Charles Mix County |
 Congragational Church of Academy and its pastor, Rev. L. E. Camfield, President of Ward Academy |
 Grazing Scene near Lake Andes |
Geddes |
 Struve Block |
 St. Ann School |
 Catholic Buildings |
 St. Ann's School, Convent, Parish House & Church [1923] |
 Parade, July 4 |
 Farmers Elevator |
 Street Scene |
 High School |
 Beautiful Residences |
Lake Andes |
 Charles Mix County Court House |
 Artesian Gusher, Spouting 2,000 Gallons Per Minute into Lake Andes |
 Artesian Well at Lake Andes |
 Artesian Well at Lake Andes |
 The Highway |
 Lake Andes Club House |
 Rest Haven on Washington Highway |
 Rest haven After Cyclone July 8th 1922 |
 Lutheran Church |
 High School |
 A Three Hours Catch on Lake Andes |
Pickstown |
 Southeast Ave., Finished Apts., Pickstown |
 Pickstown High School, Pickstown |
 Drug Store, Pickstown |
 Fort Randall Dam, Pickstown |
 Fort Randall Dam, Pickstown |
 Rock Haulers, Bulldozers, Water Wagons - Hauling, Smoothing - Packing Earth at Dam, Pickstown |
 Switchyard, 230,000 Volt, Pickstown |
 Flood Discharge and Portion of Powerhouse, Looking from Below the Stilling Basin, Pickstown |
Platte |
 East Side on Main Street, Platte |
 North End of Main Street, Platte |
 South End of Main Street, Platte |
 Bird's Eye View, Platte |
 Boulevard, Platte |
 Boulevard, Platte |
 Boulevard, Platte |
 Decoration Day, Platte [1910] |
 High School, Platte |
 Christian Church, Platte [1909] |
Wagner |
 Catholic Church, Wagner |
 Main St., Wagner [1907] |
 Main St., Wagner |
 U. S. Indian Hospital, Wagner |
 Yankton Indian Hospital, Wagner |
 Residences, East Wagner [1907] |
 Auditorium, Wagner |
 $20,000 High School, Wagner |
 S. S. Jones Feed Barn, Wagner [1912] |