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Cook Family of Northern Conecuh Co., AL

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Cook Family of Northern Conecuh Co., AL
Contributed by William C. Daniel <>
Mon, 21 Sep 1998 

Attached is my chapter on the Cook family of northern Conecuh if you
wish to post it to the Conecuh County page.  The lived originally in
Fork of the Sepulga between present Mixonville and Old Texas.  As you
can see, they intermarried with many early families.  Bill Daniel.

The family of Cooks discussed here were early settlers of Conecuh County, 
Alabama, there being three siblings whose parents I have sought to identify;
 that is, Samuel Wiles Cook, James R. Cook and Maranda Cook Etheridge.  
We know from early census records that their mother was Edy or Edith Cook 
who was a widow by 1830 but their father remains a mystery.  

Certainly one of the earliest records of the inhabitants of Conecuh County, 
Alabama is the tax list for 1819 and since all of the early county records 
have been destroyed, it remains an invaluable source of information.  On 
this list, there were five Cooks - Samuel & James (together) and Henry, 
John and Isaac Cook (together).

Henry, John and Isaac Cook were in Butler County, Alabama by 1830 (Butler 
County was cut from Conecuh in 1819) and later Lowndes County, Alabama and 
since the father of our Cooks was deceased by 1830, these three have been 
eliminated.  As for the other two, Samuel and James Cook, some information 
has been found on Samuel.
Samuel Cook apparently came to the area which became Conecuh County by 1818.
Alabama was created in 1819 and in the territorial papers for Alabama, 
Samuel Cook can be found.  Samuel Cook was appointed Chief Justice of the 
County Court for Conecuh County on February 28, 1818 and a letter from 
Mabury Thomas, to Governor William W. Bibb at St. Stephens can be found in 
the territorial papers regarding his appointment.  Samuel Cook is found on 
record in Alabama in 1819 on the tax list for Conecuh County, Alabama 
Territory received October 26, 1818 with 1 slave.  Here he is found listed 
next to James Cook.  When the state was organized, Samuel Cook represented 
Conecuh County to the Constitutional Convention on July 6, 1819.  The 1820 
Census of Conecuh County shows Samuel Cook with 3 white males over 21, 2 
white males under 21, 1 white female over 21, 1 white female under 21 and 
1 slave.  James Cook found on the 1818 tax list is not found on this census.  
Samuel Cook was a member of the Alabama House of Representatives from 
Conecuh County during 1820 and 1821.  

An obituary was found in the Pensacola Gazzette (Pensacola, FL) for October 
22, 1825 which reads as follows:

	"DIED, In this City on the 20th inst. Mr. SAMUEL COOK, aged 68 years; 
he was one of those who fought for the Independence of our country, in the 
revolutionary war, has been a member of the Legislature of Mississippi, and 
was one of the Convention which formed the Constitution of Alabama.  He 
died universally respected and esteemed and his loss will long be felt by 
the citizens of Pensacola, generally, as well as by his bereaved widow and 

From this we know Samuel Cook was born 1757 and died October 20, 1825 in or 
near Pensacola, Florida.  In investigating the records of Mississippi, 
Samuel Cook appears to have lived in Claiborne County, MS from about 1802 
and was a member of the House of Representatives for the Mississippi 
Territory in 1807/8.  He is also found on the 1810 Census of Claiborne 
County, MS which is just north of Natchez. Prior to 1802, Samuel Cook 
appears to have been in Harrison and Bourbon Counties in Kentucky where 
Revolutionary service for him is documented.  He seems to have come to 
Mississippi with a John Cook.

There are several problems with this man being the father of Samuel Wiles, 
James R. and Marranda Cook.  First of all, all three children stated in 
the 1880 census that their parents were born in South Carolina and in other 
censuses that Samuel Wiles and James R. Cook were born in South Carolina 
and that Marranda was born in Georgia.  Samuel Cook appears to have been 
living in Mississippi during the times of their birth although no records 
have been found for these exact years (1812, 1813 and 1815).  It also seems 
unlikely that Samuel Cook was born in South Carolina if he was in Kentucky 
by about 1780.  However, there was a "Wiles" Cook in a neighboring county 
in Kentucky by 1786 although it appears this family came from Surry County, 
North Carolina.

In addition, in reading the obituary of Samuel Cook, it sounds as if he is 
a resident of Pensacola, FL rather than Conecuh County, AL.  In those days, 
Pensacola was the nearest commercial center for the area and undoubtedly 
frequented by people from Conecuh County.  Perhaps he died on a visit there.

No further information has been uncovered on the James Cook who was on the 
1819 tax list for Conecuh with Samuel Cook.  It is possible he was his son 
and/or the father of these children.  As James was a prominent given name 
in this family, he seems a possible candidate.

However, it is also possible that our family of Cooks were not yet in 
Conecuh County in 1819 but came during the 1820's.  As we know the mother 
of our Cook ancestors was Edy Cook, we have sought to find mention of her 
in the public records elsewhere.  An Edy Cook is on the court records of 
Monroe County, Mississippi in a suit against Richmond Hall in 1827.  Court 
records include an affidavit on this case given by William Cook, Sr.  These 
court records indicate Edy Cook had left the county by 1828.  Other Cooks 
were living in Monroe County at the time also from South Carolina 
(Spartanburg County) and a narrative history of their family states the 
family came from Scotland "in 1783 or thereabouts".  Oral tradition among 
Edy Cook's descendants also states these Cooks were from Scotland.  In 
addition, an Edy Cook is listed in the Augusta (GA) Chronicle in May, 1820 
as having an unclaimed letter at the post office.  The times and places 
here fit with the known movements of our Edy Cook as she had 2 children 
born in SC in 1812 & 1813 and a last child born in Georgia in either 1815 
or 1818.  Her husband, whose name is still unknown, must have died shortly 
after 1818.  She then could have traveled with her deceased husband's 
family to Mississippi where she lived until 1828.  If she came to Conecuh 
County, AL in 1828, then it seems probable that some of her family 
accompanied her.  However, we do not know her maiden name.

The Edy Cook family settled in the northern portion of Conecuh County then 
known as Sepulga.  The area lies near the present day community of 
Mixonville at the crossroads of County roads 29 and 106 in Section 33, 
Township 9 North, Range 11 East.  This land was then a short distance off 
the Federal Road which ran near the western border of Conecuh County. 

The 1830 Census of Conecuh County lists a widow, Edy Cook, with 2 males 
15-20, 1 female 15-20 and 1 female 40-50.  Their oldest son, Samuel Wiles 
Cook, often written Wiles Cook, was 18 at the time.  The 1840 Census of 
Conecuh County lists Wiles/Willes Cooke as head with 2 males 20-30, 1 
female 20-30 and 1 female 50-60. Edy Cook apparently died before 1850 as 
she has not been found on census.  From all this, a sketchy family has been 

James/William? Cook
born c1780 in South Carolina
married c1810 in South Carolina to Edith "Edy" __________
died c1815/20 

I.	Samuel Wiles Cook
	born December 27, 1812 in South Carolina
	married July 4, 1844 in Conecuh County, AL to Jane Whitehead
	died February 6, 1896 in Conecuh County, AL
	Issue (see later)

II.	James R. Cook
	born October, 1813 in South Carolina
	married February 29, 1844 in Conecuh County, AL to Mazella
 	Piggott (born September 11, 1825 in Conecuh County, AL - died 
      March 26, 1884 in Conecuh County, AL of measles), daughter of 
      Thomas and 	Catherine (Ward) Piggott died October 8, 1904 in 
      Garland, Butler County, AL buried Piggott Cemetery in northern 
      Conecuh County, AL
James R. Cook served as Drummer in the Creek Indian War of 1836 with his 
brother Samuel W. Cook.  Much information on him has been found in his 
pension file for this service.  His birth date is from the 1900 Census of 
Butler County, AL where he is found living with his daughter Rosetta and 
her husband Herrington Wright at Garland, AL.  He was 86 at the time.  His 
marriage and death date are from his pension file.  A short obituary is 
found in the October 12, 1904 edition of the Evergreen Courant erroneously 
written for "Joseph" Cook.  It reads "Joseph Cook, perhaps the oldest 
citizen of this county, died on Saturday last at his home near Garland.  
He was 90 years old.  Remains were laid to rest on Sunday? in the family 
burying ground near Sepulga".
Issue of James R. Cook and Mazella Piggott:

A.	Nancy Eveline Cook - born Dec 2, 1845 in Conecuh County, AL -married 
	1) 	c1865 to David Pinkerton;  2) Nov 3, 1872 in Conecuh County, AL 
            to Christopher R. Wright, son of Stephen W. and Mary (Johnston) 
            Wright - died Sept 8, 1916 in Butler County, AL - buried 
            Piggott Cemetery.

	Issue by David Pinkerton:
	1.	Alice E. Pinkerton - born c1866 in Conecuh County, AL - married
 		March 29, 1892 to Lee A. Bardin - died before 1916.
	2.	James David Pinkerton - born Nov 25, 1868 in Conecuh County, AL 
            - married Feb 3, 1901 to Hettie D. Piggott - died Nov 14, 1904 
            in Conecuh County, AL.

	Issue by Christopher R. Wright:
	3.	John Thomas Wright - born July 24, 1873 in Conecuh County, AL - 
		married Feb 14, 1897 to Minnie Adeline Pinkerton - died Oct 4, 
            1921 in Butler County, AL.
	4.	Rilla Wright - born Sept 7, 1875 in Conecuh County, AL -married 
            June 	25, 1916 to James B. Ansley - died Jan 14, 1958 in Butler 
            County, AL.
	5.	Rious Nathaniel Wright - born Dec 11, 1877 in Conecuh County, AL
            - married March 29, 1911 to Mary Gertrude Whittle - died Dec 17,
            1941 in Butler County, AL.
	6.	Frank Stephen Wright - born March, 1881 in Conecuh County, AL - 
         	married Ella Holloway.
	7.	Mary Isabelle Wright - born July 23, 1882 in Conecuh County, AL 
            - married Jan 20, 1907 to Luman Irvin Cook - died June 27, 1962 
            in Conecuh County, AL.
	8.	James Holley Wright - born May 23, 1884 in Conecuh County, AL -
		married March 3, 1912 to Harriett McClure -died Feb 16, 1968 in
		Butler County, AL.
	9.	Burley Crumpton Wright - born Apr 25, 1888 in Conecuh County, AL
            - married Jan 22, 1914 to Helen Sirmon - died May 28, 1924 in 
            Conecuh County, AL.

B.	Thomas M. Cook - born Aug 11, 1848 in Conecuh County, AL -married Jan 
      8, 1874 in Monroe County, AL to Susan Salina Covin, daughter of 
      Joseph L. and Caroline (Simpkins) Covin - died Nov 2, 1913 in 
      Covington County, AL - buried Hickory Grove Church Cemetery, Opp, AL.  
	1.	James M. Cook - born Mar, 1875 in Conecuh County, AL - married 
		Minnie Young - died Sept 23, 1952 in Escambia County, AL.
	2.	Clarah Cook - born Oct, 1877 in Conecuh County, AL - married 
		________ Campbell - died Oct 4, 1938 in Covington County, AL.
	3.	Thomas Cook - born Jan, 1880 in Butler County, AL -
	4.	Charles Carol Cook - born Apr, 1884 in Butler County, AL - 
            married Aug 3, 1907 to Willie Luella Lee - died Butler County, AL.
	5.	Joseph Cook - born 1886 in Butler County, AL - married Jan 6, 
            1910 	to Allene Ledbetter.
	6.	Tidas Cook - born Dec, 1890 in Butler County, AL - living 
            Clewiston, FL in 1938.
	7.	Infant Cook - born and died 1892 in Butler County, AL.

C.	Mary Jeannette Cook - born Feb 11, 1853 in Conecuh County, AL -died 
      May 28, 1928 near McKenzie, Butler County, AL - buried Garland, 
      Butler County, AL - not married.

D.	Catherine Rosetta Cook - born Dec 24, 1854 in Conecuh County, AL - 
      married Dec 18, 1874 in Conecuh County, AL to James Harrington Wright 
      - died Nov 7, 1904 in Butler County, AL - buried Piggott Cemetery.  
	1.	Marion LaFayette Wright - born Oct 3, 1875 in Conecuh County, AL
            - married 1904 to Viola Leach - died Dec 3, 1923 in McKenzie, 
            Butler County, AL.
	2.	Violette Mazella Wright - born June 2, 1878 in Conecuh County, 
            AL - married John Tarpley Lowery - died Jan 13, 1968 in Mobile, 
	3.	James Thomas Wright - born Nov 8, 1881 in Pine Apple, Wilcox 
            County, AL - married Jan 31, 1904 to Mary Anna Young - died May 
            28, 1958 in McKenzie, Butler County, AL.
	4.	Lillie Eliza Wright - born Apr 3, 1883 in Pine Apple, AL - 
            married Mar 9, 1903 to Martin Young - died Aug 30, 1960 in 
            McKenzie, Butler 	County, AL.
	5.	Mary Alice Wright - born Sept 26, 1885 in Conecuh County, AL - 
		married Jan 31, 1904 to Paul Pierson - died Oct 31, 1963 in 
 		Montgomery, AL.
	6.	Ruperta P. Wright - born Jan 31, 1888 in Pine Apple, AL - died 
            March 28, 1987 in Fairhope, AL - never married.
	7.	Willie Mae Wright - born Aug 16, 1891 in Pine Apple, AL - 
            married Apr 3, 1918 to Hubert Holley Countryman - died Sept 25, 
            1979 in Fairhope, AL.
	8.	Nathaniel Shepard Wright - born Oct 29, 1893 in Pine Apple, AL -
		married Lydia Booker - died June 22, 1930 in McKenzie, Butler 
		County, AL.
	9.	Rosa Evelyn Wright - born Oct 15, 1898 in Pine Apple, AL - 
            married Apr 6, 1919 to Joseph Calloway Aaron.

E.	Francis M. Cook - born c1858 in Conecuh County, AL. (called "Franklin"
      in 1880 Census) - died after 1880 Census - no further info.

F.	Nathaniel Shepard Cook - born June 6, 1863 in Conecuh County, AL - 
      married 1) Feb 9, 1887 in Conecuh County, AL to Isabelle Virginia 
      Little, daughter of Hannah Lucinda Little;  2) c1910 to Martha Booker;
      3) Sept 28, 1919 in Evergreen, AL to Myrtle Brooks, daughter of John 
      and Mary (Sanford) Brooks;  4) March 31, 1930 in Evergreen, AL to 
      Emma Mitchell - died Dec 3, 1933 in Butler County, AL - buried 
      Pleasant Hill Cemetery near McKenzie, Butler County, AL.  

	Issue by Isabelle Virginia Little:
	1.	Evander Curley Cook - born Feb 18, 1888 in Butler County, AL - 
            died 	June 13, 1912 in Butler County, AL, unmarried.
	2.	Dempsie Nathaniel Cook - born Oct 19, 1889 in Butler County, AL 
            - married Jan 22, 1911 to Clara Bates - died Feb 5, 1969 in 
            Evergreen, AL.
	3.	Zillie Mae Cook - born Aug 15, 1891 in Butler County, AL - 
            married Aug 13, 1912 to John Harmon Countryman -died June 11, 
            1972 in Wetumpka, AL.
	4.	Grady Cook - born June 4, 1892 in Butler County, AL -died 1896 
            in Butler County, AL.
	5.	Infant Cook - born and died 1895 in Butler County, AL.
	6.	Aaron Crumpton Cook - born July 12, 1897 in Butler County, AL - 
 		married June 13, 1931 to Maggie Mae Pinkerton.
	7.	Howard Mairon Cook - born May 29, 1900 in Butler County, AL - 
		married Mar 25, 1938 to Lula Bell Blackburn.
	8.	James Reuben Cook - born Oct 17, 1902 in Butler County, AL - 
            died Nov 18, 1958 in Evergreen, AL.

	Issue by Myrtle Brooks:
	9.	Lillie Mae Cook - born Feb 9, 1920 in Butler County, AL - 
            married Dec 1, 1940 to James Otis Coburn.
	10.	Willie Shepard Cook - born Feb 4, 1924 in Evergreen, AL - died 
            June 2, 1944 in Rome, Italy.
	11.	Myrtle Cook - born and died Sept 24, 1926 in Evergreen, AL.

III.	Marranda Cook
	born August 27, 1815 or 1818 in Georgia
	married c1844 in Conecuh County, AL to Allen Etheridge (born c1819 
      in Twiggs? County, GA - died October 24, 1899 in Conecuh County, AL), 
	son of John and Jane (Chitty) Etheridge.	died January 4, 1908 in 
      Conecuh County, AL buried McCall Cemetery in northern Conecuh County, 
Marranda Cook Etheridge made a deposition which is included in the pension 
file of James R. Cook on February 14, 1888 at Olivia, Conecuh County, AL in 
which she states, when referring to James R. and S. W. Cook, "they are my 
brothers and we all lived together & I was at home when they went off and 
when they came back".  This refers to Samuel W. and James R. Cook's service 
during the Indian War of 1836.  

A.	John L. Etheridge - born Nov 10, 1845 in Conecuh County, AL - 
      married Dec 22, 1870 in Conecuh County, AL to Manetta "Nettie" Ann 
      Sirmon, daughter of John H. and Elizabeth J. (Ellis) Sirmon - died 
      Aug 12, 1925 in Caddo Parish, LA - Issue:
	1.	Martha Virginia Etheredge - born July 12, 1876 in Conecuh 
            County, AL 	- married c1900 in Sabine Parish, LA to Jeremiah 
            Lafayette Snell - died March 13, 1957 in Many, LA.
	2.	Elizabeth Etheredge - born April 27, 1878 in Conecuh County, AL 
            - married 1) Norris Williams; 2) Joseph Ryan - died April 17, 
            1961 in Caddo Parish, LA.
	3.	Allen George Etheredge - born July 21, 1880 in Butler County, AL
            - married Nov 5, 1910 in Natchitoches Parish, LA to Lula Clarice
 		Rosalie Treadway - died Jan 30, 1939 in Marshall, TX - buried 
            Sabine Parish, LA.
	4.	Ola Etheredge - born Nov 10, 1883 in Sabine Parish, LA -married 
            John Harper - died Sept 19, 1906 in Sabine Parish, LA.

B.	James Randle Etheridge - born Feb 22, 1847 in Conecuh County, AL - 
      married March 20, 1870 in Monroe County, AL to Mary A. Mason, 
      daughter of Alfred T. and Martha C. (Dixon?) Mason - died Feb 29,  
      1886 in Montgomery, Grant Parish, LA - 
	1.	Emma C. Etheridge - born Dec 25, 1873 in Conecuh County, AL - 
            died Oct 23, 1943 in Colfax, LA.
	2.	Emuel Allen Etheridge - born Aug 24, 1876 in Conecuh County, 
            AL - married Dec 28, 1899 in Colfax, LA to Pauline Colera 
            Phillips - died April 8, 1967 in Colfax, LA.
	3.	James W. Etheridge - born Sept 16, 1879 in Conecuh County, AL 
            - married Adela Nash - died March 18, 1951 in Colfax, LA.

C.	George Washington Etheridge - born Aug 19, 1848 in Conecuh County, AL 
      - married Jan 8, 1874 in Monroe County, AL to Mary Elizabeth 
      Cromartie, daughter of Alexander Bolfore and Obedience Y. (Cunningham) 
      Cromartie - died May 19, 1902 in Evergreen, AL of typhoid fever - 
      Buried Asbury Methodist Church Cemetery - Sheriff of Conecuh County 
      in 1900 - 
1.	Ina O(bedience?) Etheridge - born Nov, 1876 in Conecuh County, AL - 
      married _________ Watson - died Escambia County, AL.
	2.	Marvin Etheridge - born c1878 in Conecuh County, AL.
3.	Maranda Daisy Etheridge - born Apr 27, 1880 in Conecuh County, AL -  
      married Mar 26, 1905 in Conecuh County, AL to Peter A. Horn - died 
      Nov 4, 1941 in Escambia County, AL.
4.	Mary V. Etheridge - born Jan, 1882 in Conecuh County, AL.
5.	Allen B. Etheridge - born Nov 13, 1883 in Conecuh County, AL - died 
      July 8, 1922 in Escambia County, AL.
6.	Jonathan Nicholas Etheridge - born Sept 24, 1885 in Conecuh County, 
      AL - married Fanny L. ________ - died Feb 11, 1971 in Escambia 
      County, AL.
7.	Infant son - born and died Dec 8, 1886 in Conecuh County, AL.
8.	Infant daughter - born and died Nov 25, 1887 in Conecuh County, AL.
9.	Ola E. Etheridge - born July, 1889 in Conecuh County, AL - married 
      David W. McNeill - died 1988 in Escambia County, AL.
10.	Emma Etheridge - born Sept 6, 1893 in Conecuh County, AL - married 
      Neal Leatherwood - died Jan 25, 1983 in Escambia County, AL.

D.	Mary Marranda Etheridge - born Feb 23, 1850 in Conecuh County, AL - 
      married 1) Dec 26, 1867 in Conecuh County, AL to Samuel Terrell 
      Higdon (born April 6, 1846 in Wilcox County, AL - died Nov 1, 1883), 
      son of John W. and Elizabeth (Henderson) Higdon; 2) c1887 to John C. 
      Anthony - died 1931 or 1936 in Jay, Santa Rosa County, FL - buried 
      Jay, FL.

Issue by Samuel Terrell Higdon:
1.	Elizabeth Marranda Higdon - born Dec 24, 1871 in Wilcox County, AL - 
      married Asberry Jackson Hawsey - died Aug 28, 1948 in Santa Rosa 
      County, FL.
2.	Bodie John Higdon - born Dec 15, 1875 in Wilcox County, AL - married 
      Nov 7, 1894 to Corrie Floyd Howell - died May 3, 1967.
3.	Franklin Samuel Higdon - born Feb 6, 1878 in Wilcox County, AL - 
      married c1898 to Eliza A.? Lydia Brooks.
4.	Burley Allen Higdon - born Jan 1, 1881 in Wilcox County, AL - married 
      Dec 3, 1903 to Georgia Mixon - died Jan 11, 1981 in Santa Rosa County,

	No issue by John C. Anthony.
E.	Allen Fillmore Etheridge - born Aug 12, 1852 in Conecuh County, AL - 
      married 1) Dec 19, 1872 in Monroe County, AL to Safronia Curry, 
      daughter of Ebenezer and Harriett Curry;  2) Aug 7, 1902 in Conecuh 
      County, AL to Mary Ida C. Waters - died Oct 3, 1933 in Conecuh County,
      AL - no children.

F.	Edith Jane Etheridge - born c1855 in Conecuh County, AL - died 1870/80
      ? in Conecuh County, AL.

G.	Martha Marranda Etheridge - born Aug 17, 1857 in Conecuh County, AL - 
      married Dec 21, 1878 in Conecuh County, AL to John Allen McCall, son 
      of Duncan D. and Elizabeth Jane (Ivey) McCall - died Dec 17, 1945 in 
      Columbia, AL - buried Dixonville, Escambia County, AL - Issue:

1.	Emmett Narvin McCall - born Oct 6, 1879 in Conecuh County, AL - 
      married Dec 3, 1903 in McKenzie, Butler County, AL to Ruby Palestine 
      McPherson - died May 29, 1958 in Birmingham, AL - buried Dixonville, 
      Escambia County, AL.
2.	James Sidney McCall - born Apr 2, 1881 in Conecuh County, AL - 
      married 1914 to Bessie McArthur - died Aug 31, 1955 in Jay, Santa 
      Rosa County, FL - buried Berrydale, FL.
3.	Mary E. "Mamie" McCall - born Jan 5, 1884 in Conecuh County, AL - 
      married Dec 1, 1901 to Clarence Eugene Garrett - died Aug 13, 1968 in 
      Bay Minette, AL.
4.	John Allen McCall, Jr. - born May 9, 1886 in Conecuh County, AL - 
      died Feb 18, 1888 in Conecuh County, AL.
5.	Pearl Marranda McCall - born Dec 18, 1888 in Conecuh County, AL - 
      married Nov 14, 1906 to Cary Talmadge Brooks - died Apr 4, 1974 in 
      Brewton, AL.
6.	Martha E. McCall - born May 22, 1893 in Conecuh County, AL - married 
      Nov 1, 1925 to Homer Alford - died June, 1969 in Birmingham, AL - 
      buried Columbia, AL.
7.	Allen Duncan McCall - born June 10, 1896 in Conecuh County, AL - 
      married Aug 17, 1918 to Helen I. Jernigan -died Jan 24, 1976 in 
      Pensacola, FL - buried Dixonville, Escambia County, AL.

H.	Willy or Wiley Etheridge - born c1859 in Conecuh County, AL - died 
      1860/70 in Conecuh County, AL.

Samuel Wiles Cook, son of James? and Edith Cook, was born December 27, 1812 
in South Carolina.  S. W. and his brother James, only 10 months his junior, 
were apparently head of the household at an early age.  He spent the 
remainder of his days in Beat 1, Conecuh County.

The birth date for Samuel Wiles Cook is taken from his pension file for his 
service during the Creek Indian War of 1836.  In a deposition made in Butler
County, AL on October 27, 1894, Samuel W. Cook gives his age as 81 years 
and 10 months.  According to his pension record, Samuel Wiles Cook 
volunteered about June 1, 1836 at Pine Orchard, Monroe County, AL as a 
Private in Capt. William Jones Company in the Creek Indian War of 1836.  
He also states that "we stood gard and hunted the indeans" in the course of 
his service and that he was discharged at Irvington (now Eufaula, AL) about 
August 1, 1836.  When he was discharged, both he and his brother James were 
suffering from measles which was supposedly the source of later medical 
problems and thus were entitled to pensions.

The 1840 Census of Conecuh County lists "Willes Cooke" as head of household 
with 2 males 20-30, 1 female 20-30 and 1 female 50-60.  Samuel Wiles Cook's 
pension papers state that he married on July 4, 1844 in Conecuh County, AL 
to Jane Whitehead.  Jane was the daughter of Charles Whitehead who died 
shortly after her birth.  Samuel W. Cook remained on his father's land and 
would later be granted adjoining parcels.  

The 1850 Census of Conecuh County, AL, page 355 lists S. W. Cook, age 37, 
wife Jane, 25, and sons William, 5, James, 2, and John, 1.  On October 21, 
1851, Samuel W. Cook was granted 40 acres land in Section 33, township 9, 
range 11 in northern Conecuh County.  This land adjoined his own land.  S. 
W. Cook received an additional grant of 120 acres on April 2, 1856 which 
was sold to Andrew Jackson of Conecuh County.

The 1860 Census of Conecuh County, page 1111, lists S. W. Cook, age 47, 
Jane, age 34 and children William H., Irvin, Martha J., Charles W., Wiley 
S., Mary J., John T. and Edith E. Cook.  The 1860 Agricultural and 
Manufacturing Census lists the S. W. Cook farm with 80 improved acres and 
240 unimproved acres and a cash value of the farm of $1,200.  It also lists 
the farm with 2 horses, 1 mule, 5 milk cows, 3 working oxen, 3 other cattle,
17 sheep and 40 swine.  Food  stores and farm products included 350 bushels
of Indian corn, 15 bales of ginned cotton, 25 pounds of wool, 7 bushels of 
peas & beans, 200 bushels of sweet potatoes, $50 worth of orchard products 
and 30 pounds of butter.  On November 18, 1869, F. M. Walker and wife sold 
land to S. W. Cook.

S. W. Cook did not serve during the Civil War.  Depositions in his pension 
file indicate that he was partially lame and bedridden in later years, as 
recounted by his grandson and my grandfather, William E. Cook.  He was near 
50 when the Civil War began and apparently owned no slaves.  However, his 
oldest son, William H. Cook, apparently did serve and according to the 1866 
Census of his household was the "Soldier who died of sickness".  S. W. 
Cook's youngest son would also be named William when he was born in 1867.

The 1870 Census of Conecuh County, page 34, lists Samuel W. Cook, age 57, 
wife Jane, age 45 and children Martha, Charles, Willey S., Mary J., John, 
Emily, Eliza? A., Edmund H., Nathan and William E. Cook.  James Irvin Cook 
is shown in an adjoining household with wife Emily and children Louiza J. 
and William.  On November 4, 1875, S. W. Cook and Jane, his wife, sold 40 
acres to their son John T. Cook.

The 1880 Census of Conecuh County, page 9, lists Wiles Cook, age 67, wife 
Jane, age 54 and children Louisa, H. Edmond, Nathan C. and William E. Cook 
at home.  This census states that Samuel Wiles Cook, his father and mother 
were all born in South Carolina.  Jane Whitehead Cook states she was born 
in Alabama and her father and mother in Georgia.  Many of S. W. and Jane 
Cook's children are shown living within close proximity to them in 1880 
with their own families.

On December 8, 1891, S. W. Cook sold land to E. H. Cook.  On February 16, 
1892, S. W. Cook sold land to E. H. Cook.  On January 19, 1894, S. W. Cook 
sold land to John T. Cook.

The last affidavit found for Samuel W. Cook in his pension file is dated 
October 27, 1894 where he is 81 years old and asks for an increase in his 
pension to $12 per month.  He states that "he is wholly disabled for 
manual labor by reason of old age and paralysis of the lower limbs 
rendering him totally helpless and that he is in such destitute 
circumstances that $8 per month is insufficient".  He was still able to 
sign his name.  His sister, Marranda Cook Etheridge, stated in her 
deposition that Samuel W. Cook also had diabetes.

On June 4, 1896, notification was received by the U. S. Pension Agency that 
the name of Samuel W. Cook who was last paid $8 to February 6, 1896 has 
been dropped because of death.  Samuel Wiles and Jane (Whitehead) Cook are 
buried at Asbury Methodist Church Cemetery near their home and presumably 
where they attended church.  From all this we have:

Samuel Wiles Cook, son of James? and Edith Cook
born December 27, 1812 in South Carolina
married July 4, 1844 in Conecuh County, AL to Jane Whitehead (born November 
11, 1825 near Claiborne, Monroe County, AL, died July 10, 1886 in Conecuh 
County, AL), daughter of Charles Whitehead. died February 6, 1896 in 
Conecuh County, AL buried Asbury Methodist Church Cemetery in northern 
Conecuh County

I.	William H(enry Harrison?) Cook born 1845 in Conecuh County, AL
	died c1865 in Conecuh County, AL from sickness contracted during 
      Civil War service.

II.	James Irvin Cook	born March 6, 1848 in Conecuh County, AL
	married 1) October 10, 1867 in Conecuh County, AL to Emily C. Higdon 
	(October 9, 1847-July 8, 1884), daughter of William R. and 	
	Elizabeth Louiza (Mixon) Higdon.  2) c1887 in Sabine Parish, LA to 
      Mary Ann Blackwell (April 28, 1873-August 16, 1955)
	died January 21, 1916 in Sabine Parish, Louisiana
	buried Antioch Baptist Church Cemetery near Florien, Sabine Parish, 
	Issue by Emily C. Higdon:
	A.	Louiza Jane Cook - born July, 1868 in Conecuh County, AL -
            married Dec 8, 1887 in Sabine Parish, LA to William E. Gandy - 
            died Sabine Parish, LA.
	B.	William T. Cook - born Dec 24, 1869 in Conecuh County, AL - 
            married Nov 28, 1889 in Sabine Parish, LA to R. Blanche Leach - 
            died July 10, 1947 in Sabine Parish, LA - buried Antioch 
	C.	Mary E. "Mollie" Cook - born Nov 24, 1871 in Conecuh County, AL
            - married Dec 8, 1887 in Sabine Parish, LA to James Elijah 
            Salter - died April 8, 1941 in Sabine Parish, LA - buried 
            Antioch Cemetery.
	D.	Richard Cook - born July 8, 1876 in Conecuh County, AL - 
            died Nov 14, 1885 in Sabine Parish, LA - buried Antioch 

	Issue by Mary Ann Blackwell:
	E.	Ada Elizabeth Cook - born Sept 4, 1891 in Sabine Parish, LA -
            married c1907 to James Butler Pilcher - died Dec 15, 1975 in 
            DeRidder, LA - buried Antioch Cemetery.
      F.	Irvin E. Cook - born Oct 7, 1893 in Sabine Parish, LA - married 
            Retha Ann Miller - died June 8, 1975 in Caplis, LA - buried 
            Antioch Cemetery. 
      G.	Samuel Wiley Cook - born July 19, 1895 in Sabine Parish, LA - 
            married Elma Doma Miller - died Oct 17, 1961 in Sabine Parish, 
            LA - buried Antioch Cemetery.
      H.	Sallie Cook - born Aug 27, 1896 in Sabine Parish, LA - married 
            George Q. Manning - died July 29, 1991 in Sabine Parish, LA - 
            buried Antioch Cemetery.
      I.	Ida Belle Cook - born Aug 26, 1897 in Sabine Parish, LA - 
            married Christopher A. Rials - died June 6, 1984 in Sabine 
            Parish, LA - buried Mt. Carmel Cemetery, Florien, LA.
      J.	Eddie Houston Cook - born Nov 8, 1899 in Sabine Parish, LA - 
            married Exia Westbrook - died April 25, 1936 in Sabine Parish, 
            LA - buried Antioch Cemetery.
      K.	Betty Mae Cook - born Oct 5, 1901 in Sabine Parish, LA - 
            married Thomas Crockett Salter - died Sept 21, 1988 in Sabine 
            Parish, LA - buried Antioch Cemetery.
      L.	Luman Pierce Cook - born July 29, 1903 in Sabine Parish, LA - 
            married Loza Peace - died Jan 9, 1970 in Florien, LA - buried 
            Antioch Cemetery.
      M.	Harvey Cook - born Nov 18, 1904 in Sabine Parish, LA - married 
            Pearl Lilley - died Aug 4, 1978 in Sabine Parish, LA - buried 
            Florien Cemetery, Florien, LA.
      N.	Victor Cook - born Nov 18, 1904 in Sabine Parish, LA - married 
            Lena Arthur - died Feb 6, 1982 in Many, LA - buried Antioch 

III.	John Cook
	born c1849 in Conecuh County, AL
	died c1850/55 in Conecuh County, AL

IV.	Martha Josephine Cook
	born March 21, 1851 in Conecuh County, AL
	married c1872 in Conecuh County, AL to William Ashley Kendrick, 
      son of Shildrake and Lanny (Skinner) Kendrick
	died January 28, 1931 near McKenzie, Butler County, AL
	buried Concord Cemetery in northern Conecuh County

A.	Alice Eugenia Kendrick - born Aug 22, 1874 in Conecuh County, AL - 
      married Dec 25, 1904 in Conecuh County, AL to David Kelley - died 
      Century, FL.
B.	John Richard Kendrick - born Jan 27, 1876 in Conecuh County, AL - 
      married Nov 4, 1900 in Conecuh County, AL to Willie Mae Stokes - 
      died Evergreen, AL.
C.	Wiley Kendrick - born Oct 30, 1878 in Conecuh County, AL -died young 
      after 1880 in Conecuh County, AL.
D.	Susan Kendrick - born Jan, 1880 in Conecuh County, AL -married Feb 
      25, 1904 in Conecuh County, AL to Herbert H. Jones - died Escambia 
      County, AL.
E.	Hilery Kendrick - born Sept 16, 1881 in Conecuh County, AL - died 
      Dec, 1882 in Conecuh County, AL.
F.	William Kendrick - born Sept 16, 1881 in Conecuh County, AL - died 
      Dec, 1882 in Conecuh County, AL.
G.	William Asa Kendrick - born Nov 16, 1883 in Conecuh County, AL - 
      married June 26, 1915 in Butler County, AL to Ethel Wright - 
      died Feb 8, 1966 at Owassa, Conecuh County, AL.
H.	James Irvin Kendrick - born Sept 9, 1885 in Conecuh County, AL - 
      married Aug 13, 1911 in Conecuh County, AL to Fannie Wallace - died 
      Dec 3, 1959 in Conecuh County, AL.
I.	Willie Jane Kendrick - born Sept 22, 1889 in Conecuh County, AL - 
      married Sept 4, 1904 in Conecuh County, AL to Lander Jones - died 
      Escambia County, AL.

V.	Charles Whitehead Cook
	born February 18, 1852 in Conecuh County, AL married September 18, 
      1872 in Monroe County, AL at the home of J. Etheridge to Christeana 
      Alice Lougenia Feagin, daughter of John Wesley and 	Mary Elizabeth 
     (Dixon) Feagin.
	died December 26, 1924 in Pine Apple, Wilcox County, AL
	buried Pine Apple Methodist Church cemetery

A.  	Minnie Viola Cook - born September 12, 1874 in Monroe County, AL - 
      married December 12, 1894 in Monroe County, AL to John William 
      Andrews (born April 30, 1872 in Monroe County, AL and died February 
      25, 1939 in Birmingham, AL) - died December 16, 1956 in Birmingham, 
B.	John Julius Cook - born October 1, 1878 in Monroe County, AL - 
      married 1) Clara D. Watson of Belleville, AL on January 30, 1899 in 
      Brewton, AL; 2) Annie W. Moreland on October 24, 1901 in Pine Apple, 
      AL - died September 21, 1934 in Birmingham, AL.
C.	William Edward Cook - born May 25, 1881 in Monroe County, AL - 
      married Clara Belle Davis of Calhoun, Georgia on August 21, 1907 in 
      Calhoun, GA - died May 11, 1944 in Camden, AL and is buried in the 
      Camden City Cemetery. 
D.	Charles Clarence Cook - born September 18, 1884 in Monroe County, AL 
      - married 1) about 1906 to Marie Inez Tucker of Marengo County, AL;  
      2) Zoe Dobbins Latham, a widow, on November 1, 1928 in Birmingham, AL 
      - died February 11, 1967 in Miami, FL where he is buried.
E.	James Irvin Cook  - born December 19, 1885 in Monroe County, AL - 
      married May 28, 1907 in Birmingham, AL to Hazel Giger - died May 13, 
      1931 in Birmingham, AL and is buried there.  
F.	Earnest Eugene Cook - born January 28, 1889 in Monroe County, AL and 
      died November 15, 1901 in Pine Apple, AL at age 12.  
G.	Mattie Lou Cook - born May 26, 1891 in Monroe County, AL - married 
      February 26, 1917 in Pine Apple, AL to David Young Calhoun - died 
      December 1, 1973 in Montgomery, AL. 
H.	Mary Loretta Cook - born February 10, 1896 in Monroe County, AL -  
      married Frank Johnson - died August 6, 1973 in Montgomery, AL. 

VI.	Wiley Samuel Cook
	born March 7, 1854 in Conecuh County, AL
      married October 27, 1874 at the home of S. W. Cook in Conecuh County, 
      AL to Mary Ann Elizabeth Mixon, daughter of Joel E. and Mary 
      (Middleton) Mixon.
	died September 26, 1932 in Conecuh County, AL
	buried Asbury Methodist Church Cemetery in northern Conecuh County

A.	Joseph William Cook - born Aug, 1875 in Conecuh County, AL - married 
      1) Nov 5, 1893 in Conecuh County, AL to Lillie Alma McNeill;  2) Nov 
      8, 1903 in Conecuh County, AL to Cynthia Brown - died July 6, 1933 in 
      Conecuh County, AL.
B.	Phereby Cook - born Nov 4, 1879 in Conecuh County, AL - married Jan 
      18, 1897 in Conecuh County, AL to Ira L. Langham - died April 4, 1963
      in Conecuh County, AL.
C.	Rufus John Cook - born Aug 18, 1884 in Conecuh County, AL - died Dec 
      12, 1902 in Conecuh County, AL.
D.	Leila Cook - born Jan 16, 1887 in Conecuh County, AL - married April 
      21, 1904 in Conecuh County, AL to Samuel Henderson Mixon - died 1961 
      in Conecuh County, AL.

VII.	Mary Jane Cook
	born February 22, 1855 in Conecuh County, AL
	married December 18, 1877 in Conecuh County, AL to John William 
      Goodwin, son of T. J. and Louisa Goodwin.
	died July 26, 1890 in Butler County, AL
	buried Barnes Cemetery approximately 7 miles west of Georgiana, 
      Butler County, AL

A.	Minnie Lula Goodwin - born March 10, 1880 in Butler County, AL - 
      married Nov 21, 1900 in Butler County, AL to Edgar Augustus Byrd -
      died Feb 9, 1934 in Jacksonville, FL.
B.	Abbie Edmund Goodwin - born Aug 6, 1882 in Butler County, AL - 
      married 1) Nov 16, 1902 in Lawrenceville, Henry County, AL to Laura 
      Kelley;  2) Oct 15, 1927 in Butler County, AL to Pearl McInvale - 
      died June 25, 1962 in Butler County, AL.
C.	Clarence William Goodwin - born Jan 28, 1886 in Butler County, AL -
      married Feb 23, 1911 in Butler County, AL to Mattie Emma Presley -
      died March 8, 1957 in Montgomery, AL.

VIII.	John Thomas Cook
	born April 15, 1856 in Conecuh County, AL
	married October 28, 1875 in Monroe County, AL to Ada Wright, daughter 
      of John and Eliza Ann (Solomon) Wright 
	died August 19, 1895 in Conecuh County, AL of billious fever

A.	Sallie Cook - born May 20, 1878 in Conecuh County, AL - married 
      March 20, 1894 in Conecuh County, AL to Walter Langham - died Dec 29, 
      1965 in Conecuh County, AL.
B.	William Clemy Cook - born June 16, 1880 in Conecuh County, AL - 
      married Nov 18, 1899 in Conecuh County, AL to Phereby Wright - died 
      Feb 17, 1952 in Evergreen, AL.
C.	Infant son Cook - born and died Sept 2, 1883 in Conecuh County, 
D.	Luman Irvin Cook - born Feb 29, 1888 in Conecuh County, AL - married 
      Jan 20, 1907 in Conecuh County, AL to Mary Isabelle Wright - died Feb 
      2, 1968 in Evergreen, AL.
E.	Birdie Bell Cook - born Sept 14, 1890 in Conecuh County, AL - married 
      Sept 13, 1925 in Conecuh County, AL to Ervin R. Langham - died July 
      8, 1976 in Evergreen, AL.
F.	William Grady Cook - born Jan 10, 1894 in Conecuh County, AL - 
      married Oct 6, 1929 in Evergreen, AL to Myrtle Alvinelle Foley - 
     died Aug 21, 1953 in Evergreen, AL.

IX.	Edith "Ada" Elmira Cook
	born May 4, 1858 in Conecuh County, AL married February 19, 1879 in 
      Conecuh County, AL to Jacob Riley Page, son of Curtis and Mary Page
	died February 14, 1934 in Butler County, AL buried Wesley Chapel 
      Methodist Church cemetery near Georgiana, Butler County, AL

A.	Lula Alma Page - born Feb 6, 1880 in Conecuh County, AL - married 
      c1915 to James T. Shell - died Feb 5, 1958 in Butler County, AL.
B.	Cora Ugenia Page - born July 10, 1881 in Conecuh County, AL -married 
      Jan 15, 1911 in Butler County, AL to James T. Shell -died Oct 29, 1912
      in Butler County, AL.
C.	Wiley Thomas Page - born Nov 29, 1882 in Conecuh County, AL -died Nov 
      25, 1934 in Butler County, AL.
D.	Infant daughter Page - born October 30, 1884 in Conecuh County, AL - 
      died young.
E.	Aubrey James Page - born July 2, 1887 in Conecuh County, AL -married 
      Pearl Rhodes - died 1951 in Butler County, AL.
F.	William Herman Page - born Feb 1, 1889 in Conecuh County, AL - 
      married Nov 19, 1914 in Butler County, AL to Olive Newton Rhodes - 
      died April 12, 1963 in Butler County, AL.
G.	John Howard Page - born April 22, 1892 in Conecuh County, AL - 
      married Aug 8, 1919 in Butler County, AL to Ina V. Whittle - died 
      June 5, 1977 in Butler County, AL.
H.	Hiram Ransom Page - born Nov 16, 1894 in Conecuh County, AL -married 
      Rachel Hughes.

X.	Emily Louisa Cook
	born November 7, 1859 in Conecuh County, AL married January 11, 1882 
      in Conecuh County, AL to Calloway D. Mixon, son of Nelson and 
      Elizabeth Jane (McCall) Mixon died March 24, 1905 in Conecuh County, 
      AL buried Mt. Pleasant Methodist Church cemetery in northern Conecuh 
      County, AL 

A.	Clarence Winston Mixon - born Dec 4, 1882 in Conecuh County, AL - 
      married Anne Robertson - died Opp, AL.
B.	Marvin C. Mixon - born Oct, 1887 in Conecuh County, AL - married in 
      Shorter, Macon County, AL to Pauline Carr - died Opelika, AL.
C.	Elvy Lucille Mixon - born Feb 6, 1894 in Conecuh County, AL -married 
      Jan 18, 1926 in Curtis, AL to George Cary Stamps - died July 20, 1958 
      in Pensacola, FL.

XI.	Edmond Hampton Cook
	born 1860 in Conecuh County, AL
	married January 12, 1889 in Conecuh County, AL to Sarah Arabella 
      Joyner,daughter of James Louis and Mary (Glass) Joyner	died March 
      11, 1897 in Butler County, AL buried at Garland, Butler County, AL

A.	Clifford Cameron Cook - born March 24, 1890 at Garland, AL - married 
      in Montgomery, AL to Eula Glass - died April 9, 1963 at Pensacola, FL.
B.	Louis Wiley Cook - born June 10, 1892 at Garland, AL - married Feb 18,
      1920 in Andalusia, AL to Grace Marble Odom - died Dec 11, 1947 in 
      Butler County, AL.
C.	Kenneth Cook - born Sept 13, 1894 in Garland, AL - died Jan 2, 1922 
      in Georgiana, AL.
D.	Jane Cook - born Feb 10, 1897 in Garland, AL - married Apr 22, 1935 
      in New York, NY to James Madison Barrett - lived CA.

XII.	Nathan Columbus Cook
	born March 1, 1862 in Conecuh County, AL married 1) December 28, 1881 
      in Butler County, AL to Louisa Agnes Goodwin, daughter of T. J. and 
      Louisa Goodwin. 2) July 22, 1903 in Butler County, AL to Emma 
      Elizabeth "Jody" Shell, daughter of Robert Coleman and Mary Ann 
      (Phelps) Shell. 3) September 19, 1909 in Lowndes County, AL to Jimmie 
      O. Tillery.  4) July 3, 1918 in Evergreen, AL to Susan Ella 
      Northcutt died September 28, 1928 in Montgomery, AL buried Oakwood 
      Cemetery in Georgiana, AL
	Issue by Louisa Agnes Goodwin:

A.	Lala Bell Cook - born Jan 10, 1883 in Georgiana, AL - married in 
      Butler County, AL to Jesse Thomas Ray - died Sept 8, 1961 in 
      Georgiana, AL.
B.	William Joseph Cook - born March 4, 1886 in Georgiana, AL - married 
      Oct 13, 1908 in Greenville, AL to Estelle Steiner Bennett - died 
      Panama City, FL.
C.	Myra Irene Cook - born Sept 30, 1888 in Georgiana, AL - married 
      April 7, 1907 in Butler County, AL to Robert Hunter Watson - died 
      Sept 11, 1968 in Greenville, AL.
D.	Claude Hamilton Cook - born June 16, 1892 in Georgiana, AL - married 
      in Georgiana, AL to Ruth Elizabeth Watson - died March 26, 1958 in 
      Georgiana, AL.
E.	Agnes Taylor Cook - born Nov 7, 1897 in Georgiana, AL - married Dec 
      23, 1917 in Butler County, AL to Herman Andrew Gulley.

	Issue by Emma Elizabeth Shell:
F.	Robert Shell Cook - born June 16, 1904 in Georgiana, AL - married Dec 
      24, 1930 in Montgomery, AL to Verna Marie Helms.
G.	Arvie Lou Cook - born April 11, 1906 in Georgiana, AL - married May 
      9, 1940 in Evergreen, AL to George Clarence Johnson.
H.	Ila Mae Cook - born 1907 in Georgiana, AL - died c1909 in Georgiana, 
I.	Rachael Cook - born and died 1909 in Georgiana, AL.

XIV.	William Elliot Cook
	born September 2, 1867 in Conecuh County, AL
	married 1) December 17, 1891 in Conecuh County, AL to Mary Dora Dunn,
			daughter of William Ira and Mary Jane (Wright) Dunn.
		  2) June 27, 1909 in Butler County, AL to Erin Beatrice Arant,
			daughter of Calvin L. and Mary Callie Arant.
	died April 28, 1932 in Tuscaloosa, AL buried Mt. Zion Methodist Church
      Cemetery in Lyeffion, Conecuh County, AL
An excerpt from W. E. Cook's obituary reads "The deceased had lived in the 
Mt. Zion community for the past 30 years.  He was one of the leading 
citizens of that community and a successful farmer and business man.  He 
at various times served his precinct as justice of the peace, serving in 
all about 10 years.  For eight years he was a member of the Conecuh County 
Board of Education and was always interested in the educational welfare and 
progress of the county.  He took an active interest in all religious, civic 
and political affairs and was known to be a man of courage and conviction. 
He was a member of the Mt. Zion Methodist Church and had long been 
recognized as an outstanding leader of this church.".
Issue by Mary Dora Dunn:
A.	David Otto Cook - born Sept 5, 1893 in Conecuh County, AL - died Jan 
      29, 1904 in Conecuh County, AL.
B.	William Wiley Cook - born June 29, 1895 in Conecuh County, AL - 
      died Jan 30, 1904 in Conecuh County, AL.
C.	Mary Jane Cook - born Oct 3, 1896 in Conecuh County, AL - married 
      May 17, 1919 in Conecuh County, AL to William C. Lester.
D.	John Henry Cook - born Jan 17, 1898 in Conecuh County, AL - died Dec 
      11, 1898 in Conecuh County, AL.
E.	Stanley Hampton Cook - born April 2, 1899 in Conecuh County, AL - 
      married Oct 20, 1920 in Evergreen, AL to Willie Mae Brooks - died 
      Dec 7, 1962 in Conecuh County, AL.
F.	Sallie Blue Cook - born Jan 27, 1901 in Conecuh County, AL - died May
      16, 1903 in Conecuh County, AL.
G.	Charles Elliot Cook - born April 13, 1902 in Conecuh County, AL - 
      married Oct 18, 1925 in Conecuh County, AL to Ethel Eva Black - died 
H.	Son Cook - born Dec 15, 1903 in Conecuh County, AL - died Feb 1, 
      1904 in Conecuh County, AL.
I.	Carl Dunn Cook - born Sept 15, 1905 in Conecuh County, AL - married 
      Flossie Sanders.
J.	Willie Ira Cook - born Oct 21, 1908 in Conecuh County, AL - married 
      Gladys Pauline Black - died Dec 13, 1960 in Conecuh County, AL.

	Issue by Erin Beatrice Arant:

K.	Glenn Calvin Cook - born April 6, 1911 in Conecuh County, AL - 
      married Aug 16, 1936 in Milton, FL to Julia Serena Salter.
L.	James Mabry Cook - born Dec 10, 1913 in Conecuh County, AL - 
      married Lucille Northcutt.