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Jefferson County NyArchives Military Records.....WWI Military From The Town Of Pamelia 
WWI - Rosters 
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Joy Fisher September 15, 2006, 5:03 am

WWI Military From The Town Of Pamelia
Town of Pamelia

LName, FName         P. O.                 Branch of Service

Ashton, Herman       Evans Mills, Rt. 1    Army, A. E. F.
Bevins, Reuben       Evans Mills, Rt. 1    Army
Chapman, Morris      Evans Mills, Rt.4     Army, U. S.
Flansburg, Harold    Glen Park             Army
Gleason, Frank E.    Evans Mills, Rt. 4    Army
Hahn, Charles        Evans Mills, Rt. 2    Navy
Hahn, George         Evans Mills, Rt. 2    Navy
Hoch, Cramer W.      Evans Mills           Army
LaMark, Roy L.       Evans Mills           Army, A. E. F.
Stalder, Ernest      Evans Mills, Rt. 1    Navy
Walts, Howard L.     Evans Mills           Army, A. E. F.
Webert, Ross F.      Watertown, Rt. 4      Army, A. E. F.
Wiltse, Arthur       Evans Mills           Army, A. E. F.
Wiltse, Charles      Evans Mills           Navy

Additional Comments:
Extracted from:

Jefferson County in the World War : a record of the activites of the various
organizations and individuals who devoted their energies to the cause of freedom
in the great conflict of 1914-1918 containing the honor roll of those who served
in Army, Navy and Marine and the portraits of those who made the supreme sacrifice

by George W. Reeves
Watertown, NY: Hungerford-Holbrook

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