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WILL: John Smith; Stockport, Columbia co., NY 
surname: Smith, Chittenden, Pilling

submitted by Meredith Smith (makeysmith at and Bruce M. Smith
(baysidebruce at
Copyright.  All rights reserved.

Submitted Date: May 16, 2006
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Columbia co NY Will Book T, Pg. 752
Written: 1882
Recorded: December 10, 1891

Will of John Smith, Columbia County, New York, Will Book, Stockport Vol. T,
page 752.  
Transcribed from SAMPUBCO copy by Bruce M. & Meredith Smith 15 May 2006.

Record of the last will and testament of John Smith, late of the Town of 
Stockport, Columbia County, N.Y., deceased, as a will valid to pass real and
personal property, together with the proofs relating thereto taken in the
Surrogate's court of the County of Columbia, N.Y., and the decree admitting
said will to probate.  
Recorded December 10th 1891.

I, Frederick F. Smith of the town of Stockport, County of Columbia and State
of New York, make this my last will and testament; 

First I give, devise and bequeath all my estate both real and personal to my
sister Rachel Smith.  

Second: I appoint my brothers Isaac Smith and Jacob Smith sole executors.  

Third: I hereby revoke all former wills made by me.  

In testimony whereof, I the said John Smith have subscribed my name, and
affixed my seal this ___  ____ in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred & eighty two.

               John Smith (L.S.)
Signed, sealed, published in the presence of us who at his request and in his 
presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as 
witnesses thereto.
               Edward C. Chittenden,
               Thomas Pilling