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Obituary: Rock County, Wisconsin: Juliette SMITH

Submitted by Ruth Ann Montgomery, <> June 2005

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Juliette Sawin Smith 1839-1923

In the death of Mrs. Dr. Chas. M. Smith, Sr., Evansville is called upon to
mourn the loss of one of her pioneer citizens.

Juliette Sawin, the youngest child of Rev. Sawin and Orrel Tennant Sawin,
was born at Ripley, Chautauqua County, New York, September 3, 1839. In 1841
the family came to Wisconsin, settling near Brooklyn, Green County, where
Mrs. Smith grew to womanhood and where she was united in marriage with Dr.
Charles Mortimer Smith in 1861.

Mrs. Smith came of one of those cultured, educated eastern families which
have done so much for the country in which they settled, bringing with them
and developing their ideas of culture and education.

During her whole life, excepting a few months spent at Greenville,
Illinois, shortly after her marriage, she was a resident of Evansville and
she gave freely of the best that was in her for the advancement and the
betterment of the community. She was a lifelong member of the Episcopal
Church to which she gave freely of both her means and time, and in no place
will she be more missed than among her church friends.

Since the death of her husband, Dr. Charles Mortimer Smith, she has made
her home with her son, Dr. Charles M. Smith at Evansville, with the
exception of the past three years, when she made her home with her
daughter, Mrs. George Gordon, at Lodi, where her death occurred Sunday,
June 24, 1923. Mrs. Smith was the mother of two children, both of whom
survive her, Mrs. Flora Smith Gordon of Lodi, Wisconsin and Dr. Charles M.
Smith of Evansville.

June 28, 1923, Evansville Review, p. 4, col. 1, Evansville, Wisconsin