½ of S E ¼ Sec. 14, T 
16, R 16, as belonging to the estate of said JOHN SPROUSE deceased.  The 
purchaser will be required to give note and good security for the purchase 
- GEORGE S. EARNEST, Admr. of estate of said JOHN SPROUSE, dec.

ALONZO HILL, A. M. President
This Institution offers first-class facilities for the education of young 
ladies.  Professional teachers in every department.  Terms moderate.  
Correspondence solicited.  For catalogues apply to the President at Tuskaloosa, 

Go to W. L. MORTON & BRO. for Cuban Chill Tonic, the Great West Indies Fever 
and Ague Remedy, a great remedy from Cuba, guaranteed to cure Chills and 
Fevers, Biliousness and Liver Complaint, every time.  Try it.  Cheap and safe – 
the best Medicine in the world.

LOUIS ROY is selling more goods than any house in Aberdeen, he can on the 
account sell ten percent cheaper than any other house in the place.

The following is a list of the Grand and Petit Jurors, for the Fall Term 1879 
of the Circuit Court of Lamar County:


- D. J. LACY, Sheriff
- W. G. MIDDLETON, C. C. C. 

Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his 
intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry 
thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this notice, viz:  
JESSE M. STANFORD for the E ½ SW ¼ and NW ¼ SE ½ Sec 25 T 13 R 15 W, and names 
the following as his witnesses, viz:  JOHN B. TAYLOR, of Lamar county, and JOHN 
T. NOLEN of Lamar County.
			JOHN M. CROSS, Register.

By virtue of an order of sale issued by W. G. MIDDLETON, Clerk of Circuit Court 
of Lamar County, Ala., to me directed, which execution is in favor of LEVI 
NORTHINGTON, and against J. M. RAY and others.  I will offer for sale for cash 
at the Court House door of said county on the first Monday in September next, 
it being the first day of said month, the following real estate to wit:  S ½ of 
N E ¼ & N E ¼ of NE ¼ Sec 35, and W ½ of SW ¼ Sec 36, T 12 R 16, levied on as 
the property of G. J. NICHOLS, also the W ½  of SW ¼ Sec 13 NE ¼  of NE ¼ Sec 
13, and E ½ of SE ¼ Sec 21, NE ½ of NE ¼ Sec 28, T13 R 16, levied on as the 
property of W. T. EVANS, and will be sold to satisfy said execution in my 
hands.  Sale within the usual hours.  This the 1st day of August, 1879.
- D. J. LACY, Sheriff

The Columbus Mail by way of Caledonia arrives Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdays 
at 11 o’clock a.m.  Leave same days at 1 p.m.
Arrived on Wednesday and Saturday at 12 p.m. and leaves same days at 1 p.m.
Leaves Wednesday at 7 a.m. arrives Thursday at 2 p.m.
Arrives Fridays at 6 p.m., leaves Saturdays at 6 a.m.
Train leaves		6:30 am
Train arrives		9:30 am
Train leaves		3:20 pm
Train arrives		6:30 pm
Train goes through to Starkville on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays.
Leaves Aberdeen going South at 4 o’clock p.m., returns at 8 p.m.
Leaves Aberdeen going North at 7 o’clock a.m., return at 11 o’clock a.m.

R. A. HONEA & SON, Wholesale and retail dealers in staple and fancy groceries, 
Aberdeen, Miss.  We would respectfully inform our friends, and the public 
generally, that we are at our old Stand next door to J. W. ECKFORD & Bro. (Old 
Presbyterian Block) and have in store and will keep constantly on hand a large 
and well selected stock of staple and fancy groceries.  Bagging and ties, corn, 
oats, wheat bran, &c., which we will sell at rock bottom figures for cash.  R. 
F. RAY, of Detroit, Ala. is salesman.

Monroe County, Miss. (nine miles west of Moscow, Ala.)  The first session of 
this Institution will open on the 3rd Monday in June 1879, and continue 4 
scholastic months.  Board, including washing, lights, etc. from $1.50 to $5 per 
month.  Tuition $1.50 to $2.00, $2.50 and $2.75 per month of 20 days.  For 
particulars address the Principal.  B. H. WILDERSON.  Moscow, Lamar Co., Ala.

The American Centennial Cement.  One of the most perfect and absolutely the 
best cement ever offered the public, is now being manufactured by A. A. SUMMERS 
and W. T. MARLER of this place, and for sale in every store in town.  The 
Greatest Invention of the Age.  No carpenter, farmer, blacksmith, printer, 
merchant, or other person who does anything at all, or has it done, can afford 
to do without this wonderful invention; it is convenient for its utility in 
every walk of life.  Nothing will compare with it in mending broken Glass ware, 
crockery, china, wood, leather, ivory, shells, bone, and in fact every thing 
coming in contact with it, is firmly and imperceptibly sealed inseparably.  We 
desire to place a bottle in the house of every family in the country.  Will 
sell as wholesale or retail rates.  For terms apply to A. A. SUMMERS, W. T. 
MARLER, Vernon, Alabama.

Use This Brand.  Church % Co.’s Soda.   Trade mark Registered February 12, 
1878.  Arm with Hammer Brand.  Chemically Pure.  Full Weight, Full Strength, 
Purest, and Best.  Best in the world and better than any salarafus.  One 
teaspoonful of this soda used with sour milk equals four teaspoons of the best 
baking powder, saving twenty times its cost.  See package for valuable 
information.  If the teaspoonful is too large and does not produce good results 
at first, use less afterwards.  

One copy one year		$1.50
One copy six months	$1.00
Rates of Advertising
One inch, one insertion		$1.00
One inch, each subsequent insertion	    .50
One inch, twelve months		10.00
One inch, six months		  7.00
One inch, three months		  5.00
Two inches, twelve months		15.00
Two inches, six months		10.00
Two inches, three months		  7.00
Quarter Column 12 months		35.00
Half Column 12 months		60.00
One Column, 12 months		100.00
One Column, 3 months		35.00
One Column, 6 months		60.00
Professional Cards $10.00
Special advertisements in local columns will be charged double rates.  
Advertisements collectable after first insertion.  Local notices 10 cents per 
line.  Obituaries, tributes of respect, etc. making over ten lines, charged 
advertising rates.

County Court – Meets on the 1st Monday in each month.
Probate Court  - Meets on 2nd Monday in each month.
Commissioner’s Court – Meets on the 2nd Monday in February, April, July, and 


ALEXANDER COBB – Judge of Probate
D. J. LACY, Sheriff and Tax Collector
W. G. MIDDLETON, Circuit Clerk
JAMES M. MORTON, Register in Chancery
D. V. LAWRENCE, Treasurer
J. E. PENNINGTON, Tax Assessor
W. T. MARLER, Coroner


Masonic:  Vernon, Lodge No. 389, meets on the 1st Saturday of each month, at 7 

FRANCIS JUSTICE, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Pikeville, Marion 
Co., Alabama Will practice in all the Courts of the 3rd Judicial District.

SAMUEL J. SHIELDS, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Vernon, Ala., 
Will practice in the counties of Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 
3rd Judicial District.

JNO. D. MCCLUSKY, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Vernon, Ala.  Will 
practice in the counties of Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd 
Judicial Circuit.  Special attention given to the collection of claims, and 
matters of administration.

GEORGE A RAMSEY, Attorney at Law, Vernon, Ala.  Will practice in the various 
courts of the 3rd Judicial Circuit.  Special attention given to Supreme Court 
and U. S. District Court’s business.

EARNEST & EARNEST.  W. S. EARNEST    GEO. S. EARNEST.  Attorneys at Law and 
Solicitors in Chancery, Birmingham & Vernon, Ala.  Will practice in the 
Counties of this Judicial Circuit.

H.  Attorneys at Law.  Partners in the Civil practice in the counties of 
Fayette and Lamar.  Will practice separately in the adjoining counties.  THOS. 
B. NESMITH.  Solicitor for the 3rd Judicial Circuit.  Vernon, Lamar Co., Ala.

DR. W. L. MORTON & BRO., M. W. MORTON, W. L. MORTON  Physicians and Surgeons.  
Vernon, Lamar Co., Ala.  Tender their professional services to the citizens of 
Lamar and adjacent county.  Thankful for patronage heretofore extended, we hope 
to merit a respectable share in the future.  Drug Store.

DR. G. C. BURNS.  Vernon, Ala., Offers his Professional Services to the 
citizens of Vernon and vicinity.

Subscribe for the CLIPPER.
ALEXANDER COBB & SON, Dealers in ready made clothing, dress goods, jeans, 
domestics, calicoes, silks, satins, millinery, embroidery, notice, &c.  Hats, 
caps, boots, shoes, saddles, bridles, leather, &c.  Tin, wooden, Hard and glass 
wares, crockery, &c.  Salt, flour, meal, bacon, lard, soda, coffee, molasses, 
&c.  Snuff and tobacco.  Irish potatoes.  Parties owing us will please come 
forward and settle up their accounts.  Any of our friends who have traded with 
us liberally in the past can get any of the above mentioned goods at LOW prices 
for cash.  We return thanks to our friends for the liberal patronage they have 
given us and hope they will continue the same.

W. H. NEWLON.  COLUMBUS MARBLE WORKS.  Tombstones, monuments, cenotaphs, etc.  
Made to order of fine marble or stone and in the best style of art.  Orders for 
all kinds of stone work respectfully solicited.  Prices reasonable and 
satisfaction given.  Prompt attention to orders from a distance.

Bring your job printing to the CLIPPER.  We print all kinds of blanks, deeds, 
mortgages, law briefs, cards, tags, circulars, bill heads, letter heads, note 
heads, statements, poster work.  We propose to do all kinds of job printing as 
neat and as cheap as any city, either North or South, and our work is equal to 
any.  When you want any kind of job printing done, please don’t fail to examine 
our specimens before going elsewhere.  Blank Waive Notes for sale at this 


To corespondents.  All communications for this paper should be accompanied by 
the name of the author; not necessarily for publication, but as an evidence of 
good faith on the part of the writer.  Write only on one side of the paper.  Be 
particularly careful in giving names and dates to have the letter and figures 
plain and distinct.  Proper names are often difficult to decipher, because of 
the careless manner in which they are written.

POEM – LOOK UP, NOT DOWN! – from The New York Sun
Life, to some, is full or sorrow – 
Half is real, half they borrow  - 
Full of recks and full of ledges,
Corners sharp and cutting edges.
Though the jolly belts may be ringing,
Not a song you’ll hear them singing – 
Seeing never makes them wise,
Looking out from downcast eyes.

All in vain the sun is shining,
Waters sparkling, blossoms twining.
They but see, through these same sorrows,
Sad todays, and worse tomorrows.
See the clouds that must passover;
See the weeds among the clover;
Every thing and any thing,
But the gold the sunbeams bring.]

Drinking from the bitter fountain,
Lo! Your mole-hill seems a mountain.
Drops of dew and drops of rain
Swell into the mighty main.
All in vain the blessings shower,
And the mercies fall with power.
Gathering chaff ye tread the wheat,
Rich and royal, ‘neath your feet.

Let it not be so, my neighbor,
Look up, as you love and labor,
Not for one alone woe’s vials;
Every man has cares and trials.
Joy and pain are linked together,
Like the fair and cloudy weather.
May we have, oh, let us pray,
Faith and patience for today.
POEM – SUMMER – from Good Words.

Now Summer comes laughing along the lands,
With a garland of roses round her brow
And she shakes the gold o’er the grassy knowe,
And the wall flowers flame at the touch of her hands.

There is light and odor where’er she stands;
Her soft breath is tinting the harebells now
With a blue that might symbol love’s sweet vow,
And it sows white stars on the alien sands.

At the touch of her skirts with a thrill arise
The ox-eye daisies, and foxgloves tall,
That bend and sway with a softer surprise,

And the pimpernels that open their eyes
To the sun alone; and the finches call
To their mates as the seed of the thistles fall.

Above the spot where sank the radiant King,
One waving strip of fire hung like a crest;
It pales, and day died out in yonder west,
And bats began to sail on silent wing.

The banded night-moth went a journeying,
Like some knight errand, singing on his quest
Thro’ shaded woods; and, by chance sounds distrest,
The stock-doves in the fir stirred, murmuring.

Great Nature sleeps not, never closes eye
Hath thousand eyes of beauty in the night;
I musing sit mid hedge-row flowers and watch.

The soft white campion, waiting close a nigh,
Upon the green opes outs its flowers like light,
Its sweets to yield and life from dews to catch.

	“Oh, see here, Lizzie, I shan’t be home to dinner today; there’s a lot 
to do at the office, and I’ll not come home.”
	This speech came from my liege lord, Charley, as he popped his head in 
at the front door, after he had started to his business.
	“All right,” said I.
	“Mighty glad of it.  I won’t have any dinner to get, and I will have a 
good day to work upstairs.”
	So I cleared away the breakfast, tidied up the rooms, and after that 
took myself off up stairs.
	We had not been keeping house very long, and I made it a rule not to 
let things become soiled by using, but to keep them clean and fresh.  But 
upstairs there were certain trunks and boxes that needed renovating; some of 
the summer clothing was to be packed away and the winter gear got out and made 
ready for use.  I tied a handkerchief over my head to keep out the dust, pulled 
trunks and boxes out of the closet, and set to work.  I was in the very midst 
of it, when I heard footsteps at the front door, and directly it opened.  It 
was Charley, I knew, for he had a latch-key and was accustomed to let himself 
in.  I jumped to my feet.
	“Charley, and not a sign of dinner!” I exclaimed.  “He said he wouldn’t 
come.  What can have brought him?”
	The sound of voices, as I stood listening, assured me of what Charley 
had brought.  Visitors, and I in such a plight.
	Charley came running up stairs, with his face in a glow.
	“Why, why, little woman, what’s all this?  I couldn’t find you anywhere 
downstairs.  Isn’t it dinner time?”
	“Yes, Charley, but you said your were not coming home, and I didn’t 
want anything for myself.”
	“Well, I  - I wasn’t.  But who do you think I met!”
	“I don’t know, I’m sure.”
	“It was Liston and his wife.  They were on their way to a hotel, but of 
course I wouldn’t allow that.  I just brought ‘em home with me to dinner.”
	I have no doubt there was a spice of irony in the tone in which I 
answered, calmly
	“Yes, I see you did.  Well, I hope you also remembered to stop at the 
butcher’s and send in something for them to eat.”
	“Well, I declare, little woman, I forgot the butcher.  But I daresay 
you can scare up something.  Only hurry, for they’ve only an hour or so to 
spare.  They’re off again this evening.”
	I knew it was of no use to say to a man, “Why didn’t you send me word?”
	It wouldn’t teach him to send it next time.  So I only said:
	“Well, go down and entertain them, and I’ll come as soon as I can 
change my dress.”
	Charley obeyed, and I hurriedly dressed, not in the pleasantest mood.
	They were old friends of Charley’s, and I had looked forward to meeting 
them with pleasure, but I knew Mrs. Liston was quoted as the very pattern of 
all pattern housekeepers, never flurried or put out by any thing.  I knew, too, 
that she had means and servants at her command, while I had neither, and 
dreaded to receive her in such a manner, more than I could tell, but as many a 
suffering sister will readily comprehend.
	What with my hastily dressing, I knew my cheeks were flushed and my 
hair tumbled.  But it was too late to wait, so I ran down and stood fire during 
the introductions as well as I could, quite conscious that instead of appearing 
my best I was appearing my worst, as even Charley could see.
	As soon as possible I excused myself, saying, by way of apology, that I 
was not expecting Charley, and must prepare dinner in haste.
	“Pray, don’t put yourself to any trouble,” said Mrs. Liston politely.
	“It is no trouble at all,” I as politely replied, feeling as I went to 
the kitchen, that that small speech was a fib, for I was almost at my wits end 
to know what to do.
	A happy thought struck me!
	A regular dinner was not to be thought of, but most people were fond of 
oysters.  I knew Charley was, and I could prepare them well.  They were to be 
had opposite, and I was not long in getting them either.  I bethought myself of 
half a cake which I luckily had.  That nicely sliced, in my silver cake-basket, 
would answer for dessert, with some apples, which I bought with the oysters.  
Really, I should not do so badly for a impromptu occasion.  My spirits rose as 
I set the table, adorning it with a cluster of fresh chrysanthemums, and with 
what glass and silver I possessed, so that it looked very neat and pretty.  
That, at least, Mrs. Liston could not find any fault with, even if she were 
disposed to do so.
	Charley had said hurry, and hurry I did.  As speedily as possible I had 
everything ready on the table and the dessert arranged on a shelf by the open 
pantry window, so that I could put it on at once.
	Tired, flushed, nervous and doing my best not to look cross, I went to 
the parlor, where they were chatting gayly, and announced dinner.
	Then that awkward Charley must put his foot into it, man-fashion, by 
	“My little wife is a famous cook.  I hope you have a good appetite.”
	“Indeed I have.  Traveling always makes me hungry,: replied Mr. Liston, 
	I made some laughing reply, and led the way to my little dinner.
	“Ah, oysters! – My favorite,” said Mr. Liston.
	I was glad to hear that, but my heart sank when Mrs. Liston declined to 
take any, saying she never ate them.
	“I am so sorry,” I said, flushing.  “But I will poach you a couple of 
	“By no means,” she said, pleasantly.  “I shall do very well with one of 
these rolls and a cup of coffee.”
	And when I insisted, she was obliged to say that she never ate eggs.
	I was at a loss what to propose then, so I ceased to press the matter.  
Meanwhile I had poured the coffee.
	I handed the cups, but I knew by the aroma which reached my nostrils, 
that, though tolerable, it was not nearly as good as usual, for in my haste I 
had made it too weak.
	I was especially mortified at this, as I prided myself on my good 
	“I won’t apologize,” I thought proudly.
	But my pride fell the next instant, when Charley, having tasted his, 
made a queer face, and then tasted again.
	“Why, Lizzie, what ails your coffee?” he asked.
	Tears of mortification rushed to my eyes, but Liston said, kindly:
	“Tut. Tut. There are worse things than weak coffee in this big world.”
	Of course, as I had no servant, I was obliged to remove the plates and 
bring on the dessert myself.  That, at least, was nice.  But when I went into 
the pantry I barely suppressed a scream of horror.  Mrs. Dean’s big gray cat 
had jumped into the window, and was contently munching my cake.  With frantic 
haste I dashed her off and rescued what she had left.  Only six thin little 
slices.  They looked so forlorn in the large basket that I would not put them 
on in that way.  I consigned them to a small glass dish, and without a word of 
apology put them upon the table; for my blood was up now and I vowed I would 
apologize no more.  The apples were nice and we finished on them as well as we 
	For my sake Charley tried to appear very gay, but I saw he was deeply 
mortified, and I did not pity him half as much as I might.  I think I was quite 
excusable when I said to him, after that dreadful dinner was over and our 
guests were gone:
	“Charley, if you ever bring company again without letting me know 
first, I’ll never forgive you.  And I’ll order dinner from the nearest 
restaurant, and leave you the bill to pay.”
	But that stupid Charley “can’t see why it need worry me.”

	The schooner Martha, from George’s Banks, brought, with a cargo of 
fish, to this port, yesterday, the largest whale-thresher remembered by old 
market men to have ever been seen in this city.  It was caught in a pound net 
at Wood’s Hole, Mass., on Tuesday, and was killed with a lance.  The last one 
exhibited in Washington Market was fifteen years ago, and it was so small a 
specimen of its kind that some fish dealers believed it was a species of 
shark.  The fish that arrived yesterday was exhibited by C. A. Lewis.  It was 
very nearly 14 feet long, and it monopolized the entire front of the stand.  
Persons stopped to examine it, and all day a throng was pressing around it.  
Half of the length of the curious fish was body and the other half tail.  The 
tail tapered off gradually and had been looped up by a rope attached to a beam 
above.  The weight to the creature was 600 pounds.  Its naked skin on the back 
and sides was of a uniform bluish drab color from the snout to the tip of the 
tail.  The tail was as much a separate part of the body as a dog’s tail is of 
its body, which appearance made it resemble a land or amphibious animal more 
than a fish.  The eyes were as large as a cow’s and could be rolled in their 
sockets. The mouth was comparatively small, and the teeth short, sharp and of a 
uniform length in both jaws.  Sticking straight up from the middle of the back 
was a dark fin, eleven inches long, of the same color as the body, tough and 
compact, yet neither bony nor hard.  The medial, pectoral and caudal fins 
resembled the dorsal fins.  They flare out horizontally, and were set low.  On 
the under side the body was of a mottled salmon color.  The flesh yielded like 
caoutchoue to the finger, but on releasing the pressure the skin sprang back to 
its original form.  The body, from end to end, seemed a mass of cartilage.  The 
long tail is used by the animal like a rawhide in attacking its enemy, the 
whale.  If forms a sort of alliance with the sword-fish, the latter thrusting 
its sword into the whale from below, and the thresh attacking it from above.  
Threshers run in schools, and from ten to twenty will attack a whale at once.  
Those who have witnessed a combat between threshers and whales say that it is 
an exciting spectacle.  The water flies in showers of foam in all directions, 
as the threshers hurl themselves at the whales like animated cowhides.  For 
hours they rain blows on the head and sides of the huge animal.  Between the 
piercing thrust s of the sword-fish and the flail-like blows of the thresher, a 
whale rarely escapes.  From the carcass the victors get their food for many a 
day afterward.  Through the little slit in the side of the thresher exhibited 
yesterday oozed blood as red as that of a land animal.  The gills were four in 
number on each side.  The fish is to be stuffed.

Counsel:  Do you know any thing of this case?
Ever heard of it?
Ever read any thing?
What! Never?
No.  [Applause.]
Have you formed any opinion as to this case?
Any opinion about any thing?
What! Never?
No. [Applause]
Ever hear “Pinafore?”
[Groans.  Remarks.  “No wonder he didn’t do it.  Sold.”]
No sympathy with any thing pertaining to the public interest?
No information, no knowledge, no opinions, no taste for reading, no desire to 
know what’s going on in the world?
None whatever.
Good.  You’ll do for a juryman.  You are accepted.
The iron horse does not last much longer than the horse of flesh and bones.  
The ordinary life of a locomotive is 30 years. Some of the smaller parts 
require renewal every six months; the boiler tubes last five years; tires, 
boiler an fire boxes from six to seven year; the side frames, axles and other 
parts, thirty years.  An important advantage is that a broken part can be 
repaired and does not condemn the whole locomotive to the junk shop.  While, 
when a horse breaks a leg, the whole animal is only worth the flesh, fat and 
bones, which amount to a very small sum in this country, where horse flesh does 
not find its way to the butchers shambles.

DEATH NOTICE.  Mr. and Mrs. FALLON, keepers of a bar-room at Liberty, Ind., 
died of delirium tremens within an hour of each other.

	The Arctic Exploring Expedition which left San Francisco recently in 
the steamer Jeannette for Behring’s Strait recalls another expedition of the 
same kind, sent out by the English Government about 25 years ago, which met 
with a singular fate.  The vessel which contained the exploring party was named 
the Investigator, and attempted to make the northwest passage by sailing to the 
east.  She got safely through Behring’s Strait, but became locked in the ice in 
the Bay of Mercy, and remained helplessly there for two years.  At the end of 
this time the Resolute, a vessel sent out by the British Government to search 
for traces of Sir John Franklin, arrived from the east in Wellington Inlet, 
and, by sending a party across the ice for about 200 miles to the west, 
communicated with the crew of the Investigator and brought them on sledges to 
the Resolute.  The Investigator was abandoned and never heard from again, but 
her crew accomplished the northwest passage by passing over the ice in sledges, 
not in their ship, as was intended.  On arriving at the Resolute, she was found 
firmly fixed in the ice, and the party were obliged to abandon her also and 
find their way south on sledges.  The Resolute was abandoned in Wellington 
Inlet on May 15, 1854, and was not heard of till September, 1855, when, after 
having drifted about for 16 months, she was picked up near Cape Mercy, over a 
thousand miles from the place where she had been abandoned, and still imbedded 
in ice, by Capt. Buddington, of the American whaler George Henry, who towed her 
into New London as a prize.  Congress, having heard of the circumstances, 
appropriated $40,000 to purchase the vessel of the salvors.  She was then fully 
repaired and equipped at a United States Nay yard and sent back to England as 
an “act of high international courtesy.”  After a very stormy passage, the 
Resolute reached English shores under the command of Lieut. H. J. Hartstene, 
United States Navy, and cast anchor at Spithead on the 12th of December.  The 
enthusiasm at the event was unbounded throughout England.  Lieut. Hartstene 
dined with the Prime Minister, Lord Palmerston, at his country home, and said 
at Osborne as the guest of the Queen, while the officers and the crew received 
every attention which national gratification could suggest.

One of the institutions of London is the charwoman, or chorewoman.  Does a 
woman fail as a servant, does the eyesight of a seamstress give way, is the 
wife or widow of an artisan or laborer overtaken by adversity, she falls into 
the great army of charwomen.  Some are trustworthy and are employed for years 
in the same family and take care of the house.  Their pay is from fifty to 75 
cents a day, with food.

Since the composition of one of the most popular proprietary medicines – we 
speak of Dr. F. Wilhoft’s Anti-Periodic or Fever and Ague Tonic – has been 
published and accompanies every bottle, the sales of this greatest specific for 
the cure of Chills and Fever, Dumb Chills and hypertrophied spleen have 
doubled, and the leading physicians prescribe it in their practice when the 
usual remedies fail.  All druggists sell it.

A college professor once said that “he who expects to rate high in his class 
must not expectorate on the floor.”  Much of the hawking and spitting was, no 
doubt, caused by catarrh, which the professor knew could be readily cured by 
the use of a few bottles of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy.

According to an official return, 27 persons died of starvation in London last 

Poor bread and biscuits are unknown where National Yeast is used.  If you have 
not given it a trial, do so at once.

Chew Jackson’s best sweet Navy tobacco.

Popham’s Asthma Specific.  Instant relief.  Sold by druggists.  Trial free.  
Address T. Popham’s & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.

Big wages summer and winter.  Samples free.  National Copying Co., 800 W. 
Madison St. Chicago.

Dr. John Bull’s Smith Tonic Syrup for the cure of fever and ague or chills and 
fever.  The proprietor of this celebrated medicine justly claims for it a 
superiority over all remedies ever offered to the public for the safe, certain, 
speedy and permanent cure of ague and fever, or chills and fever, whether of 
short or long standing.  He refers to the entire Western and Southern country 
to bear him testimony to the truth of the assertion that in no case whatever 
will it fail to cure if the directions are strictly followed and carried out.  
In a great many cases a single dose has been sufficient for a cure, and whole 
families have been cured by a single bottle, with a perfect restoration of the 
general health.  It is, however, prudent, and in every case more certain to 
cure, if its use is continued in smaller doses for a week or two after the 
disease has been checked, more especially in difficult and long-standing 
cases.  Usually this medicine will not requite any aid to keep the bowels in 
good order.  Should the patient, however, require a cathartic medicine, after 
having taken three or four doses of the tonic, a single dose of Bull’s 
vegetable family pills will be sufficient. The genuine Smith’s tonic syrup must 
have Dr. John Bull’s private stamp on each bottle.  Dr. John Bull only has the 
right to manufacture and sell the original John J. Smith’s Tonic Syrup, of 
Louisville, Ky.  Examine well the label on each bottle.  If my private stamp is 
not on each bottle, do not purchase, or you will be deceived.  Dr. John Bull, 
Manufacturer and vendor of Smith’s Tonic Syrup, Bull’s Sarsaparilla, Bull’s 
Worm Destroyer, the popular remedies of the Day.  Principal office, 319 Main 
St., Louisville, Ky.

Do not fail to read Wheelock, Finlay & Co. notice in this issue.

Young men wanted to learn telegraphing.  Salary $40 to $75 per month when 
qualified.  Western Tel. Institute.  Sedalia, Mo. 

Hair.  Wholesale and retail.  Send for price list.  Goods sent COD.  Wigs made 
to order.  E. Burnham, 202 W. Madison St. Chicago.

Write to Miller’s Great Business College, Keokuk, Iowa.

$350 a month. – Agents wanted – 36 best selling articles in the world.  One 
sample free.  Address Jay Bronson.  Detroit, Mich.

$2,000 a year easy made in each county.  Good business men and agents.  Address 
J. B. Chapman, 69 West St.  Madison, Ind.

Dyke’s Beard Elixir.  A wonderful discovery.  …(print too small to read)

Pure teas.  Agents wanted everywhere to sell to families, hotels, and large 
consumers.  Largest stock in the country’  quality and terms the best.  Country 
store keepers should call or with Thee Wells Tea Company, 201 Fulton St. , N. 
Y.  PO Box 4560.

Needles.  Parts and findings for sewing machines.  Largest House in the west.  
Orders solicited.  New price list just out mailed free to the trade.  Send card 
with address.  W. B. Blelock, 604 N. 4th Street, St. Louis, Mo.

Eureka Coil Spring is a reservoir of power.  Neutralizes jerks & chokes, 
prevents breakage, is easy on the horses shoulders.  Gives a live & steady 
motion to the cylinder.  Saves 25 percent of power.  Pays for itself in less 
than a week.  Centennial and gold medals awarded.  Can be applied, in one 
minute, to any power.  Jno. A. Hafner, Pittsburgh, Pa.

Agents wanted for the Pictorial History of the World.  It contains 672 fine 
historical engravings and 1,260 large double column pages and is the most 
complete History of the World ever published.  It sells at sight.  Send for 
specimen pages and extra terms to Agents, and see why it sells faster than any 
other book.  Address National Publishing Co., St. Louis, Mo.

Horse power, well-auger and rock driller.  One man and one horse required.  
Warranted the best in use.  No patent right to be bout.  Come and see a machine 
at work.  Circulars free.  Address. John Campbell, Agent 1519 Broadway, St. 
Louis , No.

Graefenberg Vegetable Pills.  Mildest ever known, cure malarial diseases, 
headaches, biliousness, indigestion and fevers.  These pills tone up the system 
and restore health to those suffering from general debility and nervousness.  
Sold by all druggists.  25 cents per box.

Occidentalis.  No aloes!  No Quinine! No poisonous drugs!  A never-failing cure 
for fever and ague.  Does not affect the head, nauseate the stomach or gripe 
the bowels.  A pleasant, speedy and reliable remedy for Female Diseases. Its 
use prevents Malarial poison from accumulating in t the system.  It keeps the 
stomach in a healthy condition, Preventing Diarrhea and Dysentery.  Cures 
constipation and piles.  Quiets nervous excitement.  Induces refreshing sleep 
and exerts a salutary influence upon all the functions of the body.  Is an 
invaluable household remedy.  Sold wholesale by R. H. McDonald & Co, N. Y.; Van 
Schaack, Stevenson & Co, Chicago; Richardson & Co., St. Louis.  A. & V. C. 
Miller, Proprietors, 722 Washington Avenue, St. Louis.

When writing to advertisers, please say you saw the advertisement in this 
paper.  Advertisers like to know when and where their advertisements are paying 

DR. CLARK JOHNSON’S INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP.  Cures dyspepsia.  Cures liver 
disease.  Laboratory, 77 W. 3d. St., New York City.  Late of Jersey City.  
Cures fever and ague.  Cures scrofula and skin disease.  Cures biliousness.  
Cures heart disease.  Cures rheumatism and dropsy.  Cures nervous debility.  
Trademark (picture of an Indian).  The best remedy known to man!  Dr. Clark 
Johnson having associated himself with Mr. Edwin Eastman, an escaped convict, 
long a slave to Wakametkla, the medicine man of the Commanches, is now prepared 
to lend his aid in the introduction of the wonderful remedy of that tribe.  The 
experience of Mr. Eastman being similar to that of Mrs. Chas. Jones and son, of 
Washington County, Iowa, an account of whose sufferings were thrillingly 
narrated in the New York Herald of Dec 15, 1878, the facts of which are so 
widely known, and so nearly parallel, that but little mention of Mr. Eastman’s 
experiences will be given here.  They are, however, published in a neat volume 
of 300 pages, entitled “Seven and Nine Years Among the Commanches and Apaches: 
of which mention will be made hereafter.  Suffice it to say that for several 
years Mr. Eastman, while a captive, was compelled to gather the roots, gums, 
barks, herbs, and berries of which Wakemetkla’s medicine was made, and is still 
prepared to provide the same materials for the successful introduction of the 
medicine to the world; and assures the public that the remedy is the same now 
as when Wakametkla compelled him to make it.  (Picture of another Indian)  
Wakametkla, the Medicine Man.  Cures female diseases.  Cures dyspepsia.  Cures 
constipation.  Cures humors in the blood.  Cures coughs and colds.  Cures 
indigestion.  Nothing has been added to the medicine and nothing has been taken 
away.  It is without doubt the best purifier of the blood and renewer of the 
system ever known to man.  This syrup possesses varied properties.  It acts 
upon the liver.  It acts upon the kidneys.  It regulates the Bowels.  It 
purifies the Blood.  It quiets the Nervous system.  It promotes digestion.  It 
nourishes, strengthens and invigorates.  It carries off the old blood and makes 
new.  It opens the pores of the skin, and induces healthy perspiration.  It 
neutralizes the hereditary taint or poison in the blood, which generates 
Scrofula, Erysipelas and all manner of skin diseases and internal humors.  
There are no spirits employed in its manufacture, and it can be taken by the 
most delicate babe, or by the aged and feeble, care only being required in 
attention to directions.  (Picture of another Indian)  Edwin Eastman in Indian 
Costume.  A correct likeness of Mr. Edwin Eastman after being branded by the 
Indians in 1860.  Seven and Nine Years among the Commanches and Apaches.  A 
neat volume of 300 pages being a simple statement of the horrible facts 
connected with the sad massacre of a helpless family and the captivity, 
tortures and ultimate escape of its two surviving members.  For sale by our-----
---Price. $1.00.  The incidents of the massacre, briefly------distributed by 
agents, free of charge ----.  Mr. Eastman, being almost -----engaged in 
gathering and curing-----the medicine is composed, the -----ment devolves upon 
Dr. John------been called, and is known as ------Dr. Clark Johnson’s Indian 
Blood Syrup.  Price of Large Bottles----- Price of small bottles------ Read the 
voluntary testimonials of those who have been cured by the use of -----Blood 
Syrup in you own ------.  Testimonials of Cures.  DYSPEPSIA AND INDIGESTION.  
Greensburg, St. Helena County, Ia.  Dear Sir:  This is to certify that after 
trying various kinds of medicine in vain for dyspepsia and indigestion, I got 
some of you wonderful Indian Blood Syrup, which I took according to directions 
and was greatly benefited thereby.  It is an excellent remedy.  Chas. A. 
Dyson.  A WONDERFUL CURE.  Fisherville, Merrimack Co., N. H. May 11, 1879.  
Dear Sir: - This is to certify that after trying your Indian Blood Syrup for 
rheumatism, neuralgia and liver complaint, and have never been troubled since.  
I never knew a well day before I took your medicine.  Mrs. H. Knowlton.  LIVER 
COMPLAINT.  Brookhaven, Lincoln County, Miss.  Dear Sir – This is to certify 
that I have used some of the Indian Blood Syrup for disease of the liver and 
have been very much benefited thereby.  I can recommend it to all similarly 
affected.  A. O. Cox, Sheriff.  FOR BRONCHITIS.   Lentzville, Limestone County, 
Ala. Feb 15, 1879.  Dear Sir – My wife has been afflicted for several years 
with chronic bronchitis, and, after trying all other remedies and finding no 
relief, I purchased some of your very excellent Indian Blood Syrup, which she 
used, and, after a fair trial, I have no hesitation in recommending it to the 
afflicted.  Rev. Jesse James.  CURES DYSPEPSIA.  Piney Grover, Alleghany Co., 
Md. Jan 24, 1879.  Dear Sir:  I have been afflicted with dyspepsia for several 
years, and have tried every kind of medicine, but to no effect.  I was induced 
to try your Indian Blood Syrup and purchased four one-dollar bottles, which 
entirely cured me.  C. Craword.  CURES AGUE.  Caddo, Choctaw Nation, Ind. Terr, 
Feb 28, 1879.  Dear Sir:  This is to certify that your Indian Blood Syrup has 
cured me of chills, which had been annoying me for a long time.  I can 
cheerfully recommend it to all sufferers with chills and fever.  It is the best 
medicine I ever used, and would not be without it.  Mrs. John Blue.  CURES 
RHEUMATISM.  Mannington, Marion Co., W. Va., March 4, 1879.  Dear Sir: I have 
been bothered for several years with rheumatism, and was unable to find 
anything to relieve me, I got some of your Indian Blood Syrup, which relived me 

Additional Comments:
A hard copy of the transcription of THE VERNON CLIPPER can be bought.  For 
details contact Veneta McKinney  Also, anyone wishing to 
have a photocopy of any article in the PIONEER, THE CLIPPER, or THE LAMAR NEWS, 
contact me for ordering information.

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