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Chambers Co. AL          Obituary of Lavinie Smith
Don Clark <> 
     Source: "The LaFayette Sun" 1909.
     Mrs. VINIE SMITH died February 24, 1909, and buried the following
     day at Mount Pisgah.
     For more that 40 years she had been a member of Mount Pisgah Church
     and possessed all the graces and characteristics of a true
     Christian woman. She was 71 years old January 24, 1909.
     Her first name was ANGLIN. She was first married to Mr. GRIGGS, who
     at the time of their marriage had 2 small sons, CHARLIE and WILLIE,
     both of whom she reared to noble manhood. WILLIE is a teacher in
     Birmingham, and CHARLIE is a lawyer of Texas. Her second marriage
     was to W. R. SMITH, who also had several children. These all join
     to praise her as a kind and loving mother. She had no children of
     her own...
     She leaves Miss EDNA, an invalid of many years in the old home, and
     the dear husband...
     Written by Elder JOHN T. SATTERWHITE
     Note: Tombstone inscription in Mount Pisgah Cemetery-
     LAVINIE SMITH, January 24, 1838 - February 24, 1909 "The world is
     better for her having lived."