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Blanco County, Texas - Index to Probate Records
This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb by:
Wanda Qualls <>

USGenWeb Archives. Copyright. All rights reserved

Books A-I - 1876-1936

Note: Rather than give the page numbers I will give the amount of pages
involved. Some Proceedngs may be on the same page and there may not be as 
many pages as proceedings... WQ Prepared for the internet by Wanda Qualls

Non Probate Records Below These Records

Number  Name          Admin. or      Volume  # of Proceedings  Notes
                      Gaurd. or Exec
707     Patch, Annie  Mitilda Patch, I       11                Dec'd -
                      Exec.                                    Continued in
                                                               Vol. No. 2
133     Pearson, Emma G. G.          C       12                Minor Heirs
        and Willie    Gardenhire,                              of Joe
                      Gdn.                                     Pearson
462     Pearson, J.   E. P. Ross,    F       4                 Dec'd
        W.            Admr.          G       24
667     Pellar, Paul  Bettie L.      I       7                 Dec'd
                      Pellar, Adm.
193     Perry, C. R.  Mrs. M. A.     C       5                 Dec'd
                      Perry, Admr.   D       5
13      Peterson,     Henry          A       3                 Minor -
15      Joseph        Peterson, Gdn.                           Nature was
                                                               Papers on
                                                               File -
                                                               Docketed - No
2       Peterson,     Henry          A       1                 Minor, Case
        Joseph        Peterson, Gdn.                           Transfered to
309     Petri, John   Elsa Petri,    E       14                Dec'd
        August        Admr.
466     Petri, John,  Anna Petri,    G       12                Dec'd
        Jr.           Exec.
296A    Petrie, Ollie E. D. Petrie,  E       6                 Minor
41A     Pharr, James  M. A. Pharr,   A       3                 Minor
380     Phillips,     Mary Phillips, F       37                Minor
        John Riley    Gdn.
343     Phillips,     Cecil Graham,  F       5                 Dec'd
        William       Mrs. Ida
                      Phillips and
                      Walter C.
39      Pitts, Mrs.   Samuel Durham, A       12                Dec'd
        Ann           Exec.
61A     Playman,      G. M. Nash,    A       2                 Dec'd
        Herman        Admr.          B       2
503     Ploch, John   Annie Ploch,   G       8                 Dec'd
560     Polvado, S.   J. A. Polvado, H       9                 Dec'd - more
        A.            Exec.                                    Polvado
664     Prehn,        Fritz Wall,    I       6                 Dec'd
        William       Admr.
675     Prehn,        Emma Prehn,    I       10                Dec'd
        William       Admr.
239A    Preiss,       Martin Preiss, D       9                 Dec'd
        Francisca     Exec.
505     Prochnow, E.  Mathilda       G       6                 Dec'd
        A.            Prochnow,
591     Prochnow,     Mathilda       H       12                Minor Heir of
        Elvara        Klein, Gdn.    I       1                 E. A.
474     Pruit, C. L.  Harriet Pruit, G       6                 Dec'd
662     Pruit,        Clem W.        I       10                Dec'd
        Harriet       Kidder, Exec.
10A     Pruitt,       Nancy Pruitt,  A       5                 Dec'd
        George Thomas Admr.
43      Pruitt,       John M. Smith, A       6                 Heir of G. T.
        Georgia       Gdn.                                     Pruitt
01      Pyle, Mattie  John L. Pyle,                            Dec'd -
        E.            Admr.                                    Papers on
                                                               File - No
                                                               Docket - No
Non Probate Records included in Probates

Number  Name                Proceedings                        Volume  Page
09      Perry, C. R.        Application for Pension            A       219
177     Perry, Margaret A.  Order Granting Penson              C       471
9C      Ploch, Tom          N. C. M. - Papers on File - Not
                            docketed - No Minutes
468     Pollard, Geo. W.    N. C. M. - Frank Pollard, Gdn. - 7 G
468 1/2                     Proceedings                        G
                            N. C. M. - Frank Pollard, Gdn. -   H
                            39 Proceedings
                            - 11 Proceedings
699     Pollard, John       Complaint Docketed - No Minutes -
                            Continued in Volume No. 2
600     Polvado, Damon      N. C. M. - Judgment and Special    H       441
506     Polvado, Kate       N. C. M. - Papers on File -        G
598                         Docketed - No Minutes
                            N. C. M. - F. D. Polvado, Admr. -
                            5 Proceedings
350     Polvado, M. B.      Application for Malt License -
358                         Docketed - No Minutes
                            " " " " " " "
366     Polvado, R. L.      Application for Malt License -
374                         Docketed - No Minutes
390B                        " " " " " " "
393                         Application for Malt License -     F       211
396                         Docketed - No Minutes
                            " " " " " " "
                            Appl. to Change Location, Order to
                            Change Locations
6C      Price, Sibba M.     Petition for Pension, Not
                            Docketed, No Minutes
017     Pr----, Joe         Petition for Beer License - Not
                            Docketed - No Minutes