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Jefferson County NyArchives Military Records.....Honor Roll 
WWI - Rosters 
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Joy Fisher September 16, 2006, 3:03 am

Honor Roll
The Supreme Honor Roll

TO THE fathers, mothers, wives, children and near relatives 
of those noble men who made the Supreme Sacrifice for country, 
honor and flag, all men and women unite in sympathy. In their 
sorrow we beg the privilege to join; but the just pride, the 
glory, the honor in the sacrifice is all theirs. It means 
something now and will mean more as the years roll by to 
have had a son, a husband, a loved one, whose name is
forever inscribed on the honor roll of his country. May their
sorrows be softened by the thought that no men have or can
die a better or nobler death.

Of those who made the Supreme Sacrifice no words of ours
can add one jot or tittle to the glory and honor already and
always theirs. Their work, their lives, their deaths, afford
their own best eulogy and of them, for them, we feel it 
inappropriate and presumptuous for civilians to speak.

"On fame's eternal camping ground
Their silent tents are spread,
And glory marks with silent round
The bivouac of the dead."

Griffith, Harold Westley         Adams                  Army, A. E. F.
Parker, John                     Adams                  Army
Rounds, Don Carlos               Adams                  Army, A. E. F.
Sauers, Elmer                    Adams                  Army, A. E. F.
Washburn, Albert                 Adams                  Army, Canadian
Withington, William Ward         Adams Center           Army, A. E. F.

Lyman, John B.                   Alexandria Bay         Army, A. E. F.
Suits, Ivan D.                   Redwood                Army, A. E. F.

Canfield, Cecil H.               Antwerp                Army, A. E. F.
Tooley, Arthur J.                Antwerp                Army, A. E. F.

Allen, Carl W.                   Brownville             Army, A. E. F.
Baker, Clifford C.               Brownville             Army, U. S.
Galloway, Brant Oakes            Brownville             Army, A. E. F.
Howell, Roy Fayette              Brownville             Army, U. S.
Rose, Harry                      Dexter                 Navy
Smith, Jesse E.                  Dexter                 Army, A. E. F.
Warren, Leonard                  Glen Park              Army, A. E. F.

Borland, Dwight George           Cape Vincent           Army, U. S.
Dennee, Frank                    Cape Vincent           Army, A. E. F.
Londraville, John C.             Cape Vincent           Army, A. E. F.
Scobell, Henry J.                Cape Vincent           Army, A. E. F.
Docteur, Clarence                St. Lawrence           Army, A. E. F.
Docteur, Michael C.              St. Lawrence           Army, A. E. F.
Payne, Harry Fritz               St. Lawrence           Army, U. S.

Wilton, Thomas                   Great Bend             Army, A. E. F.
Bassett, Ralph F.                W. Carthage            Army, A. E. F.
Baxter, Floyd Leander            W. Carthage            Army
McDonald, William E.             W. Carthage            Army, U. S.

Bass, Martin                     Clayton                Army, U. S.
Bush, Joseph                     Clayton                Army, A. E. F.
Charlebois, Francis              Clayton                Army, U. S.
Colon, George                    Clayton                Army, A. E. F.
Couch, Harry                     Clayton                Army, A. E. F.
Ramsdell, Charles                Depauville             Army, A. E. F.

Esty, Glenn                      Belleville             Navy
Roberts, Jerome                  Belleville             Army, U. S.
Chapman, Walter                  Ellisburg              Army, Canadian
Williams, John J.                Ellisburg              Army
Mendall, Carl                    Pierrepont Manor       Army, A. E. F.

Smith, Ross E.                   Smithville             Army, A. E. F.
Wood, Grover                     Smithville             Army, A. E. F.

Halliday, Henry                  Sackets Harbor         Army, A. E. F.
Savage, Ralph L.                 Sackets Harbor         Army, A. E. F.
Whalen, Ray C.                   Sackets Harbor         Army, A. E. F.

Dexter, William                  Black River            Army, A. E. F.

Foster, Thomas Joseph            Glen Park              Army, A. E. F.

Downing, George H.               Philadelphia           Army, A. E. F.
Garsaw, Carl                     Philadelphia           Navy
Hagan, Alfred                    Philadelphia           Navy
Markwick, Robert Wood            Philadelphia           Army, A. E. F.

Cross, Harley D.                 Felts Mills            Army, A. E. F.
Ladd, Ruben J.                   Black River            Army, A. E. F.

Countryman, Oscar                Theresa                Army, A. E. F.
Getman, Elias                    Theresa                Army, A. E. F.
Massey, Thomas                   Theresa                Army, U. S.

Ador, Carl                       271 Chestnut St.       Army, U. S.
Amey, Merl                       232 W. Main St.        Navy
Barben, Walter                   201 Elm St.'           Army, A. E. F.
Beckstead, Raymond               208 N. Pleasant St.    Army, U. S.
Blaney, Gteorge                  118 W. Division St.    Army, A. E. F.
Burdick, Nelson                  Watertown, N. Y.       Army, U. S.
Burgess, Robert                  564 State St.          Army, A. E. F.
Caiuretti, Rerina                589 W. Prospect St.    Army, A. E. F.
Carey, Delbert                   205 Chestnut St.       Army, A. E. F.
Carey, Phillip J.                205 Chestnut St.       Army, U. S.
Conway, P. J.                    211 Phelps St.         Army, A. E. F.
Cox, William Kenneth             1033 State St.         Army, U. S.
Crandall, Elverton Clair         349 Flower Ave., E.    Army, A. E. F.
Crosbie, Samuel T.               323 William St.        Army, A. E. F.
Crowder, William A.              105 W. Main St.        Army, A. E. F.
Davis, Andrew McKinley           207 Park St.           Army, U. S.
Doane, Hugh Ralph                Watertown, N. Y.       Army, A. E. F.
Dressor, John                    Watertown, Rt. 1       Army, U. S.
Giles, Raymond E.                Watertown, N. Y.       Army, A. E. F.
Gowing, Frank                    616 Central Ave.       Army, A. E. F.
Harrigan, Lawrence               728 W. Main St.        Army, A. E. F.
Hewitt, Dwight                   Watertown, N. Y.       Army
Hickey, George Louis             414 S. Meadow St.      Army, A. E. F.
Hoard, Burton                    Watertown, N. Y.       Army, A. E. F.
Holbrook, Robert                 842 Mill St.           Army, A. E. F.
Hooker, James Louis              247 Paddock St.        Army, U. S.
Jarvis, James Thomas             234 High St.           Army, A. E. F.
Jones, John H. L.                659 Lansing St.        Army, A. E. F.
Jones, Kenneth                   933 Water St.          Army, A. E. F.
LaBrex, Charles                  170 Arsenal St.        Army, U. S.
LaFlex, Robert                   420 W. Main St.        Army
LaGroix, Wilfred                 316 Colorado Ave.      Army, A. E. F.
Lanox, Clarence                  Watertown, N. Y.       Army, A. E. F.
Lyng, Floyd James                Watertown, Rt. 1       Army, U. S.
McDonald, Albert Wellington      661 Factory St.        Army, U. S.
Mahoney, Germaine Francis        406 Jay St.            Army, A. E. F.
Marrian, Ralph                   262 TenEyck St.        Army, A. E. F.
Mattison, Sumner                 214 Winslow St.        Army, A. E. F.
Mililello, Guiseppe              494 Arsenal St.        Army, A. E. F.
Naughton, Harold L.              134 Flower Ave., W.    Army, A. E. F.
Newman, Raymond                  Watertown, Rt. 1       Army, U. S.
Nichols, Irving James            313 W. Main St.        Army, A. E. F.
O'Brien, Thomas                  Watertown, N. Y.       Army, A. E. F.
O'Connor, Edward                 1217 State St.         Army, A. E. F.
Oderkirk, Claude J.              1311 State St          Army, A. E. F.
Pacifici, Pietro                 575 W. Prospect St.    Army, A. E. F.
Protolege, Antonio               170 Cedar St.          Army, A. E. F.
Reynolds, Fred W.                108 S. Meadow St.      Navy
Roberts, Francis                 260 Flower Ave., E.    Army, U. S.
Rooks, Harry R.                  1036 Huntington St.    Army, U. S.
Smith, Edward Bernard            447 Newell St.         Army, A. E. F.
Stamp, Arthur Frederick          617 Coffeen St.        Army
Stuhl, Michael                   705 Lillian St.        Army, A. E. F.
Sutliff, Howard William          203 Charles St.        Army, U. S.
Taylor, Irvin                    557 Pearl St.          Army, A. E. F.
Thune, Louis                     1316 Dewey St.         Army, A. E. F.
Travers, William                 917 Superior St.       Army, U. S.
Ward, John B.                    1003 Washington St.    Army, A. E. F.
Whitney, Elwood                  133 W. Main St.        Navy
William, James Gregory           459 Holley St.         Army, A. E. F.
Wright, Harold H.                Watertown, N. Y.       Army, A. E. F.
Zullo, Gennaro                   712 Lawrence St.       Army, A. E. F.

Bartotoines, Cueno               Carthage               Army, A. E. F.
Benedict, Kobert P.              Carthage               Navy
Burnside, William                Carthage               Army, U. S.
Cross, Harley D.                 Carthage               Army, A. E. F.
Delmore, Carl J.                 Carthage               Army, A. E. F.
Devinney, Harry                  Carthage               Army, A. E. F.
Gillen, Frank                    Carthage               Army, A. E. F.
Gilsen, Proctor A. C.            Carthage               Army, A. E. F.
Snyder, Carl H.                  Carthage               Army, A. E. F.
Wilton, Thomas                   Carthage               Army, A. E. F.

Additional Comments:
Extracted from:

Jefferson County in the World War : a record of the activites of the various
organizations and individuals who devoted their energies to the cause of freedom
in the great conflict of 1914-1918 containing the honor roll of those who served
in Army, Navy and Marine and the portraits of those who made the supreme sacrifice

by George W. Reeves
Watertown, NY: Hungerford-Holbrook

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