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Boise-Ada-Gem County ID Archives Biographies.....Riggs, Henry Chiles 1826 - 1909
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Joy Fisher October 5, 2011, 9:12 pm

Source: See below
Author: S. J. Clarke, Publisher

Hon. Henry Chiles Riggs

WITH events which have shaped the history of Idaho during territorial days as
well as in statehood, Henry Chiles Riggs was in many ways closely connected.
Arriving here in early pioneer times, he supported all plans and measures for
the general good, aided in framing the laws of Idaho as one of her legislators
and did whatever lay within his power to do for the upbuilding of the state.

   He was born in Mount Sterling, Montgomery county, Kentucky, May 14, 1826, and
in June, 1846, joined Company A, First Missouri Mounted Volunteers for service
in the Mexican war under Colonel Doniphan, and was mustered out in June, 1847,
at New Orleans. While at the front he participated in the battles of Brazeto, in
the state of New Mexico, and Chihuahua, in the state of Chihuahua, in old
Mexico. After the latter engagement he was exempt from duty in the regular army
but continued to act as scout during the remainder of the war, being at times as
much as two hundred miles ahead of the regulars. The scouts traveled by night
and seldom lighted a fire lest the blaze and smoke would attract the attention
of the enemy. This was a very trying time for the party. The trip was made to
Brownsville, Texas, at the mouth of the Rio Grande river, unmolested and Mr.
Riggs deserved great credit for the daring and bravery which he displayed during
that campaign.

   In May, 1850, he made his first trip across the plains, starting from
Independence, Missouri, and arriving in California in the following September,
having been about five months en route. While in California he conducted the
Comanche Hotel at Washington, just across the river from Sacramento. He returned
to the east by way of Cape Horn, arriving at Independence, Missouri, on the 17th
of March, 1852, and on the same day he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Ann
Lipscomb, who was born at Richmond, Madison county, Kentucky, on the 23d of
August, 1834.

   In company with his wife, Mr. Riggs again crossed the plains to California in
1854 and upon once more arriving on the Pacific coast he purchased a section of
land on Putah creek, in Yolo county, and began farming there. He was a prominent
and influential resident of the community and served for two terms as county
commissioner but left California on account of his wife's health upon the
expiration of his second term in office. He removed to Corvallis, Oregon, and
again his ability and worth as a citizen were recognized in his election to the
office of mayor of the town in 1861.

   Upon learning of the wonderful gold discoveries in Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Riggs
decided to remove to this state and on the 6th of July, 1863, he pitched the
first tent in what is now known as Boise. Soon afterward, with others, he laid
out the city, now one of the most beautiful cities of the entire west. Again his
fellow townsmen desired him to serve in public office and he was appointed
county judge but never qualified for the position. In 1864 he was elected a
member of the house of representatives from Boise county and introduced the two
famous bills of that session. The first was a bill changing the capital of the
state from Lewiston to Boise and the second was a bill creating a new county in
the vicinity of Boise, with that city as its seat of government. After a hard
fight both bills were passed and in appreciation of the great work he had done
it was unanimously decided to call the new county Riggs. Not caring to be thus
honored himself, Mr. Riggs suggested to his colleague to name the county Ada for
his little daughter. At the time of the marriage of this daughter, in commenting
thereon one of the local papers said in regard to the organization of Ada
county: "Hon. H. C. Riggs and a Mr. Parkinson were but two of Boise county's
numerous delegation in that session. Mr. Parkinson, of Boise, and the writer of
this sketch, who then represented the great county of Shoshone, occupied the
same table in the hall, when the question of naming the new county came up.
Several names were proposed, those of Grant, Lincoln, Douglas being among the
number. Some good-natured sparring ensued, during which Mr. Parkinson whispered
to his deskmate that Ada was a pretty name, and that as it was the name of his
colleague's little daughter, he, Mr. Parkinson, would esteem it a personal favor
if his friend from Shoshone would offer Ada as the name of the new county. This
was done and the motion carried promptly and unanimously. Mr. Riggs was one of
the founders of Boise City and was one of the most devoted and efficient friends
of the city and of the new county during the second session." Upon his return
home from his second session in the legislature Mr. Riggs was tendered a most
enthusiastic reception. Thirteen guns were fired upon his arrival and a
reception was held in the old Overland Hotel. A paper, the Statesman of January
10, 1865, commenting on this occasion, said: "Assemblyman Riggs arrived in town
by last evening's overland stage from Walla Walla. His neighbors congratulate
him upon his return to his family after a laborious session, and themselves on
having sent the best man to represent them at the capital. It is doubtful if any
other man could have accomplished so much for his constituents at this session
as has Mr. Riggs. No fraud, no trick, no device was left untried to defeat the
just measures in behalf of this portion of the territory, introduced by him and
fought to a successful issue. To accomplish them under such circumstances
requires not only the highest order of talent, but a clearness that no attack
can surprise and industry that no opposition can tire. These qualities he has
exhibited in a good degree to the great advantage and lasting benefit of his
constituents, for all which we but express their sentiments when we welcome him
with, 'Well done, good and faithful servant.' " Not only did Mr. Riggs succeed
in having Ada county organized by the state legislature but also during his
second term in the general assembly he introduced a bill that made Boise an
incorporated village.

   Another incident in the life of Mr. Riggs was written in the Emmett Index as


   ''How many of our readers who enjoy hunting know that an Emmett man
introduced the quail into Idaho? And how many know that it was done from purely
philanthropic motives at a considerable outlay of money?

   "To that grand old man, Henry C. Riggs, now passing the evening of his life
with his children in this city, the people of Idaho are indebted for that
valuable bird, the quail.

   "On December 26, 1870, the first shipment was made from Independence,
Missouri, and consisted of two crates, each containing thirty-eight birds. They
were consigned to Mr. Riggs, who then lived in Boise. At that time the terminus
of the Union Pacific was Kelton, Utah, and express matter was carried by stage.
Owing to the severity of the weather and their exposure and long confinement
many of the birds died in transit.

   "The consignment did not reach Kelton until January 30th and it was nearly
spring before it reached Boise. The birds were distributed in different sections
of the state. Three dozen were given their freedom on Dry creek, another dozen
at the mouth of the Payette, a number along the Boise river, and the balance at
more remote points of the state.

   "Other shipments were made at later dates from Missouri, and as an experiment
a dozen of what are known as the valley quail were shipped in from California.
These, however, were too tame and soon fell a prey to cats and wild animals and
none survived. The Missouri quail took kindly to Idaho and multiplied rapidly,
and today the descendants of those quail secured by Mr. Riggs number probably
over a million and may be found scattered throughout this and neighboring states.

   "The original receipts given by the United States Express Company for the
transportation charges of the birds are still in the possession of Mr. Riggs.
The express charges from Omaha to Kelton were thirty-three dollars and twenty
cents for four coops, and the total expense from Independence, Missouri, to
Boise was over one hundred dollars."

   To Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chiles Riggs eight children were born. Cache, born
September 10, 1854, at Cacheville, Yolo county, California, died on the 26th of
November, of the same year. Ada Hobbs, born April 3, 1856, at Davisville, Yolo
county, California, was married at Caldwell, Idaho, February 26, 1884, to John
Riggs Coon. It was she in whose honor the county of Ada was named. She passed
away May 29, 1909, at San Francisco, California. Henry Chiles, Jr., born January
5, 1862, at Corvallis, Oregon, was married August 3, 1910, to Mary Frances
Wilkins at Middleton, Idaho. Their first child, a son, born June 8, 1911, at
Emmett, Idaho, died at birth. Their second child, Henry Chiles Riggs (III), was
born May 20, 1913, at Emmett and their third child, May Putnam Riggs, was born
January 26, 1915. Boise Green Riggs, the fourth member of the family of Henry
and Mary Ann (Lipscomb) Riggs, was born at Boise, February 26, 1865, and was
married March 8, 1888, at Falks, Idaho, to Clara Alice Jackson. Their children
were all born at Emmett, Idaho, and are as follows: Clara Ann, who was born
March 3, 1889; Boise Green, Jr., born April 14, 1890; Adlia Ruth, November 26,
1892; Mona Lenore, November 7, 1895; Hester Nellie, July 25, 1897; Elma Ada,
January 19, 1899; and Mollie Bernice, June 10, 1900. Joel Bennett Riggs, the
fifth member of the family of Henry Chiles Riggs, Sr., was born at Boise, Idaho,
April 16, 1870, and was married February 19, 1908, at Emmett, Idaho, to Lena
Rebecca Kesgard. Their children are: Bryan Kern, born November 24, 1908, at
Endicott, Whitman county, Washington; Mary Lena, September 10, 1910, at Emmett,
Idaho; an infant son, who was born May 20, 1912, and died on the 1st of June,
following; and Samuel James, born October 31, 1913, at Emmett. Mary Susan Riggs,
the sixth member of the family of Henry Chiles Riggs, Sr., was born August 27,
1872, at Boise, and on the 15th of May, 1892, at Emmett became the wife of
Robert Lee Jordan. She passed away at Emmett, July 15, 1893. Samuel Dabney
Riggs, born March 31, 1875, at Boise, is the efficient postmaster at Emmett and
is mentioned at length on another page of this work. Idaho May Riggs, the
youngest of the family, born on the old homestead near Emmett, in Canyon county,
Idaho, May 7, 1879, was married on the nth of August, 1896, to William Charles
Langroise and their children are: Ada May, who was born April 26, 1897; William
Henry, born September 4, 1898; Norma Fay, August 24, 1900; and Hazel Marguerite,
January 21, 1903, all being natives of Emmett. Of these the eldest died
September 24, 1897.

   Mr. and Mrs. Riggs reared a family of whom they had every reason to be proud
and who have been an honor to their name. The death of Mr. Riggs occurred at
Boise, July 3, 1909, while his wife survived until December 14, 1912. They were
a most worthy and highly esteemed couple, identified with Idaho from early
pioneer times. During his active life Mr. Riggs was considered one of the
foremost residents of his part of the state and was instrumental in many ways in
the upbuilding of the great commonwealth in which he lived. He left to his
family the priceless heritage of an untarnished name and a record which should
serve as an inspiration and a source of encouragement to all who knew him.

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