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Cleburne County AlArchives News.....Newspaper Abstracts for AUGUST 1916 August 1916
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Candace Gravelle April 18, 2005, 7:35 pm

The Cleburne News August 1916
for AUGUST 1916

NEWSPAPER issue of Thursday, August  3, 1916


The Prichard family reunion and several of their neighbors and friends met at 
the Ai Baptist Church on July 22nd, which was the second family reunion.   
This is the family of Elder P.T. Prichard who died about four or five years 
ago at his home 4 miles south of Heflin. He will be long remembered by many 
people of Georgia and Alabama, having preached in both states. He was loved 
and respected by all who knew him.

Dutch Wheeler who was given a preliminary hearing before Judge A.H. Glasgow in 
county court a few weeks ago, charged with the offense of shooting at Joseph 
Roberts Jr., had made bond and allowed to return to his home at Borden 
Springs. The bond was fixed at $1,000.


C.D. Flemmons has been real sick. We wish for him a speedy recovery.

Mrs. Jeff Smith and children of Eufala are visiting her mother Mrs. Stevens.

Mrs. Alex Stevens and children are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Curby 
near Wedowee.


Miss Hazel Cunningham and Chleo Pope were married yesterday afternoon at 2 
o'clock, Rev. W.K. Simpson officiating.  The bride is the daughter of Mrs. 
C.E. Garrison and is a very pretty young woman. Mr. Pope is the son of J.W. 
Pope, the twelfth street merchant and is regarded as a man of sterling 
character.  (Gadsden Times-News, July 31st).   Mr. Pope formerly lived at 
Edwardsville and has many friends in the section.  

Dr. I.N. Cheney of Haralson County, Georgia, who fell and sustained a broken 
thigh a short time ago, died at his home in Bremen on Monday and was buried 
with Masonic honors.  Dr. Cheney was near 90 years old.

Mrs. J.M. Tumlin and children, who have been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. 
W.J. Bell of Bell Mills, returned to her home in Atlanta on Monday.

Mrs. Crawford has been the guest of her daughter, Mrs. A.Z. Owens.

The many friends of Mrs. W.J. Henry will be sorry to learn her condition is no 

Mrs. W.S. Jones of Bremen, Georgia and her little daughter Elizabeth are 
spending the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Henry.

Rev. John Fleming, about seventy years old, died at his home in Beat 11 last 
Friday after an illness of but a few days. He leaves a large family and a host 
of friends to mourn his death.

Rev. J.M. and Albert Owens, the former from Tennessee, the latter from west 
Alabama, brothers of Mr. B.F Owens, are visiting in Cleburne for some time. 
They formerly lived in this county but years ago moved away. They are both 
prominent ministers of the gospel of the Methodist Church.

NEWSPAPER issue of Thursday, August 10, 1916


Two young men instantly killed and two others considerably shocked by a bolt 
of lightning late Sunday afternoon near Hopewell in the eastern part of the 
county near Macedonia Church.  One of the boys who was killed was a son of Mr. 
C.C. Hayes, the other was a son of the late Artie Smith.  Particulars of the 
fearful tragedy could not be learned.  

Since the above was put in type it has been learned that the unfortunate young 
men were at the home of the Smith boy seated under a hickory nut tree near the 
house. The two boys who met death were sitting with their backs against the 
body of the tree.    Rubin Martin and a second Smith boy were seated a few 
feet away from the other boys and were considerably shocked but soon regained 
consciousness. The name of the Smith boy who was killed was Otwell Smith aged 
16 years old.  The Hayes boy was named Taylor and was 16 years of age.  The 
sad occurance has cast a gloom over the entire community as both boys were 
very popular with  a large circle of friends.  

The interment was at Macedonia church on Monday, the bodies being laid side-by-
side through in separate graves.


Mrs. Brown, widow of the late Joseph Brown, died at her home at Muscadine at 
the advanced age of sixty-one years Monday afternoon.  The funeral services 
were conducted from the Methodist church at 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon.  The 
Rev. J.B. Miller, pastor of the church, officiated.  Interment was made in 
Muscadine cemetery.
Mrs. Brown is survived by her children;  L.E. Brown of Andalusia;  Mrs. J.N. 
Davis, W.R. Brown and Paul Brown of Birmingham;  Mrs. W.W. Cochran, Argo and 
Mrs. P.W. Smith of Muscadine.


Mrs. Oscar Lovvorn was reported seriously ill on Thursday morning, threatened 
with appendicitis.

J.A. Matthews living on Route 2 left last week for Marlen, Texas and other 
points in the west for several weeks. We wish for Mr. Matthews a pleasant stay 
in the west and a safe return home.

Mr. Jack Edwards, who moved from this county several years ago to Texas, is 
here on an extended visit with relatives and friends. He reports a 
considerable drouth in his section of Texas.

Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Payne of south Cleburne, who have been spending the past 
five months with their son at Alma, Texas, have returned to their home.  The 
News went to Mr. Payne while in the west and it came as a welcome visitor 
every Monday, declares Mr. Payne.

Mr. Ben Hollis of Oxford was in town recently, returning to his work after 
spending a vacation with his parents. Ben has bought an interest in the 
Humphries Grocery Company and is now manager of one of their stores.

Mr. Lafayette Weathers and family and Mr. Poley Tumlin and family of Boaz are 
visiting relatives in Cleburne. These gentleman report that the crops of that 
part of Alabama are almost ruined in sections from the recent floods.

Mr. an Mrs. G.H. Groover of Hanceville arrived in Heflin Monday to visit 
relatives and friends for a week to ten days. Mr. Groover moved to west 
Alabama nine years ago. He reports crops fairly good in his section.

Mr. H.F. Gaines, writing from Mountain Park, Oklahoma to his daughter Mrs. 
J.W. Barnes, says that section of the state is practically parched upon 
account of the long and continued drouth and that not a sufficient amount of 
rainfall has visited that part of Oklahoma since October to thoroughly soak 
the ground.

Invitations have been sent out for the marriage of Miss Nell Hubbard and L. 
Howle which will take place in this city on August 16th.  Miss Hubbard who is 
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D.A. Hubbard, is one of the most charming girls 
in the city, and Mr. Howle, who is now employed in Pell City, has a host of 
friends here who are congratulating him on winning such a charming girl for 
his wife.  Oxford correspondent in Anniston Star.


Miss Lilla Mae Odell, who is pleasantly remembered here, having spent last 
summer at Heflin, died of typhoid fever at her home in Avondale on Saturday 
night.  She ewas the daughter of Engineer G.T. Odell of the Southern. Miss 
Odell was very popular in Heflin with a large circle of friends.


George Liner of this place is visiting his sister near Boaz, Ala.

NEWSPAPER Issue of Thursday, August 17, 1916


A birthday dinner was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I.T. Putman in honor 
on Mr. Isaac Thomas Putman, it being his 60th anniversary. 

Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Putman are moving to Anniston.

Mr. and Mrs. L.E. Howell moved to Piedmont recently.

R.C. Rankin is moving his sawmill to Oak Level.


Clark McMahan who has been quite sick for some time with typhoid is able to be 
out again.

Mr. E. Lott who moved to Texas several years ago is back in Cleburne visiting 
relatives and friends.

J.R. Howle and wife, formerly of near Lecta, left this week for Hugo, Oklahoma 
where they will make their future home.

County Commissioner Blake was called home Tuesday morning on account of the 
illness of his daughter, Mrs. J.O. Thrash.

Mrs. Owen Black, who formerly lived in Heflin, now a resident of Birmingham, 
is the guest of relatives in Heflin.

Rev. J.M. Miller of Edwardsville, accompanied by his son-in-law Dr. Powers of 
Boaz, were the guests of J.M. Atkins on Sunday.

J.B. Woodward was here from east Cleburne last Friday. He had the misfortune 
to lose his eyesight about four years ago but otherwise he is enjoying 
splendid health. He says he enjoys meeting his old friends and former 

Murro Evans, who has been residing in Hugo, Oklahoma for the past two or three 
years, will return to Alabama at an early date and will locate at Pell City.

Rev. D.W. Kight of Bowdon, GA sent in a years' subscription to The News.  Bro. 
Kight is an old veteran and enjoys reading The News.

Mr. Duke Haley, wife and children of Atlanta have been visiting their parents, 
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Haley and Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Coggin.

Mr. Joe Brown of Bell MIlls, Ala., visited his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. 
Richard Vance of College St. on Sunday and was accompanied home by Mrs. H.H. 
Yates and baby who will visit her sister Mrs. John A. Brown.  Bowdon  
(Georgia) Bulletin.

NEWSPAPER Issue of Thursday, August 24, 1916


Mr. Rufus Wright has returned from Anniston where his wife underwent a second 
operation. Mr. Wright reports she is doing well.

Mr. Jim Wade, who formerly conducted a restaurant in Heflin, who moved to 
Shoal Creek a few months ago, died at his home Monday and was buried on 
Tuesday.  Mr. Wade was known to many of our people.

Mr. Alfred Ayers of Anniston is visiting his daughter Mrs. R.B. Fincher.  Mr. 
R.B. Fincher is moving his family to the country, having purchased a farm out 


Raymond Brown left Friday for Birmingham where he will make his future home.

Mrs. George McClesky was called to Anniston on account of the seriousness of 
her daughter Mrs. Angee Carter's child.

Mrs. F. Belice who is visiting her sister Mrs. C.H. Koentz expects to leave 
this week for her home in Chicago.


Mrs. Mary Stancel Striplin was born January 25, 1827.  On December 18, 1859 
she was married to Dr. J.W. Striplin. To this union were born three children;  
Mr. J.W. Striplin,  Mrs. G.W. Slaughter and Mrs. W.A. Hubbard.  In early 
childhood she joined the Methodist church. She was a good woman, a true 
christian, loyal to the church and many will rise up to call her blessed.  

The writer first knew her in the home of her daughter, Mrs. W.A. Hubbard here 
in Heflin. At our first meeting she impressed me as a beautiful christian 
character. For many years she suffered much from broken limbs and other bodily 
afflictions, but through all these years of suffering and pain she was greatly 
blessed by the tender care and affectionate love and attendence of her 
granddaughter Miss Emma Lou Slaughter.  On July 16, 1916 at the home of her 
daughter, Mrs. W.A. Hubbard in Tallapoosa, Georgia, god said it is enough and 
she passed in at the beautiful gate.  She had passed her 89th mile-post when 
the heavenly father sent the gatherer of golden grain and like a shock of corn 
in a full age, ripe for the heavenly garner, she departed this life, leaving 
as a legacy to her relatives and friends a sweet christian influence that will 
love on and on.

Her remains were brought to Heflin and after funeral services conducted by the 
writer and Rev. Davis, pastor of the Methodist Church at Tallapoosa, we placed 
her body in  a new made grave to await the resurrection morn.  
We thank god for this long and beautiful life, devoted to god and humanity.  
We miss her but beyond this land of setting us where saints immortal are 
forever with the lord, we shall meet her again.  W.A. Mays

NEWSPAPER Issue of Thursday, August 31, 1916


Mrs. Belle Harper of Edwardville visited her sister Mrs. J.W. Hicks on 

Mrs. Frank McWhorter of Aragon, Georgia is at the Goss residence keeping house 
while her mother is visiting.

Mrs. Belle Gillham of Tallapoosa is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Newman 

E.R. Butler of Brooks, Georgia is at his father's house on the sick list.


A.J. and E.E. Pritchard and families of near Hightower have just returned from 
Calhoun county where they have been visiting their uncle, Duncan McEachern.

Aunt Sis Inman of Winston county will spend several weeks with J.H. Inman and 
other relatives and friends of this county.

Otis Walker and wife of Hightower accompanied by Mrs. J.H. Inman have been 
visiting in Winston County.


Bob White of near Lecta, went to Lawrence county, Tennessee last week on a 
prospecting trip.

Mrs. J.S. Bolt left last Friday for Ashland where she will visit with 
relatives for some time.

Mrs. Flora Garlington of Pratt City is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Eli 

R.N. Riddle and daughter who were visiting relatives near Heflin last week 
have returned to their home at Winston, GA.

After visiting with relatives and friends in Cleburne for about three weeks, 
Mr. A.J. Edwards returned to his home in Swisher county, Texas last week. Mr. 
Edwards says he is well pleased with Texas though corn and cotton cannot be 
grown in his section, wheat and other small grains being their chief crops.  
He has been in the west about seven years.

Mrs. D.C. Mims accompanied by Miss Ruth and Foster, attended a reunion of the 
Dodson families at Grant Park, Atlanta on Wednesday of this week. These 
reunions are held each year during the month of August and the attendance 
usually runs up into the hundreds.

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