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Jefferson County NyArchives Military Records.....WWI Military From The Town Of Orleans 
WWI - Rosters 
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Joy Fisher September 15, 2006, 4:53 am

WWI Military From The Town Of Orleans
Town of Orleans

LName, FName                P. O.                 Branch of Service

Cuppernall, Ernest          Thousand Is. Park     Army, A. E. F.
Dano, Lloyd                 Thousand Is. Park     Army, U. S.
McGonegal, Walter H.        Thousand Is. Park     Army, U. S.
Mitchell, Grant             Thousand Is. Park     Army
Moore, Charles S.           Thousand Is. Park     Army, A. E. F.
Nemier, James B.            Thousand Is. Park     Army, A. E. F.
Baltz, Lloyd H.             LaFargeville          Army, A. E. F.
Baxter, Miner               LaFargeville          Navy
Bolia, John L.              LaFargeville          Army, A. E. F.
Bretsch, Albert W.          LaFargeville          Army, U. S.
Bretsch, Harold J.          LaFargeville          Army, U. S.
Brougham, Glenn S.          LaFargeville          Army, A. E. F.
Case, Stanley A.            LaFargeville          Army, U. S.
Charlebois, George          LaFargeville          Army, A. E. F.
Dickinson, Hugh M.          LaFargeville          Army, A. E. F.
Dietrich, Earl              LaFargeville          Navy
Dorr, Hanley                LaFargeville          Army, A. E. F.
Fults, Glenn W.             LaFargeville          Navy
Ford, Ezra S.               LaFargeville          Navy
Fowkes, Dr. John T., Jr.    LaFargeville          Army, U. S.
Foy, Earl                   LaFargeville          Army, U. S.
Foy, James L.               LaFargeville          Army, A. E. F.
Gabler, Clifton             LaFargeville          Army, A. E. F.
Gillette, Leonard I.        LaFargeville          Navy
Goodison, Maurice E.        LaFargeville          Army, U. S.
Goodison, Merlin            LaFargeville          Army, U. S.
Hagen, Arthur               LaFargeville          Army, A. E. F.
Hagen, James H.             LaFargeville          Navy
Haller, Clarence W.         LaFargeville          Army, A. E. F.
Heyl, Howard                LaFargeville          Navy
Hoyt, Ralph H.              LaFargeville          Army, U. S.
Juiliany, Peter             LaFargeville          Army, A. E. F.
Kenyon, Guy Edward          LaFargeville          Army, A. E. F.
Mather, Earl A.             LaFargeville          Navy
McCormick, Everett G.       LaFargeville          Army, U. S.
McCoy, Cornelius V.         LaFargeville          Army, A. E. F.
McCracken, William          LaFargeville          Army, U. S.
McVeigh, Norris             LaFargeville          Army, A. E. F.
Morrison, Keith W.          LaFargeville          Army, U. S.
Schneider, Joseph C.        LaFargeville          Navy
Seelye, Allan               LaFargeville          Army, U. S.
Spencer, Claude G.          LaFargeville          Navy
Steacy, Frank               LaFargeville          Army, U. S.
Tallman, Leland L.          LaFargeville          Navy
Timmerman, Carl E.          LaFargeville          Navy
Timmerman, Manford M.       LaFargeville          Army, U. S.
Tinkess, Dr. Arthur L.      LaFargeville          Army, U. S.
Walrath, Jay E.             LaFargeville          Army, A. E. F.
Webert, Harold              LaFargeville          Army, A. E. F.
Webert, Phillip A.          LaFargeville          Army, U. S.
Wells, Dean J.              LaFargeville          Navy
West, Garrett               LaFargeville          Army, U. S.
Zimmer, Hugh                LaFargeville          Army, A. E. F.
Bobbins, Walter E.          Fine View             Army, A. E. F.
Roger, Clifford H.          Fine View             Army, U. S.
Van Camp, Paul              Fine View             Army, U. S.
Waterson, James J.          Fine View             Army, A. E. F.
Graham, Harold              Stone Mills           Army, A. E. F.
Jackson, Thomas             Stone Mills           Army, A. E. F.
Wrape, Eugene               Stone Mills           Army, A. E. F.
Garlock, Howard             Omar                  Army, A. E. F.
Poth, Loren                 Omar                  Army, A. E. F.
Schryver, Roy               Omar                  Army, U. S.

Additional Comments:
Extracted from:

Jefferson County in the World War : a record of the activites of the various
organizations and individuals who devoted their energies to the cause of freedom
in the great conflict of 1914-1918 containing the honor roll of those who served
in Army, Navy and Marine and the portraits of those who made the supreme sacrifice

by George W. Reeves
Watertown, NY: Hungerford-Holbrook

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