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Norfolk County MA Archives History .....Weymouth Marriages To The Year 1850 - O Surnames 1910 
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Joy Fisher October 29, 2022, 2:18 pm

O達RIEN (see O達rine), Michael and Catherine Burnes, int. Aug. 30, 1846.

O達RINE (see O達rien), Margaret and William Condrisk, int. Sept. 9, 1849.

OLLIVAR, Mary and Samuel Shaw, int. Feb. 21, 1718-19.

O樽ARA, Mary, 18, d. George and Mehitable, and Charles R. Clapp, 26, cordwainer, s.
Jacob and Elisabeth, Dec. 31, 1846.

O誰IEL, Peter and Catharine Haly of Boston, int. June 18, 1843.

ORCUT (see Orcutt), Andrew [int. Jr.] and Mercy Hunt, Aug. 11, 1752.

ORCUT, Betty [int. Orcutt] and Daniel White of Braintree, Jan. 17, 1743-4. [Orcut,

ORCUT, Frances [int. Francis, sic] and Ephraim Burrel [int. Burril], Feb. 5, 1717.

ORCUT, Ichabod of Bridgwator, and Mary Burrell, June 15, 1737. [Icabod and Mary
Burrel, C.R.1.]

ORCUT, John [int. Orcutt] and Sarah Short, Dec. 29, 1743. [Orcut, m.  1742 sic,

ORCUT, Keziah and Sam[ue]ll Nash of Brantree, int. June 10, 1758.

ORCUT, Lydia and Clifford Chesman [int. Cheesman], Jan. 30, 1750. [Cleopard
Cheeseman, C.R.2.]

ORCUT, Martha and Joshua Bate, Dec. 31, 1733.

ORCUT, Silence and John Thomas of Brantree, Jan. 30, 1750.

ORCUT, Tabitha (Or[c]ut) and William Porter, int. July 17, 1773.

ORCUTT (see Orcut), Abiah G. and Mary W. Buker, int. May 23, 1847.

ORCUTT, Andrew and Sally Cushing, Oct. 24, 1820.

ORCUTT, Benjamin and Mehettible Tower of Braintree, int. July 12, 1806. 

ORCUTT, Benjamin Jr. and Mary Ann Hobart of Randolph, int. Sept. 7, 1833. 

ORCUTT, Cassandana W. and Joseph J. Damon of Abington, int. May 27, 1836.

ORCUTT, Charlotte and Warren Thayer, int. Nov. 26, 1836.

ORCUTT, Daniel C. and Lydia White of B[raintree], July 22, 1827 C.R.3. 

ORCUTT, Diantha and Will[ia]m B. Richmond, int. May 7, 1831.

ORCUTT, Elisha of Abington, and Mary Joy, Sept. 6, 1810.

ORCUTT, Elisha V. of Abington, and Ruth Daman, Nov. 30, 1826.

ORCUTT, Eliza and Silas Torrey, Dec. 18, 1817.

ORCUTT, Fanny of B[raintree], and Ephraim B. Thayer, June 30, 1825. C.R.3.

ORCUTT, Hannah and Paul Torrey, June 10, 1731.

ORCUTT, Hannah and Joseph Hollis of Braintree, July 3, 1794.

ORCUTT, Harriet A. of Abington, and William L. Harrington, int. Sept. 17, 1836.

ORCUTT, Jane B. [dup. and int. omit B.], 18, d. Joseph and Ascneth, and Samuel
Estes, mason, Nov. 4, 1846. [Jane B., C.R.4.] 

ORCUTT, Jason and Rebecca A. Kingn&an, July 24, 1831.

ORCUTT, John and Deborah P. Hollis of Randolph, int. July 12, 1826.

ORCUTT, John, widr. [dup. and int. omit widr.], 37, cordwainer, s. Moses and
Mahalah, and [dup. and int. add Mrs.] Julia A. Tinney, 25, Feb. 16, 1846.

ORCUTT, Joseph and Senath Hawes, Apr. 15, 1828,

ORCUTT, Lucy of Bridgwater, and James Bates, int. [Nov.] 9 [1805].

ORCUTT, Lucy and Chandler P. Chandler of Abington, Oct. 14, 1830.

ORCUTT, Maria of Hingham, and Warren Hatch of Hingham, Apr. 17, 1841. C.R.1.

ORCUTT, Mary Ann and Uriah Thayer Jr. of Braintree, int. Oct. 1, 1836. Mehetabel and
Rosewell Corbin of Randolph, Oct. 5, 1826.

ORCUTT, Mercy and Silvanus Hunt, Oct. 14, 1784.

ORCUTT, Meribah and Nahum Whiton, Dec. 28, 1841.

ORCUTT, Micah Jr. and Betsey Clark of Braintree, June 1, 1818. C.R.3. 

ORCUTT, Mirinda A. and Hiram Blanchard, Apr. 20, 1839.

ORCUTT, Moses and Silence Kingman of Abington, int. Dec. 22, 1781.

ORCUTT, Moses and Meribah Jordan of Randolf, int. [Mar.] 14 [1795]. Moses and
Susanna Hubbart of Randolph, int. Nov. 12, 1814. 

ORCUTT, Moses Jr. and Delphina Derby, Dec. 21, 1824.

ORCUTT, Rebecca F., 15, d. Jason and Rebecca, and William B. Cook, widr. [dup. and
int. omit widr.], cordwainer, Jan. 18. 1848. [Jan. 20, C.R.4.]

ORCUTT, Samuel and Hannah Pratt, July 30, 1818.

ORCUTT, Sarah, 15, d. Samuel and Hannah, and Israel A. Daily, 22, s. Mitchell and
Hannah of Topsfield, Apr. 23,1848.

ORCUTT, Silence and Asa Hunt, June 9, 1785.

ORCUTT, Silence and Caleb Hawes, int. Feb. 15, 1816. [m. Oct. 10, C.R.2.]

ORCUTT, Susannah of Randolph, and John W. Bates, Apr. 26, 1830. 

ORCUTT, Washington and Orilia Shaw, Dec. 3, 1835.

ORCUTT, William, 20, bootmaker, s. Moses and Delphina, and Caroline C. Corban, 22,
Apr. 27, 1845. [Corbon, C.R.4.]

ORR (see Our), Elisabeth M. of E. Bridgwater, and Nehemiah Staples Jr., int. July 5,

ORR, Thomas, 22, nailer, s. Robert and Abigail, and Mary Ann Bates, 18, d. Sylvanus
and Mary, July 11, 1849.

OSBORNE (see Osburn), Joseph and Abigal K. Washburn, Nov. 25, 1841.

OSBURN (see Osborne), Joseph and Martha W. Burrows of Boston, int. Apr. 8, 1849.

OSGOOD, Sarah of Boston, and Benjamin Flanders of Boston, July 28, 1839. C.R.3.

OTIS, Sarah of Scituate, and Nathaniel Ford, int. Mar. 20, 1842.

OUR (see Orr), Betsey of Hingham, and Henry F. Bicknell, int. Dec. 22, 1844.

OUR, Horatio N., 23, carpenter, s. William and Betsy of Hingham, and Clemintine
[dup. and int. Clementine] B. Davis, 18, d. Robert and Mary, Oct. 27, 1847.
[Clementine B., C.R.1.]

OUR, Isabella, 20, of Hingham, d. William and Betsy, and Henry L. Fletcher, 21,
nailer, s. Lyman and Clarissa, Mar. 26, 1848.

OWEN, Sarah and William Badlam, int. May 10, 1747.

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