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Live Oak Cemetery, Division 3, Selma, Dallas, Alabama

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Kay Pomeroy <>  and
Jean Pickrering <> 
October 2004

Live Oak Cemetery
East portion reserved for graveyard in 1829; West Part purchased City of Selma, 1877

On a monument placed in the cemetery by the Alabama Historical Association:

     "Here are buried:
      William Rufus King        1786 - 1853     Vice President of U.S. 1853
      John Tyler Morgan         1824 – 1907     U.S. Senator. Brig. Gen. C.S.A.
      Edmond Winston Pettus     1821 – 1907     U.S. Senator. Brig. Gen. C.S.A.
      Nathaniel H.R. Dawson     1829 – 1895     U.S. Commissioner of Education
      William J. Hardee         1815 – 1873     Lt. Gen. C.S.A. author “Hardee’s Tactics
      Catesby ap Roger Jones    1821 – 1877     Commander C.S.N. commander Virginia
                                                (Merrimac) in battle with Monitor 1862
      Robert W. Barnwell        1849 – 1902     Episcopal Bishop of Alabama."

This cemetery is now known as 
The Old Live Oak Cemetery
It is located on Dallas Ave. in Selma Ala. Dallas Ave turns directly off Broad St. in down
Town Selma, Ala. you will have no problem finding this cemetery.
Surveyed and Recorded by Kay Pomeroy <>  and
Jean Pickrering <> 

This may be used for personal use and shared but may not be sold or used in any other way without 
the permission of the recorders, the pages are protected by the copyright laws.


   This plot containts one-half of lot 156, and lots 156.5, 159 and 159.5.  Graves are listed
   as though the observer is facing west with graves listed south to north (left to right),
   and from east to west (bottom to top) of the plot.
   Lot number in which the grave is located is given in the order the graves are found.

Row 1:
     The following monument has writing on several sides:
159   Dawson, Elodie Breck               Apr  1, 1840    Nov 14, 1877    Wife of N.H.R. Dawson, daughter of Robert S. 
                                                                         Todd and Elizabeth L. Humphreys 
                                                                         born in Lexington KY, died in Selma AL
                                                                         On another side of the monument:
                                                                         To the holy memory of his Wife her husband 
                                                                         dedicates this monument thank for his happiness 
                                                                         sorrowing for his loss, hoping steadfastly 
                                                                         through Gods mercy to meet her, when the 
                                                                         night is past, in perfect and unending day
159   Dawson, Nathaniel Henry Rhodes     Feb 14, 1829    Feb  1, 1895    son of Lawrence E. Dawson and Mary Wilkinson 
                                                                         Rhodes, born in Charleston S. C.; He died 
                                                                         in the communion of the protestant Episcopal Church
                                                                         On another side of the monument:
                                                                         Captain Co, C. 4 Ala. Vols. 1861 Member of
                                                                         Ala. Legislature and speaker of the House of 
                                                                         Representatives 1880-1881, Trustee of the 
                                                                         State University 1876-95 United States 
                                                                         Commissioner of Education Aug. 6th 1886- 1889
                                                                         Top of Monument:
                                                                         Oh! Come not in tears to my tomb, nor plant
                                                                         with frail flowers the sod; There is rest 
                                                                         among roses to sweet for its gloom, and 
                                                                         life where it lilies eternally bloom in the 
                                                                         balm, breathing gardens of God.

159   Dawson, Henry Rhodes               Apr 15, 1864    Aug 18, 1903    Son of N H R & Elodie B. Dawson 
                                                                         born Selma Ala.  

156   Furniss, John Neilson M.D.         Nov  2, 1879    Apr 10, 1928
156   Furniss, May Hooper                Mar  9, 1881    Oct 19, 1969    Wife of John N. Furniss M.D. 

Row 2:
159   Dawson, Alice Augusta              Nov  9, 1932    Nov 12, 1932    daughter of N.H.R.& Mary A Dawson
Statue of Elodie B. Dawson
159   Furniss, Annie Mathews             Dec 27, 1880    Jun  9, 1881    daughter of J.P. & E.M. Furniss 
159   Furniss, Joel Mathews              May 11, 1883    Apr 14, 1884    [grave is located in lot 159 and 156, crossing boundaries]
156   Furniss, Annie Frazier             Feb 19, 1886    Jun 30, 1887
156   Furniss, John Perkins              Sep 24, 1841    Dec  3, 1909
156   Furniss, Elizabeth Mathews Dawson  Jan  7, 1853    Jan 24, 1902    Wife of John P. Furniss M.D. 

Row 3:
159.5 Dawson, Lawrence Percy             Jan  9, 1869    Aug 27, 1925 
159.5 Dawson, Alice Kellogg              Jan 28, 1874    Nov 12, 1913    Wife of L. P. Dawson born in Covington Ky.
                                                                         died Selma Ala. 
159.5 Jordan, Jefferson Davis            Jul 13, 1853    Jan 24, 1915
156.5 Jordan, Mary Tarver Dawson         Feb 11, 1860    May  7, 1939    Wife of Jefferson Davis Jordan 
156.5 Furniss, John Perkins              Jul 29, 1912    Jul     1984
156.5 Furniss, Allan LeVoy               May 25, 1945    Aug 29, 1968    son of John Perkins Furniss and 
                                                                         Frances Beverley Hill
Row 4:
159.5 Dawson, Nathaniel Henry Rhodes     Sep 15, 1904    Dec 10, 1953
159.5 Dawson, Mary Allred                Feb  2, 1906    Jul 10, 1982
159.5 Terry, Lewis Newman                Aug  6, 1908    Feb 18, 1969
156.5 Terry, Elizabeth Furniss           Jan  9, 1909    Sep 24, 1990

End of Dawson Plot

159.5 Dawson, Alex                       Jan  9, 1863    Jan 13, 1863    son of N.H.R. Dawson & Elodie B. Todd 

Wilson, Benjamin Franklin Jr.           Jul 18, 1942    Jun 7, 1993

Elebash, Belzora Parrish                Aug 18, 1888    Mar 21, 1965
Elebash, Clarence Couch                 Nov 30, 1888    Jun  2, 1927

McCowen, Mary Baker Parrish             Jun  1, 1890    Apr 21, 1959
McCowen, James Lowe                     Jan  3, 1886    Dec 12, 1967

Parrish, Mary Baker                     Dec 15, 1856    Feb  5, 1928
Parrish, Albert Garrett                 Oct 13, 1850    Jul 22, 1934    If ye love me, ye would rejoice because 
                                                                        I said, I go unto the Father 

Wilson, Benjamin Franklin               Feb  5, 1913    Oct 13, 1999
Wilson, Margaret Elbash                 Feb  5, 1917 

Ritter, Cammie Ulmer                            1870            1945    Wife of Clement Ritter M.D.
Ritter, Clement M.D.                            1867            1911
Ritter, Ulmer                                   1894            1895

Cross, Ann Caroline Bonney              Jan 16, 1802    Jul 16, 1881    Wife of Prof. Nathaniel Cross
                                                                        Blessed are the pure in heart for they 
                                                                        shall see God
Cross, Nathalie                         Dec 31, 1881    Oct 31, 1884
Cross Capt. N.D.                        Feb 22, 1831    Oct 30, 1888
Cross, Amelia E.                        Sep  9, 1847    Apr 14, 1929


Harrell, Eunice B. Varnon                       1887            1909    Wife of William S. Harrell
Small grave, no name
2 large graves, no names 
2 small graves, no names

Allen, Dr. Joseph D.                    Jul 11, 1881    Feb 11, 1914    Husband, Woodman of the World Symbol

Hichs, Charlotte Bissell                Apr 13, 1864    May 31, 1946

Allen, Edward Howard                    Dec  4, 1899    Jul 27, 1965
Allen, Edward Howard Jr.                Apr 10, 1936    Dec 17, 1936    son of E.H. and Cleo Allen 
Allen Walter E.                         Nov 28, 1851    Sep  7, 1908    Woodman on head and slab
Allen, Lula Rives                       Nov 16, 1856    Jul  1, 1923    Wife of Walter E. Allen 
Allen, Vickers                                          Jul 31, 1880    Vick; son of Walter E. and Lula Allen 
                                                                        Asleep in Jesus
Allen, Baby                                                             No dates; Infant of Joseph D. and 
                                                                        Frances F. Allen


Cleveland, Carter Harrison              May 21, 1910    Mar 22, 1990
Cleveland, Theora Campbell              Jan  1, 1909    Dec  3, 1960    Wife of Carter H. Cleveland
Cleveland, Charles Crow                 Jul 31, 1865    Dec  1, 1925
Cleveland, Mary John Hooker             Aug  9, 1879    Jul 28, 1972    Wife of Charles Crow Cleveland 
Fellows, William Craig                                                  No dates
Cleveland, Charles C. Jr.               Apr 26, 1908    May 28, 1970

Wilkins, Joseph Gregory                 Dec 27, 1863    Jul 28, 1929    born Richmond, Virginia  
                                                                        died Ashville, North Carolina 
Wilkins, Hattie H. Hooker                       1875            1949    Wife of Joseph G. Wilkins 
Wilkins, John Mince                     Jan 14, 1906    Jul 13, 1907    son of Joseph and Hattie Wilkins 
                                                                        Blessed are the pure in heart for 
                                                                        they shall see God

Hooker, Alexina Fellows                         1851            1932    Blessed are they that hunger and 
                                                                        thirst after righteousness for they 
                                                                        shall be filled
Fellows, William H.                     Nov 10, 1808    Jul 16, 1880    born in Troy New York  
                                                                        died in Alabama 
Fellows, Jane M.                        Dec 30, 1813    Jul  2, 1891    Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord
Fellows, John James                                                     No dates; son of W.H.& J.M. Fellows
                                                                        Gods finger touched him and he slept 

Walker, Robert Downman                  Oct 12, 1858    Jun 17, 1914
Walker, Jean Rice Hooker                Feb 16, 1877    Jul 31, 1963    Wife of Robert D. Walker 

Rountree, Ella Roane                    Jul 31, 1871    May  7, 1959    Wife of William R. Rountree 
Rountree, William                       Aug  1, 1870    Jan 30, 1930
Rountree, William R. Jr.                May  8, 1896    Jun  8, 1945    American Legion
Rountree, Archie Roane                  Nov  1, 1910    Jun 25, 1913    son of William H. & Ella Roane Rountree


Breeden, Etta Woodruff                  Sep 11, 1872    Jan 25, 1921
Breeden, George Loyde Jr.               Mar 10, 1895    Nov 28, 1960

Woodruff, Nannie                                        Nov 12, 1879    aged 19 years, daughter of N. Woodruff
Woodruff, Noadiah                       Dec 28, 1828    Feb  2, 1891    born in Farmington, Conn, died in Selma, Ala.  
                                                                        (Emblem around it;In Hoc Signs 9in center)
                                                                        Selma Commdy No 5 K.T. Ala.
Woodruff, Sarah Keith                   Dec  4, 1840    Mar 23, 1928    Wife of Noadiah Woodruff 

White John                              Apr 17, 1829    May  3, 1909    born at Courtland Ala. died at Birmingham Ala
                                                                        The upright shall dwell in thy presence
White, Mary Jane                        Apr 30, 1832    Jun 23, 1874    Wife of John White, and daughter of 
                                                                        Alva & Sarah T. Finley 
White, Alice                                            Nov 11, 1879    Wife ofS John F. White 

1 slab no name

1 slab no name

1 slab no name

2 slabs no names but are between these two

Toler Absolom T.                                1816            1885
Toler, Mary Jane                                1826            1896
Toler, Benjamin Franklin                        1857            1911
Toler, Lida                                     1851            1879


Burns, Mary Donovan                     Jul  6, 1884    Mar 20, 1973
Burns, William Merritt                  Jul 22, 1879    Sep 22, 1952
Burns, Eleanor                          Jul 22, 1879    Dec 13, 1960
Burns, Latona                           Oct  6, 1875    Nov 17, 1961
Burns, Merritt                          Jul 30, 1827    Nov 22, 1882
Burns, Ella Philpot                     Dec 17, 1841    Dec 18, 1923    His Wife


Welch, Portis Giallard                          1875            1931
Welch, Estelle John                             1877            1935

Portis, Joseph Soloman                  Jan 23, 1847    Feb 22, 1916
Portis, John Edmund                     Sep 20, 1850    Feb 12, 1910

Welch, Joseph Edmund                    Jul 30, 1883    Feb 24, 1942
Welch, Lucile Burt                      Oct 31, 1885    Oct 28, 1961
Welch, Wm. Pressley Jr.                 May 15, 1881    Nov  6, 1972
Welch, Bessie                           Aug  9, 1877    Apr 29, 1968
Welch, Kate Gordon                      Jan 31, 1871    Jul 13, 1965
Thomas, Pauline Welch                   Sep  8, 1887    May  8, 1935
Welch, Caroline Clyde                   Feb 22, 1879    Apr 21, 1879
Welsh, Infant                                                           no dates, son of W. P. & C. G. Welch
Cleveland, Olive Welch                  Dec  7, 1872    Oct 30, 1896
Welch, Caroline Gaillard                Sep 12, 1848    Jul 12, 1935

4 slabs no names

Curtis, Johnnie Furniss                                                 Our Baby, aged  10 months safe in the arms Jesus

Carter, Susie Vance                             1850            1891    Our Mother, In loving rememberance
                                                                        Wife of Michael Carter
Carter, Michael                         Feb  4, 1832    Dec 22, 1907    Born Davie Co. N. C., died Selma Ala. 

Erhart, Minnie Mirkel                   Sep 14, 1872    Feb 21, 1962    Wife of Otto Karl Erhart 
Erhart, Otto Karl                                       Dec 26, 1937

1 slab no name

Merkel, Anna                                                            Only one date:  Jul  1, 1897 
                                                                        daughter of Minnie Merkel And Otto K. Erhart 

2 baby slabs no names


Shafer, Guy Conklin                     Apr 14, 1899    Dec 31, 1905    son of Guy and Gertrude Shafer 
                                                                        He shall give his angels charge over thee

Suther, Allen                                           May 30, 1848    Age 36 years 10 months & 2 days 
Suther, Louisa Y.                                       Jul 30, 1847    daughter of A & E Suther 
                                                                        Age 2 years 21 days
Suther, Elvira                                  1821            1897    Our Grandmother
Small slab Our Twins                            1879            1878    (numbers are backward)
1 baby slab no name
Shafer, Guy A.                                  1872            1935    Mason Emblem
Shafer Joseph Conklin                           1846            1898    Mason Emblem
Shafer, Jennie E.                                       Nov. 8, 1878

1 baby slab, no name
3 large slabs, no names


Pruet, David Reynolds                   Feb  6, 1918    May  7, 1994
Pruet, Claude Melvin                    Jan 20, 1918

Melvin, John Tillman                    May 15, 1924    Sep  7, 1994    Gave his life in active service 
                                                                        United States Army Air Force
Melvin, John Graham                     Sep 13, 1889    Aug 18, 1977
Melvin, Lucy Agee                       Jul  3, 1893    Dec 27, 1984

Agee, William Clarence                  Jul  5, 1858    Dec 17, 1924
Agee, Emma Randolph                     Mar  7, 1866    Sep 19, 1949
Agee, William Clarence Jr.              Jul 22, 1902    Apr 22, 1948
Agee, Faye Seale                        Jul 17, 1901    Apr 22, 1951

Elebash, Eugene Perrin                  Jul 18, 1893    Feb  5, 1946
Elbash Ann Agee                         Dec 18, 1894    Aug 26, 1958

Forney                                  Aug  8, 1878    Mar 21, 1881    Safe in the arms of Jesus

Rutledge, Caroline Bell Nicholson       Apr 12, 1812    Dec 23, 1878    Wife of Henry Adolphus Rutledge 
                                                                        He giveth His beloved sleep
Rutdledge, Henry Adolphus               Aug  8, 1805    Sep 23, 1883    son of Henry And Septima Middleton 
                                                                        Rutledge Grandson of Edward Rutledge 
                                                                        and Arthur Middleton Two signers of 
                                                                        the Declaration of Independence from 
                                                                        South Carolin
Hunley, Daisy                                                          (no dates)

Vaughan, Emma Herndon Agee              Sep  9, 1900    Aug 11, 1985
Vaughan, William Watkins                Dec 11, 1899    Dec 13, 1993


Knight, Emma Brooks Haralson            Apr 13, 1874    Apr 25, 1897    Wife of Joseph Knight; Prepared as a bride 
                                                                        adorned for her husband
Haralson, Mary Gilchrist                Aug 13, 1879    Jul 12, 1905    He giveth His beloved sleep
                                                                        (daughter of Kinchen Lee Haralson &
                                                                        Margaret McKay Gilchrist, granddaughter of
                                                                        William Browning Haralson & Susan Cola Gordon
                                                                        and Archibald McKay Gilchrist & Margaret 
                                                                        L. Davidson Mushat)
Haralson, Archibald C.                  Jun 18, 1872    Sep  8, 1894    "Archie;" Blessed are the pure in heart 
                                                                        for they shall see God
                                                                        (son of Kinchen Lee Haralson &
                                                                        Margaret McKay Gilchrist, granddaughter of
                                                                        William Browning Haralson & Susan Cola Gordon
                                                                        and Archibald McKay Gilchrist & Margaret 
                                                                        L. Davidson Mushat)
2 large slabs
Haralson, Kinchen Lee                   Jan 15, 1843    Jan 25, 1928    Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord
                                                                        (son of William Browning Haralson &
                                                                        Susan Cola Gordon, grandson of 
                                                                        Jonathan Anderson Haralson & Clara Browning
                                                                        and Francis Gordon & Elizabeth Wells Caperton)
Haralson, Margaret Gilchrist            Feb  2, 1844    Jan 24, 1922    Wife of K.L. Haralson
                                                                        Numbered with the saints in glory
                                                                        (daugthter of Francis Gordon & Elizabeth
                                                                        Wells Caperton, granddaughter of 
                                                                        Samuel Gordon, II & Rachel Herron and
                                                                        James Caperton & Sallie Wells
Haralson, William Browning              Jun 10, 1799    May 12, 1879    (son of Jonathan Anderson Haralson &
                                                                        Clara Browning, grandson of Paul H. Haralson
                                                                        & Nancy Lea and John Browning of Greene Co., GA)

1 large slab 

Wilson, Benjamin Franklin Jr.           Jul 18, 1942    Jun  7, 1993

Parrish, Belzora E. 

McKee, Edwin Courtney                   Dec 10, 1879    Nov 18, 1900    son of E.L. & M. C. McKee
                                                                        In the midst of life, we are in death
McKee, Edwin L.                         Nov  3, 1843    Jun 29, 1905
McKee, Martha Courtney                          1845            1923    Wife of Edwin L. McKee 

2 slabs

Peters,John Walton Jr.                  Nov  6, 1903    Jan  6, 1936
Peters, John Walters                    Feb 15, 1873    Oct 16, 1936    Every trust fulfilled nothing left 
                                                                        but to die, and that's the trust to 
                                                                        give God back the life he gave
Peters, Ethel McKee                     Apr 29, 1884    Jan 11, 1960    Wife of John Walton Peters 


Jackson, Lila E.                                        Dec 14, 1887
Jackson, E.A.                                           Feb 28, 1884
Jackson, Mrs. E.E.                                      Feb 28, 1904
Jackson, Rosa                                           Mar 11, 1868
Jackson, J.J.                                           Oct 26, 1893

McVoy, Mary Elizabeth Sink              Apr 17, 1844    Feb 25, 1914    Wife of James L. McVoy, born in Tuscaloosa Ala. 
                                                                        died in Selma Ala. 

Voltz, James William                    Feb 25, 1857    Sep  5, 1933    Papa
Voltz, Frances Eulaila Chisolm          Nov 30, 1859    Feb  9, 1948    Mamma, Wife of James William Voltz  
Voltz, Cecil Septimus                   Jan 27, 1890    May 25, 1947

Duncan, Louise Melvin                   Jun 19, 1905    Jul 13, 1905

Chesnutt, Mary Gordon Duncan            Aug  1, 1906                    Wife of A. B. Chesnutt 
Chesnutt, Ammie Bass                    Apr 24, 1897    Jan 17, 1968
Duncan, Walter Gordon                   May  7, 1866    Aug 30, 1947
Duncan, Louise Graham Melvin            Jun 16, 1876    Jan 23, 1974    Wife of W. G. Duncan 
Duncan, Elizabeth Tillman               Jul 24, 1900    Jan 18, 1940 


Thompson, Mary Page                             1874            1944
Thompson, William Norton                        1874            1945
Thompson, Gertrude Tartt                Apr 17, 1910    Nov 25, 1910    daughter of William Norton and Mary Page Thompson 
Smith, Virginia Thompson                        1914            1997
Smith, John Randolph                            1906            1975

Jones, Gertrude Tartt                   Feb 28, 1842    Oct 19, 1926    born in Mobile Ala., died in Selma Ala

In memory of

Jones, Catesby Ap R Captain C.S.N.      Apr 15, 1821    Jun 21, 1877    born Clark Co. Va., died Selma Ala
Jones, Tartt Ap Catesby                 Jan  3, 1870    Oct 24, 1879    son of C Ap R & C.T. Jones 


Riggs, Daniel M.                        Apr 11, 1875    Jul  6, 1881    son of Dr. B.H.& F.G. Riggs 
Our babies
One grave no name
Riggs Dr. Benjamin Hogan                Aug 19, 1838    Jan 11, 1888    born in Mobile Ala. died in Selma Ala. 
                                                                        The gentle loving husband and father the 
                                                                        sincere friend eminent. Profession beneficent 
                                                                        in his practice, his time talent, means he 
                                                                        offered on the alter of the public good. 
                                                                        Impeccable in duty abundant in labor silent 
                                                                        in suffering we loved him. His work for and 
                                                                        among us lives on with out eulogy from our 
                                                                        lips or tribute of our hands, blessed be his 
1 slab, no name
Tipton, Frank M.D.                                      Mar 13, 1893    aged 48 years He lived for others
Riggs, John Zadoc                       Apr  2, 1852    Feb 22, 1874
Tipton, Getrude Riggs                   Mar 16, 1848    Mar 12, 1877

Trippe, Silas Orlando                   Mar 22, 1844    Oct 22, 1907    born Winham, Penn., died Selam Ala. 

Fowlkes, Margaret W.                                    Apr 29, 1888    aged 6 months and 14 days 
Fowlkes, Mary Mince                                     Jun 30, 1883    aged 19 months

Wilkins, Richard Augustin               May 15, 1815    Apr 12, 1878    born in Brunswick County Va., died in Selma Ala. 
Wilkins, Margaret Adams Mince           Aug 20, 1825    Jan  1, 1895    Wife of R.A. Wilkins born Charles City County Va., 
                                                                        died in Birmingham Ala.  


Our Darling Harry
1 slab
Lockhart, George Pitman                 Sep 18, 1897    Jun 13, 1950    Gone but not forgotten
2 slabs
Lockhart, Nannie P. Fitzgerald          Jul 11, 1870    Jul 25, 1925    Wife of T.E. Lockhart; Mother
                                                                        A devoted Wife and loving mother
Lockhart, W. D.                         Feb 22, 1893    Dec  6, 1913    son of T.E. & N.P. Lockhart  
                                                                        To know him was to love him. 


Williams, Betsy N.                                      May 23, 1838    A faithful servant aged 83 years

Sacred to the memory of 

Huston, Minnie F.                                       Aug 28, 1880    aged 19 years, Only daughter of E. Huston
Huston, W. H.                           Apr  7, 1833    Jul  1, 1894
Huston, Mary Prestridge                 Feb 11, 1842    Jan 30, 1925    Wife of W.H. Huston 

Evans, Ann Eliza                        Feb 27, 1832    Aug 18, 1888    Wife of James L. Evans 
                                                                        born in Cahaba Ala. died in Selma, AL 
Evans, James L.                         Jun  9, 1816    Sep 26, 1889    Born in Snow Hill N.C., died in Selma, AL

Seay, Eliza Jones                       Aug 11, 1886    Aug  8, 1925    Wife of Thomas Howard Seay 
                                                                        born Selma Ala. died New York City 
Seay, Thomas Howard                             1886            1933

3 Slabs

169W    Jones, Anthony Pettus           Sep 12, 1880    Oct 20, 1882    Son of A. P. & E. E. Jones 
169W    Jones, Margaret Miller          Jun 23, 1894    Nov 10, 1896    daughter of A. P. & E .E. Jones 

170W    Jones, Grace Baker                      1898            1993
170W    Jones, Anthony Pettus                   1851            1925
170W    Jones, Eliza Evans                      1856            1940


Atkins, Annie Harrison                  Dec  1, 1917    Nov 21, 1999 
Atkins, Joseph Harrison                 Feb 17, 1893    Feb  3, 1949
Atkins George Wilkins                   Oct 19, 1912    Mar 24, 1938
Atkins, Carrie McCord Wilkins           Nov 12. 1886    Oct 14, 1964    Wife of A.J. Martin Atkins 
Atkins, A.J. Martin                     Feb 12, 1884    Sep 10, 1928
Atkins, Edward B.M.(I H S)              Jun 28, 1886    May 27, 1922
Atkins, Maj.V.B.                        Apr 26, 1856    Sep 18, 1915    I know that my Redeemer livith. 
                                                                        Woodman of the world memorial
Atkins, Mary Bethune Martin             Apr 29 1880     Mar  2, 1932


Baker, George O.                        Feb 29, 1828    Oct 16, 1891    Born in Philidelphia, Pa., died in Selma Ala. 
Baker, Belzora M.                       Feb 25. 1832    Sep  8, 1906    born in Poqutanuck, Conn., 
                                                                        died in New London Conn. 


Evans, Joseph B.                        Jan 27, 1860    Jan 16, 1928
Evans, Grace Baker                      May 28, 1872    Oct 31, 1935
Baker,                                          1864            1911
Baker, Nellie Virginia                          1854            1926    Regent, Cherokee Chapter, Daughters of 
                                                                        the American Revolution, Selma, AL


Richard Sullivan

Perkins, Joseph L.                                      May 28, 1885    aged 80 years
Perkins, Nancy M.                                       Sep 28, 1887    Wife of Joseph L. Perkins

Minor, Josie B.                         Mar  1, 1858    Jul  1, 1870       

Parrish, James                          Apr  5, 1857    May  5, 1924    born Greensboro Ala., died Nashville Tenn
                                                                        He givith his beloved sleep.
Parrish, Hattie Baker                   Sep 27, 1866    May 27, 1941    born in Selma Ala., Died in Nashville Tenn
                                                                        Let me sit by the side of the road and be 
                                                                        a friend to man
Parrish, Clara                          Apr 25, 1886    May 21, 1887    born Easter Sunday 


Hooper, John L.                                 1847            1898
Hooper, Maude St. John Philpot                  1855            1928
Patterson, Robert                       Dec 12, 1869    Aug  7, 1948
Patterson, Maude Hooper                 Jul 10, 1874    Jul 19, 1954
Drane, John Hooper                      Mar 30, 1924    Feb 26, 1949    Alabama 20 Lieut. 235 AAF 
                                                                        Base Unit World War II 
Drane, Almon Hooper                     Aug  7, 1889    May  3, 1967
Drane, Henry Tupper                     Nov  7, 1883    Nov 21, 1965
Hooper, Richard Coleman                 Sep  4, 1894    Aug 21, 1895    son of L.M. & A.S. Hooper 
Hooper, Lloyd McKee                     Apr 13, 1869    Apr 23, 1923
Hooper, Annie Steele Coleman            Mar 21, 1872    Oct 20, 1953    Wife of Lloyd McKee Hooper 
Martindale, Louise Hooper               Mar 24, 1896    Jan 12, 1970
Hooper, Charles Word 1844 1919

Mangum, Caroline McKee                  Nov 25, 1905    Sep  5, 1909 

Hooper, John J.                                 1847            1898
Hooper, Harry Jefferson                                                 no dates, eldest son of J.J. & M.S. Hooper
Hooper,Harry Lowery Jr.                 May 27, 1914    Feb  4, 1990
Hooper, Harry Lowery                    Jul 28, 1885    Sep 14, 1940
Hooper, Benie Johnson                   Jul 25, 1885    Feb 24, 1939    Wife of Harry Lowery Hooper 

Our Babe Howard                         Dec  5, 1883    Mar 10, 1885

McKee, Harvey Lloyd                     Mar  9, 1846    May 14, 1909
McKee, Mary Emma                        Oct 14, 1846    Aug 28, 1919


McKee, John McPherson                   Mar  5, 1851    Jan  4, 1880

Hooper James Jefferson                  Feb 25, 1890    Aug 21, 1902    Twelve beautiful years
Hooper, Infant                                                          Only one date:  Jul 13, 1912
                                                                        daughter of Harry L. & B.J. Hooper 
Davidson, Charles Hopper                Oct 28, 1899    Oct 31, 1899    Charlie
Hooper, Willie                                          May 22, 1871    young child of C.W. & C.L. Hooper 
                                                                        aged 20 months 1 day


Hobbs, Frances John                     Jul 11 1843     Apr  6, 1938
Hobbs, S.F.                                             Oct 26, 1889    born near Portland Maine, died in Selma

Morrison, Clifford Parke                Nov 13, 1870    Jan 15, 1922
Morrison, Cornelia Lathrop Hobbs        Mar  2, 1869    Mar  1, 1948    Wife of Clifford Parke Morrison 

McGill, Jessie McLellan Hobbs           Dec 18, 1875    Jan 29, 1941    Wife of Truman Leonard McGill 
McGill, Truman Leonard                  Feb  9, 1872    Jan 31, 1926

Curry, Thomas S.                        Mar  1, 1852    Dec  1, 1882    born in Marengo Co. Ala.
                                                                        died in Montgomery, Ala. 

Hamilton Coleman                        Aug 14, 1861    Sep  5, 1870    son of J.S. & A.W. Dean, born in Cahaba, Ala. 

Dean, Arabella Wickes                   Dec 25, 1836    Jan  4, 1886    Wife of J.S. Dean, born in Cairo N.Y. 
                                                                        died in Selma Ala., Blessed are the 
                                                                        pure in heart for they shall see God 

Hobbs, Edward H.                        Jun 28, 1840    Apr 21, 1919    born New Glouchester Me. 

Knight, Agnes                           Jan 14, 1879    Jan 13, 1880    daughter of Charles & Mary Knight  

Shepard, Frank Clinton                  Jan  6, 1853    Mar 27, 1927    Every trust fulfilled nothing left 
                                                                        but to die, and that's the trust to give 
                                                                        God back the life he gave 

Shepard, Fannie Williams                        1857    Apr  8, 1928    Born on Christmas, died on Easter 
                                                                        Obedient unto God's will, her trust fulfilled 
                                                                        re-united with him above
Shepard, Eva, infant                                    Jun  8, 1881    daughter of F.C. & Fannie W. Shepard 
                                                                        aged 14 months not lost but gone before


McFadden, Carrie E.                     Jul 15, 1852    Apr 18, 1880    Numbered with the saints in glory everlasting
                                                                        (daughter of Robert Heyward McFadden &
                                                                        Mary Ann Johnston)
Nelson, Ella                            Sep 14, 1874    Aug 27, 1913    (daughter of Richard Marshall Nelson &
                                                                        Mary McFadden)  
Nelson, Richard Marshall                Nov  6, 1842    Mar  2, 1925
Nelson, Mary McFadden                   Jun 22, 1849    Oct 21, 1927    (Wife of Richard Marshall, daughter of Robert 
                                                                        Heyward McFadden & Mary Ann Johnston)
Haralson, Jonathan                      Jan 19, 1886    Oct  1, 1886    (son of Jonathan Haralson & Lida Johnston McFadden
                                                                        grandson of William Browning Haralson
                                                                        & Temperance Martin Dunklin and 
                                                                        Robert Heyward McFadden & Mary Ann Johnston)    
Dent, Mary Haralson                     Apr  6, 1874    Oct  1, 1907    Wife of George H. Dent (daughter of 
                                                                        Jonathan Haralson & Lida Johnston McFadden
                                                                        granddaughter of William Browning Haralson
                                                                        & Temperance Martin Dunklin and 
                                                                        Robert Heyward McFadden & Mary Ann Johnston)
Haralson, Caroline                      Oct 19, 1894    Dec 30, 1946
Haralson, Jonathan                      Oct 18, 1830    Jul 11, 1912    (son of William Browning Haralson &
                                                                        Susan Cola Gordon, grandson of 
                                                                        Jonathan Anderson Haralson & Clara Browning
                                                                        and Francis Gordon & Elizabeth Wells Caperton)
Haralson, Lida Johnston McFadden        Jan 31, 1847    Jun 30, 1922    Wife of Jonathan Haralson
                                                                        (daughter of Robert Heyward McFadden
                                                                        & Mary Ann Johnston) 
Stanley, Willie Browning Haralson       Feb 24, 1876    Nov 25, 1932    Wife of Albert Livingston Stanely
                                                                        (daughter of Jonathan Haralson & Lida 
                                                                        Johnston McFadden, granddaughter of William 
                                                                        Browning Haralson & Temperance Martin Dunklin 
                                                                        and Robert Heyward McFadden & Mary Ann Johnston)
Michener, Helen Dent                    Dec 12, 1899    Sep  6, 1964    (daughter of George H. Dent & 
                                                                        Mary Haralson, granddaughter of Jonathan
                                                                        Haralson and Lida Johnston McFadden)


Holloway, Child                                                         of E.M. & M.A. Holloway
Holloway, Eddie                                                         aged 10 months & 15 days

Lee, Roland                         Jun 29, 1871    May 15, 1898

103W    Lanford, E. C., Mrs.                        Feb  2, 1876    Wife of B.H. Lanford and daughter of
                                                                        E. M. & M. A. Holloway 
                                                                        aged 17 years 7 months and 20 days
                                                                        Where do we walk with her and keep the 
                                                                        bond unbroken which nature gives, thinking 
                                                                        that our remembrance though unspoken may 
                                                                        reach her where she lives

Holloway, Major E.M.                Jan 25, 1824    Sep  8, 1885    born in Middleboro Mass, died in Selma Ala

103W    Lanford, R.H.               Sep 28, 1846    Jul 19, 1896    PaPa we miss you

Turner, Louis Britton               Jul 14, 1861    Jul  5, 1880    Wife of William T. Turner 
                                                                        Born at Ovid N.Y. 
                                                                        She leaves a kind and devoted husband who 
                                                                        deeply mourns her loss, but not as one  
                                                                        without hope
Turner, Wilie                                       Jul 11, 1880    baby son of W.T. & Louis Turner 
                                                                        age 1 month Sweet little rose bud on a 
                                                                        beautiful angel in heaven
Britton, Mary C.                    Jun 29, 1830    Jul 31, 1880

Armistead, Mary Betty                   Oct  4, 1890    Aug 30, 1892    daughter of W.A. & S.W. Armistead 
Armistead, William Alexander Jr.        Aug 11, 1900    Dec  1, 1906    son of W.A. & S. W. Armistead 

One small slab with Annie on it

Galt, Gena Moore                        Feb  7, 1872    Jul 14, 1884    eldest daughter of Edward P. & Annie R. Galt 
                                                                        They shall be mine in that day when I make 
                                                                        up my jewels
Galt, Edward Pegram Jr.                 Nov  2, 1878    Apr  1, 1899    born in Selma Ala.
Galt, Mary Alexander                    Mar  5, 1888    May 19, 1909    daughter of Edward P. & Annie R. Galt 

2 slabs

Armistead, Susie Bridges                Aug 21, 1867    Oct 27, 1933

Putnam, Lydia Armistead                 Feb 10, 1898    Mar 24, 1974
Putnam, Charles David                   Jun  2, 1898    Oct 22, 1974

Galt, Annie Fleming Reggs                                               Wife of Edward Pegram Galt
Galt, Edward Pegram                     Oct  5, 1847    Jun 18, 1923    born in Norfolk Va., died in Selma Ala. 

(This stone is so weather worn it is almost impossible to read.)
Galt                                    Dec  9, 1812    Dec 26, 1886    born Norfolk Va., died in Selma Ala.
                                                                        The Lord keep----that are His
Galt, Mary R.                           Jun 12, 1850    Nov 29, 1881    beloved of Alexander and Mary Galt born 
                                                                        in Norfolk Va., Gone home
Galt, P.H.                              Feb 21, 1849    Apr 13, 1879    born in Norfolk Va., died in Selma Ala. 

2 salbs the first one has the name Octavia on it.

Bailey, Mrs. Octavia S.

Snowden, Eula Euphemia Beverly          Nov  6, 1873    Jan  2, 1969    Wife of Charles Theodore Snowden, Daughter
Beverly, Henrietta Cornelia             Dec 18, 1857    Dec 10, 1924    Safe in the arms of Jesus

 55W    Cooper, Thompson H.             May 28, 1834    Jan 17, 1881    Born Mobile, AL
                                                                        Died Selma, AL
                                                                        Them that also sleep in Jesus
                                                                        will God bring with him

2 slabs no names between 2 Cooper graves.

Goodwin, Lottie Cooper                  May 30, 1863    Jul 23, 1883    Wife of W.L.D. Goodwin 

4 slabs no names 
1 small slab no name

Hawley, Fannie Pauline                  Jan 13, 1867    Oct 20, 1880
Hawley, Annie Della                     Nov 10, 1860    Sep 22, 1873

Voltz, William Ervin                    Nov 29, 1881    May 17, 1927

McVoy, Ann Elizabeth                    Jul  6, 1902    Dec  6, 1905    daughter of Leanord & Elizabeth McVoy 
McVoy, Elizabeth Nivins                 Jul 17, 1872    Dec 19, 1928    Wife of Leanord Kent McVoy 
McVoy, Leonard Kent                     Aug 15, 1869    Dec 31, 1931

Ritter, Ulmer                                   1894            1895
Ritter, Clement M.D.                            1867            1911


 56E    Frost, Alonzo Raymond           Jul  1, 1883    Nov  9, 1944    Although he sleeps his memory doth live 
 56E    Frost, Georgia Cross Hubbard    Jun 24, 1896    Sep 13, 1958    Wife of Alonzo Raymond Frost
                                                                        She hath won the Victory
 56E    Moreland, French Nabors         Jan 15, 1872    Feb 20, 1925

 56W    Cooper, Charles M.              Sep 17, 1841    Jan 10, 1886    Our Father; Born Mobile, AL
                                                                        Died Selma, AL
                                                                        We shall meet beyond the river
 56W    Cooper, Sallie R.               Mar  2, 1842    Sep 19, 1885    Our Mother; Born Mt. Pleasant, AL
                                                                        Died Talladega, AL
                                                                        Forever with Jesus 

Hubbard, Viola R.N.                     Jul 29, 1879    Jan 18, 1947

Snowden, Charles Theodore               Jan 26, 1852    Dec 22, 1937


Robbins, Dr. Joseph H.                  Mar 17, 1830    Sep  7, 1913    son of John & Rachel Cotton Robbins 
                                                                        born in Bertu County North Carolina 
                                                                        died in Selma Ala. A courageous man 
                                                                        noble and true has gone to his reward
Robbins, Mary                           Jul 31, 1835    Mar 13, 1894    Wife of Dr. J.H. Robbins 
Robbins, R. Maude                                       Aug 19, 1872    aged 5 years 2 months and 2 days
Robbins, Paul Jackson                                   Sep 27, 1872    aged 10 months 27 days Heas the blessed
                                                                        Savior say follow me 

Fowlkes, Edward Taylor                  May 19, 1848    Jun  2, 1886
Fowlkes, Mary Rosaline Kent             Mar  1, 1856    Dec 25, 1944    Wife of Edward Taylor Fowlkes 
Toner, Ethel Fowlkes                    Nov  2, 1880    Jan  6, 1958    Wife of Henry J. Toner 
Fowlkes, Grace Byrd                     Aug 17, 1876    Aug 22, 1876

Kent, James M.D.                        Jan  8, 1830    May 22, 1881    born in Petersburg Va., died in Birmingham Ala. 
Kent, Mary Grey Alston                          1837            1917    Wife of James Kent Wilkins
Wilkins, Mattie Byrd Kent               Oct  8, 1858    Nov  2, 1886    Wife of B. H. Wilkins born in Selma, Ala. 

Boynton, Henry Barton                   Feb 14, 1829    Mar  5, 1863    I mumer not Father, my will is with the, 
                                                                        I knew at the first my darling was thine 
                                                                        hadist thou taken him earlier O' Father 
                                                                        but see thou hadist left him so long that 
                                                                        I deemed he was mine.
Bounton, Robert Houston                 Nov 10, 1872    Jan  4, 1878    son of W.M. & F.I. Boynton  
                                                                        Early lost early saved

Robbins, John Hunt,                     May 30, 1876    Nov 16, 1914    son of J.H. & M.A. Robbins 
Robbins, Joseph,                        Apr 19, 1893    Nov 15, 1898    son of Ray P. & Cammie L. Robbins Saffold
Robbins, Cammie L.                      Oct  4, 1874    ??? 21, 1899    daughter of Dr. J.H. & M.A. Robbins 
                                                                        Wife of Ray P Saffold 

Jackson, Seleta Flenniken               Jun  2, 1816    Oct 19, 1887    Wife of Nathan H. Jackson born in Dallas Co. Ala. 
                                                                        died in Selma , Ala. 

Robbins, Mary Hortense                  Apr  1, 1860    Jun 20, 1922    daughter of Dr. J.H. & M.A. Robbins 

Dennard, Jacob Willis                   Mar 19, 1854    Mar 24, 1939
Dennard, Clara M. King                  Apr 22, 1857    Nov 27, 1949
1 slab
Dennard, Randolph P.                    Apr 22, 1891    Oct  5, 1926    Alabama Pvt. Base Hosp. World War I 

1 slab

Roller, W. W.                           Aug 13, 1823    Aug 30, 1891    born in Dallas Co. Ala. 

Dennard, Myron W.                       May  8, 1852    Dec 13, 1881    born Stewart Ga. 
Dennard, Willie T.                      May  4, 1861    Sep 19, 1880    born Webster Ca. 

171E  Ferguson, Thomas C.               Dec 15, 1844    Dec 22, 1888    C.S.A.
                                                                        [s/o Hugh Ferguson & Caroline Minter]
171E  Ferguson Lucy M.                  Dec 21, 1843    Oct 21, 1928
171E  Ferguson, Roberta J.              Jun  3, 1876    Jun 13, 1905

Chapman, John T. M.D.                   Sep 26, 1863    Nov  2, 1932    Born McKinley Ala. died Selma, Ala.
Chapman, Katherine Hopkins              Mar  4, 1873    May 21, 1930    Wife of Dr. John T. Chapman 
                                                                        born and died Selma Ala. 

Hopkins, Thomas Holmes                  Apr  3, 1842    Dec 25, 1916    born in Danville Va. died in New Orleans La. 
                                                                        on Christmas day 
Hopkins, Mary Glass                     Oct  8, 1843    Nov 16, 1914    Wife of T.H. Hopkins 
Holmes, infant                                  1873            1873    son of T.H. & Mary G. Hopkins 
                                                                        such is the kingdom of heaven 

Norris, Mamie V.                                                        Only one date: Aug 12, 1907
Norris, P.H.                                                            Only one date: Aug 31, 1905

1 slab

Lea, Fannie                                             Oct 20, 1873    aged 2 years and 9 months
Lea, Temple                                             Oct 22, 1873    aged 6 days


No visible graves one small stone no markings.


Cochran, Julia Sullivan                                 Nov 12, 1880    Wife of Capt. H. Cochran died from 
                                                                        injuries received in an accident on 
                                                                        the Ala. Central Railroad, 
                                                                        born in Charleston, S.C. Who can find 
                                                                        a valiant woman
Cochran, Henry, Capt.                           1839            1888    Post Master 1872 1885
                                                                        The heart of her husband trusteth in her


Martin, Edward Bryan                    Jul 25, 1854    Sep 23, 1923    son of A.J. & H.E. Martin 
                                                                        Write me as one who loves his fellow man
Martin, Atlas J.                        Dec 22, 1820    May 25, 1908    Aged 87 years 5 months and 3 days
Martin, Harriot Shields                 Nov 21, 1825    Aug  1, 1901    aged 75 years 9 months and 10 days

Foster, Thomas Fall                     Jun 11, 1876    Jan 18, 1925    son of Tho. D A & Susan Carlington Foster
                                                                        born in Calhoun Ga, died in Selma Ala. 
Foster, Carlington Fall                 Sep 23, 1907    Apr  7. 1929    son of Thos. Fall & Clara Weber Foster 
                                                                        born in Selma Ala., died in Birmingham Ala
                                                                        Buba, we miss you
Foster, Clara Weber                     Jun  6, 1872    Jun 21, 1941    Wife of Thomas Fall Foster born in 
                                                                        Spartanburg S.C. died in Houston Texas  

Foster, Florrie Anne                    May 23, 1898    Jan 20, 1967    daughter of Thomas Fall  & Clara Weber 
                                                                        Foster born Reeves Ga., died in Houston Texas 

Hooper, Robert Lee                              1879            1928
Hooper, Kate Jones                              1879            1966

Whaley, Winston Jones                   Apr 13, 1882    Jan 10, 1935
Whaley Claude Lambert                   Jun 17, 1877    Apr 19, 1959

Craig, Alice Fellows                    Nov 30, 1890    Dec 13, 1976

Winer, Honor Mary                       Aug 15, 1892    Jul 16, 1958

Adams, Elizabeth Wilkins                Jan 17, 1881    Aug  6, 1948    Wife of John Hooper Adams 
Adams, John Hopper                      Feb 23, 1873    Mar 23, 1926

Fellows, Will Craig                     Mar 27, 1893    Jun 18, 1982

Adams, Mary Elizabeth                   Aug 17, 1903    Jan 17, 1906    daughter of Hooper And Bessie W. Adams 

Craig, Byrd Adams                       Jul  7, 1867    Jun 29, 1910    Wife of George H. Craig 
Craig, George Henry                     Oct  7, 1865    Oct 31, 1928