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Los Angeles County CA Archives History .....Residents Of Glendale 1908
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Joy Fisher October 27, 2023, 5:13 pm

City Directory of Glendale
Published by
Occidental Directory Co

City Directory of Glendale

Names and addresses of those over 18years of age residing
in the City of Glendale:

Ackley, H. C. and wife; Forrest M.;  1112 7th St.
Ackerman, C. D. and wife; 421 Jackson St.
Ainsworth, Mrs. C. M.; L bet. 1st and Doran.
Ainsworth, Miss Elizabeth: L bet. 1st and Doran.
Albright, F. E. and wife: Orange St. bet 3d and 4th.
Allen, B. S. and wife; 1st St. bet. A and Verdugo Rd.
Allen, G. W. and wife; 2d St. bet. A and Verdugo Rd.
Allen, C. H. and wife: J St. bet 4 and 5.
Anderssen, A. C. and wife; 4th and C Sts.
Anderson, Mr. and wife: 415 C St.
Andrews. L and wife: 3d St. and Verdugo Rd.
Andrews, J. Q. and wife: Made St. bet. Brand and L.
Andrews, Morris E.; 336 E St.
Andrews, M. N. and wife: Manle St. bet. Brand and L.
Anderson, M. L. and wife: Miss Grace; 6th St.
Anderson. A. C. and wife: 4th St. bet. I and J.
Anderson, F. W. and wife: Miss Doty; Glendale Ave. and 6th St.
Andrews, J. E. and wife: Verdugo Rd. bet. 2d and 3d Sts.
Appenfelder, C. R. and wife; 7th St. and Brand.
Augspurger, Miss Anna: Vert-Mont hotel.
Austin, Miss Mary; 201 East 5t.h St.
Ayers, Elias and wife; 207 C St.
Ayers, S. N. and wife; 906 Lomita Ave.

Bailey, Chas. E. and wife; Orange Grove near E.
Baker, Mr. and wife; 5th St. bet. J and K.
Banker, J. M. and wife; 231 Cedar St.
Bartlett, H. E. and wife; 1st St. and Brand.
Barager, J. H. and wife; A and Elrose.
Barabe, E. J., D. D. S. and wife; 611 4 St.
Bartholomew, John and wife; Central Ave. bet. 6th and 7th.
Beaufait, E. J. and wife; Brand and Maple.
Becanon, T. B. and wife; 210 L St.
Beers, Mrs. Dolly; 3d and M.
Beers, R. E. and wife; B and 3d Sts.
Beers, F. M. and wife; B near 3d St.
Beldin, J. C. and wife; 3d St.
Bennett, Sam and wife; 7th St. bet. Brand and L.
Benidict, J. M. and wife; 2d St. east of A.
Bennington, R. A. and wife; 2d St. and J.
Bercau, S. W. and wife; 318 A St.
Best, Mrs. Frances; James M.; Miss Helen; 805 5th St.
Bidwell, E.; Mrs. S.; Arthur; 3 St and H.
Bishop, O. A. and wife; 252 4th St.
Biggs, Mrs. E. H.; 4th and D Sts.
Blackburn, R. A. and wife; 2d and A.
Blackburn, W. S. and wife; Miss Mary; 235 Cedar.
Blaurock, Miss Carlotta; 428 E St.
Blue, Hugh and wife; Milford, bet. Brand and Central.
Borthick, W. E. and wife; 7th bet. Brand and Central.
Borthick, W. O. and wife; 9 and Damasco.
Boyd, C. H. and wife; 4th and M.
Boyer, Mrs. B.; 2d and M.
Brewster, G. T. and wife; Brand Blvd. between 3d and 4th.
Brand, L. C. and wife; North Glendale.
Brigham, E. A. and wife; 9th and Glendale Ave.
Brooks, H. O. and wife; Miss Florence G.; I St. and L.
Brown, C. V.; 1st St. and Verdugo Rd.
Brown, H. D. and wife; Central and Chestnut Sts.
Brown, J. A. and wife; B bet. 2d and 3d.
Brockman, Louis E. and wife; 2d east of Verdugo Rd.
Bronner, Mr. and wife; J bet. 4th and 5th.
Brown, Mrs. Grace T., J bet. 5th and 6th.
Broad, W. J.; 5th and A.
Bryant, B. B. and wife; 3d St. west of Verdugo Rd.
Bryant, Dr. A. L. and wife; 205 3d St.
Bulkeley, H. L. and wife; Miss Laura V.; 2d and B.
Bullis, P. H. and wife; Allen; 427 E St.
Burton, Rev. N. J. and wife; 3d and C.
Burford, W. W. and wife; Glendale Ave. near 8th.
Burkett, Chas. W. and wife; 724 1/2 5th St.
Busser, David and wife; Central and 4th.
Byram, Geo. and wife; J bet. 5th and 6th.
Byram, Mrs. H. M.; Miss Ruth A.; Glendale Ave. bet. 2d and 3d.
Byrkit, C. E. and wife; 2d and B.

Canava, Miss Kate; 2d and C Sts.
Cameron, James; 252 4th St.
Campbell, Frank, 232 2d St.
Campbell, Mrs. C. C.; I St. bet. 4 and 5.
Campbell, Dan and wife; North Glendale.
Carmargo, Mrs. A. F.; Miss Savina; Carmol; B St. bet. 3d and 4th.
Carmichal, Walter S. and wife; C and 5th Sts.
Caruthers, Geo. S. and wife; Chestnut bet. Brand and L.
Caruthers, Rachel; Maurice E.; Chestnut bet. Brand and L.
Carr, B. O. and wife; I St. bet. 4 and 5.
Catlin, Mrs. Cordelia; A St. bet. 2 and 3.
Cathcart, J. H. and wife; Central bet. 2d and 3d.
Chandler, C. L. and wife; Park Ave., Tropico.
Chase, Mrs. Walter; Maple and L.
Chase, Mrs. S. A.; Harry W.; Ethel E.; 7th bet. L and Glendale Ave.
Chase, Dr. R. E. and wife; 615 4th St.
Chobe, L. W. and wife; Brand and Maple.
Chauvan, F. L. and wife; 5th and C.
Chuch, F. L. and wife; Orange bet. 2d and 3d.
Clarke, Arthur; B St. bet. 2d and 3d.
Cloud, M. Morgan; Mollie F.; Brand and 3.
Colburn, Mrs. Mary B.; 310 C St. .
Coker, H. P. and wife; 3d east of A.
Colegrove, Dr. A. J. and wife; 1011 5th St.
Collins, Mrs. Jane; Franklin Court near 5.
Colby, H. E. and wife; Brand and Chestnut.
Colwell, Mannie J.; 4th bet. K and L.
Colvin, J. C. and wife; 209 I St.
Cole, J. A. and wife; Brand bet. 1 and 2.
Comstock, E. S. and wife; E bet. 3 and 4.
Conner, J. C. and wife; Mrs. E. M.; 6th and A Sts.
Cook, Mrs. S. A.; Orange bet. 3 and 4.
Cooper, Miss Floribel; 6th St.
Cornwell, Hugh and wife; 1st and H Sts.
Courtney, R. E. and wife; 9th and A Sts.
Cook, A. J. and wife; J bet. 4th and 5th.
Cornwell, Geo. and wife; Miss Carrie B.; Miss L. May; Albert G.; 311 K St.
Corbaley, P. M.; Mrs. Hanna; 130 east 6.
Crawford, A. K. and wife; 2d and C Sts.
Crall, C. W. and wife; Miss Alma J.; 224 C St.
Croad, J. and wife; A bet. 2d and 3d.
Cross, Mrs. Alexander; Miss M. A.; Miss M. L.; 3d St. east of Verdugo Rd.
Crutcher, Mr. and wife; A St. bet. 4 and 5.
Cutler, Mrs. L.; Miss L.; L bet. 2 and 3.

Dair, G. F. and wife; 3d and A Sts.
Damerell, C. E. and wife; Orange St. bet. 2d and 3d.
Damerall, Mrs. Mattie; 3d and M Sts.
Danford, J. C. and wife; 4th and B Sts.
Danielson, G. M. and wife; 447 C St.
Daniels, E. K. and wife; Chestnut St. bet. Brand and Central.
Davis, Mrs. M.; 4th and J Sts.
Davis, B. B. and wife; 4th and J Sts.
Deal, Fred and wife; L St. bet. 2d and 3.
Dewing, G. F. and wife; 3d and Verdugo Rd.
Dibbern, J. D. and wife; A. H.; Glendale Ave. near Lomita.
Dick, Samuel and wife; Jennie, Samuel F.; Margaret; Milford and Brand.
Dodsworth, Mrs. L.; Orange St. bet. 3d and 4th.
Dodge, Aaron and wife; 4th and Verdugo Rd.
Dofflemeyer, Chas. and wife; 912 Lobita Ave.
Dohr, Miss J.; A St. bet. 4th and 5th.
Dolan, William; 9th St. near Verdugo Rd.
Dominy, H. G. and wife; Brand Blvd. bet. 6th and 7th.
Dougherty, W. P. and wife; Maple St. bet. L. and Glendale Ave.
Dow, Frank and wife; 5th bet. K and L.
Dow, A. W. and wife; Howard M.; Orange bet. 2d and 3d.
Doyle, T. W. and wife; Misses Mary, Belle, Lizzie, Ella; John; Verdugo Rd.
Duffield, H. S. and wife; Lomita Ave. bet. Brand and Central.
Dupey, Frank S. and wife; 6th St. west of A.
Dwarte, Refuhio and wife; 4th and C Sts.

Easton, D. R. and wife; Miss Sadie; 324 I St.
Echols, W. A. and wife; 7th bet. Brand and Central.
Edwards, Johanna E.; Clarence L.; 2d bet. A and Verdugo Rd.
Eggers, Flora; J St. bet. 2d and 3d.
Ehman, J. H. and wife; 3d St. bet. 2d and 3d.
Ellrich, E. H. and wife; Miss Mattie; 2d bet. A and Verdugo Rd.
Eley, Rev. Geo. and wife; Lomita and Brand.
Ellis, J. W. and wife; 3d near Verdugo Rd.
Emery, E. U. and wife; 5th near E Sts.
English, M. A.; Glendale bakery.
Engle, J. A. and wife; Miss Luetta; 402 5th St.
Eppinger, J. A. and wife; 424 E St.
Ermagarat, Kathryn; I and Geneva Sts.
Eudemiller, C. H. and wife; Miss Anna; 6th near E St.
Eves, A. L. and wife; Orange Grove Ave. near Glendale Ave.
Evans, F. S. and wife; 201 east 5th.

Faacks, J. D.; L St. bet. 2d and 3d.
Fairlie, J. F. and wife; Miss Bessie; Orange St. near E.
Fanset, Asa and wife; John, May; East 4.
Farrell, J. A. and wife; 2d and B Sts.
Farrand, E. and wife; St. Clair Ave and 2.
Farrand, Frank and wife; 6th St.
Farrell, Mrs. M. F.; Verdugo Rd. bet. 4th and 5th.
Ferguson, J. G. and wife; Glendale Ave. bet. 5th and 6th.
Fielding, Miss Lily; 1st St.
Fiske, Dana and wife; C St. bet 2 and 3.
Fiske, Samuel H. M.; 2d and Cedar Sts.
Fisher, E. K. and wife; Orange and 3 Sts.
Fish, F. J. and wife; M bet. 2d and 3d.
Fitzgerald, L. B. and wife; A St. bet. 8th and 9th.
Fitch, D. D. and wife; J St. bet. 2 and 3.
Fitch, Mrs. D. A.; J St. bet. 2 and 3.
Ferguson, Mrs. P. F.; 205 3d St.
Fleming, Capt. A. P. and wife; Elrose St.
Fralic, Otto and wife; 4th St. bet. A and Verdugo Rd.
Fraley, W. C. and wife; Glendale Ave. bet. 3d and 4th.
Frame, Mrs. L., Mattie, Maude, Mabel; 412 I St.
Freeman, J. M. and wife; M St. bet. 3d and 4th.
French, A. M.; 815 6th St.

Garber, C. and wife; Brand Blvd. bet. Maple and Chestnut.
Gaviott, Dr. and wife; Louise St. bet. 4th and 5th.
Gaylord, C. W. and wife: 1st St. bet. A and Verdugo Rd.
Gervais, D. and wife; Lucien; 9th St. near A.
Gilhousen, R. and wife; Brand Blvd. bet. 5th and 6th.
Gilson, E. S. and wife; B St. bet. 2 and 3.
Gillies, A. I. and wife; Glendale Ave. bet. 3d and 4th.
Ginn, L. W. and wife; 4th St. bet. A and Verdugo.
Girard, Paul and wife; K St. bet. 5 and 6.
Givens, Dr. Alice; K St. bet. 4th and 5th.
Glasipool, Mrs..; Chestnut St. bet. L and Glendale Ave.
Glazier, Harry and wife; Lomita Ave. bet. L and Glendale Ave.
Goode, E. D. and wife; Ray; Miss Pearl; C St. near 4th.
Goodwin, H. A. and wife; R. S.; H. R.; 9th and L Sts.
Goodell, H. C.; Miss F. C.: Lomita Ave. bet. Brand and L.
Goss, R. D. and wife; William; 724 5th St.
Gould, Edward and wife; Miss Sadie; 3d east of Verdugo.
Gould, E. H. and wife; Theodore, Winston; 4th and D Sts.
Grant, E. K. and wife; 2d and K Sts.
Grant, Simeon and wife; Loran, Miss Anna; 6th St. east of Verdugo Rd.
Grant, C.; A and 3d Sts.
Grass, H. and wife; Brand Blvd. bet. 3d and 4th.
Green, J. S.; 318 E St.
Grist, Chas. and wife; 6th and C Sts.
Groceman, Chas. and wife; 9th near A St.
Guernsey, F. H.; Park and Columbus, Tropico.
Guernsey, E. J. and wife; I St. bet. 4th and 5th.

Hackman, Mrs. M. L.; 4th and Glendale Ave.
Hadrich, C. F. and wife; 341 B St.
Haeg, C. J.; Arthur; 6th St.
Hagan, Mrs. Jennie; H St. bet. 2 and 3.
Hammond, Mrs. Emma; H St. bet.: 1st and 2d.
Hammersley, James and wife; 2d and St. Clair Sts.
Hamilton, E. H. and wife; 9th St.
Hamilton, H. M. and wife: 9th St.
Hankerson, T. F. and wife; Franklin Ct.
Harden, Miss Emily; D St. bet. 2 and 3.
Harris, Mrs. H. N.; Miss A. Judson; 304 3d St.
Hartley, Mrs. M. T.; Verdugo Rd. bet. 4th and 5th.
Harn, Mrs. M. E.; 225 C St.
Hartsough, C. W. and wife; C St bet. 1st and 2d.
Hargett, Mr. and wife; B St. bet. 2 and 3.
Hasson, J. R. and wife; 912 Glendale Ave.
Haskell, J. and wife; Lomita Ave. bet. Brand and Central.
Haviland, F. W. and wife; Mrs. S. E.; Brand Blvd. bet. 3d and 4th.
Hawkins, D. and wife; J St. bet. 2 and 3.
Heald, D. and wife; Miss Millie; 9th St.
Heinen, C. W. and wife: L St. bet. 1st and Doran.
Henderson, J. W. and wife; Glendale Ave. bet. 4th and 5th.
Henderson, Mr. and wife: 1st and Geneva.
Henning, Henry and wife; 7th St. bet. Brand and L.
Hester, Frank and wife; Maple St. bet. L and Brand.
Hettinger, J. G. and wife, 9th St.
Heyde, Miss Laura B.; 825 6th St.
Hickman, Mr. and wife; Maple St. bet. Central and Brand.
Hilman, William and wife; Maple and Glendale Ave.
Hilding, Chas. and wife; 908 Lomita Ave.
Hinckley, Ralph L. and wife; Glendale Hdwre. Co.
Hinkley, S. F. and wife; 630 4th St.
Hobbs, John and wife; Central Ave., Tropico.
Hoffman, G. B. and wife; 2d St. bet. A and Verdugo Rd.
Houk, Mrs. M. A.; G. D.; F. A.; 4th St, _bet. A and Verdugo.
Hoyle, John and wife; Maple and Brand.
Hovis, W. L. and wife; 119 east 4th St.
Huff, T. G. and wife; M. L.; Central and 4th Sts.
Hunchberger, J. G. and wife; 5th and L Sts.
Hunt, Dr. D. W. and wife; 1st and J Sts.
Hunter, J. and wife; M St. bet. 5 and 6.

Illers, F. H. and wife; 9th St. near Glendale Ave.
Innis, G. A. and wife; 239 east 5th St.

Jackson, Mr. and wife; 825 3d St.
Johnson, G. W. and wife; 420 I St.
Johnson, P. F. and wife; Orange and I Sts.
Johnston, Henry and wife; Mrs. W. M.; 4th and E Sts.
Jones, Miss Ora; Garfield; Lester; 1st and C Sts.
Jones, Chester and wife; D St. bet. 2d and 3d.
Jones, Mr. and wife; E St. near 5th.
Jones, Mrs. W. F.; I St. bet. 4 and 5.

Keatinge, Edgar; Milford St. bet. Brand and Central.
Kerker, E. H. and wife; 7th St. bet. Brand and L.
Kirkby, Jos. and wife; Lomita Ave. bet. Brand and L.
Klamm, John and wife; Miss Mabel; Charles D.; George W.; 4th St. near Verdugo 
Knight, A. P. and wife; 2d St. bet. A and Verdugo Rd.
Kober, E. F. and wife; Verdugo Rd. bet. 5th and 6th.
Kranz, P. A. and wife; L. and 6th Sts.

Labis, Naga Ranch, Carl Colpah, prop.; 6th St.
Lamb, Mr. and wife; E and 3d Sts.
Lamberth, R. N. and wife; L and Doran
Lane, O. A.; Mrs. S. Chestnut bet. Brand and L.
Lawson, J. M. and wife; 7th St. bet. Central and Brand.
Leach, Melvin E.; 2d and J Sts.
Learned, M. D. and wife; J St. bet. 3d and 4th.
Lee, William and wife; B and 1st Sts.
Lee, E. M. and wife; 1st and C Sts.
Lennox, J. C. and wife; Howard; 2d near Verdugo Rd.
Leavitt, Edgar and wife; Glendale Ave., above A.
Lechner, Mrs. S. J.; 129 east 5th St.
LeNone, Mr. and wife; Lomita Ave. bet. Brand and L.
Lingren, Mrs. Minnie; Glendale Ave and 8th St.
Loftus, W. M. and wife; J. St. bet. 5th and 6th.
Lott, R. L. and wife; 128 1st St.
Lukens, J. P. and wife; 4th and Verdugo.
Lund, Dr. and wife; Lomita Ave. bet. Brand and Central.
Lund, Chas. M. and wife; Miss Maude; Charles, Jr.; 3d near Glendale Ave.

Macdonald, David and wife: C St. near 3d.
Maddy, Mrs. Edith H.; 9th and L Sts.
Marvell, A. W. and wife; Miss Lora; C St. bet. 1st and 2d.
Marchant, William and wife; 305 Kenwood St.
Martin, H. H. and wife; Orange St. bet. 3d and 4th.
Marchant, Nettie M.; 3d and M Sts.
Marsh, F. I. and wife; Vert-Mont hotel; 4th St. bet. Brand and M.
Martiner, and wife, 246 east 4th St.
Mason, C. O. and wife; I St. bet. 4th and 5th.
Mason, S. and wife; Chestnut St.   and L.
Mallett, Chas. and wife; Miss Carrie; Verdugo Rd. and 2nd St.
Mayer, Mrs. Lillian; Miss Ethel; 815 6 St.
McCann, C. P. and wife; Orange and E Sts.
McCarroll, W. J. and wife; Moore Ave., Tropico.
McClellan, J. F. and wife; 2d and B Sts.
McClure, E. M., and wife; M St. bet. 4th and 5th St.
McCombs, E. A., and wife; M St. bet 2d and 3d.
McConnell J. M. and wife; W. H.; 6th St
McCoy, A. D. and wife; 3d St. east Of A.
McDaneld, D. E. and wife; 5th bet. Central and Columbus.
McDonald, A. and wife; Bert, Harry, Miss Mazie; 9th St.
McKelty, Freeman and wife; Sycamore and Verdugo Rds.
McIntyre, F. W. and wife; real estate; Sunset 851; C St. bet. 3d and 4th.
McGibbon, C. M.; B St. bet. 2d and 3d.
McIntyre, J. F. and wife; 315 C St.
McIntyre, A. C. and wife; Anna L.; I St. bet. 4th and 5th.
McKoon, M. G. and wife; Vert-Mont hotel.
McPeck, W. M. and wife; E St. near 4 th.
Meagher, C. F.; 241 Jackson St.
Merrill, H. M.; Elrose St.
Merritt, E. C. and wife; 2d St. bet. Verdugo Rd. and A.
Messerly, C. G.; Vert-Mont hotel.
Messick, G. R. and wife; 200 Louise St.
Metcalf, J. N. and wife; K St. bet. 4th and 5th.
Middleton, H.; E St. near 4th.
Millen, E. P.; 3d St. bet. K and L.
Miller, H. L. and wife: 9th and A Sts.
Miller, Miss Georgia; 3d St. east of A.
Mitchell, W. and wife; Eyre, Frances; 7th bet. L and Glendale Ave.
Mitchell, Miss Laura; C St. bet. 2 and 3.
Mock, G. B. and wife; 317 E St.
Morrow, W. and wife; Clyde, Franklin Ct.
Morris, Mrs. Robert H.; 336 E. St.
Morrison, W. H. and wife; Alice; Maple and Glendale Ave.
Morton, W. A. and wife: 3d St. east of Verdugo Rd.
Mosley, W. B. and wife; Chestnut St. bet. Brand and Central.
Mosher, J. E. and wife: 9th St.
Moyse, John and wife, 5th St. bet. K and L.
Moyse, Prof. G. U.; Mrs. G. U.; 5th and K Sts.
Muhleman, J. J.; R. G.; F. L.; A. J; Miss Minnie; Brand and Maple
Muir, Mr.; 4th and B Sts.
Muir, G. F. and wife; L St. bet. 6 and 7.
Munroe, L. A. and wife; 4th St. bet. J and K.
Munson, Chas. N. and wife; Arthur C.; Brand Blvd. and Maple.
Musser, W. H. and wife; 6th St. east of A.

Neil, R. M. and wife; Miss Dora; K St. bet. 4th and 5th.
Nelson, W. R.; 231 5th St.
Nelson, John R. and wife; 230 east 4th St.
Nelson, J. A. and wife; Leonard A.; 4th St. near Verdugo Rd.
Nelson, W. L. and wife; 220 C St.
Newcomb, E. and wife; 4th St. and Glendale Ave.
Newland, J. and wife; J St. bet. 3 and 4.
Newton, W. R.; J. A.; 2d St. bet. A and Verdugo Rd.
Nichols, B. H. and wife; A St. bet. 2d and 3d.
Nichols, Dr. W. T.; Julia S.; Lomita Ave. bet. Brand and L.

Ogden, H.; 809 5th St.
Ogg, Thom. D. and wife; 215 4th St.
Ogier, T. F. and wife; H St. bet. 2 and 3.
Olivas, Joe.; Joe, Jr.; Verdugo Rd. bet. 5th and 6th.
O’Neill, Rev. J. S.; 9 St. and Brand Blvd.
Overton, H. M. and wife; 323 Orange St.
Overton, J. L. and wife: Verdugo Rd., above 3d St.
Owen, Edwin T. and wife; Chestnut St. and Glendale Ave.

Pack, E. W. and wife; C St. bet. 1 and 2.
Palmer, O. S. and wife; 6th St. near A.
Palmer, N. H. and wife; 6th and A. Sts.
Parcher, Wilmot and wife; Glendale Ave. near Lomita Ave.
Parker, J. W. and wife; M St. bet. 5 and 6.
Parker, Ezra F. and wife; Lomita Ave. and Brand.
Parker, E. V. and wife, Lomita Ave. bet. Central and Brand.
Patterson, B. F.; Miss Jessie, Miss Mabel; 336 E St.
Patterson, O. E. and wife; 313 B St.
Paul, J. E. and wife; Orange St. bet. 6th and 6th.
Payne, R. N. and wife; 6th and C Sts.
Peck, C. N. and wife; E. G.; L and 3 Sts.
Pentland, R. C. and wife; 4th and A Sts.
Penn, Mrs. W. R.; Miss M. M.; Miss E., E.; W. P.; J. W.; A St. bet. 4 and 5.
Perkins, R. J. and wife; 6th St. and A.
Perkins, L. A.; 6th St. near A.
Perrigo, Miss M.; 805 6th St.
Petersilea, Mrs. Carlyle; 9th and A Sts.
Peterson, Rudolph and wife; 9th St. bet. 4th and 5th.
Phalen, Miss E.; 3d and A Sts.
Pitcher, Eugene and wife; 2d and A Sts.
Pickard, Mrs. S. J.; Lomita Ave. bet. Brand and Central.
Pierce, J. N. and wife; Lomita Ave. bet. Brand and Central.
Pierce, G. W. and wife; Lomita and Central.
Platt, J. S. and wife; M St. bet. 1st and Doran.
Pomeroy, H. E. and wife; L St. bet. 1st and Doran.
Potts, James and wife; 343 C St.
Potter, Mrs. H. B.; E and 4th Sts.
Price, J. E.; A and 3d Sts.
Pulliam, C. O. and wife; Glendale Ave. and 3d.
Puritan, Mrs. H. A.; 4th and Orange Sts.
Purdy, E. A. and wife; Chestnut St. bet. Brand and L.
Putnam, John and wife; St. Clair St. near 2d.
Pyle, Theo.; Mrs. M. A.: Brand and Chestnut.

Quackenbush, J. A. and wife; 6th and A Sts.
Quick, B. S. and wife; C St. bet. 3 and 4.

Randolph, A. W. and wife; Glendale Ave. bet. 9th and Maple.
Randall, O. R. and wife; Miss F. E.; B and 4th Sts.
Rawlins, J. F. and wife; 323 Orange St.
Ray, David; James; 113 9th St.
Reed, J. W. and wife; 9th St. near Glendale Ave.

Reers, R. G. and wife; K St. bet. 4 and 5.  
Reese, Ned and wife; 237 Louise St.
Rehart, Mrs. M.; 4th St. bet. A and Verdugo Rd.
Reid, S. J. and wife; Samuel; 3d and C Sts. 
Reimig, Mrs. J. E.; 2d and Brand.
Reidy, Mrs. Mary; 2d St. bet. A and Verdugo Rd.
Remsburg, Melvin J. and wife; 323 B St.
Reynolds, E. D. and wife; 140 C St.
Reynolds, N. F. and wife; B and 3 Sts.
Richmond, E. F. and wife; 9th St.
Richards, Guy C. and wife; 4th and J Sts.
Richfield, F. M. and wife; Elrose St.
Riggs, Elmer B. and wife; 4 and D Sts.
Rogers, John and wife; Franklin Court.
Roman, J. F.; Brand Blvd. and 6th.
Ross, E. and wife; 2d St. east of Verdugo Rd.
Rose, Miss Elizabeth; C and 5th Sts.
Rothweiler, Mrs. C.; H St. bet. 2 and 3.
Royse, L. A. and wife; 2d St. near Adams.
Robbins, E. L.; Vert-Mont hotel.
Robinson, Spencer and wife; 9th St. near Verdugo Rd.
Ruby, G. A. and wife; A St. bet. 7 and 8.
Russ, J. L. and wife; Milford St. bet. Brand and Central.
Russell, C. E. and wife; Miss Una; 3d St. and Verdugo Rd.
Ryan, Mrs. M. O.; 809 5th St.

Sanborn, J .N. and wife; 9th and A Sts.
Sargent, Mrs. Florence; 630 4th St.
Satia, A. E. and wife; 520 Jackson St.
Sauer, Frank and wife; 3d St. east of A.
Scammon, Laura E.; Milford St. bet. Brand and Central.
Schwemer, Gustave and wife: Verdugo Rd.
Seaman, J. H. and wife; Central Ave., Tropico.
Seefloth, Mrs. Mary; E St. near 4th.
Selzer, O. E. and wife; Central Ave near Maple.
Seng, J. I. and wife; Orr; 200 Louise.
Shaver, C. E. and wife; Archie; William; C and 5th Sts.
Shaw, Mrs. Elizabeth; Marian; Glendale Ave. bet. 4th and 5th.
Sherman, Mr. and wife; Ray; H St. bet. 2d and 3d.
Sherer, J. C. and wife; Summerset farm, Verdugo Rd.
Sherer, Miss R. M.; 106 4th St.
Shears, D. and wife; K St. bet. 5 and 6. 
Short, Geo. E.; 4th St. and Glendale Ave.
Shively, Edward and wife; Orange St. bet. 3d and 4th.
Shively, Joseph and wife; Orange St. bet. 3d and 4th.
Shick, Mrs. Catherine; M St. bet. 3 and 4. 
Shirley, L. E.; S. E.; F.; H. B.; Chestnut St. bet. Brand and L.
Shropshire, J. P. and wife; Miss Lillian; 445 E St.
Schultz, Mrs. R. C.; Lucile; Maple St. bet. Brand and L.
Shuford, Mrs. H. E.; Louise St. bet 4th and 5th.
Simmons, W. A. and wife; Nellie; Virginia; Lomita Ave. bet. Brand and L.
Simmons, J. F.; Glendale Ave. and 8th St.
Sinclair, F. R. and wife; St. Clair Ave. bet. 2d and 3d.
Sinclair, L. W. and wife; 1st St.
Sipple, H. C. and son; A St. bet. 3 and 4.
Small, Lucien and wife; Miss M. E.; 2d and A Sts.
Smartin, G. A. and wife; Chestnut and L.
Smith, Mrs. Jennie; Lillian A.; 1st and I Sts.
Smith, Henry P. and wife; Clarence; E St. bet. 3d and 4th.
Smith, F. E.; Paul; Chestnut St. bet. L and Glendale Ave.
Smith, J. M. and wife; 5 St. bet. I and J.
Snow, Chas. and wife; 817 3d St.
Soper, E. E.; 7th St. bet. Brand and Central.
Spear, O. B. and  wife; Maple St. bet. Brand and L.
Sprinkle, J. M.; Miss Zada; Nelson; Verdugo below 6th.
Stanley, C. E. and wife; 336 E St.
Starbird, H. B. and wife; Glendale Ave. bet. 4th and 5th.
Straight, Mrs. Lizzie; J St. bet. 4 and 5.
Stevenson, H. R. and wife; 2d and J Sts.
Stewart, William and wife; Chestnut St. bet. L and Glendale Ave.
Steward, Chas. and wife; St. Clair Ave. and 2d.
Stewart, Mrs. Eliza; Lomita Ave. bet. Brand and L.
Stegeman, Mrs. Clara; 4 St. bet. K and L.
Steelman, Stewart and wife; Chestnut St. bet. Brand and L.
Sternberg, R. C. and wife; Loraine and Viola Sts., North Glendale.
Stock, Harry and wife; Franklin Court.
Stockbridge, Harry and wife; Lomita Ave. bet. L and Glendale.
Stone, Mrs. Fannie; Chestnut and L.
Stone, W. C.; Lomita and Glendale Aves.
Stone, David and wife; Elsa: 4th St. bet. K and L.
Strictler, W. C. and wife; 6 St. east of A.
Stutsman, E. A. and wife; C St. bet. 2d and 3d.
Swanner, D. W., Jr., and wife; 5 St. bet. Central and Columbus,
Sweeney, John T. and wife; J St. bet. 5th and 6th.

Talbott, W. A. and wife; L St. bet. 2d and 3d.
Tarling, E. R. and wife; Franklin Court.
Tarr, W. E. and wife; I St. bet. 2 and 3.
Taylor, A. R. and wife; M St. bet. 1st and 2.
Taylor, M. G. and wife; 4th St. and Glendale Ave.
Temple, Chas. and wife; Orange St. bet. 3d and 4th.
Terrill, G. W. and wife; Verdugo Rd.
Teschan, Mrs. Alexander; Franklin Ct. bet. 4th and 5th.
Thatcher, A. D. and wife; 2d St. near St. Clair Ave.
Thede, Mr. and Mrs.; I St. bet. 2 and 3.
Thom, C. DeHart; Susie Livingston; 2d and I Sts.
Thornton, Mrs. Myrtle; 3d and A Sts.
Tooker, C. T. and wire; 117 A St.
Topp, H. C.; 4th and Glendale Ave.
Tower, A. W. and wife; 9th and Damasco Sts.
Tressrder, J. V. and wife; Brand and Chestnut.
Truitt, W. L. and wife; 9th St.
Tufts, E. A., D. O.; L St. bet. 1st and Doran.
Tufts, Mrs. Mary; L St. bet. 1st and Doran.
Turner, Mrs. E. A.; 6th and Verdugo Rd.

Valentine, Earl Bishop and wife; 5th St. bet. A and Verdugo Rd.
Van Luven, W. S. and wife; 3 and M Sts.
Varney, Mrs. M. J.; Mrs. S. C.; Orange Grove Ave. near Glendale.
Varney, A. L. and wife; 3 St. and Verdugo Rd.
Vesper, F. H. and wife; 2d and A Sts.
Verdugo, R. and wife;3d St. east of Verdugo Rd.
Vogle, C.    C.; L St. bet.  4th and 5th.
Vose, A. E. and wife; Maple St. bet. Glendale Ave. and L.

Waite, Miss Ida; 4th and Glendale Ave.
Wannamacher, Frances; 3d St. east of A.
Wardner, E. B. and wife; 5th and M Sts.
Ward, W. H. and wife; 4th St. near. Verdugo Rd.
Ward, George and wife; Miss Lillian; 222 west 3d St.
Ward, John Maurice and wife; Miss Cora B.; 146 I St.
Ward, Rev. S. L. and wife; Miss Irene; Seymore Paul; Lawrence A.; 125 east 2d 
Watson, Thom. W. and wife; 4th and Glendale Ave.
Welling, O and wife; Lomita Ave. bet. Brand and Central.
Wenham, T.; 1st St. bet. A and Verdugo.
Wessels, J. J. and wife; I St. bet. 4th and 5th.
Whalen, Mrs. A. J.; 421 Jackson St.
White, J. R., Jr. and wife; Brand 5th and 6th.
Whittaker, J. L. and wife; Miss Ina; Reginald; 9th St. and A.
Wilde, F. H. and wife; Harry, John, Cyril; M St. bet. 3d and 4th.
Wilcott, Mrs. H.; 2d and M Sts.
Wilkinscn, C. G. and wife, San Fernando Rd. Tropico.
Williams, Mrs. E.; E St. near Orange Grove Ave.
Williams, G. E. and wife; 310 C St.
Williams, Mr. and wife; A and 6th Sts.
Wood, Thos. and wife; Chestnut St. bet. Brand and Central.
Woods, L. A. and wife; Orange St. bet. 5th and 6th.
Woods, L. D.; 3d and M. Sts.
Woods, William and wife; M St bet. 3d and 4th.
Woodbeck, Frank and wife: K St. bet. 5th and 6th.
Woodberry, G. B. and wife; 419 Glen dale Ave.
Wright, T. A. and wife; 4th St. bet. L and M.
Wright, Mrs. M. C.; 1st and Verdugo Rd.
Wyckoff, Mrs. Mabel; L and 7th Sts.

Yerby, M. E.; J St. bet. 4th and 5th.   
Young, Mrs. Ida; 241 Jackson St.        
Youngs, J. B. and wife; Glendale Ave. bet. 4th and 5th.
Youngs, J. R. and wife; 206 Louise St. 

Zerr, Frank and wife; Elyah, Angie; 5th and J Sts.
Ziprodt, Mrs. and wife; 4th and J Sts.

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