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WILL: David Smith; Smith's Clove, Orange co., NY
surname: Smith, Little, Tucker, Hear

submitted by Lil Heselton (lhess @
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The will of David Smith as copied by Lil Heselton from a certified copy from
the Orange county surrogate Court.Liber A page 5

David Smith's will was made June 10, 1783. A Codicil was added in Sept 18,
1783. The will was probated June 27, 1787:

"In the Name of God Amen, the tenth day of June in the Year of our Lord one
thousand seven hundred eighty-three, I, David Smith, of Smith's Clove in
Orange County, being weak n body but of perfect mind and memory, thanks be
given unto God, therefore, calling unto mind ye mortality of my body and
knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, I make and ordain this
my Last Will and Testament that is to say predicable (precept?) and first of
all I give and recommend my soul unto ye hand of the Almighty God that gave it
one and my body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in a decent Christian
burial at ye desecration of my executors, nothing doubting but at the general
Resurrection I shall receive ye same again by the mighty power of God and as
and touching such worldly Estate Where with it has pleased God to bless me
with in this life, I give devise and dispose of the same in the following
manner and first I give and bequeath to my son David Smith two pound ten
shillings to be levied out of my estate and I give to his son, Solomon Smith
two pounds ten shillings to be levied out of my estate and I give to my son
Hophni Smith my dwelling houses and orchards and barns and mills and two
hundred acres of land. For giving said orchards and buildings entirely and the
two thirds of all the rest of my lands to him and his heirs forever. And I
give unto my son Julius Smith's two sons Uriah Smith and Gye Smith one third
to them and their heirs forever but they nor their guardians shall dispose of
it nor profit it - til Gye Smith comes of age, but Hophni Smith shall have the
care of it till they both come of age and after all my debts are payd , I give
and bequeath to my granddaughters Ester Little, Mary Tucker, Viney Hear (?),
and Julius Smith's four daughters Rachel, Julianah, Rebacha, Sarah Smiths,
Turnover and Samuel Smith, son of Claudius Smith and Hophni Smith all my
moveables except one yolk of oxen and two of the best horses, I give to Hophni
Smith over and above and I make my son Hophni my Executor. Ratifying and
confirming that this is my last will and testament , in witness thereof, I
hereunto set my hand and seal ye day above written. Signed and sealed in the
presence of us: Aaron Cunningham, Timothy Smith, John Smith.

David X Smith

his mark
And do I give and bequeath to my grandaughters Sarah Smith twenty pounds and
to her sister Rebacha Smith I give ten pounds and the above thirty pounds is
to be paid out of the rent of the farm that Aaron Cunningham now rents and
this is part of the above Will. In Witness thereof I here unto set my hans and
seal this eighteenth day of September in the year of our Lord 1783
Aaron Smith, Timothy Smith, John Smith

David X Smith

his mark"