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Jefferson County NyArchives Military Records.....Military From Town Of Wilna 
WWI - Rosters 
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Joy Fisher September 16, 2006, 3:06 am

Military From Town Of Wilna
Town of Wilna

LName, FName                 P. O.              Branch of Service

Allen, Carl W.               Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Anderson, F. S.              Carthage           Army, U. S.
Arnot, William D.            Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Ash, Wesley 0.               Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Avery, Ralph                 Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Balmat, David W.             Carthage           Army, U. S.
Barker, Carlton A.           Carthage           Army, U. S.
Bartotoineo, Cueano          Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Baxter, Floyd                Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Bayley, Leland J.            Carthage           Army, U. S.
Beadore, Clarence B.         Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Beahan, Clarence             Carthage           Army
Benedict, Robert P.          Carthage           Navy
Bernhuft, Ludwick            Carthage           Army
Beyer, Otto                  Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Blanchard, John E.           Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Bossout, Edward              Carthage           Army, U. S.
Bossout, William R.          Carthage           Army, U. S.
Brady, Allen C.              Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Braddish, James A.           Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Brennan, George Mylo         Carthage           Army
Brownell, Parker J.          Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Bryer, Harry                 Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Burnside, Frank              Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Burnside, William            Carthage           Army, U. S.
Butler, James A.             Carthage           Army, U. S.
Byer, Carl                   Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Byrnes, William              Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Cabe, Benjamin F.            Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Calony, Frank                Carthage           Navy
Cardinal, Henry              Carthage           Army
Carkey, George E.            Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Carncross, Harold            Carthage           Army, U. S.
Carroll, Denis               Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Castles, Howard              Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Celluro, Frank               Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Champion, Henry              Carthage           Army, U. S.
Champion, Roy H.             Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Choulek, Angelo P.           Carthage           Army
Christman, Chas. E.          Carthage           Navy
Clark, Edwin M.              Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
demons, Leonard F.           Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Coffeen, Lyle G.             Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Collins, John L.             Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Conley, Frank                Carthage           Navy
Cook, Howard                 Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Cooper, Murray L.            Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Cramer, Frank                Carthage           Army
Cross, Floyd H.              Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Cross, Heman H.              Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Crowley, Neil D.             Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Crowner, Carlton E.          Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Crowner, Harold P.           Carthage           Army, U. S.
Davis, Leon E.               Carthage           Army
Davis, Myron P.              Carthage           Army
DeGrasse, Walter A.          Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
DeMars, Edward J.            Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Delmore, Carl J.             Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Dillen, John J.              Carthage           Army
Draper, Charles L.           Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Draper, Lawrence G.          Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Draper, Leo                  Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Dunkin, Ward                 Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Edriek, Patsey               Carthage           Army, U. S.
Eldridge, Roswell            Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Ellis, Frederick             Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Eriksen, Toralf              Carthage           Army, U. S.
Fennen, C. Emmett            Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Ferguson, Chas. D.           Carthage           Navy
Fillice, Henry F.            Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Finnerty, William            Carthage           Army, U. S.
Fonalara, Domendo            Carthage           Army, U. S.
Fox, William                 Carthage           Navy
Freeman, Charles             Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Freeman, William R.          Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Frost, Maurice               Carthage           Navy
Fuller, Frederick            Carthage           Army
Gaines, Earl D.              Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Galleciez, James             Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Galvin, Alvah                Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Garcia, Manuel               Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Getman, Hermon               Carthage           Army, U. S.
Giblin, Roy A.               Carthage           Navy
Gillen, John                 Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Gillen, Frank                Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Gilsen, Proctor A. C.        Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Godfrey, Truman E.           Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Gould, Gordon                Carthage           Navy
Gould, Walter F.             Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Gravel, Roy                  Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Greene, Harry                Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Griffin, Clarence J.         Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Gurnett, Francis Carthage    Carthage           Navy
Guyett, Raymond F.           Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Hall, Stanley D.             Carthage           Navy
Harnois, Frank               Carthage           Army
Hawkins, Andrew              Carthage           Army
Hawkins, Herbert             Carthage           Army, U. S.
Heesh, George                Carthage           Army, U. S.
Hoffman, Robert              Carthage           Army, U. S.
Hoffman, William             Carthage           Army, U. S.
Hollinger, Andrew            Carthage           Army, U. S.
Hollinger, William E.        Carthage           Army, U. S.
Hollister, Harold            Carthage           Army, U. S.
Hoover, Gilbert              Carthage           Army
Howe, Waldo S.               Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Hubbard, Earl M.             Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Hughes, Harold E.            Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Jesmer, Amos                 Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Jessmore, Eugene             Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Jessmore, James              Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Johnson, James               Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Jones, Clifford A.           Carthage           Army
Jones, Emery Howard          Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Jordan, John Lawrence        Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Kelsey, Fay                  Carthage           Army, U. S.
Kenyon, James M.             Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Kesson, Howard               Carthage           Army, U. S.
Kesson, George H.            Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Kesson, Kenneth              Carthage           Navy
Knight, Roland               Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
LaCross, Neal J.             Carthage           Army, U. S.
Lago, Ernest J.              Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
LaGrow, Lyle Joseph          Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Lalonde, Joseph              Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Lamora, George W.            Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Lancore, Joseph L.           Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Langdon, Dewey               Carthage           Navy
Langdon, Glenn R.            Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Langdon, John W.             Carthage           Navy
Latant, Joe                  Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Leach, Clyde F.              Carthage           Navy
Lederle, Bernard C.          Carthage           Army, U. S.
Lefleur, George              Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Lefleur, Henry               Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Lenway, Edward I.            Carthage           Army, U. S.
Leonardi, George             Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Lewis, Paul D.               Carthage           Army, U. S.
Loucks, Ernest               Carthage           Army, U. S.
MeCabe, Walter F.            Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
McDonald, James M.           Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
McDonald, Myron D.           Carthage           Army, U. S.
McGraw, James F.             Carthage           Army, U. S.
McGraw, William Francis      Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
McQuillen, Arthur            Carthage           Army, Canadian
Mack, Clinton                Carthage           Army, U. S.
Mallett, Donald              Carthage           Navy
Manengio, Fred               Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Marcott, Wallace             Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Martin, Howard A.            Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Maxwell, Byron               Carthage           Navy
Mazzacua, Anthony            Carthage           Army, U. S.
Mealus, Harry                Carthage           Army, XJ. S.
Merz, Elmer                  Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Methley, Charles G.          Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Michele, Sylvestri           Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Miner, Joseph                Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Mink, Hermon F.              Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Minkowitiz, Hyman            Carthage           Army, U. S.
Monohan, Michael J.          Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Montondo, Frank J.           Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Mosher, Earl L.              Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Mullin, Frederick B.         Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Mullin, Francis              Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Murphy, Earl H.              Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Myers, Arthur                Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Narrows, Frederick           Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Nash, Leo A.                 Carthage           Army, U. S.
Neddo, Charles               Carthage           Army, A. E. F,
Newton, Claire               Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Newton, Ray E.               Carthage           Army, U. S.
Nibbernall, Carl             Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Nichols, Victor E.           Carthage           Army
Nol?lett, Robert             Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Noblett, Walter H.           Carthage           Navy
Nolan, Harry                 Carthage           Navy
O'Keefe, Carlton E.          Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
O'Keefe, Francis             Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
O'Keefe, Harold F.           Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
O'Reilly, William E.         Carthage           Army, U. S.
Osborne, Loomis M.           Carthage           Army, U. S.
Paravona, Bernardino         Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Parker, Winfield             Carthage           Army, Canadian
Parks, Harold S.             Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Patchen, James L.            Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Peck, Ralph L.               Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Peck, William Carthage       Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Pelkey, Burnice              Carthage           Army, U. S.
Penniman, Foster             Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Perrigo, Tillie S.           Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Persha, Emory                Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Phalen, Stanley F.           Carthage           Navy
Pierce, Chester              Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Pierce, Emerson              Carthage           Army, U. S.
Pike, Leman                  Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Pummerville, Anslen          Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Potter, Robert L.            Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Powers, Earl                 Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Prevo, James                 Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Quinn, Ralph                 Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Raymond, Joseph              Carthage           Navy
Renniff, George              Carthage           Army
Renodin, Stephen             Carthage           Army, U. S.
Rice, Carlton                Carthage           Army, U. S.
Riley, Chas. L.              Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Rivers, William              Carthage           Army, U. S.
Robinson, Jesse J.           Carthage           Army
Rochonchou, Gus              Carthage           Army, U. S.
Rohr, Peter J.               Carthage           Navy
Rounds, Edward               Carthage           Army, U. S.
Rounds, William M.           Carthage           Army, U. S.
Roys, Leland P.              Carthage           Navy
Rubyor, Alfred               Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Ryan, Daniel                 Carthage           Army, U. S.
Sabato, Zullo                Carthage           Army, U. S.
Sacehettas, Francesco        Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Safford, Ray                 Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Scott, Jerry J.              Carthage           Army, U. S.
Scott, Robert D.             Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Segovis, Austin              Carthage           Navy
Sheley, Fred                 Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Shettleton, Eardley D.       Carthage           Army, U. S.
Singer, Chester              Carthage           Navy
Smith, Robert W.             Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Snyder, Carl H.              Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Starkey, Henry G.            Carthage           Army, U. S.
Stearns, Frank P.            Carthage           Army
Stevens, Decil C.            Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Strong, Arthur H.            Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Teal, Ralph                  Carthage           Army, U. S.
Teale, Fred                  Carthage           Army, U. S.
Thayer, Walter M.            Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Tidd, John                   Carthage           Navy
Tufo, John                   Carthage           Army, U. S.
Tufo, Stanicilac             Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Vallhergbt, George           Carthage           Army
VanDuzen, Charles            Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Varley, John W.              Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Virkler, Clarence            Carthage           Navy
Virkler, Leslie              Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Vrooman, William             Carthage           Army, U. S.
Walker, Benjamin F.          Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Walker, Charles, Jr.         Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Waples, William P.           Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Warner, Keith                Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Warren, Curtis               Carthage           Army, Canadian
Washburn, Russell            Carthage           Army, U. S.
Whalen, Edward               Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Whalen, Harry-               Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Whaling, John C.             Carthage           Navy
Wheeler, Herbert E.          Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Wilton, Thomas               Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Wood, Franklin J.            Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Woods, Norman H.             Carthage           Navy
Woods, Thomas                Carthage           Navy
Woolschlager, Herman         Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Zahn, Lyle L.                Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Zerezulea, Joel A.           Carthage           Army, A. E. F.
Zullo, Carmine               Carthage           Army, U. S.
Allen, Arthur                Deferiet           Army, A. E. F.
Barrett, Lawrence            Deferiet           Army, A. E. F.
Bascom, Cayne                Deferiet           Army, U. S.
Belson, W.                   Deferiet           Army, U. S.
Bernowie, Walheimer          Deferiet
Cassone, George              Deferiet           Army, U. S.
Coyle, Robert J.             Deferiet           Army, A. E. F.
Crimmins, Charles G.         Deferiet           Army, A. E. F.
DeCar, Samuel                Deferiet           Army, A. E. F.
Dempsey, Robert              Deferiet           Army, A. E. F.
Donelson, Stanley            Deferiet           Army, A. E. F.
English, James               Deferiet           Army, A. E. F.
Gannon, John                 Deferiet           Army, A. E. F.
Genter, Henry                Deferiet           Navy
Hamilton, Edward C.          Deferiet           Army, U. S.
Kelley, Patrick J.           Deferiet           Army, A. E. F.
LaBelle, C.                  Deferiet           Army, U. S.
LaTempa, Nicholas            Deferiet           Army, A. E. F.
Mosko, Joseph                Deferiet           Army, U. S.
Noro, Larnberto              Deferiet           Army, A. E. F.
Rafter, Albert               Deferiet           Army, U. S.
Rafter, George               Deferiet           Army, A. E. F.
Rafter, Herbert              Deferiet           Army, A. E. F.
Ripton, Leonard W.           Deferiet           Army, A. E. F.
Sherman, Frank               Deferiet
Smith, Robert                Deferiet           Army, A. E. F.
Thompson, Frederick B.       Deferiet           Army, U. S.
Vining, Elmer                Deferiet           Army, U. S.
Arnold, William F.           Natural Bridge     Army, A. E. F.
Baker, Claude                Natural Bridge     Army, U. S.
Bloss, Raymond J.            Natural Bridge     Army, A. E. F.
Carpenter, Lloyd             Natural Bridge     Army, A. E. F.
Connor, Iran L.              Natural Bridge     Army, A- E. F.
Grimes, Samuel A,            Natural Bridge     Army, A. E. F.
Hicks, Perley J.             Natural Bridge     Army, A. E. F.
Higman, Bernard R.           Natural Bridge     Army, A. E. F.
Lobdell, Carl V.             Natural Bridge     Army, U. S.
Mclntyre, Arthur             Natural Bridge     Army, A. E. F.
Palmer, George               Natural Bridge     Army, U. S.
Sadler, Charles H., Jr.      Natural Bridge     Army, U. S.
Simser, Isaac                Natural Bridge     Army, A. E. F.
Smith, Bert B.               Natural Bridge     Army, U. S.
Smith, Robert                Natural Bridge     Army, U. S.
Weatherhead, Leon J.         Natural Bridge     Army, U. S.
Baldwin, Harry G.            Herrings           Army, U. S.
Bulloch, Joseph              Herrings           Army, A. E. F.
Harwood, Raymond             Herrings           Army, A. E. F.
Lavery, Thomas               Herrings           Army, U. S.
Maccus, James                Herrings           Army, U. S.
Peranowski, Francis          Herrings           Army, U. S.
Walrath, Clarence            Herrings           Army, A. E. F.

Additional Comments:
Extracted from:

Jefferson County in the World War : a record of the activites of the various
organizations and individuals who devoted their energies to the cause of freedom
in the great conflict of 1914-1918 containing the honor roll of those who served
in Army, Navy and Marine and the portraits of those who made the supreme sacrifice

by George W. Reeves
Watertown, NY: Hungerford-Holbrook

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