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Smith Chapel Cemetery, a partial listing, Cherokee, Alabama

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This file was contributed and copyrighted by:

Debbie Chauncey Barnes
November 1998

Smith Chapel Cemetery
5 mi S of Leesburg on Hwy 7
pp. 1/131-5/135
p. 2/132

Obtained from FHC, Rochester - Film #0874005 (in April-May 1992)  Alabama, Cherokee and Etowah County Cemetery
Records (1965) - Only took those who might be related to my Mother's family.

CSA - Conf States Army
ms - male spouse of 
fs - female spouse of
SS - Shares stone with
md - married
WOW - Woodmen of the World

DAVIS, Aden P         Feb 23, 1818-Oct 08, 1855   ae 37y7m15d
REAVES, Mary E        Apr 18, 1872-Feb 09, 1898   dau of J M & Mollie SMITH
SMITH, Etta           Jan 24, 1883-Oct 13, 1900   dau of J M & Mary SMITH
SMITH, Inf            Mar 24, 1923          dau of W M & Willie SMITH
SMITH, John M         Jan 01, 1851-May 17, 1924   ms & SS Mary SMITH
SMITH, Lela           1899-1934
SMITH, Mary           Jan 11, 1852-Jun 15, 1924   fs & SS John M SMITH
SMITH, Mary Vester    Jan 24, 1910-Oct 25, 1911   dau of W A & Ola SMITH
SMITH, Rebecca M      Apr 02, 1832-Apr 25, 1905   fs J T SMITH
WEBB, J W             Aug 17, 1840-Sep 14, 1891   ms Mary E WEBB
WEBB, Mary E          Jun 07, 1846-Jan 05, 1874   fs J W WEBB
WOOD, Emma C          Nov 17, 1850-Apr 04, 1938   SS Richard N WOOD
WOOD, Richard N       Jul 12, 1853-Aug 18, 1908   SS Emma C WOOD