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Blanco Co, TX - Index to Probate Records Books A-I 1876-1936
This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb by:
Wanda Qualls <>

USGenWeb Archives. Copyright. All rights reserved

Index to Probate Records for Blanco County, Texas
Books A-I
Note: Rather than give the page numbers I will give the amount of pages
involved. Some Proceedngs may be on the same page and there may not be 
as many pages as proceedings.. WQ
Prepared for the internet by Wanda Qualls

Non Probate Records Below These Records

Number  Name            Admin. or     Volume  # of Proceedings Notes
                        Gaurd. or
127     Abbott, J. S.   J. E. Abbott, C       5                Dec'd
686     Adams, Osie and Mrs. Ivy      I       9                Minor Heirs
        Von             Adams, Gdn                             of D. G.
                                                               Adams, Decd.
534     Albers, Anna    R. L.         G       7                Minor Heir of
        K.,             Desmond, Gdn. H       8                Mollie
535                                   G       5                Albers, Decd.
                        Frank Reeder, H       5
132     Alexander, G.   M. A.         C       8                Dec'd
        P.              Alexander,
416     Alexander, T.   Ella & Hugh   F       8                Dec'd
        J.              Alexander,
134     Allen, M. L.    C. R. Perry,  C       6                Dec'd
687     Anderson, Perry Myrtle        I       10               Minor of John
        Ann             Anderson, Gdn                          T. Anderson,
148     Appleton, Jas.  Sarah J.      C       7                Dec'd
        R.              Appleton,
458     Armke, Albert & Augusta                                Minor Heirs
        Linda           Armke, Gdn.                            of Emil H.
                                                               Armke, Dec'd
                                                               Docket Vol 3
                                                               page 142
460A    Armke, Albert & Augusta       F       10               Minor Heirs
        Linda           Armke, Gdn.   G       29               of Emil H.
                                      H       6                Armke, Dec'd
                                      I       1
637     Armke, E. F.    Ottilie       I       7                Dec'd
                        Armke, Admr.
413     Armke, Emil H.  Augusta       F       5                Dec'd
                        Armke, Admr
243     Amrke,          Fritz Armke,  D       9                Dec'd
        Wilhelmine      Admr.
68      Armstead,       Sam Hinds,    A       5                Minor Heir of
        Emeline         Gdn.          C       3                Sandy
296     Arrington, R.   Freda         E       4                Dec'd
372     Artzt, G. C.    Ottilie       F       16               Dec'd
                        Artzt, Admrx.
Non Probate Records included in Probates

Number  Name                   Proceedings                     Volume  Page
704     Arendt, Betty Louise   Order Approv. Birth Certificate I       564
273     Arrington and Wonsley  Order Granting Liquier License  D       512
                               Order to Continue Business      D       515
296     Arrington, R.          Order Granting Permission to    D       549
                               Move Place of Business
612     Austin, U. H.          N. C. M.                        H       559