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Wichita County Texas Archives Photo Tombstone.....Smith, Aaron Charles and Ouida Jewel 

Copyright.  All rights reserved.

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
Charles Smith October 14, 2007, 10:25 pm

Cemetery:           Electra Memorial Cemeeary
Name:               Aaron Charles & Ouida Jewel Smith

Date Of Photograph: October 12, 2007

This is the headstone of my parents in the Electra Memorial Cemetery.  
It reads:  

Aaron Charles "Smitty" Smith,
 Born: 09/17/1905, 
Died: 11/09/1967. 

Ouida Jewel "Babe" Smith, 
Born: 01/25/1922, 
Died: 12/23/1976.  

Married: 12/22/1937 

Additional Comments:
Lived on the Ancell Ranch south of Electra a number of years before moving to 

Had 2-son's, 
Daniel Thomas Smith (Dan), 
born 03/05/1945 Brownwood, Texas

Aaron Charles Smith, Jr. (Charles), 
born 01/20/1957 Electra, Texas.

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