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MILITARY - Service: WWI Military Roster From the Town of Champion; Champion, Jefferson co., NY

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Joy Fisher September 14, 2006, 2:40 am

WWI Military from the Town of Champion
Town of Champion
LName, FName                 P. O.             Branch of Service
Ausman, Loomis M.            Champion          Army
Cole, Eugene                 Champion          Army
Fleming, A. J.               Champion          Army
Freeman, Roland              Champion          Navy
Fuller, Stanley Paul         Champion          Army
Hall, Carl                   Champion          Army
Kettle, Willis               Champion          Army
Kettle, Adelbert             Champion          Army
Kettle, John                 Champion          Army
Simons, Charles J.           Champion          Army
Smith, Carl                  Champion          Army
Smith, Milton                Champion          Army, Canadian
Backus, Edward               Great Bend        Army
Blade, Earl E.               Great Bend        Army, U. S.
Bullis, Frank A.             Great Bend        Army, A. E. F.
Comstock, Harold             Great Bend        Army, A. E. F.
Gardner, Miles E.            Great Bend        Army, U. S.
Greene, James H.             Great Bend        Army, U. S.
Greene, Joseph C.            Great Bend        Army, A. E. F.
Hubbard, Harry               Great Bend        Army, A. E. F.
Knapp, Jay F.                Great Bend        Army, U. S.
Kulza, John                  Great Bend        Army
Nolan, James F.              Great Bend        Army, A. E. F.
Pennock, Ora                 Great Bend        Army, U. S.
Sheley, Fred D.              Great Bend        Army, A. E. F.
Speidell, Ernest J.          Great Bend        Navy
Squires, Clarence P.         Great Bend        Army
Squires, Robert              Great Bend        Army, A. E. F.
Stewart, A. W.               Great Bend        Army, U. S.
Wilton, Thomas               Great Bend        Army, A. E. F.
Zapf, Walter J.              Great Bend        Army, A. E. F.
Bancroft, Ivan C.            West Carthage     Army
Bassett, Ralph F.            West Carthage     Army, A. E. F.
Baxter, Ralph Leander        West Carthage     Army
Baxter, Richard S.           West Carthage     Army, U. S.
Bowman, Clarence D.          West Carthage     Army, A. E. F.
Bradish, Arthur              West Carthage     Army
Byer, Ward W.                West Carthage     Navy
Cabe, Fred C.                West Carthage     Army, A. E. F.
Conley, Daniel               West Carthage     Army
Cooley, George S.            West Carthage     Army, A. E. F.
Cornell, Fred A.             West Carthage     Army, A. E. F.
Dellassio, Clarence J.       West Carthage     Army, U. S.
Devinney, Harry              West Carthage     Army, A. E. F.
Edwards, Charles D.          West Carthage     Army, U. S.
Ellsworth, Ray C.            West Carthage     Army, A. E. F.
Fahsel, Earl                 West Carthage     Army
Farenthold, Louis            West Carthage     Army
Flannagan, Charles T.        West Carthage     Army, U. S.
Forbes, Emery A.             West Carthage     Army, A. E. F.
Franklin, Warren M.          West Carthage     Army
Fuller, John T.              West Carthage     Army, A. E. F.
Gamble, Lawrence H.          West Carthage     Army, A. E. F.
Gates, C. Harold             West Carthage     Army, A. E. F.
Gibbs, Charles R.            West Carthage     Army, U. S.
Greene, Stuart E.            West Carthage     Army, A. E. F.
Grimshaw, Bernard            West Carthage     Army
Haller, Clarence J.          West Carthage     Army, A. E. F.
Haller, Raymond              West Carthage     Army, A. E. F.
Harrendon, George H.         West Carthage     Navy
Hastings, Ray C.             West Carthage     Army, A. E. F.
Herrick, George              West Carthage     Army, A. E. F.
Hill, O. Oca                 West Carthage     Army, U. S.
Jonas, Alton J.              West Carthage     Army
Jonas, A. Lawrence           West Carthage     Army, U. S.
Johnson, Harry C.            West Carthage     Army, U. S.
Joynt, Joseph                West Carthage     Army, A. E. F.
Lake, Daniel A.              West Carthage     Army, A. E. F.
Luenberger, George A.        West Carthage     Army, A. E. F.
MacCumber, Irving            West Carthage     Navy
McDiarmid, Duncon Potter     West Carthage     Army, A. E. F.
McDonald, Hiram A.           West Carthage     Army, U. S.
McDonald, William H.         West Carthage     Army
McMillen, Michael James      West Carthage     Army
Merkley, Arthur G.           West Carthage     Army, A. E. F.
Merkley, Hugh H.             West Carthage     Army, A. E. F.
Montgomery, Howard           West Carthage     Army, A. E. F.
Montgomery, James            West Carthage     Army, A. E. F.
Neimer, Raymond              West Carthage     Army
Newton, Guy H.               West Carthage     Army
Noyes, Henry                 West Carthage     Army
Noyes, James F.              West Carthage     Army
Outterson, Charles R.        West Carthage     Army, U. S.
Outterson, William Crocker   West Carthage     Army, A. E. F.
Overton, Vernon              West Carthage     Army
Patterson, Vernon J.         West Carthage     Army
Pair, William                West Carthage     Army
Perringo, James B.           West Carthage     Army
Planty, John                 West Carthage     Army, U. S.
Prievo, Melvin Andrew        West Carthage     Army, A. E. F.
Pummerville, Maurice         West Carthage     Army, U. S.
Radley, Charles E.           West Carthage     Army, A. E. F.
Reed, Howard                 West Carthage     Army
Reeder, William R.           West Carthage     Army
Renniff, George              West Carthage     Army
Rice, Clarence               West Carthage     Army, A. E. F.
Rice, Ralph S.               West Carthage     Army, A. E. F.
Rozen, Jacob                 West Carthage     Army
Satchwell, Arthur I.         West Carthage     Army, A. E. F.
Shaffery, Robert H.          West Carthage     Army, U. S.
Sheldon, Clair               West Carthage     Army
Sheldon, George              West Carthage     Army, A. E. F.
Sheldon, Leslie              West Carthage     Army
Slack, Clarence B.           West Carthage     Army, A. E. F.
Smith, Donaldson             West Carthage     Army
Smith, Lloyd E.              West Carthage     Navy
Smith, William J.            West Carthage     Army, A. E. F.
Thayer, Edwin H.             West Carthage     Army, U. S.
Tripp, Claud A.              West Carthage     Army, A. E. F.
Van Antwerp, Percival        West Carthage     Army, Canadian
Vrooman, Ralph               West Carthage     Army, A. E. F.
Wheeler, Emmett              West Carthage     Army, Canadian
Wood, Harold N.              West Carthage     Navy
Woolschlager, Ernest E.      West Carthage     Army, A. E. F.
Zehr, Fred B.                West Carthage     Army, A. E. F.
Zehr, Maurice                West Carthage     Army
Zehr, William                West Carthage     Army
Additional Comments:
Extracted from:
Jefferson County in the World War : a record of the activites of the various
organizations and individuals who devoted their energies to the cause of freedom
in the great conflict of 1914-1918 containing the honor roll of those who served
in Army, Navy and Marine and the portraits of those who made the supreme sacrifice
by George W. Reeves
Watertown, NY: Hungerford-Holbrook
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