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Blanco County, Texas - Index to Probate Records
This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb by:
Wanda Qualls <>

USGenWeb Archives. Copyright. All rights reserved

Books A-I - 1876-1936

Note: Rather than give the page numbers I will give the amount of pages
involved. Some Proceedngs may be on the same page and there may not be as 
many pages as proceedings... WQ Prepared for the internet by Wanda Qualls

Non Probate Records Below These Records

Number  Name           Admin. or      Volume  # of Proceedings  Notes
                       Gaurd. or Exec
7       Maddox, Levi   D. H. Maddox,  A       10                Minor
        S.             Gdn.
412     Maddox,        Levi Maddox,   F       6                 Dec'd
        Luticia        Admr.
414     Malone, Diddie J. E. Malone   F       5                 Dec'd
310     Martin, A. W.  Martha Martin, E       6                 Dec'd
354     Massey,        none listed    E       15                Dec'd
154     Maume, Annie   Geo. M. Nash,  C       26                Minor Heir
        B.             Gdn            D       22                of Susan J.
70      Maume, Susan   E. W. Maume,   A       4                 Dec'd
        J.             Admr.          C       5
270     Mayes, Larkin  Mamie B.       D       7                 Dec'd
        B.             Mayes, Exec.
9A      McDuffie, Iona P. G. Fulcher, A       19                Minor
                       Gdn.           B       4
198     McCrocklin,    J. H.          C       1                 Dec'd
        Jesse L.       McCrocklin,    D       7
230     McCrocklin,    J. H.          D       25                Dec'd - see
        Mrs. Isabella  McCrocklin,                              below
408     McCullough,    John M.        F       11                Dec'd
        Mrs. Lena      Stobaugh,
696     McNatt,        E. H. McNatt,  I       9                 Dec'd
        Missouri Dee   Exec.
167     Medlock, Rosa  John Billo,    C       3                 Minor
        Ann            Gdn.
295     Mezger, J. G.  Frida Mezger,  E       6                 Dec'd
55      Middleton,     M. H. Bell,    A       3                 Minor Heir
        James H.       Gdn            B       2                 of James H.
                                                                and Mary B.
457A    Montgomery,    Joe W.         F       9                 Dec'd
        Katie          Montgomery,    G       17
419     Moore, Jessie  E. Stribling,  F       22                Minor Heir
                       Gdn. of        G       14                of M. F.
                       Property                                 Moore
165     Moore, Judith  W. J. Moore,   C       15                Minor Heir
        L.             Gdn.                                     of W. C.
282     Moore, M. F.   John A.        D       6                 Dec'd
284                    Deadrich,      D       6
                       Admr.          E       12
                       John A.        E       6
                       Deadrich,      F       13
                       J. J. Stewart,
668     Moore, T. L.   Fannie Moore,  I       14                Dec'd
53      Moore, Wm. C.  Sarah M.       A       5                 Dec'd
                       Moore, Admr.
525     Morgan, Martha May Ella       G       9                 Dec'd
        Jane           Morgan, Exec.
249     Morgan, Thomas Martha A.      D       9                 Dec'd
                       Morgan, Exec.
608     Mosel, Cora    Alex Nowotny,  H       15                Minor Heirs
        (N. C. M.) and Gdn            I       18                of Theodor
        Tonie                                                   Mosel
                                                                Continued in
                                                                Vol. No. 2
355A    Mouser,        P. J. Graham,  F       33                Dec'd
        Elizabeth      Admr.          G       5
231     Mouser, Henry  Elizabeth      D       10                Dec'd
                       Mouser, Exec.
544     Mueller,       Erich Artzt,   G       8                 Minor Heirs
        Herbert and    Gdn.           H       31                of Albert
        Melvin                        I       4                 Mueller
464     Mueller, Lena  Albert         F       6                 Dec'd
                       Mueller, Adm.
38      Muenzler, F.   H. Bruemmer,   A       3                 Minor Heir
50A     Munzler, Max   Helen Munzler, A       6                 Dec'd
509     Musick, Alton  Charles Klett, G       26                Minor Heir
                       Gdn.           H       12                of Ophelia
                                      I       10                Musick
                                                                Continued in
                                                                Vol. No. 2
136     Musick, D. M.  Eliza C.       C       5                 Dec'd
                       Musick, Admr.
410     Musick,        Roy Stubbs,    F       7                 Dec'd
456     Ophelia        Admr.          F       13
                       E. P. Ross     G       22
Non Probate Records included in Probates

Number  Name                        Proceedings                Volume  Page
494     Maddox, L. A.               N. C. M. - Judgment and    G       219
                                    Special Issues             G       229
                                    Deceased - Oct. 03, 1923
634     Maenius, Mrs. Clara         N. C. M. - Judgement and   I       82
                                    Special Issues             M       519
                                    - Discharge
51      Maneus, John                N. C. M. - Phil Cage, Gdn  A
                                    - 9 Proceedings            B
                                    - 5 Proceedings            C       308
95                                  - 7 Proceedings            B
                                    no gdn listed
155     Martiny, Mrs. Ida           N. C. M.                   C       310
239     Mayerhoffin, Charles        N. C. M.                   D       23
08      McCrocklin, J. L.           Application for Pension    A       218
87      McCrocklin, Mrs. Isabella   Order Granting Pension     B       208
520     McDoniel, Bonner            N. C. M. - Papers on File
                                    - Docketed - No Minutes
708     Meckel, Henry August        Order Apporving Birth      I       568
709     Meckel, Ida Willa           Order Approving Birth      I       568
710     Meckel, Minnie Tekla        Order Approving Birth      I       568
204     Mewburn, Mrs.Nannie         N. C. M.                   D       20
200     Mitchel, W. C.              N. C. M.                   D       1
202     Mitchel, W. C. and Mrs. O.  N. C. M. - W. J. Crider,   D
                                    Gdn. - 7 Proceedings
718     Montemayor, Soforina        Tubercular - Application,  I       625
                                    Court Order
9B      Montemazor, Miguel          N. C. M. - Judgment and    F       233
                                    Special Issues             F       234
                                    Transcript of Testimoney