Minnehaha County |
 Pillsbury Farm, near Sioux Falls |
 Cousin Ragna Postmarked from Renner and sent to Mrs. Anton Dahl, Effington |
 Colton [1912] |
Dell Rapids |
 High School, Dell Rapids [1912] |
 Dell Rapids High School Basket Ball Team, Dell Rapids [1908] |
 Public School Building, Dell Rapids [1907] |
 Public School, Dell Rapids |
 Odd Fellows Home, Dell Rapids |
 Rime's Department Store, Dell Rapids |
 First National Bank, Dell Rapids |
 Dellas Hotel, Dell Rapids |
 Dedication of St. Mary's Academy, Dell Rapids, Bishop O'Gorman speaking |
 Hospital, Dell Rapids |
 Dells, Dell Rapids |
 Railroad Bridge, Dell Rapids |
Garretson |
 Main Street, Garretson [1916] |
 At the Palisades, Garretson |
 Split Rock Park, Garretson |
Hartford |
 Hartford, Showing (from upper left corner, clockwise): Pumping Station and FireDept., Main St., German Luth. and Parsonage, Catholic Church and Parsonage, Street Scene, High School, Oaks Ave. Looking No., (center view) Bird's Eye View |
 "Every Body Busy" After Blizzard Feb. 8 and 9th 1909, Hartford |
 Main Street, Hartford |
Humboldt |
 Main Street, Humboldt |
 Greetings from Humboldt [1910] |
 State Bank of Humboldt, Humboldt |
Sioux Falls |
 Air View, Sioux Falls |
 Post Office, Sioux Falls |
 Coliseum, Sioux Falls |
 City Hall, Sioux Falls |
 South Dakota Children's Home, Sioux Falls |
 New Power Plant, Sioux Falls [1911] |
 Dam and Forebay, Sioux Falls Light and Power Co., Sioux Falls [1911] |
 Municipal Airport, Sioux Falls |
 John Morrell & Co. Packing Plant, Sioux Falls |
 Visitors' Building, John Morrell & Co., Sioux Falls |
 Boyce-Greely Bldg. and Carpenter Hotel, Sioux Falls |
 Shriver-Johnson Co., Sioux Falls |
 State Penitentiary, Sioux Falls |
 South Dakota State Penitentiary, Sioux Falls [1908] |
 Big Sioux River, South Dakota Penitentiary in distance, Sioux Falls |
 Trolley Cars, Sioux Falls |
 Business Portion from East of River, Sioux Falls |
 Rock Island Depot, Sioux Falls |
 Central Fire Station, Sioux Falls |
 Sioux Falls Center Fire Department Home, Sioux Falls |
 At the Geo. Barclay Farm, Sioux Falls [Sept 9, 1921] |
 I. O. O. F. Parade, Sioux Falls |
 Service Day Parade, Sioux Falls [20 May 1919] |
 Citizens National Bank Building, Sioux Falls |
 Masonic Temple, Sioux Falls |
 Elk's Club, Sioux Falls [1910] |
Sioux Falls Street Scenes |
 Phillips Avenue, Looking North, Sioux Falls |
 Phillips Avenue, Looking South from Eighth Street, Sioux Falls |
 Ninth Street, Sioux Falls [1911] |
 Ninth Street, Sioux Falls |
 9th St. West from Phillips Ave., Sioux Falls |
 Main Ave., Looking North, Court House in Distance, Sioux Falls [1906] |
 Corner Summit and 11th Street, Sioux Falls |
 Corner of Summit Avenue and Eleventh Street, Sioux Falls |
 Snow Scene, Sioux Falls |
Sioux Falls Churches |
 First Baptist Church, Sioux Falls |
 First Lutheran Church, Sioux Falls |
 First M. E. Church, Sioux Falls |
 St. Joseph's Cathedral, Sioux Falls |
Sioux Falls Schools |
 Bancroft School, Latest Idea in Graded School Building, Sioux Falls |
 Washington High School, Sioux Falls |
 All Saints School, Sioux Falls |
 Hawthorne School, Sioux Falls [1909] |
 Whittier School, Sioux Falls |
 Proposed Building for Sioux Falls College, Joseph Schwarz - Arch't, Sioux Falls |
 Baptist College, Sioux Falls |
Sioux Falls Hospitals |
 Royal C. Johnson Veterans Memorial Hospital, Sioux Falls |
 Dunham Hospital, Sioux Falls [1912] |
 Sioux Valley Hospital, Sioux Falls |
 McKennan Hospital, Sioux Falls |
Sioux Falls Parks and Recreation |
 Scene in McKennan Park, Sioux Falls |
 McKennon Park, Sioux Falls |
 Miniature Village, McKennan Park, Sioux Falls |
 Sunken Garden, Nelson Park, Sioux Falls |
 Chinese Garden, Terrace Park, Sioux Falls |
 Japanese Garden, Terrace Park, Sioux Falls |
 Scene in Terrace Park, Sioux Falls |
 Drake Springs Swimming Pool, Sioux Falls |
Sioux Falls River Scenes |
 The Falls, Sioux Falls |
 New Concrete Bridge, 8th St., Sioux Falls |
 Eighth Street Concrete Bridge, Sioux Falls [1913] |
 A Scene on the Big Sioux, Sioux Falls |
 Dam and Fore Bay, Soo Falls L. & P. Plant, Sioux Falls [1916] |
 Boating on the River, Sioux Falls |
 High Water, Sioux Falls [May 1912] |
 Bridges, Sioux Falls |
Sioux Falls Hotels & Restaurants |
 Town N Country Restaurant, Sioux Falls |
 New Chicago House Looking E. on 9th St., Sioux Falls |
 Cataract Hotel, Sioux Falls [1912] |
 Sheraton-Cataract Hotel, Sioux Falls |