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Will and Codicil of John Smith: 1715, Calvert County, MD 

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Lisa Simms 
<>.  Transcribed by Raphael T. Semmes in his
book The Semmes and Allied Families, Baltimore, 1918.

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                                  WILL OF

Wife, Dorothy Smith, half of my movable estate.
Son, Samuel Smith, items of personal estate.
  Sons, James Smith, John Smith, Benjamin Smith and Basil Smith, and my unborn 
child, if a boy, all my land for equal division, but if the unborn child be a g
irl, then to be equally divided between the four sons above mentioned; but
if my unborn child be a son, then said lands to be divided between the five
  Daughter, Mary Smith,
  My children, viz: Elizabeth, Martha, Ann, Eleanor, John, Benjamin, Basil,
Mary and my unborn child, the residue for equal division.
  To my two sons-in-law and daughter-in-law (step-children), viz: Dorothy
Smith and Michael and Thos. Taney, to each, one 10-shilling ring.

 Extr.: My wife, Dorothy Smith.
Witnesses to Will: Roger Brooke, John Rouse, George Lines.
Witnesses to Codicil: John Brooke, Wm. Biddle.
  Will dated December 7, 1715; codicil dated December 21, 1717; proved
March 19, 1717-18.

  Codicil, dated December 21, 1717:
To my son, Roger Smith, personalty.