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Old Live Oak Cemetery, Division 7, Selma, Dallas, Alabama

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Kay Pomeroy <>  and
Jean Pickrering <> 
October 2004

Live Oak Cemetery
East portion reserved for graveyard in 1829; West Part purchased City of Selma, 1877

On a monument placed in the cemetery by the Alabama Historical Association:

     "Here are buried:
      William Rufus King        1786 - 1853     Vice President of U.S. 1853
      John Tyler Morgan         1824 – 1907     U.S. Senator. Brig. Gen. C.S.A.
      Edmond Winston Pettus     1821 – 1907     U.S. Senator. Brig. Gen. C.S.A.
      Nathaniel H.R. DawSon     1829 – 1895     U.S. Commissioner of Education
      William J. Hardee         1815 – 1873     Lt. Gen. C.S.A. author “Hardee’s Tactics
      Catesby ap Roger Jones    1821 – 1877     Commander C.S.N. commander Virginia
                                                (Merrimac) in battle with Monitor 1862
      Robert W. Barnwell        1849 – 1902     Episcopal Bishop of Alabama."

This cemetery is now known as 
The Old Live Oak Cemetery
It is located on Dallas Ave. in Selma AL Dallas Ave turns directly off Broad St. in down
Town Selma, AL you will have no problem finding this cemetery.
Surveyed and Recorded by Kay Pomeroy <>  and
Jean Pickrering <> 

This may be used for personal use and shared but may not be sold or used in any other way without 
the permission of the recorders, the pages are protected by the copyright laws.


355W	Miles, Thomas Jefferson							Aug 12, 1894
355W	Miles, Thomas Furniss					1894			1975

356E	Rayfield, Maggie Jane					1871			1941
356E	Nodin, Mary Emma G.						1873			1960
356E	Harrison, Fannie G.						1877			1955
356E	McEwen, Ernest Eugene					1883			1950
356E	McEwen, Katie Crawford					1883	no date

356W	Crawford, John Hunt				Nov 30, 1874	Mar 28, 1924
356W	Crawford, Charlie Driskell		Nov 16, 1878	Jan  8, 1904
356W	Crawford, John Ray				Nov 11, 1847	Feb  6, 1894 
356W	Crawford, Martha Ann			Sep  4, 1843	Jan 11, 1922


Gay, Selwyn Gilbert                     May 11, 1894    Jul  2, 1895    Son of Dr. S.G. & Corinne Gay 
Gay, ReaSon                                     1794            1832    In memory of 
Gay, John Asa                                   1813            1866    In memory of
Gay, Samuel Gilbert M.D.                Dec 11, 1864    Jan 15, 1926
Gay, Corinne Maretta                                    Feb  7, 1941    Wife of Samuel Gilbert Gay M.D. 
                                                                        Daughter of Harriet & David Turner of Mobile AL
Gay, John                                       1760            1818    Soldier, Revolutionary War

Jordan, Junius Lewis                    Nov 30, 1881    Dec 31, 1968
Jordan, Corinne Furniss Gay             Nov 20, 1896    Jul 24, 1985    Wife of Junius Lewis Jordan 


Davidson, Mararet L.                    Mar 25, 1877    Mar 23, 1971
Davidson, Charles Hooper                        1900            1959
Davidson, W.E.                                  1868            1931
Wellbourn, Walter C.                    Apr 10, 1888    Feb 23, 1967
Davidson, Addie B.                      Nov 20, 1875    Dec 25, 1958
Davidson, Frank L.                      Jan 12, 1874    Feb 15, 1947 
Davidson, Olive Hooper                  Jan 16, 1875    Nov 23, 1900    Wife of Frank L. DavidSon 
Davidson, Charles H.                    Apr 20, 1856    May 15, 1905
Davidson, A.M.                                  1876            1929
Noble, Annie DavidSon                   Nov  8, 1862    Jan  3, 1954
Noble, Robert Ward                      Mar 28, 1890    Feb  5, 1911
Davidson, James M.                      Sep  7, 1858    Jun  5, 1888    Sacred to the memory of; 
                                                                        Son of R. L. & C. E. Davidson
                                                                        Born in greensboro, AL, died in Selma, AL
                                                                        At rest
Davidson, Robert J.                     Sep     1828    May 18, 1895
Davidson, Clair Elizabeth               Jan 12, 1838    Sep 19, 1927    Wife of Robert J. DavidSon 


Henry WatSon                            Apr 24, 1879    Aug  3, 1898    Son of Fredric WatSon and Mary Amelia 
                                                                        John Watson; Born Selma AL 
Watson, Fredric                         Nov  9, 1846    Feb 19, 1906    Born Greensboro, AL; died Selma, AL 
Watson, Mary Amelia John                Mar  3, 1850    Feb 19, 1941    Wife of Fredric WatSon 
                                                                        Born in Uniontown AL; died Cincinnati, OH
Watson, Cecil A.                        Oct 17, 1881    Aug 12, 1966    Born Selma, Al; died Louisville, KY

Montgomery, William Vaughn                      1876            1956
Montgomery, Etta Hamilton               Jun 28, 1878    Aug 14, 1947    Born in England, died in Selma, AL
                                                                        Wife of William Vaughn Montgomery

John, Joseph Reid                               1814            1890
John, Rosanna                                   1810            1899    Daughter of David & Sarah Black Smith, of
                                                                        Medklebert Co., NC, and Wife of Joseph Reid John

1 slab between these two graves no name

Boland, Harriet John                    Jun  5, 1840    Jun 18, 1928    Wife of Rev. J.M. Boland

Smith, Millard F.                       May 14, 1851    Feb 22, 1924    loving loyal and true
Smith, Mar Lieser                       Sep 22, 1866    Feb  3, 1948    Generous gentle and strong
Smith, Millard Lieser                   Sep 19, 1893    Nov  8, 1942
Smith, Katherine N. died Oct 18, 1892


Clark, Courtney J.
Clark. Nancy W. D.
Clark, Julia Frances                            1865            1931    slab next to this on no name

Iwerson, John                           Apr  8, 1854    Dec 20, 1932
Iwerson, Joseph L.                      Feb  9, 1892    Nov  5, 1965    Alabama Sgt. Quarter Master Corps World War I 

A small slab with the name Johnnie

Clark, C.J. M.D.                        Oct 27, 1816    Aug 16, 1893    born in Lourens Dist. S.C. 
Clark, Nancy Walker                     Oct 23, 1833    Feb 29, 1892    Wife of C.J. Clark M.D. 
                                                                        born in Shelby Co. AL 
                                                                        Maried in Jacksonville AL Feb 16, 1853 
                                                                        (all on one stone)
Clark, Mary Lee                         Oct 12, 1864    Aug 23, 1870


King, Annie Graham                      Sep  7, 1888    Apr 22, 1970    Daughter of Goldsby and Annie King 
                                                                        In as much as ye have done it to the 
                                                                        least of my brethren ye have done unto me
King, Golsby M.D.                       Apr 29, 1860    Apr  5, 1920    Greater love hath no man than this that 
                                                                        a man lay down his life for his friends
King, Annie Graham                                      Jan 14, 1940    Wife of Goldsby King M.D. 
                                                                        Blessed are the pure in heart for 
                                                                        they shall see God
King, Dulie Agee                                                        Only one date:  Oct 29, 1947
                                                                        Daughter of Goldsby and Annie King  
                                                                        Peace I leave with you


Calhoun, Ward Kenan                                     Apr  5, 1966    Daughter of John Caldwell Calhoun 
                                                                        and Mary Graham Calhoun 
Calhoun, John Caldwell                                  Oct  1, 1917    Son of Judge James Marin and Susan Pickins Calhoun
                                                                        Thou has blessed the work of his hands.
Calhoun, Mary Rand Graham                               Jun 19, 1941    Wife of john Caldwell Calhoun 
                                                                        Daughter of Dr. Chauncey William Graham and 
                                                                        his Wife Mar Rand Kenan; born Kenansville, N.C. 
                                                                        died in Selma AL; I have finished my course
Agee, Julia Graham                                      May 4, 1921     Wife of R.H. Agee Daughter of Dr. C. W. and 
                                                                        Mary K. Graham born at Kenansville, N.C.
Graham, Mary Kenan, Mrs.                                Sep 20, 1903    Our Mother, Fell asleep in Jesus
Kenan, John R.                                  1814            1892
Kenan, M. Louise                                                        Only one date:  1892
Graham, T.K.                                    1849            1872
Graham D.W.                                     1862            1893
Two monuments with--John R. & M. Louise

Children of Annie Graham and Goldsby King M.D.:

Goldsby King                            Nov 24, 1897    Jun  8, 1898
Goldsby King                            Oct 29, 1892    May 12, 1894    of such is the kingdom of heaven
Graham, Chauncey W.                     Feb  6, 1862    Oct 10, 1893    born in Kenansville N.C.
                                                                        didn in Selma AL 
                                                                        He came forth like a flower and 
                                                                        was cut down. He livest in all the past, 
                                                                        he lives nor to the last of seeing him 
                                                                        again will be dispair, in dreames we see 
                                                                        him now and on his sainted brow we see it 
                                                                        written thou shall see me there.
Graham, Thomas Kenan                    Nov  9, 1849    Aug  4, 1872    born in Kenansville, N.C. 
                                                                        died in Selma AL 
                                                                        He shall be clothed in white 
                                                                        rainmentand his name shall not be 
                                                                        blotted of the book of life, while 
                                                                        that whitch is immortal fond hope 
                                                                        doth still remain and saith, at heaven's 
                                                                        bright portal we all shall meet again.
Graham, James Kenan                                                     Only one date:  Apr 20, 1912    
                                                                        born in Kenansville, N.C. 
                                                                        died in Selma AL 
                                                                        Gods finger touched him and he slept                                                                        
                                                                        And ever near us though unseen, their 
                                                                        dear immortal spirits tread for all the 
                                                                        boundless universe in life there are no dead
Our faithful nurse Rose                                                 Only one date:  Mar 23, 1901

Irby, Mary Bibb                         Nov 16, 1888    Sep  6, 1925    Daughter of B. S. & Helen E. Bibb
                                                                        Wife of Samuel W. Irby of Lower Peach Tree, AL
Irby, Samuel Wales                      Jan 25, 1888    Jun  4, 1949


Keipp, Mar Morgan                       Oct 25, 1875    Jan 22, 1961
Keipp, Madeline                         Dec 18, 1862    Feb  8, 1942    Artist, Musician Educator Patron of Arts 
Clark, Amelia Keipp                                                     Only one date:  May 14, 1936
Constanzo, Josephine Sannoy             Mar 16, 1822    May 15, 1893    Wife of Dominick Constanzo 
Keipp, George Dominick                  Dec 16, 1865    Jul 29, 1881    Son of George & Lucy Keipp 
Keipp, Henry                                                            Son of George & Lucy Keipp 
                                                                        aged 2 years
Keipp, George Erhardt                   Feb  8, 1834    Apr 10, 1902    born in Meissenheim, Germany
                                                                        died in Selma AL 
Keipp, Lucy Dominick                    Mar 18, 1843    May  8, 1905    Wife of George Erhardt Keipp 
Keipp, Philip                                                           Only one date:  Mar 23, 1919

Johnston, Anna Lee Jones                Nov  8, 1892    Dec 17, 1920    Wife of John Johnston

1 slab no name

Palmer, Lois Helen                              1885            1892
Palmer, Stephen D.                      Jul  4, 1853    Apr  2, 1932
Palmer, Alice Elbash                    Oct  3, 1852    Jan  3, 1942

Phillips, Nettie                                1861            1925
Phillips WM. C. M.D.                            1851            1928

West, Annie Golsby                      Aug  1, 1871    Jul 19, 1935

DeBardeleben, C. Le Grand               Jan 27, 1903    Oct  3, 1932    Beloved
DeBardeleben, Coosa West                May 19, 1894    Jun 14, 1942    Beloved Wife of C.E. DeBardeleben 
DeBardeleben, Charles L.                Jan  4, 1872    Jun  6, 1951    Beloved

Sadler, Susanna, Mrs. 


Dobson, Bess                                    1891            1893

West, John Hendrick                             1867            1884
West, Michael Newton                            1844            1887

DobSon George W.                                1862            1892

West, Bessie T.                                 1868            1955
West, Frances E.                        Jan  2, 1841    Mar 24, 1920

Johnston, May H.                        May 28, 1892    Jan  2, 1975
Johnston, Elizabeth Lee Brown           Jul 23, 1860    May 22, 1945    Daughter of Franklin B. and Catherine 
                                                                        Ann Hallonouist Brown; Wife of Eugene 
                                                                        DavidSon Johnston
Johnston, Eugene DavidSon               Aug 23, 1852    Mar  3, 1926    Son of John and Caroline Alexander Johnston
1 small slab with concrete broken
Johnston, Katie                                                         aged 4 years and 7 months


Elbash, Peter                                   1825            1902
Elbash, Helen E.                                1832            1907
Elbash, Marean                                  1904            1996

Climie, Sterling Austin                 Aug  1, 1879    Oct 29, 1903    At rest
1 small slab no name


Wood, Mary                                      1842            1891

Buell, Benard                                   1843            1929    Buck's Co. Miss. Cav. 
Buell, Lawrence                         Jan 22, 1876    Nov  1, 1962
Buell, Corenne                          Nov 11, 1870    Feb 27, 1965

Tipton, John G.                         Apr  5, 1795    Mar 20, 1853    Jesus lover of my soul, 
                                                                        let me to thy bosom fly
Tipton, Elizabeth Tarver                        1805            1892    Wife of Johh G. Tipton
Tipton, William H. Jr.                  Nov 25, 1901    Jan 14, 1955
Tipton, William H.                      Jul 28, 1876    Jun 16, 1929
Tipton, Mar Buell                       Aug 28, 1884    Jul  1, 1952    Wife of William H. Tipton 
Tipton, Lawrence Buell                  Mar 27, 1910    Jan 20, 1957


Carlisle, Lucy WilSon Wallhall                  1819            1912    Wife of Edward Kenworthy Carlisle  
Carlisle, Edward K.                             1810            1878

On a large monument is:
Whitehall, Lucy W.                      Oct 18, 1819    Jun 28, 1912    Born in Giles Co., TN
                                                                        Died in Selma, AL
                                                                        Wife of Edward K. Carlisle
Carlisle, Edward K.                     Feb  5, 1810    Jan 19, 1873    born in Lincoln Co., GA, died in Selma, AL


Bibb, Mary Elizabeth                    Sep 23, 1818    Aug 16, 1889    Daughter of William Carrie and Phoebe Addate 
                                                                        Lipscomb; Wife of George Rockingham Bibb 
                                                                        Born in Georgetown D.C., died Selma AL 
Bibb, Benajah S.                        Feb  4, 1849    Jul 22, 1927    Son of G. R. and M. E .L. Bibb 
Bibb, Helen Earle                       Jan 16, 1864    Jul 15, 1921    Daughter of Dr. J.H. and Mary H. Robbins 
                                                                        Wife of Benajah S. Bibb. 


Lewis, Hugh Logan                       Oct 30, 1879    Dec 14, 1950 
Becket, Thomas A.                       Feb  7, 1882    Feb 24, 1949    Young missionary 
Lewis, Stella                           Dec 17, 1881    Jul  7, 1969    Young missionary 


Hardin, Marin Ally                      Nov  6, 1908    Dec 25, 1966
Hardin, Hilda Byars                     Jun 30, 1911    Jul 12, 1975    resting with Him.


Walker, Thomas Britton Jr.              Nov  2, 1878    Oct 14, 1925    Our Tom
Walker, Thomas                          Mar  3, 1846    Jun 23, 1920
Walker, Sarah Catherine Graham          Feb  6, 1852    Jun  7, 1918    Wife of Thomas Walker 
Graham, Catherine E. Brittian           May  6, 1817    May  7, 1891    Wife of J.T. Graham 
                                                                        Born Geterville Fairfax Co. Va. 


Schweizer, Adolph                       Feb 10, 1877    Jun 30, 1914    Resting
1 baby slab no name
Schweizer, EmilJ.                               1880            1945
Sshweizer, Jaboc Lebrecht               Aug 10, 1845    May 25, 1924    born at Schoenenberg, Canton Thurgau, Switzerland 
Schweizer,Magdlena                      Sep 20, 184?    Aug 22, 1889    Wife of J.L. Swheizer born at Meisnheim Preussen 
                                                                        died at Selma AL 
293		West, Jett Thomas D.D.          Aug  1, 1871    Nov  7, 1914
293		West, Sarah Frances King        Jul 20, 1844    May  7, 1892    Wife of Jett Thomas West M.D. 
293		West, Jett Thomas M.D.          Nov 16, 1835    Oct 11, 1881	Asst. Surg., CSA


353		Drysdale, Eula, youngest                        Jun  8, 1896    Daughter of William and Fannie Drysdale 
                                                                        Aged 21 months; Not in cruelty not in wrath 
                                                                        the raptor acame that day. Twas an angel 
                                                                        visited the green earth and took the 
                                                                        flower away.
353		Drysdale, Henrietta             Sep 16, 1890    Jan 16, 1892    Gone to be an angel
353		Drysdale, Fannie Allen                          Apr 26, 1925    Wife, Mother; Wife of William Drysdale
353		Drysdale, Willietta                             Feb 23, 1911    Asleep in Jesus
353		Drysdale, Mararet Allen                         Jun  4, 1907    Asleep in Jesus

1 slab no name

358W	Pollock, Rosa Sheaffe           Apr 28, 1888    Feb 11, 1919    Wife of Frank Lillie Pollock 
                                                                        Born  Aurora, Canada 
																		Died  Selma, AL 
                                                                        Quis desiderio sit pudor aut modus. 
                                                                        Tam cari capitis
McElwee                                                 Feb 18, 1891

Jones, Richard Starkey                  Jan 22, 1831    Nov 24, 1858    Born in Oslow Co. N.C.
Jones, Drury Fair                       Jun 29, 1856    Aug 22, 1878
Rixie, Mara Rebecca Smith Jones         Feb 20, 1837    Jan 17, 1926    Placed in memory by her Great grandSon 
                                                                        by George Starkey Featherstone
Jones, Infant                                                           Daughter of R.S. and M.R. Jones 
                                                                        Beneath this stone is sweet rose is 
                                                                        raul a mothers pride. A flower that 
                                                                        scarsed had waked to life, and beauty 
                                                                        ere it died, God in his wisdom has recalled 
                                                                        the precious boon his love had given and 
                                                                        though the casket moulders there the gem 
                                                                        is sparklinf in heaven.
Jones Edward Starkey                    Apr 11, 1796    Dec 10, 1858    Born in Oslow Co. N.C.; died 1858 near Selma 
Jones, Nicholas H.                      Apr 20, 1802    Jun 16, 1837
Jones, Edward                           May 11, 1821    Dec  9, 1852    Son of Ann E. & Edward S. Jones
                                                                        Stop and consider life is but a day, 
                                                                        a fragile dew drop on its precious way, 
                                                                        from a tree summett.
Jones, Peter S.                         Feb 10, 1830    Feb 28, 1834    Son of Sarah & Edward S. Jones 
Jones, Richard S.                       Jun 22, 1831    Nov 24, 1858    Son of Edward & Sarah S. Jones 
Jones, Ann S.                     about Jul 27, 1834                    Daughter of Edward & Sarah S. Jones 
Jones, Kilby E.                         Oct  8, 1835    Nov 15, 1838    Son of Edward & Sarah S. Jones 
                                                                        Leaves have their time to fall and 
                                                                        flowers to withers at the north winds 
                                                                        breath and stars to set but all thou has 
                                                                        all seasons for their own Oh! Death it's 
                                                                        when spring first gale comes forth to whisper 
                                                                        where the violets lie it is when roses in 
                                                                        our path grow pale.They have their seaSon 
                                                                        allare ours to die
Featherstone, Sallie A. Jones                   1854            1909

Reuter, Mathies                         Jun  6, 1816                    born in Meudt Nassau, Germany 

Kerner, Infant                          Jul 21, 1954    Jul 22, 1954    Son of Joan Marie Foster & Fred H. Kerner

Peters, Douglas Conely                  Sep 28, 1953    Sep 30, 1953    Son of Juanita Tedhan and Cecil Douglas Peters

Lowrey, Otis Eugene                     Jan 26, 1903    Jan 13, 1904

Flinn, MarK Austin                                                      Only one date:  Dec 12, 1954 
                                                                        Son of Marus C. & Blonnie E. Flinn

Colby, G.A.                                             Oct 15, 1891

Ham, infant                                                             Only one date:  Dec 15, 1924
                                                                        Son of J.C. "Buddy" Ham and Clemmie  
Anderson, Infant                                                        Only one date:  Sep 28, 1954
                                                                        Son of Jesse Wayne and Janice Anderson

1 small slab

Niel,Cade Sparks                                1873            1937    Wife of Robert E. Lee Niel 
Niel, Robert E. Lee                     Sep     1870    May 13, 1949    Lt. J.G.U.S.N.R. 1917-1921 
Niel, Elizabeth Peake                   Jul  1, 1845    Feb 15, 1921    Wife of Andrew JackSon Niel 
Niel, Andrew JackSon                    Feb 25, 1838    Mar  1, 1908

4 large slabs no names

Peake, Nancy                            May 16, 1848    May  3, 1865    Sister
Neil, Alice Parke                       Dec 31, 1872    May 19, 1875    Daughter of Andrew J. & Elizabeth Niel 
Neil, Charles Alexander                 Jan  9, 1869    Jul 14, 1870    Son of Andrew J. & Elizabeth Niel 


Gregory, Edward G.                                      Apr  3, 1891
Gregory, Mararet E.                                     Feb  4, 1893
Gregory, John w.
Gregory, Sarah J. 
Gregory, Nannie E.
Gregory, Lottie                                         Dec 11, 1886

2 large slabs
2 small slabs
1 Marker with C.S.A. no name
1 sm slab no name

McKay, John Geddis                      Mar 15, 1868    Oct  3, 1923

Golson, Frances Ashbury Tucker          Jan  6, 1842    Aug  1, 1928    Wife of James Emamuel GolSon 
Golson, James Emanual                   Jun  2, 1838    Nov 25, 1902 
Golson, Rev. Lewis Pearce               Jul 30, 1813    Nov 29, 1862    Member of the Alabama Conference of the 
                                                                        M.E. Church South, born in Orangeburg S.C.  
                                                                        died in Selma, AL  aged 49 years 3 months 
                                                                        and 29 days
Golson, Mrs Elizabeth Rabb McGraw       Mar 29, 1815    May 24, 1888    Wife of Rev. L.P. GolSon 
                                                                        born in Fairfield Dist. S.C. 
                                                                        died in Montgomery AL aged 78 years 
                                                                        1 month and 25 days
McKay, Jessie GolSon                    Apr  7, 1870    Jul 27, 1961    Wife of John Geddis McKay  


Isbell, James                           Dec 23, 1867    Oct 27, 1874
Isbell, Rutelia                         Jul 30, 1871    Dec 11, 1871    Is it well with the child; It is well 2 kings 4, 26
Isbell, Mary Alice

Armstrong, William Park

Dunham, William P.                                      May 16, 1848    aged 29 years 6 months and 16 days 
                                                                        This tomb was erected as a memento of 
                                                                        affection by his bereaved Wife

Blackwell, Sallie                       Mar  4, 1827    Feb 14, 1898    At restIn loving memory of our mother
Blackwell, Sallie                       Mar  1, 1860    Jul 29, 1866    Daughter of F.M. & Sallie Blackwell
                                                                        A bud was plucked by God to bloom in heaven
Blackwell, Francis                      Dec 23, 1827    Feb  7, 1862    Born in Indiana, aged 34 years 1 month and 15 days
Blackwell, Francis Marion Jr.           Jun 11, 1882    Oct 27, 1918    Son of Hallie and F.M. Blackwell 
                                                                        He died in his country's service
Blackwell, Hallie Mildred               Jan  8, 1897    Sep 29, 1897    Our short lived frower returned again to God
Blackwell, Texie Dunham                 Oct 28, 1890    Apr  1, 1891    Another sweet flower blossoms in the dulls 
                                                                        of heaven
Blackwell, Infant                       Aug 18, 1894    Oct 19, 1894    Son of M. & H.E. Blackwell
                                                                        Aged 2 months and 1 day 
                                                                        Of such is the kingdom of heaven
Blackwell, Sallie Weeden                Feb 16, 1881    Sep. 19, 1895   Daughter of M. & H.E. Blackwell 
                                                                        Death lives on her like an untimely 
                                                                        frost, upon the sweetest flower of all the fields

Johnson, Anne Armstrong                 Aug  5, 1881    Oct 30, 1952    Wife of Thomas Sloo JohnSon  
Armstrong, William Parke                        1843            1901    I shall see his face without fear
Armstrong, Mary Alice Isbell                                            widow of W. P. Armstrong
Armstrong                                       1847            1895    It is well
Armstrong, Mina Gary Lamar              Mar  4, 1884    Apr 14, 1966    Wife of H. G. Armstrong 
Armstrong, Houston Churchill            Oct  9, 1875    Dec 14, 1933
Armstrong, Houston Churchill Jr.        Jan     1913    Mar     1939
Armstrong, Infant                                                       Only one date:  Mar 22, 1910
                                                                        Daughter of H.C. & M.L. Armstrong 
Armstrong, Sarah Knight                 Dec  4, 1922    Oct 27, 1984
Armstrong, Law Lamar                    Jun  7, 1920    Aug 30, 1994
Hoenberg, Alice Armstrong               Apr  7, 1911    Feb 23, 1996
Hoenberg, Charles Morris                Dec 25, 1907    Oct 20, 1984
Darden, Mina Hoenberg                   Sep 13, 1937    Oct  9, 1996

Pritchett, Mararet Buxton                               Apr  5, 1860    Once the beloved Wife of John C. Pritchett and 
                                                                        eldest Daughter of William & Ellenor G. Waddill 
                                                                        Aged 23, years, even so Father, 
                                                                        for so it seemed good in thy sight
Blackwell, James B.                     May 10, 1884    Nov 21, 1948
Blackwell, Henry W.                     Nov 10, 1892    Feb  5, 1946    Alabama Pvt. 167 Inf. 42 Div.

Ware, Sophea McNeill                                    Sep.17, 1858    Wife of Henry H. Ware 
                                                                        She died in the 26th year of her age

Norris, Willie A.                       Apr 17, 1871                    Son of J.A. & S.A. Norris  
                                                                        died in the 23rd year of his age

Russell, Mrs. Fannie Taylor             Jul 28, 1844    Mar 11, 1877    Wife of J. Tyler Russell and only 
                                                                        surviving child of Mrs. Mary A. Taylor 
                                                                        Born & died near Uniontown, AL, she was indeed 
                                                                        a devoted Wife affectionate Daughter and mother
Russell, John Tyler                     Aug 18, 1841    Nov  5, 1916    Son of James CarSon Russell and Juda Tinsley 
                                                                        Rullell; born in Dallas Co.; enlisted in 
                                                                        Confederate Army of Northern Virginia Sep 2, 1861, 
                                                                        A member of the old fighting fourth of AL A gallant 
                                                                        soldier, a Christian Gentleman
Taylor, Mary Ann Tillman                Aug 30, 1824    Jun 18, 1910    Wife of Leroy Taylor, born in Edgefield S.C.  
                                                                        died Centerville, AL  blessed are the pure 
                                                                        in heart for they shall see God
Anderton, Frances Russell               May  4, 1876    Mar 13, 1970
Anderton, William Aston                 Mar 16, 1878    Mar 29, 1945

Burdick, Isaac                          Oct 12, 1815    Jul 14, 1863    who was born in Warren Co. New York 
                                                                        died in Selma AL 


Riggs, Louis Sidney                     Oct  6, 1890    Jan 29, 1893
Weaver, Elizabeth                       Feb  9, 1811    May 21, 1892
Riggs, Louis S.                         Jun 19, 1831    Apr  8, 1865
Riggs, Louis Ritter                     Sep  1, 1860    Jan  5, 1864
Weaver, Mary Elizabeth                  Sep 11, 1835    Feb 24, 1915    Wife of Louis S. Riggs and Virgil Erwin 
                                                                        (Mary Elizabeth Weaver Riggs Erwin) 
Weaver, Samuel P.                               1842            1895
Riggs, Albert Sidney                    Mar  4, 1865    Apr 17, 1931

Garner, Elizabeth R.                    Nov 28, 1892    Nov 13, 1981
Garner, Henry Edwin                     Jul  8, 1890    May  3, 1937

Pierce, B.F.                            Jul 30          Dec 16th 1856   born in Emlden ME, died in Helena S.C

Marin, David Davis Jr.                  Dec 19, 1918    Nov  4, 1979    Beloved husband of Nancy Carr Marin

White, Marie                            Jun 17, 1856            1862?   Second Daughter of William & H. F. White

Stewart, Pattie Gee Marin               Feb.12, 1914    Aug 17, 1989

Marin, David Davis                              1881            1949
Marin, Mary Gee                                 1882            1953
Gee, Susan B.                                   1864            1956

Williams, Frank Norton                  Dec 25, 1881    Jul 20, 1961    Son of Chauncey C. and Pattie Jones Williams
Williams, Chauncey Camp D.D.            Jul 23, 1850    Oct 29, 1927
Williams, Pattie Jones                  Oct 25, 1858    Dec  9, 1949    Wife of Chauncey Camp Williams, D.D.

1 small slab no name

Jones, William Henry                    Jan 20, 1864    Jan 29, 1905    Son of Joel W. and Mara C. Jones 
                                                                        We ask for him lifeand thou gavest 
                                                                        him a long life even forever and ever
Jones, Joel W.                          Apr 29, 1820    Oct 31, 1876    the memory of the just is blessed
Jones, Mara C.                          Sep  1, 1825    Jul 18, 1899

4 slabs no names

Gee, Susan B.                                           Dec 30, 1862    Her children arise up and call her blessed.
Gee, Major William                                      Oct 18, 1853    born in Southampton County Virginia 
                                                                        aged 58 years where the generous and 
                                                                        hospitable (pairiat)??? Is-------there 
                                                                        will he be admired the most
Jones, Sue Gee                                                          Daughter of Joel W. & M.C. Jones
Jones, Joel Walker                                                      Son of Joel W. & M. C. Jones
Jones, Jimmy Gee                                                        Son of Joel W. & M. C. Jones

Marin, Henry Gee                        Dec 18, 1915    Jun  4, 1986    a friend to all ages

King, William B.                        Nov 28, 1798    Mar 11, 1857    born in Bertie?? Co., NC

Moss, D. C. G., MD                      DEC 10, 1828    Aug 24, 1854    born in AL; Farewell our generous brother, 
                                                                        it grieves us to part with one whose image 
                                                                        long shall be enshrined upon our hearts

O.R. & S.L.R.--E.& N.E.R.

Potts, James & Elizabeth                Aug 29, 1799    Feb 28, 1876    born in Portsmouth Va.; died in Selma AL 

Wilson, Donald Clifford                 Dec  8, 1922    Oct 31, 1924
Wilson, Lois Elizabeth                  Aug 23, 1925    Jul 11, 1926
Wilson, Dorothy Estelle                 Sep 16, 1918    Aug  7, 1927
Wilson, Florence Ruth                   Sep  3, 1920    May 14, 1943
Wilson, Louis Clifford                  Sep  3, 1891    Aug 23, 1965    Father
Wilson, Mar Ashe                        Nov 11, 1892    Jan 10, 1968

Murphy, William M.                      Mar 12, 1897    Nov  6, 1855    Born in Granville County, NC

Hopkins, Arthur                         Apr     1803    Mar 11, 1861    W.M. & A.M. Murphy
Lapsley, Joseph M.                      Apr 15, 1815    Nov 11, 1863    born near Bardstown Ky., died at Selma, AL

Lapsley, William M. and his Wife Elizabeth A. Lapsley, and their Son John Whitfield Lapsley

Lapsley, Elizabeth A.                   Feb  3, 1818    Dec 16, 1898    born in Philadelphia, Pa.; died at Selma 
Lapsley, John Whitfield                 Apr 21, 1844    Mar  9, 1865    born at Richmond Mo.; died at Mobile AL 

Cabell, Dr. Patrick Henry               May 10, 1827    Oct 20, 1865
Cabell. Edward Aylett                                   Dec 17, 1862    aged 8 months and 13 days
Cabell, Anna Henry                                      Jan  8, 1863    aged 1 year 6 montha and 27 days
Cabell, Mar Hall                                        Jan  4, 1863    aged 2 years 8 months and 28 days
Cabell, Phillip Aylett                                  Dec 29, 1862    aged 1 year 1 month and 9 days

Deans, Mary Louise Lapsley              Nov 14, 1857    Aug 28, 1941    Daughter of John W. & Ann Amelia Lapsley 
                                                                        Wife of Gilbert Burnet Deans  
                                                                        The Lord is my Sheppard
Deans, Gilbert Burnet                   May  4, 1852    Dec 28, 1914    at Midlathan Glouchester County Virginia
Deans, Herbert beloved                  Apr  9, 1889    Jul 17, 1895    Son of Gilbert B. & Mary L. Deans 

George                                  Dec 16, 1852    Jun  5, 1854
Fairfax                                 Apr 20, 1845    Aug 30, 1847
Robert                                  Dec 16, 1852    Jun  5, 1854

Lapsley, Ann Amelia King                Oct  2, 1824    Jul     1888
Lapsley, John Whitfield                 Dec  6, 1806    Jun     1889
Lapsley, Mara Butler                    Jul 20, 1856            1932
Lapsley, John Byrd                      Mar  2, 1847            1903
Lasseter, Mar Fairfax Keller            Nov 11, 1868    Jan 30, 1926    Wife of Z.H. Lasseter 
Lasseter, Amelia Fairfax                Aug  2, 1903    Sep  5, 1918

Beverly, Maria                                                          age 26 years, Our Sister
Goffe, Louisa C.                                                        age 44 years, sOur mother

Smith, Bartholomew                                      Jun 20, 1847    aged 34 years and 20 days 
                                                                        None knew thee but to love thee nor 
                                                                        named the but praise

Smith, Garland Garner                                   Oct 19, 1852    My boy; Son of B. AND R.J Smith 
                                                                        Aged 5 years 8 months and 27 days

Gardner, Mary M.                                                        Age 87 years 
Gardner, Garland T.                                                     Age 45 years

5 slabs no names

Williams, J.H.                                          Nov 30, 1919
Williams, Delia                                                         At rest 

1 slab no name

Williams, Mary L.                       Jul 22, 1901    Oct 25, 1923
Williams, NelSon A.                                     May  4, 1937    Alabama Corp. 812 Pioneer Inf. 

Tomlinson, Grace E.                             1886            1956

2 Slabs, no names

Harrell, C. L., Capt.                                                   58th AL Regt. Vol., CSA
Harrell, Calvin L., Jr.                 Oct  2, 1905    Jun 11, 1978
Harrell, Sydnet K.                      May  4, 1908    Jun  1, 1956

Weaver, Margaret LeGrand                May 29, 1836    Aug 25, 1867    Our mother; Wife of Leroy G. Weaver 
Weaver, Pauline                         Feb  8, 1865    Aug 19, 1866    Daughter of G. & M. LeGrand Weaver
Hawkes, Eugune LeGrand Weaver           Feb 10, 1860    Jul 20, 1848    Daughter of Mararet LeGrand and Leroy 
                                                                        Gardner Weaver and Wife of General Francis 
                                                                        Hawkes; Beloved and unafraid
LeGrand, Lilly                              21, 1858    Nov 28, 1871    Daughter of C & M. LeGrand Weaver 

Noble, H. C. 
Melton, E. B. 
Wilkins, Mary 
Melton,G. F. 

McDougle, Sophia                                        Feb 20, 1919    age 62 at rest

Youngblood, J. J.                       Mar 24, 1892    Jun 23, 1926

Netherton, Isabelle K.                          1873            1928

Williams, Sarah E.H. "Lizzie"           Mar  3, 1877    May 17, 1951

Tesbury, "Charlie" Charles              May 12, 1892    Dec 27, 1933
4 large slabs 2 small slabs no names        

Richards, Andrew J.                                     Jun  7, 1849    aged 22 years and 2 months 
                                                                        Son of the late L. Richards of Hamburg S.C.
Fitts, Burnest Washington               Sep 15, 1910    Dec  8, 1925

Friday, D. A.                           Feb 10, 1861    Nov  8, 1928
Friday, Bodessa P.                      Jan 17, 1861    Feb 10, 1924

McCarthy, Mary Jane                                     Nov 18, 1901
McCarthy, Charles                                       Oct  5, 1883

Fitts, Newton Franklin                  Jan     1865    Jul  8, 1922

2 slabs no name

Barnwell, Elliott Habersham             Feb  8, 1887    Jul 12, 1941    Beloved Son of Mararet Coutreir Blair and 
                                                                        Robert Woodward Barnwell 
                                                                        Born in Selma AL  died in Ann Arbor, MI
Barnwell, Robert Woodward D.D.          Dec 27, 1849    Jul 24, 1902    Bishop of Alabama; Rector of St. Paul's Church, 
                                                                        Selma from Jan 1880 to Jul 1900 Behold an 
                                                                        Israslite indeed in whom is no guile
                                                                        Born in Beaufort S.C., died in Selma AL 
Barnwell, Mararet Coutreir              Jan  3, 1861    Sep 21, 1933    Wife of Robert Woodward Barnwell 
                                                                        Daughter of Julia Rowe and John James Blair 
                                                                        Born in Spring Hill, AL; died in New York City
                                                                        Gracious mother of seven children

Breslin, Virginia Browder               Sep 15, 1901    Mar 31, 1989
Breslin, Edward Daniel                  Mar 10, 1901    Mar 24, 1984
Breslin, JudSon Shearen                 Feb 28, 1884    Nov 14, 1934

Perkins, Ella H.                                1847            1913

Coleman, Louisa Compton                         1875            1947
Coleman, Fredrick Hooker                        1873            1927
Coleman, Asbury R.                              1831            1907
Coleman, Sarah H.                               1839            1913 
Coleman, Mimms M.M.D.                   Sep 23, 1862    Feb 22, 1891    In memory of our brother

1 small grave no name

Breslin, Irma                                                           Daughter of JudSon and Nellie Breslin 
                                                                        Aged 8 months. She seemed a cherub who 
                                                                        had lost her way and wondered hither, 
                                                                        so her stay with us was short.
Breslin, Nellie Shearen                 Feb  5, 1864    Jul 29, 1928    Wife of JudSon Breslin 
Breslin, JudSon                         Dec 29, 1856    Jul 15, 1936


247		Cawthon, Orville Marshall       Apr  8, 1868    Nov  4, 1935
Cawthon, Lucy Carlisle                  Feb 10, 1872    Jul  4, 1931    Daughter of Florence Crenshaw and 
                                                                        Edward K. Carlisle; Wife of O.M. Cauthon 
                                                                        born Marion (Perry County), AL 
Children of Lucy Carlisle and O. M. Cawthon:
Cawthon, Edward Carlisle                Feb  4, 1893    Feb  9, 1893
Cawthon, Florence Carlisle              Feb  8, 1894    Mar 10, 1894
Weil, Lucy Cawthon                      Oct  4, 1901    Nov 20, 1958    born Selma AL 

Carlisle, Edward K. Jr.                 Jun  7, 1845    Oct 18, 1886    Born in Perry County, AL
                                                                        Died at Marion (Perry County), AL 
Carlisle, Florence Crenshaw                                             Wife of E. K. Carlisle Jr.
Carlisle, E. K.                                                         (large stone)
Vaugan, Florence Carlisle               Oct 14, 1878    Jun 13, 1911


Jordan, Annie Laura Daniel              Nov 19, 1891    May  6, 1976    Wife of A. F. Jordan 
Jordan, Augstus F.                      Aug 22, 1891    Dec 25, 1965
Jordan, Rebecca E.                      Feb 24, 1812    Oct 16, 1893
McLeod,Gussie Jordan                    Nov 30, 1867    Oct 31, 1891
Dugger, Mary Maude Jordan               Sep 30, 1913    Jun  7, 1968
Jordan, Katie Mela Wood                 Oct 30, 1869    Jul 21, 1935    Wife of W.R. Jordan 
Jordan, Walter Roland                   Dec 13, 1861    Apr  3, 1947
Jordan, Mar Fletcher                    Sep 25, 1842    Jul 17, 1889 


Sledge, Marion E.                       Jun 29, 1880    Sep 26, 1889    Daughter of A.M. & A.E. Sledge 
                                                                        Sleep on in thy beauty thou sweet anhel 
                                                                        child by sorrow unblighted by sin undefiled 
                                                                        like the dove to the ark, thou hast flown 
                                                                        to thy rest, from the wild sea of strife, 
                                                                        to be with thou mother in the home.
Sledge, Alfonso Marion                  Apr 13, 1835    Feb 22, 1912    Gods finger touched him and he slept
Sledge, Amanda                          Oct  2, 1847    Jun 18, 1889    Wife of A.M. Sledge


Skelburne, Richard B.                   Sep  8, 1896    Nov  7, 1945    Virginia Wagoner Co. Coast Arty. 
Shelburne, Kate Douglas Green           Feb  6, 1897    Sep 20, 1978    Wife of Richard Balmer Shelburn 
Green, Joseph Co.                                                       A. 15 bn. AL Partosan Rangers C.S.A.
Green, Harriett Bailey                          1835            1905    Wife of Joseph Green 
Green, Joseph Walton                    Jan 12, 1858    Sep 15, 1929    Papa
Green, Leila L.                         Apr 26, 1857    May 18, 1920    Mama
Greem, William Bailey                   Jan 22, 1893    Jun  9, 1890
Green, John Keener                      Jul 31, 1889    Dec  9, 1890


Kincey, Willie                          Aug 23, 1884    Sep 21, 1890    Tis hard to break the tender cord 
                                                                        when love has bound the heart, tis hard, 
                                                                        so hard to speak the words must we forever 
                                                                        part. Dearest Willie we have laid thee in 
                                                                        the peaceful graves embrace, but memory 
                                                                        will be cherished till we see thy heavenly face
Grice, Jemima B.                        Feb 26, 1847    Mar  1, 1929    In memory of our mother. A mother's last 
                                                                        tribute of love to her darling little boy
Watts, Joseph                           Feb  9, 1871    Oct  3, 1877    Mama's darling child on earth, mama's angel 
                                                                        boy in heaven safe in the arms of Jesus, 
                                                                        safe on his gentle breast, there by his 
                                                                        loveoer shaded, sweetly his soul shall rest
Kincey, Mattie J.                                       Jun  9, 1905    Wife of E.R. Kincey; home at last
Kincey, Edward R.                               1855            1932
Kincet, Mable Claire Grice              Oct 11, 1882    Jul  2, 1954


Tissier, Mar P. Hogg                    Jul  6, 1868    Jul 27, 1944    Wife of Pierre Tissier 
Tissier, Henry Pierre                   Dec  1, 1865    Oct 20, 1930
Strong, Houston Tissier                 Jan 27, 1884    Dec 21, 1963
Tissier, Pierre Nov11                           1823    Mar 22, 1908
Tissier, Emily Augsta                   May 22, 1830    Apr 19, 1900
Tissier, Marie E.                       Sep 27, 1890    May 22, 1891

George, Adolph, Adelide, Emily children of P & E Tissier

Trippe, Mable Tissier                   Feb 22, 1888    Feb  3, 1973
Tissier, Charles G.                     Apr  4, 1861    May 27, 1948
Tripp, Mararet Tate                     Feb 26, 1927    May  5, 2002
Tissier, Houston Jemima Cole            May 22, 1803    Apr  5, 1939


Butler, Eugene Baker                    Sep  1, 1890    May 17, 1891    Son of Bessie B. & Eugene Butler 
Butler, Alpheus Dana                    Aug 24, 1896    May 10, 1897    Son of Bessie B. & Eugene Butler 
Butler, Eugene George                   Aug  5, 1868    Dec     1942
Butler, Mary Elizabeth Baker            Jun 12, 1872    Feb 27, 1937

Baker, Harry Edward                     Aug 28, 1889    Apr 20, 1914    Blessed are the pure in heart.
Baker, Elizabeth Pierce                 Nov 15, 1863    Mar 27, 1947
Baker, Alpheus Estes Jr.                Oct  4, 1864    Jan 16, 1935
McDonald, James                                 1820            1918
McDonald, Henrietta Josephine                   1844            1919

1 large grave no name

Milhous, Philip Walter                          1836            1905
Milhous, Addra Perine                           1849            1906
Milhous, Eliza Goodwin                          1871            1915
Pegues, Addra Eva Milhous               Dec 25, 1869    Aug 16, 1928    Wife of C.I. Pegues 


Plemons, Willie Levi                                    Nov 24, 1901    Son of R. L. & B. C. Plemons
                                                                        Aged 3 months and 5 days
Mrs. R. W. HARRISon PLOT  





Tice, John Ross                         Apr 19, 1848    Dec 20, 1891
Tice, Ada Gill                          Oct 23, 1854    Jun 14, 1893    Wife of John Ross Tice 
Tice, Rufus Sidney                      Jan 12, 1874    May 17, 1903


Batterson, Lorine                       Jun 14, 1885    Oct 15, 1893    Daughter of M. E.& H. F. Batterson
                                                                        A fairer bud a promise never bloomed
BatterSon Maria E. 
Batterson, Marion                       Oct 22, 1907    Nov 25, 1912    Son of M.E.&E.F. BatterSon 
                                                                        Darling we miss thee
1 small grave no name

Tarver, W. B.                                                           Co. E. Phillips Legion, CSA

1 Large grave, no name

Fox, Elizabeth Jane                     Jun 18, 1883    Jul 25, 1898    Born in Cincinnati, OH, died in Selma, AL 

Thrash, Wilhelmina G.                   Feb 11, 1911    Feb 24, 1994

Franelich, Henry                                1862            1915
Franelich, Amelia Roth                          1866            1942

Elbash, Marguerite                      Mar 17, 1896    Sep 17, 1945
Stilt, Mary                                     1820            1905
Stilt, Archie                                   1818            1878
Elbash, LeGrande C.                             1855            1905
Elbash, Mararet Stilt                   Jul 11, 1858    Sep 27, 1911


Roth, Philip J.                                 1878            1936
Roth, Wilhelmina Kramer 
Roth, John A. 
Paulovich, Julia Roth


Gayle Thomas Gill                       Jun 13, 1854    Apr  2, 1929
Gayle, Fannie Lou Northrup              Sep 16, 1878    Feb 16, 1936    Wife of Thomas Gill Gayle 
Northrup, Albert                                1831            1907
Northrup, Fannie J.                             1845            1899
Gayle, Billups N.                               1911            1911
Gayle, Lou Rees                                 1895            1897

West, George N.                         Sep 18, 1860    Nov 16, 1924
West, Carrie B.                         Nov 13, 1862    Dec  6, 1924
Melton, William Jessie                  Jan 16, 1876    Aug 17, 1923
Melton, Evie M.                         Nov 27, 1880    Dec  1, 1903


Dent, Alfred William                    Feb 11, 1858    Jan 14, 1936
Dent, Mararet Elizabeth Sikes           Dec  9, 1865    Nov 18, 1931    Wife of Alfred William Dent

2 small graves no names