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Blanco County, Texas - Index to Probate Records
This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb by:
Wanda Qualls <>

USGenWeb Archives. Copyright. All rights reserved

Books A-I - 1876-1936

Note: Rather than give the page numbers I will give the amount of pages
involved. Some Proceedngs may be on the same page and there may not be as 
many pages as proceedings... WQ
Prepared for the internet by Wanda Qualls

Non Probate Records Below These Records

Number  Name           Admin. or     Volume  # of Proceedings Notes
                       Gaurd. or
345     Jennings, S.   August        E       9                Dec'd
        E.             Borchers,     F       59
                       Admr.         G       13
323     Jennings,      John A.       E       9                Dec'd
        Sanford        Deadrich,     E       14
                       Ernest Lange,
03      Johnson, Hanna Samuel        A       2                Dec'd
        D.             Johnson,
490     Johnson, J. R. Elizabeth     G       18               Dec'd
        - see below    Johnson,
60 1/2  Johnson, James Julia A.      A       12               Dec'd
63      P.             Johnson,      B       10
491     Johnson, K. D. Fritz Lindig, G       36               Dec'd
                       Admr.         H       7
                                     I       2
158     Johnson,       Thomas S.     C       5                Minor
        Nathan J.      Johnson, Gdn.
192     Jonas, August  August Jonas, C       7                Dec'd
        W.             Exec          D       1
493     Jonas, Pauline William       H       9                Dec'd
                       Jonas, Exec
51A     Jonas, William Pauline       A       5                Dec'd
                       Jonas, Admr.
470     Jones, Dillard George        G       10               Dec'd
493     Jones, F. B.   James H.      G       10               Dec'd
        G.             Wagner, Exec.
69      Jones, Manuel  Dillard       A       8                Dec'd
                       Jones, Exec.
609     Jones, Thomas  A. E. Howe,   H       6                Minor Heir of
        Russell        Gdn.          I       2                W. H. and Sena
                                                              Continued in
                                                              Vol. No. 2
Non Probate Records included in Probates

Number  Name                  Proceedings                      Volume  Page
11B     Jackson, Mollie       N. C. M. - Papers on File - Not
                              Docketed - No Minutes
3A      Jenkins, A. E.        N. C. M. - Papers on File - Not
                              Docketed - No Minutes
431     Johnson, J. R.        Sheriff - Docketed. No Minutes
432                           Sheriff - Docketed. No Minutes
706     Journey, Jimmie Hall  Epileptic - Application          I       566
183     Justice, Mollie       N. C. M. - Judgment and Special  C       500